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Responsives Design mit WordPress

····· lezzter Preis 14.95€ ···· - Bücher, eBooks, DVD & Blu-ray
Responsives Design ist der Schlüssel zu einem konsistenten und attraktiven Auftritt Ihrer WordPress-Website auf Desktop, Tablet und Smartphone. Wie Sie hierfür professionelle Themes und Plugins entwickeln, lernen Sie mit diesem Buch. Webexperte Joe Casabona zeigt Ihnen, wie Sie WordPress Features für Ihre Arbeit optimal nutzen, welche Konzepte Ihnen das Arbeiten erleichtern und welche Rezepte zu den besten Ergebnissen führen. Zu Beginn frischen Sie Ihr Wissen zu Word-Press Kernfunktionalitäten auf und steigen dann schnell in die Entwicklung responsiver Themes und Plugins ein. Sie lernen, inhaltsbasierte Breakpoints für jede Bildschirmgröße zu setzen, die Datenmenge für Mobilnutzer gering zu halten sowie Navigation, Bilder, Widgets, Kommentare und Archive richtig zu designen. Außerdem macht Sie Casabona bekannt mit den wichtigsten Frameworks. Abschließend wenden Sie das Gelernte in fünf Tutorials an, in denen Sie responsive WordPress-Plugins und Theme-Komponenten programmieren und designen: eine Fotogalerie, eine Google Maps-basierte Karte, einen ImageSlider, ein Kontaktformular und eine Produktseite für einen Online-Shop. ····· 10361154422

Moderne Webentwicklung

····· lezzter Preis 29.90€ ···· - Bücher, eBooks, DVD & Blu-ray
Wer heutzutage im Web surft, tut dies oft mit vielen unterschiedlichen Geräten. Wenn die Nutzer aber je nach Situation ein Smartphone- Display, einen Desktop-Monitor oder einen TV-Großbildschirm verwenden worauf müssen dann anspruchsvolle Webentwickler heute und in Zukunft achten Peter Gasston zeigt, welche Techniken heute angesagt sind und wohin die Entwicklung geht. Praxisnah und anschaulich führt er Sie durch die geräteunabhängige Webentwicklung mit HTML5, CSS3 und JavaScript. Dabei präsentiert er Standards, Tools und Techniken, mit denen Sie die Eigenheiten von Browsern und Ausgabegeräten verlässlich in den Griff bekommen. Sie lernen unter anderem, wie Sie - Inhalte per Responsive Design an unterschiedliche Ausgabegeräte anpassen - Websites mit den neuesten APIs entwickeln, u.a. Geolocation, Orientation und Web Storage - Audio und Video plattformübergreifend und ohne lästige Plug-ins integrieren - Bilder und Grafiken mit SVG für hochauflösende Ausgabegeräte skalierbar machen - leistungsfähige HTML5-Elemente nutzen, um bessere Formulare zu erstellen. Mit diesem Buch arbeiten Sie am Puls der Zeit und entwickeln moderne Websites, die die Möglichkeiten aller Ausgabegeräte und aller Browser in vollem Umfang nutzen. ····· 10361154391

Operation Shitstorm

····· lezzter Preis 10.00€ ···· - Bücher, eBooks, DVD & Blu-ray
Sie haben es alles schon gesehen: Ein bösartiges Gerücht im Internet kostet ein Unternehmen Millionen. Ein politischer Nebenkriegsschauplatz wird auf einmal in den Medien gehyped und ein aussichtsreicher Kandidat zerstört. Irgendein Produkt oder eine Person wird auf einmal aus der Anonymität zur viralen Sensation katapultiert. Was Sie nicht wissen, ist, dass es jemand gibt, der für all das verantwortlich ist. Im Regelfall jemand wie ich. Wer bin ich Ich bin ein Medien-Manipulator. In einer Welt, in der Blogs die Nachrichten beherrschen und auch verfälschen, ist es mein Job, die Blogs zu kontrollieren - so gut, wie das einem Menschen überhaupt möglich ist. Warum teile ich diese Geheimnisse Ich habe eine Welt satt, in der Blogs indirekte Bestechungsgelder annehmen, in der die Werber beim Schreiben der Nachrichten helfen, Journalisten Lügen verbreiten und keiner am Ende dafür verantwortlich gemacht wird. Ich ziehe den Vorhang über all diesen Vorgängen weg, weil ich nicht möchte, dass die Öffentlichkeit weiterhin für dumm verkauft wird. Ich werde Ihnen genau erklären, wie die Medien heute WIRKLICH funktionieren. Was Sie dann mit diesem Wissen anfangen, das überlasse ich ganz Ihnen ... ····· 10361152364

