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Once Upon A Time In Nottoway

für 13.41€ kaufen ···· - Bücher, eBooks, DVD & Blu-ray
Enter in between these two covers and experience the thrill of newfound wealth with the Johansen family. Travel with them as they move into the new town of Nottoway to make a new life for themselves, surrounded by those of the social elite, among whom they have now earned the right to stand among. Walk with the protagonist, TJ, as he meets new friends at the local academy. Know what it is like to stand among those who live in search of a new metaphysical experience, as TJ does. When TJ decides to break off on his own, find out why doing so was such a terrible mistake. Walk with him as he delves deeply into the metaphysical..for an experience that was far wilder than he had ever anticipated. As he finds his way through the heavenly maze, he enters into new realms of existence, where what he has been shown to be bad, was really good and what he had been told to be true for all of his life, was really a twisted tall tale. End up with him to share in his astonishment when he winds up right where he started on his long fantastic journey! ····· 10361134816

Lost Words

für 40.41€ kaufen ···· - Bücher, eBooks, DVD & Blu-ray
Blackhead: a small, black-tipped, fatty mass in a skin follicle. Ambrosia was the blackhead of the Society, her family, her home, her colleagues, and her future. In a world of flawless skin, blonde hair and tall frames, Ambrosia was short, slightly plump and dark. In Lost Words, Ambrosia deals with depression from being different and struggling to accept her role within the Society. Add in her drive to be the best and leading everyone around her to a new and better way of life, she deals with a growing inappropriate relationship to her mentor and friend Guardian Knob. No one else in the Society is like her. She was training to become a Guardian, a fighter in the Academy. Then after a break in at her precious Academy she is on a mission to discover what has been hidden from her all of her life. Her need to find the lost words of the Society. ····· 10361134814

The Krystals of Kharg

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The Krystals Of Kharg is a science fiction comedy adventure. The evil Kharg, with his dwarf servant Giraffe, is searching for a cache of Anti-Matter with which he intends to destroy Earth. On his trail is the Fleet ship Orion, led by the genial Captain, Adam Condor and his First Officer, Varin Hex, who`s nose unfortunately keeps changing shape. This provides much hilarity for the crew, including the psycho Butch Bradley, sexy Lieutenant Dee Cups, the neurotic Mr Crackers and Jingles, who navigates using ju-ju. Along the way they are helped by Silas, the worst Sorceror on the planet Klumzy and Stan the Prophet, leader of the primitives on the planet Here. Will Earth be saved Probably! Read the hilarious novel and find out how. ····· 10361134808

Our Distant Cousins

für 26.91€ kaufen ···· - Bücher, eBooks, DVD & Blu-ray
An international manned mission to Mars takes off in the year 2048 when world has become peaceful and cooperative. The crew consists of Nikolai Commander from Russia, Henry from USA, Hermann from Germany, Dr Nakamura from Japan, Dr Bophela from South Africa and a young girl Ashwini from India. The mission faces a few problems but landing on Mars is successful. They soon find that the gas plant which was placed on Mars by previous missions is not working. This gas plant is supposed to produce fuel for mission`s return journey. The crew realizes the mission control on earth knew about the malfunction of the gas plant. The options in front of the crew are to stay and die on Mars or make an effort to manage fuel for return journey. Crew becomes partly successful in their hunt for fuel. They accidentally come across an underground civilization of Martians and become their captives. Later the crew realizes that Martians do not have any ill-will and are actually friendly. During their stay on Mars the crew learns many things from Martians. They understand the universe better and learn about the origin and future of mankind. Does the crew succeed in returning to earth ····· 10361134806

The doom of the missionaries

für 22.41€ kaufen ···· - Bücher, eBooks, DVD & Blu-ray
Several months after the escape of the criminals, the morass in town suddenly resumed since the criminals return to the land in another shape two more casualties worsen the already unbearable situation, and many innocent people have been made prisoners in a secret castle whereas the security squad remains more than vigilant. Ricardo and his pet have to rescue the detainees and subsequently push the enemies to the fence. And in pursuing this the skilled chimpanzee smartly designs a word contrary to the one the enemies have designed earlier on their van. This surely leads to the doom of the criminals, and this became a successful attempt due to the timely intervention of Phillipinoe, the computer brain horse. ····· 10361134803

