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A Lexicon of Alchemy

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Martinus Rulandus was a German physician and alchemist of the early 17th century. Arthur Edward Waite took over the task of translating this huge dictionary of alchemical definitions. This book contains thousands of entries and explains in detail every secret of alchemy. ····· 1036145383


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The Anacalypsis (a.k.a. An Attempt to Draw Aside the Veil of the Saitic Isis or an Inquiry into the Origin of Languages, Nations and Religions) is a huge treatise written by religious historian Godfrey Higgins. It took him more than twenty years of research to discover that there was once an ancient and universal religion, basically the foundation of all other religions that are known today. His theories about Pandeism are still of enormous interest today. ····· 1036145379

Atlantis, The Antediluvian World

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This book created somewhat of a sensation in the literary and scientific world. Mr. Donnelly argues that Plato`s story was true that all the ancient civilizations of Europe and America radiated from this ancient kingdom, and that this is the reason we find pyramids, obelisks, and buildings almost Identically alike in Egypt, Mexico and Peru. Donnelly`s statements and ample evidence deliver ample evidence for the existence of the continent of Atlants. This book is a must have for all folklorists and people, who are interested in the possible history of a famous nation. ····· 1036145378

Jesus Christ Heals

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Much has been written and said about the healing methods that Jesus used in His very striking cures of physical ills. The generally accepted theory is that they were miracles, but to this there have been many objections, among them Jesus` promise `He that believeth on me, the works that I do shall he do also.` So many millions have claimed that they believed on Jesus, yet not only have they failed to heal others but they have gloried in sickness and finally death under the assumption that it was the will of God. Apparent evil is the result of ignorance, and when the truth is presented the error disappears. Jesus called it a liar and the father of lies. Men personalize good and evil in a multiplicity of gods and devils, but Truth students follow Jesus in recognizing the supreme Spirit in man as the `one God and Father of all.` ····· 1036145368

The Spiritual Writings of Mary Baker Eddy

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Mary Baker Eddy was the founder of the Christian Scientist denomination. She was born at Bow, near Concord, N. H. She founded the first Christian Science Church at Boston in 1879, and opened the Massachusetts Metaphysical College there in 1881. She frequently appeared upon the lecture platform, and wrote much for the Christian Science publications, but is most widely known as the author of Science and Health, with Key to the Scriptures. This edition includes the following writings: Unity Of Good Rudimental Divine Science Retrospection And Introspection Pulpit And Press No And Yes Poems ····· 1036145288

Science And Health

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`Science And Health` is the foundational textbook on the system of physically, emotionally or mentally healing your mind and body. It is based on Mary Baker Eddys discoveries and what she afterwards named Christian Science. The book offers new spiritual insights on the scriptures and briefs the reader with regard to his relationship with God. ····· 1036145287

Triumphal Chariot of Antimony

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Should any uninstructed person who might chance upon Basil Valentine`s ``Triumphal Chariot of Antimony ` undertake to read that work, he would probably be mystified by much of its contents, by its references to the Spagyric art, to the grand Magisterium, the true and universal Medicine, the Tinctures which transmute metals, with other unknown quantities and other deep mysteries which make part of the Sacramentum Regis. But if he were asked what he thought of Basil Valentine in his historical and personal character, it is unlikely that he would suppose for a moment the existence of any romantic mystery encompassing the mere life of the man. He would regard him as a pious Benedictine monk, uncommonly well versed for his period in certain departments of experimental and medical chemistry, and, perhaps, as a bizarre speculator in the cloudy borderlands of physical science but such biographical data as can be gathered concerning him from his writings, he would naturally accept without question, because there would be no ground for assuming any reason to doubt them. Yet even as such a person would be mistaken in his estimate of Valentine the alchemist, as distinguished from Valentine the investigator of antimonial therapeutics, so it is just possible that he would be astray in his estimate of the man, being misled by a veil of simplicity which skilfully conceals the adept under the unpretending mask of a monastic canon. ····· 1036145193

Palmistry For All

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Everyone knows that `the face can wear a mask,` that a person may be a good actor and put on a certain expression that may deceive even the best judgment. But hands cannot change as the result of a mere effort to please the character they express is the real nature of the individual-the true character that has been formed by heredity or that has grown up with the person by long years of habit. The characteristics alluded to below are those which may be easily observed and which are aids to a rapid judgment of character and which I have never before been able to give to the public in such a concise way. The more elaborate details concerning the ultimate success of the person one is talking to, their more intimate character and their future development will be found in their proper place, in this book. ····· 1036145156

