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Das Nibelungenlied

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Die Serie `Meisterwerke der Literatur` beinhaltet die Klassiker der deutschen und weltweiten Literatur in einer einzigartigen Sammlung für Ihren eBook Reader. Lesen Sie die besten Werke großer Schriftsteller,Poeten, Autoren und Philosophen auf Ihrem Reader. Dieses Werk bietet zusätzlich \* Eine Biografie/Bibliografie des Autors. Das Nibelungenlied ist ein mittelalterliches Heldenepos. Es entstand zu Beginn des 13. Jahrhunderts und wurde in der damaligen Volkssprache Mittelhochdeutsch geschrieben. Das Nibelungenlied galt lange als Nationalepos der Deutschen. Das Nibelungenlied lässt sich in zwei Teile gliedern: Im ersten Teil steht Kriemhilds erste Ehe mit Siegfried und Siegfrieds Tod, im zweiten ihre Rache im Mittelpunkt. Das räumliche Umfeld ist das Burgundenreich am Rhein, sowie (im zweiten Teil) Südostdeutschland und das Donaugebiet des heutigen Österreichs und Ungarns. (aus ····· 1036143250

Fabeln und Erzählungen

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Christian Fürchtegott Gellert war ein deutscher Dichter und Moralphilosoph der Aufklärung und galt während seines Lebens neben Christian Felix Weiße als meistgelesener deutscher Schriftsteller. Dieser Band beinhaltet einen großen Querschnitt durch seine Fabeln und Novellen. Aus dem Inhalt: Die Nachtigall und die Lerche Der Zeisig Der Tanzbär Die Geschichte von dem Hute Der Greis Das Füllen Chloris Der Kranke Der Fuchs und die Elster Das Land der Hinkenden Inkle und Yariko Der Kuckuck Das Gespenst Der Selbstmord Die Betschwester Der Blinde und der Lahme Der Hund Der Prozeß Der Bettler Das Pferd und die Bremse Die Reise Das Testament Damötas und Phyllis Die Widersprecherin Das Heupferd, oder der Grashüpfer Semnon und das Orakel Das Kartenhaus Die zärtliche Frau Der zärtliche Mann Die Spinne Die Biene und die Henne Der süße Traum Der Reisende Der erhörte Liebhaber Der glücklich gewordene Ehemann Der gütige Besuch Der Arme und der Reiche Damokles Die beiden Hunde Selinde Der Schatz Monime Der unsterbliche Autor Der grüne Esel Der baronisierte Bürger Der arme Schiffer Das Schicksal Lisette Die Verschwiegenheit Die junge Ente Die kranke Frau Der gute Rat Die beiden Mädchen Der Maler Die beiden Schwalben Das Unglück der Weiber Der sterbende Vater Der junge Drescher Die glückliche Ehe Die beiden Wächter Das Kutschpferd Die Fliege Der arme Greis Kalliste Der Affe ... u.v.m. ... Die Serie `Meisterwerke der Literatur` beinhaltet die Klassiker der deutschen und weltweiten Literatur in einer einzigartigen Sammlung. Lesen Sie die besten Werke großer Schriftsteller, Poeten, Autoren und Philosophen auf Ihrem elektronischen Lesegerät. Dieses Werk bietet zusätzlich \* Eine Biografie/Bibliografie des Autors. ····· 1036142950