Internet Computing Essentials

für 44.10€ kaufen ···· - Bücher, eBooks, DVD & Blu-ray
The evolution of Internet has gone from being less of a luxury to more of a necessity for all of us. The new approach of handling data and information through the Internet is the main issue before the researchers in academia and industry because the technology is fast bridging the digital divide and bringing the Web to the masses. These have paved the pathways to the modern digital civilization. This book provides a brief and concise study of Internet. It covers concepts in Internet technologies that are most relevant to the beginning students in Colleges, Polytechnics and Universities, including the history of Internet, architectures, protocols and services. The book also gives an overview of the next-generation Internet technologies as well as the application of Internet in higher learning. Since it is imperative to embrace changes and makes the paradigm shift into 21st century education which Internet offers, this book will provide a useful guide for everyone that finds it expedient to understand the nitty-gritty of Internet both in academia and in industry and prepare the readers for more advanced discussions on the subject matter. ····· 10361146431

Modelo del mercado de acceso a Internet residencial en Colombia

für 53.10€ kaufen ···· - Bücher, eBooks, DVD & Blu-ray
Las Tecnologías de Información y Comunicación (TIC) se desenvuelven en entornos caracterizados por condiciones de fuerte competencia, incursión de nuevos operadores e incorporación de soluciones emergentes que, sumado a los continuos cambios en los aspectos económicos y sociales, conforman un panorama de incertidumbre a la hora de plantear modelos de negocio propicios para el desarrollo sostenible. Si bien es cierto que las técnicas tradicionales permiten hacer proyecciones medianamente acertadas sobre el comportamiento del sector en el que se desenvuelve un servicio o producto, la complejidad de los mercados y de sus actores es tal, que es necesario recurrir a nuevas herramientas que permitan aproximarse a este problema. En este sentido, la Dinámica de Sistemas se convierte en una buena alternativa para enfrentar la situación, pues facilita el modelado con capacidad de sintetizar componentes, relaciones, estructura y dinámicas del sistema para analizar las interacciones y comportamientos entre y de sus componentes. ····· 10361137337

Del Messenger y otras escrituras en la universidad

für 53.10€ kaufen ···· - Bücher, eBooks, DVD & Blu-ray
Los consumos culturales de los jóvenes influyen en la manera como procesan la información. Pueden ser globales y locales al mismo tiempo y tener identidades polivalentes en las redes sociales. En los procesos de lectura y escritura se reflejan sus tendencias a romper con la linealidad y construir saberes `mosaico` para dar cuenta de la realidad. La multimedia tiene el potencial de contribuir a visualizar problemas de coherencia y cohesión como también a desarrollar planes argumentativos. Este texto corresponde a la investigación desarrollada por el autor sobre los problemas que enfrentan los estudiantes que recién ingresan a la universidad y deben enfrentarse a una cultura académica que rompe con los esquemas con los cuales ellos se narran y narran el mundo. El Modelo Multimedia de Expresión Escrita (MMEE)es un producto de esta investigación y actualmente hace parte del Banco de Objetos de Aprendizaje del Ministerio de Educación Nacional de Colombia. ····· 10361137326


