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Effect of carotenoids against environmental Pollutants

für 53.10€ kaufen ···· - Bücher, eBooks, DVD & Blu-ray
Polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) are ubiquitous and persistent environmental contaminants that disturb normal hormonal functions.Numerous toxic substances that are found in the urban environment cause abnormalities in normal growth and development. Exposure to PCBs leads to decreased antioxidant system and increased reactive oxygen species (ROS). Diets rich in vegetables protecting against several toxicants. Hence, the study was designed to investigate the role of lycopene on PCB induced cytotoxicity in rats. Mitochondrial membrane potential, LDH leakage assay, intrinsic and extrinsic pathway of apoptosis, functional markers in HT-29 cell lines. Results show that lycopene could significantly inhibit the proliferation and induce apoptosis in HT-29 cells via the mitochondrial cell death pathway. In the apoptotic process, lycopene in induced decreases of Bcl-2/Bax and Bcl-xL/Bad ratios followed by the activation of caspase-3, the release of cytochrome c, and the collapse of m.These observations might also indicate that lycopene has protective role. ····· 1036120838

Tribologicheskie osnovy vybora materialov dlya frikcionnyh ustrojstv

für 55.71€ kaufen ···· - Bücher, eBooks, DVD & Blu-ray
Na primere predohranitel`nyh muft scepleniya rassmotreny principy podbora materiala dlya proektiruemyh i sovershenstvuemyh (moderniziruemyh) frikcionnyh uzlov. Vybor materiala s trebuemymi tribologicheskimi pokazatelyami dlya uzlov treniya predusmatrivaet provedenie racional`nogo cikla tribotehnicheskih ispytanij, ispol`zovanie nejrokomp`juternogo modelirovaniya i resursnoe prognozirovanie. Monografiya prednaznachaetsya nauchnym i inzhenerno-tehnicheskim rabotnikam, zanimajushhimsya voprosami vybora materialov s zadannymi tribotehnicheskimi pokazatelyami, a takzhe studentam (bakalavram i magistram) i aspirantam tehnicheskih vuzov. ····· 1036120823

Messbaujerovskaya spektroskopiya Fe57 i magnitometriya zheleza v pochvah

für 69.21€ kaufen ···· - Bücher, eBooks, DVD & Blu-ray
V knige privedeny rezul`taty messbaujerovskoj spektroskopii (MS) Fe57 i magnitometrii estestvennoj smesi izotopov zheleza pochv, pochvennyh mineralov, novoobrazovanij i drugih pochvennyh ob#ektov. Pokazany sposoby interpretacii rezul`tatov pri sovmestnom primenenii messbaujerovskoj spektroskopii i drugih fizicheskih metodov. Proveden analiz vozmozhnostej messbaujerovskoj spektroskopii i magnitometrii pri izuchenii zhivogo veshhestva pochv (mikroorganizmov i rastenij) i nekotoryh pochvennyh processov. Osnovnym preimushhestvom metodov MS i MI v sravnenii s drugimi yavlyaetsya to, chto oni nerazrushajushhie. Kniga prednaznachena dlya pochvovedov, geohimikov i geofizikov, mineralogov i drugih specialistov, rabotajushhih v oblasti primeneniya fizicheskih metodov k issledovaniju prirodnyh ob#ektov. ····· 1036120763

Deepening Democracy in Uganda

für 44.10€ kaufen ···· - Bücher, eBooks, DVD & Blu-ray
Development thinkers and practitioners have pondered over community participation for the last four decades. For instance the current social and economic movements, NGOs and CBOs are a manifestation of community participation. In order to increase management efficiency and accountability, improve equity and justice for local people many development agencies and institutions have strongly advocated for community participation. The major reasons behind community participation include ensuring efficiency and empowerment. In Mbarara Municipality, community participation has acted as a way of deepening democracy in various ways such as regular voting of local government officials, involvement in project initiation, implementation and evaluation and budget conferences. However, community participation as a way of deepening democracy has experienced many challenges such as political peddling, political gate keeping-elite capture, corruption high illiteracy levels, little local resources and political market imperfections All these challenges have at times affected service delivery in Mbarara Municipality, thus needing to be addressed. ····· 1036120758

