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Sozialisation und Geschlecht

····· lezzter Preis 39.00€ ···· - Bücher, eBooks, DVD & Blu-ray
Das Buch knüpft an die Diskussion um `geschlechtsspezifische Sozialisation` an, die seit Beginn der 1990er Jahre zum Stillstand gekommen ist. Die Frage, wie Menschen in Auseinandersetzung mit ihren Lebensbedingungen zu Frauen und Männern werden, bleibt dennoch aktuell. Wie spielen gesellschaftliche Strukturen, die (auch) nach Geschlecht differenzieren, und soziale Praktiken zusammen, in denen Subjekte unterschiedliche Weiblichkeiten und Männlichkeiten `leben` Der Band stellt Fragen und Herangehensweisen an den Zusammenhang von Sozialisation und Geschlecht im Lichte neuerer Entwicklungen der Geschlechterforschung vor. ····· 10361165308

Schulbildung für Mädchen im ländlichen Süden Malis : Analyse der sozialen und ökonomischen Voraussetzungen am Beispiel der Gemeinde Siby = Scolarisation des filles dans la région rurale au sud du Mali : analyse des conditions sociales et économiques

····· lezzter Preis 36.00€ ···· - Bücher, eBooks, DVD & Blu-ray
Die Voraussetzungen für Schulbildung von Mädchen im ländlichen Westafrika werden hinsichtlich Sozialstatus von Frauen und Investitionsverhalten einer Subsistenzgesellschaft basierend auf qualitativen und quantitativen Daten analysiert und an einem konkreten Beispiel beleuchtet. = Basées sur des données qualitatives et quantitatives, les conditions de scolarisation des filles en Afrique de l`ouest rural sont analysées par rapport au statut social des femmes et au comportement d`investissement d`une société de subsistance et illustrées par un exemple concret. ····· 10361164458

GenderGraduateProjects I - Geschlecht, Fürsorge, Risiko

····· lezzter Preis 19.00€ ···· - Bücher, eBooks, DVD & Blu-ray
Der interdisziplinäre Band GenderGraduateProjects I - Geschlecht, Fürsorge, Risiko dokumentiert das 1. Dresdner Nachwuchskolloquium zur Geschlechterforschung an der TU Dresden im Herbst 2013. Genderwissenschaftlicher Forschungsbreite, Polymethodik und Intersektionalität verpflichtet, lassen die elf Autoren/innen international valorisierte Gender-Theorie mit anderen transdisziplinären Theoriefeldern und fachspezifischen Fragekontexten aus Soziologie, Geschichts-, Medien-, Kunst- und Literaturwissenschaften (Amerikanistik, Anglistik, Germanistik) in innovativer Weise dialogisieren. An Gegenständen vom mittleren 19. Jahrhundert bis zur Gegenwart analysieren die Beiträge in je fallspezifischen Einzeluntersuchungen ein transigentes Spektrum von Gender-Identitäten, -Alteritäten, Differenzkonstruktionen und die sozialen, diskursiven und epistemischen Effekte, wie sie im Wechselspiel von sozialer Praxis, genderstereotypen Semantiken und medialen (vor allem sprachlichen) Techniken der Bedeutungsproduktion entstehen - besonders, aber nicht nur, in den Themenfeldern von Fürsorge und Risiko. ····· 10361161078

Emotionen und Geschlecht im politischen Feld

····· lezzter Preis 59.00€ ···· - Bücher, eBooks, DVD & Blu-ray
Wie steht es um Emotionen im politischen Feld Wie wichtig ist emotionales Kapital und was bedeutet es, Emotionsarbeit leisten zu müssen Welche Rolle spielen dabei das Geschlecht sowie auch der Körper Was folgt aus der zunehmenden Relevanz von Social Media im politischen Alltag Ergeben sich hieraus neue emotionale Belastungen Diese und weitere Fragen stehen im Zentrum dieses Buches. Es bietet einen Einblick in ein politisches Feld aus einer arbeits- und geschlechtersoziologischen Sicht. Die Verfasserin hat hierzu Bundestagsabgeordnete interviewt und kann so ein anschauliches Bild der emotionalen Herausforderungen politischer Arbeit geben. ····· 10361148594

