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Mythen um männliche Karrieren und weibliche Leistung

für 11.99€ kaufen ···· - Bücher, eBooks, DVD & Blu-ray
Das Buch zeigt, dass Karriere-Anforderungen nur in sehr eingeschränktem Maß an objektivierbare Leistungs- Kriterien gebunden sind. Stattdessen, so zeigt die Autorin, spielen allgemeine, eher unausgesprochene Kriterien, die sich auf die private Lebenssituation und damit verbundene normative Vorstellungen von beruflichem Einsatz beziehen, eine entscheidende Rolle. ····· 103616325

Polizei und Geschlecht

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Die Polizei unterliegt durch die Öffnung für Frauen einem grundlegendem Organisationswandel Geschlechtergrenzen und -konstruktionen sind in Bewegung geraten. Das Buch gibt auf der Grundlage einer qualitativen Untersuchung einen Überblick über Geschlechterkonstruktionen und Geschlechterverhältnisse in der Polizei und bettet diese ein in die theoretische Diskussion um Geschlecht und Organisation. ····· 103616324

Gender Mainstreaming und Weiterbildung - Organisationsentwicklung durch Potentialentwicklung

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Der Band diskutiert das Konzept des Gender Mainstreaming als Instrument der Organisationsentwicklung sowie weitere innovative Ansätze genderorientierter Weiterbildung in internationaler Perspektive. Der Fokus liegt auf einer Vermittlung zwischen Theorie und Praxis. ····· 103616320

Gender und Gewerkschaften

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Nach einem mehrjährigen Diskussions- und Verhandlungsprozess hatten sich auf dem Gründungskongress im Frühjahr 2001 fünf Einzelgewerkschaften zu einer Dienstleistungsgewerkschaft ver.di verschmolzen. Organisationale Umbruchsituationen bieten den Akteurinnen und Akteuren grundsätzlich die Möglichkeit neuer Gestaltungsspielräume. Die Studie konzentriert sich darauf, wie die politische Partizipation von Frauen im Wandel politischer Organisationen berücksichtigt wurde und welche Einflussfaktoren ihre Integration gefördert bzw. behindert haben. ····· 103616315

Frauen an Hochschulen: Winners among Losers

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Auf Grundlage einer repräsentativen Umfrage von ProfessorInnen an Hochschulen in Deutschland untersucht der Band Karrierehindernisse für WissenschaftlerInnen auf dem Weg zur Professur. Ziel ist die Erforschung der Ursachen für die Unterrepräsentanz von Frauen in Führungs- und Leitungspositionen im akademischen Bereich. ····· 103616263

Wissenschaft als Lebensform - Eltern unerwünscht?

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Dieses Buch zeigt den Zusammenhang zwischen Karrierebedingungen, Geschlecht und Kinderzahl beim akademischen Mittelbau und der Professorenschaft. Grundlage für diese Untersuchung ist die Auswertung der vorliegenden Personalstandsdaten für die Universitäten des Landes NRW sowie eine Interviewstudie mit WissenschaftlerInnen mit und ohne Kinder. Es zeigt sich, dass die prekären Beschäftigungsverhältnisse und die unsichere Zukunftsperspektive bei einer Entscheidung zur Elternschaft eine größere Rolle spielen als Partnerschaftskonstellationen. ····· 103616256

Männer - Paschas und Nestflüchter?

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`Männer sind ihr Beruf, und zuhause sind sie fremd` - so lautet wohl das vorherrschende Stereotyp, das Männern in der Bundesrepublik Deutschland entgegengebracht wird. Ein Blick auf aktuelle Studien der Männerforschung sowie unsere eigenen Analysen der Zeitverwendung der bundesdeutschen Männer auf Basis der Daten der Zeitbudgetstudie 2001 / 2002 des Statistischen Bundesamtes zeigen, dass diese Vorurteile auf die Mehrzahl der Männer nicht mehr zutreffen: Männerleben ist eindeutig im Wandel. ····· 103616221

Gender and Diversity Studies

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What concepts of `gender` and `diversity` emerge in the different regions and pertinent research and practical fields On the back drop of current European developments - from the deregulation of economy, a shrinking welfare state to the dissolution and reinforcement of borders - the book examines the development of Gender and Diversity Studies in different European regions as well as beyond and focuses on central fields of theoretical reflection, empirical research and practical implementation policies and politics. ····· 103615748


