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Estilos de vida

für 71.10€ kaufen ···· - Bücher, eBooks, DVD & Blu-ray
Este estudio responde a una necesidad social y al interés de profesionales de la actividad físico-deportiva por conocer la situación y condiciones sociales y familiares en la que viven los adultos mayores de 60 años del municipio de Tapachula Chiapas, México. Encontramos que en nuestro país (México) existen pocas investigaciones empíricas que aborden y describan las características y condiciones morfofuncionales y psicológicas de los sujetos de la tercera edad. En esta investigación se aportan datos sobre la situación sociodemográfica: estado civil, actividad laboral, nivel de estudios y condiciones económica, así como comportamientos, factores y correlatos ante la práctica físico-deportiva en tres momentos de la vida: etapa de dependencia familiar (desde la niñez hasta la formación de familia propia), etapa de independencia familiar (desde el matrimonio hasta que cumple los 59 años) y etapa de adulto mayor (mayor de 60 años), lo que nos permitió analizar la evolución de los comportamientos de esta población. En concreto, se han recogido datos sobre lo que realizan práctica físico-deportiva, los que han abandonado y los que nunca han practicado actividades físico-deportiva. ····· 10361116245

The Gothic Portal

für 35.91€ kaufen ···· - Bücher, eBooks, DVD & Blu-ray
The academic legitimization of Gothic studies over the last thirty years reflects the resurgence of Gothic elements in numerous American and British (and some significant Canadian) cultural productions and research fields. Since the 1764 inception of the literary Gothic with Horace Walpole s The Castle of Otranto, Gothic genres have evolved in waves. Rictor Norton identifies the first wave between 1764 and 1840, the second from the late-Victorian era of the 1880s to World War I, and the third since the mid-1970s. Specifically, one can cite 1976 as a formal beginning of that third wave with Anne Rice s landmark novel Interview with the Vampire. While many online sites exist for the first two major Gothic periods, the diversity and extent of works after 1976 poses a challenge in terms of finding a central location for academically sound materials. Thus this localization of Gothic resources from 1976 to 2008, utilizing Morville and Rosenfeld s three circles of information architecture, constructs a third-wave portal of electronic materials, as well as an exploration of research methods, user needs, and an evaluation of websites, literature, media, and library materials. ····· 10361115522

Canadian Nationalism and George Ryga: A Postcolonial Perspective

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This book focusses on the plays of George Ryga by applying Post-colonial theory. The book studies the plays of Ryga in the light of the argument that as a product of a multicultural society the plays critique the national policy of Canada and have played an important role in sensitizing the Canadian society about the problems of natives and other ethnoracial minorities. George Ryga (1932-1987) produced his work at a time when the question about a viable Canadian national identity was gaining momentum. As a marginalized Ukrainian Canadian Ryga was well aware of the bias inherent in the Canadian national and multicultural policy. His plays are strong statements of resistance against Canadian nationalism. Ryga s plays embody a discourse about the silent strategies of suppression adopted by the Canadian government to marginalize the natives as well as the ethnic minorities of Canada. The chapters of the book will scrutinize the ways in which this discourse has been used by Ryga. How does he address racial and cultural differences How do the plays bring out the dialectics of Canadian nationalism sentation. ····· 10361115258

The `Right to Life` of the Unborn Child

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In principle, Abortion is a criminal act in Ethiopia.Exceptionally for some specifically listed grounds legal abortion is allowed.But, the way this exceptions is interpreted in practice has caused a lot of problems on the protections available for the life of the unborn child.Thus, this book aims at examining and critically analyzing the abuse of abortion laws by many women s in Addis Ababa. Hence, the protections available for the life of the unborn child and its enforcements under the FDRE Constitution and ordinary legislation`s of the country will be analyzed from the practice of legal abortion for rape and incest victims in Addis Ababa. Accordingly, the writer argues that both international human rights law and Ethiopian law provide some level of protection for the life of the unborn child. There is also a duty on part of the government of Ethiopia to enforce such protections available for the life of the unborn child. ····· 10361115116