Kooperation und Konkurrenz im Wissenschaftsbetrieb

für 36.90€ kaufen ···· - Bücher, eBooks, DVD & Blu-ray
Die Frauen- und Geschlechterforschung begann als Provokation für die Wissenschaftstradition und ist längst (maßgeblich) an ihrer Erneuerung beteiligt, wie sich an der personellen Zusammensetzung des wissenschaftlichen Personals zeigt. In den Auseinandersetzungen um egalitäre Geschlechterverhältnisse in Wissenschaft und Gesellschaft spielen Kooperation und Solidarität unter den Frauen/Geschlechterforscherinnen eine große Rolle. Aber auch Konkurrenz und Streit um Positionen und das `richtige` Verständnis ziehen sich wie rote Fäden durch ihre Entwicklungsgeschichte. Geschichte wird auch durch Personen und ihre Vorstellungen bestimmt, hier die engagierten Frauen. Ihnen wird große Aufmerksamkeit gewidmet, ebenso den Akteurinnen und der subjektiven Seite der scheinbar objektiven Bedingungen. Das 21. Jahrhundert wird das Jahrhundert der Frauen sein. ····· 10361148426

Kooperation und Konkurrenz im Wissenschaftsbetrieb

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Women studies and feminist research started out as a provocation against entrenched scientific tradition and has since become instrumental for its renewal. These changes are reflected in the composition of the academic staff. Feminist researchers engaged in the scientific and political discourse about gender equity in science and society placed great value on co-operation and solidarity. Nevertheless, competition, rivalry for positions, and arguments over the `correct` interpretation run like a red thread through the history of the discipline. History always is made by individual people and their ideas, in this case feminists fighting for gender equity. The focus of the book is on these women as well as the actors and the subjective side of seemingly objective conditions. The 21st century will be the century of women. ····· 10361148421

Strategies For Reaching Women Farmers With Agricultural Technologies

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Agriculture is the main stay of the Ghanaian economy accounting for over 50% of the country s GDP. Most of the farmers are smallholders of whom women are the majority. To make agricultural technology accessible to all farmers, the government of Ghana established four agricultural colleges under the Ministry of Food and Agriculture to train extension personnel who are then posted to the rural areas to assist farmers. Over the years the participation of women in the colleges has lagged grossly behind that of men. Moreover the training of the extension agents is technically oriented with no emphasis on how to reach female farmers. Indeed, the extension training curricula is not gender-responsive. The above factors have contributed to the neglect of women farmers by extension agents in the field with its adverse effects on the amount and variety of food produced in the country, and hence food insecurity. Reaching female farmers with extension messages may entail training the trainees to work with female farmers as well as training more women to be deployed to the field. ····· 10361147350

Substance Use Among Reproductive Aged Married Women

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Use of the psychoactive substances has been the part of human life from the time immemorial. Today it has become a global phenomenon however types and extent of magnitude vary from one group to another. Substance use by a married woman not only affects her, it also influences her unborn baby in pregnancy and her children living with her. Likewise, because of unique physiological and anatomical build up, Reproductive age women are more prone to substances use effects that are connected to pregnancy and cervical cancer. In light of these facts, this study draws special attention to reproductive aged married women of selected wards of Dharan town, Nepal to assess the pattern of use and to identify different factors related to it. Significant percentages of them are prone to social and health related problems as their substance use exceeds the recommended safe limit for women. This would help the health personnel and public health workers to get information regarding the unique pattern of different substances used by this group and apply this knowledge to launch effective awareness programs to discourage the excessive use among them and encourage seeking regular health care services. ····· 10361147151

