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EU-Grundrechtecharta. Was u.a. Gerhard Schröder dazu sagt

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Wie wurde und wird das Thema `EU-Grundrechtecharta` in der deutschen Politik diskutiert Der vorliegende Quellenband enthält die Protokolle der im Deutschen Bundestag zur Thematik gehaltenen ungekürzten Reden ab 2000 (14. Legislaturperiode). Diese parteiübergreifende Dokumentation ermöglicht dem Leser einen direkten Blick auf die parlamentarische Debatte zum Thema `EU-Grundrechtecharta` und die Diskussionen der Abgeordneten im politischen Tagesgeschäft. ····· 10361135167

Effects of regulatory mechanisms on the function of human rights NGOs

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The promotion and protection of human rights is not a mission that can be achieved by a single entity. It takes a collaborative effort and synergy of powers. The role played by NGOs, working in the field of human rights, in complimenting this effort can neither be undermined nor ignored. In fact, they have been and continue to be at the forefront of each battle fought to uphold the protection of human rights both at the international and the national level. However, recently their role is being threatened and undermined by regulatory mechanisms put in place by governments. An increasing number of governments are adopting legislations, under the disguise of fostering and regulating the not-for-profit sector, aimed at stifling the work of NGOs functioning in the field of human rights, democratization and good governance. This book is a very humble attempt to give insight to incapacitating regulatory mechanisms and their effect on the function of NGOs based on international human rights standards and supported by a comparative case study of laws regulating NGOs in Ethiopia and Ghana. ····· 10361133400


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HIV/AIDS AND FISHING COMMUNITIES IN UGANDA. Fishing Communities all over the world are among the Most At Risk Populations and very susceptible to HIV/AIDS. Unfortunately their human rights in the fight against HIV/AIDS have not been adequately addressed and this is worsened by the nature of the dangerous work they do. The book covers the right to health for fishing communities as most at risk populations and to what extent the law has addressed their plight in the struggle against HIV/AIDS. ····· 10361119762

When the Individual Counts: Social Entrepreneurship

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This study is an attempt to close a gap in the international social entrepreneurship (SE) literature by shedding light on four initiatives from the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) region. It also discusses the concept of social entrepreneurship as a promising third way in the field of addressing social problems in the region. Data was collected through interviews with social entrepreneurs that have launched initiatives in Saudi Arabia and Kuwait. The results reveal that the GCC region is in significant need of SE initiatives and has abundant financial and human resources, but due to the high level of official bureaucracy, SE initiatives have had limited usage. Nonetheless, the social entrepreneurs have shown high efficiency in overcoming obstacles and utilizing available resources. ····· 10361119590

Maternal Mortality as a Human Rights Issue in Malawi

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This book explores the degree to which Malawi is in compliance with its treaty based obligations under human rights law with regard to reducing maternal mortality. It critically examines human rights obligations and State responsibility in this regard. The central argument advanced in this monograph is that State compliance with its international human rights obligations and commitments is a vital component for reducing maternal mortality. Thus, this book explored Malawi`s human rights treaty obligations and other commitments meant to reduce maternal mortality. It seeks to understand whether Malawi has complied with its human rights obligations in line with UN guidelines for reducing maternal mortality. In this monograph, Levi analyses the right to health in order to understand Malawi`s compliance with its obligations to prevent maternal death. Since Levi has also taken into consideration the economic development of Malawi as a developing nation, many of his proposals can also be meaningful in many countries in Africa and beyond. It can also be used by health practitioners working in developing countries students in human rights and health care studies as well as policy makers. ····· 10361119459

Public Interest Litigation and Human Rights NGOs

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In many legal systems the requirement of standing is key in order for an interested party to be allowed to make their case in a court of law. However, in matters that affect a large group of people (the public), for instance, cases that seek to cause the enforcement of human rights provisions enshrined in national and international human rights instruments, the bigger consideration of access to justice seem to override the argument for a strict application of the requirement of standing. As a result, many legal systems deviated from the traditional approach and relaxed this requirement in order to allow interested third parties to take up cases of public interest and engage in litigation in defense of the public interest. Human Rights NGOs seem to be leading this endeavor across the world. Although there are variations in the laxity of this standing requirement for human rights groups in different jurisdictions, one could notice a growing interest in the venture with a degree of success in many areas. It could be said that public interest litigation has become an important way of generating social change through the use of law. ····· 10361118961