Afrikanische Mythen und Magie

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Der Ethnologe Frobenius hat in diesem Werk die bedeutendsten Mythen und Überlieferungen der Völker des schwarzen Kontinents gesammelt. Inhalt: Sonnengötter Orun, der Gott der Sonne Ra, die Herrin der Sonne Die erste Sonnenfinsternis Sonne und Mond Spinne und die Gestirne Streit zwischen Sonne und Mond Die Fesselung der Gestirne Das Reich Gana Die Wiederentdeckung Wagadus Der Kampf mit dem Bida-Drachen Samba Gana Der Held Gossi Duldibulukassu Bessema spielt den Herrn Die Mabolegende Das Reich Mali Biton, der König von Segu Zaubermittel Jäger und Waldgeist Der große Jäger Kelle-serri Die Zauberin Subachamussu Die drei Töchter Der starke Bursche Hamadi verdient sich eine Kuh Kallondji erweckt Tote Der reiche und der arme Hamadi Der Alkali entscheidet Wie die Rinder zu den Menschen kamen Ntji, der Sohn des Königs Die Koba Die beiden Maka Songhai und Yatenga Auadia und seine Nachkommen Dunu Mussa und Maliki-Napon Pa-Sini-Jobu Bana Baïnde Somba narrt die großen Tiere Njakas Tochter und Somba Die Yoruba Wie die Erde entstand Nachtflucht des Flötenbläsers Der Uofa Der Teufelsjunge Orisas Geschenke Der Jäger und die Tierfrau Die Frau des Hahnes Himmelsleiter Die Nupe Geschichten von Edegi Edsu Njikako und sein Adoptivsohn Der Saura Wer lügt am besten Die fünf Sklaven Der unnütze Junge Die Löwenfrau Haussa Die Bori Serkin Rafin, der Gott der Flüsse Serkin Rafin bei den Menschen Illadja, Gott der Schlächter Die beiden Diebe Dilla Der Mann, den alle Frauen liebten Sieben Klöße für den Mann Bassari, Tim und Tiwi Das Horn mit Blut Njiteko Des Häuptlings Söhne Der entlaufene Junge Spinne und Häuptlingstochter Ziegenbock und Schafbock Die ungeliebte Frau Jäger und Schlange Spinne und Salzstoff Wie der Hase sein Dorf baut Djowalegende Der Schmied und das Elefantenweib Bruderzwist ... u.v.m. Die Serie `Meisterwerke der Literatur` beinhaltet die Klassiker der deutschen und weltweiten Literatur in einer einzigartigen Sammlung. Lesen Sie die besten Werke großer Schriftsteller,Poeten, Autoren und Philosophen auf Ihrem elektronischen Lesegerät. Dieses Werk bietet zusätzlich \* Eine Biografie/Bibliografie des Autors. ····· 1036142933

Das schwarze Dekameron

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In diesem Buch hat der bekannte Völkerkundler die besten Liebes- und Erotiküberlieferungen der afrikanischen Völker gesammelt. Inhalt: Amazonenlegende I Amazonenlegende II Ein Mann dessen Geschäft die Liebe ist Heilung einer Mannstollen Die Rache des Ehemannes Die Rache des Mamadi Hami-du-hama-nkulde Siga Sanke Sidi Baba Hassum Labo Das Glück des Toren Der Listige Samba Kullung der Narr Dame und Spielmann Buge Korroba Der Held Gossi Sira Maga Njoro Goroba-Dike Die kluge Hatumata Djaora Das Girdamädchen Die Freunde Ahun sticht den König aus Ahun heiratet die Spröde Jäger und Schlangenfrau I Jäger und Schlangenfrau II Surro Sanke Mussas Dankbarkeit Heimsuchung eines jungen Mädchens Der Faulpelz Weiberlist Der Geizhals Sagate Singo Spinne gewinnt Uros Tochter Spinne und die liebestolle Alte Hurenrache Kallondji und sein Sohn Der bekehrte Räuberhauptmann Räuber unter sich Dabarinkaba Des Häuptlings Söhne Der Bursche den alle Mädchen liebhaben Das Muttersöhnchen Bestrafte Eifersucht Die Schwester mit dem Penis Der Blutschänder Die bestraften Buhlen Zu weit getriebene Eifersucht Der schäbige Liebhaber Die gewarnte Buhlerin Die Lehrmeisterin Der König Edegi belohnt die Klugheit Ainichthem Die Serie `Meisterwerke der Literatur` beinhaltet die Klassiker der deutschen und weltweiten Literatur in einer einzigartigen Sammlung. Lesen Sie die besten Werke großer Schriftsteller,Poeten, Autoren und Philosophen auf Ihrem elektronischen Lesegerät. Dieses Werk bietet zusätzlich \* Eine Biografie/Bibliografie des Autors. ····· 1036142932

Das Pentameron

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Basiles Schwester gab sein Hauptwerk postum zwischen 1634 und 1636 heraus. Ab 1674 wurde die Sammlung in Il Pentamerone (Das Pentameron), also Fünf-Tage-Werk, umbenannt. Wie Giovanni Francesco Straparola sowie Giovanni Boccaccio erfindet auch Basile eine Rahmenhandlung. Diese Rahmenhandlung des Pentameron (lo cunto) ist selbst ein Märchen. So erklärt sich der Titel Das Märchen der Märchen. Bei Basile finden sich die ersten vollständigen Fassungen vieler bekannter Märchen wie Aschenputtel, Der gestiefelte Kater, Schneewittchen, Die Schöne und das Biest, Der Froschkönig oder auch Rapunzel. ····· 1036142855

