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Chinesische Touristen im Ausland DrostenDoktorarbeit

····· lezzter Preis 68.00€ ···· - Bücher, eBooks, DVD & Blu-ray
Mit über 135 Millionen internationalen Grenzübertritten im Jahr 2016 übertrifft der Reisemarkt China alle Hochrechnungen. China ist Reiseweltmeister und chinesische Touristen sind rund um den Globus ein nicht mehr wegzudenkender Bestandteil fast jeder bedeutenden aReisedestination. Zudem hat sich der chinesische Reisemarkt gegenüber früher stark verändert. Es sind nicht mehr die kameraschwingenden Reisegruppen, die das Bild der chinesischen Touristen im Ausland prägen. Immer mehr ist der chinesische Auslandstourismus auch Ausdruck individueller Freiheiten einer sich formierenden, facettenreichen urbanen Wohlstandsgesellschaft. Die vorliegende Studie nimmt diesen Wandel unter die Lupe. Auf der Grundlage qualitativer Interviews mit Reisenden und Vertretern der Tourismuswirtschaft analysiert der Autor die Entwicklungsstadien des chinesischen Auslandstourismus, die Strukturen der aktuellen chinesischen Tourismuswirtschaft und wagt Prognosen für deren Zukunft. Nicht zuletzt konzentriert sich das Buch auf die touristische Nachfrageseite. Es zeigt die Rückkopplungseffekte zwischen dem Reiseverhalten chinesischer Auslandstouristen und aktuellen Prozessen innerhalb der chinesischen Gesellschaft auf und bietet den Auslandstouristen eine Bühne, von ihren Wünschen und Hoffnungen, aber auch von Zwängen, denen sie unterliegen, zu berichten. Dr. Rainer Fugmann, Dipl. Geograph, geb. 1982, studierte an der Katholischen Universität Eichstätt-Ingolstadt Geographie (Schwerpunkt: Tourismus), Politikwissenschaften und Lateinamerikanistik und promovierte am Lehrstuhl für Kulturgeographie. Gegenwärtig arbeitet er als Regionalplaner bei der Regierung von Mittelfranken. ····· 10361205420

Chinesische Touristen in Deutschland DrostenDoktorarbeit

····· lezzter Preis 28.00€ ···· - Bücher, eBooks, DVD & Blu-ray
`Wir rechnen damit, dass im Laufe der Zeit jeder Chinese einmal Deutschland besucht.` (Altbundeskanzler Gerhard Schröder, 2003)Fakt oder Fiktion Tatsache ist, dass Prognosen davon ausgehen, dass China mit 100 Millionen Auslandstouristen im Jahr 2015 mittelfristig Deutschland als Reiseweltmeister ablösen wird. Tatsache ist auch, dass sich der Quellmarkt China in jüngster Vergangenheit unter großer medialer Aufmerksamkeit ins Rampenlicht des Interesses von Touristikern rund um den Globus katapultiert hat. Tatsache ist zudem, dass sich in einer Zeit, in der kaum ein Bundesbürger die `kameraschwingenden` chinesischen Touristen mit ihren bei Zeiten `ungewöhnlichen` Verhaltensweisen von japanischen oder koreanischen Gästegruppen unterscheiden kann, das China-Fieber auch Deutschland erreicht hat. Doch Tatsache ist letztendlich auch, dass trotz der erheblichen Potentiale, die der chinesische Auslandstourismus bei oberflächlicher Betrachtung birgt, er sich in der Praxis nur allzu oft als Irrgarten voller Hindernisse entpuppt. Chinesische Touristen werden unweigerlich dem globalen Tourismus ihren Stempel aufdrücken und auch in der touristischen Destination Deutschland Akzente setzen. Die vorliegende Studie nimmt den chinesischen Auslandstourismus unter die Lupe. Sie untersucht die Entwicklung, die er in der Vergangenheit nahm, entschlüsselt die Ursachen der globalen Euphorie, die er in jüngster Zeit ausgelöst hat, beschreibt seine zentrale Charakteristika und analysiert seine Bedingungen sowie Auswirkungen im Hinblick auf zwei zentrale Fragen: Kann China ein Zukunftsquellmarkt für die Destination Deutschland sein und inwieweit ist Deutschland überhaupt darauf vorbereitet, Reiseziel für chinesische Touristen zu sein ····· 10361205386

