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The Sacred Writings of Saint Athanasius

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`The Sacred Writings Of ...` provides you with the essential works among the Christian writings. The volumes cover the beginning of Christianity until medieval times. This volume is accurately annotated, including \* an extensive biography of the author and his life Contents: Editorial Preface Preface Prolegomena Against the Heathen On the Incarnation of the Word Deposition of Arius Introduction to Epistola Eusebii Council of Nicaea Excursus A Introduction to Expositio Fidei Statement of Faith Introduction to in Illud `Omnia,` Etc. On Luke X. 22 (Matt. XI. 27) Introduction to the Encyclical Epistle to the Bishops Throughout the World Circular Letter Defence Against the Arians De Decretis or Defence of the Nicene Definition On the Opinion of Dionysius Life of Antony To the Bishops of Egypt Defence Before Constantius Defence of His Flight History of the Arians Four Discourses Against the Arians. Councils of Ariminum and Seleucia Tome or Synodal Letter to the People of Antioch To the Bishops of Africa Letter of Ninety Bishops of Egypt and Libya Including Athanasius I. Festal Letters II. Personal Letters ····· 1036143471

The Sacred Writings of Arnobius

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`The Sacred Writings Of ...` provides you with the essential works among the Early Christian writings. The volumes cover the beginning of Christianity until before the promulgation of the Nicene Creed at the First Council of Nicaea. Every single volume is accurately annotated, including \* an extensive biography of the author and his life To overcome the doubts of the local bishop as to the earnestness of his Christian belief Arnobius wrote (about 305) an apologetic work in seven books that St. Jerome calls (De Vir. Ill., lxxix) `Adversus Gentes` but is entitled `Adversus Nationes` in the only (ninth-century) manuscript that has reached us. Arnobius is a vigorous apologist for the Christian Faith, defends and expounds its noble monotheism (deus princeps, deus summus), the Divinity of Christ and of the Christian religion, proved by its rapid diffusion, its incredible influence over uncivilized peoples, and its agreement with the views of the best philosophers. ····· 1036143470

The Sacred Writings of Archelaus

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`The Sacred Writings Of ...` provides you with the essential works among the Christian writings. The volumes cover the beginning of Christianity until medieval times. This volume is accurately annotated, including \* an extensive biography of the author and his life That the Acts of this Disputation constitute an authentic relic of antiquity seems well established by a variety of considerations. Epiphanius, for instance, writing about the year A.D. 376, makes certain excerpts from them which correspond satisfactorily with the extant Latin version. Socrates, again, whose Ecclesiastical History dates about 439, mentions these Acts, and acknowledges that he drew the materials for his account of the Manichaean heresy from them. The book itself, too, offers not a few evidences of its own antiquity and authenticity. ····· 1036143469

The Sacred Writings of Apostolic Teaching and Constitutions

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`The Sacred Writings Of ...` provides you with the essential works among the Early Christian writings. The volumes cover the beginning of Christianity until before the promulgation of the Nicene Creed at the First Council of Nicaea. Every single volume is accurately annotated, including \* an extensive biography of the author and his life \* working interactive footnotes \* an interactive table-of-contents \* perfect formatting for electronic reading devices This edition includes the following writings: The Lord`s Teaching Through the Twelve Apostles to the Nations. ····· 1036143468

The Sacred Writings of Dionysius the Great

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`The Sacred Writings Of ...` provides you with the essential works among the Christian writings. The volumes cover the beginning of Christianity until medieval times. Contents: Part I.-Containing Various Sections of the Works. I.-From the Two Books on the Promises.II.-From the Books on Nature.III.-From the Books Against Sabellius. On the Notion that Matter is Ungenerated.IV.-Epistle to Dionysius Bishop of RomeV.-The Epistle to Bishop Basilides. Part II.-Containing Epistles, or Fragments of Epistles. Epistle I.-To Domitius and Didymus.Epistle II.-To Novatus.Epistle III.-To Fabius Bishop of Antioch.Epistle IV.-To Cornelius the Roman Bishop.Epistle V., Which is the First on the Subject of Baptism Addressed to Stephen, Bishop of Rome.Epistle VI.-To Sixtus, Bishop.Epistle VII.-To Philemon, a Presbyter.Epistle VIII.-To Dionysius.Epistle IX.-To Sixtus II.Epistle X.-Against Bishop Germanus.Epistle XI.-To Hermammon.Epistle XII.-To the Alexandrians.Epistle XIII.-To Hierax, a Bishop in Egypt.Epistle XIV.-From His Fourth Festival Epistle.Elucidations. Exegetical Fragments. I.-A Commentary on the Beginning of Ecclesiastes.II.-The Gospel According to Luke.III.-On Luke XXII. 42, Etc.IV.-An Exposition of Luke XXII. 46, Etc.V.-On John VIII. 12.VI.-Of the One Substance.VII.-On the Reception of the Lapsed to Penitence.Footnotes ····· 1036143467