The Yellow Fairy Book

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It is well for the fairy-loving public that Mr. Andrew Lang should go bravely on publishing his delightful Red, Blue, Green, and Yellow Fairy Books as if the cry of ` too many books ` had never been uttered. The juvenile clientele whom he addresses is an ever-increasing one and is as many-colored as Joseph`s or as Parsifal`s coat. So skilful a caterer as this keen-eyed Scotchman is not often found: an intellectual gourmand of the first water, long since awarded the cordon bleu in the fine art of fairy-tales, he knows what his public likes-the exacting, appreciative boy-and-girl public whose instinctive cleverness tells them what is good and what is not. His sympathetic nature makes all children congenial to him, and he has remained child enough, despite Homeric disquisitions and scientific fads in folk-lore, to pick out with infallible taste just what they like. ` The Yellow Fairy Book` is full of tales from uncouth tongues like Polish, Hungarian, Russian and Red Indian, but also sprinkled with old favorites like Andersen`s ` Tin Soldier ` and Grimm`s `Iron Stone.` A glimpse or two from the fanciful French `Cabinet des Fées ` is also to be found in this capital collection, which is prefaced by a good-natured but sharp-tongued stricture on the false position of Mr. Laurence Gomme and his rather portentous Folk-Lore Society. This book is fully illustrated and annotated with a rare extensive biographical sketch of the author, Andrew Lang, written by Sir Edmund Gosse, CB, a contemporary poet and writer. ····· 1036142722

The Violet Fairy Book

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There are still unused colors in the spectrum, and Mr. Andrew Lang`s `The Violet Fairy Book`, with its handsome illustrations by Mr. H. J. Ford, has the merits of its predecessors, with some of its own added. Doubtless the stories suitable for inclusion in these volumes are innumerable, but the later books show the tendency to go farther and farther afield. Many of those in this book are from African and Romanian sources, and of much interest and worth. This book is fully illustrated and annotated with a rare extensive biographical sketch of the author, Andrew Lang, written by Sir Edmund Gosse, CB, a contemporary poet and writer. ····· 1036142642

Sagen von der Alhambra

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In dieser Sammlung von Kurzgeschichten verurteilte Irving die Barbarei der christlichen Eroberer gegenüber der Hochkultur der Mauren. ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· 1036142634

The Red True Story Book

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It is hard to tell what the children would do without Mr. Andrew Lang`s contributions to their entertainment. Much as he writes for their elders, he never forgets the little people, and as regularly as Christmas comes round he sends them a literary gift. The Red True Story Book seems interesting to one of the untutored elders, whose travels no longer take him into fairyland although there will doubtless be plenty of boys and girls to disagree with such a judgment. To these the realm of Prince Prigio will be far more real than the South Africa of today or the France of the fifteenth century truth is so much stranger than fiction, and these tales of heroism and self-sacrifice are so much more romantic than any manufactured stories. What could be more splendid, more thrilling, than this story of `Wilson`s Last Fight,` as told here by Mr. Rider Haggard. The magnificent mettle of these men, and their brave acceptance of their fate, called forth from the Zulu chieftain who slaughtered them the tribute that ` they were men who died like men, men whose fathers were men.` This human document is followed by Mr. Lang`s narrative of the `` Life and Death of Joan the Maid,` and the nobility of her disinterested devotion to her country is vividly brought out. Aside from these, the stories for the most part are unfamiliar but eminently worthy of enduring fame. A few tell of heroes whose deeds are mentioned in the histories that children study, but without the detail that makes them picturesque and vivid. For the purpose of bringing these stories to life, Mr. Lang`s compilation is valuable. Mr. Henry J. Ford illustrates the book with many spirited drawings. This book is fully illustrated and annotated with a rare extensive biographical sketch of the author, Andrew Lang, written by Sir Edmund Gosse, CB, a contemporary poet and writer. ····· 1036142566