Sticky triangles: New tools for experimental phasing of biological macromolecules

····· lezzter Preis 30.64€ ···· - Bücher, eBooks, DVD & Blu-ray
X-ray crystallography is the prime method for the elucidation of three-dimensional molecular structures. The determination of novel structures is hampered by the crystallographic phase problem. For biological macromolecules experimental phasing is one technique to solve this phase problem it usually requires the incorporation of heavy atoms in the protein crystal. In this thesis a new class of compounds was developed that combines heavy atoms for experimental phasing with functional groups for interaction with biological macromolecules. Three functional groups interact with protein residues and make the compounds sticky. Three halogen atoms provide a strong anomalous signal and may be used for experimental phasing. The halogen atoms form an equilateral triangle, which is easily recognised in the heavy-atom substructure. So far several novel protein structures have been solved with the iodine triangle compound. The sticky compounds of the current work are readily available and easy to use. ····· 10361192989

Changes in Saxon Precipitation Characteristics

····· lezzter Preis 34.20€ ···· - Bücher, eBooks, DVD & Blu-ray
Changes in regional precipitation pattern as well as in daily, monthly and seasonal precipitation extremes were analysed for more than 100 rain gauge stations in Saxony, Germany and surrounding areas. Trend analysis was done for a variety of heavy precipitation and drought indicators. The results were compared for study periods of different length like 1951¿2000 and 1901¿2006 and of varying digital data availability. Usually, the trends of dry and wet precipitation extremes are simi-lar to the general precipitation trends. Drought events increased during the summer half of the year (April to September), while wet extremes got more frequent and se-vere in the winter half year. Trends opposite to those of average precipitation like the slight increase of heavy precipitation events in summer were mainly noticed for indicators of more extreme and thus particularly rare events. Nevertheless, those tendencies are generally less robust and significant. The spatio-temporal (trend) patterns of individual indicators suggest dependencies of and changes in large scale circulation pattern. ····· 10361192582

Technology, Resource Management and Development

····· lezzter Preis 25.65€ ···· - Bücher, eBooks, DVD & Blu-ray
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Caractérisation des potentialités hydrologiques et hydrogéologiques dans la zone de Tikaré, province du Bam, Burkina Faso (Afrique de l`Ouest)

····· lezzter Preis 26.60€ ···· - Bücher, eBooks, DVD & Blu-ray
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Charakterisierung der hydrologisch-hydrogeologischen Potentiale im Gebiet von Tikaré, Provinz Bam, Burkina Faso (Westafrika)

····· lezzter Preis 26.60€ ···· - Bücher, eBooks, DVD & Blu-ray
Die Ressource Wasser ist essentiell für das Leben. Aus diesem Grund war die Menschheit stets bemüht natürliche Wässer zu gewinnen und zu nutzen (ASADI et al. 2007). Der Umgang mit der Ressource zeigt aber auch, dass dieses wichtigste Lebensmittel durch die anthropogene Verschmutzung bedroht ist (EFE 2002). Der sichere Umgang mit der Ressource Wasser in ariden Ländern erfordert jedoch eine Verbesserung der Kenntnisse der Oberflächen- und Grundwasserpotentiale, in Hinsicht Wassergenese, Qualität und Quantität. Um dazu beizutragen, hat sich die vorliegende Untersuchung mit der Untersuchung mit der hydrologischen und hydrogeologischen Charakterisierung im Gebiet von Tikaré im Norden Burkina Fasos beschäftigt. ····· 10361192482

Social Representation of Climate Change

····· lezzter Preis 19.90€ ···· - Bücher, eBooks, DVD & Blu-ray
In this report we underline the importance of studying the social representation of climate change for climate policy, especially in a democracy such as India. Social representations are, from a social science point of view, no epiphenomena of real issues, but the very fabric of individual reality and, building on that, collective decision making. If climate change is not socially represented, it is not there in a society. We brie y characterise the Indian climate discourse, which we perceive as being more complex (heterogeneous) than the European or American one. After a brief look at other studies of climate change perceptions, we turn to our own small sample of qualitative interviews (n=16) in Hyderabad, covering a broad range of issues. We then focus on the way our respondents do represent climate change in the context of weather changes, of its causes, and of possible solutions. We present a typology of cognitive maps of climate change, and relate them to the lifestyle and the social context of the respondents that adhere to it. We also try to identify some starting points for a meaningful climate change discourse in Hyderabad, aiming at the improvement of both local adaptation and local mitigation. The report ends with some general conclusions. ····· 10361173015