Explaining Implementation Gap

····· lezzter Preis 49.00€ ···· - Bücher, eBooks, DVD & Blu-ray
Since 2002 Zambia has been implementing ART for HIV/AIDS patients in the public sector. This programme was conducted within WHO `3 by 5`framework.Implementation of ART in Zambia that time faced serious problems of human resource shortages and other capacity constraints.Purpose of the study was to assess implementation aspects of ART in Zambia. The study found that the gap in meeting the target of putting 100,000 people living with HI/AIDS on treatment by 2005 that time was not only caused by capacity problems but more complex issues.The study uses an actor approach to analyse implementation.Actors involved in implementing ART programme are guided by their values. CHAZ, a major health service provider and government health workers were not implementing the programme according to national guidelines.People living with HIV/AIDS have their own perceptions about ART intervention due to lack of acceptance, cultural beliefs and misinformation.There are also mechanisms of exclusion caused by poverty, gender inequality and stigma which make it difficult for people living with HIV/AIDS to seek ART.Study concludes that capacity alone is not enough to explain implementation success or failure. ····· 1036120747

Work Organizational Changes as Tools to Improve Health

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Postal work is performed in very different settings, and the works are e.g. drivers, letter carriers, postal sorters, and counter clerks. A finding that a small group of parcel sorters with a good psychosocial work situation had much lower health complaints than comparable workers with a worse psychosocial situation at work, indicated that it might be possible to improve mental and physical health among postal employees by improving work organization. Two changes in workplaces in Sweden Post were followed and evaluated. The theoretical framework for the evaluation was the demands-control-support (DCS) model by Karasek, Theorell, and Johnson. The main findings of the investigations were that there were significant associations between psychosocial work situation among postal workers and psychosomatic and musculoskeletal symptoms, and that it was possible to reduce symptoms and sick-leave, by changes of organization, and improvement of the psychosocial work situation. ····· 1036120734

Cataract services uptake by outreach camp patients at Ibadan Nigeria

für 44.10€ kaufen ···· - Bücher, eBooks, DVD & Blu-ray
Cataract is the commonest cause of blindness globally and in many developing countries but uptake of cataract surgery is poor even by outreach patients. Identification of factors preventing adequate use of surgical services would help make required adjustments for optimum service utilization by cataract outreach Objective: To determine factors which prevent outreach patients undergoing surgery at University College Hospital, Ibadan and to make appropriate recommendations for improvedcataract surgery uptake. Methods:consenting cataract blind/visually impaired (presenting vision 6/60) outreach patients identified from the outreach patient register of the University College Hospital Ibadan to have been seen during a five months period January to May 2009 were followed up for a visit in late June and July 2009. A semi-structured questionnaire schedule along with standard ophthalmic equipment were used for data collection. All those who did not use the services were administered a barriers questionnaire-schedule while those who accepted the services were administered a questionnaire schedule to elicit motivating factors.Poor utilization of cataract service was mostly due to cost. ····· 1036120679

Osnovaniya i fundamenty v usloviyah slabyh gruntov Evrazijskih regionov

für 89.01€ kaufen ···· - Bücher, eBooks, DVD & Blu-ray
V monografii obobshhen mnogoletnij opyt issledovanij avtorov po izyskaniju, proektirovaniju, stroitel`stvu i jexpluatacii zdanij i sooruzhenij na slabyh i sil`noszhimaemyh gruntah Evrazijskih regionov (Severnyh - na primere g. Sankt-Peterburga, Juzhnyh - na primere Central`no-Aziatskih stran). Nesmotrya na razlichnye prirodno-klimaticheskie i inzhenerno-geologicheskie usloviya formirovaniya, ukazannye grunty imejut obshhie zakonomernosti (harakterizujutsya nizkoj nesushhej sposobnost`ju, R 100 kPa vysokoj szhimaemost`ju, E 5 MPa dlitel`nym protekaniem osadok vo vremeni vysokim raspolozheniem urovnya podzemnyh vod i dr.). Pervaya chast` monografii sostavlena d.t.n., prof. R.A. Mangushevym i k.t.n., docentom A.I. Osokinym, v kotoroj privedeny svedeniya o konstrukciyah i metodah ustrojstva fundamentov ryada istoricheskih zdanij S-Peterburga, inzhenerno-geologicheskie osobennosti territorii goroda,tipy fundamentov zdanij staroj i novoj postrojki i dr. Vtoraya chast` monografii sostavlena d.t.n., prof. R.A.Usmanovym,gde rassmotreny osobennosti podtopleniya i izmeneniya fiziko-mehanicheskih svojstv rannee malovlazhnyh lessovyh gruntov, issledovaniya po ustrojstvu fundamentov i iskusstvennyh osnovanij na jetih gruntah. ····· 1036120583

