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Osobennosti psikhologicheskoy voyny

für 80.10€ kaufen ···· - Bücher, eBooks, DVD & Blu-ray
Psikhologicheskaya voyna eto spetsial`no organizovannoe i effektivno osushchestvlyaemoe vozdeystvie na soznanie, chuvstva, nastroeniya i volyu voennosluzhashchikh armiy protivnika dlya dostizheniya voennykh, politicheskikh i inykh tseley. V XX i KhKhI vekakh nekotorye sredstva iz ee arsenala byli zaimstvovany mnogimi gosudarstvami, partiyami, religiozno-etnicheskimi i finansovo-ekonomicheskimi gruppirovkami dlya voploshcheniya v zhizn` svoikh svoeobraznykh planov i interesov. Zakony, metody,sposoby i priemy vliyaniya na psikhiku lyudey v razlichnykh usloviyakh, nakoplennye professionalami psikhologicheskoy voyny, nuzhno yasno predstavlyat` i pravil`no interpretirovat`, chtoby ne okazat`sya v setyakh lzhivoy propagandy i chernogo piara, kotorye eshche chasto ispol`zuyutsya v nashe vremya. Vynesennaya na sud chitateley kniga raskryvaet svoeobrazie, soderzhanie i prakticheskiy opyt deyatel`nosti, nakoplennye za veka neprimirimogo protivoborstva. Ona, nesomnenno, budet interesna dlya psikhologov i sotsiologov, zhurnalistov, spetsialistov v oblasti reklamy i svyazey s obshchestvennost`yu, dlya vsekh tekh, kto stremitsya ponyat` istoki sovremennykh propagandistskikh i drugikh tekhnologiy v politike, biznese, v vozdeystvii na soznanie obshchestva v tselom i otdel`nykh ego grup ····· 103615323

Etnopoliticheskaya konfiguratsiya rossiyskoy anklavnoy sotsiologii

für 71.10€ kaufen ···· - Bücher, eBooks, DVD & Blu-ray
V knige rassmatrivayutsya etnopoliticheskie i sotsial`no-ekonomicheskie aspekty sotsial`nogo vzaimodeystviya. Vektor vnimaniya issledovatelya okhvatyvayut protsessy formirovaniya u narodov, anklavno prozhivayushchikh v Rossii, ontologicheskoy sushchnosti etnicheskogo soznaniya. Predprinyata popytka sotsial`nogo prognozirovaniya perspektiv koevolyutsionnogo razvitiya dukhovnosti mnogoetnicheskgogo sotsiuma v ramkakh rossiyskoy anklavnoy mental`nosti. Kniga prednaznachena dlya lits, interesuyushchikhsya etnopolitologiey, sotsiologiey i kul`turologiey. ····· 103615308

Stereotipy ili novye sposoby manipulirovaniya obshchestvennym soznaniem

für 94.41€ kaufen ···· - Bücher, eBooks, DVD & Blu-ray
Transformatsionnye protsessy, protekayushchie v sovremennoy Rossii, obuslavlivayut raspad traditsionnykh sotsial`nykh svyazey i otnosheniy, chto podryvaet stabil`nost` i ustoychivost` funktsionirovaniya sotsiuma. V rabote predprinimaetsya popytka sozdat` novuyu teoriyu sotsial`nykh stereotipov, posredstvom kotoroy avtor ob`yasnyaet slozhnye protsessy stikhiynogo i iskusstvennogo upravleniya obshchestvennym soznaniem v rossiyskom sotsiume, raskryvaet vozmozhnosti cherez stereotipizatsiyu sozdavat` iskusstvennye identichnosti i inye faktory formirovaniya sotsial`noy stabil`nosti. ····· 103615255