für 62.10€ kaufen ···· - Bücher, eBooks, DVD & Blu-ray
Este proyecto evalúa las posibilidades que ofrece la aplicación OpenVPN para construir conexiones seguras a través de la infraestructura de redes públicas, por medio de conexiones seguras mediante el protocolo SSL. En una primera parte, se presenta el concepto de Red Privada Virtual haciendo más hincapié en las redes privadas virtuales que hacen uso del protocolo SSL (Secure Socket Layer). En esta primera parte también se presentarán los adaptadores virtuales TUN/TAP que permiten la creación de interfaces virtuales con el fin de crear túneles punto a punto. La segunda parte se centra en presentar la herramienta OpenVPN y sus principales características. La tercera y cuarta parte se centra en mostrar diversos escenarios sobre los que se utilizará OpenVPN como herramienta para implementar una VPN y para incorporar seguridad a protocolos y servicios no seguros. Por último, se muestran las conclusiones que se obtienen de este estudio. ····· 10361136616

Social Networks Analysis

für 61.20€ kaufen ···· - Bücher, eBooks, DVD & Blu-ray
This book offers the possibility of a deep understanding of Social Network meaning. In particular the author explains the most important values useful to describe the user`s behavior and the network topology. Different points of view present what is called a small world behavior. This book is aimed not only to sociologists or engineers, but to a wider audience. In order to help the reader understand analysis procedure, the book contains numerous images, and pieces of Python code. ····· 10361135879

Telemediengesetz. Was u.a. Dr. Martina Krogmann dazu sagt

für 34.00€ kaufen ···· - Bücher, eBooks, DVD & Blu-ray
Wie wurde und wird das Thema `Telemediengesetz` in der deutschen Politik diskutiert Der vorliegende Quellenband enthält die Protokolle der im Deutschen Bundestag zur Thematik gehaltenen ungekürzten Reden ab 2007 (16. Legislaturperiode). Diese parteiübergreifende Dokumentation ermöglicht dem Leser einen direkten Blick auf die parlamentarische Debatte zum Thema `Telemediengesetz` und die Diskussionen der Abgeordneten im politischen Tagesgeschäft. ····· 10361135189

Enhancements on Internet Applications

für 53.10€ kaufen ···· - Bücher, eBooks, DVD & Blu-ray
The Internet as the merger of two major technologies computers and communication is a network of networks of computers, which plays a vital role in the Information and Communication Technology (ICT). It s an emerging need of today s high tech society as almost all requirements like education, entertainment, business, social services etc. of human beings are efficiently implementable through Internet. In present book, some Internet applications such as multicast, reliable transmission of unicast and multicast IP packets using UDP, generation of secret group-key, secured transmission of E-mails, secure multicast and enhancement of SET (Secure Electronic Transaction) have been investigated so that secured and reliable transmission through unreliable Internet is possible, and which are the vital need of the present-day scenario. Although all these enhancements have been done with respect to IPv4 ,they are equally applicable to IPv6, and it is true that IPv6 cannot be implemented overnight and instead, IPv4 will continue, although there are different opinions, next 20 to 25 years, an investigation of the same has also been done in book. ····· 10361134493

Cyber crime control techno-legal network

für 44.10€ kaufen ···· - Bücher, eBooks, DVD & Blu-ray
The Internet technology in Electronic science, and its utility have advanced at a faster rate, than any other area of science. The internet crimes are also increasing in an equal pace. The crimes are happening in the Cyber space. How to be safe, so that any secret data is not stolen and misused There are cyber laws, to catch the evident crimes where both the sufferer & the person who committed the crime are reachable. But a Cyber crime is an intellectual stealing technique. The robber himself, access the valuable data in cyber space, through a software. Steals, hacks, damages, or misuses the data. There is a time gap between the crime & it s effects, on the ground level !! How to capture them The moral is that a technical robber should be caught or trimmed through the same technology of their robbery. This is achieved in this book through a Cyber Law Control unit at ground, and a Cyber Law control Shell at cyber level, for every nation. These coordinate among themselves, and with all servers and nodes on the ground. This will ensure a full protection and implement all the clauses of the Country s Cyber Law, from the Space. This setup is applicable internationally. ····· 10361134176

