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***Anamnese und Befund: Die symptom-orientierte Patientenuntersuchung als Grundlage klinischer Diagnost

····· lezzter Preis 18.52€ ···· - Bücher, eBooks, DVD & Blu-ray
Anamnese und Befund - traditioneller Eckpfeiler klinischer Medizin In dem bewährten Standardwerk erfährt der Benutzer, wie man systematisch Anamnese und Befund erhebt und von den Symptomen des Patienten auf bestimmte Krankheiten schließt. Den Kern des Buches bilden die Anamneseerhebung, die Definition häufiger Symptome, ihre Bedeutung für das Auffinden von Verdachtsdiagnosen und Techniken der Befunderhebung. Auf eine verständliche Beschreibung des Denkwegs von Symptomen zu Diagnosen hat der Autor besonderen Wert gelegt. Auch Patienten finden in diesem Buch Hinweise auf die Bedeutung ihrer Symptome und Krankheitsbilder, bei denen sie vorkommen. Die lernfreundliche Gestaltung des Buches mit farbigen Abbildungen, Übersichten und Aufgaben zur Selbstkontrolle erleichtert das Aufnehmen und Behalten von Informationen. Die 10. Auflage entspricht den Forderungen der Approbationsordnung nach fächerübergreifender und patientenorientierter Ausbildung. Sie unterstützt den Studenten noch intensiver beim Erwerb des klinischen Handwerkzeugs, sie bietet dem praktischen Arzt Anregungen für kostensparende Untersuchungstechniken und dem Kursleiter Hilfen für die Organisation der Untersuchungskurse. Ein interaktiver Untersuchungsbogen als Denk- und Dokumentationshilfe ist auf der Produktseite auf hinterlegt Über 200.000 fach bewährt! ····· 101761224

Schizophrenie und Gewalt (Wiener Schriftenreihe für Forensische Psychiatrie)

für 37.69€ kaufen ···· - Bücher, eBooks, DVD & Blu-ray
Schizophrenie ist wohl die psychische Erkrankung, die in der Bevölkerung unter anderem aufgrund der medialen Berichterstattung am häufigsten mit dem Thema Gewalt assoziiert wird. Deutlich weniger präsent ist jedoch die Tatsache, dass Schizophreniekranke häufiger Opfer der Aggression Dritter werden oder durch die eigene Hand den Tod finden. Der neue Band der Wiener Schriftenreihe für Forensische Psychiatrie gibt einen breiten Überblick über alle Bereiche der Gewalt von und gegen schizophrene Menschen sowie über die gesellschaftlichen und gesundheitspolitischen Rahmenbedingungen, die in den letzten 20 Jahren zu einem deutlichen Anstieg der Einweisungen dieser Patienten in den Maßregelvollzug geführt haben. ····· 101761190

Trattato di Dermoscopia

für 83.35€ kaufen ···· - Bücher, eBooks, DVD & Blu-ray
La dermoscopia ha senza dubbio spalancato una nuova dimensione nella diagnostica per immagini dermatologica, che si pone tra la macroscopia e la microscopia vera e propria. Metodica valida e, in mani esperte, affidabile, essa permette di superare i limiti fisici della tradizionale esplorazione della cute ad occhio nudo. Rispetto a quest`ultima, la dermoscopia è infatti in grado di incrementare significativamente l`accuratezza diagnostica nei confronti delle lesioni pigmentate cutanee e, segnatamente, del melanoma maligno, specie nelle fasi precoci del suo sviluppo. Tuttavia, sia il complesso corpo dottrinario, agitato da continui tentativi di revisione critica, sia lo strumentario tecnico, che paga inevitabilmente il delicato passaggio alla digitalizzazione dell`immagine, fanno di questa metodica una disciplina ancora in piena fase di sviluppo, della quale non è pertanto possibile delineare definitivamente limiti e potenzialità. Questo Trattato di Dermoscopia si prefigge il compito di fornire, delle tante nozioni sin qui raccolte, una lettura quanto più coerente ed univoca, che sappia armonizzare le molteplici, talvolta contrastanti interpretazioni fornite da Autori e Scuole diverse, alla luce di un`esperienza personale più che decennale. Oltre 200 tra immagini e rappresentazioni schematiche fanno da corollario ad una trattazione approfondita e speculativa delle tematiche affrontate. Particolare spazio viene riservato ai fondamenti biofisici della metodica, la cui conoscenza si rivela indispensabile per un`intima comprensione dei fenomeni che determinano le molteplici espressioni della semeiotica dermoscopica. Grande risalto viene conferito anche agli aspetti istologici, che trovano in particolari sezioni tangenziali la rappresentazione più suggestiva delle correlazioni tra rilievi dermoscopici ed istomorfologici. Pressoché inedita ed estremamente attuale, infine, la disamina dei problemi medico-legali relativi ad una metodica diagnostica sempre più diffusa negli ambulatori dermatologici. ····· 1017676389