The Cultures of the Banyakitara

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The Challenge of the Banyakitara culture which has been in existence for many centuries is being presented from so many perspectives that the source oral narratives get lost in the interpretations. This book which combines the accounts from the grassroots in their original language and research data in English attempts for the first time to reconcile the different sources. It aims at updating conceptions and injecting critique in the various aspects of Banyakitara culture that are discussed. It is a unique scholarly initiative which has brought together for the very first time, the Banyankore, Bakiga, Banyoro and Batooro perspectives to be served in one dish. It is our hope that the reader will find in this diversity good old familiar flavors, tasty contrasts, and fresh juicy discoveries about the Banyakitara culture. The co-authors of this book have all been involved in the introduction of Runyakitara as a teaching subject at various levels of education in Uganda. This team of researchers and educationalists shares the vision of using our common cultural strands to strengthen the voices of the Banyakitara. ····· 10361114804

Changing Face Of Medical Tourism In India

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Changing Face of Medical Tourism is a comprehensive and authoritative book designed to meet the requirements of students of tourism and others. The book provides a sharp focus on all relevant concepts and principles of medical tourism and adds value to the reader understanding of the subject. This book is about exploring the potential of medical tourism in the district of Gurgaon, Haryana, which is fast emerging as a leading player in providing world class healthcare facilities to the population from around the world thus fast creating a niche for itself in the health tourism map of the world ····· 10361114706

Kombi-Paket: Und führe uns... Bände 1-3: UND FÜHRE UNS zur GELD-SCHEIN-BILDUNG (Band 1) . Und führe uns zur Schein-Mensch-Bildung (Band 2) . Und führe uns zur Macht-Schein-Bildung (Band 3)

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Dieses Kombi-Paket beinhaltet die drei Bände UND FÜHRE UNS zur GELD-SCHEIN-BILDUNG (Band 1) . Und führe uns zur Schein-Mensch-Bildung (Band 2) . Und führe uns zur Macht-Schein-Bildung (Band 3). ····· 10361108326

Hans Jürgen Syberberg und das Modell Nossendorf

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Hans Jürgen Syberberg (geb.1935) ist als Regisseur ein bedeutender Vertreter des deutschen Films der Nachkriegszeit. Sein Werk zeichnet sich durch seine eigene Bildsprache und Ästhetik aus und setzt sich kritisch mit dem allgemein akzeptierten Wahrnehmungssystem auseinander. Zentrales Anliegen seines Schaffens ist es, die durch den Krieg entstandene Leere in der Kulturtradition Deutschlands aufzuzeigen und zu überwinden. Die asymmetrischen Spannungsfelder im `Modell Nossendorf` funktionieren als einmaliges Korrektiv, d.h. in seinen `Filmen`, Installationen und auf der Webseite kreiert Syberberg eine gedankenreiche Kunstrealität, die die großen Zusammenhänge deutscher Kulturgeschichte veranschaulicht, neu zusammensetzt und eine neue Zukunft entstehen läbetat. Die vorliegende erste deutschsprachige Monographie versucht das komplexe Werk Syberbergs zu entschlüsseln und in Denkweise und Ästhetik seiner faszinierenden Kunst einzuführen. ····· 10361108283