The Red Fairy Book

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In his `Blue Fairy-Book` Mr. Andrew Lang did not exhaust the fairy treasury, and in this companion volume he has collected many attractive tales. They are mainly from Madame d`Aulnoy and other French sources, the Norse and the unfailing German. Mr. Lang has condensed the story of `Sigurd` from William Morris` version of the ` Volsunga Saga.` The `Twelve Dancing Princesses,` the `Death of Koschei the Deathless,` the `Master Thief,` `Kari Woodengown,` `Dapplegrim,` ` Minnikin,` and ` Rapunzel ` are among the less familiar tales here. This book is fully illustrated and annotated with a rare extensive biographical sketch of the author, Andrew Lang, written by Sir Edmund Gosse, CB, a contemporary poet and writer. ····· 1036142497

The Red Book Of Heroes

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Heretofore Mr. Lang and his wife have dealt largely with folk-lore and legendary romance now they find it necessary to turn to reality. As a trade-mark, they adhere to the rainbow nomenclature, but ` The red book of heroes ` claims to be history, wherein the lives represented are marked by two dominant characteristics, honor and courage.Accounts of such heroes as Florence Nightingale. John Howard the philanthropist, Hannibal, Father Damien, the apostle of the lepers, the Marquis of Montrose, the little Abbess, and others. `It would surely be an abnormal child who would not welcome ` The red book of heroes ` among his Christmas gifts.` - N.Y. Times `Mrs. Lang has a very pretty story-telling gift of her own. while Mr. Lang does his part in giving the books a background of scholarship.` - The Outlook. This book is fully illustrated and annotated with a rare extensive biographical sketch of the author, Andrew Lang, written by Sir Edmund Gosse, CB, a contemporary poet and writer. ····· 1036142493

The Red Book Of Animal Stories

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`The Red Book of Animal Storms,` selected and edited by Mr. Andrew Lang will be much appreciated by the young folk. The stones are more interesting than voracious, and, indeed, Mr. Lang is careful to notify all and sundry that the book is not altogether scientific. Ww have yet to learn, however, that this is a valid objection to children`s stories. The writers have laid all beasts of all times under contribution, from the prehistoric pterodactyl down to the kangaroo of the present day and the bunyip and the sea serpent of tomorrow. This book is fully illustrated and annotated with a rare extensive biographical sketch of the author, Andrew Lang, written by Sir Edmund Gosse, CB, a contemporary poet and writer. ····· 1036142492

Der Behexte und der Pakt mit dem Geiste

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Die Serie `Meisterwerke der Literatur` beinhaltet die Klassiker der deutschen und weltweiten Literatur in einer einzigartigen Sammlung für Ihren eBook Reader. Lesen Sie die besten Werke großer Schriftsteller,Poeten, Autoren und Philosophen auf Ihrem Reader. Dieses Werk bietet zusätzlich \* Eine Biografie/Bibliografie des Autors. Der Chemiker Redlaw, der immer öfter über ihm geschehenes Unrecht und seine Traurigkeit sinniert, wird eines Abends von einem Geist besucht. Sein Leben beginnt sich zu verändern ... ····· 1036142470

The Pink Fairy Book

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With `The Pink Fairy Book` Mr. Lang has exhausted the primary colors without coming to an end of his store of fairytales. This time he has gone further afield, though without finding much that is new. Japan yields a few and other sources which we do not remember in the earlier books have been drawn upon. Generally, however, it is from the folklore of European nations, and from that most admirable of story-tellers, Hans Christian Andersen, that we get the best things. It is true that, as Mr. Lang remarks, Andersen ` wants to ` point a moral` as well as `adorn a tale,` whereas the true fairy-story should not have any more intelligible moral than that it is a great virtue to be the youngest son of three, and a still greater to be the youngest of seven. Not the less, however, is it true that, on the whole, these stories are on the side of goodness and kindness. It is difficult to make a choice among these good things. But perhaps, ` How the Hermit Helped to Win the King`s Daughter,` is as good as any. Among the few outlandish stories, `Wischimataro and the Turtle ` may be mentioned. This book is fully illustrated and annotated with a rare extensive biographical sketch of the author, Andrew Lang, written by Sir Edmund Gosse, CB, a contemporary poet and writer. Contents: Preface The Cat`s Elopement How the Dragon Was Tricked The Goblin and the Grocer The House in the Wood Uraschimataro and the Turtle The Slaying of the Tanuki The Flying Trunk The Snow-man The Shirt-collar The Princess in the Chest The Three Brothers The Snow-queen The Fir-tree Hans, the Mermaid`s Son Peter Bull The Bird `Grip` Snowflake I Know What I Have Learned The Cunning Shoemaker The King Who Would Have a Beautiful Wife Catherine and Her Destiny How the Hermit Helped to Win the King`s Daughter The Water of Life The Wounded Lion The Man Without a Heart The Two Brothers Master and Pupil The Golden Lion The Sprig of Rosemary The White Dove The Troll`s Daughter Esben and the Witch Princess Minon-minette Maiden Bright-eye The Merry Wives King Lindorm The Jackal, the Dove, and the Panther The Little Hare The Sparrow with the Slit Tongue The Story of Ciccu Don Giovanni De La Fortuna ····· 1036142469

