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Hristianskaya civilizaciya

····· lezzter Preis 44.82€ ···· - Bücher, eBooks, DVD & Blu-ray
V rezul`tate ser`joznogo othoda ot osnovnyh polozhenij hristianskoj very, yasno izlozhennyh Gospodom i zakrepljonnyh v Evangelii, hristianskaya civilizaciya okazalas` v glubokom krizise: ona raskolota na chasti (Evropa, Rossiya, Severnaya i Juzhnaya Amerika), nahodyashhiesya vo vzaimnoj vrazhde upala moral` i nravstvennost`, vitaet ugroza mirovoj vojny i samounichtozheniya. Dlya ispravleniya polozheniya neobhodim remont osnov civilizacii - lichnost`, obshhestvo, gosudarstvo, religiya - v plane vozvrata k osnovnym hristianskim cennostyam. V jetom sostoit velikaya missiya religioznyh konfessij i gosudarstv. Neobhodimo vosstanovit` ih organichnyj sojuz i ustranit` otricatel`noe vliyanie ateistov. Chto dlya jeto nuzhno sdelat` i kak rasskazyvaetsya v nastoyashhej knige. ····· 1036124382

Nekotorye aspekty funkcionirovaniya religioznogo diskursa

····· lezzter Preis 22.32€ ···· - Bücher, eBooks, DVD & Blu-ray
V monografii avtory podvodyat itog mnogoletnih razmyshlenij nad funkcionirovaniem religioznogo, v osnovnom pravoslavnogo, diskursa. Chitatelju predostavlyaetsya vozmozhnost` prosledit` hod rassuzhdenij avtorov, tak kak v rabote ispol`zovany materialy ranee opublikovannyh v Rossii i za rubezhom statej, posvyashhennyh jetoj problematike, v chastnosti osobennostyam funkcionirovaniya tematicheskih nominacij i slozhnopodchinennyh predlozhenij s uchetom adresnosti religioznogo texta. Rassmotreny otnosheniya adresant - adresat tipy vozdejstviya na soznanie adresata. Predstavleno avtorskoe videnie struktury kartiny mira, dajushhej vozmozhnost` adresantu naibolee tochno opredelit` adresnost` texta, kotoraya, s tochki zreniya avtorov, v religioznom texte chasto napravlena na ratio recipienta. Kniga adresuetsya filologam, filosofam, sociologam, kul`turologam, psihologam, religiovedam, a takzhe vsem interesujushhimsya issledovaniyami religioznoj kommunikacii. ····· 1036124381

Bibleyskie idei v istorii khristianskoy tsivilizatsii

····· lezzter Preis 71.82€ ···· - Bücher, eBooks, DVD & Blu-ray
Kniga rassmatrivaet Bibliyu kak istoriko-kul`turnyy fenomen i deystvuyushchiy tekst v istorii tsivilizatsii. Eta rol` bibleyskogo teksta illyustriruetsya na osnove analiza nekotorykh vazhneyshikh tem - bibleyskaya teoditseya, novozavetnaya istoriosofiya, bibleyskaya kriminologiya, sud`ba Biblii v periody rastsveta skholastiki i Reformatsii. Dazhe eti aspekty istorii evropeyskoy tsivilizatsii yavstvenno demonstriruyut, chto khristianskie idei do sikh por neobkhodimy chelovechestvu i sleduet osobo podcherknut`, chto imenno religiya sygrala ogromnuyu rol` v oformlenii tsivilizatsionnykh idey. Eto vidno uzhe iz togo, chto imenno Biblii suzhdeno bylo sygrat` rol` programmnogo teksta, kotoryy ne tol`ko kodiruet tsivilizatsiyu i otvechaet za smysl ee sushchestvovaniya, no i s pomoshch`yu religii vystraivaet kul`turu kak mekhanizm adaptatsii k opredelennoy prostranstvenno-vremennoy situatsii. Issledovanie prednaznacheno dlya kul`turologov, istorikov, filosofov, antropologov i vsekh interesuyushchikhsya bibleyskoy istoriey i istoriey tsivilizatsii. ····· 1036124378

La Ciencia y la Biblia, Son opuestas o compatibles?