The Making(s) of Law

für 44.10€ kaufen ···· - Bücher, eBooks, DVD & Blu-ray
Inspired by intellectuals such as Chandra Talpade Mohanty, Carol Smart and Jacques Derrida, Ida Agering embarks us on a journey to Zambia and unravels gender identities in law, feminist dilemmas and the clash between written and unwritten laws. The study, based on in-depth interviews with thirteen justices working in local courts, explores the role of the justices within the structure of customary law and their role in the discrimination against women that the law allegedly generates. Theoretically situated within postmodern feminist legal theory, the analysis leans on deconstruction of the legal structure and the justices discourse, after having established the constitutive power of law in terms of gender identities. ····· 10361147145

The Role and Status of the Women Living in Slum

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The study entitled The Role and Status of the Women in the Laladighirpar Slum: A Study is basically a qualitative study substantiated by quantitative data. The major objectives of this study are to know about the socio-economic status of women in slums, investigate the role of women in family and outside family, identify the level of awareness about the role and status of women among the people living in slums, examine the present status of women in the slums areas with special reference to employment, education, skill and social status, And investigate the reasons as to why the slum women is unable to play their appropriate role within the family as well as seek the suggestions of women living in the slum for increasing their status and also making them capable to play their due roles. Laladighirpar slum is located in Sylhet City Corporation of Bangladesh, selected as the study area of conducting our study. This is basically an explotaratory research. For conducting that study we intended to use data collection methods, like:- interview schedule, observation, focused group discussion, case study,etc. ····· 10361147100

Gender-Based Violence Against Women in Areas of Return

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Gender based violence is widely recognized as a human rights issue and a problem that affects individuals, families, communities and nations. Gender based violence is very significant during and after armed conflicts as the victims return to their new settlements. In Uganda where previous conflicts had displaced about 2 million people in the Northern parts of the country, the victims of the conflict started returning to their villages of origin. This research considered Gender based violence against women in these areas of return and illustrated it as a severe human rights concern in a humanitarian setting that requires intervention by various sectors from different levels. The research made recommendations that have both short-term impacts during immediate humanitarian crisis and long-term impacts in development phases. ····· 10361146944

Strengthening Awareness among Rural Adolescent Girls in Bangladesh

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Adolescent period is considered as most important formative time that outlines the future course of female s life. The book addresses the impact of Adolescent Development Program of BRAC in strengthening awareness among rural adolescent girls in Bangladesh. In this regard combinations of quantitative and qualitative methods have been adopted for this research.The researcher found that the adolescent girls were more conscious about their health, their surroundings, different social issues like early marriage, drug addiction, reproductive health as well as the cultural activities after being involved in ADP. They also could raise their voice after joining the program.Their power of decision making was also increased. But still the findings also depict some limitations of the program that are needed to be addressed. On the basis of those findings some recommendations have been put forward in this book. No substantial work has so far been carried out in this subject. ····· 10361146930

Savings Habits of African Women

für 53.10€ kaufen ···· - Bücher, eBooks, DVD & Blu-ray
African Woman continue to be the `piece of good` fortune to several African children s growth and development. Many African Women today, are playing vital roles in the economic development of their various countries. It is important therefore that the practice of encouraging savings habits starts with the African Market Woman. Many of these women control huge sums of moneys in circulation in their various countries. Many African markets, where various goods from staples, groceries, clothing, cosmetics, healthcare products, electrical gadgets and many more are traded, are dominated by women. There are thousands and even millions of dollars worth of goods changing hands in those markets on daily basis. The ability for banks and other financial institutions of the African countries to mobilize funds from these market women for savings and subsequently lending to corporations which invest into profitable economic ventures would help in reducing the poverty in the sub-regions and also free these nations from the self imposed neocolonialism - financial and economic dependency on the Western and Asian developed Countries and other International Institutions for aids, grants and loans. ····· 10361146767