Etnopoliticheskaya konfiguratsiya rossiyskoy anklavnoy sotsiologii

für 80.10€ kaufen ···· - Bücher, eBooks, DVD & Blu-ray
V knige rassmatrivayutsya etnopoliticheskie i sotsial`no-ekonomicheskie aspekty sotsial`nogo vzaimodeystviya. Vektor vnimaniya issledovatelya okhvatyvayut protsessy formirovaniya u narodov, anklavno prozhivayushchikh v Rossii, ontologicheskoy sushchnosti etnicheskogo soznaniya. Predprinyata popytka sotsial`nogo prognozirovaniya perspektiv koevolyutsionnogo razvitiya dukhovnosti mnogoetnicheskgogo sotsiuma v ramkakh rossiyskoy anklavnoy mental`nosti. Kniga prednaznachena dlya lits, interesuyushchikhsya etnopolitologiey, sotsiologiey i kul`turologiey. ····· 103615223

Critical Period of Syrian Conflict

für 39.42€ kaufen ···· - Bücher, eBooks, DVD & Blu-ray
Obama included a strategy to eliminate Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS) by giving light to air strikes in Syria, where reports indicated to the newspapers, `New York Times` and `Washington Post` that Obama is ready to expand the campaign of air strikes to Syria after Iraq. Obama had met the leaders of the Democratic Senate and House of Representatives, Harry Reid and Nancy Pelosi and their counterparts Republicans Mitch McConnell and John Boehner to discuss the next phase of the campaign in Iraq.The threat posed by ISIS is just the latest fallout from Syria`s conflict, which began in March 2011 as a peaceful uprising against Bashar Assad. The violence there has now driven three million Syrians to flee abroad, creating the `biggest humanitarian emergency of our era,If it is true what he says Gen. Dempsey, U.S. Chief of Staff ofthat defeat of ISIS requires a military confrontation comprehensive on both fronts of the Syrian and Iraqi, because to destroy the military infrastructure of ISIS inside Syria will be difficult to break , especially as the ISIS controlled whole eastern Syria , from Aleppo to Raqqa and Deir ez-Zor. ····· 103614712

Opiniones socio poíticas y educativas (II)

für 49.32€ kaufen ···· - Bücher, eBooks, DVD & Blu-ray
Narrar la totalidad de los hechos socio políticos cotidianos ocurridos en el transcurrir de los 15 años del desarrollo de la revolución socialista venezolana, constituye una actividad investigativa compleja para cualquier persona que se plantee lograr tal propósito pues son demasiadas y muy diversas las variables implícitas dentro de dicho proceso fundamentalmente si para alcanzar tal meta, se escoge como metodología a la investigación acción reflexión, dentro de un contexto visionario crítico. En consecuencia parte de esta compleja acción activación, se facilita con la participación protagónica diaria que ejerce quién realiza la intercomunicación con el que acontecer cotidiano de los hechos políticos, sociales, culturales, económicos, educativos, teológicos y filosóficos que intervienen dentro dicho proceso revolucionario. ····· 103614710

Crisis In Iraq Vol 1

für 22.32€ kaufen ···· - Bücher, eBooks, DVD & Blu-ray
The American administration facing these days `tough choices` in front of the complex and the successive developments in the Middle East and in the forefront of emerging powers to regulate the `Islamic state in Iraq and the Levant`, which is known simply as ISIS .Who announced since the first of the month of last Ramadan for a statehood `Islamic caliphate` in what lands liberated from Iraq and Syria, which is appearing, was not lost for a moment from the eyes of American intelligence, which in turn did not bother each heinous crimes committed by the fighters of this organization, but was shocked when it came out `ISIS` and exceeded what could be considered red lines on top of which stretch into areas of `Kurdish allies` in the Kurdistan region of Iraq, and involvement in the beheading of American journalist named James Foley kidnapped in Syria since 2012 the same way that their heads cut off thousands of innocent people in Syria and Iraq at the hands of fighters `ISIS` and `Front Nusra - victory - ` and other organizations expiatory falsely labeled `jihadist`. ····· 103614709