Genotype by Environment on -Carotene and Yield of Yellow root Cassava

für 61.20€ kaufen ···· - Bücher, eBooks, DVD & Blu-ray
Nine yellow cassava genotypes (G) 01/1224 01/1235 01/1368 01/1371 01/1412 01/1417 01/1442 01/1610 01/1663 and one white cassava were tested in 10 environments (E). The aim was to identify G that combine high yield (YLD) with high -carotene content (CC). In 2005 two trials were conducted in the Forest-Savannah Transition and the Deciduous Forest in RCBD. In 2006 one site (Costal Savannah) was added. Trials were harvested at 9 and 12 or 14 months after planting (MAP). Harvest data were collected for YLD and CC was determined by HPLC. Data were analyzed with MATMODEL 3.0 GGE biplot. Significant differences were found for G, E and GxE for the agronomic traits. Only the GxE of YLD was not significant. There were differences between G for CC per root, CC in root per plant and per hectare (ha) but no difference for carotene concentration (Bc). The best G for CC was 01/1417 followed by 01/1371 and 01/1368. The differences between E were highly significant for all -carotene traits. The highest values of Bc were recorded at 9 MAP. From this study 01/1368 and 01/1417 with high dry YLD and high CC were proposed for on farm and release against vitamin A deficiency in Ghana. ····· 1036120571

The Impact of SMASSE Program on Students` Physics Examination

für 44.10€ kaufen ···· - Bücher, eBooks, DVD & Blu-ray
Many factors contribute to the performance of students in any given subject. The performance in mathematics and science subjects has been of great concern to the leaders in Kenya, who peg economic growth to the scientific development. In this country, the determining factor for success of a child in school is the performance in the national examinations which are administered by a semi-autonomous government agency and other professional bodies. The poor performance in mathematics and science examinations has generated debates nationally. This led to the introduction of many innitiatives to improve performance in these areas. One of this initiatives is Strenghtening Mathematics and Science in Secondary Education (SMASSE) for teacher in-servicing. It was envisaged that the SMASSE training would arm the teacher with a better pedagogical skills, develop interest in the students and change the perception towards this subjects and in particular Physics. This book discusses the results of Kenya Certificate of Secondary Education (KCSE) in Physics in Meru South District before and after the teachers were trained. ····· 1036120501

Intelligent Techniques for Data Modeling Problems

für 71.10€ kaufen ···· - Bücher, eBooks, DVD & Blu-ray
Supervised learning deals with the problem of discovering models from data as relationships between input and output attributes. Two types of models are distinguished: regression models (for continuous output attributes) and classification models (for discrete output attributes). This thesis addresses both regression and classification problems with an emphasis on new applications and on presenting improved evolutionary techniques. Such techniques include Gene Expression Programming (classical and its adaptive version), Genetic Programming, and the hypernetwork model of learning (classical and its evolutionary version). Such methods can be successfully applied to many problems from various domains. This thesis presents applications for symbolic regression for inverse problems, quantum circuit design, modeling of dynamic processes, and forecasting price movement. ····· 1036120474

Farm Radio Services in Malawi

für 44.10€ kaufen ···· - Bücher, eBooks, DVD & Blu-ray
Farm Radio Services in Malawi explores the media and communication landscape in Malawi to bring out the quality and quantity of media personnel, production houses, radio station and their programmes, telephone and internet service providers, insurance and financial institutions, and farmer organisations. It explains how these relate to the smallholder agriculture industry in Malawi a country where radio is the most ubiquitous and significant source information on health, agriculture, nutrition, education and human rights, among other development issues. The study was sponsored by Farm Radio Malawi with financial assistance from the American Institutes for Research (AIR) through the Farmer Voice Radio (FVR) project. It has been hailed as the first of its kind and one of the most illuminating studies ever undertaken in the area of farm radio in Malawi. ····· 1036120401

Production and Optimization of lipase from Candida rugosa NCIM 3467

für 49.41€ kaufen ···· - Bücher, eBooks, DVD & Blu-ray
Lipase is an catalyzing and hydrolyzing enzyme which is of vital importance in digestion and processing dietary lipids. Lipase has surfaced as one of the leading biocatalysts contributing to the multibillion dollar subjugated lipid technology bio-industry and has been used in comprehensive industrial application. Interest in lipase has amplified distinctly in the last two decades given to their applications in oleo chemical detergent, organic industries, leather industry, environmental management, cosmetics and perfume industry, biomedical and biosensors. A growing interest in SSF for lipase production has been observed in recent years. This production can be optimized by varying the physical and chemical factors which are essentially maintained during its production. ····· 1036120333