····· lezzter Preis 35.10€ ···· - Bücher, eBooks, DVD & Blu-ray
La propuesta del libro es explicar brevemente la naturaleza y la biblia, a la cual consideramos ambas obras del mismo Dios. En la naturaleza, conocida por los creyentes como la creación, encontramos revelación del poder y sabiduría de Dios por las leyes naturales. La creación puede ser comprendida por el método científico, el cual nos brinda información confiable. La otra obra de Dios es la Biblia, la cual es conocida por los creyentes como la revelación de lo que la creación no nos puede declarar, lo cual es el amor de Dios para sus criaturas, en especial los seres humanos. La Biblia fue dada como la última base para nuestra fe y práctica. Reconocemos que el estudio de sólo una de estas obras, ya sea la creación por la ciencia o la biblia por la fe, puede demandar los mejores esfuerzos de toda una vida. Pero también reconocemos que todos debemos conocer un poco de ambas obras. Los autores han tratado de presentar un honesto enfoque de ambas obras, confiando en la ciencia para el conocimiento del mundo y en la Biblia para el conocimiento de Dios y su voluntad en nosotros. Abordamos con sinceridad científica el tema de los orígenes y las distintas visiones cristianas sobre el tema. ····· 1036123864

El Juicio Final de Santa Cruz el Alto

····· lezzter Preis 88.20€ ···· - Bücher, eBooks, DVD & Blu-ray
En los últimos años, en los círculos académicos, ha crecido el interés por el estudio de las ideas escatológicas religiosas, particularmente aquellas defendidas por el cristianismo, religión que ha dejado una profunda huella en la cultura occidental. En la primera parte de esta obra, el autor realiza un breve recorrido por el conjunto de ideas que, a través de un proceso de larga duración de más de dos milenios, culminaron en la construcción de la imagen del Juicio Final, la que a partir de la conjunción y asimilación de rasgos elementales de otras culturas adquirió poco a poco el nivel de complejidad de una `summa escatológica` en el clímax del dominio ideológico y político de la Iglesia Católica en la baja Edad Media. En la segunda parte, el autor retoma la trayectoria ideológica trazada en la primera parte para realizar un acercamiento iconográfico de una pintura anónima al óleo sobre el Juicio Final, localizada en la ciudad mexicana de Puebla. Esa muestra del arte novohispano, única en su género, si se considera la tradición figurativa del tema en la pintura mural del siglo XVI, es un punto de partida idóneo para la realización de este arduo ejercicio de búsqueda de símbolos. ····· 1036123738

Healthy Christian Family

für 44.10€ kaufen ···· - Bücher, eBooks, DVD & Blu-ray
This is a family that appreciates, recognizes, accepts and values the ruler ship of the Lord Jesus Christ in their individual and family lives. It starts from the family head i.e the husband/farther to the wife/mother, the children, servants and to all those that may be under the care the couple. They believe and trust that the Holy Scriptures (the Bible), serves as a guide to a Christ-centered life despite life challenges that may arise. The head of the family can confidently declare with Joshua As for me and my household, we will serve the LORD. [Joshua 24:15]. The man of the house takes cognizant of the fact that he needs to be strong and courageous (Joshua 1: 1-9) in order to lead his family in the paths of righteousness. More often than not there are many challenges in family leadership particularly when the younger members (children) mature up. Hence there is need for strength, courage and spiritual insight. For a Christian family to be described as healthy there must be some flavoring ingredients in the family. Such ingredients may include open communication lines, transparent use of resources, appreciation of all members, unquestionable intimacy between the couple etc. ····· 1036120721

Jesus the Lamb of God

für 44.10€ kaufen ···· - Bücher, eBooks, DVD & Blu-ray
In recent times, the sacrificial death of Jesus Christ which is seen as the fulfillment of the types and shadows of the Mosaic Law to bring salvation to mankind have been downplayed. Many Christians do not fully comprehend the subjects that imply the passion of Jesus as the sacrificial Lamb of God. The role of this sacrificial idea of Christ as the source and object of our salvation is paramount to proper biblical understanding and missions in the church. Hence the need for a comprehensive understanding of the death of Jesus. The author carefully studied the sacrificial rites prevalent in the Old Testament Jewish religion, pointing it as means to an end-the sacrifice of Christ. The Johannine theology of sacrifice was examined to illustrate the vicarious death of Christ form the Fourth Gospel and to aid an understanding of its implications. This work should help shed some lights in theological and biblical studies, as well as help in boosting the faith of Christians as it awakens them to their duty in regards to Christ` salvific work on the cross. ····· 1036120258