Fragments Of A Faith Forgotten

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This is the extended annotated edition including a detailed essay about Gnosticism. The writing of the present work has been a congenial task to Mr. Mead, and he has brought to bear lovingly and zealously upon the portraiture of the figure of Christ and of early Christianity, all the knowledge which a deep study of Oriental religions from their emotional side could furnish.The outset that there is very little of what is commonly regarded as the Theosophic method apparent in the work, which is the product of a scholarly though withal very devotional spirit. Mr. Mead`s aim has been to enable the reader to obtain a glimpse of a world of which he has never heard at school, and of which no word is ever breathed from the pulpit to take him away from the pictures which the rationalists and the apologists have presented, and to enable him to obtain an unimpeded view of that wonderful panorama of religious strife which the first two centuries of our era presented. He will here see a religious world of immense activity, a vast upheaval of thought and a strenuousness of religious endeavor to which the history of the Western world gives no parallel. Thousands of schools and communities on every hand, striving and contending, a vast freedom of thought, a mighty effort to live the religious life. Here he finds innumerable points of contact with other` religions he moves in an atmosphere of freedom of which he has previously had no experience in Christian tradition. Who are all these people-not fishermen and slaves and the poor and destitute, though those are striving too-but these men of learning and ascetic life, saints and sages as much as many others to whom the name has been given with far less reason ····· 1036145089

From Existence To Life: The Science Of Self-Consciousness

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There has been a growing feeling in my mind that `Health` is too small a title with which to introduce a book that sets forth the noblest science that can possibly be formulated. Although health is one of the most desirable conditions in personal life, and one of the most essential, yet it is but one of the ways of Life that are set forth in the book. It appears to me that, `From Existence to Life the Science of Self-Consciousness` exactly covers the whole field of that which is herein formulated. It is a science for all-round use, health being but one of the many modes of the Principle of All-Knowledge and, so far as man is concerned, the science of self-consciousness, formulated correctly, and made use of intelligently, should satisfy the mind and comfort the heart in all the emergencies of self-conscious life, enabling a man to `hold on his way and grow stronger and stronger.` ····· 1036144204

The Occult Sciences

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The subject of occultism, by which we mean those sciences, called transcendental and magical, a knowledge of which has been transmitted and accumulated in secret, or is contained in books that have an inner or secret meaning, has been very fully dealt with in this volume. The results of many studies were condensed into this portable volume, which conducts the inquirer into the vestibule of each branch of ` the occult sciences,` and places within his reach the proper means of prosecuting his researches further in any desired direction. This book has been carefully rebuilt from a long lost work. It has been thoroughly revised and meets 21st century standards in terms of layout and readability. Contents: Part I. Definitions. White Magic. The Evocation Of Angels. White Magic. The Evocation Of The Spirits Of The Elements. Black Magic. The Evocation Of Demons. Necromancy. The Evocation Of The Souls Of The Dead. Part II. Alchemy. The Elixir Of Life. Crystallomancy. The Composition Of Talismans. Divination. Aeromancy Alectromancy Aleuromancy Alphitomancy Amniomancy Anthropomancy Arithmomancy Astragalomancy Axinomancy Belomancy Bibliomancy Capnomancy Ceroscopy Cleidomancy Dactylomancy Gastromancy Hydromancy Lithomancy Pyromancy Myomancy Onomancy Onychomancy Oomancy The Divining Rod. Astrology. Kabbalism. Part III. The Mystics. The Rosicrucians. The Freemasons. Part IV. Mesmerism. Modern Spiritualism Theosophy ····· 1036144048

Studies In The Thought World - Practical Mind Art

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These disconnected studies have been gathered and presented to the public in book form. A part of the volume consists of lectures and essays which have not before been published, while the others (subjected to some changes) have been reproduced through the courtesy of the publishers of the various magazines in which they originally appeared. While all the papers are metaphysical, psychological, or evolutionary in character, they are, with one or two exceptions, essentially unitary, and therefore the order in which they are placed is not significant. Like ` short stories,` each is measurably complete in itself. The power, quality, and exercise of the human thinking-faculty are attracting unwonted attention and interest, and the potency of concentrated ideals is increasingly understood and utilized. The priceless value of impersonal truth, and the saving power of optimism, are receiving increased and merited appreciation. It is not merely a duty, but rather a privilege, for the author of this book to join with many others in urging forward the great cause of the higher life, and of a general human incarnation of the divine quality. ····· 1036143927