Co-Infection of Tropical Parasitic Diseases

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This monograph describes the co-infections of malaria, S.mansoni, soil-transmitted helminthiasis among school children in northwestern Tanzania. An area endemic for all the infections and epidemiology of co-infections remain unknown. From this monograph, epidemiology, co-infection pattern, their immunological interactions and morbidities are discussed. The monograph is important for student of medicine or biomedical sciences interested with tropical medicine. ····· 1036120142

Assessment of ground water quality for drinking and irrigation

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Farzana Raihan is currently an Assistant Professor in the Department of Forestry and Environmental Science at Shahjalal University of Science & Technology, Bangladesh. She joined as a SUST faculty in 2007 after completing her M.S degree in Environmental Science from Jahangirnagar University, Bangladesh. While covering the area of Environmental science, she is especially interested in impact of climate change in wetland and water resources management. She also has been interest in sustainable energy development particularly in the potentiality of algae as a bio fuel. Her ongoing research includes impacts of textile pollutants on agriculture, understanding the potential impact of geophagia and the role of climatic variations upon migration. ····· 1036120127

Critical Review of EIA Framework and Operational Procedures in China

für 44.10€ kaufen ···· - Bücher, eBooks, DVD & Blu-ray
This book has focused on Environmental Impact Assessment reporting system in China. It reviewed EIA report`s making, examining and approving system through investigation on its administrative, legislative and operational framework. The works was carried out during my internship in Chemicals Branch,United Nations Environment Programme in Geneva, Switzerland. The investigation also includes several interviews with different stakeholders of Panyu s case. Based on the theoretical and empirical research, the book pointed out the root of defects of the existing EIA system cause of the conflict in China. The recommendations and approaches also provided for improving the system. ····· 1036120044

Special Needs Education: A Handbook for Student Teachers

für 59.00€ kaufen ···· - Bücher, eBooks, DVD & Blu-ray
This handbook is a requirement for all student as well as practising teachers in special needs education. In the handbook, we present issues to do with all forms disabilities that may hamper the child`s learning. We take cognisance of the fact that disability is not inability hence our thrust is to present to the student teacher and the practising teacher means and ways of dealing with special cases in physical, mental, hearing, visual and communication. Each of the chapters presented herein tackles an individual type of disability and presents the possible causes, symptoms and possible remedies for some of the challenges posed by the disabilities. Since the thrust of most education systems is on the inclusion of the children with challenges into the mainstream education, we trust the that even the general teacher practioner will find this book very helpful. ····· 1036119851

Stock Investors` response to SOX 404 Material Weakness Disclosures

für 61.20€ kaufen ···· - Bücher, eBooks, DVD & Blu-ray
Brief Synopsis: This paper investigates the market effects of Section 404 of the Sarbanes-Oxley Act by looking at the changes that the passage has brought in trader s information asymmetry, proxied by market makers bid-ask spreads. Before the enactment of Sarbanes-Oxley, firms were only required to publicly disclose internal control deficiencies if there was a change in auditor. I hypothesize that if compliance with SOX 404 increases internal control over financial reporting, investor confidence in annual reports will also increase. Superior disclosures available to all traders lead to a reduction of information asymmetry. An increase in the quality of financial information should determine a narrowing of market maker s bid-ask spreads because the adverse selection cost is lower. I identify the cost components of the bid-ask spread for a sample of stocks surrounding the implementation of SOX 404. My expectation is that market makers react to the implementation of Section 404 as if information asymmetry has diminished, considering that the chances of trading against better informed traders are lower. ····· 1036119832

Aktual`nye problemy professional`noj sfery v aspekte sociolingvistiki

für 35.91€ kaufen ···· - Bücher, eBooks, DVD & Blu-ray
V nastoyashhee vremya terminologiya vypolnyaet ochen` vazhnuju kommunikativnuju funkciju: ona obespechivaet vzaimoponimanie mezhdu predstavitelyami razlichnyh oblastej znanij i nauchnyh disciplin. Terminy yavlyajutsya interesnejshej i ves`ma obshirnoj chast`ju lexiki. Prakticheskaya deyatel`nost` po sozdaniju terminov proishodit v processe razvitiya material`noj i duhovnoj kul`tury narodov. Sociolingvisticheskij podhod k issledovaniju kak otdel`nyh terminov, tak i celyh terminologicheskih sistem daet vozmozhnost` najti reshenie mnogih problem terminologii, zatrudnyajushhih segodnya process ee unifikacii i standartizacii, stol` neobhodimyj v usloviyah intensivnogo razvitiya iskusstva, nauki, tehniki v raznyh stranah. ····· 1036119764

