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Heller als die Sonne DrostenDoktorarbeit

····· lezzter Preis 18.00€ ···· - Bücher, eBooks, DVD & Blu-ray
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Entwicklung fördern durch Musik DrostenDoktorarbeit

····· lezzter Preis 29.90€ ···· - Bücher, eBooks, DVD & Blu-ray
Musik birgt ein kommunikatives Potential, das seit jeher therapeutisch genutzt wird. Besonders für Menschen mit eingeschränkten sprachlichen Fähigkeiten eröffnet das Medium Musik in der musiktherapeutischen Anwendung neue Ausdrucks- und Kommunikationsmöglichkeiten. Diese entwicklungsfördernde Wirkung untersucht die Autorin im Rahmen einer klinischen Evaluationsstudie zur Behandlung mehrfach behinderter Kinder mit Orff-Musiktherapie. Dabei gelingt es ihr durch eine innovative Forschungsmethodik erstmals, die Wirkzusammenhänge musiktherapeutischer Behandlung mikroanalytisch aufzuzeigen und empirisch nachzuweisen. Das von der Autorin entwickelte Modell verbindet Wirkprinzipien musiktherapeutischen Vorgehens mit entwicklungspsychologischen Erklärungsansätzen und eröffnet so neue Perspektiven für musiktherapeutische Forschung und Praxis. ····· 10361207884

An Introduction to South Indian Music DrostenDoktorarbeit

····· lezzter Preis 22.95€ ···· - Bücher, eBooks, DVD & Blu-ray
Charlie Mariano was fortunate to play with musicians from many different cultures. He has been involved with South Indian music since 1967, and he goes to India regularly to study Carnatic music first-hand.This book is not intended as a comprehensive study. It gives some basic information about the 72 scales (melakartas) that are the parent scales from which all ragas are formed, the Tala: a highly developed rhythmic system, exercises the author was given by his teachers, tunes, and a list of suggested recordings. This book opens new doors for your creativity, regardless which style of music you are playing. ····· 10361206876

The Ramon Ricker Improvisation Series DrostenDoktorarbeit

····· lezzter Preis 32.50€ ···· - Bücher, eBooks, DVD & Blu-ray
VOLUME FOUR is devoted exclusively to the melodic minor scale and its use in jazz. The concept behind this book is to learn this scale extremely well then to find as many different places as possible to use it. If the student can master it, HEAR IT, and learn to use it with many different chord types, seemingly difficult chord progressions can be simplified and an expanded harmonic/melodic vocabulary will result.BACKGROUND: Natural Minor, Harmonic Minor, Melodic Minor as Taught in Traditional and Jazz Theory THEORY: Modes of the Melodic Minor, How to Practice Diatonic Seventh Chords, How to Practice Melodic Minor Scales with a Passing Tone, Application of Melodic Minor Scales to Various Chord Types, Summary of Melodic Minor Chord/Scale Relationships, A Reminder About Altered Dominant Chords WORKOUTS: Melodic Minor Workouts, How to Practice Workouts, Minor Chords, Half-Diminished Chords, Dominant 13th Chords, Altered Dominant Chords, Major 7th 5 Chords APPLYING MELODIC MINOR SCALES TO MINOR II-V-I, AND V-I PROGRESSIONS: The Harmonic Minor Scale over Minor II-V-Is, The Melodic Minor Scale over Minor II-V-Is, The Melodic Minor with a Passing Tone Scale Applied to Minor II-V-Is, Melodic Minor with a Passing Tone Scale Applied to Dominant 13, sus9 Chords USING THE MELODIC MINOR SCALE IN IMPROVISATION A Suggested Basic Repertoire ····· 10361206875

Creative Comping for Improvisation DrostenDoktorarbeit

····· lezzter Preis 19.95€ ···· - Bücher, eBooks, DVD & Blu-ray
Text: English, francais, deutsch Intermediate to advanced levels 32 chord progressions of standard jazz songs Chord voicings and bass lines played on an acoustic midi grand piano Improvised reharmonization and rhythmic displacement of the original chords Lead sheets in C, B flat, and E flat. CD version includes standard midi files for use by those with CD-ROM equipped computer sequenced midi work stations Volume 1 includes seven chord progressions plus 30 minutes of Pitch Axis Accompaniment for modal and `free` soloing. ····· 10361206844