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The Rev. Dr. J. M. Buckley has collected together his papers from The Century and other sources, and like the wise householder who brings forth things new and old, has spread a rich table for those who enjoy reading about faith-healing. Christian science, and kindred phenomena. Unless one meets frequently the victims of the delusions of astrology, divination, apparitions and witchcraft, or happens to be personally acquainted with the librarians of our great cities, he will have little idea how great a hold the occult sciences (heaven save the mark !) have upon the minds of millions in our country. Under the shadow of our churches and scientific institutions, there are multitudes who still believe in one form or another of these superstitions. Dr. Buckley`s method is to find a rational explanation of what unquestionably is, before he looks at what is supposed to be, and he considers there is no reason to suspect, and that it is superstition to assume, the operation of supernatural causes, when experimen`al science can reproduce the same phenomena and results. He believes heartily in the Christian doctrine of prayer, but he has very little faith in what is called `faith-healing,`and considers that the claims of Christian `faith-healers,` technically so-called, are effectually discredited, and he shows clearly the evils of the superstition. Under astrology, divination and coincidences he brings up a great many readable anecdotes from the classic times, as well as from the modern, and under dreams, nightmares and somnambulism, endeavors by analysis and characterization to show what are the real facts, and also the rational use of dreams. He devotes one chapter to presentiments, visions and apparitions, hinting at unsuspected mental resources, and showing what are the uses of these apparently abnormal phenomena. In regard to witchcraft, he does not believe that the Bible teaches the reality of that in which generations of men have long believed. As for the Witch of Endor, he considers that she herself was mistaken, and that the whole story is of what was said, rather than of what was done. Strangely enough, in treating of the manifestations of the delusion in Europe and America, and of the reaction from the frenzy, he does not mention the work of the great Balthazar Becker, the Dutchman who wrote the book which did so much to demolish the superstition. His last chapter treats of Christian science and mind-cure, and in this chapter, as in the others, he shows a commonsense which is contagiously healthful, and winds up with a very appropriate quotation from Ecclesiasticus. ····· 1036143602

Gypsy Sorcery And Fortune Telling

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This book is annotated with a rare biographical sketch of the author, written by Elizabeth Robins Pennell. Mr. Leland has been very industrious in collecting himself the strange lore of `what is really the practical religion of all peasants and poor people, that is, their magical ceremonies and medicine ` and he also sets forth in an interesting manner very much material derived from authorities little known to the common English reader. Fortune-telling,witch-doctoring, love-philtering, and other kinds of sorcery are very fully illustrated the volume is, indeed, quite a cyclopedia in its way. Contents: Preface Chapter I - The Origin Of Witchcraft, Shamanism, And Sorcery-Vindictive And Mischievous Magic Chapter Ii - Charms And Conjurations To Cure The Disorders Of Grown People Hungarian Gypsy Magic Chapter Iii - Gypsy Conjurations And Exorcisms-The Cure Of Children-Hungarian Gypsy Spells-A Curious Old Italian `Secret`-The Magic Virtue Of Garlic-A Florentine Incantation Learned From A Witch-Lilith, The Child-Stealer, And Queen Of The Witches Chapter Iv - South Slavonian And Other Gypsy Witch-Lore.-The Words For A Witch-Vilas And The Spirits Of Earth And Air-Witches, Eggshells, And Egg-Lore-Egg Proverbs-Ova De Crucibus Chapter V - Charms Or Conjurations To Cure Or Protect Animals Chapter Vi - Of Pregnancy And Charms, Or Folk-Lore Connected With It-Boar`s Teeth And Charms For Preventing The Flow Of Blood Chapter Vii - The Recovery Of Stolen Property-Love-Charms-Shoes And Love-Potions, Or Philtres Chapter Viii - Roumanian And Transylvanian Sorceries And Superstitions, Connected With Those Of The Gypsies Chapter Ix - The Rendezvous Or Meetings Of Witches, Sorcerers, And Vilas-A Continuation Of South Slavonian Gypsy-Lore Chapter X - Of The Haunts, Homes, And Habits Of Witches In The South Slavic Lands-Bogeys And Humbugs Chapter Xi - Gypsy Witchcraft-The Magical Power Which Is Innate In All Men And Women-How It May Be Cultivated And Developed-The Principles Of Fortune-Telling Chapter Xii - Fortune-Telling (Continued)-Romance Based On Chance, Or Hope, As Regards The Future-Folk-And Sorcery-Lore-Authentic Instances Of Gypsy Prediction Chapter Xiii - Proverbs Referring To Witches, Gypsies, And Fairies Chapter Xiv - A Gypsy Magic Spell-Hokkani Bâso-Lellin Dudikabin, Or The Great Secret-Children`s Rhymes And Incantations-Ten Little Indian Boys And Ten Little Acorn Girls Of Marcellus Burdigalensis Chapter Xv - Gypsy Amulets Chapter Xvi - Gypsies, Toads, And Toad-Lore ····· 1036143599