The Orange Fairy Book

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The Fairy Book Series is further enriched by the addition of this latest volume, which is quite as gorgeous as the preceding ones-though the author might well be supposed to have exhausted his supply of colors and fairy tales. Mr. Lang, after traveling the world over to collect stories, asks why the stories of the remotest people resemble each other. Fortunately, he answers the question himself. `Of course, in the immeasurable past, they have been carried about by conquering races, and learned by conquering races from vanquished peoples. Slaves carried far from home brought their stories with them into captivity. Wanderers, travelers, shipwrecked men, merchants, and wives stolen from alien tribes have diffused the stories gipsies and Jews have peddled them about, Roman soldiers of many different races, moved here and there about the Empire, have trafficked in them. From the remotest days men have been wanderers, and wherever they went their stories accompanied them.` ``The Story of the Hero Makowa` begins in the good old way, `once upon a time` and the temptation to follow the hero Is irresistible even though he seeks a deep black pool where the crocodiles lived. He makes giants shrink, and claps them into a bag which he carries easily because he Increases in size and strength with every encouuter with an enemy. Perhaps the author intends to point a moral and he certainly adorns the tale with incredible deeds of adventure. `Ian, The Soldier`s Son` has a wonderful career in his search for the daughters of Grianaig. Magic transformation takes place on every page. Thus, a brown-haired youth is changed into a raven, and back again to his own self and a beautiful maiden whom the wicked enchanter had turned Into a horse is released from the spell through the courage of the soldier`s son. `The Ugly Duckling,` and `The Two Caskets,` are familiar titles, but the sparrows who twittered `Ashes! ashes!` are new features, as are also the talking doves in `The Enchanted Wreath.` The cruel stepmother figures as usual, and her punishment is in proportion to her crime. The artist is almost as great a magician as the author, and his pictures are so bewitching that even without the colors they would hold one spell-bound. The Princess Bella-Flor,-a shimmer of beauty, silks, and gems-fills one side of the page and the other elements of the story, from the gallant knight on a noble charger to a speckled hen such as may be seen in any farm-yard, are assembled in the remaining space. Mr. Lang realizes that children are discerning judges, and just to the point of severity so he is very careful to punish the guilty and reward the good, and nearly every tale ends in peace and happiness. This book is fully illustrated and annotated with a rare extensive biographical sketch of the author, Andrew Lang, written by Sir Edmund Gosse, CB, a contemporary poet and writer. ····· 1036142468

The Olive Fairy Book

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Colored plates and numerous other illustrations give additional life to these tales derived from various sources, from india, France, Turkey, Armenia, and Denmark. `As fascinating as those that have gone before. The book is sure to enthral any child who may possess it, and many persons of more discreet years.` (The Athenaeum) This book is fully illustrated and annotated with a rare extensive biographical sketch of the author, Andrew Lang, written by Sir Edmund Gosse, CB, a contemporary poet and writer. Contents: Preface Madschun The Blue Parrot Geirlaug The King`s Daughter The Story Of Little King Loc `A Long-Bow Story` Jackal Or Tiger The Comb And The Collar The Thanksgiving Of The Wazir Samba The Coward Kupti And Imani The Strange Adventures Of Little Maia Diamond Cut Diamond The Green Knight The Five Wise Words Of The Guru The Golden-Headed Fish Dorani The Satin Surgeon The Billy Goat And The King The Story Of Zoulvisia Grasp All, Lose All The Fate Of The Turtle The Snake Prince The Prince And Princess In The Forest The Clever Weaver The Boy Who Found Fear At Last He Wins Who Waits The Steel Cane The Punishment Of The Fairy Gangana The Silent Princess ····· 1036142467