Characteristics and implications of surface gravity waves in the littoral zone of a large lake (Lake Constance)

····· lezzter Preis 18.05€ ···· - Bücher, eBooks, DVD & Blu-ray
Summary This thesis is the first long-term investigation that gives a detailed characterization of the surface wave field including small-amplitude waves with a high temporal resolution in a lacustrine environment. In Lake Constance, wind as well as ship waves contribute to the overall wave field, whereas ship waves are as important as wind waves on an annual scale and even dominate the wave field during summer. The specific occurrence and properties of wind and ship waves cause different temporal patterns and have various implications on sediment resuspension and the underwater light climate, which in turn affect biotic processes in the littoral ecosystem. The results of this thesis demonstrate the strong linkages between physical processes and biological conditions, which supports the need of integrated research. ····· 10361169914

Set-up and Incorporation of an Atmospheric Chemistry Scheme Suitable for Long-term Integration into the Regional Climate Model REMO

····· lezzter Preis 18.05€ ···· - Bücher, eBooks, DVD & Blu-ray
The general aim as formulated at the start of this Ph.D. research has been to compose a state-of-the-art three-dimensional regional scale atmospheric transport chemistry model (CTM) which can be used for both long-term tropospheric chemistry and regional air quality simulations. REMO has been extended by a photo-chemical reaction scheme, ReLACS (Crassier et al., 2000) as a secondary lumped chemistry mechanism of the RACM (Stockwell et al., 1997) is used for that purpose. A program that allows on-line photolysis rate calculations (FAST-J2) (Wild et al., 2000) and an efficient ODE solver (CHEMEQ2) based on alpha-QSS approach (Mott et al, 2000 Mott and Oran et al., 2001) are utilized. We refer to this extended REMO as RECCM (REgional Climate Chemistry Model). With the aid of this model the processes and their interactions that control the chemical composition of the troposphere can be investigated.In order to reach the aim described above the first step is to build up and validate the chemical module, which is one of the most important components in the 3-D model. With well-designed scenarios (Poppe et al., 2001) a validation test of the chemical module was carried out using our box model. The test results was analyzed and evaluated through comparing with reference based on RACM. The processes involved in continuity equation of species include horizontal advection, vertical advection and turbulent diffusion, re-distribution due to cumulus convective system, chemical transformation, dry deposition and emission rates. The appropriate numerical schemes for solving each process by operator splitting are proposed. The interface between REMO and the chemical module is developed through which the real time variables, i.e., cloud optical depth, surface albedo, pressure and temperature profiles from REMO are transferred into chemical module for chemical rate constants and photolysis rates calculations at each time step. The modeled ozone profile is used for ozone input for photolysis rates calculation. A proper approach to deal with EMEP emission data is proposed. This approach can provide the hourly input of emissions to the model. In result the first version of RECCM becomes available. The baseline simulation of the year of 1999 is carried out after model set up is finished. Annual cycle of ozone and oxidants are obtained by the simulation. The quality of model runs are analysed by comparing with wide range of observation data over Europe. The basic features of ozone spatial distribution and seasonal variation over Europe in 1999 are identified from the measurements. The three typical patterns over Europe derived from observations agree well with the results from measurements covered the time period March 1989 - February 1993(Scheel et al., 1997). The model simulations have ability to reproduce the regional patterns. The case study of early spring ozone in Spain shows the ability of RECCM to simulate this ongoing debate issue. The results suggest that early spring ozone for this case is mainly caused by downward transport of ozone rich air from upper levels rather than due to regional scale photochemistry. In addition the simulation of a pronounced high ozone episode during 29 July to 4 August 1999 is presented and analyzed. RECCM performance is reasonable according to comparing simulations against observations. The model is evaluated based on model quality objectives (MQO). The model quality is comparable with three of six models involved in inter-comparison of CTMs within GLOREAM. However the same kind of simulation data, for example, one annual cycle of 1999 from these models is needed if a full version inter-comparison has to be implemented. ····· 10361169685

