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Hardcover/Naturwissenschaften, Medizin, Informatik, Technik/Biologie/Genetik, Gentechnik

1x1 der Klinischen Genetik

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Dieses Buch richtet sich an alle, die sich schnell und dennoch gründlich Grundwissen über die Klinische Genetik aneignen wollen. Es behandelt die wichtigsten genetischen Erkrankungen fürs Examen wie für die Klinik: Wie entstehen Erbkrankheiten Wie begegnen sie uns in der Klinik Welche Konsequenzen ergeben sich daraus Vor allem geeignet für Studenten, PJler, Assistenzärzte. Doch auch Pflegepersonal und andere medizinnahe Berufsgruppen finden hier schnell und übersichtlich Hinweise zur Pflege und Betreuung. Mit Lerntexten, konkret und knapp gehaltenen Zusammenfassungen sowie prüfungsnahen Repetitionsfragen in jedem Kapitel. ····· 10361158659

Abbau und Verteilung des Herbizids Isoproturon in Wasser / Sediment-Systemen

····· lezzter Preis 10.00€ ···· - Bücher, eBooks, DVD & Blu-ray
····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· 1036158064

Bedrohte Saat

····· lezzter Preis 14.80€ ···· - Bücher, eBooks, DVD & Blu-ray
Vor etwa 10 000 Jahren begann das älteste Open-Source-Projekt der Menschheit. Samen von Wildpflanzen wurden gesammelt, vermehrt und getauscht, Kulturpflanzen wurden gezüchtet und verbreitet. Das Ergebnis ist ein Reichtum an Sorten, der das bedeutendste kulturelle Erbe der Menschheit darstellt und Grundlage für das Überleben künftiger Generationen bildet. Heute ist das Saatgut die letzte Bastion im Kampf der Agrokonzerne um die weltweite Kommerzialisierung lebensnotwendiger Güter. Ein parasitäres System etabliert sich, das ohne eigene Wirtschaftsleistung Profite von gigantischen Ausmaßen abschöpft und in seiner Gier selbst vor den Ärmsten der Armen nicht Halt macht. Sieben Autoren berichten über die fragwürdigen Methoden, durch wirtschaftlichen Druck und politische Einflussnahme, mit Hilfe neuer Technologien und rechtlicher Fehlentwicklungen die Kontrolle über das Saatgut zu erlangen. Sie verdeutlichen die daraus resultierenden Probleme von globalem Ausmaß aus politisch-ökonomischer, sozialer, kulturhistorischer und ernährungswissenschaftlicher Sicht und berichten von ihren Erfahrungen in der Saatgutzucht und Entwicklungshilfe. ····· 1036154189

Über Leben und Tod

für 16.90€ kaufen ···· - Bücher, eBooks, DVD & Blu-ray
Nachdruck des Originals von 1892. ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· 10361143312

Genomic Destabilization at Copy Number Variable Loci in Intersubspecific Hybrids of Mus musculus ssps.

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Variation der Kopienzahl von Genen ist eine wichtige Quelle genetischerVariation innerhalb und zwischen Populationen. Die Mutationsmechanismen die zurVariation der Kopienzahl führen, sowie die Prozesse die die Grösse der betreffendenRegionen regulieren sind wenig untersucht. Diese Arbeit behandelt Variation derKopienzahl in X und Y chromosomalen Mitgliedern einer grossen Genfamilie in Musmusculus ssps. Eine dramatisch erhöhte Amplifikation der Kopienzahl inintersubspezifischen Hybriden zwischen M. m. domesticus and M. m. musculus wirdbeschrieben. Dieses Phänomen wird sowohl in natürlichen als auch bei im Laborgezüchteten Hybriden beobachtet. Eine extreme Amplifikation der Kopienzahl, die inHybriden aus der Natur nicht nachgewiesen wird, kann unter Laborbedingungengeneriert werden. Dies legt nahe, dass extreme Destabilisierung der Kopienzahl in derNatur durch Selektion verhindert wird. Spezifische Analysen in Hybridmännchen zeigendas weder meiotische Rekombination oder interchromosomale Austauschprozessebenötigt werden, um Variation in der Kopienzahl zu erzeugen. Damit scheinen besondersIntrachromosomale- (Schwesterchromatid-) Austausche in intersubspezifischenKreuzungen aufzutreten. Belegt wird dies durch eine grössere Anzahl somatischerVariationen in der Kopienzahl in verschiedenen Organen von Hybriden im Vergleich zureinerbigen Mäusen. In Hybriden korreliert dies mit Fehlregulation der DNAReparaturprozesse die Schwesterchromatid Austausche regulieren. Es scheint, das dieStabilität der Kopienenzahl von Genen in reinerbigen Populationen durch Kreuzungenmit Tieren aus anderen Populationen herabgesetzt werden kann, und dass dieser Prozessmit Mutationsprozessen zusammen hängt, die während der Entwicklung ablaufen. DiesesErgebnis eröffnet eine neue Perspektive auf reproduktive Isolation und könnte für denAufbau genetischer Inkompatibilität zwischen Unterarten von Mäusen eine Rolle spielen. ····· 10361192704

Der Kampf mit der Nahrung

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Nachdruck des Originals von 1884. ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· 10361143396

Die Sonderstellung des Menschen in der Natur

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Nachdruck des Originals von 1925. ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· 10361143916

Das Menschenproblem

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Nachdruck des Originals von 1914. ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· 10361150911

Identificación fenotípica y molecular de especies de Candida en México

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La candidosis es la micosis oportunista más frecuente en personas inmunosuprimidas. Producida por hongos levaduriformes del género Candida. Se analizaron aislamientos clínicos de pacientes internados en el Hospital Juárez de México en el periodo de julio de 2009 a mayo de 2010, se identificaron a las especies por métodos fenotípicos (CHROMagar Candida, producción de tubo germinativo, formación de clamidoconidias, pruebas bioquímicas API YEAST 20 C y Auxacolor TM 2) y por métodos moleculares utilizando la amplificación por PCR-RFLP con enzima de restricción Msp1, que permitió identificar eficazmente a las especies: la más frecuente fue C. albicans (80.3 %), seguida de C. tropicales (8.9%), C. glabrata (5.4%) y C. parapsilosis (5.4%). Se analizó la variabilidad genética entre los aislamientos de C. albicans utilizando la amplificación de un microsatélite CAI (CAA), identificando a 11 alelos diferentes que combinados forman 18 genotipos, de los cuales 28% son homocigotos y 72% son heterocigotos. La presencia del mismo genotipo en diferentes aislamientos sugiere que hubo infección intrahospitalaria entre algunos de los pacientes. ····· 103611539

Inmunogenotoxicología de sustancias derivadas de Uncaria tomentosa

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Desde siempre el hombre utiliza plantas para el tratamiento de diversos problemas de salud, como afecciones de tipo inflamatorio, inmunológico, genético y el cáncer. Existen componentes en Uncaria tomentosa (Uña de Gato) como el Beta-sitosterol y la Pteropodina que han mostrado algunas propiedades biomédicas que sugieren su participación en las propiedades curativas de esta planta, en particular es indispensable determinar su capacidad para inhibir el daño producido al DNA para considerarlos como candidatos quimiopreventivos y quimioterapéuticos del cáncer entre otras patologías. Así mismo el presente estudio antigenotóxico es el primero que se efectúa in vivo con los compuestos seleccionados y que evaluó si dicha acción se relaciona con la capacidad de los compuestos para atrapar radicales libres, así como por los resultados con el ensayo de antioxidación con DPPH y las pruebas que determinan su efecto inmunoestimulante. Este proyecto por lo tanto, también ayuda a estudiar un probable mecanismo de acción de los compuestos y abre una nueva línea de investigación sobre las bases científicas que expliquen las propiedades biomédicas de Beta-sitosterol y Pteropodina. ····· 103612091

Morfógenos, agentes tóxicos y benéficos en la neurulación

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El desarrollo del sistema nervioso es complejo y para su comprensión debe analizarse a nivel celular y molecular, integrando cada evento que involucre la expresión génica. El proceso de neurulación consiste en la formación y cierre del tubo neural, que se lleva a cabo en las primeras etapas de la embriogénesis y es importante estudiar los agentes que participan tanto morfógenos como tóxicos potenciales y aquellos químicos que realizan una función benéfica para dicha formación. En este libro analizamos los procesos básicos del desarrollo embrionario hasta la neurulación y la participación de la serotonina, sus transportadores y receptores como morfógenos durante el desarrollo temprano del sistema nervioso. También se presenta una relación de la participación de las vitaminas liposolubles e hidrosolubles durante la neurulación y finalmente se hace mención del efecto teratógeno de agonistas y antagonistas de los receptores a serotonina. Los conceptos que aquí se presentan son de importancia tanto para los estudiosos de las neurociencias, como para la población general que se interese en los aspectos que deben considerarse para prevenir defectos del tubo neural. ····· 1036121893

Diversidad Genética en Ilex spp a través de Técnicas Moleculares RAPDs

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En la presente investigación fueron analizados datos de 60 individuos del Género Ilex de las especies de importancia económica, I. paraguariensis (sin. yerba) e I. dumosa, colectados en la EE-INTA Cerro Azul. La extracción de ácidos nucleicos fue realizada con el protocolo propuesto por Doyle y Doyle (1987) modificado por Cavalli-Molina y Gauer (2000). La técnica PCR-RAPD fue utilizada para realizar esta pesquisa. Los cebadores RAPD con mayor número de bandas informativas, investigados anteriormente a este trabajo, fueron empleados. Para analizar los resultados de las reacciones de amplificación, se realizaron electroforesis en geles de agarosa. Dichos geles fueron fotografiados, escaneados y medidas las distancias de migración de las bandas. Las matrices generadas fueron procesadas en diferentes programas informáticos para obtener árboles de agrupamiento. Los Índice de Shannon-Weaver (H ) (1948) y Nei Clásica (1972) y no Sesgada (1978) (GST y D), así como la Diversidad Genética Intrapoblacional también fueron calculados. La magnitud de la información obtenida durante la utilización de la técnica RAPD-PCR dependió del número de individuos bajo análisis. ····· 1036122266

Bases para el estudio de la cromatina en moluscos

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El empaquetamiento del DNA y su accesibilidad en el núcleo celular eucariota están supeditados a la interacción de esta molécula con diferentes tipos de proteínas cromosómicas, siendo las histonas las de mayor relevancia. La importancia de histonas y cromatina en el metabolismo nuclear ha motivado una gran cantidad de estudios en sistemas modelo, principalmente mamíferos, donde la complejidad del metabolismo cromatínico refleja la gran heterogeneidad estructural y funcional de las histonas. Sin embargo, el conocimiento de la dinámica cromatínica en animales protóstomos es todavía muy escaso. Dada la relevancia de este linaje de animales para comprender la evolución de metazoos, además de la presencia de organismos con importancia comercial en dicho grupo, el presente trabajo ha llevado a cabo la caracterización molecular y evolutiva de histonas en un molusco bivalvo de la familia de los pectínidos. Nuestros resultados revelan la presencia de secuencias de histonas conservadas y sometidas a constricciones selectivas tanto a nivel proteico como nucleotídico, probablemente dirigidas a mantener unas propiedades electrostáticas adecuadas para la correcta configuración de la cromatina. ····· 1036122444

Diversidad y Conservación de los recursos zoogenéticos de Chile

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Presenta la importancia de conservar la biodiversidad de los recursos zoogenéticos (RZG) y su adecuada utilización. Se señalan las instituciones chilenas relacionadas con los RZG se da a conocer el estado de vulnerabilidad de los RZG considerados más importantes,las formas de conservación que se realizan en Chile, los principales RZG que existen en el país y se proponen las bases para establecer en el país una curaduría nacional, señalando las principales actividades a realizar: organización de programas nacionales para la conservación, mejora y fomento de los RZG y las actividades recomendables de realizar para la inscripción de nuevas razas considerando aspectos legales para su manejo y organización a nivel nacional. ····· 1036122654

Estudios del comportamiento fenotípico de rasgos reproductivos

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El mejoramiento genético es decisivo en el proceso productivo y es una herramienta para aumentar la eficiencia económica de las explotaciones. El objetivo de toda unidad de producción es producir de forma eficiente y con calidad. Aunque las mejoras que se introducen en la alimentación, manejo y sanidad de los animales son imprescindibles, éstas son temporales, es decir se mantienen mientras se realicen, en cambio la mejora genética que se puede introducir es permanente, dado que los genes se trasmiten de generación en generación y el genofondo de las poblaciones es inmortal. Nuestro propósito es apoyar tú labor productiva, mediante información teórica y elementos de reflexión sobre propuestas de mejoramiento genético. Ello orientará el trabajo en los procesos de mejora de tu Unidad de Producción y de transferencia tecnológica. Esperamos que te permita desarrollar capacidades específicas, las que con tu disposición, iniciativa y creatividad coadyuvaran a mejores resultados productivos. ····· 1036124359

Caracterización del ganado bovino sacrificado en Chihuahua, México

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El matadero de la ciudad de Chihuahua ocupa el segundo lugar en esta ciudad en sacrificio de bovinos. Debido a la enorme diversidad de bovinos que ahí se sacrifican, sobre todo en características como edad, raza y género, podemos suponer que la calidad de la carne que llega al consumidor chihuahuense es también muy variable. Generalmente el consumidor desconoce las características de la carne que consume, por lo tanto, se considera necesario evaluar la calidad de la carne que llega a las carnicerías de la ciudad para proveer al consumidor de mayor información sobre el origen y la calidad de los alimentos cárnicos disponibles en el mercado local. El objetivo de este trabajo fue caracterizar el ganado que se sacrifica en el matadero municipal de la ciudad de Chihuahua, México. ····· 1036189595