The Jazz Ballad DrostenDoktorarbeit

····· lezzter Preis 24.95€ ···· - Bücher, eBooks, DVD & Blu-ray
The jazz ballad provides our greatest opportunity for lyrical expression and represents the surest way to the musical heart. Traditionally, it has been the testing ground for a performer`s worth, yet it is largely missing in our present musical culture and is seldom addressed in learning situations. Jerry Coker is recognized for his ability to create inspired ballad performances, and his many students of the past and present know that he also has the ability to share his unique understanding of the jazz ballad with others. `The Jazz Ballad - Experience Ultimate Expression` is a comprehensive study, guiding the reader, step by step, through the necessary topics and activities that lead to heightened understanding and enhanced performance. Topics include criteria for tune selection, modification possibilities, rhythm section concepts for ballad playing, options for introductions and endings, appropriate ways to approach the melody and subsequent improvisation, and with consideration of spiritual and attitudinal preparation. The accompanying CD provides aural clarifications of the ideas presented in the text, as well as a play-along track that features a splendid rhythm section. ····· 10361206843

Pentatonics. Lehrbuch mit CD DrostenDoktorarbeit

····· lezzter Preis 32.95€ ···· - Bücher, eBooks, DVD & Blu-ray
Many of the great modern players have pentatonics at their command and melodic disposal. The book provides a practical yet creative approach to assimilating pentatonics into your melodic musical reservoir. The author has taught this method over many years and it has proven to be very successful. This is a method book designed for all instruments. Chord changes are included for C Concert, B flat and E flat instruments. The accompanying recording has been designed for use in conjunction with the text. There are 18 tunes for you to play along with, featuring Renato Chicco on piano, Dave Santoro on bass and Adam Nussbaum on drums, plus eight demonstration tracks performed by the author on tenor saxophone. ····· 10361206842

Changes Over Time: The Evolution of Jazz Arranging DrostenDoktorarbeit

····· lezzter Preis 49.50€ ···· - Bücher, eBooks, DVD & Blu-ray
`Changes Over Time: The Evolution of Jazz Arranging` is conceived to illustrate, through comparative case studies, the dramatic development of rhythmic, melodic, harmonic, orchestrational, and structural variation in jazz arranging from the 1920s to the present. A broad category of compositions that have each inspired numerous jazz arrangements was established, and the arrangements associated with each of the original works were examined to determine the level of quality, the span of jazz history represented, and the number of renditions created by historically significant jazz arrangers, including Don Redman, Fletcher Henderson, Benny Carter, Duke Ellington, Billy Strayhorn, Gil Evans, Thad Jones, Bill Holman, Bob Brookmeyer, and Clare Fischer.The case studies were narrowed to 35 arrangements of three classic jazz compositions and one American popular standard song: Jelly `Roll` Morton`s `King Porter Stomp`, Don Redman`s `Chant of the Weed`, Gerald Marks` and Seymour Simon`s ` All of Me`, and Billy Strayhorn`s `Take The A Train`. Scores and/or parts representing nine decades were supplied by living arrangers, borrowed from collections, reconstructed from sketches, or transcribed from recordings. Four contemporary masters were ultimately commissioned to create new arrangements of four selected compositions. ····· 10361206840

A Guide to Jazz Composition & Arranging. Lehrbuch DrostenDoktorarbeit

····· lezzter Preis 18.95€ ···· - Bücher, eBooks, DVD & Blu-ray
This book evolved from 40 years of teaching jazz composition and arranging plus 50 years of personal writing experience in the professional field. It is, therefore, a comprehensive study, covering preparatory activities, philosophical perspectives, listening lists, choice tune lists, all elements of composing melodies and chord progressions, arranging for small and large ensembles, enhanced use of rhythm sections, a sensitive approach to instrumental ranges, textural options, form, and more. Though a self-contained study, the book has the unique feature of leading the reader to other excellent books on the subject. ····· 10361206839

