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Argentina y Brasil frente a la Seguridad Cooperativa Hemisférica

····· lezzter Preis 35.10€ ···· - Bücher, eBooks, DVD & Blu-ray
Este libro expone y analiza los disensos estratégicos que tuvieron Argentina y Brasil en materia de Seguridad Hemisférica durante la década de los `90. Asimismo, el libro analiza el Esquema de Seguridad Cooperativa Hemisférica liderado por los Estados Unidos de América bajo la Administración Clinton y las repercusiones que tuvo este accionar de la superpotencia hegemónica sobre los mayores socios del MERCOSUR. ····· 1036123641

Métodos y teorías de resolución de conflictos en Colombia

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Por más de cinco décadas Colombia padece una violencia interna sin precedentes en la región. Organizaciones paramilitares, guerrilleras, narcotraficante, entre otras, han marcado la historia reciente del país. Aunque el estado ha logrado minimizar la violencia, ya sea por procesos de negociación como los llevado a cabo con grupos guerrilleros y paramilitares, o con la desintegración de los grandes carteles como el cartel de Medellín y el cartel de Cali, el país aún está lejos de consolidar una paz permanente. En la actualidad, y tras varios fallidos intentos de negociación, el estado Colombiano y la guerrilla de las Fuerzas Armadas Revolucionarias de Colombia (Farc), se encuentran en medio de conversaciones de paz en la Habana. Si bien es prematuro definir el desenlace de tal negociación, lo que sí cabe destacar es que nunca antes se habían logrado acuerdos tan concretos como los alcanzados hasta el momento. Este libro, el cual fue escrito antes del inicio de esta negociación, sugiere métodos y teorías del campo de resolución de conflictos con la esperanza de aportar a diluir obstáculos que dificulten la solución pacifica del conflicto armado mas antiguos del continente. ····· 1036123016

Regímenes internacionales de agua dulce en América del Norte

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El agua dulce ha tenido un papel central en las relaciones internacionales en América del Norte. Ríos y lagos atraviesan las fronteras entre Canadá y Estados Unidos, por un lado, y entre México y su vecino del norte, por el otro. La escasez y la sequía predominan en la frontera mexicano-estadounidense. La abundancia y la riqueza natural son el sello en la frontera entre Canadá y Estados Unidos. Las asimetrías no podrían ser más evidentes. Sin embargo, a lo largo de más de cien años de historia, en esta región del planeta se han conformado regímenes internacionales para el manejo, distribución y conservación del agua, y para resolver disputas internacionales. A lo largo de estas páginas se describen estos regímenes, sus orígenes, desarrollo y algunos de sus resultados. También se ha pretendido hacer una comparación entre la Comisión Internacional de Límites y Aguas (CILA) de México y Estados Unidos, y la Comisión Conjunta Internacional (IJC), de Canadá y Estados Unidos. Toca al lector decidir si estos regímenes han servido para solucionar los problemas importantes en la materia. ····· 1036122885

Crisis de gobernabilidad, desafíos a la seguridad regional

····· lezzter Preis 71.10€ ···· - Bücher, eBooks, DVD & Blu-ray
Desde la restauración de los regímenes democráticos, la mayoría de los países sudamericanos experimentó una sucesión de problemas de gobernabilidad de distinta magnitud. En este sentido, la Región Andina se destaca por la cantidad y gravedad de las crisis de gobernabilidad que enfrentó. Este libro se centra en la relación que las crisis de gobernabilidad establecen con la agenda de seguridad regional. Este vínculo, se plantea en una doble dimensión: por un lado, a partir de la securitización de la democracia en el hemisferio y, por otra parte, gracias a la aparición y el agravamiento de fenómenos transnacionales que devienen de la erosión de las capacidades estatales, en especial a la hora de controlar efectivamente el territorio y los flujos transfronterizos y de ejercer el monopolio legitimo tanto de la fuerza física como de la recaudación impositiva. En Sudamérica, los fenómenos transnacionales que más se destacan son el tráfico de drogas, el contrabando y, en menor medida, las migraciones masivas. Este trabajo, tomará a Bolivia y Ecuador como casos testigos, ya que son los países de la región que más crisis de gobernabilidad de mayor gravedad han debido enfrentar. ····· 1036122345