Virus Papiloma Humano tipo 18

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El Virus Papiloma Humano tipo-18 (HPV-18) es uno de los principales responsables del desarrollo de cáncer de cuello de útero. Este virus presenta una prevalencia de 1,1% en la población femenina sana y de 16,5% en cánceres de cuello de útero a nivel mundial y por su importancia clínica ha sido incorporado en la fórmula de las vacunas comerciales. Con el objetivo de contribuir al diseño de nuevas metodologías de detección de HPV-18 se desarrolló una PCR que presentó una especificidad de 1 (IC95% 0,79 1) y una sensibilidad de 0,54 (0,27-0,81). A pesar de su baja sensibilidad para el diagnóstico (valor de referencia: 0,95), la secuenciación del fragmento amplificado permitió un análisis de circulación viral y filogenia. Se identificaron un 86% de variantes genéticas de origen Europeo y un 14% de origen Asiático-Americano. Estos resultados apoyarían la hipótesis de la introducción del virus durante la inmigración europea a la región. Este tipo de análisis representa un salto cualitativo para comprender los procesos de propagación viral a través de las poblaciones humanas. Esta conexión es fundamental para el monitoreo de la infección por HPV en las instancias pre y post-vacunación. ····· 1036190266

Antigenotoxicidad de la espinaca

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La toxicología genética es una ciencia multidisciplinaria cuyo objetivo principal es estudiar las mutaciones inducidas por agentes químicos, físicos y biológicos analizando su interacción con macromoléculas celulares como evento inicial que conlleva a la inestabilidad genética y por ende al desarrollo de enfermedades crónicas como el cáncer. Gracias a los test en toxicología genética se ha logrado identificar, eliminar y modificar la exposición a las genotoxinas. Sin embargo, a pesar de la evidencia científica y del impacto que representan agentes mutagénicos como el humo de leña en la salud pública, pocos estudios se han realizado para reducir su toxicidad por lo tanto, en esta investigación y teniendo en cuenta los efectos antigenotóxicos inducidos por los metabolitos presentes en los extractos vegetales, se evalúo a través del biomarcador de Alteraciones cromosómicas la capacidad antimutagénica del extracto etanólico de la espinaca en linfocitos de sangre periférica de mujeres expuestas al humo de leña demostrando que las plantas con propiedades antioxidantes ejerce protección frente al estrés oxidativo generado por factores endógenos y exógenos. ····· 1036191004

Clonación y Expresión de Proteínas Recombinantes

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El presente texto fue escrito con la finalidad de dar a conocer algunos métodos de biología molecular, los cuales en la actualidad se usan para la producción y comercialización de proteínas, entre otros usos. Nuestro ensayo se enfocó en la clonación de la proteína Interferón Gamma Humano, para lo cuál se utilizó un vector de clonación diseñado para bacterias y se expresó en E. coli, siendo este, un sistema heterólogo al homo sapiens logrando así la expresión de esta proteína en bacterias E. coli, las cuales proporcionan un sistema eficiente de producción de proteínas, debido a su alta taza de crecimiento y esto se refleja en un alto rendimiento en un corto espacio de tiempo. ····· 10361137852

Proteínas CP y HC-Pro del virus de la mancha anular de la papaya

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Los virus se han encontrado a través de la historia asociados a las poblaciones de diversos organismos la familia Potyviridae es una gran familia de virus que infectan plantas, siendo uno de los importantes géneros de esta familia los Potyvirus dentro del cual se encuentra una de las especies patógenas más devastadoras de cultivos de cucurbitáceas y caricáceas a nivel mundial el Papaya ringspot virus (PRSV). En este libro se detalla un análisis de variabilidad y se determina la potencial interacción de dos proteínas del PRSV involucradas en su transmisión por áfidos: CP & HC-Pro a través de técnicas de ingeniería genética que incluyen herramientas de bioinformática y biología molecular integrando una serie de métodos y conocimientos que permiten estimar la historia evolutiva de los productos CP & HC-Pro de la partícula viral, y a su vez, se puede comprender mejor la estructura y dinámica poblacional del virus. Un estudio que colabora con la estimación del origen de las epidemias y permite así inferir acerca de alternativas de control para evitar pérdidas en estos cultivos de gran importancia económica a nivel mundial. ····· 10361137946

Water, sanitation, hygiene and diarrheal diseases in the Aral Sea area (Khorezm, Uzbekistan)

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In the Aral Sea Basin, human activities have led to the severe degradation of water and soil, which is considered to cause serious human health problems. Epidemiological evidence, however, was lacking. This study investigates the microbiological contamination of drinking water in the Khorezm district in Uzbekistan as a case study in the Aral Sea Basin. The incidence of diarrheal diseases was monitored, and the risk factors water, sanitation and hygiene were studied using a combination of quantitative and qualitative methods. Recommendations for improved drinking water hygiene and sanitation are given. ····· 10361169543

Allgemeine und spezielle Physiologie des Menschenwachstums

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Nachdruck des Originals von 1914. ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· 10361143917

Ernst Haeckel

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Nachdruck des Originals von 1900. ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· 10361141883

Potencial mutagénico de un extracto oleoso de Carapa guianensis Aublet

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El presente trabajo tuvo como objetivo evaluar el potencial mutagénico y genotóxico del extracto oleoso de la semilla de Carapa guianensis. Se realizaron estudios in vitro (ensayo de Ames) con y sin activación metabólica e in vivo que incluyó el ensayo cometa alcalino de leucocitos de sangre periférica de ratas Sprague Dawley (SD), el ensayo de micronúcleos y aberraciones cromosómicas en ratones Balb/c de ambos sexos administrados durante 14 días por vía oral a dosis repetidas (400, 1 000 y 2 000 mg/kg) y el ensayo de la morfología de la cabeza del espermatozoide de ratones machos Balb/c administrados durante 35 días con dosis de (400, 1 000 y 2 000 mg/kg). En bacterias el extracto no es citotóxico, ni mutagénico, en los estudios in vivo no aumento la formación de sitios lábiles al álcalis en el ADN de leucocitos de ratas SD, no aumentó la frecuencia de células en médula ósea con micronúcleos, ni células con aberraciones cromosómicas (estructurales o numéricas). No indujo el aumento de la frecuencia espontánea de morfo-anomalías en la cabeza del espermatozoide. Los resultados indican que este extracto no es mutagénico ni genotóxico según los ensayos realizados. ····· 103612693

Estudio de translocación cromosómica familiar

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Las translocaciones recíprocas balanceadas ocurren con una incidencia de 1 por cada 500 nacimientos. Se llevó a cabo un estudio familiar a partir de un paciente que presentaba múltiples malformaciones congénitas: cuyo análisis cariotípico reveló un cromosoma 7 derivado. Con el objeto de verificar el carácter hereditario de tal alteración cromosómica, se analizaron varios integrantes de la familia, abarcando tres generaciones distintas. ····· 1036123123

Geneticheski modifitsirovannye organizmy

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Geneticheski modifitsirovannyy organizm (GMO) eto zhivoy organizm, soderzhashchiy novuyu kombinatsiyu geneticheskogo materiala, poluchennuyu s pomoshch`yu metodov sovremennoy biotekhnologii. Ispol`zovanie etikh metodov pozvolyaet preodolet` estestvennye fiziologicheskie reproduktivnye ili rekombinatsionnye bar`ery. Naprimer, sozdany rasteniya s genami bakteriy, mlekopitayushchikh i ryb, bakterii i zhivotnye s genami cheloveka. V knige predstavleny materialy po polucheniyu i ispol`zovaniyu GMO, v pervuyu ochered` rasteniy. Podrobno opisyvayutsya problemy biobezopasnosti, svyazannye s shirokomasshtabnym ispol`zovaniem geneticheski modifitsirovannykh rasteniy v sel`skom khozyaystve, daetsya informatsiya o natsional`noy i mezhdunarodnoy sisteme biobezopasnosti. Kniga orientirovana na prepodavateley biologii, magistrantov, aspirantov, soiskateley i studentov, a takzhe na vsekh lits, interesuyushchikhsya problemami sovremennoy biotekhnologii. ····· 1036119157

Die morphologische und chemische Zusammensetzung des Protoplasmas

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Nachdruck des Originals von 1887. ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· 10361144248

Familias y linajes genéticos en Azampay, Argentina

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El parentesco es un tema extensamente abordado por la antropología, existiendo en todas las sociedades del planeta múltiples maneras prácticas de clasificar la ascendencia y descendencia de cada persona. Las relaciones de parentesco tienen además un correlato biológico. La historia de nuestra nómada especie está escrita en sus células, en el ADN contenido en su interior. Se han definido polimorfismos específicos de poblaciones o asociados a poblaciones y es posible identificar linajes paternos o maternos de distribución geográfica o étnica. En este trabajo de tesis se emplearon técnicas de análisis molecular para estudiar el perfil genético de la comunidad que hoy habita en Azampay, Catamarca, Argentina. Se buscó conocer el aporte de componentes americanos y extra-americanos en esta localidad, reconstruir su historia migracional en el contexto del movimiento colonizador de los valles en el Noroeste argentino y cotejar estos linajes moleculares con las genealogías construidas a partir de los registros oficiales y la memoria oral de los habitantes. ····· 103611779

Variabilidad genética de poblaciones salvajes y cultivadas de sargo

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El sargo (Diplodus sargus)es un espárido de gran interés en acuicultura, ya que es un animal muy apreciado y capaz de alcanzar precios en el mercado similares a los de dorada y lubina. Uno de los problemas encontrados al domesticar una especie es la pérdida de variabilidad genética debido a la endogamia. En esta tesis se han investigado las características genéticas de una población capturada en el medio natural y otra procedente de la acuicultura, en base a marcadores mitocondriales (citocromo b y región de control) y nucleares (microsatélites). La población salvaje presentó una alta variabilidad genética. Sin embargo, los individuos procedentes de acuicultura tuvieron una pérdida de variabilidad genética. Estos resultados han provocado una diferenciación entre ambas poblaciones, la capturada en el medio natural y la cultivada. ····· 103611795

Manglares y Bacillus thuringiensis en Colombia

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Estudios recientes han demostrado que cepas de Bacillus thuringiensis (Bt) aisladas del ecosistema de manglar presentan genes cry novedosos sin embargo, no existen estudios de caracterización de aislados de Bt en manglares de América. Por este motivo, se estandarizaron las condiciones para la amplificación por PCR de fragmentos de genes que reconocen la familia cry1 utilizando oligonucleótidos generales en 99 cepas nativas aisladas del suelo del ecosistema de manglar de La Ciénaga Grande de Santa Marta, Caribe Colombiano. ····· 103612386

Toxicología, Genotoxicidad, Citotoxicidad y Teratogénesis

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La alta incidencia de alteraciones en el ácido desoxicirribonucleíco por agentes xenotóxicos como algunos fármacos de administración prolongada, hace necesario realizar pruebas especiales de genotoxicidad, para asegurar la ingesta de medicamentos de uso crónico en enfermedades crónicas degenerativas, como son los fármacos inmunomoduladores como el interferón-beta, factor de transferencia y glicina propuestos en enfermedades degenerativas del sistema nervioso central y periférico, entre las que comentamos en este libro: esclerosis múltiple, esclerosis lateral amiotrófica, sind. Guillain-Barre, parálisis facial, enfermedades que a su vez producen discapacidad. A personas con estas enfermedades se les atienden en el Instituto Nacional de Rehabilitación para su rehabilitación integral, y así disminuir su discapacidad y mejorar su calidad de vida. ····· 103612553

De Células Madre Embrionarias a Células Madre Germinales

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La terapia celular de células madre pluripotentes o embrionarias utilizada por la medicina regenerativa es un protocolo recientemente aplicado. Estas células, son derivadas de la masa celular interna (MCI) del estadio de blastocisto y son capaces de diferenciarse en todos los linajes celulares del cuerpo. Ciclofosfamida (CP) es una droga anticancerígena alquilante que, entre otras cosas, provoca como efecto secundario infertilidad. El objetivo de la presente investigación fue revertir dicho efecto negativo, mediante terapia celular, utilizando células de la MCI al diferenciarse in vivo en células madre germinales. Se utilizaron blastocistos de ratones albinos. La MCI fue aislada mediante inmunocirugía y luego trasplantada a los túbulos seminíferos de ratones receptores C57BL, a los que previamente se les disminuyó drásticamente la línea germinal con CP (220mg/kg pc). La evaluación comprobó colonización intraluminal y presencia de minitúbulos (2%) en el 62.5% de los receptor transplantados. Se demostró que las células de la MCI tienen la capacidad de colonizar túbulos seminíferos de ratones adultos de diferentes cepas. ····· 1036122063