Jamey Aebersold - Ein neuer Weg zur Jazz Improvisation DrostenDoktorarbeit

····· lezzter Preis 27.50€ ···· - Bücher, eBooks, DVD & Blu-ray
7. überarbeitete und erweiterte deutsche Ausgabe, Übungen für alle Instrumente, Blues, modale Stücke, Pentatonik, Chromatik, Entwicklung und Aufbau eines Solos, Modi, II-V7 Verbindungen, Bluesthemen, Patterns, Skalenverzeichnis etc. ····· 10361206836

Dad`s Jazz DrostenDoktorarbeit

····· lezzter Preis 15.50€ ···· - Bücher, eBooks, DVD & Blu-ray
What`s Dad`s Jazz Portraits, songs, facts and, naturally, also stereotypes mainly borrowed from the field of rather traditional jazz, in other words from Dad`s days, made up the source Rupert Hörbst drew his inspiration from for his fifth cartoon book. The author`s abnormal approach which he already made use of in his previous publications - often serves as a suitable means to an end and, in this way, it may also open up abnormal perspectives. Provided that you are endowed with a small portion of (self-)irony. This should by no means be interpreted as some sort of defamation after all Rupert Hörbst loves jazz - and admires musicians - too much to resort to such measures. `Jazz is the joy of playing music`, that`s what Leonard Bernstein once said. Dad`s Jazz stands for the author`s joy of playing around and is meant to be the beholder`s joy of contemplating and maybe even smiling but by no means defamation, after all Rupert Hörbst loves ... . That`s Dad`s Jazz ! ····· 10361206835

Jazzharmonielehre DrostenDoktorarbeit

····· lezzter Preis 34.95€ ···· - Bücher, eBooks, DVD & Blu-ray
Das Grundkonzept des Buches ist die Musikdarstellung. Sie werden also nicht genervt mit seitenlangen sprachlichen Erklärungen, Anhäufungen von Akkordsymbolen und Skalen. Sprachliche Erklärungen werden auf das Notwendigste reduziert, Akkordsymbole erscheinen - mit wenigen Ausnahmen - nur in Verbindung mit ausnotierten Akkorden, Akkordfolgen oder Songs. Die Skalenthematik ist im Rahmen der notwendigen Theoriedarstellung auf wenige Seiten beschränkt. Dafür liefert Ihnen das Buch 235 zum Teil sehr ausführliche Notenbeispiele. 17 ausgearbeitete Songkompositionen sind als Hörbeispiele dem Buch beigelegt. Notentext und Musik können auf diese Weise zum besseren Verständnis verglichen werden.
Erfahren Sie, wie einfach und unkompliziert ein Basiswissen über Intervalle, Akkorde und deren Symbolschrift zu erwerben ist.
Lernen Sie ohne mühsames Theoriestudium eine einfache Satztechnik kennen, die Sie dazu befähigt, Akkordsymbole in gut klingende Akkorde umzuwandeln. Mit ein wenig Übung sind Sie in der Lage, das gängige Songrepertoire stilistisch angemessen spielen zu können.
Erleben Sie, dass selbst die allgemein als trocken angesehene harmonische Theorie, ausgehend von den Akkordfunktionen bis hin zur Skalentheorie, durch hervorragende Strukturierung und klare Darstellung zum spannenden Lernstoff werden kann. Nutzen Sie das übersichtlich in Tabellen geordnete Akkordmaterial der so genannten Left-Hand-Voicings mit 56 Akkordformen, das von Pianisten wie Red Garland, Horace Silver, Bill Evans, Ahmad Jamal entwickelt wurde.
Staunen Sie über die raffinierten Klangwirkungen der Quart- und Clusterstrukturen, so wie sie in vielen Partituren, z.B. in denen von Gil Evans, That Jones, Bob Brookmeyer zur Anwendung kommen.
Entdecken Sie die Geheimnisse der modalen Klanggestaltung, die von Musikern wie Miles Davis, Bill Evans, John Coltrane, Gil Evans, Chick Corea ausgearbeitet wurde. Erfahren Sie, wie verblüffend einfach die Grundtechniken dieser modernen Klangkonzepte zu erlernen sind.
Überzeugen Sie sich, wie unkompliziert und klanglich ausgewogen Akkordfolgen verändert werden können. Die gebräuchlichsten Reharmonisationstechniken, die hierfür zur Anwendung kommen, finden Sie in einer vorbildlich geordneten Zusammenstellung.
Interpretiert werden die Hörbeispiele von einem Trio der Weltklasse: Der Rhythmusgruppe der WDR-Bigband Köln mit Frank Chastenier, Piano, John Goldsby, Bass und Hans Dekker, Schlagzeug. ····· 10361206833