The Lilac Fairy Book

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First and foremost, always and forever, among tales for children come the fairy tales. What were childhood without the fairy tale That child who has never wandered through the magic gardens of Fairyland is unfortunate indeed. But that child does not exist, for the mind and heart of every child, even all unaided, will make for itself a fairyland out of anything and nothing. But the art of writing fairy tales seems to be another thing that has vanished with the vanished childhood of the race. The best fairy tales are always the old ones, stories that were never really written, but just grew in the telling as they passed down through generations of fireside evenings. They were told or enjoyed by grown men and women in an earlier, more naive age, and they never lose their appeal to the child in us as to the children around us now. As to new fairy stories, well, Mr. Andrew Lang, the untiring editor, who makes it possible to unearth new-old stories every year and dress them out in a new colour of raiment for the Christmas tree, says some very unkind things of them in his latest offering, The Lilac Fairy Book . `The three hundred and sixty-five authors who try to write new fairy tales are very tiresome,` he says. `Their fairies try to be funny and fail, or they try to preach and succeed. Real fairies never preach or talk slang-nobody can write a new fairy tale the thing is impossible.` The tenor of Mr. Lang`s reproach of modern writers of fairy tales is that they attempt to write just for children and therefore fail. Possibly he may be right! But we will forgive him his feeling against the writers who prefer to write rather than to edit, for the sake of the fine new-old stories he has found for us here. It is really astonishing how Mr. Lang goes on unearthing so many new stories-new-old is what we mean- every year. Some of the stories in this new book have come from Ireland, some from the Highlands of Scotland, some from wild Wales. Some from far off Asia, others from Portugal still others from the frozen North. The majority of them have what the true fairy story should always have-enough of the marvellous to keep us guessing, enough of humour to show us that we aren`t expected really to believe it all, and the delightful disregard of conventional behaviour which characterises the doings in Fairyland. For if it were not so, why go to Fairyland at all The equipment of the book is as dainty as usual, even more so if possible, on account of the delicacy of the chosen colour. And a word of sincere praise is due the charming illustrations by H. J. Ford. If the imagination of the modern writer cannot achieve a new fairy tale, the modern painter can at least understand the old stories and awaken them to new life for us. This book is fully illustrated and annotated with a rare extensive biographical sketch of the author, Andrew Lang, written by Sir Edmund Gosse, CB, a contemporary poet and writer. ····· 1036142439

The Grey Fairy Book

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Having stripped the rainbow of its primary colors for titles for his annual collection of fairy-tales, Mr. Lang was forced to employ a neutral tint. Besides `The Red Fairy Book,` we have had a Blue, a Yellow, a Green, and a Pink, a ` Blue Poetry Book,` a ` Red True Story Book,` and a ` Red Book of Animal Stories.` A ` True Blue Fairy Book` should have found a place in the series but this Grey one is negative only in its name and its hue. The stories themselves are full of action and color. They are gathered together from Lithuania and France, from Africa and Germany and Greece, and not only does Mr. Lang stand sponsor for the volume, but Mrs. Lang and Miss Lang have helped translate and adapt it. This book isfully illustrated and annotated with a rare extensive biographical sketch of the author, Andrew Lang, written by Sir Edmund Gosse, CB, a contemporary poet and writer. Contents: Preface Donkey Skin The Goblin Pony An Impossible Enchantment The Story Of Dschemil and Dschemila Janni and the Draken The Partnership of the Thief and the Liar. Fortunatus and His Purse The Goat-faced Girl What Came of Picking Flowers The Story of Bensurdatu The Magician`s Horse The Little Gray Man Herr Lazarus and the Draken The Story of the Queen of the Flowery Isles Udea and Her Seven Brothers The White Wolf Mohammed with the Magic Finger Bobino The Dog and the Sparrow The Story of the Three Sons of Hali The Story of the Fair Circassians The Jackal and the Spring The Bear The Sunchild The Daughter Of Buk Ettemsuch Laughing Eye and Weeping Eye, or the Limping Fox The Unlooked-for Prince The Simpleton The Street Musicians The Twin Brothers Cannetella The Ogre A Fairy`s Blunder Long, Broad, and Quickeye Prunella ····· 1036142436

