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Dr. Morton 42:Die Attentäter

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Dr. Morton - Arzt oder Mörder Wissenschaftler oder Verbrecher Nobelpreisverdächtiger Wohltäter oder finsterer Dämon Wie Dr. Jekyll und Mr. Hyde ist Glenn Morton sich seiner Zwiespältigkeit bewusst. Er suche nicht nach Vorwänden oder Entschuldigungen für seine Experimente an lebenden Menschen - und nur die Betroffenen haben Gelegenheit, ihr Schicksal zu beklagen. Er richtet die, die glaubten, durch die Maschen der Justiz geschlüpft und in Sicherheit zu sein. Dr. Glenn Morton, Mitglied des Königlichen Kollegiums der Chirurgen, ist ein Monster, ein Mensch außerhalb aller Maßstäbe. Und William Grimsby ist seine notwendige Ergänzung. Der geniale Techniker liefert Morton alle Hilfsmittel zum Forschen wie zum Morden. Zweifellos ist Grimsby Dr. Mortons Geschöpf. Aber ebenso zweifelsfrei wäre Morton ohne Grimsbys Hilfe nicht das, was er ist. Sie sind aufeinander angewiesen. Sie ergänzen sich ideal. Nur eines fällt aus diesem Rahmen: Dass Grimsby auch noch seine eigenen geheimnisvollen Wege geht ... ····· 10361153170

Dr. Morton 41:Rollende Köpfe

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Dr. Morton - Arzt oder Mörder Wissenschaftler oder Verbrecher Nobelpreisverdächtiger Wohltäter oder finsterer Dämon Wie Dr. Jekyll und Mr. Hyde ist Glenn Morton sich seiner Zwiespältigkeit bewusst. Er suche nicht nach Vorwänden oder Entschuldigungen für seine Experimente an lebenden Menschen - und nur die Betroffenen haben Gelegenheit, ihr Schicksal zu beklagen. Er richtet die, die glaubten, durch die Maschen der Justiz geschlüpft und in Sicherheit zu sein. Dr. Glenn Morton, Mitglied des Königlichen Kollegiums der Chirurgen, ist ein Monster, ein Mensch außerhalb aller Maßstäbe. Und William Grimsby ist seine notwendige Ergänzung. Der geniale Techniker liefert Morton alle Hilfsmittel zum Forschen wie zum Morden. Zweifellos ist Grimsby Dr. Mortons Geschöpf. Aber ebenso zweifelsfrei wäre Morton ohne Grimsbys Hilfe nicht das, was er ist. Sie sind aufeinander angewiesen. Sie ergänzen sich ideal. Nur eines fällt aus diesem Rahmen: Dass Grimsby auch noch seine eigenen geheimnisvollen Wege geht ... ····· 10361153169

Dr. Morton 32: Grimsbys schwarze Spinne

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Dr. Morton - Arzt oder Mörder Wissenschaftler oder Verbrecher Nobelpreisverdächtiger Wohltäter oder finsterer Dämon Wie Dr. Jekyll und Mr. Hyde ist Glenn Morton sich seiner Zwiespältigkeit bewusst. Er sucht nicht nach Vorwänden oder Entschuldigungen für seine Experimente an lebenden Menschen - und nur die Betroffenen haben Gelegenheit, ihr Schicksal zu beklagen. Er richtet die, die glaubten, durch die Maschen der Justiz geschlüpft und in Sicherheit zu sein. Dr. Glenn Morton, Mitglied des Königlichen Kollegiums der Chirurgen, ist ein Monster, ein Mensch außerhalb aller Maßstäbe. Und William Grimsby ist seine notwendige Ergänzung. Der geniale Techniker liefert Morton alle Hilfsmittel zum Forschen wie zum Morden. Zweifellos ist Grimsby Dr. Mortons Geschöpf. Aber ebenso zweifelsfrei wäre Morton ohne Grimsbys Hilfe nicht das, was er ist. Sie sind aufeinander angewiesen. Sie ergänzen sich ideal. Nur eines fällt aus diesem Rahmen: Dass Grimsby auch noch seine eigenen geheimnisvollen Wege geht ... ····· 10361153126