Una vecindad inestable

für 35.10€ kaufen ···· - Bücher, eBooks, DVD & Blu-ray
En los últimos seis años las relaciones del Líbano con Siria han estado marcadas por momentos de tensión política y militar, específicamente a partir de 2005, cuando se dio un cambio en la geopolítica libanesa luego de dos sucesos relevantes como lo fueron: i) la muerte del ex primer ministro Rafik Hariri y ii) la retirada de las tropas sirias del Líbano. No obstante, es desde la guerra civil libanesa en 1975, cuando Siria toma un papel importante dentro del Líbano con la intervención militar. Dicha injerencia se transforma con el fin de la guerra, amenazando la soberanía, autonomía e integridad territorial libanesa. Asimismo, existe una multiplicidad de actores como Hezbollah, Irán e Israel cada uno con sus propios intereses geopolíticos y estratégicos que influyen en la región y en las relaciones entre Líbano y Siria. Los últimos acontecimientos que se han presentado en Siria, demuestran una vez más que uno de los mayores intereses de la familia Al-Assad es la continuidad del régimen haciendo uso de la fuerza. Lo anterior enmarca el contexto de la presente obra y muestra que todavía hay temas por solucionar. ····· 1036121916

Estados fallidos

für 26.10€ kaufen ···· - Bücher, eBooks, DVD & Blu-ray
La cuestión de los Estados fallidos se ha ido constituyendo como uno de los principales temas de seguridad en el sistema internacional. Luego de los ataques terroristas del 11 de septiembre de 2001 en territorio estadounidense, tanto la academia como la agenda política de los Estados Unidos comenzaron a asumir que las principales amenazas para la paz y la estabilidad internacional como el terrorismo, el crimen organizado o la proliferación de armas de destrucción masiva surgen de aquellos Estados considerados como débiles o fallidos. Esta vinculación entre la agenda política de los Estados Unidos con la agenda académica resulta en un discurso ampliamente aceptado en torno a los Estados fallidos. Un discurso que ha traído una serie de consecuencias políticas en el sistema internacional y que debe ser analizado desde una perspectiva crítica. ····· 1036121748

Children and Boxing in Thailand

für 44.10€ kaufen ···· - Bücher, eBooks, DVD & Blu-ray
Children involved in Thai boxing has long been recognized among the rights advocates and were highlighted as a problem in the Country Report of Thailand to the UN Committee on the Rights of the Child. Nonetheless, the issue remains unsolved. To Thai people, Thai Boxing is beyond a form of martial arts or combat sports but a deeply rooted symbol of being a Thai National. To the majority of child boxers, Muay Thai is a necessary source of income to escape poverty. This issue has always been a controversy, as on one hand, many people seen it as the violation of Children Rights, exploitation and danger to the children development, while the other seen it as the necessity for them to escape from poverty and preserve the national culture heritage. The issue of children under the age of 15 years old engaging in Thai Boxing has been debated for many years but has not yet reached to the better solution for the highest benefits of children. So, which side of debate is correct This book offers in-dept information on this never-ending debate, together with the alternative solutions to the problems. ····· 1036121508

The 2011 Myanmar Spring: Implication for India and China

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Bilateral relations are of immense importance since under the garb of globalisation and global dependence, regional fragmentation is making a headway. This dichotomy is simply visible with the rise of the number of low-intensity-conflicts, proxy warfare, insurgency all over the world. India is situated in a most politically volatile region with her neighbours Pakistan, Bangladesh, Sri Lanka, China, Bhutan and Nepal all coming in different sizes and strengths.Pragmative changes of the 90 s were reflected in the political arena through the Look East Policy . With the `Rising China,` all Asian regional powers, and even the USA have become more concerned about the spread of Chinese influence in Southeast Asia.China-Myanmar proximity can be perceived as a shift of the security and power balance of the whole region. Indian and ASEAN [Association of Southeast Asian Nations] relations with Myanmar are focused on engagement. It is against this backdrop that this book intends to focus and reason out as to why India should go beyond the idealist Nehruvian policy , and go ahead with a realist policy with the goal of securing and maximizing her security interest. ····· 1036119882

Pakistan`s Unreliability in the War on Terror

für 44.10€ kaufen ···· - Bücher, eBooks, DVD & Blu-ray
Since Pakistan joined the U.S global war on terror, it has consistently played an ambiguous and unreliable role. The US has tried every possible way to encourage Pakistan to be more active in the war. However, its efforts have not changed anything. Therefore, this research intends to reveal causal factors behind Pakistan s apparent unreliability and analyze what are practical and theoretical implications of the situation. This research reveals that Pakistan s unreliability in the war on terror is caused by the motivational deficiencies of its leaders. The motivational deficiencies result from a combination of Pakistan s vulnerability as a weak post-colonial state, distrust, the security dilemma and a calculation of its political and strategic interests for the future. Pakistan unreliability, in practical terms, has forced the US to rely more on its own forces and intelligence. This situation has also forced the US to set alliance parameters when dealing with weak post-colonial states in the future. In theoretical terms, this phenomenon has revived the importance of the Omni-balance theory in the alliance politics. The case has allowed refinement to be made to this theory ····· 1036119788