Trattato di Dermoscopia

für 83.35€ kaufen ···· - Bücher, eBooks, DVD & Blu-ray
La dermoscopia ha senza dubbio spalancato una nuova dimensione nella diagnostica per immagini dermatologica, che si pone tra la macroscopia e la microscopia vera e propria. Metodica valida e, in mani esperte, affidabile, essa permette di superare i limiti fisici della tradizionale esplorazione della cute ad occhio nudo. Rispetto a quest`ultima, la dermoscopia è infatti in grado di incrementare significativamente l`accuratezza diagnostica nei confronti delle lesioni pigmentate cutanee e, segnatamente, del melanoma maligno, specie nelle fasi precoci del suo sviluppo. Tuttavia, sia il complesso corpo dottrinario, agitato da continui tentativi di revisione critica, sia lo strumentario tecnico, che paga inevitabilmente il delicato passaggio alla digitalizzazione dell`immagine, fanno di questa metodica una disciplina ancora in piena fase di sviluppo, della quale non è pertanto possibile delineare definitivamente limiti e potenzialità. Questo Trattato di Dermoscopia si prefigge il compito di fornire, delle tante nozioni sin qui raccolte, una lettura quanto più coerente ed univoca, che sappia armonizzare le molteplici, talvolta contrastanti interpretazioni fornite da Autori e Scuole diverse, alla luce di un`esperienza personale più che decennale. Oltre 200 tra immagini e rappresentazioni schematiche fanno da corollario ad una trattazione approfondita e speculativa delle tematiche affrontate. Particolare spazio viene riservato ai fondamenti biofisici della metodica, la cui conoscenza si rivela indispensabile per un`intima comprensione dei fenomeni che determinano le molteplici espressioni della semeiotica dermoscopica. Grande risalto viene conferito anche agli aspetti istologici, che trovano in particolari sezioni tangenziali la rappresentazione più suggestiva delle correlazioni tra rilievi dermoscopici ed istomorfologici. Pressoché inedita ed estremamente attuale, infine, la disamina dei problemi medico-legali relativi ad una metodica diagnostica sempre più diffusa negli ambulatori dermatologici. ····· 1017676388

Clinical Cases in Cardiology: A Guide to Learning and Practice

für 58.06€ kaufen ···· - Bücher, eBooks, DVD & Blu-ray
This book presents and describes a series of informative clinical cases with the aim of providing the reader with a clear understanding of the most frequent and challenging scenarios that a cardiologist may face during daily clinical practice. All major topics in modern clinical cardiology are addressed, including acute ischemic heart disease, conditions that mimic ischemic heart disease, heart failure and resynchronization therapy, cardiomyopathy, valvular heart disease, arrhythmias and channelopathies. Guidance is provided on imaging techniques and their interpretation, patient management taking into account potential comorbidities and follow-up appropriate to the clinical circumstances. The paradigmatic clinical cases in this book will serve as a sound basis for learning for medical students, residents and others wishing to meet successfully the challenges posed by cardiac disease. In addition, the book will be a very useful reference for the more experienced cardiologist. ····· 1017676345

Pediatric Critical Care Medicine: Volume 2: Respiratory, Cardiovascular and Central Nervous Systems

für 142.79€ kaufen ···· - Bücher, eBooks, DVD & Blu-ray
The second edition of Pediatric Critical Care Medicine spans three volumes, with major sections dedicated to specific organ systems. Each major section consists of separate chapters dedicated to reviewing the specific disease processes affecting each organ system. Each chapter concludes with a comprehensive list of references, with brief, concise remarks denoting references of `special interest` and `of interest`. Consequently, the books are unique in their comprehensive coverage of pediatric critical care and their ease of use and will be of value to those studying towards pediatric critical care examinations and those who are already qualified. ····· 1017676337