The Green Fairy Book

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Perhaps the best and handsomest of these tales of wonder is ` The Green Fairy Book,` edited by Andrew Lang. This is the third of Andrew Lang`s stories of fairies, the blue book and the red book having preceded it. It is a volume of folklore. His stories are adapted from the tales of France, Germany, Russia, Italy, Scotland, England, and even China. It is enough to say that when such clever women as Madame d`Aulnoy and Mrs. Lang contribute to the book it must be really good. This book is fully illustrated and annotated with a rare extensive biographical sketch of the author, Andrew Lang, written by Sir Edmund Gosse, CB, a contemporary poet and writer. Contents: To The Friendly Reader The Blue Bird The Half-Chick Rosanella Sylvain And Jocosa Fairy Gifts The Three Little Pigs Heart Of Ice The Enchanted Ring The Snuff-Box The Magic Swan The Dirty Shepherdess The Enchanted Snake The Biter Bit King Kojata The Story Of Hok Lee And The Dwarfs Prince Vivien And The Princess Placida Jorinde And Joringel Allerleirauh Or, The Many-Furred Creature The Twelve Huntsmen Spindle, Shuttle, And Needle The Crystal Coffin The Three Snake-Leaves Jack My Hedgehog The Story Of A Clever Tailor The Golden Mermaid The Three Dogs ····· 1036142435

The Crimson Fairy Book

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A storyteller`s night without one of Mr. Andrew Lang`s books of fairy tales would be but a dull affair. This one is ` The Crimson Fairy Book `, made up of some three dozen tales chosen, as in previous collections, from the folk-lore of all nations, and adapted and translated mainly by Mrs. Lang. Mr. H. J. Ford`s illustrations, colored and otherwise, are hardly equalled in artistic quality by those in any other children`s book. This book is fully illustrated and annotated with a rare extensive biographical sketch of the author, Andrew Lang, written by Sir Edmund Gosse, CB, a contemporary poet and writer. Contents: Preface Lovely Ilonka Lucky Luck The Hairy Man To Your Good Health! The Story of the Seven Simons The Language of Beasts The Boy Who Could Keep A Secret The Prince And The Dragon Little Wildrose Tiidu The Piper Paperarelloo The Gifts Of The Magician The Strong Prince The Treasure Seeker The Cottager And His Cat The Prince Who Would Seek Immortality The Stone-Cutter The Gold-Bearded Man Tritill, Litill, And The Birds The Three Robes The Six Hungry Beasts How the Beggar Boy Turned into Count Piro The Rogue And The Herdsman Eisenkopf The Death Of Abu Nowas And Of His Wife Motiratika Niels And The Giants Shepherd Paul How The Wicked Tanuki Was Punished The Crab And The Monkey The Horse Gullfaxi And The Sword Gunnfoder The Story Of The Sham Prince, Or The Ambitious Tailor The Colony Of Cats How To Find Out A True Friend Clever Maria The Magic Kettle ····· 1036142433

The Brown Fairy Book

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Fairy tales and stories of the `Arabian Nights` order are not often attempted by modern imaginations, but collections of the old legends are perennially popular. Mr. Andrew Lang has not yet exhausted the supply of these last, although he has to go to countries more and more remote for every new year`s gleanings. For the material in his latest volume, ` The Brown Fairy Book `, he has searched the folk lore of the red Indians, the black Australians, the African Kaffirs, and the natives of Brazil and New Caledonia. Besides these, there are some tales of moment from the French and Persian, some of them being specially translated for this work. The beautiful illustrations in color are the work of Mr. Henry Ford. This book is fully illustrated and annotated with a rare extensive biographical sketch of the author, Andrew Lang, written by Sir Edmund Gosse, CB, a contemporary poet and writer. Contents: What The Rose Did To The Cypress Ball-Carrier And The Bad One How Ball-Carrier Finished His Task The Bunyip Father Grumbler The Story Of The Yara The Cunning Hare The Turtle And His Bride How Geirald The Coward Was Punished Hábogi How The Little Brother Set Free His Big Brothers The Sacred Milk Of Koumongoé The Wicked Wolverine The Husband Of The Rat`s Daughter The Mermaid And The Boy Pivi And Kabo The Elf Maiden How Some Wild Animals Became Tame Ones Fortune And The Wood-Cutter The Enchanted Head The Sister Of The Sun The Prince And The Three Fates The Fox And The Lapp Kisa The Cat The Lion And The Cat Which Was The Foolishest Asmund And Signy Rübezahl Story Of The King Who Would Be Stronger Than Fate Story Of Wali Dâd The Simple-Hearted Tale Of A Tortoise And Of A Mischievous Monkey The Knights Of The Fish ····· 1036142432