Economic Role of Brazil in a Globalized World

für 44.10€ kaufen ···· - Bücher, eBooks, DVD & Blu-ray
The political sway of Brazil in global affairs is a reflection of its diplomatic, economic and political stamina garnered in recent times. This Latin America country does not only leave its imprint on global terrain but increasingly commanding regional respect, which evidently redefines Latin America to the rest of the world. Brazil was instrumental in the creation of NAM and that historical fact has again repeated itself in the structure of BRICS, adding a nuance to global institution. Brazil s new political and economic standing will make little difference and short lived, if Brazil fails to carry along the rest of the region on same footing and direction. As a country with the largest Catholic population and Portuguese speakers, Brazil has proven the ineffectiveness of authoritarian system and ultra socialist idea, instead blends the latter with the viable and workable aspect of liberal market system. ····· 1036119787

Gender regimes in the candidate countries

für 53.10€ kaufen ···· - Bücher, eBooks, DVD & Blu-ray
Previous research has established a link between the level of transposition of EU legislation and the national government s characteristics and preferences. In the area of gender equality this has been labelled as the national gender regime of a country. Studies from Ostner and Lewis and Clavero and Galligan have shown that this gender regime can constrain a country in transposing the EU s gender legislation. This thesis continues this path of research by examining the levels of transposition and gender regimes in Croatia and Turkey. Both of these countries are compared to Slovenia, which had been identified in earlier research as easily complying with EU legislation. It finds that challenges to transposition continue to exist in Croatia and Turkey. However, all of the three countries, including Slovenia, show a different gender regime and a different transposition performance. This study concludes that the EU is able to influence these countries on different levels because of the countries gender regimes. ····· 1036119299

The Battle for Control

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The Tibet question is a dispute over the political status of Tibet between the Chinese government and the Tibetan government in exile: A battle for control. In this matter, Tibet extends far beyond the issue of sovereignty as it raises questions about the controversy between international law and the universality of human rights, the classic nation-state paradigm and the modern conceptualizations of terms underlying the issue. Both sides are written through a different lens, defined by an ambiguous relationship between the traditional periphery and core paradigm on one side, and a modern nation-state system conception on the other. As the fate of a nation once again is being threatened while the world community stands by, one can question the capacity and the willingness of the international community, committed to the high ideals of the United Nations, in delivering either peace or justice. Although the discourse of international politics in theory constitutes certain norms and principles, the practice exposes no more than an interest-led game. From this point of view, self-determination is a powerful reflection of the controversial fields of international relations. ····· 1036119167

The Energy Impact Theory of Foreign Policy

für 71.10€ kaufen ···· - Bücher, eBooks, DVD & Blu-ray
National wealth derived from the production of oil and gas is considered exceptional. As well as being potentially detrimental to the broader economy, it is thought liable to diminish standards of governance and fuel civil conflict. However, while these and other domestic effects have received significant attention, little systematic research has been completed into the potential for fluctuations in energy wealth to function as an underlying determinant of foreign policy. This book corrects this oversight by presenting the energy impact theory of foreign policy. Drawing upon the resource curse literature as well as existing works of foreign policy analysis, the model predicts that increases in energy riches not only amplify the scale and scope of major energy-producing states international activity, but induce aggression, unilateralism, and even potentially ruinous overconfidence. This model is tested using detailed case studies of the Soviet Union and Russian Federation, 1970 to 2010, and is found to display considerable predictive potential. As such, this book is likely to be of significance to all those with an interest in energy, IR theory and Soviet/Russian foreign policy. ····· 1036119099

Justifications of Inaction

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This book`s theme is located at the intersection of international relations, international law, and ethics. It provides an excellent overview of discussions on humanitarian intervention during the last decades and an original and fruitful contribution to them. It clarifies some of the issues those debates left largely untouched. Peltonen s approach reverses the burden of proof and investigates why and under what circumstances non-intervention by members of the international community could be justified. Albeit this reversal anticipates many of the later doctrinal innovations (e.g. in the Responsibility to Protect), Peltonen is not a simple observer of trends who just happened to have had the right intuition where the debate was going after the atrocities of Rwanda and the Balkans. Rather than a contribution to the never ending saga of human progress and the apotheosis of universal human rights, Peltonen provides a thoughtful, prudent piece of work that will be read with profit by international relations specialists, international theorists, international lawyers, and, mirabile dictum, even by decision-makers. Friedrich Kratochwil (EUI) ····· 1036119091