Pravovaya zashhita baz dannyh i prav ee sozdatelej po zakonodatel`stvu RF

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Pravovaya zashhita ob#ektov intellektual`noj sobstvennosti yavlyaetsya odnoj iz kljuchevyh problem v jepohu informatizacii. Jeta problema osobenno aktual`na dlya baz dannyh i programm dlya JeVM, kotorye nahodyatsya v sfere regulirovaniya srazu dvuh otraslej prava: grazhdanskogo i informacionnogo. V rabote rassmatrivaetsya zakonodatel`noe regulirovanie dannoj oblasti s tochki zreniya prava Rossijskoj Federacii, a takzhe opyt Germanii v jetoj sfere. ····· 10361118741

Tratado sobre la teoría del enriquecimiento injustificado

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La institución del enriquecimiento injustificado o sin causa es, sin lugar a dudas, uno de los aspectos más delicados dentro de la teoría general de las obligaciones y los temas de la responsabilidad civil. Pero, de la misma forma, es uno de los que marcan la tendencia más acentuada hacia la realización jurídica de los principios y valores fundamentales del Derecho. Es por esto que en este libro se ha investigado y se ha analizado de manera sistemática y profunda el alcance, naturaleza, limitaciones de esta figura y sus relaciones con otras instituciones y figuras del derecho civil. En este tratado jurídico se ha realizado un análisis crítico sobre la teoría del enriquecimiento injustificado dentro del derecho civil de las obligaciones, para lo cual se ha utilizado una metodología dogmática-exegética, en la que se estudia de manera sistemática éste tema desde varias perspectivas: histórica, doctrinaria, normativa, jurisprudencial y de Derecho comparado. ····· 10361117474

La Naturaleza Jurídica de la Multipropiedad

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La Multipropiedad como novedosa práctica de adquirir un bien inmueble, es una institución mediante la cual se determina la prerrogativa de usar, disfrutar y disponer de forma exclusiva y durante un periodo de tiempo determinado, un alojamiento amoblado con sus respectivos servicios complementarios como instalaciones deportivas, piscinas, gimnasios, y todo aquello que a la familia le permita recrearse de una manera sana y saludable. La reflexión que me lleva esta forma de adquirir un inmueble, es la siguiente: Si sólo contamos con un período de tiempo al año para dedicarlo al descanso, no habría razón de adquirir un bien para sólo utilizarlo y disfrutarlo en ese tiempo y mantenerlo desocupado el resto del año, acarreando en todo momento gastos de conservación y mantenimiento. No sería mejor que nuestra inversión sea directamente proporcional al tiempo efectivo de uso y disfrute del inmueble En ese sentido, la Multipropiedad abre un nuevo concepto para aprovechar con mayor amplitud la capacidad turística de un país, consecuentemente su naturaleza jurídica para darle viabilidad, merece un estudio especial que debe contemplar el bienestar y la seguridad de las partes contratantes ····· 10361116945


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Right to information is the hallmark of the civilized societies of highest order. This book delineates the Right to Information Act, 2005 in Indian context. The book attempts to explain and interprets Right to Information`s legal provisions in simplified terms. The attempt highlights the issues which needs consideration with respect to RTI. It tries to analyse the theoretical modal and practical scenario in contemporary context and projects the societal pre- requisites and requisites to implement RTI in its true nature and spirits. ····· 10361115681


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Research evidence suggesting the link between disability & poverty has been increasing at an alarming rate in recent years. Despite this, there has been very little attention to ensuring representation and inclusion of people with disabilities in poverty reduction processes. However, disability movements and their partners have been increasing pressure to ensure that people with disabilities effectively participate in the development of national development plans targeting poverty reduction. The aim of this qualitative study was to analyze the extent to which the human rights-based approach can be used as an advocacy tool for mainstreaming disability in the national development processes targeting poverty reduction in Uganda. The study was conducted in Kampala and Kiboga districts, and data were gathered between August and October 2009. Key informant interviews and focus group discussions were used for data collection. Eleven participants were purposively selected to participate in key informant interviews. Using these key informants, the snowballing technique was used to identify twenty people that participated in the two focus group discussions, with each having ten participants. ····· 10361115425

Broadening the Scope of Ethics and Integrity?