Marcadores Moleculares del Cáncer Pulmonar

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El conocimiento del origen molecular del cáncer ha abierto paso a la búsqueda de biomarcadores que puedan ser útiles en el diagnóstico, pronóstico, y tratamiento personalizado de esta patología. En el presente texto, se reporta la evaluación de la amplificación de los oncogenes MYCL1, MYCN, MYC, EGFR, ERBB2 Y AKT2, y la metilación de los genes supresores tumorales p16, FHIT, APC, TIMP2, MGMT, RASSF1 en DNA obtenido a partir de tejido pulmonar afectado y plasma sanguíneo de pacientes con cáncer primario de pulmón, y en tejido pulmonar normal y plasma de personas sanas, con el objetivo de determinar si el estado de amplificación y metilación de dichos genes diferencia entre los fenotipos neoplásico y normal. Evaluando también la utilidad del DNA libre en plasma sanguíneo para la detección de las características moleculares del tumor. Esta investigación muestra la importancia de profundizar en el estudio de marcadores moleculares en plasma sanguíneo, pudiendo convertirse este tipo de pruebas en el principal método de tamizaje para el abordaje efectivo de la patología neoplásica pulmonar en sus primeras etapas. ····· 1036123144

Porfiria Cutánea Tardía en Argentina

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La Porfiria Cutánea Tardía (PCT) es un desorden hereditario de la biosíntesis del hemo, causado por la deficiencia de la enzima uroporfirinógeno decarboxilasa (Uro-D). Existen 2 tipos principales: adquirida (PCT-A) la cual representa el 70-80% de los casos y hereditaria (PCT-H), de herencia autosómica dominante y con penetrancia incompleta. Clínicamente presenta hiperpigmentación, ampollas y fragilidad cutánea, etc. Es desencadenada por factores tales como sobrecarga de hierro, hormonas, abuso de alcohol entre otros, que a su vez dependen de factores hereditarios. Existen 61 polimorfismos de nucleótido único (SNP s) descriptos en el gen URO-D, 19 son exónicos. Se ha analizado la frecuencia de tres SNP s, c.1-263TA, c.603AG y IVS6+30GT , en 20 pacientes PCT-H, en 60 pacientes PCT-A y en 60 individuos controles. Solo se encontraron diferencias significativas entre el grupo PCT-A y el grupo control para el SNP c.636+30 GT, el cual se encuentra en un sitio regulador de splicing, ISS, que en presencia de la variante T se convierte en ISE, teniendo como probable consecuencia formación de un transcripto inestable, pudiendo ser un factor de riesgo para los que la portan, (OR=2,7). ····· 1036124077

El Asma y sus Variaciones

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El asma es una enfermedad crónica común caracterizada por síntomas respiratorios como disnea, dificultad para respirar, tos, sibilancias, y desordenes inflamatorios crónicos de la vía aérea. Adicionalmente es una enfermedad multifactorial donde tanto el componente genético y ambiental juega papel importante en la detección de dicha entidad. Por su frecuencia se constituye en una enfermedad de salud pública, afectando a personas de todas las edades y grupos étnicos. Actualmente se han relacionado varios genes con susceptibilidad al asma, encontrándose el gen LTC4 sintasa Humano, el cual está situado en el brazo largo del cromosoma 5 (5q35), sobre el cual se ha documentado un Polimorfismos bi-alélico en la región promotora encontrando una mutación de 1.4 Kb, permitiendo confirma la presencia de polimorfismo de nucleótido simple en la posición -444 caracterizado por la transversión de una Adenosina (A) a Citocina (C) en la posición -444 pb corriente abajo del codón de iniciación, donde el alelo C se ha relacionado como factor de riego en pacientes con asma inducida por aspirina y con la severidad del cuadro clínico de la enfermedad. ····· 1036190356

Regulación de la Síntesis de Antioxidantes

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Editorial Académica Española ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· 1036190509

Análisis de polimorfismos del gen PTPN22 asociado a Diabetes Tipo 1

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Análisis de genes de resistencia a Ralstonia

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La marchites bacteriana causada por Ralstonia solanacearum es una de las principales enfermedades del cultivo de papa en el mundo. En Uruguay se encuentra en el centro de diversidad primario de Solanum commersonii, una especie silvestre de papa que posee alta resistencia a la enfermedad. Este recurso genético tiene un gran potencial para el desarrollo de variedades resistentes mediante mejoramiento genético. Su explotación se inició con una prospección a nivel nacional y la creación de un banco de germoplasma que exhibió diferentes niveles de resistencia. Esta población fue usada en el desarrollo y evaluación marcadores moleculares con potencial para la selección asistida. Seis cebadores degenerados fueron diseñados basados secuencias consenso obtenidas de alineamientos bioinformáticos entre proteínas-R de solanáceas. Se identificaron secuencias candidatas las cuales demostraron tener homologías exclusivamente con secuencias de la familia de las solanáceas. Estas fueron ubicadas en cromosoma V, dentro de la región comprendida por los marcadores GP21 y GP179, los cuales distan entre si 3cM y flanquean uno de los dos principales puntos de alta densidad de genes R en papa. ····· 1036190735

Regulación epigenética del gen ATP2A2 en cardiomiocitos

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La bomba de calcio del retículo sarco (endo) plásmico (SERCA2a) es una ATPasa de vital importancia para la relajación muscular del cardiomiocito. Se ha demostrado que la expresión de SERCA2a se encuentra disminuida en el corazón de pacientes con hipertrofia cardiaca severa e insuficiencia cardiaca. Recientemente, se describió que los inhibidores de desacetilasas de histonas (iHDACs) inhiben la activación de hipertrofia cardiaca en modelos animales, sin embargo, su efecto sobre la expresión de SERCA2a no había sido estudiado. En este trabajo se caracterizó el efecto de los inhibidores de HDACs (iHDACs) butirato de sodio (NaB), tributirato de glicerilo (TriB) y tricostatina A (TSA), del agente hipometilante de ADN 5-azacitidina (5-aza) y de la mitramicina (agente intercalante del ADN que se une a secuencias ricas en G+C) sobre la expresión de SERCA2a en cultivos de cardiomiocitos de rata neonata. Este libro está dirigido a la comunidad científica interesada en enfermedades cardiacas, regulación epigenética y regulación transcripcional. ····· 10361137136

Ctenomys: Un Modelo de Plasticidad Cromosómica en Mamíferos

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El género de roedores subterráneos Ctenomys se ha constituído en el grupo de mamíferos con la mayor variación cromosómica conocida. A través de su distribución, en el sur de la zona Neotropical presenta rangos cromosómicos de:2n=10 a 2n=70 y NF=16 a 84. Esta variación es debida a diferentes tipos de reordenamientos cromosómicos, ocurridos durante la evolución de este género. Sin embargo la mayoría de estos son traslocaciones Robertsonianas que mantienen el orden de los genes en cada brazo cromosómico. Así también la heterocromatina presenta una gran variación tanto en cantidad como en localización. A pesar de esto la cantidad de ADN no varía entre especies con altos o bajos porcentajes de heterocromatina. Esta observación sugiere la ocurrencia de la transformación de eucromatina en heterocromatina. Presentamos datos que apuntan a la ocurrencia de la conversión de eucromatina en heterocromatina. A nivel meiótico este fenómeno junto con la formación de cromocentros en paquiteno donde se unen físicamente bivalentes no homólogos nos plantea un complejo escenario en el análisis de la evolución cromosómica del género Ctenomys. ····· 10361137810

Análisis de polimorfismos de riesgo a la Diabetes tipo 1 en Uruguay

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En esta Tesis de Maestría se analizaron polimorfismos en genes de susceptibilidad a la diabetes tipo 1 con tres objetivos diferentes. El primero fue la caracterización de la base genética de la población estudiada: se analizó la población general (Montevideo, Uruguay) para poder establecer la prevalencia de cada polimorfismo, y luego se analizaron muestras de pacientes con diabetes tipo 1 y con diabetes tipo 2 para su caracterización y para la realización de estudios de asociación. El segundo objetivo fue el análisis de familias con un hijo diabético tipo 1 (tríos) para evaluar la transmisión diferencial de alelos. Por último, se analizaron todas las muestras con la finalidad de resolver el desequilibrio de ligamiento del gen INS, objetivo que se logró dado la heterogeneidad genética de la población analizada, resultando ser el minisatélite 5 VNTR el asociado a la diabetes tipo 1 y no las otras dos regiones polimórficas que lo acompañan. ····· 10361137856

Genetic Transformation In Forest Trees

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A genetically modified organism (GMO) or genetically engineered organism (GEO) is an organism whose genetic material has been altered using genetic engineering techniques. These techniques, generally known as recombinant DNA technology, use DNA molecules from different sources, which are combined into one molecule to create a new set of genes. This DNA is then transferred into an organism, giving it modified or novel genes. ····· 1036118072

Gene and Tuberculosis

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Tuberculosis (TB) is an infectious disease typically affects the lungs and other parts of the human body. Various risk factors have been associated with TB and epidemiology studies suggest that the human genetic factors play important roles in susceptibility, protection, progression and outcome of TB. This book discusses the human genetic factors extensively, focusing on single-nucleotide polymorphisms in gene of mannose receptor, dendritic cell-specific ICAM-3-grabbing nonintegrin (DC-SIGN), toll-like receptor, complement receptor 3, nucleotide oligomerization domain 2, vitamin D nuclear receptor, purinergic P2X7 receptor, CD14, surfactant protein-A, mannose-binding lectin, tumor necrosis factor alpha, interferon-gamma, interleukin (IL)-12, IL-10, IL-6, IL-18, IL-1beta, IL-8, IL-1 receptor antagonist (IL-1RA), monocyte chemoattractant protein 1, RANTES (CCL5), CXCL10, inducible nitric oxide synthase and solute carrier protein 11A1. ····· 1036120849

Association of genes variants with physical performance of athletes

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Although the making of an elite athlete is complex and includes a range of environmental and behavioural factors, genetic predisposition to athleticism is also important. The research of molecular-physiological processes, employing genetic methods, is essential in the pursuit of creation of an optimal health care system for the athletes. This paper can be of interest to a broad readership interested in sports science, personalized genetics, predictive testing, sports medicine and genetic epidemiology. ····· 1036125715

****Zelluläre Antwort auf mitochondrialen Stress infolge einer Nonsense-Mutation in der Cytochrom-c-Oxidase Untereinheit 1 (COX1) in humanen Cybridzellen

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The activation of the insect immune system by endogenous danger signals with emphasis on Drosophila melanogaster

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How the immune system reacts to foreign, non-self and endogenous so-calles danger signals is incompletely understood. Danger signals emerge i.e. as a consequence of aberrant overgrowth of tissue, which in turn is often associated with cellular stress and cell death. Tissue that exposes danger signals to the immune system is often referred to as altered self to discriminate it from self, which by definition does not elicit an immune response. The aim of my disseration was to investigate how altered self can activate the immune systen in insects. ····· 1036162286

Die Abstammungslehre

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Nachdruck des Originals von 1909. ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· 10361143463

Genetic Divergence among Mungbean Genotypes

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Mungbean (Vigna radiata L.) is one of the important legumes and a well-known economic crop in tropical and subtropical countries. It belongs to the family Leguminosae with diploid chromosome number 2n = 2x = 22. (Smart 1990).and is native to Indo-Burma (Myanmar) region of Asia. The primary gene center of diversity for mungbean was suggested to be the central Asian region (Vavilov, 1951) with India as the gene center and probable center of domestication (Smartt, 1985).So India is considered as its land of origin (Loh and Stacey, 2003). It has several synonyms like greengram, moong, goldengram, oregon pea, chickasono pea, chickasaw pea and chiroko It is short-stature, less than 1.25 m, depending on the variety and growing conditions (Watt et al. 1977). It is a pulse or food legume crop used primarily as dried seed and occasionally as forage or green pods and seeds for vegetables (Lawn 1995). On a dry-weight basis it contains 25 to 28% protein, 1.0 to 1.5% fats, 3.5 to 4.5% fiber, 4.5 to 5.5% ash and 60 to 65% carbohydrate (Lawn and Ahn, 1985). ····· 10361245

Influence of Different Factors on Regeneration of Jute

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A sustainable improvement in jute productivity under less favourable environment can only be achieved with a constant flow of new genetic materials. The existing variability for constraints, like insect-pest and diseases, poor soil fertility, water stress, fiber quality, photo-insensivity etc. is a serious issue that needs to be addressed . It is evident that all the tissue culture techniques play a vital role in the enrichment of genetic variability. Among the phytohormone combination, MS+ 2 mg/l BAP + 0.5 mg/l IAA showed the highest shoot regeneration (60.66%). The variety CVE-3 response better than O-72 towards shoot regeneration at different pH level. Among the sucrose concentration 3% (30mg/l) showed the highest shoot regeneration (87.49%). Among the different concentration of vitamins x2 times (3.0mg/l) showed the highest shoot regeneration. Using different concentration of surfactant 0.1% surfactant showed the highest shoot regeneration (91.663%). In the NaCl experiment, among the three varieties CVE-3 was found highly responsive to shoot regeneration (97.22%) and 0.125, 0.25 and 0.50 (%) NaCl shows the better responsive to shoot regeneration. ····· 10361334

Genetic Variability for Drought in Various Sorghum Genotypes

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Drought is the most common adverse environmental condition that can seriously reduce crop productivity. Increasing crop resistance to drought stress would be the most economical approach to improve agricultural productivity and to reduce agricultural use of fresh water resources. As a result, understanding the drought tolerance and breeding for drought resistant crop plants has been the major goal of plant breeders. Sorghum is well-known for its capacity to tolerate conditions of limited moisture and to produce during periods of extended drought. Twenty sorghum (Sorghum bicolor L. Moench) genotypes with known drought tolerance traits were used in this study. The present study will be conducted to evaluate the genetic variability for drought tolerance in sorghum genotypes at molecular level. ····· 10361771