Atlas of Musculoskeletal Tumors and Tumorlike Lesions: The Rizzoli Case Archive

für 122.42€ kaufen ···· - Bücher, eBooks, DVD & Blu-ray
This book reflects the experience of the Rizzoli Orthopedic Institute during more than 100 years of treatment of musculoskeletal tumor and tumorlike lesions. It presents a wide range of lesions from a multidisciplinary perspective, highlighting pertinent clinical, radiological, and histological correlations. Treatment is briefly reported for each entity. In addition, the more recent biomolecular findings of use for diagnosis, prognosis, and treatment are carefully analyzed. The Rizzoli case archive spans more than a century, the first treated case dating back to 28 September 1900, and contains the original material - clinical charts, imaging, paraffin blocks, and histological slides - of more than 40,000 cases, including about 29,000 bone lesions and 11,000 soft tissue lesions. This book reports the most relevant entities and reflects the improvements in knowledge of musculoskeletal tumors as presented during the yearly international course held at the Rizzoli Institute. ····· 1017676312

Trattato di Dermoscopia

für 83.35€ kaufen ···· - Bücher, eBooks, DVD & Blu-ray
La dermoscopia ha senza dubbio spalancato una nuova dimensione nella diagnostica per immagini dermatologica, che si pone tra la macroscopia e la microscopia vera e propria. Metodica valida e, in mani esperte, affidabile, essa permette di superare i limiti fisici della tradizionale esplorazione della cute ad occhio nudo. Rispetto a quest`ultima, la dermoscopia è infatti in grado di incrementare significativamente l`accuratezza diagnostica nei confronti delle lesioni pigmentate cutanee e, segnatamente, del melanoma maligno, specie nelle fasi precoci del suo sviluppo. Tuttavia, sia il complesso corpo dottrinario, agitato da continui tentativi di revisione critica, sia lo strumentario tecnico, che paga inevitabilmente il delicato passaggio alla digitalizzazione dell`immagine, fanno di questa metodica una disciplina ancora in piena fase di sviluppo, della quale non è pertanto possibile delineare definitivamente limiti e potenzialità. Questo Trattato di Dermoscopia si prefigge il compito di fornire, delle tante nozioni sin qui raccolte, una lettura quanto più coerente ed univoca, che sappia armonizzare le molteplici, talvolta contrastanti interpretazioni fornite da Autori e Scuole diverse, alla luce di un`esperienza personale più che decennale. Oltre 200 tra immagini e rappresentazioni schematiche fanno da corollario ad una trattazione approfondita e speculativa delle tematiche affrontate. Particolare spazio viene riservato ai fondamenti biofisici della metodica, la cui conoscenza si rivela indispensabile per un`intima comprensione dei fenomeni che determinano le molteplici espressioni della semeiotica dermoscopica. Grande risalto viene conferito anche agli aspetti istologici, che trovano in particolari sezioni tangenziali la rappresentazione più suggestiva delle correlazioni tra rilievi dermoscopici ed istomorfologici. Pressoché inedita ed estremamente attuale, infine, la disamina dei problemi medico-legali relativi ad una metodica diagnostica sempre più diffusa negli ambulatori dermatologici. ····· 1017676089

Trattato di Dermoscopia

für 83.35€ kaufen ···· - Bücher, eBooks, DVD & Blu-ray
La dermoscopia ha senza dubbio spalancato una nuova dimensione nella diagnostica per immagini dermatologica, che si pone tra la macroscopia e la microscopia vera e propria. Metodica valida e, in mani esperte, affidabile, essa permette di superare i limiti fisici della tradizionale esplorazione della cute ad occhio nudo. Rispetto a quest`ultima, la dermoscopia è infatti in grado di incrementare significativamente l`accuratezza diagnostica nei confronti delle lesioni pigmentate cutanee e, segnatamente, del melanoma maligno, specie nelle fasi precoci del suo sviluppo. Tuttavia, sia il complesso corpo dottrinario, agitato da continui tentativi di revisione critica, sia lo strumentario tecnico, che paga inevitabilmente il delicato passaggio alla digitalizzazione dell`immagine, fanno di questa metodica una disciplina ancora in piena fase di sviluppo, della quale non è pertanto possibile delineare definitivamente limiti e potenzialità. Questo Trattato di Dermoscopia si prefigge il compito di fornire, delle tante nozioni sin qui raccolte, una lettura quanto più coerente ed univoca, che sappia armonizzare le molteplici, talvolta contrastanti interpretazioni fornite da Autori e Scuole diverse, alla luce di un`esperienza personale più che decennale. Oltre 200 tra immagini e rappresentazioni schematiche fanno da corollario ad una trattazione approfondita e speculativa delle tematiche affrontate. Particolare spazio viene riservato ai fondamenti biofisici della metodica, la cui conoscenza si rivela indispensabile per un`intima comprensione dei fenomeni che determinano le molteplici espressioni della semeiotica dermoscopica. Grande risalto viene conferito anche agli aspetti istologici, che trovano in particolari sezioni tangenziali la rappresentazione più suggestiva delle correlazioni tra rilievi dermoscopici ed istomorfologici. Pressoché inedita ed estremamente attuale, infine, la disamina dei problemi medico-legali relativi ad una metodica diagnostica sempre più diffusa negli ambulatori dermatologici. ····· 1017676088