Und führe uns zur Macht-Schein-Bildung

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Warum sind Sie laut Personalausweis nur Personal, Sache wie Vieh, daher nicht Mensch Warum sind Sie nur Besitzer und Zahler Ihres Hauses und Autos, daher nicht Eigentümer Wozu soll `die Menschheit unter 500 Millionen` gehalten werden `mit gemäßigter Vernunft` Der Mensch ist quantenphysikalisch Frequenz. Ist er mit Gott wie Natur, mit sich und seiner Umgebung im Reinen, schwingt er gut, ist er gesund, kann er 200 Jahre und älter werden. Kaum so der unter das `Schuld-en`-Geldsystem gedrehte (diabolisch, diaballein: durcheinander werfen), unbewusst schlecht schwingende `Deutsch`-Personalausweisträger. Er rackert im Tross der nazi-verwurzelten EU unter ROMischen Verträgen und US-ROM-Corporation, Inc. 1871, Hauptsiegermacht des sog. 2. Welt-Krieges (Grundgesetz Art. 120). Der us-getarnte Besatzer und Co wie `BRD-GERMANY` (baal wie satan, deutsch: besetzen, wie verstellen) baalisiert die ahnungslos medial manipulierten Persoträger im NA-ZI-Fangnetzsystem römischer Katholizität: Eine versteckte `Räuberbande` uralter Provenienz beherrscht das Land hinter den Kulissen derartig, dass sogar der Inhaber des von Luther angeprangerten `Raubstuhls`, Benedikt XVI., der `Räuberbande` im Bundestag deutschfreundlich als `Landsmann`, kriegslistig als `Papst` mit Augustinus das Wort sprach und danach beredt zurücktrat. - Luther enttarnte das `baylonische Gefängnis der Kirche` mit seiner `Blutsäufer`-Tyrannis für Baal. Männer wurden und werden in mammonitischen Moloch-Kriegen geschlachtet, Kinder in satanistischen Opferritualen geschächtet, bis heute! - Jesus warnte vor den `Kindermördern` und `Hurenböcken` (Judas-Evangelium) der Priester-Polit-Kaste mit ihrem `Schuld-en`-Opferdienst er wies Petrus als Satan von sich (Mt 16, 23). - Die Urchristen folgten der Befreiungsbotschaft Jesu Christi von `Schuld-en` (Mt 6, 12) sie wurde baalisiert, die Bibel verfälscht, ebenso Verträge, Wissen, Wissenschaft, Forschung, Lehre und Medien bis heute! Alle nicht römisch-katholischen Christ-Völker wurden verdeckt vernichtet, indes soll die ganze Menschheit durch unmerklich schleichende Euthanasie und Eugenik vernichtet werden, s.o. Die Inquisition agiert strukturanalytisch unverändert, aber methodisch getarnt, raffiniert wie nie zuvor. - Bismarck bewahrte die `Deutschen` als Menschen vor der Konzern-Kanonisierung Roms, der Personal-`Firm-ierung`. Doch der Putsch des Kaiserreiches 1918 hält an bis heute! Luther und Benedikt XVI. stimmen frappierend überein: Die `Deutschen ... haben alles`, nur sie `verstehen dies... nicht recht anzuwenden` (Luther). `Wir müssen...all dies recht zu gebrauchen lernen` (Benedikt). Nur wer seine Herkunft kennt, hat Zukunft. Geschehen in Geschichte und Gegenwart ist seit altersher diktiert in Manie und Manier einer immer `ärger` Völker stressenden `Räuberbande` (Luther, Benedikt). Seit rund 2000 Jahren verstellt sie im Missbrauch des Macht-Scheins Christi den Menschen die Lebenswirklichkeit, nach der Reformation versteckt mit zunehmend okkult-politischer MACHT-SCHEIN-, GELD-SCHEIN- und SCHEIN-MENSCH-BILDUNG, aktuell. SELBST- wie WIR-Bewusstwerdung und -Ermächtigung steht an: Es ist der Quantensprung im `fröhlichen Wechsel` vom Personal zum freien Menschen in Würde! ····· 10361108261