The City of God

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De Civitate Dei, (full title: De Civitate Dei contra Paganos), translated in English as The City of God, is a book of Christian philosophy written in Latin by Augustine of Hippo in the early 5th century AD. It is one of Augustine`s major works, standing alongside his The Confessions, On Christian Doctrine, and On the Trinity. Augustine is considered the most influential Father of the Church in Western Christianity, and The City of God profoundly shaped Western civilization. Augustine wrote the treatise to explain Christianity`s relationship with competing religions and philosophies, as well as its relationship with the Roman government, with which it was increasingly intertwined. It was written soon after Rome was sacked by the Visigoths in 410. This event left Romans in a deep state of shock, and many saw it as punishment for abandoning traditional Roman religion for Catholic Christianity. It was in this atmosphere that Augustine set out to console Christians, writing that, even if the earthly rule of the Empire was imperiled, it was the City of God that would ultimately triumph. Augustine`s eyes were fixed on Heaven, a theme of many Christian works of Late Antiquity. (from ····· 1036143466

On Christian Doctrine

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This volume is accurately annotated, including \* an extensive biography of the author and his life \* working interactive footnotes The four books of St. Augustin On Christian Doctrine (De Doctrina Christiana, iv libri) are a compend of exegetical theology to guide the reader in the understanding and interpretation of the Sacred Scriptures, according to the analogy of faith. The first three books were written ad 397 the fourth was added 426. It is the first and best patristic work on biblical Hermeneutics, and continued for a thousand years, together with the Prefaces of Jerome, to be the chief exegetical guide. Although it is superseded as a scientific work by modern Hermeneutics and Critical Introductions to the Old and New Testaments, it is not surpassed for originality, depth and spiritual insight. ····· 1036143465

The Doctrinal Treatises Of St. Augustine

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This volume is accurately annotated, including \* an extensive biography of the author and his life \* working interactive footnotes The most weighty of the doctrinal treatises is that on the Holy Trinity. The Latin original (De Trinitate contra Arianos libri quindecim), is contained in the 8th volume of the Benedictine edition. It is the most elaborate, and probably also the ablest and profoundest patristic discussion of this central doctrine of the Christian religion, unless we except the Orations against the Arians, by Athanasius, `the Father of Orthodoxy,` who devoted his life to the defense of the Divinity of Christ. Augustine, owing to his defective knowledge of Greek, wrote his work independently of the previous treatises of the Eastern Church on that subject. He bestowed more time and care upon it than on any other book, except the City of God. Besides this treatise the following works are included: The Enchiridion, or On Faith, Hope and Love On the Catechising of the Uninstructed Treatise on Faith and the Creed Concerning Faith of Things not Seen On the Profit of Believing On the Creed ····· 1036143464

Moral Treatises Of St. Augustine

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This volume is accurately annotated, including \* an extensive biography of the author and his life \* working interactive footnotes The moral treatises contain much that will instruct and interest the reader while some views will appear strange to those who fail to distinguish between different ages and different types of virtue and piety. Augustine shared with the Greek and Latin fathers the ascetic preference for voluntary celibacy and poverty. He accepted the distinction which dates from the second century, between two kinds of morality: a lower morality of the common people, which consists in keeping the ten commandments and a higher sanctity of the elect few, which observes, in addition, the evangelical counsels, so called, or the monastic virtues. He practiced this doctrine after his conversion. He ought to have married the mother of his son but in devoting himself to the priesthood, he felt it his duty to remain unmarried, according to the prevailing spirit of the church in his age. His teacher, Ambrose, and his older contemporary, Jerome, went still further in the enthusiastic praise of single life. We must admire their power of self-denial and undivided consecration, though we may dissent from their theory. Contents: St. Augustine: On Continence. [De Continentia.] St. Augustine: On The Good Of Marriage. [De Bono Conjugali.] Notice. St. Augustine: Of Holy Virginity. [De Virginitate.] St. Augustine: On The Good Of Widowhood. [De Bono Viduitatis.] St. Augustine: On Lying. [De Mendacio.] St. Augustine: To Consentius: Against Lying. [Contra Mendacium.] St. Augustine: Of The Work Of Monks. [De Opere Monachorum.] St. Augustine: On Patience. [De Patientia.] St. Augustine: On Care To Be Had For The Dead. [De Cura Pro Mortuis.] Footnotes ····· 1036143463