····· lezzter Preis 21.90€ ···· - Bücher, eBooks, DVD & Blu-ray
Das Sonderheft versammelt Beiträge der fünften Jahrestagung der Fachgesellschaft Geschlechterstudien e. V. Hier wurden die Dynamiken, Auseinandersetzungen, Konflikte und Kämpfe, die sich um Geschlechterkonstruktionen und Geschlechter(un)ordnungen ereignen, in den Blick genommen. Dabei steht der Plural sowohl für die Fülle historischer und zeitgenössischer Bewegungen als auch für die Vielfalt der theoretischen, disziplinären, methodischen und empirischen Auseinandersetzungen mit Veränderbarkeit und Veränderungen. ····· 103615741

Der lange Schatten der Hausfrauenehe und die Reformresistenz des Ehegattensplittings

····· lezzter Preis 29.90€ ···· - Bücher, eBooks, DVD & Blu-ray
Warum hat das steuerliche Ehegattensplitting nach über 50 Jahren der Kritik und des gesellschaftlichen Wandels nach wie vor Bestand Die Autorin erzählt die lange Geschichte gescheiterter Reformversuche und zeigt auf, welche Faktoren einen Übergang zu einer individuellen Besteuerung in Deutschland erschweren. Der politische Streit über das Ehegattensplitting wird aus einer transdisziplinären Perspektive dargestellt, die ökonomisches Wissen, sozialwissenschaftliche und verfassungsrechtliche Zugänge miteinander verknüpft. Diskutiert werden unter anderem die ökonomischen Wirkungen des Ehegattensplittings und die Entwicklung der verfassungsrechtlichen Argumente für dessen Beibehaltung. Weiterhin werden rechtliche Alternativen und die feministische Kritik am Ehegattensplitting in den Blick genommen. ····· 103615489

Economic Empowerment of Women Through Entrepreneurship

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This book shows how SMEs are given importance to promote women entrepreneurship development in different parts of the world as well as in Bangladesh. Then it discusses the policy initiatives taken by the relevant bodies in the country and at the same time the strengths and weaknesses of the policy measures have also been discussed here. Furthermore, after having discussions with two focused groups of women SME entrepreneurs and some of the key informant interviews this study explores that besides facing problems with access to capital women in SMEs face several challenges in business management and product marketing. They also have to depend on the male members of their family most of the time to further proceed in their business and they lack sufficient technological and entrepreneurial education. Besides, due to lack of proper knowledge about entrepreneurial activities in SMEs women SME entrepreneurs in Bangladesh have limited scope to engage with different SME sectors. Therefore, most of the women SME entrepreneurs in Bangladesh are engaging with specific SME business like boutique, handicraft, and beautyparlor business and like. ····· 103614577

Social Life of Hijras

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Hijras of Bangladesh such a minority groups, who suffered from enormous discrimination, should be called as gender discrimination. They suffer from different types of social and political marginalization. The policy makers have never seriously paid any attention to their problems. The study design was a combination of survey, observation, FGD and case study. Hijras of Bangladesh are in a vulnerable position in all aspect of social life. Lack of education is a major problem for them, because of which they are not aware of their Human Rights. Because of their different behaviour, they are neglecting from shelter, work, education and expression of their own. Throughout this paper, author has attempted to understand Hijras as they defined themselves. The facts tried to explore in this study under the title of `Social Life of Hijras: A Study from Khulna City of Bangladesh` are mostly associated with their social life and their problems in daily life. ····· 103613802

Women and their Leisure?

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This book tells the story of a two year research study of young adult women and their leisure with specific reference to swimming. The book explains the study area and then provides a theoretical overview and gives an extensive review on the literature on women and leisure. The next part of the book critically assesses the provision, planning and management of publically provided facilities for leisure and more specifically describes the growth, developemnt and provision for swimming. The methodology on which this study was based is then explained and the key findings are reported. In the final section of the book a number of practical and realistic recommendations are provided for the policy, planning and management of public leisure facilities. ····· 103613446

Gender Wage Gap Glass Ceiling V/S Glass Floors

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Being in an equalitarian world does not imply a world of serenity for both sexes. World labour force is growing with both sexes but the issue of inequality still remains without exception in many developed and under-developed economies. The purpose of this book is to analyse the presence of gender wage discrimination across sectors in the Mauritian economy. I made use of Continuous Multipurpose Survey Data (CMPHS) from the Statistics Mauritius for 5 consecutive years: 2006-2010 and applied some metrics. The gender wage gap in public sector is lower than in private sector and there is evidence of sticky floors which outweighs glass ceilings across years and in both sectors. Moreover, discrimination level is higher across years and fairly stable. This book adds light to the gender wage gap analysis as no micro-study has been done at present for Mauritius and should especially be useful to professionals in Research and Policy Development fields, or anyone else who may be considering utilizing some information for further studies. ····· 103613398

Finding Ways of Saying NO!