Complications after Primary Total Hip Arthroplasty: A Comprehensive Clinical Guide

für 77.62€ kaufen ···· - Bücher, eBooks, DVD & Blu-ray
Covering both acute post-operative and chronic complications following total hip arthroplasty (THA), this comprehensive clinical guide provides diagnostic and management strategies and techniques for orthopedic surgeons at every level. Utilizing a case-based approach, each condition is discussed in terms of its epidemiology, risk factors, and preventative measures, with a brief literature review providing evidence for the diagnosis and treatment each author selects. The first section covers acute post-operative complications, discussing peripheral nerve and vascular injuries, periprosthetic fractures and infections as well as thromboembolic events. The second section covers chronic complications including the more common complications such as recurrent dislocation and infection as well as rarer complications such as pelvic discontinuity. Aimed at the most efficient management of these often complicated conditions, Complications after Primary Total Hip Arthroplasty is a practical resource for orthopedic surgeons, residents and fellows working with patients having undergone hip replacement surgery. ····· 1017675959

The ECG: A Two-Step Approach to Diagnosis

für 57.31€ kaufen ···· - Bücher, eBooks, DVD & Blu-ray
This book is the culmination of a lifetime of involvement with invasive and non-invasive cardiology by one of Switzerland`s leading cardiologists.Professor Gertsch covers both clinically relevant ECGs and very interesting rarer cases of the normal and the exercise ECG, making this work extremely comprehensive. Numerous ECGs and two-color drawings illustrate the text, which is also brought closer to the reader by means of over fifty case reports.Ease of reference is facilitated by the division of the text into separate sections `At a Glance` for readers who want quick information, and `The Full Picture` for readers wishing to go into exhaustive detail. ····· 1017675899

Handbook of Laboratory Health and Safety Measures

für 87.22€ kaufen ···· - Bücher, eBooks, DVD & Blu-ray
During the past two decades, many books, governmental reports and regu lations on safety measures against chemieals, fire, microbiological and radioactive hazards in laboratories have been published from various coun tries. These topics have also been briefly discussed in books on laboratory planning and management. The application ofvarious scientific instruments based on different ionizing and non-ionizing radiations have brought new safety problems to the laboratory workers of today, irrespective of their scientific disciplines, be they medicine, natural or life sciences. However, no comprehensive laboratory handbook dealing with aIl these hazards, some of which are recently introduced, had so far been available in a single volume. Therefore, it was thought worthwhile to publish this Handbook on safety and health measures for laboratories, with contributions from several experts on these subjects. As this second edition of the Handbook, like the first edition, is a multiauthor volume, some duplication in conte nt among chapters is unavoidable in order to maintain the context of a chapter as weIl as make each chapter complete. An attempt has also been made to maintain the central theme, which is how to work in a laboratory with maximum possible environmental safety. ····· 1017675886

Alexia: Diagnosis, Treatment and Theory

für 75.75€ kaufen ···· - Bücher, eBooks, DVD & Blu-ray
This book is a comprehensive review of the main acquired disorders of reading: hemianopic, pure and central alexia. The authors review the diagnostic criteria for each of the different types of disorder, and the efficacy of the therapeutic studies that have attempted to remediate them. The different theoretical models of adult reading, which largely rest on how the reading system responds to injury, are also discussed and evaluated. Focal brain injury caused by stroke and brain tumors are discussed in depth as are the effects of dementia on reading. This book starts with a chapter on normal reading, followed by chapters on hemianopic alexia, pure alexia and central alexia, each structured in the same way, with: a description of the condition a historical review of cases to date psychophysics consideration of the causative lesions evidence from functional imaging studies on patients and, most importantly, a review of the evidence base for treating each condition. Finally, there is a chapter on how patient data has informed how we think about reading. Alexia: Diagnosis, Treatment and Theory is aimed at neuropsychologists (both experimental and clinical), neurologists, speech therapists and others who deal with patients whose reading has been affected by an acquired brain injury, as well as interested students studying language disorders. ····· 1017675808