Egypt after the coup Vol (2)

für 32.22€ kaufen ···· - Bücher, eBooks, DVD & Blu-ray
When the Egyptians rose up on 25 Jan - 30 June, to oust Mubarak and Morsi of Muslim Brotherhood, they prove they are different people because Egypt is a meeting point between three continents Africa, Asia and Europe. Napoleon once said, if you rule Egypt, then you can rule the world. All the ambition of the expansion of the invaders, the Persians, Romans, Tatar, Mongols, and crusaders broke up on the shores of Egypt. Besides, the invaders when lived in Egypt, they became Egyptians. So, Egypt will break up the ambitions of America to dismantle the Arabs or the middle East. US may come again to Iraq where they can break through Syria,and their ultimate destination is Egypt. There should be a decisive battle between U.S and Egypt Now the Arabs should ask the help of Egypt to fight the shite of Iraq and Iran, which the Iraqi army turned out to be army of biscuit, Daash managed to control Mosul in hours. The Arabs should open their treasuries and stores of Weapons to Egypt. Saudi Arabia is compromising with Iran now because they have Egypt to stand with them and Egypt may go to Russia to ask for weapons, which Putin is ready to play the role of the big brother to Egypt and the Arabs. ····· 103614702

The Arab And Islam

für 22.32€ kaufen ···· - Bücher, eBooks, DVD & Blu-ray
The Arab and Islam Neither Bin Laden nor El Zawahiri,nor Al Qaeda in Afghanitan,in Maghreb , Libya , Sinai , Syria , Boko Haram of Nigeria, or Al Shabab of Somalia is Islam because Islam did not tell us to kill people. All these movements are terrorists. Moreover,most of the Arabs and Muslims condemn the attack of 9-11 in 2001. Besides,Obama in Cairo University said Quran said if you kill one person that means you kill all people.Most western people have a phobia from the Arab and Islam, that is not fair because you need to read about Islam and the Arabs.And don`t give your head to the main stream media.Long ago, Mecca was flourished in commerce from all over of the world and is still like New York under the leadership of King Abdallah,the king of the Arabs, who helps all the Muslims around the world especially Egypt.Both the Sunni and the Shiite are compromising now because they are a power to Islam.Khominei the Guide of Iran supports Islam . The Arab came from Ishmail brother of Isaac sons of Ibraheem,father of the prophets. Ishmail`s mother Hagar came from Egypt.She was a princess given to Ibraheem from the ruler of Egypt when Ibraheem had a starvation in his region Or, in Iraq. ····· 103614694

Egypt After The Coup

für 39.42€ kaufen ···· - Bücher, eBooks, DVD & Blu-ray
When the Egyptians rose up on 25 Jan - 30 June, to oust Mubarak and Morsi of Muslim Brotherhood, they prove they are different people because Egypt is a meeting point between three continents Africa , Asia and Europe. Napoleon once said, if you rule Egypt, then you can rule the world. All the ambition of the expansion of the invaders, the Persians, Romans, Tatar, Mongols and crusaders broke up on the shores of Egypt. Besides, the invaders when lived in Egypt, they became Egyptians. So, Egypt will break up the ambitions of America to dismantle the Arabs or the middle East. US may come again to Iraq where they can break through Syria ,and their ultimate destination is Egypt. There should be a decisive battle between U.S and Egypt Now the Arabs should ask the help of Egypt to fight the shite of Iraq and Iran, which the Iraqi army turned out to be army of biscuit, Daash managed to control Mosul in hours. The Arabs should open their treasuries and stores of Weapons to Egypt. Saudi Arabia is compromising with Iran now because they have Egypt to stand with them and Egypt may go to Russia to ask for weapons, which Putin is ready to play the role of the big brother. ····· 103614693