On the Use of Context and Policies in Declarative Networked Systems

für 44.10€ kaufen ···· - Bücher, eBooks, DVD & Blu-ray
Managing complex computer networks while ensuring that certain high level goals such as security are met is a complicated process. This is evidenced by the recent Internet outages caused by operators misconfiguring Internet Border Gateway Protocol (BGP) routers. A significant proportion of these failures have been caused due to human operators working at very low level details. Along with the need for high level tools that can automate the configuration process, there has been an ever growing need to separate the high level goals/policies from the low level mechanisms that implement the various services. In this book, we describe a declarative framework for specifying and enforcing high level policies in networks. The declarative framework offers both flexibility in terms of specifying the higher level goals rather than focusing on the lower level mechanisms employed in the implementation, as well as robustness in terms of recovering from failures. ····· 10361134155

E-commerce in Transition Economies

für 44.10€ kaufen ···· - Bücher, eBooks, DVD & Blu-ray
E-commerce is a business model that has been quite successful in different countries of the world. In this book, we will thoroughly demonstrate the situation of Albania and if there is a tendency of adoption toward the usage of e-commerce in the Albanian market. There are various models of E-Commerce, this study examines the suitability of each of these models in the context of Albanian businesses and suggests the model that is most appropriate to the Albanian business situation. This study also proposes to look into the reasons of the failure of e-commerce initiatives in the past as well as looks into prospects in the future. This qualitative case study uses interviews conducted with knowledge workers from companies including banking, telecommunication, and web designing firms. This study investigates the existing models in E-commerce including B2B Model, B2C Model, Advertising Model, Merchant Model, and probes their applicability in the Albanian scenario. ····· 10361133440

Evaluating the [In]security of Web Applications

für 71.10€ kaufen ···· - Bücher, eBooks, DVD & Blu-ray
The web is a war zone! We cannot escape from it, we are not even soldiers and no one can assure our safety. Surprisingly, almost nobody seems to care: the only thing that matters is to have a presence in the web to communicate with partners and do business. Security issues have cascading effects within enterprises, with dramatic consequences to the dependability of the services they should provide, and it may irreversibly affect the company competitiveness, brand, partners and clients. To deal with this problem, this book is directed towards the evaluation of web application security mechanisms. It presents a field study to analyze and classify a large number of the most important web application vulnerabilities that are SQL Injection and XSS. This field study allowed the proposal of a methodology to inject realistic vulnerabilities in web applications. And this ability turns out to be a critical part of an attack injector for web applications that is also proposed. This tool can be used to evaluate security mechanisms, pointing out their weaknesses and ways of improvement. In the book, one of such security mechanism is also proposed: an IDS for (web application) databases. ····· 10361133295

Retrieval Efficiency of Internet Search Engines

für 61.20€ kaufen ···· - Bücher, eBooks, DVD & Blu-ray
The author has attempted to investigate retrieval efficiency of search engines. The work addresses a pertinent question quality of results, not quantity, which is a big challenge now. The book is undoubtedly, useful for library and information professionals, for its potential as a guide to formulate strategies for new studies to address the questions faced by users as well as information providers. This book may help build a firmer foundation upon which needed skill and understanding can be developed for conduct and evaluation of search engines to evolve the interface design and user experience, enabling the search domain more user-oriented. Yogendra P. Dubey, Ph.D. (University of Pittsburgh),Former Professor (Computer Application),Department of Library & Information Science,Banaras Hindu University ····· 10361132894