Callus Culture

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Drought is one of the complex environmental factors affecting growth and yield of sorghum in arid and semi-arid areas of the world. Developing crops that have the mechanism to cope with such drought prone production environments is vital. Callus culture is a novel approach addressing cultured cells as selection units independent of whole plant. In vitro culture of plant cells and tissue has attracted considerable interest over recent years because it provides the means to study plant physiological aspects and genetic processes in addition to offering the potential to assist in the breeding of improved cultivars by increasing genetic variability.For in vitro drought stress induction, one of the most popular approaches is to use high molecular weight osmotic substances, like polyethylene glycol (PEG). This book, therefore, provides a new perspective of efficient and rapid screening method with special emphasis to callusing, callus growth, plant regeneration and growth performance of in vitro regenerated plantlets of sorghum genotypes under induced drought conditions. ····· 10361840

Isolation and Characterization of Maintainers and Restorers of Rice

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The study was conducted to identify potential restorers and maintainers from indica/japonica derivative lines and conversion of selected maintainers possessing desirable plant type into CMS lines. 65 test cross combinations including one wild abortive cytoplasmic male sterile (CMS) lines and 46 pollen parents were used as material of the study. The aspects of the study were development of source nursery and test cross nursery, estimation of pollen fertility, identification of potential restorers and potential maintainers. The study showed that of all the pollen parents in 65 success test crosses, 14 were restorers (21.54%), 27 were partial restorer (41.54%), 14 were partial maintainers (21.54%) and 10 were maintainers (15.38%).Out of 14 restorer lines, 11 lines were selected on the basis of crop uniformity. Based on scale of different characters a combined score was computed and on the basis of pooled approach of ranking, 5 top ranking (I-III) restorer lines were selected for converting into experimental hybrids. Among the 10 maintainer lines 4 potential lines were selected on the basis of pooled approach of ranking for conversion into new CMS lines. ····· 10361933

Genetic Variability in Cowpea

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Forty nine Cowpea accessions were tested in 7 x 7 triple lattice design at Haramaya University research farm, Dire Dawa in 2010/011. The objectives of the study were to estimate the extent of genetic variability for yield and yield related agronomic traits and to estimate heritability in broad sense and expected genetic advance due to selection among the forty nine cowpea accessions analysis of variance using triple lattice design revealed that there was statistically significant difference among the forty nine accessions for all the traits studied. High phenotypic coefficient of variation (PVC) was recorded for number of pod per plant, yield per plant, seed yield (kg/ha), plant height. Similarly, high genotypic coefficient of variation (GVC) was observed for 100-seed weight, plant height, number of pods per plant, yield per plant, pod length and seed yield. High heritability coupled with high expected genetic advance was estimated for days to 50% flowering moderate heritability values coupled with relatively higher genetic advance were observed for seed yield and plant height. This indicates that these traits could be improved through selection. ····· 103611152

Molecular Characterization of the Toxic Pyrodinium Alga

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Harmful algal blooms (HABs), for which the causative organism is Pyrodinium bahamense var. compressum, are a frequent phenomenon in the coastal waters of tropical regions. The species produces a paralytic shellfish toxin which has been linked to neurological symptoms and human fatalities. The identification of the causal species Pyrodinium bahamense var. compressum in field samples is difficult because the bloom does not discolor the water and the species occur in low cell densities. Identification and enumeration of the harmful algae using light microscopy is time-consuming and tedious when detecting the target species among the complex natural communities in the sample. Therefore, development of a DNA probe for specific HAB species can assist in rapid identification, which contributes to the early detection of toxic blooms. ····· 103611202

Variabilidad genética en poblaciones de Lolium multiflorum (Lam.)

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El raigrás anual [Lolium multiflorum (Lam.)] es una de las forrajeras anuales más importantes en Argentina, es un componente estratégico de sistemas ganaderos intensivos y extensivos. La caracterización de la variabilidad genética se ha basado principalmente en la descripción de características morfofisiológicas por su aplicación directa en programas de selección y desarrollo de cultivares. Actualmente, esta información se ha complementado con herramientas biotecnológicas, como marcadores moleculares. Este trabajo tuvo por objetivo evaluar la variabilidad genética entre y dentro de 32 poblaciones naturalizadas de raigrás anual de 4 provincias Argentinas. Estas se caracterizaron agronómicamente a campo y 7 de ellas además molecularmente por SSR. Los resultados indicaron alta variabilidad genética entre y dentro de las poblaciones, los altos valores obtenidos en las estimaciones de parámetros genéticos para la mayoría de los caracteres, permitieron la posibilidad de selección e incorporación de algunas poblaciones al programa de mejoramiento de la especie. Esta publicación contribuye tanto a lectores interesados en la especie como a quienes trabajan en mejoramiento genético vegetal. ····· 103612276

Riesgo genotóxico y susceptibilidad genética por plaguicidas

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Los plaguicidas son compuestos químicos, biológicamente activos, que provocan efectos adversos sobre el medio ambiente y la salud, estos efectos pueden tardar años en manifestarse, los agricultores constituyen el grupo de mayor riesgo. Se realizó un estudio empleando biomarcadores de efecto para medir el daño en el DNA y biomarcadores de susceptibilidad individual por la exposición a plaguicidas. La población en estudio fue de 188 personas de ambos sexos. El ensayo del cometa mostró un incremento estadísticamente significativo de daño en los agricultores expuestos a plaguicidas. La frecuencia de MNBN analizada por género mostró un incremento estadísticamente significativo en los varones con relación a las mujeres (p=0,036), se observó una frecuencia de MNBN incrementada en los fumadores con relación a los no fumadores(p=0,038). Con relación a los parámetros citogenéticos, el efecto del genotipo GSTT1(-)presentó un mayor número de MNMB en relación a los individuos GSTT1(+)(p=0,02). Para el ensayo del cometa se encontró un incremento significativo de daño en los individuos GSTM1(+) en relación a los nulos(p=0,02)y para los GSTT1(-)en relación a los positivos(p=0,001). ····· 103612319

Lactose Intolerance in Indigenous Groups of Lower Central America

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The oldest documentation of milking dates around 7000 years ago in Lybia`s region. The consumption of cow`s milk was possible only in pastoralist populations such as the European, African, and Middle Easterner. The interest of researching indigenous peoples of the Americas arises not only from the fact that they were isolated for thousands of years from populations with a culture of dairy consumption, but also from the demographic relevance (high reproduction rates) of the impact on mixed-race groups with whom they share their gene pool. The genetic trait of lactose intolerance has been attributed to single nucleotide polymorphisms in Europeans and Africans upstream of the lactase gene (LCT). The main objective of this work was to study the molecular variation associated with lactose intolerance in indigenous groups of Lower Central America and appraise their risk of suffering lactose malabsorption. Awareness of lactose intolerance is especially important among these groups due to the potential impact of changes in diet as a result of the increase in acculturation. ····· 103613333

Identification of Male Sterility Maintainer Lines in Brassica Napus L.

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Test crosses of 21 germplasms of Brassica napus with two CMS lines (Z1 and Z2) were done for identification of maintainer lines. The test cross progenies were grown in the research field, Department of Genetics and Plant Breeding, Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman Agricultural University, Gazipur during winter season. The test cross results indicated that there was a wide variation among the genotypes in respect of flowering characters along with yield and yield attributes. Anther and stamen of pollen parents were larger as compare to CMS line and its test cross progenies. In case of CMSZ1 and CMSZ2 first flower opened at 36.67 and 32.33 days after sowing, respectively. The genotypes Nap206, Nap205, Nap2037 and Nap9904 were identified as effective maintainer for CMSZ1 and Nap206, Nap108, Nap205, Nap9908, Nap9905, Nap9904 and BARI Sarisha-8 for CMSZ2 as they produced 100 percent male sterile progeny in full sib generation. From the investigation, it was observed that all the male sterile progenies produced small and slender anther with short filament as well as the smallest stamen. ····· 103613720

Gene Silencing NUT(s) and Bolt(s)

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The breakthrough of RNA interference (RNAi) and related small-RNA mediated gene silencing pathways in eukaryotic cells has significantly given a new understanding of the regulation of gene expression and function.Studies have uncovered the hidden layers of regulation of gene expression, in which many families of small RNAs which were previously unidentified mediate gene silencing.Although RNAi and related gene-silencing pathways regulate the expression of genes by initiating the production of small RNAs with sequences complementary to portions of the transcripts that they regulate.However in different organisms,the RNAi pathways consists of different proteins and mechanisms, but they operate by strikingly convergent strategies.In this book, we describe the role of diverse small-RNA silencing regulatory molecules and proteins, their different pathways in the regulation of gene expression,and we discuss how the different nuts and bolts of gene silencing machineries, their different molecular mechanisms are involved in performing the common task of gene regulation and their promises in theurapetics. ····· 103613830

Exotic Layer Breeders- Reproductive Performance in the Tropics

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Poultry industry in the Tropics,and Nigeria in particular is bedeviled with low productivity due to unfavourable rearing environment,coupled with the inability of exotic breeds to adapt to the prevailing hot weather conditions.Worse still,the indigenous chickens are slow growers and poor egg producers because of their broody nature.This book, therefore, provides valuable information on the performance of two breeds of exotic layer breeders reared for the production of commercial day-old chicks.They were Barred Plymouth Rock and White Plymouth Rock breeder hens.Barred Plymouth Rock birds were good and superior to White Plymouth Rock breeders in hatchability, survivability and egg quality traits.The former appeared hardy, heat tolerant,productive and adaptable to humid conditions.For increased production of animal products therefore,Barred Plymouth Rock genotype could be used in tropically-oriented breeding programme to improve and upgrade the genetic potential of our indigenous chickens.These findings should be especially useful to Poultry Breeders and Research Institutes or anyone else who may be interested in the development of a breed of chicken suitable for Tropical region. ····· 1036118059

Morphological and Molecular Characterization of TGMS Lines in Rice

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A set of morphological traits and SSR markers were used to determine the genetic relationship among 12 elite thermosensitive genic male sterile (TGMS) lines developed at three different research institutions of India. Agro-morphological data recorded on 20 morphological traits revealed a wide base of genetic variation and a set of four morphological traits could distinguish most of the TGMS lines. Analysis with 30 SSR markers (20 EST-SSRs and 10 genomic SSRs) revealed 27 markers to be polymorphic, amplifying a total of 83 alleles. Each SSR marker amplified 2 6 alleles with an average of 2.76 alleles per marker and a PIC value varying from 0.54 to 0.96. Cluster analysis based on SSR and morphological data clearly differentiated the lines according to their source of origin. Correlation analysis between morphological and molecular data revealed a very poor association (r = 0.06), which could be attributed to selection pressure, genetic drift, sampling error and unknown relationship among related lines. ····· 1036118497

Some Ethiopian Species of Chlorophytum and Anthericum

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This work presents clear descriptions of the karyotypes of seven species of the genus Chlorophytum and one species belonging to the genus Anthericum of which three are endemic to Ethiopia. The karyotypes of all species in such very book are the first report for Ethiopia. The authors strongly believe that the book provides very useful information to researchers in the area of plant cytotaxonomy and karyosytematics. ····· 1036118675

Chromatin and Transcription Face to Face

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This book reviews the profound and far-reaching concepts that have arisen from the very significant advances in our understanding of chromatin biology from its structural organization to its inevitable impact on transcription. This book aims to be a comprehensive handbook covering the areas in which the regulation of transcription by chromatin dynamics is important, addressing how the various chromatin modification are involved in various cellular processes like gene expression, DNA replication, DNA repair, and DNA recombination and how the chromatin remodeling complexes influences the accessibility of the DNA to cellular transcriptional machinery. ····· 1036118956

Preliminary Heterosis in Snakegourd (Tricosanthes cucurminata)

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The hybrid SG-18 × SG-01 produced the highest number of fruits per plant and fruit yield per plant followed by SG-04 × SG-26. The hybrid SG-04 × SG-26 took minimum days to produce female flower. Both positive and negative mid parent and better parent heterosis was obtained for different characters of hybrids of which few hybrids showed desirable and significant values. The highest mid parent heterosis in negative direction (-9.66%) was found for days to first male flower in hybrid SG-06 × SG-18 and for days to first female flower opening in hybrid SG-04 × SG-26 (-9.30%). The hybrids SG-01 × SG-18, SG-04 × SG-26, SG-06 × SG-18, SG-06 × SG-25, SG-18 × SG-01 and SG-18 × SG-25 showed significant desirable mid parent heterosis for number of fruits per plant, and SG-04× SG-26, SG-06 × SG-18, SG-06 × SG-25, and SG-18 × SG-25 showed better parent heterosis. Four hybrids (SG-04 × SG-26, SG-06 × SG-18, SG-06 × SG-25 and SG-18 × SG-25) exhibited significant and desirable level of both mid and better parent heterosis for number of fruits per plant. The hybrids SG-04 × SG-26, SG-06 × SG-18, SG-06 × SG-25 and SG-18 × SG-25 could be identified as promising combination for commercial cultivation. ····· 1036118961