Arsenic in groundwater of West Bengal: Implications from a field study

····· lezzter Preis 49.00€ ···· - Bücher, eBooks, DVD & Blu-ray
This publication presents results of an interdisciplinary field study assessing the contribution of biological and inorganic processes in the mobilisation and accumulation of arsenic in groundwater of the Bengal Delta Plain, West Bengal. Investigations were focussed on the distribution of arsenic in sediments and shallow groundwater of two representative study sites. All results were combined in an effort to develop a conceptional model describing the mobility of arsenic in West Bengal aquifers. ····· 10361164615

Einfluss eines Hochwasserretentionsraums auf den Anteil infiltrierten Flusswassers in Grundwasser-Entnahmebrunnen

····· lezzter Preis 66.00€ ···· - Bücher, eBooks, DVD & Blu-ray
Es wird ein allgemeingültiges Prozessverständnis der Grundwasserströmung zwischen einem Hochwasserretentionsraum und den Brunnen eines nahen Wasserwerks entwickelt. Auf dieser Grundlage wird eine Methode entworfen, mit der überschlägig abgeschätzt werden kann, ob durch den Retentionsraum infiltriertes Flusswasser in die Brunnen gelangt. Weiterhin werden geeignete Methoden für den Aufbau eines numerischen Aquifersimulators, mit dem der Einfluss bei Bedarf quantifiziert werden kann, aufgezeigt. ····· 10361164583

Bilanzmodelle in der Grundwasserhydraulik : Quantitative Beschreibung von Strömung und Transport im Untergrund

····· lezzter Preis 43.90€ ···· - Bücher, eBooks, DVD & Blu-ray
Maßnahmen zur nachhaltigen Sicherung und Nutzung der Grundwasserressourcen erfordern Werkzeuge für die Bilanzierung von Strömungs- und Transportvorgängen. Äquivalenzmodelle für poröse Medien können die komplexen Verhältnisse im Untergrund sowie die Kopplungen zwischen einzelnen Prozessen abbilden und so für die Praxis verlässliche Prognosen über zukünftige Entwicklungen bereit stellen. Die für solche Äquivalenzmodelle erforderlichen Grundlagen und möglichen Lösungsansätze sind dargestellt. ····· 10361164354

Modeling of Hydrology and Soil Erosion of Upper Awash River Basin

····· lezzter Preis 30.40€ ···· - Bücher, eBooks, DVD & Blu-ray
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Opportunities and constraints of integrated farming system in Northeast Thailand. A case study of the Huai Nong Ian catchment, Khon Kaen province

····· lezzter Preis 18.05€ ···· - Bücher, eBooks, DVD & Blu-ray
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Genetic Erosion and Morphological and Molecular Markers Diversity of Ethiopian Tetraploid Wheat Landraces: Implications for Conservation and Utilization

····· lezzter Preis 26.60€ ···· - Bücher, eBooks, DVD & Blu-ray
Ein besseres Verständnis der genetischen Diversität und ihrer Verteilung ist nicht nur für eine effektive Nutzung der genetischen Ressourcen in Züchtungsprogrammen notwendig, sondern auch für die Gestaltung von Sammelreisen und Erhaltungsprojekten. Dazu wurde die Diversität bei äthiopischen tetraploiden Weizenlandsorten mittels morphologischer und molekularer Marker untersucht. Für die morphologische Analyse wurden 271 Akzessionen auf 13 morphologische und agronomische Merkmale untersucht. Zur Anwendung kamen statistische Verfahren wie der Shannon Weaver Diversitäts-Index und multivariate Techniken (Clustering, Ordination, Diskriminanz-Analyse). Die Ergebnisse der Hauptkomponenten - Analyse ergaben, dass die ersten fünf Hauptkomponenten mit Eigenvalues >175, 42% der Gesamtvariation aller Akzessionen bestimmen. Sowohl die Cluster-Analyse als auch Scatter-Plot von PC1 gegenüber PC2 zeigten das Fehlen eines klaren Musters einer regionalen Gruppenierung, da die Akzessionen verschiedener Gebiete über viele Cluster verteilt waren. Mit der Diskriminanz-Analyse konnten die Akzessionen mit einer mittelren korrekten Klassifikationsrate von 60,9% differenziert werden. Wichtige Variablen der Diskriminanz-Analyse waren Tage bis zum Ährenschieben und Ährenlänge. Der Shannon-Weaver Diversitäts-Index für alle Merkmale betrug 0,74. Die Aufteilung der phänotypischen Gesamt-Diversität in eine Diversität zwischen den und in eine solche innerhalb der Regionen ergab Werte von 0,71 bzw. 0,29. Im allgemeinen zeigte die phänotypsche Diversität beträchtliche Unterschiede für jedes Merkmal in verschiedenen geographischen Regionen und Höhenklassen. ····· 10361158274