St. Augustine`s Writings Against The Manichaeans And Against The Donatists

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This is the extended and annotated edition including \* an extensive biographical annotation about the author and his life This edition contains the following writings: Of the Morals of the Catholic Church. On the Morals of the Manichaeans. Concerning Two Souls, Against the Manichaeans. Acts or Disputation Against Fortunatus, the Manichaean. Against the Epistle of Manichaeus Called Fundamental. Reply to Faustus the Manichaean. Concerning the Nature of Good, Against the Manichaeans. On Baptism, Against the Donatists In Answer to the Letters of Petilian, the Donatist, Bishop of Cirta. A Treatise Concerning the Correction of the Donatists ····· 1036143462

Saint Augustine`s Anti-Pelagian Writings

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This is the extended and annotated edition including \* an extensive biographical annotation about the author and his life This edition contains the following writings: Contents: On the Merits and Forgiveness of Sins, and on the Baptism of Infants On the Spirit and the Letter On Nature and Grace, Against Pelagius Concerning Man`s Perfection in Righteousness On the Proceedings of Pelagius, A Treatise on the Grace of Christ, and on Original Sin On Marriage and Concupiscence. On the Soul and Its Origin A Treatise Against Two Letters of the Pelagians A Treatise on Grace and Free Will. Treatise on Rebuke and Grace A Treatise on the Predestination of the Saints, A Treatise on the Gift of Perseverance, Being the Second Book ····· 1036143461

On the Sermon On The Mount

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This is the extended and annotated edition including \* an extensive biographical annotation about the author and his life This edition includes the two books that St. Augustine wrote as explanations on the Sermon On The Mount which our Lord delivered and which are written down in Matthew 5-7. ····· 1036143460

The Harmony Of The Gospels

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This is the extended and annotated edition including \* an extensive biographical annotation about the author and his life Book I. The treatise opens with a short statement on the subject of the authority of the Evangelists, their number, their order, and the different plans of their narratives. Augustine then prepares for the discussion of the questions relating to their harmony, by joining issue in this book with those who raise a difficulty in the circumstance that Christ has left no writing of His own, or who falsely allege that certain books were composed by Him on the arts of magic. He also meets the objections of those who, in opposition to the evangelical teaching, assert that the disciples of Christ at once ascribe more to their Master than He really was, when they affirmed that He was God, and inculcated what they had not been instructed in by Him, when they interdicted the worship of the gods. Against these antagonists he vindicates the teaching of the Apostles, by appealing to the utterances of the Prophets, and by showing that the God of Israel was to be the sole object of worship, who also, although He was the only Deity to whom acceptance was denied in former times by the Romans, and that for the very reason that He prohibited them from worshipping other gods along with Himself, has now in the end made the Empire of Rome subject to His Name, and among all nations has broken their idols in pieces through the preaching of the Gospel, as He had promised by His prophets that the event should be. Book II. In this book Augustine undertakes an orderly examination of the Gospel according to Matthew, on to the narrative of the Supper, and institutes a comparison between it and the other Gospels by Mark, Luke, and John, with the view of demonstrating a complete harmony between the four Evangelists throughout all these sections. Book III. This book contains a demonstration of the harmony of the Evangelists from the accounts of the Supper on to the end of the Gospel, the narratives given by the several writers being collated, and the whole arranged in one orderly connection. Book IV. This book embraces a discussion of those passages which are peculiar to Mark, Luke, or John. ····· 1036143459

Sermons On Selected Lessons Of The New Testament

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This is the extended and annotated edition including \* an extensive biographical annotation about the author and his life The Sermons of St. Augustine, besides their other excellencies, furnish a beautiful picture of perhaps the deepest and most powerful mind of the Western Church adapting itself to the little ones of Christ. In them, he who has furnished the mould for all the most thoughtful minds for fourteen hundred years, is seen forming with loving tenderness the babes in Christ. Very touching is the child-like simplicity, with which he gradually leads them through what to them were difficulties, watching all the while whether he made himself clear to them, keeping up their attention, pleased at their understanding, dreading their approbation, and leading them off from himself to some practical result. Very touching the tenderness with which he at times reproves, the allowance which he makes for human infirmities and for those in secular life, if they will not make their infirmities their boast, or in allowed duties and indulgences forget God. But his very simplicity precludes the necessity of any preface. His Sermons explain themselves. They appear from a passage in the Commentary on the Psalms to have been often taken down in writing at the time by the more attentive sort of hearers (as were those of St. Chrysostom) Possidius states that this was done from the commencement of his presbyterate, and that `thence through the body of Africa, excellent doctrine and the most sweet savour of Christ was diffused and made manifest, the Church of God beyond seas, when it heard thereof, partaking of the joy.` ····· 1036143458