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The recognition of Sexual Minority Rights in Uganda is still very contentious. The sexual minority rights issue in Uganda is essentially a head on confrontation between culture, religion and human rights. Last year, the Anti-Homosexuality Bill, 2009 was almost passed by the 8th Ugandan Parliament but later shelved because of international pressure. A section of the Ugandan population is still calling upon the government of Uganda to speedily enact the so called Bahati Bill without any further delay. The catholic and Anglican churches have withdrawn their support for the Anti-Homosexuality Bill, 2009. The Evangelicals have however vehemently continued to support the Bahati bill. President Museveni, a one time critic of homosexuality has also advised his ruling National Resistance Movement party to rethink its position on the bill. This book takes you through a number of arguments and perspectives on sexual minority rights in Uganda that have been prominent in both the local and international Media. ····· 10361114633

Law School Basics: Civil Procedure

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Success in law school is hard work and results from a combination of factors such as, Memorization of Rules of Law, Application of FIRAC, Analytical Reasoning, and Diligence, Perseverance and Commitment. In this series, you will learn the FIRAC technique, the fundamental and foundational black letter rules of law for the first-year law school subjects, and the keys to sound analytical reasoning techniques. In law school civil procedure your primary focus is on the substantive principles of the Federal Rules of Civil Procedure. It is important to remember that in law school civil procedure the goal is not to teach you the practical principles of civil procedure but to teach you to think about issues and memorizing rules of law so that you can excel on law school exams, and ultimately the Bar exam. ····· 10361113045

Übungen im Privatrecht. Band I. Rechtssubjekte und Rechtsobjekte

für 14.80€ kaufen ···· - Bücher, eBooks, DVD & Blu-ray
Das vorliegende Übungsbuch soll dem Studienanfänger im Rahmen einer dreibändigen Reihe unter dem Titel `Übungen im Privatrecht` die Methodik der Fallbearbeitung verständlich machen. Es wendet sich dabei sowohl an den Jura-Studenten als auch an Studierende, die juristische Vorlesungen beispielsweise im Rahmen von Schlüsselqualifikationen oder in einem speziellen Bachelor-Zweitfachstudiengang absolvieren.In diesem Band I geht es zunächst einmal darum, dem anfänglich meist desorientierten Studierenden der Rechtswissenschaft den Weg zum allgemeinen Verständnis des Bürgerlichen Rechts zu weisen. Im Mittelpunkt stehen hier der Allgemeine Teil des BGB und das Sachenrecht, also die Bücher 1 und 3 des BGB. Als `Hauptakteure` der Übungsfälle begegnen Ihnen demzufolge - wie im realen Leben - Rechtssubjekte und Rechtsobjekte. In dem 2012 erstmals erschienenen Band II wird das Schuldrecht - insbesondere das Vertragsrecht - (Buch 2 des BGB) behandelt. Der Band III, der 2015 herausgegeben wurde, beschäftigt sich mit dem Handels- und Gesellschaftsrecht. ····· 10361108208

Fallsammlung Privatrecht II

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Die Fallsammlung Privatrecht II stellt einen Querschnitt aus dem klausurrelevanten Prüfungsstoff im Wirtschaftsprivatrecht (Allgemeines und Besonderes Schuldrecht) für den Bachelorstudiengang Wirtschaftsrecht dar. Sie kann aber auch für Studierende des Examensstudiengangs Rechtswissenschaft in den Anfangssemestern ein wertvolles Hilfsmittel zur Prüfungsvorbereitung sein. Anhand von neun Fällen aus dem täglichen Wirtschaftsleben, die zum größten Teil aktuellen höchstrichterlichen Entscheidungen nachgebildet sind, wird die Fallbearbeitungstechnik anschaulich vermittelt. Behandelt werden vor allem Leistungsstörungen im Kauf-, Miet- und Werkvertragsrecht, aber auch deliktische Ansprüche und Abgrenzungsfragen zwischen vertraglichen und außervertraglichen Schuldverhältnissen sowie die AGB-Inhaltskontrolle einzelner Vertragsklauseln. Die einzelnen Fallbearbeitungen enthalten neben dem Sachverhalt und Angaben über die Themenschwerpunkte und Bearbeitungszeit jeweils eine Kurzgliederung sowie einen ausformulierten Lösungsvorschlag. Die Kurzgliederung ermöglicht die exakte Einordnung der Probleme in der Lösung. Die Lösung dient als Formulierungsvorschlag für die Klausur. Sie ist verständlich aufgebaut und bietet neben den nötigen Definitionen auch Vertiefungshinweise. ····· 10361107459


