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Fundamentos para un Modelo de Análisis del Discurso Cinematográfico

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Se pretendió precisar los estilos de vida urbana que aparecen en el texto cinematográfico, a través del análisis del discurso postestructuralista de sus personajes y de sus interacciones conversacionales sobre sexo, pudor y poder. El libro se divide en dos partes. La primera es teórica - operacional, aparecen categorías de análisis, dimensiones (discursos, personajes, interacciones, estilo conversacional, temática, género y modos de vida urbana) y se modela las aproximaciones que se realizarán al texto desde diversas perspectivas, como visión integral que logra vincular los diferentes niveles de análisis. La segunda parte, contiene tres capítulos, los cuales fueron el resultado de la escaleta. De aquí se sistematizó la propuesta en un análisis en tres partes. El primero sobre Sexo, consta de dieciséis títulos. El segundo, Pudor, contiene trece y el último Lágrimas, también compuesto por dieciséis títulos. ····· 1036121855

De los Discursos Patrimoniales a las Prácticas Regionales

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Esta es una investigación de trabajo de grado para optar por el título de Antropólogo en la Universidad de Antioquia del año 2009. Es una propuesta piloto, que tuvo como primer objetivo crear procesos de Información y apropiación patrimonial en grupos escolares, a partir del territorio como fuente de análisis, reflexión y contraste del discurso patrimonial, al mismo tiempo conocer los espacios patrimoniales que se encuentran dentro de su cotidianidad. Como segunda meta se planteó, aportar con esta propuesta a la descentralización del Museo Universitario de la Universidad de Antioquia (MUUA), mediante el acercamiento a la Región del Magdalena Medio, específicamente en el municipio de Puerto Berrío, Antioquia. Fue financiada a través del programa de Incentivos a la investigación estudiantil a partir de sus colecciones de referencia del MUUA. ····· 1036121853

Estrategias comunicativas de género

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Dentro de un corpus de conversaciones determinado etaria y socioculturalmente, me propongo estudiar marcadores conversacionales desde un punto de vista fundamentalmente interactivo a los efectos de determinar la real incidencia que dichos elementos puedan tener para el funcionamiento discursivo y analizar sus posibles implicancias como marcadores de estrategias comunicativas de género. Analizaré, en consecuencia, un conjunto dado de marcadores conversacionales del español de Montevideo: vos sabés que, mirá, entonces, yo que sé, ¿no y claro teniendo en cuenta dos dificultades que se enfrentan al analizar este tipo de ítems léxicos. En la asunción de que las diferentes maneras en que la interacción es señalada está culturalmente determinada, compartida por la comunidad lingüística y que los miembros de dicha comunidad están calificados para realizar inferencias sobre la función de dichas señales, estos fenómenos serán clasificados de acuerdo a la función o significado interactivo que poseen en las conversaciones que se analizan. ····· 1036121735

Hay tanto dolor en la piel

für 35.10€ kaufen ···· - Bücher, eBooks, DVD & Blu-ray
En este trabajo se exploran las experiencias de violencia y de restitución de cuatro sobrevivientes de minas antipersonal (SMA) del Magdalena Medio colombiano, un escenario que inevitablemente evoca el problema de la pertenencia de la tierra, del campesino y la paradoja entre la riqueza del subsuelo y la pobreza de quien lo labra: las raíces históricas de nuestra violencia. La subjetividad, la intersubjetividad y la experiencia social son las categorías de análisis que permitieron mostrar que el héroe, el criminal y la víctima pueden habitar un mismo cuerpo fragmentado y que no es lo mismo ser víctima que ser sobreviviente. Esta apuesta por lo interdisciplinario (pues la psicología y la antropología se ponen al servicio de los objetivos del estudio) muestra, por una parte, cómo es la relación entre las experiencias de violencia y de restitución de los sobrevivientes de minas antipersonal y las dimensiones sociales, históricas, políticas y culturales en las que se encuentran inmersos. Por otra pone de manifiesto el potencial de una comunidad para repararse a sí misma y movilizar la restitución de sus cuerpos desmembrados. ····· 1036121721

Redes de mujeres: en torno a la Violencia Familiar

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El presente trabajo ha nacido en la intersección de diferentes problemáticas: un espacio político e institucional de participación ciudadana que parte de una temática específica: la violencia de género en el ámbito familiar. En esta línea, las políticas de género, descentralización y participación plantean novedosas aperturas que se insertan dentro de las estructuras burocráticas del Estado, no sin riesgos de contradicciones y conflictos. Al mismo tiempo que la participación en estos espacios a través de la organización de redes plantea un nudo problemático en términos de organización, toma de decisiones y autonomía. Tal es el desafío propuesto, a cuyo abordaje intenta contribuir el presente trabajo desde un enfoque estructuralista, situándolo a su vez en la discusión más general en torno a las experiencias participativas en espacios institucionalizados. ····· 1036121689