Dark Killers

····· lezzter Preis 10.95€ ···· - Bücher, eBooks, DVD & Blu-ray
Ungeklärte und mysteriöse Mordfälle. Seit Jahrhunderten passieren Morde und andere Verbrechen, die nicht immer aufgeklärt werden konnten. Genau diese ungeklärten Fälle sind Ausgangspunkt der Geschichten. Sie erzählen eine Episode aus dem Leben der Verbrecher oder Opfer, wie die Tat stattgefunden haben könnte oder beinhalteten eine fiktive Lösung des Falles. 20 Autoren haben zunächst recherchiert, sich auf einen Täter konzentriert und ihn am Ende überführt. Begleiten Sie uns auf eine Reise durch die Morde in der Geschichte der Menschheit von der Steinzeit bis in die Gegenwart. ····· 10361153044

Dr. Morton: Einmal Hirn tiefgekühlt

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Mit Dr. Glenn Morton hat Autor John Ball eine der faszinierendsten Figuren der Grusel- und Horror-Literatur geschaffen, wenn nicht die fesselndste und bedeutsamste überhaupt. Außergewöhnlich, initiativ, zielstrebig, ungeheuer ehrgeizig, geachtet, geehrt genial und doch hart, rücksichtslos, gehasst: das ist DR. MORTON, Arzt und Wissenschaftler! Verbrecher und Mörder das sagen die anderen. Urteilen Sie selbst! Lassen auch Sie sich von der Ausstrahlung seiner schillernden Persönlichkeit und von seiner unheimlich zwingenden Geisteskraft gefangen nehmen. Er ist ein von seinen Ideen Besessener, ein Genie zwischen Gipfel und Abgrund. Fürchten Sie sich nicht vor dem Abgründigen in DR. MORTON, fürchten Sie sich nicht vor sich selbst. Schließen Sie das Fenster und löschen Sie das überzählige Licht. Eine angenehme Gänsehaut verträgt nur wenig Geräusch und knappe Helligkeit ····· 10361153040

Sherlock Holmes - Neue Fälle 05. Das Three Penc Problem

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Sherlock Holmes - Neue Fälle 01. Sherlock Holmes - Satans Fluch

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Arthur Conan Doyle wurde 1859 im schottischen Edinburgh geboren. Seine Eltern waren beide strenge Katholiken, daher war es nicht verwunderlich, daß ihr Sohn eine Jesuitenschule besuchen mußte. Später studierte Doyle in Edinburgh Medizin und heiratete 1884 Louise Hawkins. Bis 1891 arbeitete er als Arzt in Hampshire. Danach widmete er sich ausschließlich dem Schreiben.
Während des Südafrikanischen Krieges (1899 bis 1902) diente er als Arzt in einem Feldlazarett. Im Jahr 1902 wurde er zum Ritter geschlagen. Nach dem Tod seines Sohnes, der den Folge einer Kriegsverletzung erlag, beschäftigte er sich mit okkultistischen Studien. Arthur Conan Doyle starb am 7. Juli 1930 in seinem Haus in Windlesham, Sussex.
1887 schuf er den wohl berühmtesten Detektiv der Weltliteratur: Sherlock Holmes, den Meister des rationell-analytischen Denkens. Die Figur Holmes überschattete Doyles literarisches Schaffen derart, dass der Autor seinen Protagonisten sterben ließ - und ihn knapp zehn Jahre später wiederauferstehen lassen musste: zu groß war die Popularität von Holmes und seinem Partner Dr. Watson. ····· 10361152975


für 11.95€ kaufen ···· - Bücher, eBooks, DVD & Blu-ray
Die künstliche Intelligenz von Phil Schusters Software wird alles ändern. Zuallererst ihn selbst, falls er die Entdeckung überlebt. Sie nennen sich die Geschworenen. Sie mobilisieren und manipulieren die Massen über soziale Medien und Presse. Ihre Botschaft bei der Leiche des Chef-Lobbyisten der Automobilindustrie ist glasklar: Wir kriegen euch alle. Im Bundeskriminalamt schrillen die Alarmglocken. Hauptkommissarin Chris Roberts trifft auf perfekt getarnte Totengräber der Demokratie, Staatsfeinde, gegen die auch das BKA scheinbar nichts ausrichten kann. Nur Phil Schuster glaubt, das Geheimnis der Geschworenen zu kennen, und nimmt den Kampf auf. Allein, denn er kann niemandem trauen. ····· 10361140983