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The protection of women refugees against sexual offences is very crucial issue that`s why we need to make great consideration upon it. Nevertheless, significant variation exist in the existent to which warring group to provide protection of women refugees in different ways as well as by different laws deals with it but in most cases law play a great role, while the court of law fail to make the effectively enforcement of those laws. Using a new dataset on refugee`s camps of Mtabila and Nyarugusu, this research analyses the determination of the application of such Laws on protection of women refugees against sexual offences such as rape, sexual harassment and sexual assault.. ····· 10361102977

Georgia`s multinational state

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Georgia was the most multi-ethnic country when it declared independence from the Soviet Union. With more than 80 ethnic groups represented in Georgia, the issue of national minorities is considered to be very delicate and politically risky. Georgia`s Azeri and Armenian minorities are underrepresented in almost all official decision-making structures and remain considerably alienated from the socio- economic and political life of Georgia. These minorities exhibit a poor knowledge of Georgian language and it effectively hinders their access to higher education, information, representation in public affairs, especially government. The bloody conflict experiences in South Ossetia and Abkhazia have created fears among Georgians, who think other minorities also seek further disintegration of Georgia and have hidden nationalist cravings . President Saakashvili has indeed taken some steps to improve the lives of minorities, but the reforms are mainly half-hearted and insufficient when a significant part of the population still does not speak the same language and feel alienated. ····· 10361102660

A key to unlock the rights of PWDs

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For easy comprehension, the book is divided in 4 distinct chapters. Chapter 1 gives a general introduction of the book. It includes the background, statement of problem, objectives of the study, literature review among others. Chapter 2 of the paper gives an in-depth discussion of the rights of persons with disabilities at the international level. It discusses international instruments that provide for the rights of persons with disabilities. It includes binding and persuasive instruments. Chapter 3 details a comparative analysis of the U.N Convention on the rights of persons with disabilities vis-à-vis the legal framework in Uganda. The chapter weighs the articles of the Convention against the legal framework in Uganda indicating the strength and weaknesses of the Ugandan system in light of the Convention. It also highlights recommendations that should be implemented within the Ugandan legal system so as to meet its obligations as stipulated in the convention. Chapter 4 is the concluding chapter of the book. It gives general recommendations that should be implemented by the different stakeholders for the Ugandan legal system to meet the standards provided by the U.N Convention. ····· 10361101805

An Integration of Law, Psychiatry and Psychology in SA

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The purpose of this thesis is to develop a comprehensive process for identifying and addressing primarily constitutional, medico-legal and liability issues, and in addition ethical, social and scientific issues related to the psychiatric and psychology professions in South Africa. In fulfilling this purpose, a comprehensive search is conducted of relevant historical, ethical, philosophical and clinical aspects pertaining to psychiatry and psychology, as well as an evaluation of the current juridical framework regarding the legal liability of the psychiatrist and psychologist balanced against the constitutional rights of the mentally disordered patient in South Africa. ····· 10361101675