Lust auf die frohe Botschaft. Lesejahr B

für 14.90€ kaufen ···· - Bücher, eBooks, DVD & Blu-ray
Die Hoheit und Heiligkeit Jesu Christi ist der letzte Maßstab des Guten überhaupt. Die Schrift nennt ihn die Gerechtigkeit Gottes. Aber in seiner Zuwendung zur Schöpfung ist er Güte, Milde, Geduld, eben unendliche Liebe mit dem Verlangen, seine geliebten Menschen am Ende ihres Weges bei sich in Herrlichkeit geborgen zu wissen.Darum beugt Gott sich über den Menschen in heilender Liebe, obwohl er ein Sünder ist, - vielleicht weil er ein Sünder ist. Seiner Gerechtigkeit tut das keinen Abbruch.Uns aber soll dieses Wissen ermutigen, alle Angst vor Gott fallen zu lassen. Uns soll dieses Wissen ermutigen, uns selbst zu vergeben, weil auch Gott uns vergeben hat. Uns selbst soll dieses Wissen ermutigen, uns nicht so wichtig zu nehmen, uns loszulassen, uns fallen zu lassen in die Hände Gottes. Denn `man ist das, was man vor Gott ist`, sagt die hl. Therese von Avila, `nicht mehr und nicht weniger`.Der Autor ist Priester der Gesellschaft Jesu. Bei seiner Weihe wurde er nicht in die Wissenschaft, vielmehr in die Verkündigung der Frohen Botschaft gesandt zum Lob und der Verherrlichung Gottes, - AD MAIOREM DEI GLORIAM ····· 1036114643

Khristiansko-demokraticheskaya ideya

für 44.82€ kaufen ···· - Bücher, eBooks, DVD & Blu-ray
Kniga posvyashchena poisku smysla sushchestvovaniya obshchestva, sovremennogo ustroystva obshchestva i gosudarstva. Material imeet pragmaticheskoe naznachenie - preodolenie imeyushchikhsya nedugov v nyneshnem razvitii Ukrainy i drugikh postsovetskikh stran, sozdanie metodologii postroeniya gosudarstva i obshchestva, voobshche. Obrazovanie neobkhodimoy ekonomicheskoy bazy, formirovanie sistemy tsennostey novogo obshchestva - vot zadacha, kotoruyu stavit avtor. V pervuyu ochered`, rech` idet o programme bol`shogo ekonomicheskogo tolchka, sposobnogo vyvesti stranu iz sistemnogo krizisa i obespechit` usloviya dlya dal`neyshego razvitiya. Imeyutsya v vidu i sozdanie polnotsennogo grazhdanskogo obshchestva, i preodolenie ogranicheniy sovremennykh demokratiy. Odnim iz sredstv vypolneniya zadachi mozhet byt` politicheskaya partiya khristianskogo tipa. Rasschitana na politicheskie krugi, ekonomistov, rabotnikov gosudarstvennykh uchrezhdeniy, prepodavateley i studentov vuzov gumanitarnykh distsiplin, shirokiy krug chitateley. ····· 103614563

Christianity in a Secular State: Nigeria as a Case Study

für 71.10€ kaufen ···· - Bücher, eBooks, DVD & Blu-ray
Christianity is a way of life for people who are sold out to Jesus Christ. The modern world is making living for Christ an `out of fashion` thing. This book takes a look on how the Christians in Nigeria can positively impact the society by keeping the peace yet keeping the great commission in focus, while impacting the society positively by the provision of social amenities and good moral character at home, school and work. . An attempt is then made to show that Christians must brace up in order to adopt modern techniques that can be relevant in this scientific age and to show that Christian values can contribute positively to the society by minimizing social vices since morality is inseparable from religion both religion and morals are also inseparable from society. The study combines library research and social survey. Stratified sampling was used to ensure coverage of all the six geo-political zones within Nigeria. Quota sampling was used within the strata. It relied mainly on the information gathered through interview, fieldwork reports, questionnaire and observations. ····· 103613356