Voices of the Midnight Wind

für 40.41€ kaufen ···· - Bücher, eBooks, DVD & Blu-ray
I have slept... Three small words uttered with such sadness that will ultimately break a Persian heart. Beneath a searing golden sun Lonely and beautiful Cyrus seeks to atone for the suffering he has caused. After a life of lust and avarice in the royal courts of Susa and Babylon he heals the hurts of the pilgrims that seek out his hidden oasis. By night he weeps beneath a pale moon alone but for the spirits he loves most dearly. One such night he is sought out by an enigmatic stranger who knows not who he is for he has slept. Promising to help this lost wanderer of time Cyrus is plunged into a tale of forgotten memories that span the ages from the madness of Imperial Rome to the bloody revolt of the Boudicca in far off Britannia. He must witness a saga of love so cruelly lost and a yearning that burns brighter than the Persian sun. When the last word has been spoken and there is no more left to say he must make a choice and keep a promise - a promise that threatens to break his heart completely. A promise that might just take his life! ····· 10361134800

Shardhunter - Air & Fire

für 22.41€ kaufen ···· - Bücher, eBooks, DVD & Blu-ray
In a world of fallen empires and hidden agendas, a young assassin in training, Blaken finds himself embroiled in a game of politics and intrigue. With his best friend missing, Blaken sets out on a quest to retrieve elemental shards with the promise that she will be reunited with him. With time running out, and a new and strange assassin stalking his steps, Blaken realizes that this is a lot more complex than he had first thought. The fate of the world may lie in his hands. ····· 10361134798

HERO - Season 3

für 17.91€ kaufen ···· - Bücher, eBooks, DVD & Blu-ray
HERO! Season 3 has new characters, besides Robert, King Arthur and the three good witches, there is also bad fairies, a devil, Celia, Joe Higgins and spider called Agole. There is more sword fighting and a very adult sex romp. New fantasy extras are a sleeping draft, a mind probe invention to enter a patient`s mind, talking sharks and purple flamed fire. Robert discovers the underworld and Heaven in this new season, and Aphrodite`s home is well described. Season 3 looks at badger hunting, posessed fods and Robert meets with the devil in the underworld. Please read and get sucked away into the Hero fantasy world as you read each story you will not be able to escape until you read the whole book! ····· 10361134796

The Black Towers. Bloodstone. Volume 1

····· lezzter Preis 53.91€ ···· - Bücher, eBooks, DVD & Blu-ray
A silver minstrel is she, playing the flute in the quiet villages of Four Valleys. Then came the Enchanter, bent on raising strife in the county and Rox finds that she had better play other instruments maybe bring a tune from her bow or hear the whistle as her sword cleaves the air and other things too. She faces the cunning of the Enchanter who manages to have her cast out of the Four Valleys, to face almost certain destruction in the Desolation but help is at hand for the Silver Minstrel. Earl Darret isn t perfectly certain of her guilt old Matta the Fox has a few chords he can play on her behalf. Even Jethra the Ranger he may not be a musician but there are other tunes to be had. The Enchanter has many in his band and they can play much louder than the beleaguered army of the Four Valleys there are ogres and goblins and wild men all willing to sing along and maybe the Desolation Dragon is good for a decisive final chord. It seems all to the good that the Silver Minstrel isn t just a musician but in the end her silver flute is the most potent of all her weapons. ····· 10361134793

Moments: From The Heart Of A Monster With Love

für 17.91€ kaufen ···· - Bücher, eBooks, DVD & Blu-ray
Throughout life you`ll question what is love This may happen for many reasons, you may be in the wrong relationship but you may not notice for some time down the line, whatever the reason may be always remember that love is strength. Love is the one thing that we all seek because without we are essentially alone. Love is our salvation without love we wouldn`t manage one day because everyone needs someone. Love is simple it is people that make it become complicated. Love has always existed since before time and with each new love comes a corruption from either party that is involved with love. However, not all love fades away, true love exists eternally. Now let me proceed with the love story that survived so many things that was thrown its way. The love story that never should have existed but against all laws it remains even to this day. The beginning of this tale starts with a girl and a boy as cliché as that sounds, a simple plot of a love story but is love ever that simple Let us journey together and find out the unknown... ····· 10361134791