Major Aspects of the Chronostratigraphy and Geologic Evolutionary History of Mars

····· lezzter Preis 34.20€ ···· - Bücher, eBooks, DVD & Blu-ray
This thesis was conducted in the framework of the German Research Foundation`s priority program Mars and the Terrestrial Planets as part of the project Chronostratigraphy of Mars. All global stratigraphic and geologic systems for Mars have been based on remote sensing data gathered during the Mariner 9 and Viking mission (Tanaka, 1986 Tanaka et al., 1992a), culminating in three 1:15M-scale geologic maps by Scott and Tanaka (1986) Greeley and Guest (1987) Tanaka and Scott (1987). Generally, most of the surface-forming processes were placed in the early phase of the Martian evolution. Chrono-stratigraphic schemes for Mars are derived from imagery and crater frequencies observed during Mariner 9 and Viking missions, and however, led to a wide range of chronologic systems with no clear consensus on the absolute ages (Hartmann, 1973b Soderblom et al., 1974 Neukum and Wise, 1976 Hartmann et al., 1981 Neukum and Hiller, 1981 Neukum, 1983 Strom et al., 1992). Missions launched in the late 1990ies, such as Mars Global Surveyor and Mars Odyssey revealed very young volcanic surfaces, correlating in age with Martian meteorite crystallization ages (Hartmann, 1999a). Additionally, global topography (Smith et al., 1999a,b, Mars Orbiter Laser Altimeter) and gravity data (Zuber et al., 2000) as well as the discovery of strong remnant magnetization of the older Martian crust (Acu¿na et al., 1999), implied a more continual and diverse evolution than previously thought. ····· 10361158266

Land-use Change in the Northwestern Uplands of Vietnam

····· lezzter Preis 38.00€ ···· - Bücher, eBooks, DVD & Blu-ray
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Optical Spectroscopy of Strongly Correlated Transition-Metal Oxides

····· lezzter Preis 18.05€ ···· - Bücher, eBooks, DVD & Blu-ray
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Impact of SmallholdersAccess to Land and Credit Markets on Technology Adoption and Land Use Decisions

····· lezzter Preis 25.65€ ···· - Bücher, eBooks, DVD & Blu-ray
This study examines the impact of smallholders` access to land and credit markets and ist impact on the adoption of technologies as well as land use decisions in the vicinity of the Lore-Lindu national park, Central Sulawesi, Indonesia. The study focuses on upland areas which are devoted to cocoa and coffee because these agricultural activities contribute to the pressure on the Lore Lindu National Park. At the current level of forest encroachment, these activities threaten the existence of the Lore Lindu National Park. The adoption of technologies as an indicator of agricultural intensification can play an important role in reducing the pressure on the forest. A necessary condition to apply advanced technology is the availability of sufficient financial capital. However, most of the farm households in the vicinity of the Lore Lindu National Park are categorized as smallholders and face a lack of capital. Therefore the role of rural financial services to relax their liquidity constraint is important. In the analyses the rural financial services are divided into informal and formal credit institutions. The various econometrics model used in the analysis are: (1) the determinants of land possessions by households, by using a tobit model (2) the determinants of households access to and participation in informal credit markets by using a probit model (3) the determinants of technology adoption by using a two step and recursive model (4) The determinants of the households` credit constraint by applying a probit model and (5) the impact of households credit constraint on land use decisions by using a switching regression model. ····· 10361158205