The world in turmoil Ukrainian Crisis and Arab Spring - Vol 3

für 22.32€ kaufen ···· - Bücher, eBooks, DVD & Blu-ray
The Egyptians broke out on 25 Jan and 30 June Revolutions because there was a background of oppression , humiliation, social injustice , stealing the fortunes of the country . America will leave The Middle East after it paved the way to their agents to work on befalf of her after they destroyed the Iraqi army and , the Libyan and Syrian armies . They planted Muslim Brotherhood to sabotage the Egyptian army . US is now in Asia because the new military operations are there in Russia , China and India which , if they united together , they would be stronger than the EU and the US , They take Ukraine as a camouflage . If they succeeded in penetrating to Ukraine , they would touch the Russian borders,then devouring the other parts of Russia ,such as Georgia , Abkhazia, and all Caucasus.America wants to be the only unilateral superpower . On the other hand to our surprise , Putin , the guarding angel of the Middle East understands all the games of the west.He uses all political experiences , his military forces,oil,gas and gold to spoil the American meal. Putin stands with Syria and Egypt because both are his partners in the Middle East to help him spoil the American strategy there. ····· 103614692

The world in turmoil Ukrainian Crisis and Arab Spring - Vol 2

für 32.22€ kaufen ···· - Bücher, eBooks, DVD & Blu-ray
The Egyptians broke out ton 25 Jan and 30 June Revolutions because there was a background of oppression , humiliation, social injustice , stealing the fortunes of the country . America will leave The Middle East after it paved the way to their agents to work on befalf of her after they destroyed the Iraqi army and , the Libyan and Syrian armies . They planted Muslim Brotherhood to sabotage the Egyptian army . US is now in Asia because the new military operations are there in Russia , China and India which , if they united together , they would be stronger than the EU and the US , They take Ukraine as a camouflage . If they succeeded in penetrating to Ukraine , they would touch the Russian borders,then devouring the other parts of Russia ,such as Georgia , Abkhazia, and all Caucasus.America wants to be the only unilateral superpower . On the other hand to our surprise , Putin , the guarding angel of the Middle East understands all the games of the west.He uses all political experiences , his military forces,oil,gas and gold to spoil the American meal. Putin stands with Syria and Egypt because both are his partners in the Middle East to help him spoil the American strategy there. ····· 103614690

The world in turmoil Ukrainian Crisis and Arab Spring - Vol 1

für 17.82€ kaufen ···· - Bücher, eBooks, DVD & Blu-ray
The Egyptians broke out on 25 Jan and 30 June Revolutions because there was a background of oppression , humiliation, social injustice , stealing the fortunes of the country . America will leave The Middle East after it paved the way to their agents to work on behalf of her after they destroyed the Iraqi army and , the Libyan and Syrian armies . They planted Muslim Brotherhood to sabotage the Egyptian army . US is now in Asia because the new military operations are there in Russia , China and India which , if they united together , they would be stronger than the EU and the US , They take Ukraine as a camouflage . If they succeeded in penetrating to Ukraine , they would touch the Russian borders,then devouring the other parts of Russia ,such as Georgia , Abkhazia, and all Caucasus.America wants to be the only unilateral superpower . On the other hand to our surprise , Putin , the guarding angel of the Middle East understands all the games of the west.He uses all political experiences , his military forces,oil,gas and gold to spoil the American meal. Putin stands with Syria and Egypt because both are his partners in the Middle East to help him spoil the American strategy there ····· 103614689

Politische Essays

für 19.80€ kaufen ···· - Bücher, eBooks, DVD & Blu-ray
Das Buch beinhaltet Artikel, die zwischen 1991 und 1999 in der `taz` Berlin und der `WAZ` Bochum erschienen sind sowie bislang unveröffentlichte Beiträge. Sie behandeln Themen, die von Bildung und Sicherheit bis hin zu Terrorismus, Islam und den Grünen reichen. Die Essays möchten dazu einladen tiefer zu reflektieren als es die schnelllebigen Medien häufig zulassen. Dabei soll der Leser informiert werden über oft in der Diskussion vernachlässigte Aspekte und Dimensionen. Von Alice Schwarzer bis Jörg Kachelmann und von Fatih Ak n bis Barack Obama sind bekannte Persönlichkeiten des öffentlichen Lebens vertreten. Ob es um die Namensgebung von Tief- und Hochdruckgebieten am Wetterhimmel geht oder um die Vermittlung von Englischkenntnissen an Grundschüler: für jeden ist etwas dabei. ····· 103614687