Gier eines Ehemannes

für 11.95€ kaufen ···· - Bücher, eBooks, DVD & Blu-ray
Sind Sie eine verheiratete Frau Falls ja, lassen Sie sofort dieses Buch fallen! Die Gier nach Geld, Liebe und Sex beherrscht das Leben des Ehemannes und Autors Marco Max Schreiber. Warum fliegt er mit einem Nachbarehepaar in den Urlaub Wie verknüpft sich sein Leben mit einem Frauenmörder Noch mit der dritten Frau verheiratet, verfällt er der wohlhabenden Sabrina Rotmann. Welches Ziel verfolgt sie Welche Rolle spielt Marcos Verlegerin Bertrada Landmann, mit der er vor der Hochzeit mit Sabrina ein Verhältnis beginnt Der Mann, der nie an die wahre, die echte Liebe glaubte, erlebt sie ein paar Monate später mit einer 24-Jährigen.Trotzdem hält er die Beziehung zur Verlegerin aufrecht. Begehrt von drei Frauen fällt Marco eine folgenschwere Entscheidung ... ····· 10361140970

The Glamorous Actress

für 22.41€ kaufen ···· - Bücher, eBooks, DVD & Blu-ray
This is the story of underage and forced marriage. Barbara Jones is forced out of school to marry an old man without her consent. The culture of Obodo has no place for girl child education. She is married to the traditional ruler of Obodo in payment of her father s indebtedness. She defies her parents lack of expectation in her and rises to become a star in Nollywood and Hollywood. She misuses her beauty, and opportunities in frivolous lifestyle.She spends for the sheer pleasure of spending. Barbara s personal expenses invariably equals or exceeds her earnings clubbing, shuttle-hopping, and shopping.And her life takes a turn for the worst.She drinks heavily. She is a party princess. She is a prodigal daughter but unfortunately she has no rich father to return to.Joy, sadness, enjoyment,tragedy, love and happiness are all interwoven in her life. She has string of broken engagements, and unfulfilled commitments.Barbara learns that it s more important to be pretty on the inside than the outside. She realizes life is not all glamor, glitter and gold. It becomes abundantly clear to her that a woman can have wealth, beauty and brains, but without integrity she has nothing. ····· 10361134842

A World Of Tears

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Casey a seventeen year old girl, lives with her parents and siblings in New York, Syracuse. They are considered the poorest in the neighborhood and life is so hard for them to the extent that Casey`s little brother, Lewis, joins a group of bandits in order to steal and help his poor family. Casey gets pregnant and decides to run away, she`s scared of what her parents would say or do to her.... `What would they do with a now pregnant me about to bring an extra mouth to feed and clothe ` She runs away and goes to Chicago where she finds refuge in the arms of a young man whom she falls in love with. When tragedy strikes like a lightning bolt from heaven, Casey`s life becomes a living hell. She finds out that the love of her life, sweetheart, her soul mate is actually her brother. The skeletons in the closet rise to life. The lies, secrets and betrayal in Casey`s family lead to the deaths of many. ····· 10361134834

First Come, First Killed

für 22.41€ kaufen ···· - Bücher, eBooks, DVD & Blu-ray
When undergraduate and martial arts champion Edem Akpabot comes back from night hunting in the Nigeria-Cameroon border town of Ikom with his brothers and finds their old father Dr. Akpabot bound on the sofa, Edem feels duty bound to untie his father only to hear that Don Ghena, their former valet who once stole their father s one thousand carats chunk of gem diamond worth millions of dollars but Dr. Akpabot got it back from him, has come back from Cameroon with his accomplices and finally steals the gem stone. Defiant, forceful, daring and undaunted, Edem sets out after Don Ghena to go and get back his father s only hope of getting money to set up the three of them in their chosen professions when they graduate from the university at the end of the year. ····· 10361134822

Wise fools

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The Vice President has waited for a long time to succeed the President. And he must.But now a clandestine group has marshalled crucial domestic support and more lethal with potential to derail was the international support gained.He designed and executed a covert execution of the critics because his hope of becoming President was pegged on the political survival of the President.It failed and he came up with alternative B,with chilling repercussions. The plans were left to a man nicknamed Snakeman .He was as venomous as a viper but camouflaged in a religious overcoat.His life was full of turns and twists.He seeks the services of Tremu.Tremu had mad craving for money because he thought it would heal a raw wound in his heart and help him regain his ego. How will the drama unravel and the President deal with the threat Clandestine activities were lead by intellectuals. Cato,a meek harmless woman metamorphosed into a lethal woman. Tamur was dangerous and unpredictable. Covert, brutal and deadly wars on opposing sides within the intelligence network makes it a tantalizing read.Here West and East wrestled. The story moves across continents and in each stop, something to remember. ····· 10361134819