für 44.10€ kaufen ···· - Bücher, eBooks, DVD & Blu-ray
Packet switching is a rapid store-and-forward networking design that divides messages into arbitrary packets. Using this, a Virtual Private Network (VPN) is a secured way of connecting a Local Area Network (LAN) to another at a remote location. The VPN uses authentication to deny access to unauthorized users, and encryption to prevent unauthorized users from reading the private network packets. Normal Restoration algorithm (ARA) provides protection on disjoined nodes or paths from the point of failure to the destination. Provisioning & Restoration Algorithm (PRA) combines & optimises the capacity allocation on an end-to-end basis, to satisfy the QoS constraints. Better quality of service is achieved by PRA algorithms. The primary bandwidth is the one on the path under the non-failure case. The additional bandwidth are needed on the alternative paths under the node or link failure case. It is called protected bandwidth. A 20 steps algorithm in this research proposes a combination of the provisioning and restoration to achieve better results than the ones obtained by independent methods. What is next It is Electronic Telepathy . A practical model is designed and proposed !!! ····· 10361132652


für 71.10€ kaufen ···· - Bücher, eBooks, DVD & Blu-ray
In this book, we formulated an intelligent Quality of Service provisioning model with a view to improving the perceived response time of e-commerce clients, while effectively optimizing the limited resources using the fuzzy expert system. A prototype of the model was implemented as a web based n-tier application comprising of the client tier, the web tier and the enterprise tier using Java 2 Enterprise Edition (J2EE) language. The performance of the model was investigated using a simulation program developed in MATLAB modelling language.In the simulation, clients systems characteristics, their purchase histories and page sizes after a search operation is performed were randomly generated from statistical distributions.The simulation result revealed a good performance of the model over the Internet Best Effort model. specifically, the model will provide an effective management of quality of service of web applications in environments where computing and network resources are limited ····· 10361132363

Initial online trust formation: the role of web assurance & location

für 61.20€ kaufen ···· - Bücher, eBooks, DVD & Blu-ray
The advent of electronic commerce has revolutionised the way consumers purchase products and services. Online businesses are growing rapidly to tap into the potential demand of market consumers. Nevertheless, the full potential of business-to-consumer (B2C) e-commerce may not be fully realised with many consumers expressing reservations about engaging in e-commerce transactions. Concerns over privacy and security issues continue to steer consumers away from making Internet purchases. This has caused consumers to lose trust in online businesses. Consumers lack of trust in online transactions has created a need for web assurance services to bridge the trust gap and re-establish consumers faith in online businesses. This study examines whether web assurance services are effective as trust-building mechanisms which encourage consumers to engage in e-commerce transactions. The presence of such a seal should help create a greater perception of trust and facilitate consumers willingness to purchase online. ····· 10361132160


für 71.10€ kaufen ···· - Bücher, eBooks, DVD & Blu-ray
The revolution in information technology has resulted in innovations that are having increasingly important effects on the life of their users, in both their personal and work lives. In particular, the Internet and associated applications such as email and the World Wide Web have had profound impacts over the last twenty or so years that they have been in widespread use, raising issues about various types of digital divide, including that between more and less developed nations. This thesis reports a study carried out on two continents, Europe and Asia, to compare and contrast the adoption of these innovations in a roughly comparable context, that of a University department. Interviews were carried out with 27 women drawn from administrative and academic staff in the University of Brighton (UK) and Kolej Universiti Teknikal Kebangsaan (Malaysia). The results were analysed under the following themes: 1. Differential email usage patterns 2. Differential web usage patterns 3. Affective issues around the use of email and Web 4. Perceptions of the role of the Internet in everyday life 5. Computer-Mediated and Non-Computer-Mediated communication ····· 10361119644

Adaptive Internet Threat Forecasting

für 44.10€ kaufen ···· - Bücher, eBooks, DVD & Blu-ray
Intrusion Prevention Systems (IPS) plays a key role in safeguarding today s data networks. The security effectiveness and performance of these systems are the primary concerns while deploying them inline. In this book we try to address these concerns by taking a pragmatic approach in benchmarking this current generation IPS s using open source tools, techniques and methodology. This approach, we hope will help the network & security administrators to effectively and efficiently secure their corporate network saving their organization significant resources. The book also focuses on modeling an Intrusion Forecasting system(IFS)having the ability to forecast multiple internet threats. This is performed by integrating our benchmarked contemporary IPS solution into an architecture scheme based on honeynets. This model which will not only have the ability to act as an early threat warning system to internet security threats but also adapt and take preventive actions against them, hence effectively protecting corporate assets with very minimal manual intervention.In short, we hope that this book will lay a strong foundation for the evolution of next generation threat prevention products ····· 10361118844