Arte Rupestre. Imagen de lo fantástico

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El arte rupestre es mucho más que concepto, pigmentos y formas. En todo el mundo él testimonia las posibilidades humanas de la fantasía, la creencia y la emoción. Las rocas `duermen` o `devoran`. Las luces describen signos tanto como los dibujos, los lugares sagrados existen por sí mismos. Este libro experimenta con una interpretación de las imágenes buscando en ellas lo fantástico. En unas remotas remotas de la Argentina mediterránea, en un ambiente de piedras graníticas, los aleros y recovecos albergan un bello arte pintado de, por lo menos, mil o mil quinientos años de antigüedad. la arqueología del arte apela a la mirada y a la emoción. ····· 1036121683

La recreación del andrógino y sus representaciones

für 88.20€ kaufen ···· - Bücher, eBooks, DVD & Blu-ray
Esta tesis tiene como finalidad identificar y debatir si los cambios, enfatizando los sociales y, en especial, los relacionados con los roles género están, en la actualidad, incidiendo en un replanteamiento de lo que se entiende por femenino y masculino, permitiéndonos hablar de un tercer género, el andrógino, y de cómo este concepto se ha reinventado al ser asimilado por el sistema hegemónico. Para ello, se hará una semblanza de las teorías previas acerca de la sexualidad y de cómo el fenómeno está siendo representado mediática y artísticamente, puesto que el arte y los mass media reflejan e inspiran la realidad. La androginia, como otros tantos fenómenos, es consecuencia y reflejo del entorno que la genera. No por casualidad, según Camille Pagila (2001), los cambios más significativos en los roles de géneros se dan de manera más evidente en los últimos 30 años. En España, la ascensión del referente andrógino coincide con la caída del rrégimen franquista. Siendo la etnografía basada en historias de vida y el análisis cualitativo las bases el desarrollo de este estudio, se utilizó la observación participante y el trabajo de campo como técnicas metodológicas. ····· 1036121653

Women Economic Empowerment Through Microfinance Institutions

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In Uganda, women especially those in rural areas have been identified as the majority among the poor with neither a steady income nor collateral to secure loans in formal banks. As a result, a variety of microfinance initiatives were designed combining financing and social inter-mediation strategies to enable the poor access credit using a member`s savings rather than formal collateral such as land. The government of Uganda and the private sector have invested a substantial amount of money towards achieving women`s economic empowerment through microfinance institutions. Despite this investment, information regarding women economic empowerment through the use of loan facilities is still lacking. This book analyses the factors that constrain women in the access and use of credit for economic empowerment. The main argument here is that provision of credit alone, is not sufficient enough to elevate the economic status of the poor. The main idea here is that women need to play an active role in their own empowerment by being facilitated to make informed business choices and participate in making decisions concerning the allocation and control of their income. ····· 1036121359

Female Ex-combatants` lived experiences

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Female participation in the military and even in other spheres of public life has long been culturally and socially constrained in many societies. In Africa, women have often been socially perceived as mothers and caretakers and as such, their roles have in many instances been limited to the domestic sphere. Although this culture is gradually changing as more women begin to access roles in the public sphere, including the military, studies seem to indicate that military work is still considered a male domain. Although women around the world have been actively participating in wars as fighters and they have gained high ranks. Females are demobilized first when war ends. Hence female ex-combatants are struggling to reintegrate socially into society once they have completed their military service. This study examined female ex-combatants` lived experiences in Rwanda and their communities` perceptions towards them. Specifically by exploring the impact of having been an ex-combatant on women`s self-concept and social relationships, identify the specific gender issues facing female ex-combatants in the reintegration process. ····· 1036121298

Redefining a New Cinema

für 71.10€ kaufen ···· - Bücher, eBooks, DVD & Blu-ray
Chinese cinema has developed over decades along a chain of generations shaped by rapid changes in the topography of history, politics, society, culture, and film aesthetics. A new generation of Chinese filmmakers emerged in the early 1990s, with audacious experiments and innovations attempted to defy the conventions of filmmaking and cinematic language. The controversial image of Chinese independent films has been defined, redefined, shaped, and reshaped over the last twenty years. This comprehensive book covers the history of Chinese independent films from the early 1990s to the present and provides a new perspective on the textual analysis of contemporary Chinese films. Tonghong Cai explores five kinds of text, including historical and sociocultural, cinematic, narrative, musical, and parodic text, and discusses the features of the writerly text which contribute to the new-generation films`avant-garde nature and their position as a new cinema. This book is a good reference source for scholars and readers who are interested in contemporary Chinese cinema, film narrative, popular music and postmodernism. ····· 1036121260