Full Moon Chronicles

für 17.91€ kaufen ···· - Bücher, eBooks, DVD & Blu-ray
Book Two: My Dad`s A Werewolf. Steve Walker had a rough life. His mom left him after he was born, leaving his Werewolf dad to raise him. Steve ached to be a normal teenager. The only thing that helped him cope with his screwed up life was hunting vampires. This was not a life he would wish for anyone. It`s not as glamorous and exciting as the shows on t.v. make them out to be. It`s isolating and debilitating. Steve has seen things that no one should have to see. Experienced a life, no one can imagine. He had so many secrets and nothing in common with any of his peers, until he meets Tress Fury and her vampire mom. In the small town of Willow Springs, whether he liked it or not, his life was about to change forever. ····· 10361134785


für 17.91€ kaufen ···· - Bücher, eBooks, DVD & Blu-ray
TWO teenagers, Jack Penn and Serena Phoenix, have been gifted with supernatural powers. One of which is the ability for their inner Souls to leave their sleeping bodies and travel on the Astral Plane . Living in a network of tunnels deep in the bowels of the Earth is a vile creature by the name of Beelzebub. This evil being, who is neither man nor beast, intends to surface from the Underworld (where he has lived for over a thousand years), establish his army of Devil worshipers and spread evil and corruption throughout the land. Jack and Serena must prevent this from happening. But taking on the evil Chimera, Beelzebub s right-hand man, is fraught with danger. ····· 10361134778


für 26.91€ kaufen ···· - Bücher, eBooks, DVD & Blu-ray
Hero! Season 2 has interesting characters, like Robert, the Hero, who has a magical black sword, the three good witches, Ollie, the green jacketed leprechaun, King Windsor (King of Jukin Land), Rainbow Birds, a mermaid and a dragon called Ugly. There are many fights, like sea battles. There is mild reference to sexual scene/s. There is some treasure hunting going on. There are interesting fantasy extras, like green grass ale, a sea monster, a talking dog and elephants that can read minds. Season 2 explores a new land with a secret, talks about alcohol throwing contest, court action at Charville City and mermaid disappeared from 5th dimension. Please read and be enchanted by magic, and more hero action! ····· 10361134777


für 26.91€ kaufen ···· - Bücher, eBooks, DVD & Blu-ray
In 2010, a group of archaeologists discovered the fossil of the missing gap between the Quadrumana, the primates other than man, and the biped. They named it Tiktaalik. But what they were not enable to discover that they continued to exist as a legend. They lived as a clan of mermaid with unesteemable power. During several ages, they lived peacefully near Almond Lake until they were forced to form a pact with an ancient Indian tribe, the Moraan. The Moraan were responsible to look over the security of the mermaid. This is the struggling love story between a mermaid and an Indian when the legendary secret is known by two dangerous scientists. ····· 10361134775

The Journey

für 17.91€ kaufen ···· - Bücher, eBooks, DVD & Blu-ray
Born on a cold November night, a baby girl destined to a life of loneliness and devoid of family warmth was born. She questioned the reason for her existence, living each day filled with mental torture and anguish. One day, she met and helped an old lady. Without any signs, she was transported to a foreign world, filled with people and lessons that she would learn about the good and the treachery evils of the world. Would she survive ····· 10361134771

Love Bite

für 17.91€ kaufen ···· - Bücher, eBooks, DVD & Blu-ray
A vampire lived through a life time of pain and loss, lives alone in the the mystery castle. It`s in the middle of the French Revolution, and he get`s a run away. His arch enemy finds him and forces him to flee. He saves her life, and unlike most Vampires he runs with her after she finds out who he is. He isn`t just a vampire, he can turn into a bat and wolf. He`s a new breed of Vampire. He fails in protecting her...the rest you have to read to find out ····· 10361134770


für 13.41€ kaufen ···· - Bücher, eBooks, DVD & Blu-ray
Within the pages of Gruesome, I offer you a look into my mind! I share with you how I see the world with all of it`s shadows and gray areas. In some of the stories, such as Witch , I have included a few of my own childhood fears. Perhaps you will relate to one or more of your own Things that go bump in the night! I have tried to incorporate all ages in tales such as Schoolgirl and Sound and Death that deal with teenagers as well as Lycanthrope and Before Man , for those of the more Wolfish nature! ····· 10361134769


für 40.41€ kaufen ···· - Bücher, eBooks, DVD & Blu-ray
HERO has interesting characters, like the strong Hero, Robert, with a magical black sword, a green jacketed leprechaun, 3 good witches, fairies, and many more. There are many fights, sexual scenes and treasure hunting! The plots involve some dramatic and some weird and wonderful fantasy things, like birds talking or birds transporting people around the world. The book refers to Robert as you or I to make the reader feel like he or she is in the story. This makes the story inviting and addictive. The scenes are so well described, you don`t need a map. ····· 10361134766