Advanced Harmonic Concepts DrostenDoktorarbeit

····· lezzter Preis 32.95€ ···· - Bücher, eBooks, DVD & Blu-ray
A clear, concise, and beautifully conceived approach to expanding the harmonic possibilities for today s composer . (Russell Ferrante - The Yellowjackets) A way to forge a personal creative process which provides structure in a harmonic style that has few boundaries . (Joe Mulholland - Chairman Harmony Department, Berklee College of Music.)A clear, concise, and beautifully conceived approach to expanding the harmonic possibilities for today`s composer. (Russell Ferrante - The Yellowjackets) A way to forge a personal creative process which provides structure in a harmonic style that has few boundaries. (Joe Mulholland - Chairman Harmony Department, Berklee College of Music.) Instrumentation: melody instruments ····· 10361206831

Contrast and Continuity In Jazz Improvisation DrostenDoktorarbeit

····· lezzter Preis 33.00€ ···· - Bücher, eBooks, DVD & Blu-ray
While nearly all great solos contain a delicate balance of contrast and continuity in the broader sense, (rhythm, range, harmonic interest & variation, dynamics, pacing, etc) this concept illustrates the way towards creating a diatonic, multi-colored and contemporary language for jazz improvisation. ····· 10361206827

Vocal Improvisation DrostenDoktorarbeit

····· lezzter Preis 42.00€ ···· - Bücher, eBooks, DVD & Blu-ray
Vocal Improvisation is designed for individual jazz singers, classroom students and teachers of vocal jazz. The exercises are appropriate for all levels of experience ranging from beginning through advanced, and can also be useful to instrumentalists for developing jazz articulation and learning to better connect what they hear to what they play. The chapters on jazz theory and keyboard, as well as the glossary and selected solos for transcribing section make this publication an excellent resource of information for any jazz musician. In the interviews section you will find questions and answers about jazz and improvisation from some of todays leading professional jazz singers, including DeeDee Bridgewater, Kurt Elling, Jon Hendricks, Sheila Jordan, Kevin Mahogany, Bobby McFerrin, Mark Murphy, and more. The accompanying CD contains vocal examples with rhythm section background featuring Darmon Meader, Don Shelton and the author. The stereo separation allows you to sing along with them, or turn them off to practice with Michele Weir, piano John Clayton, bass and Joe LaBarbera, drums. This is a well written, highly informative and to the point publication.Vocal Improvisation is designed for individual jazz singers, classroom students and teachers of vocal jazz. The exercises are appropriate for all levels of experience ranging from beginning through advanced, and can also be useful to instrumentalists for developing jazz articulation and learning to better connect what they hear to what they play. The chapters on jazz theory and keybaord, as well as the glossary and selected solos for transcribing section make this publication an excellent resource of information for any jazz musician. In the interviews section you will find questions and answers about jazz and improvisation from some of todays leading professional jazz singers, including DeeDee Bridgewater, Kurt Elling, Jon Hendricks, Sheila Jordan, Kevin Mahogany, Bobby McFerrin, Mark Murphy, and more. The accompanying CD contains vocal examples with rhythm section background featuring Darmon Meader, Don Shelton and the author. The stereo separation allows you to sing along with them, or turn them off to practice with Michele Weir, piano John Clayton, bass and Joe LaBarbera, drums. This is a well written, highly informative and to the point publication. Instrumentation: voice ····· 10361206825