EU-AU Strategic Partnership on Security

für 71.10€ kaufen ···· - Bücher, eBooks, DVD & Blu-ray
Since the first EU-Africa Summit in Cairo, 2000, strategic partnership between the EU and the AU in the fields of peace and security has increased. The second EU-Africa Summit was held in Lisbon in December 2007. Both the EU and the AU highlighted the importance of keeping peace and security, and decided to enhance relationships in a wide range of activities in particular, in the area of conflict prevention and resolution. This book explores strategic partnership between the two important global actors in the areas of peace and security and discusses the questions of why the EU strengthened its strategic partnership with the AU after 2000 and why the EU shifted its foreign and security policy towards Africa. Moreover, this study deals with internal and external dynamics undermining security cooperation between the two actors and seeks an answer how international actors can play a more constructive role in sustaining peace, security, and stability on the continent of Africa. ····· 1036118893

Protest Inside Tibet and Xinjiang

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For the past sixty years, development rhetoric has marked Beijing s political agenda for Tibet and Xinjiang, in order to create social stability. In that time, both regions have shown incredible economic transformation, but in 2008 and 2009 both provinces engaged in violent uprisings. These protests were begun by peaceful means, but quickly turned violent, exposing multiple layers of underlying tension divided on ethnic lines. How can this disjuncture be explained after sixty years of integration and does the moral economy framework provide a useful analysis for the motivations behind these recent events ····· 1036118359

Society goes to War

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The generalized verdict on the failure of European multiculturalism, for once unambiguous across borders and distinct governmental logics and the political call for the mobilization of society in the defense of the state is the background on which this paper discriminates the terms of a present warlike discourse of the grieved liberal society. The productive discourse of war against an insidious enemy dwelling inside the liberal way-of-life poses at the heart of this crisis the danger of degeneracy of democratic societies and of a new vitality of the pernicious parts spreading further infection with disloyalty to democracy. This paper reconnects with a Foucauldian analysis of racism whose stakes are not in the blood struggle but in the project of biopolitical security whose field of operation is in the new spatialities (their constituting terms and technologies) which organize the hierarchies of forms of life. The failure of multiculturalism as a failure of liberal disciplinary governmentality is the entry point of a struggle whose terms are as much geopolitical as biopolitical, and the terms of the societal danger have displaced old topologies of decision over sovereign exclusion. ····· 1036118351

Europäische Sicherheit

für 7.90€ kaufen ···· - Bücher, eBooks, DVD & Blu-ray
Wie steht es um die Selbstbehauptung der Europäischen Union Die Beiträge in diesem Band untersuchen die Rolle Europas vor dem Hintergrund der von den USA ausgerufenen Großmächtekonkurrenz. Die EU kann zwar mit wirtschaftlicher Stärke aufwarten, aber die Machtwährungen, die in dieser Konkurrenz relevant scheinen, fehlen: Nuklearwaffen und militärische Hochrüstung. Wie die Autor\*innen aus verschiedenen Länderperspektiven zeigen, hängt die Bedeutung der EU als globale Kraft an der Frage der Souveränität der Europäer\*innen in der Außen- und Sicherheitspolitik. ····· 103616761

Die deutsch-französischen Beziehungen

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Frankreich und Deutschland sind die wichtigsten Partner in Europa. Ohne
sie gibt es keine wirklichen Fortschritte in der Europäischen Union. Aber
immer wieder kommt es zwischen beiden Ländern zu Konflikten. Sind
sie zu verschieden, um wirklich ein deutsch-französischer Motor zu sein
Das Buch beschreibt die vielfältigen, oft wenig bekannten Facetten der
bilateralen Beziehungen. Es erklärt Potenziale, Grenzen und Probleme
einer spannungsreichen, aber konstruktiven Partnerschaft. ····· 103616675

Der Nordkorea-Konflikt

für 36.00€ kaufen ···· - Bücher, eBooks, DVD & Blu-ray
Nach Jahrzehnten der Konfrontation im Korea-Konflikt sprechen die USA und Nordkorea seit 2018 direkt miteinander. Der Band beschäftigt sich mit den aktuellen Verhandlungsprozessen, den Interessenlagen der Hauptkonfliktparteien, dem Nuklearpotenzial Nordkoreas und denkbaren Wegen aus dem Kon flikt. Ist eine neue Sicherheitsordnung in Nordostasien abzusehen Warum verhandelt die Trump-Administration mit Nordkorea, wohingegen sie das 2015 vereinbarte internationale Abkommen mit dem Iran mit allen Mitteln bekämpft ····· 103616666