Living in a Hazardscape

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Living in a hazardscape not only gives a picture of the local hazardscape of the Wellington Region, New Zealand but also illustrates its influences on the hazard response of the local people and administration. It is based on a simple work that while integrated hazard management systems tend to adopt uniform response strategies over space, different aspects of a hazardscape produce variations in the local response which subsequently influence the nature and timing of a disaster occurrence. The book adopts a holistic and interdisciplinary approach to present the theoretical and practical facets of the hazardscape. ····· 1036121124

Development Of Hill Tourism In Sikkim

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The study has touched upon a number of theoretical and empirical issues relating to the formulation of strategy for the development of a Himalayan- destination. Three broad issues of the book are destination marketing, perception and attitudes of local people for tourism in Sikkim and resource analysis for tourism with all available natural and socio-cultural resources. The present study dealt with all these issues in the backdrop of the controversy between conventional institutionalized development of tourism in the Himalayan State Sikkim and it`s mostly needed sustainable development orientation therein. The main chapters we have dealt with are Analysis of Tourism Environment to Categorize the Significant Events and Trends, resource analysis for the Destination, development of an effective marketing mix to enable the State to Maximize Its Tourism Potentialities, roles and responsibilities Played by the State Government , understanding of perception and attitudes in tourism with an empirical assessment of opinion of the local people and public representatives, and destination marketing. ····· 1036120972

2011 Presidential Election in Nigeria:

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This monograph investigates the role the media played in the coverage of the 2011 Presidential Election in Nigeria. It assesses the gamut of interests, demands, and expectations which significantly influenced their coverage of the election, and the patterns and directions which the election took. Two research designs: content analysis and survey were used in the study. Content analysis was used in assessing the direction of media coverage of the election. Survey, the second method was used in determining the general perception of the Nigerian electorate about media coverage of the election. Findings show that the print media played the role of promoting electoral malpractice in the 2011 Presidential Election by furnishing the structures for manipulation and entrenching the mechanisms for malpractice. Ownership, corruption, and financial considerations were also found to be critical influences in the coverage of the election. Evidence also shows audiences perception of the coverage of the election by the media as being lopsided, biased and partisan. Based on these findings it has been recommended that Nigerian media should resolve to collectively stand up. ····· 1036120760

External Aid and Tax-Effort In Ghana:1965-2005

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This paper gives an empirically estimate of the effects of external aid inflows on revenue mobilization in Ghana. Using a Vector Auto Regression Model,the major findings indicate that the impact of loans and grants on domestic tax revenue are different in both the long run and short run. For instance in the long run, the results show that foreign grants are negatively correlated with domestic revenue while foreign loans appear to be positively related to domestic revenue. In the short run results external grants are rather positively related to domestic revenue while loans are negatively related. These differential results in the short and long run are not surprising because loans by their nature take time to be processed by donors and as result, its impact takes some time to actualize. For this reason in the short run domestic revenue mobilization may be substituted for loans while grants are used as complement. While in the long run the financing terms of the government might become more stable and the effects of loans and grants becomes clearer. ····· 1036120738

Fallacies In Religious Discourses

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This book, Fallacies in Religious Discourses, attempts to show how various religions of the world have attempted to win their adherents through gimmicks that calls for a revision of creeds. That is, what is the ideal religion for humanity to subscribe to What is truth and where is truth Was Rene Descartes right Was Cantwell Smith right Is Buddhism, Christianity, Islam or any other religion truthful The book attempts to open up the debate as to whether all these religions could be both right or/and wrong. Again, none should boast of inerrancy - as it is the Supreme Deity who could have the truth. It insists on contentment in the particular religion that one subscribes to. After all, the Supreme Deity has the final verdict for humanity. Hence, are religious conflicts necessary Should any religion attempt to enforce their religiosity on others Can religions inculcate genuine peace in the world upon realizing that humanity does not have the final voice on truth Arguably, this controversial book helps students of human sciences to debate through issues that affects our contemporary society. It is useful for all academic institutions globally ····· 1036120732

Political Communication in Film

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This book explores the impact of political communication in films on the public and how it shapes public opinion. It engages in the debate as to whether, political messages in films do influence public opinion. Since propaganda films made in the era of world leaders like Hitler and Stalin, political communication in films still exists and plays a significant role in influencing the masses. Today persuasion via Cinema benefits from sophisticated technological advances, so that political messages in most films are concealed within entertainment. Increasingly, films use thrilling plots mixed with political content in order to convey their messages to the public. This public is generally unaware of the extent to which they are being influenced, managed and conditioned by the media. ····· 1036120633

Forgetting The National Interest

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This book tells the story of the now forgotten Australian waterfront and coal strikes in World War II that so damaged the Australian war effort and the Curtin Government`s ineffectual responses to them. These strikes were a disaster for Australian and highly embarassing for the Curtin Government. Unsuccessfully battling unions and workers nearly bought a sympathic Labor Government to its knees and even brought fourth an offer by Prime Minister Curtin to resign if this would bring an end to strikes. How could this happen in wartime ····· 1036120631