Los debates que nos dejó Chávez

für 44.82€ kaufen ···· - Bücher, eBooks, DVD & Blu-ray
Desde la llegada de Hugo Chávez al poder en 1998, se inició en Venezuela un proceso que politizó a la sociedad venezolana como nunca antes en su historia republicana, generándose una dinámica política que incluyó la aprobación de una nueva Constitución, un golpe de Estado, el sabotaje de la industria petrolera, grandes manifestaciones, conspiraciones, y el inicio de una batalla por la redistribución de la riqueza petrolera del país, por la legitimación de ideas sobre la necesidad de construcción del socialismo en un contexto de libertad y democracia, y a partir de la gestión de una organización que en las revoluciones clásicas siempre fue centro de transformación o destrucción: el Estado. La revolución bolivariana demostró que es posible construir sistemas políticos más justos, a pesar de los desafíos que representan la tradición, el sistema de creencias vigente y el asedio de factores externos enemigos de la soberanía de los pueblos. A lo largo de este conjunto de artículos y ensayos, los lectores y lectoras obtendrán un panorama amplio de los dilemas, aprendizajes y debates teórico-políticos que han formado parte de la vida cotidiana de los venezolanos en los últimos años. ····· 103614677

Downfall of Muammar Gaddaffi in the Arab Spring

für 22.32€ kaufen ···· - Bücher, eBooks, DVD & Blu-ray
Muammar Gaddaffi was a dictator . The industry of a dictator was not only an Arabian manufacture . He suffered paranoia . Muammar felt superior to other Arab kings and presidents . The population of his country was small, this didn`t raise to his ambition , because his fortune from oil was formidable 126 billion dollars, who can imagine that He could have made his country better than Dubai , Hong Kong or Singaporean . Gaddaffi suppressed his people , he imprisoned them inside the borders of his country . Muammar bought all sorts of weapons . The people had to smuggle them to other neighboring countries like Egypt and Sudan , thus causing Egypt much terrorist trouble . The arrogant leader nominated himself king of the kings of Africa, and the mayor of the Arab presidents , because he ruled Libya for 42 years , running on . He made much trouble everywhere ,- like a nagging boy - . He bribed most of the African presidents every month . He helped Sarkozy in his presidential campaign was about to cause the french president a scandal .The US had to participate in the military coalition - to hit Gaddaffi,s forces who kills his people - as well as the NATO . ····· 103614671

¿Es Obama Socialista? Visión desde el Chavismo

für 17.82€ kaufen ···· - Bücher, eBooks, DVD & Blu-ray
Venezolano insurge en el escenario político internacional del siglo XXI, confronta a USA y expresa clara vocación Bolivariana, Martiana, Latinoamericanista Y Socialista. Luego pasó a una etapa en la cual llamó a utilizar el poder constituyente del estado para cambiar la constitución de la República de Venezuela,con lo que buscó acabar la estructura jurídica que mantenía con vida un esquema socio-económico ventajoso para las élites sociales e incorporó al pueblo humilde al gobierno en la llamada Democracia participativa y protagónica . Se logró el control del ingreso petrolero,lo que le dio fuerza económica para desarrollar todos los planes sociales nacionales y los proyectos políticos latino-americanistas para la patria grande Barack Obama, a su vez insurge en USA como líder político por su labor social con los pobres y con las minorías,particularmente la de los afroamericanos. Crea grandes expectativas de ayuda a las minorías, ampliando la cobertura de salud para el pueblo, lo cual lo hace ver como un socialista Sin embargo pronto el complejo industrial militar lo atrapa y Obama se convierte en el promotor de la guerra de los dones y el espionaje masivo ····· 103614666