Revisiting Regionalism and the Contemporary World Order

für 59.90€ kaufen ···· - Bücher, eBooks, DVD & Blu-ray
The book critically analyzes the ongoing changes in the regional, intra-regional, and global dynamics of cooperation, from a multi-disciplinary and pluralist perspective. It is based on the insight that in a post-hegemonic world the formation of regions and the process of globalization can be largely disconnected from the orbit of the US, and that a plurality of power and worldviews has replaced US hegemony. In spite of these changes, most existing analyses of current changes in the world order still rely upon Western-centered approaches, and Westphalian thinking. Against this backdrop, the book proposes to advance a truly global IR understanding of the post-hegemonic world, and weaves together the pluralist and multi-disciplinary perspectives of scholars located all around the world. ····· 103616657

Arsenal of Autocracy - Russia and China`s Military Strategy in a Multipolar World

für 39.90€ kaufen ···· - Bücher, eBooks, DVD & Blu-ray
This book explores the military strategy and military modernization of Russia and China post-2001. In a complex international system where US power wanes and new powers emerge, Russia and China are the most notable and potent challengers to the post-Cold War world order centred on the West, the US, and NATO. The security challenge these powers pose is enhanced by their unique military histories and ways of war, which are driven by their status as revisionist powers, and are tailored to counter the advantages of the Western way of war. ····· 103616656

How Sentiment Matters in International Relations: China and the South China Sea Dispute

für 58.00€ kaufen ···· - Bücher, eBooks, DVD & Blu-ray
Der Aufstieg der Volksrepublik China stellt die internationale Politik und Diplomatie vor immense Herausforderungen. Gleichzeitig nehmen die Spannungen zwischen den USA und der Volksrepublik unaufhörlich zu. Beide Staaten steuern unmittelbar auf einen Konflikt zu, den keine Seite intendiert und dessen allumfassende Konsequenzen noch kaum absehbar sind. Ein besonderer Schauplatz dieser wachsenden Auseinandersetzung ist die Region Südostasien, in der sowohl die USA, im Verbund mit einigen Anrainerstaaten, als auch die Volksrepublik China miteinander in einem harten Wettbewerb um die regionale Vorherrschaft stehen. Dieses Buch zeigt anhand der territorialen und maritimen Konflikte in der Südchinesischen See auf, dass Chinas zunehmend proaktive und rücksichtslosere Position gegenüber diesen Konflikten und den Konfliktparteien auch eine Folge der zunehmenden Wahrnehmung von Respektlosigkeit und dem damit einhergehenden Wunsch Chinas, dies entsprechend zu korrigieren, ist und nicht allein eine strategische Entscheidung oder gar unvermeidliche Entwicklung darstellt. Auf diesen Ergebnissen aufbauend wird die Möglichkeit eines nachhaltigen Konfliktmanagements diskutiert und entsprechend eine Reihe konkreter Handlungsempfehlungen formuliert. ····· 103616648

Die Afrikapolitik der Europäischen Union

für 28.99€ kaufen ···· - Bücher, eBooks, DVD & Blu-ray
Seit Mitte der 1990er Jahre sind die Beziehungen der Europäischen Union zum afrikanischen Kontinent in einem fundamentalen Wandel begriffen. Politische Elemente wie die Einhaltung von Menschenrechten, Demokratisierung, Good Governance sowie Konfliktprävention inkl. Krisenmanagement nehmen mittlerweile einen zentralen Stellenwert in der EU-Afrikapolitik ein. Nach einer ausführlichen Bilanzierung der über 40-jährigen Beziehungen der EWG/EG/EU zu Afrika analysiert das Buch diesen jüngeren Paradigmenwechsel unter dem Stichwort `Politisierung` und untersucht die Akteursqualität der EU in der Afrikapolitik. Dabei ist die Frage von besonderem Interesse, ob und in welchem Maß die EU sich durch Strukturreformen und neue Politikansätze inzwischen in die Lage versetzt hat, wirksam zur friedlichen Entwicklung Afrikas beizutragen. Die Analyse der Afrikapolitik ausgewählter EU-Mitgliedstaaten (Deutschland, Frankreich, Großbritannien) untersucht den Trend zur Europäisierung und ein Blick auf die US-Afrikapolitik erhellt den heutigen Stellenwert des Schwarzen Kontinents in der internationalen Politik. ····· 103616322

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