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The Constitution of India grants equal rights to women and various laws have been enacted to protect and empower women. While some women have definitely benefited from these provisions and have occupied highest positions in political system but for majority of poor and illiterate women life still remains a continuous struggle in a very traditional, patriarchal and feudal society. Customs and practices like female infanticide, neglect, illiteracy, child marriage, dowry, repeated pregnancies, unattended child birth, wife battering, bride burning, honour killing, rape, molestation, eve teasing, denial of property etc are indicators of position of women in Indian society. Thus Indian society harbours a clear bias against women but the situation worsens if women happen to be in prison either as convicts or as under trials. For then they are branded as bad women who deserve bad treatment. This combined with their total dependence of prison officials, corruption, lack of resources and lack of work culture further worsens their condition. Present work is an attempt at presenting before the world the condition of women prisoners in India in the context of their human rights. ····· 10361101383

Taxicab Cultural Clash at the Minneapolis-St Paul Intl. Airport

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When Steve Wareham heard that there had been another complaint about taxi service at the Minneapolis St. Paul International Airport (MSP), it came as no surprise. As Airport Director, Wareham had been working for years to improve customer service in this important ground transportation arena. Beginning in 2002, Airport Staff became aware that some passengers who were carrying alcohol often visible in the plastic bags from duty-free shops had been refused taxi service. The drivers, many of whom were Muslims from Somalia, explained that their faith did not permit them to consume or transport alcohol. Drivers who refused a fare for any reason were sent to the end of the line, and had to wait two to four hours for another fare. Losing fares represented a significant economic and practical hardship for the drivers, this was an issue of religious accommodation, and they requested special accomodations that could allow them to refuse customers with alcohol without `losing a fare`. How do faith issues relate in the customer service driven taxicab industry ····· 10361100789

The Juvenile Justice System in Nepal

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This book attempts to analyse the compliance of Nepalese juvenile justice system against the international standards set by hard` or soft` law or juvenile justice specific` or general` international human rights instruments. The analysis is based on the Child Rights-Based Approaches (CRBAs), general principles of the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child 1989 (CRC) in general and principle of the best interests of the child` in particular and the principle of state obligation` have been used. Primary as well relevant secondary data have been used for the purpose of analysis. The book concludes Nepal has taken some good initiatives to establish a separate juvenile justice system to handle cases of the children in conflict with the law but it needs significant reforms to establish a comprehensive juvenile justice system in comply with the international standard and make to serve the best interest of the child`. Finally, recommendations have been made to strengthen the juvenile justice system in Nepal. ····· 10361100695

Transitional Justice and a Creation of Human Right Culture in Ethiopia

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The book gives a brief and clear picture of the notion and the different approaches of transitional justice. More specifically, it provides the experience of Ethiopia for readers as to how the country has dealt with its past, and what measures have been taken to ensure the non-recurrence of human rights wrongs, and the creation of human rights culture in the country. It also discuss succinctly the challenges that the country has been facing in the process of addressing the past and creating a human rights friendly situation. ····· 10361100659


····· lezzter Preis 28.90€ ···· - Bücher, eBooks, DVD & Blu-ray
Das `Klausurtraining` ist speziell auf die Bedürfnisse von Rechtsreferendaren abgestimmt und stellt einen wesentlichen Baustein für eine optimale Examensvorbereitung dar. Das Buch liefert einen Querschnitt der gängigen Klausurtypen und legt einen Schwerpunkt auf die von den Prüfungsämtern immer mehr in den Fokus genommene anwaltliche Tätigkeit. Alleinstellungsmerkmal des Werkes sind die sowohl beim Sachverhalt als auch bei der Lösung in einer Marginalspalte angebrachten zahlreichen erläuternden Hinweise zur Klausurtechnik und Klausurtaktik. Dem Leser wird also nicht nur eine Lösung, sondern vor allem der Weg zu ihr unter Umgehung möglicher `Klausurfallen` aufgezeigt. Die ausgewählten materiellen und prozessualen Themen sind von der neueren höchstrichterlichen Rechtsprechung inspiriert. Sie bieten einen Überblick, der einerseits häufig geprüfte `Standardkonstellationen`, andererseits aber auch schwierigere Fragenstellungen, die eigenständiges Denken erfordern, enthält. Die Musterlösungen sind komplett ausformuliert und enthalten zahlreiche Anregungen zur Vertiefung des Klausurstoffes. Damit bietet das Werk ein unentbehrliches Hilfsmittel für die besonders im 2. Staatsexamen so wichtige Klausurpraxis. ····· 10361100460

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