Practical Approach to Peripheral Arterial Chronic Total Occlusions

für 66.15€ kaufen ···· - Bücher, eBooks, DVD & Blu-ray
A practical, highly illustrative and easy to read reference for interventional cardiologists, vascular surgeons, cardiac/endovascular catheterization laboratory personnel, interventional radiologists, technical staff, industry professionals, investigators, and researchers on peripheral arterial CTO interventions. Peripheral CTO lesions are present in nearly 50% of all peripheral arterial disease (PAD) endovascular interventions. There is tremendous growth in the performance and learning of peripheral arterial CTO procedures. There are several ongoing physician courses and many others that are being prepared however, there is a significant lack of standardized selection, strategies, techniques and equipment necessary to achieve a high degree of reproducible success with low complication rates during the performance of these complex and technically challenging endovascular procedures. The book is not an academic `tour de force` description of the topic but rather a practical one with many illustrations and step-by-step explanations of the various procedure steps, what can go wrong, and troubleshooting. Heavy use of illustrations throughout limit the text to what is necessary to convey the message, and the book is supported by online case catalogues and board review questions. The book also includes never-before-published information on new technology. ····· 1017675719

Pediatric Critical Care Medicine: Volume 3: Gastroenterological, Endocrine, Renal, Hematologic, Oncologic and Immune Systems

für 59.49€ kaufen ···· - Bücher, eBooks, DVD & Blu-ray
This second edition spans four volumes, with major sections dedicated to specific organ systems. Each major section consists of separate chapters dedicated to reviewing the specific disease processes affecting each organ system. Each chapter concludes with a comprehensive list of references, with brief, concise remarks denoting references of `special interest` and `of interest`. Consequently, the books are unique in their comprehensive coverage of pediatric critical care and their ease of use and will be of value to those studying towards pediatric critical care examinations and those who are already qualified. ····· 1017675718

***Neutron Capture Therapy: Principles and Applications

····· lezzter Preis 123.03€ ···· - Bücher, eBooks, DVD & Blu-ray
Neutron capture therapy (NCT) is based on the ability of the non-radioactive isotope boron-10 to capture thermal neutrons with very high probability and immediately to release heavy particles with a path length of one cell diameter, which in principle allows for tumor cell-selective high-LET particle radiotherapy. This book provides a comprehensive summary of the progress made in NCT in recent years. Individual sections cover all important aspects, including neutron sources, boron chemistry, drugs for NCT, dosimetry, and radiation biology. The use of NCT in a variety of malignancies and also some non-malignant diseases is extensively discussed. NCT is clearly shown to be a promising modality at the threshold of wider clinical application. All of the chapters are written by experienced specialists in language that will be readily understood by all participating disciplines. ····· 1017675292

Robotics in Genitourinary Surgery

für 114.35€ kaufen ···· - Bücher, eBooks, DVD & Blu-ray
This updated volume provides a comprehensive guide to the recent developments of digital and intelligent technologies related to genitourinary surgery. New topics include the adaptation of simulators, training programs, standardized credentialing, evidence-based practice, as well as the economics of robotic surgery. The impact on public and global health is also covered. Robotics in Genitourinary Surgery aims to help surgeons and patients adopt the techniques and procedures discussed, and in turn educate and expand research activities within the field. ····· 1017674113