From War to Peace

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This book offers insight into the experience of a group of Guatemalan ex-combatants (guerrillas) who chose to reintegrate into Guatemalan society as a collective entity. From their perspective as members of a thriving intentional community, called Nuevo Horizonte (New Horizon) which they built from scratch after the Guatemalan Peace Accords were signed, they offer advice for other ex-combatants who are in the challenging process of disarmament, demobilization and reintegration (DDR). The lessons they have learned challenge the conventional wisdom in which the DDR process is managed by outside agencies. Thirteen years after they laid down their arms, their message is clear: their success was based on their own ability to be united with each other, remain autonomous, and maintain their ideological vision to build a better society for all Guatemalans. ····· 1036120617

Illegal Immigrants in Tanzania

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Migration is the part and parcel of the world development today. People are moving from one corner of the world to another to extract opportunities,transfer of knowledge together with that comparative advantages fuels the migration worldwide. The problem comes when the migration does not follow the procedures and laws of the countries concerned. The point to note is that people should not be forbidden to migrate but controlled. Illegal immigrants pose not only economic,social and political problems but also security concerns. This analysis aimed at finding the reasons as to why illegal immigrants are increasing despite the role played by authority concerned in controlling them.The analysis has provided number of reasons and went far by put ahead the suggestions on what should be done in order to control illegal immigrants. As far as target group is concerned the analysis has focused on the authorities of the countries dealing with entry,departures and residence of the foreigners, general public and new scholars to be useful as a corner stone to a new study of the same nature as well as literature material. ····· 1036120519

Reaping the Whirlwind

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Christine Faber was born with the name Mary E. Smith in Savannah, Georgia on August 19, 1849. Faber, who would later associate with one of the most notoriously radical abolitionists of his time, James Redpath, was ironically born in the Old South, surrounded by slavery. But it was New York, and especially Brooklyn, with which she became more intimately connected in professional life. She was a popular literary figure, particularly among Catholics and more specifically Irish Catholics, who read her twelve novels and countless short story contributions to various magazines. Time has forgotten her, and this voice was quieted, because of it`s less popular ethnic and religious base. This collection of her stories was gleaned from Redpath Weekly, a Catholic magazine of the period. Analyzing her work and her impact, we are reminded that the most popular voices of one generation can be silenced in another...despite their importance. ····· 1036120488

The Role of Local NGOs for Women Economic Empowerment

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Economic Empowerment: better access to resources and capability to create productive resources in a sustainable manner, the freedom to make decisions which affect their life, the increment in the capacity of women to send their children to school, the credit service that women are accessing, membership in women IGAs, better access to agricultural extension and their representation in various committees, better access to seed money, increment in the average household expenditure to education/health, the improvements in to social standing and ability to handle business, better access to training, market information and availability of market and products place for women groups. A women can be called empowered when her level of income is increased, obtain livestock and full participation in decision making on purchase of resource. It simply means the reduction of powerlessness on the side of women & obtaining the necessary resources for living- assume the power of decision making and capable of being knowledgeable through participation in training programs. ····· 1036120361

Resettlement and food security nexus in ETHIOPIA

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This publication presents the challenges and opportunities of government-sponsored resettlement program in Ethiopia in view of its role in food security attainment and sustainable rural development with special emphasis to Nonno District, Oromiya Region. It assesses the real causes of resettlement in the country, the livelihoods and food security status of the resettlers in their new sites, the practices of resettlement schemes and the measures to be taken to ease the possible humanitarian and environmental risks so as to avoid the vicious circle of resettlement. ····· 1036120207

Gender and Domestic Water Supply in Rural Zimbabwe

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Water for domestic purposes is a scarce resource in the rural areas of Sigangatsha and Malaba wards, and women are the most affected. This study focused on examining the impact of domestic water supply and challenges faced by women in rural Zimbabwe with a particular focus on Sigangatsha and Malaba wards of Matobo district in Matabeleland South Province.The study identified the challenges faced by women in these two communities as well as implications of domestic water supply for policy formulation. The study relied on the structuration theory propounded by Giddens (1984), the actor oriented perspective by Long (2001) and gender and development by Moser (1989). Key words: domestic water, domestic water supply, women and gender. ····· 1036120163

Rural-Urban Linkages Between Adwa Town and its Hinterlands

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This publication presents rural-urban linkages, particularly production and consumption linkages between Adwa town and its hinterlands, Northern Ethiopia. It investigates the nature, extent and determinants of rural-urban linkages it identify the local factors influencing the linkages and the backward and forward linkages as well as the measures to be taken to stimulate the mutual development of both urban and rural areas. ····· 1036120112

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