La imagen procesional cristiana

für 21.51€ kaufen ···· - Bücher, eBooks, DVD & Blu-ray
Entre las fiestas religiosas cristianas destacan el Nacimiento y la Muerte de Jesucristo. En tan solemnes ocasiones, verdaderamente la imaginación del pueblo se desborda, dando lugar a actos singulares entre los que destacan las procesiones. Es por ello, que el presente trabajo nos aproxima al origen de tan particular representación arrojando la mayor cantidad de luz posible sobre dicho objeto de estudio, abarcando desde los orígenes del cristianismo hasta el Concilio de Trento, cuando liturgia y arte queden al servicio de la fe católica. Tarea no poco complicada por la escasez de fuentes de las que se dispone, pero al mismo tiempo no menos apasionante. El tema de las procesiones como expresión de religiosidad popular ha acaparado, y sigue haciéndolo, especial atención entre los historiadores del arte, de las mentalidades, de los antropólogos, así como teólogos y liturgistas. ····· 103612659

Leadership with results

für 44.10€ kaufen ···· - Bücher, eBooks, DVD & Blu-ray
Winston Churchill said, To grow is to change. To be perfect is to change frequently. As leaders, we should be prepared to change our style of leadership and adapt to contemporary challenges. To resist change is to resist progress. Secondly, we need to recognize that there is advancement in all spheres and in all fields- from Medicine to the Military, from Science and Technology to Fashion. Therefore, to be uninformed is to be left behind. Leaders are learners. They remain learners. When you stop learning, you stop leading you start leaning instead. When leaders grow, their churches grow. If a church is not growing, the leader is not growing. Until you know more, God will not give you more. Unless you can handle more, God will not put more in your hands. We are, therefore, left without an option but to fight against ignorance and challenge the status quo. As we translate the things we have learned into action, we will certainly see results.Welcome to the discovery of new things. ····· 103611122

Managing the Crisis of Marital Unfaithfulness

für 44.10€ kaufen ···· - Bücher, eBooks, DVD & Blu-ray
This is a book on marriage focusing on one of the age long problems that has plagued the marriage institution and has been a catlyst to crisis in many homes. The book discusses the problem of marital unfaithfulness purely from a christian point of view looking into the biblical basis for marriage crisis and crisis resolution from the old and the new testaments. The author from many years of pastoral experience and counselling with couples identifies some causes and consequences of marital unfaithfulness and gives suggesstions for the resolution of the crisis generated by unfaithfulness in marriage. This book is good and is hereby recommended for singles planning to get married, young couples and people who have problems of unfaithfulness in their marriage. This can be a companion for couples who desire to resolve the crisis that has been generated by the unfaithfulness of one or both patners in marriage. The book can also be a reference material for researchers, counsellors and pastors in the area of marriage. ····· 10361686

Cult-Like Characteristics of Selected Doctrinally Orthodox Churches

für 53.10€ kaufen ···· - Bücher, eBooks, DVD & Blu-ray
Cults such as Heaven s Gate, the Branch Davidians, Peoples Temple (Jim Jones) and many lesser known groups have certain characteristics. But is it possible that some evangelical churches with biblical doctrine have similar characteristics as full blown cults What are those characteristics and how strongly do they make their presence known This project seeks to examine if churches that have evangelical doctrine can be similar to cults despite their underpinnings of biblical truth. Results from thirteen unhealthy churches represented by thirty former members are examined through the use of a descriptive survey. The descriptive survey s results are examined so that useful recommendations could be made to help churches recover from cultish conditions or to prevent churches from becoming cult-like. This dissertation makes the case from the literature review for the presence of a large number of cultic characteristics and that many Protestant, evangelical churches have similar problems. Both the literature review and the survey results and analysis make the case for bold moves towards church health so that the Great Commission can be advanced and Christ be glorified. ····· 1036154

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