Spatial variability of soils on national and hillslope scale in Uganda

····· lezzter Preis 25.65€ ···· - Bücher, eBooks, DVD & Blu-ray
Uganda`s soil degradation problems have emerged as a major concern and are threatening the food security of many farmers. In order to tailor site-specific corrective land management, this study investigates the spatial variability of key soil-quality parameters on a national and hillslope scale and assesses the soil redistribution rates on hillslopes in Uganda. Soil and environmental data were collected from 107 villages and 2 hillslopes in Uganda. On a national scale, a GIS-based stratification produced 18 spatial development domains that serve as a pre-classification of soils in Uganda. Within these domains, a zonation algorithm can further delineate hillslopes into landscape elements based on soil variability. This can be done by farmers. The Caesium-137 modeling approach is a suitable technique to estimate soil erosion and sedimentation rates and processes on the hillslopes. These GIS-based maps and hillslope delineation tools can help policy makers and farmers in tailoring appropriate land use systems to their fields and landscapes. ····· 10361158067

Systematic Conservation Planning for South Africa`s Forest Biome:

für 61.20€ kaufen ···· - Bücher, eBooks, DVD & Blu-ray
South African forests have by far the highest number of tree species per unit area of any temperate forest in the world, with a high proportion of these occurring nowhere else in the world. There are also at least 24 different forest types, each with their own distinctive combination of fauna and flora. South African forests are also highly fragmented, with more than 16 000 patches, spread across a wide geographic area. Many of these forests are surrounded by expanding human populations and are increasingly vulnerable to irreversible biodiversity loss. In the past, forest protected area planning has not been systematic and has overlooked the importance of landscape level ecosystem processes. As such, the current forest protected area network is not representative of the range of forest diversity found in South Africa, and is unable to ensure the persistence of the patterns and processes that make up forest biodiversity. This study applies the approach of systematic conservation planning to identify conservation priorities that can facilitate the planning of a representative forest protected area network to ensure persistence of forest biodiversity. ····· 10361146824

Water: Ecological Disasters And Sustainable Development

für 71.10€ kaufen ···· - Bücher, eBooks, DVD & Blu-ray
In sub-Saharan Africa, the issue of sustainable development is now particularly of great concern as many countries in this region struggle to achieve a reasonable level of social and economic development and industrialization. Many countries in Africa have to do these while contending with various ecological problems and disasters arising from the forces of nature. In these nations, human factors, in combination with the natural conditions of climate and geology are affecting water quality even when these countries do not have the kind of industries that flourish in the developed countries where industrial waste and pollutants from them can threaten the quality of water available for human consumption, and other purposes. Human activities, have induced or accelerated many changes in the environment while cases of catchment mismanagement have accelerated water quality changes in many West African lakes and river systems. Professor B. C. Egboka and Dr. B. I. Odoh, in putting together the present book on water and ecological problems, related disasters arising from them, and how all these relate to the important issue of sustainable development,have proffered workable solutions. ····· 10361146329

Integration Of Fertilizer And Manure

für 44.10€ kaufen ···· - Bücher, eBooks, DVD & Blu-ray
The experiment was to observe the effect of integration of fertilizer and manure on the performance of Boro rice under the SRI method. The experiment included ten treatments of rice production method viz. conventional method (CM) with recommended dose of fertilizer (RDF) CM with cowdung (CD) @15t/ha CM with CD @5 t/ ha+RDF SRI+CD @15 t/ha SRI+CD @10 t/ha SRI+CD @ 10 t/ha+50% RDF SRI+CD @ 5 t/ha+100% RDF SRI+100% RDF SRI+150% RDF SRI+100% RDF+ biofertilizer. The results indicated that all crop characters except number of non-bearing tillers/hill, sterile spikelets/panicle and harvest index were significantly influenced due to integration of fertilizer and manure. The SRI method performed better than conventional method. Among the SRI, integration of fertilizer and manure and fertilizer more than 100% of the recommended rate produced the highest grain yield. The results showed that the best option for the cultivation of Surjomoni rice variety under SRI method during the Boro season was 10 t ha-1 cowdung with 50% of the RDF obtain the highest grain yield .This integration not only reduced the production cost but also had a long term impact on improvement of soil properties. ····· 10361146265

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