Über das Geistersehn

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Die Serie `Meisterwerke der Literatur` beinhaltet die Klassiker der deutschen und weltweiten Literatur in einer einzigartigen Sammlung für Ihren eBook Reader. Lesen Sie die besten Werke großer Schriftsteller,Poeten, Autoren und Philosophen auf Ihrem Reader. Dieses Werk bietet zusätzlich \* Eine Biografie/Bibliografie des Autors. Schopenhauers Essay über Geister und außersinnliche Wahrnehmung gehört zu den frühen deutschen Werken der Esoterik. ····· 1036142512

The Turba Philosophorum

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The Turba Philosophorum , or Assembly of the Sages. An Ancient Alchemical Treatise, with the chief Readings of the Shorter Codex. Parallels from Greek Alchemists. and Explanations of obscure terms. Translated, with Introduction and Notes, by A.E. Waite. A great symposium or debate of the Adepts assembled in convocation. The work ranks next to Gober as a fountain-head of alchemy in Western Europe. It reects the earliest Byzantine, Syrian and Arabian writers. This famous work is accorded the highest place among the works of Alchemical Philosophy which are available for the students in the English language. ····· 1036142170

The Hermetic Museum, Volume 2

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The Hermetic Museum was published in Latin at Frankfort, in the year 1678, and, as its title implies, it was an enlarged form of an anterior work which, appearing in 1625, is more scarce, but, intrinsically, of less value. Its design was apparently to supply in a compact form a representative collection of the more brief and less ancient alchemical writers in this respect, it may be regarded as a supplement to those large storehouses of Hermetic learning such as the Theatrum Chemicum, and that scarcely less colossal of Mangetus, the Bibliotheca Chemica Curiosa, which are largely concerned with the cream of the archaic literature, with the works of Geber and the adepts of the school of Arabia, with the writings attributed to Hermes, with those of Raymond Lully, Arnold de Villa Nova, Bernard Trevisan, and others. This is volume 2 out of 2. Contents: The Golden Tripod, Second Tract. The Chemical Treatise Of Thomas Norton, The Englishman, Called Believe-Me, Or The Ordinal Of Alchemy. The Testament Of Cremer The New Chemical Light A Preface To The Riddle Of The Sages. A Parable, Or Enigma Of The Sages. A Dialogue Between Mercury, The Alchemist, And Nature. New Chemical Light. Second Part. Concerning Sulphur. Concerning Sulphur. An Open Entrance To The Closed Palace Of The King. A Subtle Allegory Concerning The Secrets Of Alchemy The Three Treatises Of Philalethes. A Brief Guide To The Celestial Ruby. The Fount Of Chemical Truth. John Frederick Helvetius` Golden Calf, The All-Wise Doorkeeper, Or A Fourfold Figure, Addendum. ····· 1036142091