The Reintegration of Female Ex-Abductees of the Lord`s Resistance Army

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Driven by the war stigmatised vulnerabilities both during and after the over 20 years of the armed conflict in Northern Uganda, the author decided to examine the apartheid of gender, regarding the reintegration of female ex-abductees of the Lord s Resistance Army (LRA). The horrific experiences these females encountered during the war, extremely traumatised them. The specific challenges they face in the post-conflict setting re-traumatise them. After a well researched study, Ainebyona addresses most of the current reintegration policy gaps. He is mainly against the one-size-fits-all reintegration policy. His Master Thesis has attracted numerous researchers, professors, students in most fields, Non-governmental organisations which are trying to address such problems and publishers. ····· 10361146515

Femininity Between Fantasy and Reality

für 53.10€ kaufen ···· - Bücher, eBooks, DVD & Blu-ray
Enchanted by tales of wonderlands where dreams may come true and where the impossible becomes possible, giving the feeling that everything is filled with magic and the unexpected, femininity tries to escape from reality in the world of fantasy as the social rules of the Victorian age suffocate its impulses towards adventure and discovery from very young ages. Starting from this premise, `Femininity Between Fantasy and Reality. Escaping to Wonderland` focuses on two of the most famous children s stories ever written - Lewis Carroll`s `Alice`s Adventures in Wonderland` and Beatrix Potter`s `The Tale of Peter Rabbit`. Having as a basis the rules and principles specific to the Victorian age, moving on to the need for the fantasy genre and its rules, and the identity crisis that the two authors dealt with, the present thesis aims at decoding the path (with its experiences and characters) that the feminine principle follows in the fantasy worlds created by the two stories, not only from the perspective of the literary texts, but also the one of illustrations, cartoons and films. ····· 10361146453

The socioeconomic situation of female headed household

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The research has focused on the socio-economic situation of female headed households. It identifies factors that make women to be a lone mother. It costs light on their socio-economic situation and the problems of heads of FHH. It has discuses the coping strategies adopted to tackle the problems Among the various factors that result in being female headed households, divorce took a large share. Financial problems, infidelity, sexual incompatibility, drunkenness of husbands and different abuses perpetrated against wives lead to the disruption of marriage. Moreover, the death of husband, childbearing outside the wedlock, abandonment by a partner, separation and polygamous marriage are also identified reasons for the emergence of causing female headship. Female headed households are living in different socio-economic condition. Regarding their economic conditions, the majority are self-employed while others are employed, wage earner, and unemployed. As found out in the research in relation to their occupation, most of them are engaged in petty trading activities while others are office workers, and daily laborers. ····· 10361146251

The Fiction of Anita Desai: An Exploration of Indian Motherhood

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This piece is truly an exploration of Indian motherhood, born of both an interest in India and gender studies and also my own personal journey to India in the summer of 2010. I looked to the works of Anita Desai, and my background in English Literature in order to situate my research in Post-Colonial Theory and Third-World Feminism. I also used my background in Women`s Studies to understand the plethora of experiences Indian mothers have. My goal in this piece is not to represent all Indian women or claim knowledge of all Indian women`s experiences, but to expose the diversity of Indian motherhood. I was tired of hearing stereotypical representations of Indian women, especially after visiting the country and knowing Indian mothers personally, and I sought to end the homogenization. I want to speak of detailed, nuanced representations of Indian mothers which truly characterize both the societal role and the real-life counterpart. ····· 10361146223

Die Antifeministen

für 24.90€ kaufen ···· - Bücher, eBooks, DVD & Blu-ray
Nachdruck des Originals von 1902. ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· 10361142381

Entstehung der deutschen Frauenbewegung

für 27.90€ kaufen ···· - Bücher, eBooks, DVD & Blu-ray
Waldemar Mitscherlich legt bei seiner Untersuchung zur Entstehung der deutschen Frauenbewegung seinen Fokus auf die Wechselwirkung zwischen Individuum und Gesellschaft. Dies bedeutet, dass er sich nicht etwa über eine Ergründung der weiblichen Psychologie der Thematik nähert. Vielmehr untersucht Mitscherlich die wirtschaftlichen, sozialen und geistigen Veränderungen in der Gesellschaft und zeigt ihren Einfluss auf die Entstehung und Entwicklung der Frauenbewegung auf. Sorgfältig bearbeiteter Nachdruck der Originalausgabe von 1906. ····· 10361139463