Duke`s `Bones DrostenDoktorarbeit

····· lezzter Preis 22.95€ ···· - Bücher, eBooks, DVD & Blu-ray
The purpose of the study recorded in this book is to focus on the work of the members of the trombone section that was at the heart of Ellington`s acclaimed orchestra from its beginnings until Ellington`s death in 1974. Much of the study focuses on the three giants who were the section in the 1930s and early 1940s: Joe Nanton, Juan Tizol and Lawrence Brown.Each of the significant trombonists is dealt with in several different ways: Biographical information, in no way intended to be exhaustive, is presented. Information that seems pertinent to the careers of each as members of the Ellington band is the focus. While some of this information is anecdotal, the ultimate aim is to try to relate each man to the music he created.At the heart of the study, however, are the solos that these men recorded with Ellington. Solos are transcribed and analyzed from the standpoint of `traditional` analysis of jazz solos, as well as consideration of the solos from the standpoint of trombone playing.The first of three appendices deals briefly with Ellington`s writing for the trombonists as a section or in conjunction with other players, as opposed to his writing for the individual players. Appendix 2 records discographical information about the music discussed in the text. Appendix 3 lists all of the trombonists who played with Ellington and the dates of their tenure.The ultimate aims of this study are to introduce the unique work of Nanton, Tizol, Brown and the others to those who are not familiar with it and to shed more light on this work to those already familiar with it. ····· 10361206824

The Chord Scale Theory & Jazz Harmony DrostenDoktorarbeit

····· lezzter Preis 34.95€ ···· - Bücher, eBooks, DVD & Blu-ray
Jazz harmony, as taught at the Berklee College of Music is based on the so called Chord Scale Theory. This method - further developed - is now available as a comprehensive textbook for the first time. Emerged from practice and designed for practical use, it provides theoretical knowledge necessary for improvisation, composing, and arranging. ····· 10361206823

Die Akkord-Skalen-Theorie & Jazz-Harmonik DrostenDoktorarbeit

····· lezzter Preis 34.50€ ···· - Bücher, eBooks, DVD & Blu-ray
Jazz-Harmonik, wie sie am Berklee College of Music gelehrt wird, basiert auf der sogenannten Akkord-Skalen-Theorie. Diese Methode ist nun in weiterentwickelter Form erstmals als umfassendes Lehrwerk verfügbar. Aus der Praxis hervorgegangen und für die Praxis bestimmt, bietet dieses Buch das notwendige theoretische Wissen für Improvisation, Komposition und Arrangement. ····· 10361206822

Melodic Structures DrostenDoktorarbeit

····· lezzter Preis 32.95€ ···· - Bücher, eBooks, DVD & Blu-ray
This is the first in a series of books and audio/video recordings which describe a simple and pragmatic approach to improvisation. While focusing on the jazz idiom, the techniques discussed are applicable to many styles of music and all instruments, be it rock guitar, jazz saxophone, or the solos of the fusion keyboardist. The system presented in this volume offers a tangible pathway to inside the creative imagination by getting inside harmony, inside the changes. Chord changes are included for C Concert, B flat and E flat instruments. In addition the book includes transposed examples for all instruments (C treble clef, B flat, E flat and bass clef). The accompanying recording has been designed for use in conjunction with each of the chapter assignments. There are nine tunes for you to play along with, each played at a slow and then medium tempo featuring Garry Dial on piano, Dave Santoro on bass and Alan Dawson on drums, plus 12 demonstration tracks performed by the author on piano and/or tenor saxophone. Instrumentation: alle instruments ····· 10361206819

A Chromatic Approach To Jazz Harmony And Melody DrostenDoktorarbeit

····· lezzter Preis 45.00€ ···· - Bücher, eBooks, DVD & Blu-ray
This book should be seen as a method to help the artist to develop his or her own way when trying to improvise chromatically. Through the concepts and examples offered, the improvisor should be able to use this material alongside already familiar tonal ideas. Specifically, the book serves as a guide for organizing chromaticism into a coherent musical statement meant to satisfy both the intellectual and emotional needs of artistic creation. The reader will be introduced to more than one way of conceiving chromatic lines and harmonies. There is nothing theoretically complex or new in the text, it is the organization of the material as well as many musical examples and transcriptions (Bach, Scriabin, Coltrane, Shorter, Hancock, Beirach, Liebman a.o.) which should serve to inspire musicians to expand their usual diatonic vocabulary. This book also provides insight into the style of playing that David Liebman is known for. In addition the book contains 100 assorted solo lines and 100 chord voicings. More from David Liebman at his homepage.