Melon Economic Traits Inheritance and Breeding Promising F1 Hybrids

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This book describes the results of a continuous author effort to collect, preserve, conserve and utilize the Egyptian melon genetic resources started from 1993 up to now. Chapter 2 and 3 are a pre- PhD studies, meanwhile Chapter4 is my PhD Thesis. However chapter 5, 6 and 7 are considering a post- PhD studies. Generally the book material comes out from extracting PhD Thesis plus 10 published papers, published from 1998 up to 2011. Students, researchers and breeders could find very valuable information about Egyptian melon gene resources and other melon botanical varieties. Melon reactions against different races (0, 1, 2, 1,2y) of fusarium wilt pathogen are found in Chapter 2 of the book. However the genetic behaviour of field tolerance to gummy stem blight symptoms `sudden wilt` during the fruit maturity period based on Line X Tester analysis is found in chapter 7. Moreover valuable information about melon conventional breeding techniques(inbreeding, selection, crossing, field performance and off spring commercial evaluation) are presented in Chapter 3, 4 and 4. In addition valuable information about Egyptian consumers` preference of melon fruit are presented in chapter 5 and 6. ····· 1036119200

Genetic studies of Salt Tolerance in Camel Thorn (Alhagi maurorum)

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The genetic behavior of salt tolerance of Alhagi maurorum `Camel thorn` grown in three different zones in Siwa Oasis has been studied using ecological parameters and morphological, molecular and biochemical markers. The study concluded that camel thorn represents the most homeostatic and tolerant plant under different environmental conditions varying from sand sheets to wet sabkha (Saline soil) and for this it has some morphological strategies to reduce the surface area and water loss. By finding such specific gene (P5CS), Camel thorn can be used as a donor of this gene for transferring it to any other salinity sensitive plants. At the biochemical levels plants grown in saline soil showed increase in all biochemical markers. This may be due to the rise in gene expression under saline conditions. ····· 1036119334

Molecular and Genetic Basis of Mental Retardation

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Mental retardation or intellectual disability affects about 3% of the general population. One half of it is attributed to genetic factors and is therefore inheritable. Genetic basis of mental retardation is poorly understood. However information revealed from the human genome project has enabled to analyze the genetic determinants that have causative role in the onset of the disease. This book provides a compendium of basic information on the genetic factors that lead to this disability, methodology to screen the causative genetic defects and identification of new causative determinates. This information is critically important in the diagnosis and prognosis of mental retardation at an early stage, resulting in better management of the disease, ultimately leading to improvement in life of the affected individuals. The book offers a valuable source of information for the graduate and post graduate students in genetics, biology and medicine. ····· 1036120130

Human skeletal remains:development of DNA extraction and typing assays

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Efficient DNA extraction procedures, as well as accurate DNA amplification, are critical steps involved in the process of successful DNA analysis of skeletal samples. Unfortunately, at present there is not an infallible method to recover DNA from very degraded samples due to variations in DNA yield from bone fragments that may be attributed to heterogeneity within a bones. In this study different types of human bones ranging in age from few months to 90 post mortem years, found in various states of preservation and conserved in different places, were analyzed. We developed a modified silica based spin columns protocol, associated to the typing of conventional Short Tandem Repeats (STRs) and smaller Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR) products (Mini-STRs) redesigned by our laboratory by moving forward and reverse primers in close proximity to the STR repeat region. Our modified protocol was successfully employed to extract DNA from long bones of different ages and preservation state. Importantly the use of phenol chloroform consistently increased the amount of DNA that could be extracted from long bones, preventing that waste material interferes with columns or magnetic beads. ····· 1036120644

Assessment of with-in breed diversity in Hallikar cattle

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The microsatellites markers are highly polymorphic, abundant and distributed throughout the genome. It has been established that microsatellite DNA markers are suitable markers for description of breeds. Microsatellite markers can also be used to identify genes associated with important economic traits such as milk yield and compositions.The high degree of polymorphism and co-dominant inheritance of microsatellite loci is the reason that they are frequently used as genetic markers for population studies in domestic animals. ····· 1036120870

Participatory Varietal Selection of Malt Barley : Hordeum vulgare L.

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Genetic analysis of data and farmers evaluation provide information for designing and developing appropriate techniques to improve or select cultivars better adapted in nutrient deficiency environment and provide functional understanding of relevant systems to strengthen future crop and product development within a sustainable way. This is important for understanding, conserving and accessing genetic diversity that can help us to international integration of information and resources in public sphere of influence. ····· 1036120999

Amazonian ichthyofauna Neogene Evolution

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The nature of structuring phenomena potentially responsible for the diversification of Amazonian fish fauna during the Neogene has been explored through a comparative phylogeography strategy relying on mitochondrial DNA sequences. Six species with contrasted life history traits, and belonging to three representative Amazonian families were sampled with an emphasis in the Upper Madera: Colossoma macropomum, Piaractus brachypomus, Pygocentrus nattereri, Pseudoplatystoma punctifer, P. tigrinum and Cichla pleiozona. At the macroevolutionary scale, the role played by major geomorphological transformations was corroborated. While at the microevolutionary scale most of the inferred populations were found to be far from the migration-drift equilibrium and beard genetic signals of significant demographic transformations. We propose that some specific events may have affected the bulk of the fish fauna of the Upper Madera region (Bolivian Amazon) during the latest part of the Pleistocene. The particular biological nature of the Upper Madera urges the need for conservation studies and science based management policies. ····· 1036121031

Intensive selection in Holstein cattle: Evolution of genetic gains

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The dairy industry relies upon progeny testing and artificial insemination to disseminate superior genes and enhance genetic gains. Animal model evaluations were used to evaluate the accuracy of current selection theory in predicting selection responses when progenies are from high merit parents.Data consisted of proofs of sires. The animal model evaluation accurately predicted a young bull merit. Genetic responses agreed with their expectations in pattern but not in magnitude. Responses were 70 to 85% of potential responses. The odds of a high rank on milk, fat, or protein yield were modeled using logistic regression. Seven factors were significantly associated with a 5% rank for milk yield nine factors for fat yield and eight factors for protein yield. Young bulls own PTA for protein yield increase the odds of a top 5% rank on milk yield. The odds were increased by 52% for milk yield and 27% for fat yield by a 1 kg increase in PTA protein. This book intended for graduate students in animal breeding and breeders provides theoretical quantitative genetics aspects that were verified using US dairy sire proofs from routine genetic evaluations. ····· 1036121288

Genotoxicity studies in D. melanogaster

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The present study deals with the induction of mutations in D.melanogaster (Canton strain) by exposing them to various concentrations of Tryptophan and Sodium fluoride. The control flies and the flies exposed to the different concentrations of Tryptophan and Sodium fluoride were observed for phenotypic changes after 24hours and 48hours of exposure. The DNA was isolated from all the flies and the quantity and quality of the DNA were checked using Nanodrop and DNA fragmentation assay respectively. Shearing was observed in all the concentrations of Tryptophan and Sodium fluoride, by DNA fragmentation assay, which does not measure the total DNA damage. Therefore, advanced methods may be employed. ····· 1036121346

Bacillus thuringiensis y control de Tuta absoluta

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En Colombia, gran diversidad de insectos plaga afectan el cultivo de tomate, entre los que se destaca la polilla del tomate (Tuta absoluta Meyrick). El daño es causado por las larvas que atacan el follaje formando minas y barrenan las nervaduras, las ramas y tallos, e inclusive producen la caída de flores y frutos. Para su control, los agricultores utilizan principalmente insecticidas químicos, que ocasionan efectos nocivos al ambiente y a la salud humana. El control biológico surge como alternativa, y dentro de los posibles controladores biológicos se encuentra Bacillus thuringiensis (Bt) dominando el 90% del mercado mundial de bioplaguicidas. La investigación en este controlador microbial avanza aceleradamente en el mundo y continuamente se están buscando nuevos aislamientos en condiciones naturales. Se considera que Colombia por su gran biodiversidad, tiene enorme potencial para esta búsqueda. ····· 1036122545

Genotoxicidad y Antigenotoxicidad

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La toxicología como ciencia estudia las acciones de los efectos nocivos producidos por sustancias químicas y físicas. Con este conocimiento se propone desarrollar sustancias que interactúen inhibiendo, aboliendo o eliminando dichos tóxicos (Antídotos). Con la integración de la genotoxicidad a la toxicología, se establecen métodos de estudios especiales para analizar las acciones de los agentes químicos y físico que alteren al ácido desoxirribonucleíco, llamados agentes mutagénicos y a su vez estudiar los mecanismo de acción de algunas sustancias que puedan interactuar inhibición, aboliendo o eliminando dichas sustancias nocivas que alteren el ácido desoxirribonucleíco de los seres vivos (Antimutagénicas). El desarrollo de ésta investigación como tesis doctoral, se realizó gracias al apoyo del Dr. Eduardo Madrigal -IPN y el libro se realizó en el INR, Directores Dr. Luis Guillermo Ibarra, Dra. Ma. de los Ángeles Barbosa, Dra. Matilde Enríquez, y a la colaboración en su diseño: Rogelio Paniagua, Rebeca Escamilla, Oscar Velasco, Brigida Herrera, Isabel Cervantes, Gabriela Flores, Javier Pérez, Norma Hernández C Dr. Jesús Martínez C, IPN, Dr. Teódulo Quezada-U. A. A. ····· 1036122789

Diversity Analysis in Soybean for Water Use Efficiency

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The book Diversity analysis of soybean for water use efficiency(WUE) using carbon isotope discrimination (CID) technique has been designed to accommodate the recent development in this rapidly growing subject. This book provides theoretical concepts and practical procedures for appreciation of the imperatives and the practices of WUE using CID technique in soybean. In India soybean mainly cultivated as rainfed crop. Under such condition breeding for increased water use efficiency (WUE) has been shown to be the most potent strategy. Development of CID technique as an alternative for measuring WUE in C3 species has made it possible to measure WUE in a large breeding population. The work needs to be extended in Indian context. The present investigation makes an attempt for the first time in India in soybean to screen a large set of soybean germplasm for WUE using CID technique with the following two specific objectives. First to assess the variability in soybean genotypes with special reference to WUE using CID technique, and second objective were molecular diversity analysis of genotypes showing high and low WUE. ····· 1036124848

Genetics of Idiopathic Mental Retardation

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Cytogenetics is the study of chromosomes and its associated aberrations, these being responsible for atleast half of the spontaneous abortions, miscarriages and congenital malformations. Greater than 0.5% newborns have known significant chromosomal aberrations of both autosomes and allosomes Mental Retardation (MR) is manifested in among 80%. MR s genetic and causal heterogeneity is greatly varied and complex, so about 65% of the reported cases which are not easily diagnosable or categorized are classified as Idiopathic MR. This study was carried out to identify the presence of any structural chromosomal aberration in 11 patients, manifested with varying degree of Idiopathic MR. Pedigree analysis of patients family, GTG banding, HRB and Karyotyping was performed. Evidence of familial origin with visible chromosomal aberration was observed. Genotype-phenotype co-relation could be established only for patients who manifested structural chromosomal aberration, but for others it still remains idiopathic. A detailed molecular genetic analysis like FISH, etc was the need of the hour as MR is Multifactorial and could be attributed to other genetic, epigenetic or environmental factors. ····· 1036125333

Genetic diversity in pigeonpea

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Assessment of genetic diversity and identification of superior genotypes are the basic objectives of any crop improvement program. Earlier morphological and isozyme markers were used to assess the diversity, but these traits had an environmental influence. The recently developed molecular marker technology has opened up new vistas for the assessment of genetic diversity among genotypes at molecular level. In the present investigation, two multiloci markers viz., RAPD (25 primers), ISSR (11 primers) and one single locus marker viz., SSR (10 primer pairs) were used to assess the genetic diversity among 32 genotypes of pigeonpea, which included 23 cultivars and nine wild relatives. Diversity analysis was done with the help of statistics such as marker index, mean marker index, polymorphism information content, principal component analysis and dendrogram. The present study clearly elucidated the superiority of ISSR markers for genetic diversity studies over RAPD and SSR markers. ····· 1036125628

BF2 gene in red jungle fowl

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Multimillion dollar poultry industry, always face the threats from emerging/ re-emerging poultry diseases. A major element of disease resistance is the Major Histocompatibility Complex (MHC) and has regions i.e. B-F, B-L and B-G. BF2 is a predominantly expressed class I gene. Red jungle fowl (RJF) is the sole ancestor of all the present day chicken. The divergence between RJF and domestic chicken is presumed to have originated some 8000 years back. During the 8000 years, the chicken genome has undergone tremendous changes due to intentional selection. There is a general consensus among the animal breeders that many traits/alleles, especially related to adaptability are lost during intense selection. Hence, comparative genomic studies of the RJF and its present day domesticated descendents would answer many of these apprehensions on unequivocal terms. Hence, our aim is to characterize the BF2 gene in RJF. ····· 1036125800

Stability of Pigeonpea Genotypes in Drought Stress Area of Ethiopia

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Drought pose one of the greater challenge in Africa in general in Ethiopia in particular Global climate change is now generally considered to be in progress and is expected to result in an increased occurrence of drought in specific regions. Food security will be unsustainable without increasing yield in marginal environments, especially in drought-prone areas. We have to introduce drought tolerant crops which can be used as food and as feed drought tolerant legume like pigeonpea is well adapted to such kind of environment, hence Pigeonpea can be used as an adaptation option to decrease the effect of climate change especially in Sub-Sahara Africa. ····· 1036186607