Und führe uns zur Schein-Mensch-Bildung 2

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Das Unsägliche, das dieser 2. Band aufzeigt, weiß sich mir nur gesagt im Gebet Jesu, um es überhaupt sagbar zu machen. Seine Bitte `und führe uns` dient `Menschen` gemeinsam frei zu werden von dem, der `in Versuchung` führt, in Schuld wie Schulden und okkult-politische Schein-Machenschaften: Zur `Geld-Schein-Bildung` und `SchEIN-Mensch-Bildung`mittels nazi-radikalisierter Euthanasie und Eugenik! Gewollt ist eine `mensch-artig` folgsam funktionsfähige und `robot-artig` fügsam funktionierende Menschheit` gehalten `unter 500 gemäßigter Vernunft`. Menschen-Milliardenschwund und ein genormtes Welt-EINheitswesen. Dazu wird nicht ins BILD gesetzt, noch ins Lehren und Lernen. Ein Welt-EINheitstyp soll her. Transhumanismus bahnt sich an in zwei Umgangsweisen mit der Spezies: - Zum einen werden `Menschen` immer weniger `gebraucht`. Sie sind der Finanz-Wirtschaft, genauer, dem Korpokratiesystem, zu teuer und zunehmend überflüssig. Menschliche Arbeit wird ersetzt durch die von `Menschen` selbst entwickelte künstliche Intelligenz. Roboter-Maschinen arbeiten durchgängig, sind nie krank, kosten nach der Anschaffung nur den Wartungsaufwand. Und beides ist steuerlich absetzbar. - Zum anderen sind `Menschen` in der sog. BRD verschwiegen entmenscht, entwürdigt zu Baphomets Vieh-Sache: Seit 1933 ist jeder Personalausweisträger als `Sache` mit Trust-Wert-Schein an der Börse gehandelt. Die `BRD` ist Schein-Staat in Überlagerung deutscher Bundesstaaten, daher BRiD. Die Tatsache sind medialpolitisch verheimlicht. Die `BRD` ist 100%ige Gesellschafterin der BRD-Finanzagentur, eingesetzt zur Verwaltung im Siegerauftrag der US-Corporation. Auch das ist verschwiegener Schein-Staat. Er ist 1871 gegen die USA/CSA Bevölkerung, kriminell geputscht, entstanden. Diese private Corporation nennt sich `Empire of the City`,Welt-Imperium: Stellwerk 3er Stadtstaaten: Washington D.C., City of London, Vatikan. In diesem just enttarnten Zugriff `Roms` und unter `RömischenVerträgen` zur EU-Korporation agiert die BRiD-Korporation ... ····· 10361108210

Über Goethe

für 39.80€ kaufen ···· - Bücher, eBooks, DVD & Blu-ray
Die Texte sind das Ergebnis der Arbeit für die Goethegesellschaft Tessin in der Zeit vom 28.08.2008 bis 28.08.2011. Sie gehen zurück auf ein Goethe-Seminar, das der Verfasser im Sommersemester 2008 an der Theologischen Fakultät der Universität Rostock gehalten hat. Die Arbeit an den Texten und die Gespräche mit den Studierenden und den Teilnehmern der Goethegesellschaft haben dem Verfasser zu seiner Freude gezeigt, daß das Bildungsprofil eines Theologen ein tieferes Verstehen unserer klassischen Dichtung ermöglicht. Das Buch umfaßt 14 Texte, die einen charakteristischen Ausschnitt aus dem Dichten und Denken Goethes repräsentieren: Lyrik, Epik und Dramatik sowie Philosophie, Naturwissenschaften und Religion. Insofern kann das Buch auch als Einfiihrung in das Lebenswerk Goethes gelesen werden. Die wichtigste Voraussetzung rur ein adäquates Verstehen Goetheschen Dichtens und Denkens ist die anhaltende und eingehende Lektüre Goethes selbst und dann erst der Literatur über ihn. Wenn es einen durchgehenden hermeneutischen Gesichtspunkt der Interpretation der Texte gibt, dann den Versuch, Welt, Mensch und Gott als Gegenstände Erklären, Verstehen und Glauben als Methoden zusammenzubringen. Diese ontologische und gnoseologische Vollständigkeit war bis zu Goethezeit (Hegel!) durchweg noch gegeben. Wir sollten uns bemühen, sie zurück zu gewinnen! ····· 10361107340

Tennessee Williams and Indian Ethos

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Tennessee Williams personalizes in historic and psychic biography the bent of the American experience since the first unsettlement of this country. Much and enough work has been done tracing out the psychological bent in Williams plays but less has been accomplished with reference to inclusion of rich philosophical aspects in them. His plays constitute a multi dimensional spectrum of philosophy and are an impressive study of family dynamics. His philosophy as crystallized in his plays is not only American pragmatism but also existentialism and Indian metaphysics. The study explicates that creative literature should proceed in a direction where there is an opportunity to understand the characters through holistic and humanitarian approach where there is recognition of their emotional and psychological growth vis-à-vis their spiritual needs. This would demand a re-evaluating of all mental attitude of the society that tries to evade the hidden truth of human predicament. It is hoped that the present study would be relevant and useful for further research in this area, promoting a new direction and insight to understand the plays of Tennessee Williams in light of Indian ethos. ····· 10361102778

***»Erklär mir, Liebe«

····· lezzter Preis 17.00€ ···· - Bücher, eBooks, DVD & Blu-ray
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A New Face Of American Presidency