A Pattern Approach to Lymph Node Diagnosis

für 159.51€ kaufen ···· - Bücher, eBooks, DVD & Blu-ray
While a pattern approach to diagnosis is taught and practiced with almost every other tissue or organ in the body, the lymph node remains a mystery to most residents starting out in pathology and those pathologists with limited experience in the area.A Pattern Approach to Lymph Node Diagnosis demonstrates that a systematic approach to lymph node examination can be achieved through recognition of morphological patterns produced by different disease processes. It presents a combination of knowledge-based assessment and pattern recognition for diagnosis covering the major primary neoplastic and non neoplastic diseases and metastatic tumors in lymph nodes. This volume demonstrates that lymph node compartments can be recognized histologically especially with the aid of immunohistological markers and how this knowledge can be employed effectively to localize and identify pathological changes in the different compartments in order to facilitate histological diagnosis. It also defines histological features that, because of their pathological occurrence in lymph nodes, are useful pointers to specific diagnoses or disease processes. The volume is organized in accordance with the primary pattern of presentation of each diagnostic entity. Differential diagnosis is discussed and each diagnostic entity is accompanied by color illustrations that highlight the diagnostic features. Immunohistochemistry, clinical aspects, relevant cytogenetics and molecular information of each entity is provided by authors who are experts in lymphoproliferative diseases. An algorithmic approach to diagnosis is adopted at the end of each section by listing a set of questions that help to consider diagnostic entities that can present with the morphological features observed. A Pattern Approach to Lymph Node Diagnosis will be of great utility to residents and fellows in pathology and general pathologists making first hand lymph node diagnoses as well as to hematologists and physicians who treat patients with lymphoprolifeative diseases. ····· 1017674019

Bone Densitometry in Clinical Practice: Application and Interpretation (Current Clinical Practice)

für 206.44€ kaufen ···· - Bücher, eBooks, DVD & Blu-ray
Bone densitometry (BD) is an extraordinary clinical tool. It provides a safe, non-invasive window to the skeleton. Through that window, a physician can obtain vital clinical information that enhances diagnosis and improves patient management. Further, much has changed in the last decade to make bone densitometry the especially fascinating field of medicine it is today, incorporating imaging, physics, quantitative analysis, statistics, and computer technology -- all applied in the diagnosis and management of osteoporosis. No text details the state-of-the-art and value of densitometry better than Bone Densitometry in Clinical Practice: Applications and Interpretation, Third Edition . Written by renowned expert Sydney Lou Bonnick, MD, this edition improves remarkably on her highly regarded previous volumes, with a significant update and expansion of material. New chapters reflect densitometry`s growing applications as well as the evolving needs of the densitometrist. New material on radiation safety and assessment for secondary causes of bone fragility is included, and the text also incorporates material from the recent ISCD Position Development Conferences (PDC`s), both the 4 th adult and the 1 st pediatric. Moreover, an entire appendix devoted to the PDCs has been added, providing solutions to many unanswered questions concerning bone densitometry applications. Comprehensive and invaluable, Bone Densitometry in Clinical Practice: Application and Interpretation, Third Edition offers all primary care physicians and specialists the ideal reference for practicing state-of-the-art bone densitometry and caring for patients with, or at risk for, osteoporosis. ····· 1017673987

Bone Densitometry in Clinical Practice: Application and Interpretation (Current Clinical Practice)

für 206.44€ kaufen ···· - Bücher, eBooks, DVD & Blu-ray
Bone densitometry (BD) is an extraordinary clinical tool. It provides a safe, non-invasive window to the skeleton. Through that window, a physician can obtain vital clinical information that enhances diagnosis and improves patient management. Further, much has changed in the last decade to make bone densitometry the especially fascinating field of medicine it is today, incorporating imaging, physics, quantitative analysis, statistics, and computer technology -- all applied in the diagnosis and management of osteoporosis. No text details the state-of-the-art and value of densitometry better than Bone Densitometry in Clinical Practice: Applications and Interpretation, Third Edition . Written by renowned expert Sydney Lou Bonnick, MD, this edition improves remarkably on her highly regarded previous volumes, with a significant update and expansion of material. New chapters reflect densitometry`s growing applications as well as the evolving needs of the densitometrist. New material on radiation safety and assessment for secondary causes of bone fragility is included, and the text also incorporates material from the recent ISCD Position Development Conferences (PDC`s), both the 4 th adult and the 1 st pediatric. Moreover, an entire appendix devoted to the PDCs has been added, providing solutions to many unanswered questions concerning bone densitometry applications. Comprehensive and invaluable, Bone Densitometry in Clinical Practice: Application and Interpretation, Third Edition offers all primary care physicians and specialists the ideal reference for practicing state-of-the-art bone densitometry and caring for patients with, or at risk for, osteoporosis. ····· 1017673986