Random Amplified Polymorphic DNA Profiling of Bauhinia species

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Different plant parts of various Bauhinia species are utilized as folk medicine. The present study was, therefore, assigned for RAPD analysis so as to explore the possibilities of applying such molecular methods to subsequent detailed biosystematic and biodiversity analysis of the Bauhinia DNAs. Bauhinia leaf samples were collected and further processed to obtain DNA. DNAs further used for PCR and RAPD analysis. RAPD primer screening was done with 15 primers and out of which, data of 9 primers were used for RAPD analysis. From distance data NJ tree was generated. The NJ tree indicates that dendrogram was divided into two groups and also showing genetic distance among plants under study. The variability exhibited at the morphological levels is also revealed upon DNA analysis of the different genotypes. The present study was done to provide foundation for advanced R&D methodologies such as the ones which employed in Biodiversity and Genetic diversity analysis. Thus it can be concluded that, RAPD analysis explore the possibilities of applying such a molecular method to subsequent detailed biosystematic and biodiversity analysis of economically important plants. ····· 1036186804

Genetic Male Sterility in Fodder Crops

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Male sterility is the failure of the male gametes to be produced viable i.e there is no formation of the viable pollen grains which carry the male gametes in plants. The pollen grain is non-functional but the female gametes function normally. It occurs in nature sporadically, perhaps due to mutation. Male sterility is also due to environmental factors. Male sterility in crop plants is classified in the following types (1) Genetic Male Sterility (GMS) (2) Cytoplasmic Male Sterility (CGMS). (3) Temperature-Sensitive Genetic Male Sterility (TGMS). (4) Chemically-Induced Male Sterility (CIMS). (5) Photoperiod-Sensitive Genetic Male Sterility (PGMS). (6) Transgenic Genetic Male Seterility (Tr.GMS). Wheat improvement by genetic engineering requires the delivery, integration and expression of defined foreign genes into suitable regenerable explants. Initial attempts at introducing transgenes into wheat employed protoplasts as explants due to the absence of cell walls. Initial steps for genetic transformation involves delivery of a gene cassette into recipient cells followed by analysis of the expression of delivered gene. ····· 1036186905

Interval Method to Estimate Lactation Yield

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To test the accuracy of 30-day TIM with 15 and 45-day TIM of milk recording to estimate the lactation yield and to measure the effect of genetic group, parity and season of calving on the accuracy, 1220 lactation records of Friesian x Arsi cows were utilized. The lactation yield was estimated for lactation length of 210-305 days. The accuracy was measured in terms of absolute difference and percentage difference between actual and estimated yield. The study revealed that 15, 30 and 45-day time interval can estimate lactation yield accurately to extent of less than five percent bias irrespective of genetic group and parity. The season of calving significantly (P 0.05) affected the percentage difference in 15-day TIM. The lactation yield estimated by 15-day TIM was more accurate with high R2 value 99.62%. The regression analysis indicated that actual yield of 9th period in 15-day, 5th period in 30-day and 3rd period in 45-day TIM predicted reliable estimate of 305-day yield. Thus 30 and 45-day time interval methods of recording can be used in estimation of lactation yield in crossbred cows irrespective of season of calving and parity. ····· 1036186981

Genetic Diversity Analysis of Rice Bean Using Molecular Markers

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Vigna umbellata (Thunb.) Ohwi and Ohashi commonly known as rice bean or climbing mountain bean is under exploited tropical legume, used as vegetable and fodder. Genetic variation between 10 landraces of rice bean was evaluated using random amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD) and inter simple sequence repeats (ISSR) markers. RAPD fingerprinting (70.30 %) detected more polymorphic loci than the ISSR fingerprinting (61.79%). Mean PIC (polymorphic information content) for each of these marker systems (0.243 for RAPD and 0.203 for ISSR) suggested that both the marker systems were equally effective in determining polymorphisms. The dendrograms constructed using RAPD and ISSR marker systems were perfectly correlated with each other as revealed by high Mantel correlation (r=0.95). Pair wise similarity index values ranged from 0.530 to 0.782, 0.608 to 0.862 and 0.559 to 0.777 for RAPD, ISSR and combined RAPD and ISSR data respectively. The cluster analysis grouped the 10 land races into 2 major clusters in both the marker systems. Our research suggests that, both RAPD and ISSR marker systems were equally useful to identify variation within the land races of V. umbellata. ····· 1036187122

Evaluation of functional traits in Karan Fries cows

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Functional traits are the characters of an animal which increase the efficiency not by higher output of product but by reduced cost of input. Udder and reproductive disorders are the imperative functional traits which causes major losses in milk production. Reproduction disorders affect the herd life, reproductive efficiency of cows and are responsible for removal of the cow from the herd. Crossbred cows appear to be more prone to infections and disorders as compared to indigenous breeds. Karan Fries cow is a crossbred of Holstein Friesian and Tharparkar (India) developed at National Dairy Research Institute, Karnal, India. Incidence of abortion, still birth, dystocia, retained foetal membrane, metritis, endometritis, anoestrus, repeat breeding, pyometra and other reproductive disorders in Karan Fries cows were evaluated. Production and reproduction performance traits were found to be influenced by reproductive disorders. Repeatability of anoestrus and abortion were moderate to high in second and third lactation. Metritis was the most severe reproduction disorder. Overall incidence of reproduction disorders was lower in F1 than interbred genetic group of Karan Fries cows. ····· 1036187255

Genetic Study of Aromatic Rice Through Molecular Markers

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For selection of aromatic rice lines 26 rice genotypes were used to evaluate agronomic characteristics, aroma detection through sensory test and genotypic analysis using SSR markers.Aroma was detected by 1.7% KOH as a sensory test. Six, seven and ten rice genotypes respectively strong aroma,moderate aroma,slight aroma and three no aroma.Three SSR primers RM223,RM515,RM342 were used for identifying fgr gene locus in 26 rice genotypes. Primer RM223 identified the fgr locus as homozygous condition 6strong aromatic,7moderate aromatic,10 slight aromatic & the rest3 non aromatic. Primer RM515 detected 4strong aromatic,6 moderate aromatic,16 as slight to non aromatic.The primer RM342 detected 3 strong aromatic,4 moderate aromatic,19slight aromatic.Compare among markers, RM223 detected the highest number of fgr locus in aromatic rice genotypes.Finally,it can be said that among primers, RM223 responded best in all the 26 rice genotypes because RM223 primer could be able to identify aromatic and non-aromatic genes having higher yield with good agronomic performance and other grain quality traits.These elite lines could be readily used in breeding program for release aromatic rice variety. ····· 1036187272

Genetic Diversity Analysis of Chickpea Cultivars

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Chickpea (Cicer arietinum L., 2n = 2x = 16) is the third most important grain legume crop in the world and grown in more than 50 countries. The assessment of genetic diversity is important not only for crop improvement but also for efficient management and conservation of genetic resources. Differences between genotypes with regard to agronomic characters, morphological characters, biochemical characters (e.g. storage proteins, isozymes), and molecular markers are either indirect or direct manifestations of the differences at DNA level. Moreover, molecular markers like, SSR can provide a robust and highly discriminatory marker system that can immensely facilitate cultivar tagging and identification as well as genetic diversity studies such as sequence based diagnostics, and promote integration and comparison of data sets from laboratories throughout the chickpea genetics and breeding research community. This book presents the potentials of SSR markers for fingerprint identification of the cultivars, the extent and pattern of genetic diversity and relationships among the cultivars, and will also help chickpea breeders in the selection of parent material in breeding programs. ····· 1036187316

Reassessment of Mentha species from River Kunhar catchment

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The genus Mentha includes perennial herbs, generally cultivated for their essential oils used for medicinal and aromatic purposes. The number of species in the genus Mentha has been a matter of confusion due to high polymorphism in morphology and great diversity in essential oil composition. Previously the Mentha collections have been classified on morphological traits in Pakistan. This thesis is the first documented report of using molecular as well as numerical techniques for dissecting Mentha specimens collected from Kunhar River catchment of Hazara region. For numerical analysis twenty two morphological traits were used. Dendrogram analysis of morphological traits assorted the 25 Mentha collections into 4 groups viz, Group-A,B, C and D, corresponding to 4 species of the genus. Molecular analyses were carried out through 11 RAPD based primers. Dendrogram analyses based upon the genetic distance estimates conferred the cluster analysis of the morphological traits.It was found that population s No. 8 and 9, collected from Kaghan and Mahandri, were most distantly related as compared to population No. 10 and 20 collected from Balakot and Darmundi, respectively. ····· 1036187422

Morpho-molecular and biochemical characterization of maize genotypes

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The present investigation was carried out on different maize (Zea mays L.) genotypes. Data on morphological and biochemical traits subjected to statistical analysis to find out the association of increasing protein and oil content with important agronomic traits. Results indicate that, protein and oil contents of maize are positively correlated with yield and can be increased or decreased and selected for without adversely affecting important agronomic traits studied. Highly significant results of variance and covariance were observed for all the morphological traits studied which revealed significant variation among these genotypes.In order to confirm the genetic variability from the source population maize genotypes were selected and analyzed for total seed protein profile using sodium dodecylsulphate polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (SDS-PAGE). A considerable variation in protein banding was observed among all the genotypes studied. The variability can be utilized to develop commercial maize varieties utilizing the conventional techniques of selection and hybridization for economic pull in and improvement of present varieties to obtain desirable results. ····· 1036188150

Mapping of RAPD primers on chromosome 2A of common wheat

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Common (bread) wheat is an allohexaploid species (Triticum aestivum L.) with 3 compensating genomes AABBDD (2n=6x=42 chromosomes). Traditionally genetic and physical mapping in this most important cereal crop has been based on molecular markers (RFLPs, PCR, Insitu hubridisation etc). The recent development in producing deletion lines of common wheat (using Aegilops cylindricum genome) has revolutionized the physical mapping of wheat chromosomes. During present study, deletion lines of chromosomes 2A of common wheat were used to identify RAPD (Randomly Amplified Polymorphic DNA) based molecular markers specific for short and/or long arm of chromosome 2A. Out of the 7 RAPD primers used, OPA-07 showed useful polymorphism. By comparing the C-banding karyotype of the deletion lines, it is inferred that the primer (OPA-07) anneals to the distal half of the long arm of chromosome 2A. ····· 1036188705

Correlation among Agronomic & Fibre Characters in Coloured Cotton

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The garments manufactured by using naturally coloured fibre have the potential for great market success as the colours do not fade due to repeated washings. Further, the natural colours becomes darker and more intense instead of fading. In the past, coloured cotton was spun and woven by hand for making fabrics but their utilization did not continue due to certain limitations. It has been reported that varieties of naturally coloured cotton are low in yield and have inferior fibre quality, which do not meet the minimum spinning requirements. This book / research findings may provide guidelines to the breeders for improving seed cotton yield and other quality characters in coloured cotton making selection of desirable plants. Since this information about relationship between different pairs of characters is related to the population studied here, and therefore may not be generalized. ····· 1036188805

Forensic Analysis of Blood Stained Soils

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My research covers the area of Forensic Soil. Soil can provide an important information to criminal investigations as transfer evidence because many criminal cases take place under circumstances such that soil transfers to a criminal or victim. Thus soil can be a good source of evidence especially in murder cases when stained with blood. Blood stained soil samples can be obtained after some incident. The organic comparison of soils from different location demonstrates how different type of soil particles affect the quality and quantity of DNA. PCR results and evaluation of genotypes from the DNA extracted from blood stained soils show a great variation. Allele dropout is very obvious in such samples. On the other hand, inorganic analysis and comparison by ICP-MS show significant differences in elemental composition among soil elements of different origin. ····· 1036188931

Genetic profile of genes involved in cell cycle control

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The Czech Republic has one of the highest incidence rates of colorectal cancer (CRC) worldwide. The vast majority of the CRC cases arises sporadically, with susceptibility determined by genetic factors in interaction with an environment. Cell cycle and DNA repair genes play a fundamental role in CRC development and presents many common variants. In the present study, we genotyped common variants in cell cycle and DNA repair genes to assess the influence of genetic variation on the CRC risk, in 614 hospital-based CRC cases and 614 matched controls. Despite a tendency towards a differential distribution of the variant allele frequencies for some cell cycle polymorphisms, none was significantly associated with CRC risk. We observed a differential distribution between cases and controls of major haplotypes arising from the four analysed variants in the TP53 gene. The results from this study suggest that prevalent haplotypes within the TP53 gene may modulate CRC risk. ····· 1036191635

Induced Genotoxicity And Herbal Drug

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Herbs have always been used as a common source of medicines, the Ficus benghalensis is an important herbal plant used in Ayurveda as a traditional medicinal system of India. In the present investigations, the preventive effect of Ficus benghalensis bark extract was evaluated against cyclophosphamide induced of chromosomal Abbreviation and micronucleus formation in the rat bone marrow cells. The single p.o administration of Ficus benghalensis bark ext at the dose of 250, 500 and 800 mg/kg body weight, 24 hours prior the administration of cyclophosphamide (at the dose of 50 mg/kg) have significantly prevented the micronucleus formations and Chromosomal Abbreviation in dose dependent manner in bone marrow cells of rat as compared to cyclophosphamide group. It is seems to have a preventive potential against CP-induced mutagenic effect in rat bone marrow cells. ····· 1036192408