The Expositions On The Psalms

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This is the extended and annotated edition including \* an extensive biographical annotation about the author and his life In any commentary on a portion of the Old Testament by a writer unacquainted with Hebrew, exact criticism, and freedom from mistake, must not be expected. But the Psalms have been so in the mouth and in the heart of God`s people in all languages, that it has been necessary often to find an explanation suitable to imperfect translations. And no doubt it is intended that we should use such explanations for the purpose of edification, when we are unable to be more accurate, though in proving doctrine it is necessary always to remember and allow for any want of acquaintance with the original, or uncertainty with respect to its actual meaning. However, the main scope and bearing of the text is rarely affected by such points as vary in different translations, and the analogy of the faith is sufficient to prevent a Catholic 4 mind from adopting any error in consequence of a text seeming to bear a heterodox meaning. Perhaps the errors of translation in the existing versions may have led the Fathers to adopt rules of interpretation ranging too far from the simple and literal but having such translations, they could hardly use them otherwise. Meanwhile St. Augustin will be found to excel in the intense apprehension of those great truths which pervade the whole of Sacred Writ, and in the vivid and powerful exposition of what bears upon them. It is hardly possible to read his practical and forcible applications of Holy Scripture, without feeling those truths by the faith of which we ought to live brought home to the heart in a wonderful manner. His was a mind that strove earnestly to solve the great problems of human life, and after exhausting the resources, and discovering the emptiness, of erroneous systems, found truth and rest at last in Catholic Christianity, in the religion of the Bible as expounded by St. Ambrose. And though we must look to his Confessions for the full view of all his cravings after real good, and their ultimate satisfaction, yet throughout his works we have the benefit of the earnestness with which he sought to feed on the `sincere milk of the word.` ····· 1036143457

Selected Homilies & Treatises

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This is the extended and annotated edition including \* an extensive biographical annotation about the author and his life This compilation contains the following writings: Contents: Treatise on the Priesthood. An Exhortation to Theodore After His Fall. Letter to a Young Widow. Homilies on S. Ignatius and S. Babylas. Concerning Lowliness of Mind. Instructions to Catechumens Three Homilies Concerning the Power of Demons. Against Marcionists and Manichaeans. Homily on the Paralytic Let Down Through the Roof. Homily Against Publishing the Errors of the Brethren. On Eutropius, Patrician and Consul. A Treatise to Prove that No One Can Harm the Man Who Does Not Injure Himself Letters to Olympias. Correspondence of St. Chrysostom with the Bishop of Rome Homilies Concerning the Statues. ····· 1036143456

The Homilies On The Gospel Of St. Matthew

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This is the extended and annotated edition including \* an extensive biographical annotation about the author and his life The Homilies of St. Chrysostom on St. Matthew were undoubtedly delivered at Antioch (see Hom. vii. p. 43) and probably in the latter part of the time during which he preached as a Presbyter. Montfaucon consideres his little mention of the sin of swearing a sign of his accomplished some reformation on that point by his previous exertions. In the Homilies delievered from 386 to 388, it is a constant topic and the Homilies known to belong to that date are so numerous, as scarcely leave room for such a series as the present. These, however, contain very little to mark the period to which they belong. The argument from his reference to dissensions some time gone by, possible those between St. Meletius and Paulinus and Evagrius, in commenting on St. Matt. xxiii. 6. is not very conclusive. A modern reader must sometimes be struck with finding in St. Chrysostom a kind of criticism, which we are apt to thing belongs only to later times. Hist main object, however, is moral, and he searches out with diligence both the meaning and the applications of particular passages, usually concluding with an eloquent exhortation to some special virtue. Some of the most remarkable of these exhortations are on the subject of Alms-giving, which he seems to have pressed with some success at last. His calculation in Hom. lxvi as to what might be done, is somewhat curious. In the end of Hom. lxxxviii. he demands a reformation as the condition of his entering on the cntroversy with Infidels. In the next Homily he discusses the evidence of the Resurrection with nearly the same arguments as would still be used against an objector. ····· 1036143455