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Main goal of the work is to make an attempt to find the answer to the question: Why did American people elect the African American as their 44th president after so many racial prejudices and turbulent two hundred and more years in terms of racism This work tries to analyze the complexity of Race in American life from the political, social and economic perspectives, and study the stereotypes that historically existed towards the slavery and still exist towards the African Americans It also deals with the leadership factor for African American community analyzes and differentiates leadership styles of the twentieth century African American leaders and singles out main trends that led to the Civil Rights Movement of the 1960s and concentrates on civil rights generation of blacks, as well as other blacks who proceeded Barack Obama, paving the way for his acceptance. ····· 10361100310

The socio-economic effects of migration on places of origin

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This study investigated the socio-economic effects of migration on places of origin in rural Ankole, Western Uganda in 1990-2000. The study was carried out in the migrants area of origin not migrants area of destination. A sample of 300 households comprised of 2024 people was drawn from two counties (Igara and Ruhinda) of Bushenyi District, Western Uganda. Households with or without people who have migrated were compared to ascertain socio-economic differences in their status. A total of 148 households who have had out migrants and 152 households that have had migrants were compared. The independent variable was migration status of the household (migrant or non migrant) and the dependent variables were education, health, possessions in form of fixed assets, type of housing and affordability of certain food assets. A socio-economic index was computed to analyze expenditure patterns and well-being of the households. This was done because it is difficult to establish income levels of rural people. The socio-economic index shows the socio-economic status between households of migrants and non migrants. ····· 10361100242

Tips For Selecting Your Ideal Spouse

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This book contains 500 tested and trusted TIPS for Selecting your Ideal Spouse which is the prerequisite for an ideal home. Hey you stop it! Don t agree to marry him or her until you have purchase and read this book! When you apply the tips of this book, the ultimate you deserve is the theme of the book which is securing an ideal spouse for attaining an ideal home . Overall, fifty stem tips have been discussed in 500 tips for achieving this purpose, such that each stem tip is broken down into ten branched tips which gives the total number. Make sure you have seen at least three hundred out of these five hundred tips in a man or woman, including the award winning characters, the master of caregivers, inviting and attractive appearance, a guided religionist plus any other combination, before you strike the marriage contract. This is the author s recommendation in recognizing the fact that none is perfect but God. However the more quality you secure, the closer you are to ideal. So, may the good Lord grant those people, who are keen to applying these tips in selecting their ideal spouse, the ideal spouse and the ideal home by extension. Cheer not jeer! ····· 10361100232

Impacts of Ageing Tourists on Tourism Development

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Ageing population is evident in most developed countries (generating markets for tourism) with an expectation of the trend extending to other countries over the medium term (UNWTO, 2010), tourists needs as well as their motivation to travel and decision making process are going to change. This research paper seeks to examine the impacts ageing population of tourists is going to have on the tourism industry in developing economies with Ghana been used as a case study. ····· 10361100142

The Jewish Refugees in Postwar Italy, 1945-1951

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The Jewish Displaced Persons, survivors of the Holocaust, among them former partisans and concentration camp inmates started arriving in Italy in summer 1945. Originally from the Baltic States, Hungary and other parts of Eastern Europe, their immigration reached its peak in 1947 and ended in 1951 when the last refugees left Italy. Throughout these years between 50 000-70 000 refugees passed through Italy on their way to mostly Eretz Israel. Contemporary testimonies support the refugee view that Italy was a different place and they felt for the most part accepted. The story of the Jewish refugees in Italy was a glorious one: they had a goal and most of them obtained it as they arrived in Eretz Israel. The purpose of the research is two-fold: it examines the movement and arrival in Italy of the refugees, as well as the attitudes of the Italian government, public and security forces towards them. It also examines the refugees themselves, their goals and aspirations and the social conditions of the DP camps. These aspects form an important part of political and social history, also in terms of the international effort to aid the refugees. ····· 10361100040

Communication and Language Learning

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In recent ESL research there has been a move away from grammar-based approaches for teaching students and more focus on content. What is real world are assemblages of people and their environment linked together. In response to the communication vs. language conflict, a study has been done that applies many teaching methods into slideshows for English as a Second Language (ESL) purposes. The study presented here found that the lessons demonstrate a clear contrast between instruction using language and instruction focused on people communicating, and that this will encourage the growth of communication among teachers and students in ESL classrooms. ····· 1036199998