The Book Of Saints and Heroes

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A noted non-Catholic writer on pedagogical subjects stated some time ago that if his own religious body had the wealth of story contained in the lives of the saints of the Catholic Church, it would be abundantly supplied with religious literature for children. It is true that the lives of the saints are an inexhaustible treasure-house for all that will interest and stimulate children and that the same treasure-house is too seldom drawn upon. Its riches are, comparatively speaking, little known to our children or, indeed, to our older folks. A book that taps this vein of Catholic inheritance is: The Book of Saints and Heroes, by Mrs. Lang, and edited by the late Andrew Lang. Needless to say the work is admirably well written, and no child, even though tired, would think of sleep while the story of Jerome and the Lion, or Francis and the Wolf of Agobio, was being read. Here is all that will arouse the imagination, fascinate the mind, and instill that romantic love of heroic deeds which, in turn, is so powerful a stimulus to virtue. The book is most richly and tastefully illustrated with page drawings, many of them beautifully colored. The author has combined legend and history, and has sought to give us an interesting story book. This book is fully illustrated and annotated with a rare extensive biographical sketch of the author, Andrew Lang, written by Sir Edmund Gosse, CB, a contemporary poet and writer. ····· 1036142431

The Book Of Romance

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From the Andrew Lang prismatic series, this is the `Book of Romance`, a most attractive selection of what the editor calls `fairy-tales grown up,` the Round Table romances and similar stories, with colored pictures and line pictures by H. J . Ford-making a book for the reside dreaming of romantic curly-heads, who will be unaware that they are learning the lore of their race instead of being bored by the lore of Greeks, Romans, and Hebrews. This book is fully illustrated and annotated with a rare extensive biographical sketch of the author, Andrew Lang, written by Sir Edmund Gosse, CB, a contemporary poet and writer. Contents: Tales Of The Round Table The Quest Of The Holy Graal The Fight For The Queen The Fair Maid Of Astolat Lancelot And Guenevere The End Of It All The Battle Of Roncevalles The Pursuit Of Diarmid Some Adventures Of William Short Nose The Story Of Robin Hood The Story Of Grettir The Strong ····· 1036142430

The Book Of Princes And Princesses

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All the stories about Princes and Princesses in this book are true stories out of old books of history. There are some children who make life difficult by saying, first that stories about fairies are true, and that they like fairies and next that they do not like true stories about real people, who lived long ago. I am quite ready to grant that there really are such things as fairies, because, though I never saw a fairy, any more than I have seen the little animals which lecturers call molecules and ions, still I have seen people who have seen fairies - truthful people. Now I never knew a lecturer who ventured to say that he had seen an ion or a molecule. It is well known, and written in a true book, that the godmother of Joan of Arc had seen fairies, and nobody can suppose that such a good woman would tell her godchild what was not true - for example, that the squire of the parish was in love with a fairy and used to meet her in the moonlight beneath a beautiful tree. In fact, if we did not believe in fairy stories, who would care to read them Yet only too many children dislike to read true stories, because the people in them were real, and the things actually happened. Is not this very strange This book is fully illustrated and annotated with a rare extensive biographical sketch of the author, Andrew Lang, written by Sir Edmund Gosse, CB, a contemporary poet and writer. Contents: Napoleon His Majesty The King Of Rome The Princess Jeanne Hacon The King Mi Reina! Mi Reina! Henriette The Siege Baby The Red Rose The White Rose Richard The Fearless Frederick And Wilhelmine Une Reine Malheureuse The `Little Queen` Two Little Girls And Their Mother The Troubles Of Queen Elizabeth ····· 1036142429

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