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In an era of increased women`s participation in employment, there has been speculation as to whether this has resulted in increased autonomy for working women within marriage. This paper examines marital power dynamics in Malawi for couples in which the wife is working and earns an income. This is to determine whether wives with resource advantage are able to exercise more power in marital relationships as compared to their husbands. This study theorized that when wives bring money into the household, intra-household relations between the spouses should change to reflect this change. A survey conducted in Malawi targeting married women found that the issue of intra-household power relations is a contentious one and is influenced by gender values of the people in the household. This study has shown that although entry point of money alter gender relations within the household, it is not easy to demonstrate that these changes translate into women`s autonomy.The study concluded by arguing that for real transformation to occur in the public sphere, there is need for change in the balance of power relations within the domestic sphere. ····· 103613370

Caesarean Women`s Satisfaction Level

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Patient satisfaction is a health care recipient reaction to salient aspect of the context, process and result of their service experience. It is one of the most frequently reported outcome measure for quality care and provision of health care service. The objectives of the study aims to determine caesarean women`s satisfaction levels with regards to the associated factors during hospital stay. This is a cross sectional descriptive study using self-administered questionnaire on 100 post-caesarean women in a tertiary teaching hospital in Malaysia. Pearson correlation analysis revealed a statistically significant with a positive correlation between nurses attitude (r = 0.095, p 0.05), nurses professional skill (r = 0.746, p 0.05), nurses professional knowledge (r = 0.745, p 0.05), and ward environment (r = 0.84, p 0.05). Although most post-caesarean women expressed overall satisfaction received in hospital, there is a need for an exploratory study in these women to further evaluate satisfaction with regard to various aspects of the cesarean delivery experience. ····· 103613294

What is behind that closed door?

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The aim of this study is to examine intimate partner violence towards pregnant women, with the ambition of fulfilling the gap of available knowledge about this complex subject area, in the Chinese context. The specific objects are: 1) to assess the risk factors and forms associated with intimate partner violence during pregnancy 2) to explore the social dynamics and gender power relations that underline intimate partner violence during pregnancy by exploring the perceptions, attitudes and experiences of survivors and professionals about violence during pregnancy, connection of domestic violence and coping strategies of domestic violence survivors. It was a qualitative study involving 8 semi-structured interviews in 2011. Data was analyzed by narrative analysis. The results indicated the complexity of the issue of IPV during pregnancy from the viewpoints of both professionals and women. Moreover, it contributes to break the stereotype that survivors are passive victims. Finally, the experience in this paper might be transcended single cultural context to be common to women in other countries in the world. ····· 103613270

Women Autonomy and Health Decisions: A Study of Punjab, Pakistan

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This study was designed to investigate the level of women autonomy and its impact on use of contraceptive in rural areas of Mandi Bahaud din, Pakistan. Trends of fertility in this rural area are very high due to low level of awareness. Married women were the target population and these women were found out by using cluster sampling in which a village of Mandi Bahaud Din, Pakistan was selected. Findings of the study accepted researcher s hypothesis women education and work was found to be significant factors of women autonomy. This book is divided into six chapters. First chapter is Introduction in which background of study, statement of the problem, objectives and significance of the research is written. Second chapter is Review of literature, in which the previous researches from the area of women autonomy, their health care, and contraceptive usage are documented. In third chapter, conceptual and operational definitions are mentioned. After the definitions, methodology are explained in detail. Detailed analysis is given in the fifth chapter where descriptive and inferential analysis are explained separately. In last chapter conclusion is drawn with some recommendations. ····· 103613258

Men`s behaviour contributes to women`s health

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The objective of the study was to determine whether the level of knowledge regarding cervical cancer among men living in Ga-Rankuwa and their sexual and hygiene practices contributed to the risk of women developing cervical cancer.The data-gathering method was self report using a structured interview format. Field workers were trained and supervised to gather the data. The statistical analysis was done with Chi-square test of independence and the Spearman rho both tests are distribution free and therefore applicable to a convenient sample.The median age group was the 20-29 year age group (38.4%). The proportion of the age group who initiated sexual relationship when younger than 15 years of age increased as the age group became younger. Age was associated with sexual debut ( 2=175.72 p=0.000). Age was significantly associated with the number of sexual partners ( 2=114.03 p=0.000). The results of the study revealed that men s sexual and hygiene practices play a role in women s reproductive health. ····· 103613212