Voyage of the Crystal Sphere

für 17.91€ kaufen ···· - Bücher, eBooks, DVD & Blu-ray
Considered an average student by his teachers and bullied by fellow students in school, Thomson leads an uncomfortable school life. However his brave actions in a school expedition gain him his respect and puts him on a voyage to distant world. The empowering courage and the extra terrestrial powers he acquires help him quest for vengeance sliding along with the law abiding Commissioner on the task of putting a criminal behind the bars. Things start falling apart when Thom begins to drown in love. His final persistence of adventure filled with thirst for revenge ends up with him helping his friends from distant world. ····· 10361134761


für 26.91€ kaufen ···· - Bücher, eBooks, DVD & Blu-ray
A detective stumbles upon a deadly secret hinting at Unidentified Flying Objects during an investigation into a series of murders brought upon by a covert military operation. A writer with a dark past struggles to overcome the loss of his wife from years past and meets the woman who saves him from the brink of self-destruction A deadly team of assassins with an insane leader attempts to cover their tracks during the fallout of the secret they`re burying. And a craft watches this with some interest. Join S. J. Hjellum on a journey of secrets in the year 2012, when all can go either way. It`s a 50/50 battle for the good of the nation, or the madmen who attempt to cover-up an event of magnificent proportions in... Incognito ····· 10361134758


für 17.91€ kaufen ···· - Bücher, eBooks, DVD & Blu-ray
The Lonescape is that aspect of our world where we find ourselves when we feel truly forsaken, isolated, or alone when we feel failure or when we feel dread. We all have been there at one time or another, just like the people we will meet throughout these stories. Like a scientist who has failed to create the perfect warrior. Or an angel mourning her human past. A pure spirit that must die to rise again. A computer desperately trying to save just one life. A pilot who can no longer bear to kill through his machine. Or a killer who wants only to die at the hands of his own. These stories, and more, are snapshots. Bare moments that reveal the despair, frustration and loneliness that exist just behind the normal. Come with me on a journey, as we consider these moments caught in time. Welcome... to the Lonescape... ····· 10361134754

The Green Shadows Trilogy

für 26.91€ kaufen ···· - Bücher, eBooks, DVD & Blu-ray
How would you feel to know that you`re a part of something bigger than what you have hopelessly imagined An escape route out of all your mundane and repetitious daily events that you could never have guessed--in a million years--about its existence suddenly greets you in the most unexpected of manner That suddenly you`ve found yourself having a gargantuan purpose in the intimidatingly vast universe This is the story of such an event. A weird twist of fate that had sent two bored boys from a sleepy town on a whirlwind adventure that would last a lifetime, courtesy of God, Fate, and the ever-blessed, life sustaining breeze, of the celestial Emerald Wind! You may start turning the pages now, my friends. And see if there is a place in here for you as well, heheheh! ····· 10361134753

Mystical Alliance

····· lezzter Preis 53.91€ ···· - Bücher, eBooks, DVD & Blu-ray
In the ancient past, a great leader searched for others to create an alliance that would connect the isolated realms into a unified whole. In time, the human kingdom was joined by a thanedom of dwarves, a realm of elves, a conclave of wizards, a city of gnomes, and the minotaur tribes. A powerful spell was created that bound these six civilizations together, one that was meant to stand for eternity. Generations later, the magic that linked together the original unification was severed. With the mystical bond shattered, the nations of the world were vulnerable to the invasion that followed. With this history forgotten with the flow of time, a young man begins his quest with nothing more than a mysterious jewel stone guiding his steps. He meets new allies as they venture forth into an unknown world, unaware that fate is guiding them. Where the group travels, they rectify the scars of the past as their journey takes them towards a confrontation with the ancient force that caused the devastation of the mystical alliance. Old allegiances are called upon, as new ones are discovered, to stop a conqueror s attempts to retake all that was once lost. ····· 10361134751

The Key of Dark Whispers

für 17.91€ kaufen ···· - Bücher, eBooks, DVD & Blu-ray
Darkness... Demons stirring in the abyss... the strange and weird things that lie in the depths of ancient mysteries... and the fantastic world of swords and magic... all of these things you will find within the pages of this book. James O. Cannon has recorded the darkness that lurks in his dreams and placed it here... for your consumption. So I pray you, enjoy the stories and tragedies contained within. ····· 10361134749

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