SNPs in yeast for the detection of genes and biodiversity

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A major effort is currently being invested in various genomes, in the characterisation and application of Single Nucleotide Polymorphisms (SNPs). These point mutations account for most of the genetic variation among individuals and thus promise important advances in medical and evolutionary genetics. NCBI`s dbSNP currently contains 4,540,241 validated human entries, out of which, 45,896 are non-synonymous coding SNPs. The two main applications of SNPs as genetic markers are in biodiversity studies and in identification of gene s function. The study of genome polymorphism is highly important and has both basic and applied impacts. SNPs offer advantages for such study due to their abundance in the genome and their suitability for large-scale screening using high throughput methods. ····· 1036192601

Sister Chromatid Exchange Analysis in Cattle Chromosomes

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This book reviews the work done in livestock on sister chromatid exchange (SCE) assay, the methodology for conducting the experiment to carry out experiment for screening the genotoxic effect of industrial pollution on livestock and displays the work on cattle. The base line sister chromatid exchage frequency for different breeds of cattle is worked out and statistically compared for elucidating the breed difference. The mean SCE frequency between the cattle population inhabiting the industrial area and the cattle population inhabiting in areas without prominent pollution is compared and discussed. ····· 1036198400

Common Bean Breeding

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Bean production is constrained by a number of factors with one of the major being Fusarium root rot (FRR). Use of FRR resistant bean cultivars is the most cost-effective and environmentally-friendly control measure. Crosses among four FRR resistant (R) common bean inbred lines: MLB-48-89A, MLB-49-89A, G2333 and G685, and two susceptible cultivars: K20 and Kanyebwa were developed to estimate the number of pyramided FRR resistance genes among the four R lines and determine their effectiveness in improving levels of resistance to FRR in the susceptible (S) bean cultivars and validate SSR PVBR87 marker. The R lines were used to develop a double cross (DC) population. The DC F1 and each R parent were crossed to each of the two S cultivars to form five-parent (FPC) and single crosses (SC), respectively. Developed populations were subjected to Fusarium solani f. sp. phasoeli isolate-3 under screen house conditions. Data was analysed using GenStat. More genes segregated in the R x R DC than in the R x R SC, FPC performed better than the SC, and SSR PVBR87 was significantly associated with FRR resistance. This information is useful to bean breeders in Uganda and elsewhere in the world. ····· 1036198573

Molecular genetic characterization studies of some soybean cultivars

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Growth, development and yield of soybean are a result of a variety`s genetic potential interacting with environment and farming practices. Experiments were carried out in two locations for determining the resistance of some soybean genotypes to the cotton leaf worm. Beside that, identification of molecular genetic markers linked to insect resistance was also done. An attempt was done to get some new resistant hybrids through execution hybridization between these cultivars. Plant height, numbers of branches and pods per plant and seed yield per plant were decreased significantly by the infestation of cotton leaf worm (Spodoptera littoralis) as compared with soybean plants grown in Giza region (non stressed treatment). The results of SDS-PAGE revealed a total number of 21 bands with molecular weight (MW) ranging form about 319.63 to 15.568 KDa. 5 primers showed specific ISSR markers for cotton leaf worm with 6 positive markers for cotton leaf worm resistance appeared in the resistant genotypes, while 2 negative markers for susceptibility for cotton leaf worm were present in the susceptible genotypes. ····· 1036198732

Parentage Analysis And Breed Characterization Of Dogs

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Pakistan has vast population of dogs belonging to different breeds.Most of the dogs have no pedigree record which is a great threat to conservation of different breeds.No study on DNA fingerprinting of dogs has been conducted in Pakistan.DNA fingerprinting of dogs is necessary to overcome the problems like forensic cases,individual identity in case of fertilization by more than one male and ownership disputes.Microsatellite markers have been proved as an efficient tool for parentage testing and breed characterization of dogs. In this study,a panel of microsatellite markers was developed.Blood samples were taken from cephalic vein of two breeds of dogs(German shepherd and Labrador retriever). DNA was extracted and primers were optimized.Multiplex PCR was performed and genotyping was done for the PCR products on non denaturing polyacrylamide gel.These results were analyzed statistically.Almost all of the microsatellite markers showed significant variations in both breeds.Results of this study lead to development of a panel of microsatellite markers which can be used for parentage analysis and breed characterization of dogs. ····· 1036199076

Study of the Genotoxic effect of drugs induced genetic damage in mice

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The micronucleus test (MNT) on mammalian bone marrow is widely accepted as a toxicological screening test used as a sensitive method for measuring genetic damage. The aim of the current study was to evaluate frequency of micronucleated polychromatic erythrocytes in the bone marrow of mice treated with 2-Deoxy -D- Glucose (2DG) and cyclophosphamide (CPH). The mean MnPCE values are found a significant inhibition in micronuclei formation was noticed with Cyclophosphamide 125 mg/kg body weight dose (p 0.001) to compare with 2 DG and control groups. When we use 2-DG in the MN analysis, it was observed that the 0.5 mg/kg MnPCE level was higher in treated mice as compared to controls. The 1.0 mg/kg MnPCE level was lower. The 2.0 mg/kg MnPCE level also was lower however the differences were highly significant (p 0.001). The combination of Cyclophosphamide and 2-Deoxy -D- Glucose 0.5 mg/kg MnPCE level were significantly increased and 1 mg/kg body weight was significantly decreased, overall the combination results were showing (p 0.001). This study revealed that mice MN assay can be used as a genotoxicological test-system since some methodological particularities were observed. ····· 1036199225

Rare genetic disorders in Iraq

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Data about rare genetic disorders in Iraqi patients is not available. Iraq is a country that has been in turmoil due to the devastating impact of three major wars and a long period of imposed economic sanctions over three decades. The development of genetic research in this country has been markedly hampered. Relatively common genetic disorders in Iraq include Down s syndrome, hemoglobinopathies (B-thalassemias, and sickle cell anemia), glucose 6 phosphate dehydrogenase (G6 PD) deficiency, Duchenne muscular dystrophy, and achondroplasia. In an experience extending over about 20 years we have documented the rarest genetics in Iraqi patients. Some of these disorders are very rare through out the world such as Coffin Siris syndrome and cutis laxa type II (Debre type) some of these disorders is very rare in Arab population such as Nephropathic cystinosis and Aicardi syndrome. A new clinical association of a genetic nature has been observed for the first time in Iraqi patients. A very rare combination of two genetic disorders was also observed. ····· 1036199385

Genetic variations of marama bean in the Namibian germplasm

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The world is continuously preoccupied with an impending food crisis, due to the ever expanding world population.This situation is menacing in populous regions and in the developing world,because soils have been eroded,biodiversity has been lost and rain patterns have been altered resulting either in droughts or little rainfall.This has lead to a drop in food productions. The solution to tackle food shortages is through the applications of genetics to develop new varieties of the world most important food crops, that would be both high yielding,more responsive to inputs such as fertilizers and irrigation and increase the awareness of under-utilized crops which thrive well in harsh environments to address food security.This book therefore, provides a new insight in the application of molecular markers in Agriculture, in an effort to address food insecurity, by attempting to domesticate a native wild bean that have a potential to alleviate hunger in the region. This book will be useful to plant breeders, agricultural biotechnologists, students and anyone who may want to make use of molecular markers for research or teaching purposes. ····· 10361100748

Stability and Genetic Variability of Oil Palm Bunch Yield Components

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Considering the genetic and economic potentials of the oil palm (Elaies guineensis Jacq.) in Nigeria, the yield potential of the crop is yet to be achieved. In a bid to narrow this yield gap, the stability and genetic variation inherent in the yield components was examined. As a treatise on the second cycle reciprocal recurrent selection scheme of the Nigerian Institute for Oil Palm Research (NIFOR), this book provides recent methodology on the two way interaction of the oil palm with the environment and yield components vis-a-viz the heritable and non-heritable variations. It is hoped that all users, students and research workers alike, plantation owners and agriculturists will benefit from the materials presented and discussed in this book. ····· 10361100827


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Litter size is one of the most important traits in overall reproductive efficiency of breeding sows. The triat has low heritability, is measured only in females and is expressed relatively late. Genetic improvement for litter size is possible due to large enough direct additive genetic variance, the availability of records on many relatives and short generation interval. Litter size is affected by many environmental and genetic factors and interaction between them. The goal of this study was to determine covariance functions for litter size i.e. number of piglets born alive using random regression model. Further, the aim was to compare it with estimates of genetic components obtained by using repeatability and multiple-trait model. ····· 10361100843

SSCP Conditions Optimization

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Single strand conformational polymorphism (SSCP) is a technique which is used to detect point mutation in genes. The purpose was to optimize the condition of SSCP for efficient and sensitive mutation detection in Exon 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11 and 12. All these Exon were amplified and run on agarose gel to check strong and specific amplification. These samples were then subjected for vertical electrophoresis for SSCP using different conditions of gel concentration, time, temperature and voltage to get maximum separation between single strands. Denaturation was carried out by mixing the samples with denaturant reagents. The length of nucleotide of Exon 4 was much longer than normal, so we amplified the exon 4 into two small parts named as 4a and 4b respectively after its bifurcation. The denaturation reagent consist of 50% 100mM NaOH and 50% Formamide loading buffer, 5 l-10 l sample was loaded in each case. In all the optimized Exons the denaturation was performed at 95°C for 7 minutes in PCR machine. This optimization will prove a valuable help in further study of the Exons of the same gene and other genes for Point Mutation Detection. ····· 10361101028

Computational Prediction of Aggregated Structure of Denatured Lysozyme

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Mis-folded proteins and their associated aggregates are a contributing factor in some human diseases. In this study we used the protein lysozyme as a model to define aggregation structures under denaturing conditions. We used Rosetta++ protein folding and blind docking software to create in silico models of the protein at denaturing temperatures and subsequently docked them into aggregates. Here we compare those structures and select forms consistent with the fibril structure from the previous papers. The next step is to be able to use the predicted models of the fibrilar forms of denatured lysozyme to help us understand the exact conformation of fibril structures. This will let us confirm the docking interactions during the fibril aggregation process. The ultimate goal is to use the validated denatured structures to model interactions with heat shock proteins during the dis-aggregation process. By using this approach, we can further analyse other molecules to understand and solve the real problem of those diseases. ····· 10361101329

Phenotype characterization and evaluation of plant genetic resources

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Common Bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) is cultivated all over Kosova in the home gardens and also in the fields. This country, with a very variable topography and climate is depending on a diversity of the landraces. This study showed varieties of common bean landraces which was gathered for a National Gene Bank. Five regions with 15 localities and five samples were collected at each locality. The varied altitude, climatic influences, and soils within Kosovo provide a wide diversity of micro-habitats to which plant and animal species are adapted. Genetic resources in general are spread throughout the word. It is always of interest to investigate in different countries. Kosova is a small geographical area in the heart of South East Europe with many characteristics, beginning in the cultural tradition, economical situation, historical past, and climatic condition, etc. Perhaps these characteristics can give rise to a specific trait that can be useful in future ····· 10361101819


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Rice yellow mottle sobemovirus is identified as the most destructive viral disease in lowland and upland rice. In this study, the mode of inheritance of resistance to a prevalent RYMV strain in Uganda was determined for resistant lines (upland NERICAs 8, 11, 12, 13 and Gigante (an O. sativa lowland variety) crossed with susceptible lines (lowland NERICAs 4, 6, 10 and IR64 (an O. sativa lowland variety)) in a full diallel mating design. Segregating F2 progeny were planted in field and screen house in -lattice design and inoculated by standard mechanical procedures. Reciprocal effects were significant (P0.001), GCA effects were significant (P0.001) and larger than SCA effects. The narrow sense coefficient of genetic determination based on genotype means was relatively high in screen house (76%) and field (84%) experiments. These results suggest additive gene effects were more important than non- additive effects, and selecting in F2 or F3 generations can be effective. Significant reciprocal effects implies the need for careful choice of male and female parents in hybridisation programs to achieve RYMV resistance in the offspring. ····· 10361102344

Molecular markers for salt tolerance in poacea

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Salinity can affect any process in the plant life cycle, so that tolerance will involve a complex interplay of characters. Molecular markers offer specific advantages in assessment of genetic diversity and in trait-specific crop improvement. Use of molecular markers in the applied breeding programs can facilitate appropriate choice of parents involved for crosses. The objectives of this study were: - To screen the responses of eleven sorghum cultivars (Sorghum biocolor) under salt stress treatments with respects to the performances of some yield-related traits. - To select the most tolerant and the most sensitive cultivars to salt stress to be hybridized in order to obtain (Fl) plants, followed by selfing to obtain (F2) plants. - To study the effect of salt stress on the two contrasting cultivars and their Fl and F2 generations based on their performance some yield- related traits. - To develop some molecular markers (RAPD and SSR) associated with salt tolerance in sorghum using bulked segregant analysis (BSA). - To confirm the SSR results of bulked segregant analysis on a limited subset of F2 individual plants ····· 10361102472

Genetic risk factors in Alzheimer`s disease

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Alzheimer`s disease is a progressive neurodegenerative disorder representing the most common type of dementia in the elderly population. According to the complex genetic model of late- onset, non-familial Alzheimer`s disease, several heterogeneous susceptibility sets of genes may converge on the pathological processes that underlie the disease. Despite decades of intensive research the gene coding for apolipoprotein E is so far the only widely confirmed genetic risk factor for late- onset Alzheimer`s disease. In this book we report the results of association studies investigating candidate gene variants supposed to be involved in Alzheimer`s disease aetiology. Hypotheses regarding the role of the genes in the pathogenic pathways are discussed, taking into account the chromosomal localizations and the functions of the encoded proteins. As a long-term goal, identifying the genetic risk factors would help develop new strategies in the fields of prevention, diagnostics or genetics based pharmacology that can contribute to extend the lifespan and mental health of the elderly. ····· 10361102520