Solar Photovoltaic Powered Cooling System for Potato Storage

····· lezzter Preis 79.00€ ···· - Bücher, eBooks, DVD & Blu-ray
Energy is a vital input for sustainable development and economic growth of any country. Refrigerated storage for fruits and vegetables is not available in rural or remote locations due to acute shortage of grid electricity in these areas. So, without having a conventional energy source at these areas, the existence of vapour compression refrigerators connected to photovoltaic panels could present a possible solution to this problem. The study was planned in the following sequential manner. Installation of solar photovoltaic panel, and evaluate its performance. Fabrication of an experimental storage structure. Design, fabrication and evaluation of an experimental unit representing the vapour compression cooling. Economic evaluation of stand alone SPV powered cold storage plant. The power output of the panel was measured under no-load, on-load, with and without recirculation of air inside cold store. The maintained conditions by the designed systems can sustain potato tubers in their most edible and marketable conditions. The PV system is highly competitive with the conventional grid electricity generation. ····· 1036119688

Implementation of media policy in post-war Bosnia and Herzegovina

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This book examines the implementation of media policy designed by the international community in post-war Bosnia and Herzegovina (BiH). Research was conducted by the analyzing and comparing three case studies the establishment of the Communication Regulatory Agency and the Press Council, and the reform of the Public Broadcasting System of BiH. The main findings show a clear connection between the historical context within which policy interventions were shaped, the nature of policy interventions and implementation. Problems that occurred during the process of designing policy solutions had an impact on subsequent implementation. It can be noted that the behavior of local decision makers is a constant, reflected either in the obstruction of proposed reforms, or indifference towards them. On the other hand, in spite of the intention to conduct comprehensive reform, international decision makers did not show enough understanding or support to ensure proper implementation of designed policies. This study shows that resistance to implementation is primarily a product of the lack of political reforms, which, if properly conducted, would create a better context for media reforms. ····· 1036119622


für 44.10€ kaufen ···· - Bücher, eBooks, DVD & Blu-ray
India being a developing country still faces the challenge of large-scale female foeticide and infanticide as evident by Census 2001 data that shows an alarming decline in female to male ratio. This reduced female sex ratio contributes to domestic, social and sexual violence on women. In order to check female foeticide, the Prenatal Diagnostic Techniques (Regulation and Prevention of Misuse) Act, 1994 was enacted and became operational from 1st January 1996. Due to certain inadequacies, practical difficulties in its implementation and due to scientific advances to select sex of a child before conception, the Act has been amended, with effect from February 2003 with motives of preventing the misuse of pre-natal diagnostic techniques for Sex selective abortions. This article is an attempt to throw light on important features of PNDT act and the need of active participation of the people for its successful implementation. Gender bias and deep-rooted prejudice and discrimination against girl child and preference of male child have led to large-scale female foeticide in the last decade. The declining sex ratio is the major concern for all. ····· 1036119584

Work Related Musculoskeletal Disorders and Manual Material Handling

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In the recent year, there has been a significant increase in the reporting of musculoskeletal disorders due to ergonomic hazards. High incidence rate for work related musculoskeletal disorders of the upper extremities have been reported for workers in industries, office work, manufacturing and agriculture which include numerous manual material handling tasks. Manual materials handling permeates all aspects of life on and off the job. So the efficient handling and storing of materials are vital to industry. This book gives an overview of manual material handling and work related musculoskeletal disorders faced by the workers engaged in the warehouse industry and reveals the role and importance of ergonomics at workplace. ····· 1036119576

Valuation of Segregated Funds in India

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The objective of this work is to develop an econometric model which is less complex than the Wilkie s model for valuing and managing financial risks associated with benefit options regarding segregated fund contracts in India. The empirical studies conducted in this thesis revealed the following results. The South Asian stock markets (Sri-Lanka, India and Pakistan) did not show evidence of unit-roots, but the returns are correlated. Therefore, the most appropriate model capable of capturing the long-term equity return process for a practical dynamic hedging of segregated fund contracts in India is the VAR(1) model. Also, the security bonds with various maturities from the Indian money market show evidence of long-run equilibrium relationship. This characteristic makes it possible for the various yields to maturity (YTM) to be modeled jointly via a VECM representation. Therefore, the valuation model being proposed, combines ideas from financial engineering, life contingencies and econometrics. Assessment of the model via simulation has shown that, the net present value of outgo for a 10 year contract for a life age 50 is mostly in the negative. ····· 1036119482

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