Economics and Preventing Healthcare Acquired Infection

für 29.93€ kaufen ···· - Bücher, eBooks, DVD & Blu-ray
Reasons for Writing This Book The published literature on the economic appraisal of healthcare acquired infection (HAI) is described by phrases such as: `With so many virtues of the cost-benefit approach identified, it is perhaps puzzling why greater use of economic appraisal has not been made in the area of infection control` [1]`Clinicians should partner with economists and policy analysts to expand and improve the economic evidence available` [2]`the quality of economic evaluations should be increased to inform decision makers and clinicians` [3]`The economics of preventing hospital-acquired infections is most often described in general terms. The underlying concepts and mechanisms are rarely made explicit but should be understood for research and policy-making` [4] The aim of this book is to describe how economics should be used to inform decisi- making about infection control. Our motivation stems from the previous quotes which show economics is being used within the infection control community, but not to its full potential. Our expectation is that you do not have any formal training in economic analyses. Economic analyses have been used for many decades to argue for increased funding for hospital infection-control. In 1957, Clarke [5] investigated bed wastage in British hospitals due to Staphylococcus aureus in patient`s wounds. She concluded .... `the average length of stay in hospital of patients whose wounds were infected with Staph. ····· 1017673971

Nutrition and Health in a Developing World

für 223.70€ kaufen ···· - Bücher, eBooks, DVD & Blu-ray
This third edition reviews the epidemiology, policies, programs and outcome indicators that are used to determine improvements in nutrition and health that lead to development. This greatly expanded third edition provides policy makers, nutritionists, students, scientists, and professionals with the most recent and up-to-date knowledge regarding major health and nutritional problems in developing countries. Policies and programs that address the social and economic determinants of nutrition and health are now gaining in importance as methods to improve the status of the most vulnerable people in the world. This volume provides the most current research and strategies so that policy makers, program managers, researchers and students have knowledge and resources that they can use to advance methods for improving the public`s health and the development of nations. The third edition of Nutrition and Health in Developing Countries takes on a new context where the word `developing` is now a verb and not an adjective. ····· 1017673892

Hepatitis B Virus in Human Diseases (Molecular and Translational Medicine)

für 83.43€ kaufen ···· - Bücher, eBooks, DVD & Blu-ray
This text provides a comprehensive, state-of-the art review of this field, and will serve as a valuable resource for students, clinicians, and researchers with an interest in hepatitis B. The book reviews new data about basic and translational science including the viral life cycle, the immunopathogenesis of virus induced chronic hepatitis, the mechanism of virus induced liver cancer, and their potential applications for the clinical management of patients. The clinical aspects of this chronic viral infection are reviewed in detail with important chapters on the global epidemiology, the natural history of the disease, co-infections with its satellite virus HDV or HIV, and management of special patient populations. A major emphasis is made on the management of antiviral therapy and the recent international guidelines for the treatment of hepatitis B. Finally, the book reviews the current state of the art regarding immunoprophylaxis to prevent the spread of the virus and its major clinical consequences. The new advances and perspectives in the development of improved antiviral treatments are also discussed. Hepatitis B Virus in Human Diseases will serve as a very useful resource for students, physicians and researchers dealing with, and interested in, this challenging chronic viral infection. It will provide a concise yet comprehensive summary of the current status of the field that will help guide patient management and stimulate investigative efforts. All chapters are written by experts in their fields and include the most up to date scientific and clinical information. ····· 1017673856

***Handball Sports Medicine: Basic Science, Injury Management and Return to Sport

····· lezzter Preis 133.98€ ···· - Bücher, eBooks, DVD & Blu-ray
This book is designed to help improve the medical care of athletes across the world who play team handball - including not only handball itself but also such sports as beach volleyball and mini-handball. It provides concise practical information on the nature of frequently encountered injuries, the management of these injuries, injury prevention, and rehabilitation following treatment. Individual sections also focus on physiologic, endocrinologic, biomechanical, and nutritional aspects special considerations in particular groups of players and psychological issues. The medical needs of a handball team are explained, and guidance offered on preparticipation assessment and screening. All of the authors are leaders in their field. Their excellent teamwork ensures that the book, published in collaboration with ESSKA, will represent a superb, comprehensive educational resource. It will meet the needs of both handball medical caregivers and handball personnel, providing readily accessible answers to a wide range of medical questions and facilitating effective collaboration among the various professionals involved in team handball. ····· 1017673539

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