melody instruments ····· 10361206817

Self-Portrait of a Jazz Artist DrostenDoktorarbeit

····· lezzter Preis 21.95€ ···· - Bücher, eBooks, DVD & Blu-ray
Completely revised and enlarged `96 edition. David Liebman is a world reknown soprano saxophonist, widely respected both as an artist and educator. He has recorded over 100 albums, many as a leader featuring nearly 150 original compositions. As a sideman, Liebman has toured and recorded with Miles Davis, Elvin Jones, Chick Corea and John McLaughlin among others. ····· 10361206812

Jazz Arranging & Composing DrostenDoktorarbeit

····· lezzter Preis 46.95€ ···· - Bücher, eBooks, DVD & Blu-ray
Many different possibilities for harmonizing the same melody are illustrated and analysed, using techniques by such influential arrangers and composers as Duke Ellington, Billy Strayhorn, Oliver Nelson, Gil Evans and Clare Fischer. Techniques of melody harmonisation, linear writing and counterpoint for 2, 3, 4 and 5 horns. A chapter on writing for the rhythm section clearly illustrates the techniques commonly used by jazz arrangers and composers. Six complete scores in concert key are ideal for analysis, for playing the horn parts on the piano or for following the performances on the CD. An extensive chapter on form and development deals with extended compositional forms and the use of compositional techniques in writing for the small jazz ensemble A useful discography is included at the end of each chapter. ····· 10361206810

Musik aus zweiter Hand DrostenDoktorarbeit

····· lezzter Preis 37.80€ ···· - Bücher, eBooks, DVD & Blu-ray
Die Digitalisierung, insbesondere das Internet rund um Tauschbörsen, Videokanäle und Streamingportale, aber auch z.B. die extreme Reduzierung von Produktions- und Distributionskosten für Tonaufnahmen haben in vielen Bereichen des Musiklebens einen substantiellen Strukturwandel ausgelöst, aber auch allerlei saisonale Aufgeregtheiten provoziert. Ein Hauptkampfplatz auch des öffentlichen Diskurses ist dabei die Aneignung von Musik Dritter, von Sound Sampling bis Filesharing. Kreative Aneignungsstrategien finden sich, als `illegal` gebrandmarkt, allenthalben unter gesteigertem Rechtfertigungsdruck. Dabei gilt ungebrochen die Diagnose von Carl Dahlhaus: `Die Formel, daß Musik über Musik gemacht werde, drückt nicht eine Ausnahme, sondern die Regel aus.` Mittels exemplarischer Fallstudien von Klassik und Avantgarde bis Jazz und Pop beleuchtet der vorliegende Band, wie sich Kreativität in Gegenwartsmusik aus zweiter Hand manifestiert. ····· 10361205356

Geschichte der Ballettmusik DrostenDoktorarbeit

····· lezzter Preis 27.80€ ···· - Bücher, eBooks, DVD & Blu-ray
Ballettmusik wurde bislang kaum wissenschaftlich wahrgenommen und ist bis heute mit zahlreichen Klischees behaftet. Die vorliegende Publikation skizziert erstmals die Entwicklung dieser Gattung von den Anfängen in Italien und den repräsentativen Balletten am Hofe des Sonnenkönigs über die großen Ballettklassiker des 19. Jahrhunderts wie Giselle oder Schwanensee bis zu den vielfältigen Formen der Ballettmusik im 20. und 21. Jahrhundert. Die Analysen ausgewählter Fallbeispiele vertiefen die Darstellung historischer Kontexte und werden ergänzt durch Exkurse zu tanzspezifischen Aspekten sowie Kurzporträts wichtiger Komponisten. So entsteht das Panorama einer lange übersehenen, zwischen Instrumentalmusik und Oper oszillierenden Gattung, die mehr zu bieten hat als eingängige Melodien und mitreißende Rhythmen. ····· 10361205337

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