The Homilies On The Acts of the Apostles

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This is the extended and annotated edition including \* an extensive biographical annotation about the author and his life As a commentary on the Acts of the Apostles, this Work stands alone among the writings of the first ten centuries. The Expositions of St. Clement of Alexandria (in the Hypotyposes), of Origen, of Diodorus of Tarsus, and St. Chrysostom`s teacher, Theodore of Mopsuestia, as well as of Ammonius and others whose materials are used in the Catena, have perished. Those who are acquainted with the characteristic qualities of St. Chrysostom`s exegesis, will perceive here also the same excellencies which mark his other expository works-especially the clear and full exposition of the historical sense, and the exact appreciation of the rhetorical momenta in the discourses of St. Peter, St. Stephen, St. James and St. Paul, as recorded in the Acts. ····· 1036143454

The Homilies On The Epistle Of St. Paul To The Romans

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This is the extended and annotated edition including \* an extensive biographical annotation about the author and his life St. Chrysostom`s Commentary on the Epistle to the Romans in one of the closest and most argumentative of thse he has left us. The style of the Epistle itself called for this, being such as almost constantly to remind anattentive reader of the necessity of froming some notion of the views and feelings of the persons to whom it was orginally addressed. To this point St. Crysotom has paid much attention, and has consequently obtained a far clearer view of the doctinal bearing of the Epistle than most other commentators. His early rhetorical education would probably have given him even to strong a bias toward that kind of exposition, but for his supsequent course of severe discipline and ascetic devotion. As it is, the rhetorical element in his commentary is of ver great value. His ready apprehension of the effect intended to be prodcued by the style and wording of a sentence, is often the means of clearing up what minght othewise seem obscure of even inconsistent. An example of this occurs in the beginning of the seventh cahpter, which he expounds in the 12th Homily. The illustration of uor release from the Law of Moses by partaking in the Death of Christ, by the dissolution of marriage at deat, is so stated in the Epistle as to contain an apparent inconsistency, as though the death of the Law, and the death of the personn, were confounded. And the various readings only shift the difficulty, without removing it. This, however, he has very ably shown to be, in fact, an argument a priori. Other cases will strike other persons as they happen to have found difficulty in the Text. ····· 1036143453

The Homilies On First And Second Corinthians

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This is the extended and annotated edition including \* an extensive biographical annotation about the author and his life The Homilies on the Epistles to the Corinthians have ever been considered by learned and devout men as among the most perfect specimens of his mind and teaching. They are of that mixed form, between exposition and exhortation, which serves perhaps better than any other, first, to secure attention, and then to convey to an attentive hearer the full purport of the holy words as they stand in the Bible, and to communicate to him the very impression which the preacher himself had received from the text. The date of these Homilies is not exactly known: but it is certain that they were delivered at Antioch, were it only from Hom. xxi. 9. ad fin. Antioch was at that time, in a temporal sense, a flourishing Church, maintaining 3,000 widows and virgins , maimed persons, prisoners, and ministers of the altar although, St. Chrysostom adds, its income was but that of one of the lowest class of wealthy individuals. ····· 1036143452

The Homilies On Various Epistles

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These Homilies are often less complete in exposition than those on earlier books of the New Testament, and in literary excellence will not compare with the Homilies on the Statues, and many other discourses given at Antioch. But to the student of preaching, they are quite as instructive, if not really more so.Contents:Commentary On the Epistle of St. Paul to the Galatians.Homilies on the Epistle of St. Paul to the EphesiansHomilies on the Epistle of St. Paul to the PhilippiansHomilies on the Epistle of St. Paul to the Colossians.Homilies on the First Epistle of St. Paul to the Thessalonians.Homilies on the Second Epistle of St. Paul to the Thessalonians.Homilies on the First Epistle of St. Paul to TimothyHomilies on the Second Epistle of St. Paul to Timothy.Homilies on the Epistle of St. Paul to Titus.Homilies on the Epistle of St. Paul to Philemon ····· 1036143451

The Homilies On The Gospel According To St. John

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This is the extended and annotated edition including \* an extensive biographical annotation about the author and his life \* an interactive table-of-contents \* perfect formatting for electronic reading devices This book contians the 88 homilies that Chrysostom gave on the Gospel of St. John. ····· 1036143450

The Homilies On The Epistle To The Hebrews

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This is the extended and annotated edition including \* an extensive biographical annotation about the author and his life This edition contains the 34 homilies on the Epistle to the Hebrews. ····· 1036143449

The Book of the Bee

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This is the extended and annotated edition including \* an extensive historical essay about the Catholic missions in Persia The Book of the Bee is a collection of theological and historical texts compiled by Solomon of Akhlat in the thirteenth century. The book consists of 55 chapters discussing various topics including the creation, heaven and earth, the angels, darkness, paradise, Old Testament patriarchs, New Testament events, lists of kings and patriarchs, and the final day of resurrection. ····· 1036143448

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