The Hermetic Museum, Volume 1

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The Hermetic Museum was published in Latin at Frankfort, in the year 1678, and, as its title implies, it was an enlarged form of an anterior work which, appearing in 1625, is more scarce, but, intrinsically, of less value. Its design was apparently to supply in a compact form a representative collection of the more brief and less ancient alchemical writers in this respect, it may be regarded as a supplement to those large storehouses of Hermetic learning such as the Theatrum Chemicum, and that scarcely less colossal of Mangetus, the Bibliotheca Chemica Curiosa, which are largely concerned with the cream of the archaic literature, with the works of Geber and the adepts of the school of Arabia, with the writings attributed to Hermes, with those of Raymond Lully, Arnold de Villa Nova, Bernard Trevisan, and others. This is volume 1 out of 2. Contents: Preface To The English Edition. The Preface Of The Original Edition. The Golden Tract The Golden Age Restored: The Sophic Hydrolith A Brief Exposition Of The Wonderful Water Stone Of The Wise, Commonly Called The Philosopher`s Stone. A Demonstration Of Nature, A Short Tract, Or Philosophical Summary The Only True Way The Glory Of The World The Third Part Of This Treatise, Containing The Dicta Of The Sages. Another Tract,Corresponding To The First, Which May Be Read With Great Profit. A Tract Of Great Price Concerning The Philosophical Stone. The True Teaching Of Philosophy Concerning The Generation Of Metals And Their True Origin. A Very Brief Tract Concerning The Philosophical Stone. The Book Of Alze. The Book Of Lambspring, The Golden Tripod (First Tract) ····· 1036142083

The Secret Tradition In Freemasonry, Volume 2

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This is volume two of one of the most interesting and profound historical works about Freemasonry. It is a very rare book and published as ebook exclusively. As a bonus this edition includes a very detailed essay about Freemasonry and its origins, written by Hermann Gruber. Contents: Freemasonry - Its Origin And History I. Name And Definition Ii. Origin And Early History Iii. Fundamental Principles And Spirit Iv. Propagation And Evolution Of Masonry V. Organization And Statistics The Secret Tradition In Freemasonry, Volume 2 Book V - Of Alchemy In Masonry I - The Root-Matter Of The Alleged Hermetic Connection Ii - The School Of Alchemy: An Excursus Iii - Masonic Systems Of Alchemical Degrees) And, Firstly, The Hermetic Rite Of Abbé Pernety Iv - Masonic Systems Of Alchemical Degrees And, Secondly, The Hermetic Rite Of Baron Tschoudy V - Masonic Systems Of Alchemical Degrees And, Thirdly, The Rite Of Mizraim Vi - Masonic Systems Of Alchemical Degrees And, Fourthly, The Hermetic Elements In The Oriental Order Of Memphis Vii - Les Archives Mitho-Hermétiques Book Vi - Of Magical And Kabalistical Degrees I - The Horizon Of Ceremonial Magic Ii - Of Certain Isolated Systems Claiming Derivation From Magical And Kabalistical Sources, Or Working Their Particular Mysteries, And Of The Rite Of Schroeder Iii - The Masonic Rite Of Schroeppfer Iv - The Egyptian Masonry Of Cagliostro V - The Rite Of Martines De Pasqually Vi - The School Of Martinism Vii - The Grades Of Kabalism Book Vii - Of The Mysteries On Their Mystical Side And Of This Subject In Relation To Masonry I -Of Rosicrucianism In Its Connection With Masonry Ii - Of Masonic Rosicrucian Developments Iii - Concerning Grades Of New Religion And Of Swedenborgian Masonry Iv - A Hidden Rite Of Interpretation V - Reflections From High Grade Masonry To Modern Occult Research Vi - A Preliminary Excursus Concerning The Divine Quest Vii - Intimations Of The Term Of Research Viii - Of A Rite Within Masonry Ix - Last Words On The Mystery Of Building Appendices I - A Supplementary List Of Grades, Incorporated And Detached, Including Brief Descriptions Ii - Notes On The Recurrence Of Grades In The Various Rites Iii - Critical Annotations On The Text Volume The First Volume The Second Iv - The Latin Church And Freemasonry V - The Full Page Portraits ····· 1036142062