Liberation, Women and Culture in Ndebele Literature

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This book is a survey of selected themes in the Ndebele novel. It is the first exposition of this level on the Ndebele novel written in English. The book is intended for university level students of African, and Ndebele literature in particular. It is also a useful starting point for a foreigner that wants to study Ndebele literature. The student of literary theory will also find the book handy as it also sets out the parameters of literary criticism. To this date, there has been no published treatise of the Ndebele novel of this kind written in English. The book focuses on three main themes, which are the Zimbabwe liberation struggle, women and the cultural conflict and how these are handled in the Ndebele novel. These themes were chosen on the basis of their currency and relevance in the socio-political discourse of Zimbabwe. ····· 1036199983

Developing Marketing Strategies

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Marketing is of interest to everyone whether they are marketing goods, services, properties, places, events, information, ideas or organizations. Information can be produced and marketed as a product which is essentially created by schools and universities in form of research findings, services offered and distributed to library users. This book is based on the understanding that the documentation centre is a custodian of social memory and its products or services must be marketed. The integration of marketing into library services is helpful because it reinforces and reiterates the basic values and beliefs of the profession in a changing environment. Marketing library services is not just a question of money, but of the attitudes of the staff and the entire organization. This book sought to investigate the existing Documentation centre services, the marketing strategies employed, the extent of marketing, the challenges facing the staff while marketing their services and suggested relevant marketing strategies. This book is essential for librarians, Deans of schools, Heads of Departments and a must read for Senior Management of Institutions who make and implement policies. ····· 1036199593

For The Future

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An intriguing look into the interconnectedness of conspiracy theories, paranoia, art, and consciousness in contemporary American society, with a focus on literary works by acclaimed author Don DeLillo. Through close character analysis and under the lens of cultural theory, this thesis pushes readers to think critically about the effects of societal terror on the individual and the collective. With close attention to the transformative and healing power of art, and a sensitivity to the possible subjugations of such power, the writer seamlessly forms a compelling discourse that is a must read for any fan of Don DeLillo, student of cultural theory, conspiracy theory fanatic, or general art lover. A carefully researched and bravely executed argument that inspires readers to appreciate the beauty and possibilities of re-writing history. ····· 1036199586

Ethics and the Practice of Democracy in Nigeria

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Democracy in recent times seems to be a panacea for bad governance. It is widely accepted around the globe. In Nigeria, democracy has become the hallmark for development thinkers. When democracy was re-introduced in Nigeria in 1999, every Nigerian was happy that salvation has come to Nigeria. The operators had their different plan. They divide the theory from the practice of democracy. It is common to hear political office holders openly declare that Nigeria is guided by the Rule of Law, transparency and popular participation in governance,but their actions show that corruption, oppression, and various forms of injustice are to be highly rewarded. They have failed to blend ethics with the practice of democracy in any part of the country. This is because Nigerians have considered the principles of democracy as being separated from ethical values in Nigeria. In fact, Nigerian politicians who claim to be operating democratic style of governance do not reflect these democratic values in their actions and words. This is why integrity and development are inadequate in Nigeria. In order to make Nigeria great again, democracy must be practised using ethical values as controls. ····· 1036199459

Understanding Woman

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Woman as a living entity is a source of tremendous research as this species is different anatomically, psychologically and emotionally. Solid evidence shows that men and women do differ in social relating,aptitude,and personality.Much of the evidence also indicates that these differences are not simply a matter of socialization or cultural conditioning.The common-sense view notes actual observed differences in the ways men and women behave, but its conceptual framework is too simplified. Significant differences between men and women do exist.However, they must be carefully defined and described if they are to pass the test of scientific scrutiny.Men and women approach problems with similar goals but with different considerations. While men and women can solve problems equally well,their approach and their process are often quite different.Men approach problems in a very different manner than women.It is wrong to summarily interpret woman as they are enigmatic.The following pages are the authors perception of the women in general and the sayings and analysis of great masters like Sigmund Freud, Osho.This is a humble dedication to the woman on the eve of International Woman`s Day. ····· 1036199400

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