What Comes In The Night

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All her life Sonya has been having night terrors. An indescribable dark shadow entity comes to her in the night, invading her dreams. It speaks of death. The next night she has a vivid segemented dream of disaster. The third night, she experiences death. Not a pleasant series of dreams. It isn`t until she meets Dr. Brandon Jeffries that she learns what the entity truly is, a psychic messenger. Can she learn to accept its dark presence in time to save a life ····· 10361134809

The Lake

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The Lake exerts a strong, almost mystical force on the City`s inhabitants. Before Men first settled the area, the Lake stretched itself, drowning and revealing land and animals in a monstrous show of power. Now Man, tiny, frail and weak has extended his hand over the Lake, building homes and schools and factories, cutting the Lake off from its prime sources of food. When one source dries up, another must be found. The Lake tells the story of a loner, cruelly mistreated his whole life, downtrodden, unable to enjoy a `normal` life. In one brief moment of utter violence, he achieves power undreamt. He is finally his own master, or is he The Lake is a fast-paced race between a `normal` man pushed beyond his limits and the hard-pressed police detectives who must stop his killing spree, but seem always one step behind. ····· 10361134807

21 twisted tales

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This collection of short stories is provocative, ironic, macabre... and surprising. Each story provides a wonderful relaxation for the intelligent mind and should be treated as an invitation to an intellectual game. The author plays with time, technique and character, so that the writer`s style is revealed only after reading the whole. He possesses a characteristic ability to combine the improbable and macabre with an eternal worldliness (and the other way round) and to extract extraordinary beauty from the prosaic. It will stay with you long after reading the last page. ····· 10361134799

Campaign of Death and Destruction

für 40.41€ kaufen ···· - Bücher, eBooks, DVD & Blu-ray
Cynthia Mba lost her father and brother during the suicide bomb attack on their church in Maiduguri by the militant Islamist group, Boko Haram that seeks the imposition of Sharia law in northern Nigeria. This is a true life story but names and some places have been changed to protect the surviving victims. Her mother is to be killed in another attack on a church. Cynthia realizes that the world is a dangerous place, full of misery. In Maiduguri people laments the loss of loved ones almost daily family members, or friends killed by Boko Haram. Life in Maiduguri is full of woes. When situation becomes unbearable after her fiancé equally died in another attack on a church, Cynthia decides to return to her state of origin. Not quite long, disaster strikes. Flood takes over Cynthia s village making her to become a refugee in the state capital. Her father s edifice and all its contents get destroyed. However, some people are not as fortunate as Cynthia not only did they loss their properties but their lives too. Cynthia now realizes she is no more than a drop in an ocean of misery. However, the sponsors and leaders of the extremist group are to be arrested and some killed. ····· 10361134797

Niger Delta Militants

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This book is a hybrid of fact and fiction. Niger Delta is the region with vast oil reserves, which makes Nigeria the sixth world largest oil exporter and Africa s biggest. The Niger Delta is underdeveloped in all its ramifications despite the fact that it is the economic powerhouse of the nation. Jasper, leader of Niger Delta Emancipation Force engages on offensive against the oil companies installations and their members of staff, resulting in killing and kidnapping of some foreign oil workers. He orders the abduction of McWood, an American and the managing Director of Orient Petroleum Development Company -the biggest oil company. When the Joint Task Force fails to secure his release after two months in captivity, US marines arrive the country with the approval of the government and help to rescue him and other hostages. As rising violence, oil theft, pipeline vandalism, and kidnapping begin to impact negatively on Nigeria s fiscal revenue as well as making it difficult to meet some of its domestic obligations, the government decides to grant the militants amnesty and accepts to develop the region. ····· 10361134790

Anything for you

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ANYTHING FOR YOU `I will fight for you, I will die for you I will dry your tears, I will fight your battles I will do anything for you`. Anjali is a 38-year-old lady who runs her own boutique in Shimla from past 15 years. She is a single mother and separated from her husband years back.Riya after completing her grade 12 absconds from her house one fine day leaving a letter not to track her and would like to lead an independent life.Five years past this incident a man named Dev enters Anjali`s life.Both fall in love with each other and Anjali finds her long lost soulmate in Dev. Just before Anjali decides to tell Dev everything about her past she comes to know some deep secrets about Dev and Anjali breaks down thinking yet again another man has collapsed her world. A murder case as old as five years has come back to haunt Anjali and she decides that there is no running away now and surrenders herself admitting the murder. Saahil, one of the top lawyers comes to Anjali`s rescue. Studying the case Saahil realises that there is more to this murder case than what Anjali has confessed. ····· 10361134783