Phasen der Liebe

für 38.90€ kaufen ···· - Bücher, eBooks, DVD & Blu-ray
In Phasen der Liebe widmet sich Franz-Carl Müller-Lyer dem Geschlechterverhältnis zwischen Mann und Frau und untersucht es in seinen Beziehungen zu Themen wie Liebe und Ehe. Hierzu folgt Müller-Lyer der soziologischen Phasenmethode, in dem er durch die Herausarbeitung spezifischer Phasen versucht, Richtungslinien des Kulturfortschritts herauszuarbeiten und diese in Entwicklungsgesetzen zu definieren.
····· 10361139383

Die Antifeministen

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Die Frauenrechtlerin und Schriftstellerin Hedwig Dohm, Vordenkerin des Feminismus, die ihrer Zeit weit voraus war, formuliert im vorliegenden Band ein Plädoyer für die Gleichbehandlung der Frauen. Pointiert und scharfsinnig übt sie Kritik an den Antifeministen , jener Gruppe von Männern, die das Weib nur als Durchgang zum eigentlichen Menschen als Gebärerin des Mannes gelten lässt. Sorgfältig nachbearbeiteter Nachdruck der Originalausgabe aus dem Jahr 1902. ····· 10361138764

Über Fabrikarbeit verheirateter Frauen

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Rose Otto, Doktorin der Staatswirtschaft, legt im vorliegenden Band eine umfangreiche Untersuchung der Fabrikarbeit verheirateter Frauen vor. Dabei geht sie auf soziale, gesetzliche und wirtschaftliche Rahmenbedingungen zu einer Zeit ein, in der das Phänomen insbesondere der Frauenarbeit in Fabriken vor dem Hintergrund der fortschreitenden Industrialisierung noch relativ neu war. Nachdruck der Originalausgabe aus dem Jahr 1910. ····· 10361138490

La Danza de Las Sembradoras. Cambio, Continuidad y Género

für 53.10€ kaufen ···· - Bücher, eBooks, DVD & Blu-ray
En este trabajo se aborda mediante la Antropología de la Danza a dos cuadrillas de la danza de Sembradores(as) en el contexto festivo de la comunidad de Santa Inés Hueyotlipan Titicályatl, Texcoco, México. Se habla de la llegada de la danza a la comunidad, la organización social y el parentesco, la descripción de la misma y su sentido social. Además de algunas de las transformaciones que se han hecho evidentes a través del tiempo. Uno de los cambios más sobresalientes es la incursión de una cuadrilla femenina en una danza que anteriormente fue exclusiva para hombres. Así es como se inicia la discusión en torno a la tradición, la modernidad y el género. ····· 10361137881

Mujer, Trabajo y Participación

für 35.10€ kaufen ···· - Bücher, eBooks, DVD & Blu-ray
Surge como inquietud abordar el tema de la participación femenina desde una realidad social como lo es: Misión Sucre en Venezuela, tomando como referencia los Programas de Formación de Grado que en ella se imparten. La atención se centra en el análisis de los espacios de participación laboral donde confluyen las mujeres egresadas de Misión Sucre, Universidad Bolivariana de Venezuela, Eje Aragua, Venezuela. Resulta interesante indagar si estas mujeres han logrado incorporarse en el campo laboral luego de su intervención en dicha misión. Se entiende que la subjetividad de aquellos que hacen la historia, tiene un enorme valor para entender los procesos y permite llegar a un conocimiento más profundo de los fenómenos éstas, fueron las premisas del estudio, donde se toman como referentes teóricos: la división sexual del trabajo y género políticas de formación y empleo, mujer y necesidades, entre otros. Metodológicamente, la tipología fue exploratoria-descriptiva, con un diseño de campo, englobada bajo una perspectiva cualitativa, que privilegia los sentimientos y relatos de quienes vivieron la experiencia, en este caso, las cuatro mujeres informantes. ····· 10361137842

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