Women Engaged in Emerging Home-based Occupations

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The information revolution post 1980s has changed the nature of work. It has compressed the distance and time in relation to work and partially shifted the worksite from shop floor (or office) to home. It has transformed the labour market and generated demand for specific skills worldwide. Because of the technological development, labour processes have been undergoing a shift from manual labour to intellectual labour. More specifically, connectivity to internet and telephone has shifted some types and quantum of the official work to the home. These occupations poses an immense challenge to any effort at addressing their concerns through collectivising and unionising. Yet if the numbers in these jobs increase, as is likely, some regulatory mechanisms will be needed to protect the workers rights and ensure entitlements. ····· 103613194

Cuerpo y Política

für 88.20€ kaufen ···· - Bücher, eBooks, DVD & Blu-ray
Esta investigación contribuye al debate sobre el aborto en el campo de la teoría política feminista a partir del análisis de la relación entre discursos, experiencias y corporalidades. La primera parte rescata los recorridos realizados por pensadoras feministas en sus conceptualizaciones sobre el cuerpo, la experiencia sexuada y la palabra como de la noción testimonio. La segunda parte sistematiza los debates feministas sobre embarazos, maternidades y aborto y los lineamientos metodológicos para abordar las experiencias de aborto por las que transitan las mujeres en Argentina y España. La tercera parte indaga las conexiones entre cuerpo y experiencia en las vidas de las mujeres que atraviesan situaciones de aborto. La escucha y análisis de sus testimonios permite advertir regularidades y diferencias, y reconocer a quienes hacen de ese relato un acto político como aquellas que dan cuenta de una íntima confesión. Las entrevistas permiten conocer los registros de las experiencias singulares, el universo de significados y valoraciones que movilizan la decisión sin perder de vista los contextos sociopolíticos, económicos, jurídicos, sanitarios y culturales. ····· 103612869

El trabajo social en Aragón

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Esta investigación sobre la profesión de trabajo social en Aragón realizada mediante la aplicación de las perspectivas teóricas sobre las relaciones de género y marxistas constituye un estudio pionero en España. De acuerdo con estos planteamientos teóricos, la profesión de trabajo social sería una actividad feminizada como consecuencia de los cambios ocurridos en relación con el lugar donde tradicionalmente se ha cuidado a las personas dependientes y en relación con las personas responsables de realizar estas tareas de cuidado. Este trabajo contribuye de forma significativa a la comprensión del carácter feminizado del trabajo social, así como al análisis de las relaciones de género en la profesión y al estudio de las consecuencias del carácter feminizado de la misma, tanto para los propios profesionales, como para la visibilidad y el reconocimiento de las intervenciones profesionales que estos realizan. ····· 103612761

La Participación Legislativa de las Mujeres en Mendoza

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Este libro analiza los modos en que los principales partidos políticos provinciales seleccionan a sus candidatas para las elecciones legislativas y la normativa que contiene este procedimiento a través de los cuales hemos podido verificar el carácter determinante que tiene los mecanismos de selección en el interior de los partidos y la ley de cupo femenino sobre otros factores. Además aparecieron otros ejes de resultados como el predominio de la dicotomía público versus privado para el género, el mantenimiento del estilo de conducción masculinizado de la mayoría de sus protagonistas, como también las perspectivas de liderazgo institucional femenino que se debaten entre posibilidades más reales y la persistencia de obstáculos culturales. La investigación demuestra que a pesar de la presencia de requisitos normativos que impulsan la inclusión de las mujeres en los espacios representativos lo que forma parte de las demandas por la democratización del género- en los casos estudiados se privilegia la modalidad tradicional por consenso para concretar la selección, dirimiéndose los lugares en las listas electivas bajo una lógica de amistad y fidelidad. ····· 103612708

Detrás de un gran hombre siempre hay una gran mujer...

für 35.10€ kaufen ···· - Bücher, eBooks, DVD & Blu-ray
Esta etnografía aborda el análisis de las relaciones y diferencias de género, en una iglesia evangélica. Esto fue posible a partir del comprometido trabajo de campo realizado con un grupo de mujeres que concurren a la iglesia. Partiendo de lo que estas entienden y conciben como religión, género, poder, familia -y demás categorías que atraviesan esta investigación- busco teorizar sobre sus concepciones nativas acerca de las relaciones de género y poder que se gestan y manifiestan en la institución, y modifican/repercuten en la vida de los fieles. ····· 103612701

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