e Learning Technology-enabling Science Education to Female Students

für 44.10€ kaufen ···· - Bücher, eBooks, DVD & Blu-ray
This book investigated gender based potentials andweaknesses of e-learning technology in Higherlearning institutions in Tanzania. The book drewsamples from four Universities namely University ofDar es Salaam (UDSM), Sokoine University ofAgriculture (SUA), Kilimanjaro Christian MedicalCollege (KCMC) of Tumaini University, and The OpenUniversity of Tanzania (OUT). Participants were underthree groups namely undergraduate students,postgraduate students and teaching staff contributingto a total of 251 respondents.The results indicatethat only a small proportion of students usedcomputer during their primary schools, ordinary leveleducation and at university. This study also notedthat only a small number offemale students participated in SMT subjects dueeither fear of these subjects, lack of interest andpoor background. This was reflected in poor usage ofICT as undergraduate female students. Also,access toICT resources was found to be a hindrance to theusage and in enlisting the benefits of e-learning. Inaddition the study reveals that ICT has notbeen fully utilized in Tanzania Universities. ····· 10361118078

Model-Driven Development of Service Compositions

····· lezzter Preis 68.00€ ···· - Bücher, eBooks, DVD & Blu-ray
Service-Oriented Architecture has emerged as an architectural style to foster enterprise interoperability, as it claims to facilitate the flexible composition of loosely-coupled enterprise applications and thus alleviates the heterogeneity problem among enterprises. Meanwhile, Model-Driven Architecture aims at facilitating the development of distributed application functionality, independent from its implementation using a specific technology platform and thus contributes to deployment in different platforms. This book discusses the usability of using model-driven transformation techniques to service composition by transforming service choreography to a set of service orchestration(s). As a proof-of-concept, the book presents the transformation from Web Service Choreography Description Language to Web Service Business Process Execution Language using model-driven transformation techniques. The proof-of-concept shows that the service composition process can be accelerated by using model-driven transformation techniques. ····· 10361117939

Resource Reservation in Mobile Internet Networks

für 44.10€ kaufen ···· - Bücher, eBooks, DVD & Blu-ray
A survey by ERICSON ( one of top tier infrastructure suppliers for mobile networks) in July 2010 shows that there are approximately 0.5 billion smart phones in the globe. This survey estimates 3.4 billion smart phone users in 2015. Thus, the Internet service providers must deliver a high quality of service to the customers who are using latest devices like smart phones, personal digital assistants, mobile enabled laptops such as Windows Mobile and the Windows Phone. ····· 10361117677

Arquitectura para Crawling Dirigido

für 62.10€ kaufen ···· - Bücher, eBooks, DVD & Blu-ray
El objetivo de esta Tesis Doctoral es la definición de una arquitectura y un conjunto de técnicas que posibilite tareas de crawling dirigido con acceso a información que se encuentra en la Web Oculta. Las principales contribuciones son las siguientes: (1) una arquitectura que contempla todos los pasos necesarios para construir de forma efectiva aplicaciones de crawling dirigido capaces de acceder a la Web Oculta, (2) un conjunto de técnicas y algoritmos para realizar crawling de la llamada `Web Oculta del lado cliente`, que se refiere a las páginas no accesibles a los crawlers convencionales debido a complejidades como Ajax y/o el uso de lenguajes de script, (3) un conjunto de técnicas y algoritmos para identificar y aprender a consultar automáticamente formularios de consulta web relevantes para una tarea de crawling dirigido especificada, (4) nuevas técnicas y algoritmos para extraer automáticamente los datos estructurados contenidos en las respuestas obtenidas a consultas efectuadas sobre formularios web. ····· 10361117483

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