The Secret Tradition In Freemasonry, Volume 1

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This is volume one of one of the most interesting and profound historical works about Freemasonry. It is a very rare book and published as ebook exclusively. As a bonus this edition includes a very detailed essay about Freemasonry and its origins, written by Hermann Gruber. Contents: Prolegomena Preface Introduction Book I - Fundamental Relations Of The Craft And The High Grades I - The Horizon Of The Craft Grades And The Tradition Therein Ii - The Mystery Of Building In Israel Iii - The Experiment Of The High Grades And The Claims Implied Therein Iv - The Chief Rites And Their Systems Book Ii - Development Of The High Grade In Respect Of The Ancient Alliance I - Of Grades Antecedent To The Symbolic Time Of The Third Degree Ii - Of Grades Subsequent To The Symbolic Time Of The Craft Degrees Iii - The Second House Of Doctrine And The Grades Belonging Thereto Book Iii - Of The New Alliance In Freemasonry I - Of Christian Symbolism In Connection With Temple Building Ii - The Grades Of St. Andrew Iii - The Grade Of Rose-Croix And Its Variations Book Iv - The Masonic Orders Of Chivalry I - The Putative Rite Of Ramsay Ii - The Theory Of The Strict Observance Iii - Grades Of Chivalry Incorporated By The Chapter Of Clermont Iv - The Council Of Emperors Of The East And West, And Of The Grades Of Chivalry In This System V - The Masonic Order Of The Temple Vi - The Charter Of Larmenius Vii - The Knights Beneficent Of The Holy City Of Jerusalem Viii - Additional Grades Of Chivalry In The Ancient And Accepted Scottish Rite Ix - Lesser And Independent Grades X - The Royal Order Of Scotland Xi - Conclusion On Masonic Chivalry ····· 1036142061

Aus dem Adepten

für 7.99€ kaufen ···· - Bücher, eBooks, DVD & Blu-ray
`In seinem bedeutenden Werk `Der Weg zum wahren Adepten` gab Franz Bardon dem Leser viele Informationen zum Mysterium des Hellsehens aber auch zum sagenumwobenen Golem. Da Franz Bardon sein Hauptaugenmerk auf die Praxis legte, hielt er die Informationen jedoch kurz gefasst, so dass viele Fragen der Leser offen blieben. Diese Lücke schließt das vorliegende Buch des bekannten okkulten Autoren Johannes von Hohenstätten. Der Autor führt den Leser durch die verschiedenen Legenden und Mythen, um so das Bewusstsein des Lesers auf dem Weg zum Adepten zu öffnen und ihn gleichzeitig vor Irrwegen zu bewahren, die ihn womöglich auf dem Weg zum Adepten zurückwerfen. Dieses Buch sei daher jedem Schüler Franz Bardons wärmstens ans Herz gelegt.` - Arianus Inhaltsangabe: Einleitung Vorwort 1. Teil: Hellsehen oder Drogen 1. Drogen - Tagebuchaufzeichnungen - Crowleys Erfahrungen 2. Visionäre Schau - Aus dem Zentralblatt - Von H. Jürgens - Durch eine Überdosis 3. Hellsehen - Spiegelmagische Aufzeichnungen - Vom `Golden Dawn` - Was wahre Hellseher berichten - Ein wenig Negatives - Eigene Erfahrung bei Anion 2. Teil: Homunkulus und anderes Geflatter Vorwort 1. Über den Golem 2. Ein paar Erlebnisse von Anion 3. Was die Engländer so berichten 4. Homunkulus 5. Ein paar gefährliche Erlebnisse 6. Eine sexual-magische Schöpfung 7. Einige interessante Berichte 8. Der Alraun ····· 1036116037

Auf der Suche nach Meister Arion

für 11.99€ kaufen ···· - Bücher, eBooks, DVD & Blu-ray
Diese Autobiografie eines Schülers der Hermetik des Franz Bardon schildert sein magisches Leben, in welchem zahlreiche Erfahrungen zu den Übungen aus dem Adepten aufgezeigt werden, die die Hauptperson selbst erlebt hat. Es wird der schwere Weg des `Adepten` aus autobiografischer Sicht gezeigt, seine vielen Tiefschläge, aber auch seine glanzvollen Seiten und Zeiten. Der harte Kampf mit dem Seelenspiegel wird bis in alle Einzelheiten aufgezeigt, genauso wie die vielen anderen Wege, in welche der Autor reinschnupperte, um dadurch reichlich Erfahrung sammeln zu können. Darüber hinaus enthält es unzählige Erfahrungen und Berichte betreffs Mantramistik nach Bardon, die wahre Runenmagie, zahlreiche Evokationen sowie Invokationen mit seinem Lehrer Anion, einen magischen Exorzismus, wie er bisher noch nie öffentlich geschildert wurde. Mentalreisen, Beeinflussungen, Übungen zur Gottverbundenheit, Erscheinungen, Alchemie, Heilungen mit den verschiedensten magischen Methoden z. B. Quabbalah oder durch die Elemente, Schutzgeistevokationen und viele andere magische `Wunder` seines Freundes und Lehrers Anion. Auch einige magische Fotos in Farbe, ein bisher von Bardon unveröffentlichtes Akashafoto von Christus und ein Bild des schwebenden Meister Arion werden in diesem Buch preisgegeben. Der Inhalt ist viel reichlicher, als hier kurz beschrieben werden kann. ····· 1036115878