El síndrome de la piñata en la idiosincrasia del venezolano

für 52.92€ kaufen ···· - Bücher, eBooks, DVD & Blu-ray
Es un libro que toca diferentes conflictos relacionados con las fuerzas vivas que han actuado y actúan en el presente. Para nadie es un secreto la crisis que vivimos los venezolanos en los inicios del siglo XXI. Esta crisis tiene antecedentes de larga data, que se remontan a las postrimerías del siglo XIX, y esencialmente desde el inicio del período democrático que comenzó en 1958 hasta la presente fecha cuando estamos escribiendo estas líneas. Los países mas adelantados del primer mundo y que proporcionar a sus ciudadanos la mayor estabilidad social, económica y política, se han levantado de las cenizas, del hambre y del caos por sus errores pasados. La crisis actual no es solo de nuestro país, es reflejo e interactúa con la crisis global del mundo contemporáneo. Los temas tratados aunque son muy variados persiguen aclarar parte de los problemas y plantear la filosofía de las soluciones. La razón de escogencia del temario es la importancia que por si mismo reviste ante la evidencia del síndrome de la piñata como parte de la idiosincrasia del venezolano, en una Venezuela que vive de la renta petrolera. ····· 103614664

The Lost Aborigine in His Own Country Home Vol.II

für 25.92€ kaufen ···· - Bücher, eBooks, DVD & Blu-ray
In The Lost Aborigine in His Own Country Home Vol. 1, I wrote about the Dayak-Bidayuh`s political stories based on my observation from the printed media, discussion and independent news available in Malaysia. This new edition tells about minor change in the Dayak-Bidayuh`s mentality towards Malaysian`s political landscape. Malaysia is a democratic country but still hold-tight on racial politics where the citizens are divided into `bumiputera` or the natives and the `non-bumiputera` or the immigrants. Somehow, the Dayaks, who are the indigenous natives of Borneo are wedged by total confusion when their identity are recognized only as a subject to the Federal Constitution but less in their right as the natives of Malaysia together with Malayan and Sabah s natives. This new edition tells about the Dayak-Bidayuh`s view on current Malaysian political drama that kept the natives as the second class citizens for 50 years of partnership I Federation of Malaysia. ····· 103614660

Ensayos para un análisis contemporáneo del Estado Político

für 17.82€ kaufen ···· - Bücher, eBooks, DVD & Blu-ray
Un análisis contemporáneo sobre la cuestión del Estado político no puede escapar del estudio de categorías claves para la teoría política en aras de asumir el desafío que a esta forma de organización social se le presenta en el momento actual. Abordar la esfera pública, la comunidad política, el análisis histórico de las revoluciones emblemáticas para el mundo moderno y las consecuencias del capitalismo como hegemonía omnipotente en el ámbito de lo colectivo es menester para las reflexiones de nuestra controvertida época, siempre en búsqueda de perspectivas teoréticas que nos permitan entender el mundo que estamos viviendo y hacia dónde se dirige. ····· 103614659

Egypt on the way of democracy across revolutions, Vol 1

für 25.92€ kaufen ···· - Bücher, eBooks, DVD & Blu-ray
Egypt is looking for democracy 2500 years ago . From the days of the Persian conquest to the English occupation.Then , came the military presidents , Nasser , Al Sadat and Mubarak. In fact , Egypt is doing the democracy of Athens, 5000 years ago , where the people meet in a vast place to discuss their serious and political matters . By that doing , the Egyptians toppled Mubarak and Morsi . Mubarak didn`t love his country nor his people. He took Egypt as a business project for investment . Besides, he wanted to inherit his son Jamal the country as if Egypt was his range .Morsi , wanted to sell some of his country - Sinai - to Hamas through US to solve the problem of Gaza Strip , so that Israel may live in peace , and to sell other part to the Sudan, in the south . Again Morsi wanted Egypt only for his group the Muslim Brotherhood who wanted to rule all the Islamic world and is connected to Al Qaeda. Egypt with its genius geographical site is the envy and greed of all the superpowers across history. The River Nile runs in its territory , the Suez canal, the Mediterranean Sea , the Red Sea, , the west and east deserts, oil , gas,gold and fertile lands ····· 103614637