A Felony

für 17.91€ kaufen ···· - Bücher, eBooks, DVD & Blu-ray
What happens when the love of your life is kidnapped even before you had expressed your feelings for her, the life seems shattered. Rahul goes through similar agony, the protagonist while working in a corporate world had never imagined the beautiful surprise the life would offer him and soon he begins to relish the happiest moments destiny chose for him but then a brutal turn diminishes all his dreams. Add to that he is accused of murder, together with his 2 friends he strides out to solve the mystery only to unleash the brain racking and anxious game of greed. Life would never be the same for all the 3 friends. Do they ever get to find her Find out as you read through.... ····· 10361134772

Carson Reno Mystery Series - Book Two

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`Horse Tales` One of Humboldt s well-known horse breeders is brutally murdered, then left to burn in his barn along with his prized stallions. A Jack Logan client has been accused of the murder and Carson has been called in to investigate. However, getting to the truth is proving to be a real challenge. It seems no one, not even the accused, is capable of telling the truth. Greed, lust, infidelity, half-truths and the Memphis Mafia all seem to be involved somehow. Sorting out the pieces and finding the real murderer, will be a monumental task. Carson becomes involved in the web of lies and faces his biggest challenge. `the Crossing` The racial problems of 1962 have found their way to the small West Tennessee town of Humboldt. A white woman brutally murdered, and one of Carson s childhood friends has been accused of the crime. Carson s friend is a colored man who once worked for his grandfather, but the accusations and problems extend beyond the crime and to the heart of this small community. Carson finds a divided town a town divided along the lines of race and the interference of outside groups, which makes this division wider ····· 10361134752

Flickering Torches

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Physically abused by his sadistic Father. Sexually abused by his Mother. The outrageous and perverted treatment that turned an innocent child into a dangerous psychopath. ON THE surface James Shukker appears to be a respectable married businessman, but with his mind twisted beyond all comprehension he secretly revels in torture and murder. Elizabeth, his wife, is unaware she is married to a serial killer or that she is also only one fatal step away from his psychotic mood swings. Shannon, an eminent lawyer and a very close friend of Elizabeth, is desperate to become pregnant, but her partner is infertile. She begrudgingly accepts the fact that the only route open to her is IVF. Elizabeth feels desperately sorry for her friend and asks James if he would consider being Shannon s sperm donor or, as it would be a purely clinical act, to copulate naturally, both of which James adamantly refuses - until, that is, Shannon uses her stunning beauty to entrap him. ····· 10361134732

Past The Line

····· lezzter Preis 40.41€ ···· - Bücher, eBooks, DVD & Blu-ray
When Miami Police Detective Blake Cutter`s wife is killed in a car bomb intended for him, revenge will take him past the line. As obsession with tracking down his wife`s killer jeopardizes the investigation, Cutter is transferred to an FBI field office for a fresh start in a small Georgia town. His investigation of a suspicious drowning leads him into a tangled web of intrigue and deceit. Within days, the drowning turns into a homicide investigation with multiple suspects. One of the suspects, a mysterious woman who just happens to be the spitting image of his late wife, becomes the only link between the drowning victim Phillip Drummond and the mafia head he suspects is responsible for his wife`s death. He soons learns that the woman is a threat to the mob and has been targeted for elimination. Keeping her safe from the mob as well as criminal prosecution is his only chance to bring his wife`s killer to justice. To save her, he must risk his career in an unsanctioned police operation. It`s a desperate race against time. He has less than forty-eight hours to rescue her and take down the organization before the case is commandeered by a rogue federal agent with a hidden agenda. ····· 10361134707

Murder Calls on the Temple Mount

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Follow me in this sequel to Inside the Shadow in Jaffa Gate. The Temple Mount is located inside Jerusalem s walled Old City neighborhood. The Old City is one of many neighborhoods that comprise modern Jerusalem. Up to the late 19th century, when overcrowding led to new neighborhoods outside the walls, Jerusalem was comprised of only the walled city that had existed for almost 3000 years. Today The Old City has over 30,000 residents. It is sited on the uneven crest of the Judean Hills that divides a descent to the east, to the Dead Sea and Jordan, from a descent to the west, to the Mediterranean Sea Coast of Israel. The Old City consists of residential areas and bazaars spread about in four quarters. There is an Armenian Christian Quarter, a Western Christian Quarter, a Moslem Quarter and a Jewish Quarter. The Temple Mount is a rocky plateau sitting inside and next to The Old City walls on the east and south sides, adjacent to The Moslem Quarter on the north side and The Jewish Quarter on the west side. It was the site of the Jewish Temples for over 1000 years. ····· 10361134706

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