Das Medizinrad-Tarot

für 38.99€ kaufen ···· - Bücher, eBooks, DVD & Blu-ray
Das Medizinrad ist bei allen Indianern der nordamerikanischen Prärie verbreitet und bildet den wesentlichen Ort vieler Zeremonien und Rituale. Es wird aus einem Kreuz gebildet, das von einem Kreis eingeschlossen ist. Das Symbol des Medizinrads und die damit verbundene Weisheit werden von den Indianern seit Jahrtausenden mündlich überliefert. Das Medizinrad ist ein Kraftplatz, an dem Rituale verschiedener Art oder Visionssuchen stattfinden. Es ist ein Ort der Andacht, der Besinnung, der Klärung und der Stille. Das Medizinrad ist ein Symbol für das Leben selbst. Mit knapp 30 Jahren lernte Edel Fries das Medizinrad und dessen spezielle Anziehungskraft kennen. Nach verschiedenen Ausbildungen, unter anderem im Schamanismus, vermochte Edel Fries das Medizinrad-Tarot vor ihrem inneren Auge zu erblicken - sie sah eine Anordnung der Arkanen eines kompletten Tarotsets, die ein Medizinrad bildeten. So entstand das Medizinrad-Tarot, die Mission und das Thema ihres Lebens. Bald bemerkte sie, dass schon allein die Auslegung der Karten in der Form des Medizinrads die Menschen berührte. Sie begann, entsprechende Seminare zu geben. Edel Fries` Ziel war und ist es, dieses Konzept den Menschen zugänglich zu machen, das Wissen und die tiefe Weisheit des Tarots im Zusammenhang mit dem Medizinrad weiterzugeben und transparent zu machen. Jede einzelne Karte des Tarots spricht zu uns und nimmt jeden im Sinne des Medizinrad-Tarots auf eine Reise mit. Das vorliegende Buch vermittelt anschaulich, dass das Medizinrad-Tarot einen Schlüssel zu den universellen Gesetzmäßigkeiten des Lebens birgt. Diesen Schlüssel möchte Edel Fries an uns weitergeben und uns zur Verfügung stellen. Ihre Botschaft an die Leser lautet: Das Tarot spricht und ist lebendig. Lassen Sie sich von seinem Leben erfüllen! ····· 1036114789

Saint Germain Der vollkommene Diamant

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Der Aufgestiegene Meister Saint Germain präsentiert in diesem von Christine Woydt gechannelten Buch Grundlagen spiritueller Psychologie. Symptome seelischer Erkrankungen werden im Zusammenhang mit den energetischen Veränderungen der Erde aus spiritueller Perspektive interpretiert.Saint Germain gibt dem Leser heilsame Ressourcen zur Integration seelischer Verletzungen an die Hand. Mit der `Vollkommenen Tafelrunde der Seele` eröffnet er unterstützende Archetypen der Kraft, die in schwierigen Alltagssituationen universell einsetzbar sind. Die im Buch für den Leser zugänglich gemachten `Heilenden Räume` eröffnen jeweils eine kraftvolle Dimension energetischer Selbstheilung. Der Fokus verlagert sich von der Integration singulärer Traumen oder einzelner verlorener Seelenanteile auf die Verbindung mit der vollkommenen Seelenessenz. Das Symbol `Der vollkommene Diamant` umfasst sowohl den unverletzlichen Seelenkern des Menschen, als auch den kompletten Erfahrungsschatz seiner Existenz auf der Erde und darüber hinaus.Das Buch offeriert viele Anregungen für tiefgehende spirituelle Selbsterfahrung, die der Verkörperung seelischer Ganzheit dient. Der vollkommene Diamant erstrahlt in seinem ureigenen Licht und transformiert die Welt durch seine Präsenz. ····· 1036114357

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