La Democracia Bolivariana Revolucionaria De Hugo Chávez

für 17.82€ kaufen ···· - Bücher, eBooks, DVD & Blu-ray
Hugo Chávez asumió la presidencia de Venezuela en 1998 a la edad de 44 años. Dirigió una asonada militar en 1992, a la edad de 38. Estuvo encarcelado dos años en Yare, cerca de Caracas. En abril de 2002 lo derrocan durante 48 horas, lo secuestran y esconden en la isla de La Orchilla, de donde es rescatado por la Fuerza Armada Bolivariana leal al gobierno. Chávez resultó invicto en 15 eventos electorales, dentro de los cuales se incluye un plebiscito inédito hasta entonces , denominado Referéndum Revocatorio Presidencial. Como líder internacional propugnó un nuevo orden mundial pluripolar y demandó democracias de tipo socialistas que sobreestimen la igualdad social y el bienestar colectivos por encima de los intereses del gran capital trasnacional. Además, se distinguió como acérrimo enemigo de los Estados Unidos, principalmente de los gobiernos de los Presidentes Bush, con un discurso crítico, agresivo e incisivo. Ganó seguidores en América Latina y mantuvo un rol protagónico para recuperar y mantener los precios del crudo de la OPEP. El autor, José Pérez, intenta dar una visión general del proceso político ideado por Chávez y del sistema democrático venezolano actual. ····· 103614627

Obshchestvennye dvizheniya v sovremennoy Rossii

für 32.22€ kaufen ···· - Bücher, eBooks, DVD & Blu-ray
V monografii rassmatrivayutsya obshchestvennye dvizheniya, opredelyaetsya ikh rol` v sovremennom obshchestve v epokhu globalizatsii. Na osnove empiricheskogo materiala raskryvayutsya osobennosti novykh dvizheniy. Avtor predlagaet sobstvennuyu tipologiyu sovremennykh rossiyskikh dvizheniy. V rabote analiziruetsya protsess institutsionalizatsii obshchestvennykh dvizheniy v sovremennoy Rossii. Monografiya rasschitana na shirokuyu auditoriyu, na vsekh, kto interesuetsya problemami sovremennykh obshchestvennykh dvizheniy. ····· 103614625

Opinión Crítica En Tiempos de Revolución

für 60.12€ kaufen ···· - Bücher, eBooks, DVD & Blu-ray
Aquí el lector se encontrará con una recopilación de artículos publicados por el autor en la pagina web en ellos se analizan diferentes tópicos que van desde la política interna hasta la externa en momentos en que Venezuela participó, con el comandante Chávez, en el escenario mundial. Desde la muerte del Libertador, Simón Bolívar, Venezuela cayó en un letargo político y en un estancamiento económico por los gobiernos de Páez,Los Monagas, Cipriano Castro, Gómez, y más cerca: Betancourt, Perez, Herrera, Lusinchi, Caldera. Así fue hasta que, tras la paliza recibida entre el 27 y 28 de febrero de 1988, Hugo Chávez la hizo despertar y levantarse de golpe en la madrugada del 4 de Febrero de 1989. Socialista de convicción, el autor analiza de manera breve y simple situaciones y decisiones, tomadas o pendientes, de manera crítica y autocrítica. Opinión Critica en Tiempos de Revolución es un libro que no pierde vigencia pues con la muerte del Comandante Hugo Chávez muchas cosas quedaron pendientes y algunas en peligro de perderse. ¿Retrocederá Venezuela a los tiempos de la cuarta República y tanto Simón Bolívar como Hugo Chávez araron en el mar He ahí la cuestión. ····· 103614613

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