Functional Genomic Analysis of Pseudorabies Virus

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The pseudorabies virus (PRV) is a neurotropic herpesvirus, it is a pathogen of swine, causing Aujeszky`s disease. PRV is a widely used model organism for studies in pathogenesis and molecular biology. This virus is also utilized as a neural circuit tracer. We have developed (1) a real-time RT-PCR method for the global analysis of PRV gene expression (2) a novel calculation method to examine the relative expression ratios, and which is applicable for the analysis of gene expression in any genetic system that progressively changes in time (3) PRV-based troponeon expressing transsynaptic tracers which label synaptically connected nerve cells (4) transgenic viruses encoding differentially colored fluorescent proteins (FPs) and multiple colored FPs to differentiate the brain regions (5) a method for a short-term culture of isolated cardiac muscle cells that retain their morphological and physiological integrity (6) a PRV-based system for delivery of foreign genes to cardiomyocytes. ····· 10361102597

Association of Traits and Stability of Haricot Bean in Ethiopia

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Ensuring food-security has always been the crux of development endeavors in Sub-Saharan Africa. Increasing crop productivity is one of the major thrust areas in this line of action. Haricot bean (common bean) is the most-widely consumed legume world wide. Especially, residents of developing nations depend on it as a major protein source. Nonetheless, increasing yield/productivity is not a cake-walk, as yield is a very complex character influenced by several genes and environmental effects. To this end, determining which characters are highly associated with yield enables the indirect selection of it with higher precision. Moreover, as stable varieties (with nearly constant performances over varying environments) are feasible in the developing world, assessing the stability of genotypes with an appropriate statistical model is quite crucial. This book covers these two, often neglected, albeit, necessary, areas. It can be of higher importance to plant breeders,bean producers, and post-graduate students interested on the subject. ····· 10361102843

Characterisation of small ruminants breeding practices in Kenya

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In Kenya, management of small ruminants in pastoral production systems involves application of indigenous knowledge pertaining to animal breeds and breeding practices. Characterisation of such indigenous knowledge has so far received little attention. This study was carried out in Marsabit County in Kenya among the Rendille and Gabra communities, and aimed at characterising breeding practices in relation to implementation of community-based breeding programmes. This entailed the determination of animal identification systems, and actual and theoretical pastoral selection practices for breeding bucks and rams. In addition, the factors that bring about the differences between the actual and theoretical selection practices were identified. This study showed that pastoralists have intricate knowledge and approaches in identification of their animals and have deliberate breeding practises. Productive and adaptive traits were found important in the selection of breeding stock. This study provides a framework needed for the development of community-based genetic improvement programmes for small ruminant genetic resources within the constraints of slowly changing pastoral conditions. ····· 10361102915

DNA markers in toxic and non toxic varieties of Jatropha curcas

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In the past one decade J. curcas has acquired importance because of its seed oil, which can be converted to biodiesel. Biodiesel is pollution free, environmental friendly and socially relevant renewable energy source. The species J. curcas being a drought resistant plant can be exploited to make use of degraded and marginal lands, making it suitable to utilize wasteland without competing with the land used for conventional crops. Studies were substantially carried out on toxic and non-toxic J. curcas on molecular characterization, and markers were identified specific to either of the variety.It was of prime importance to also elucidate the factors influencing the desirable characters by sequence analysis of the specific markers reported for various germplasm and/or varieties. The current investigation was initiated to clone, analyze the sequence of specific markers identified in our lab in the previous studies and characterize them by in silico analysis. ····· 10361103106

Genetic Diversity of Some Cucurbits in Khartoum State, Sudan

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This book is an attempt to make a comprehensive systematic study of some Cucurbits in Khartoum State.It is studies the morphology,histology and genetic diversity of some Cucurbits in the study area. It is compares morphological, histological and molecular methods as tools of identification of Cucurbits. This provides a comparison between traditional Taxonomy which is based on morphology and modern Taxonomy which is based on DNA characterization.To compare the utility of the DNA marker system for evaluating similarity. ····· 10361113118

Genetic Variability and Post Translational modification

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Study on three xylanase inhibitors namely TAXI, XIP and TL-XI regarding their qualitative variability among three European wheat variety and variability arising due to post translation modifications or artifact proteins were studied in proteomics approach by using the 2-DE gelelectrophoresis. For this purpose, the abovementioned inhibitors from the vatiery Claire, Koch and Zhora were extracted and purified. The 2-DE pattern for these three types of xylanase inhibitors established that a big families of isoforms for all the three types of xylanase inhibitors exist. The 2-DE separation combined with MS identification revealed many isoforms were present within some genetic variants. By looking at the 2-DE pattern, it was found that there exists no qualitative difference among abovementioned three wheat varieties. And any evidence for the production of artificial proteins was not found. Dephosphorylation and Phosphostaining of these xylanase inhibitor proteins revealed that all the inhibitors were phosphorylated to varying extent. Deglycosylation and glycostain showed that XIP and TL-XI were glycosylated to more extent whereas TAXI was slightly glycosylated. ····· 10361113336

Genetic Diversity in popular rice varieties of India

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The genetic diversity of 25 improved varieties and four traditional varieties were characterized using a set of 20 well chosen and polymorphic microsatellite (SSR) primer pairs. The SSR markers used were polymorphic (100.0%) and generated the reliable information about the relatedness of the varieties. High values of polymorphism obtained in the characterization were attributed to hypervariability of the microsatellite markers. Among the popular varieties, the mean genetic similarity of 0.38 was observed indicating the wide diversity of the popular varieties. Cluster analysis based on 87 SSR marker alleles grouped 29 genotypes into two major clusters. The first major cluster comprised 9 genotypes of traditional varieties and early improved varieties. The second major cluster consisted of 20 improved varieties of complex pedigree and several recombination events. Principal component analysis revealed four clusters, out of which one cluster included seven genotypes from rainfed shallow land ecology suggesting the grouping was based on physiological traits. Unique alleles were generated for 14 varieties, which can be used as molecular tags. ····· 10361113775

Gene Expression and Splicing Efficiency

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Most eukaryotic protein-coding genes are split into exons and introns, and introns need to be spliced for the production of mature mRNA by pre-mRNA splicing. Pre-mRNA splicing is very important for eukaryotic gene expression, because it is not only a key step in producing mature mRNA, but can also affect transcription and translation. The purpose of this study is to investigate the relationship between gene expression and splicing efficiency since the relationship has not been studied systematically from a bioinformatic approach. In this thesis research, we focus on the question of how gene expression would constrain the evolution of three principal splicing signals: the donor splice site, the acceptor splice site, and the branchpoint sequence (BPS). ····· 10361114443

Molecular Detection Tecchniques

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An effective identification technique is a requirement for the specific detection of microbes. The diagnostic tests in endodontics for the identification are carried out by utilising the conventional culture techniques. These conventional cultivation techniques are costly and time consuming. The detection is not very specific, which is an obstacle in identifying the main causes of a disease. Molecular detection techniques provide an alternative for culture techniques. Molecular detection techniques are much more accurate and specifically identify the microbes in short time. Most of the microbial phyla are only identified by this technique. This technique has identified microbes that still need to be cultivated. The aim of the project was to devise an efficient molecular detection technique for the detection and identification of the causative agents of the root canal treatment failure. The current molecular detection technique was based on the detection of E.faecalis in root canal re-treatment cases. An efficient DNA extraction technique was conceived and PCR conditions were optimised for the detection and identification of E.faecalis. ····· 10361114894

Durable Resistance Against Stripe Rust (Puccinia striiformis) in Wheat

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Stripe rust is an important foliar disease of Wheat in different wheat growing areas in Pakistan. Different protective measures such as fungicides, cultural or agronomic practices do not ensure long- lasting control.Genetic resistance is preferred over other strategies.Of the genetic resistance, durable resistance (race-nonspecific) is considered a sustainable measure globally. Our study included seedling testing, field evaluation, morphological marker studies and marker assisted selection.Study revealed that 4% varieties were resistant at seedling stage while rest were susceptible or intermediate.Field testing revealed that 4%varieties were resistant,70% were intermediate or moderately resistant while others were highly susceptible.For further validation,morphological markers were also observed in varieties indicating presence of gene Yr18/Lr34. Marker assisted selection of varieties revealed that 11 varieties possessed the desirable marker.Same varieties showed susceptibility at seedling stage and resistance to moderate resistance at adult stage under field conditions with either presence or absence of Leaf tip necrosis as a morphological marker. ····· 10361115733

Linkage analysis of MYP12 and MYP14 in families

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Myopia is one of the leading causes of vision loss around the world. The combination of genetic and environmental influences on the development of myopia suggests that myopia is a complex disorder. Pedigree analysis, variable phenotypic expression level and the refractive error range in myopic individual suggest that it does not strictly follow the mendallion inheritance pattern. Unlinked pedigree suggests study at broader scale so that any other identified locus or any new locus may be discovered in myopic population of Pakistan. ····· 10361115759

Identification Of Genetic Relation Between Fish Species Using SDS-PAGE

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In this study, the three species morphometric character was analysed and its certain character were overlapped. So this leads to the further study of protein band pattern for the identification and confirmation. The SDS PAGE protein patterns were used to assess the levels of genetic diversity in Puntius filamentosus, Puntius tambraparanei and Puntius bimaculatus. The number of protein bands and Molecular weight of the band were the difference among the three species. This shows three species are overlapped in certain morphometric character also. Further more this problem may be solved by the mitochondrial DNA markers only. ····· 10361115865

Morphological and Molecular study of Wheat Germplasm

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Wheat is the most important cereal crop, cultivating throughout the world.Wheat has always been subjected to extensive and ceaseless research so as to maximize grain production but also to improve grain yield per unit area.Wheat Yield could be increased through selection for better performance of yield components or development of improved genotypes.Leaf rust is the most serious disease.Three types of rust occur on wheat i.e. leaf rust,Stem rust and Stripe rust.So far,nearly 58 leaf rust and 40 stripe rust resistance genes have been identified and varieties containing these genes are resistant to these diseases.The book describes the molecular and morphological study of 38 Pakistani wheat genotypes.Four Leaf rust resistance genes i.e. Lr10,Lr26,Lr34 and Lr47 and twelve different morphological characters are studied here. ····· 10361116000

Neural Tube Defects and Genetic Polymorphisms

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The neural tube is the embryonic precursor of the brain and the spinal cord. Building a neural tube is an extremely complex phenomenon where cells need to change in shape, migrate and differentiate to form a hollown tube from a flat sheet of thickened epithelial cells (the neural plate). The normal closure of the neural plate occurs very early in human pregnancy from day 21 until day 28 following conception or 1 weak after the expected menstruation. Abnormal closure of the neural plate results in neural tube defects (NTDs). The orrelation between the birth of NTD affected children and the maternal polymorphisms of two genes related to the folate metabolic pathway, studied methylenetetrahydrofolate-dehydrogenase (MTHFD1) 1958 (GA) and methionine synthase polymorphisms MTR 2756 (AG) and MTR 2758(CG) in the Jordanian population have been examined in this original study. ····· 10361116140

Molecular mapping of salt tolerance gene in rice

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Due to lack of suitable selection criteria, the development of highly salt tolerant high yielding varieties in rice remain as an incomplete episode & in this cross road the molecular markers finds appropriate place to be used upon. These are more potential having better resolution and not gets affected by the changing environment. In the present study efforts were made to tag salt tolerant gene(s) in a F3 mapping of Pokkali X IR 28 with concurrent phenotyping in response to excess salt under artificial condition. The result shows ample polymorphism in respect of 10 decamer primers, which is essential for a molecular marker programme in mapping gene of interest. From this study, it can be concluded that RAPD may be used in tagging gene(s) for salt tolerance in rice with no hesitation. The present information suffice amply that RAPD could be used as a reliable, easy to handle and cheap marker system in molecular profiling of F3 segregants. ····· 10361116182

Evaluation of Sigatoka leaf spot (Mycosphaerella musicola Leach)

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Sigatoka leaf spot disease limits banana production. Breeding for resistance is the most effective method to control Musa diseases. However, Musa improvement using conventional methods is difficult due to lack of genetic variability, hence biotechnology. Marker-assisted selection is a reliable method to improve disease resistance in Musa. This study was to identify markers that may be linked to Sigatoka leaf spot disease in Musa, using RAPDs and converting such into SCAR. A total of 102 oligonucleotide OPERON primers were used to screen genomic DNA from resistant and susceptible cultivars with only 10.8% polymorphism. Eventually, OPK01 and OPK11 primers in Calcutta 4 were eluted, but only OPK 11 was sequenced and cloned using pGEM-2T vector, resulting to a band size of 4.3 KB, and the development of two SCAR markers. A FASTA search in the Musa database could not identify homologous gene sequences to the PCR fragment. The SCAR marker was used to amplify genomic DNA from the segregating population which could not discriminate between resistant and susceptible samples due to amplification conditions, limited number of primers and absence of tight linkage with the gene of interest. ····· 10361117673

Hybridisation to exploit heterosis in sorghum in Southern Africa

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Sorghum farmers in Southern Africa get the lowest grain yield the world over. This is because they use traditional farming practices with minimal inputs on traditional varieties or landraces. Use of hybrid seed was first reported in maize in the 1920s. Hybrid varieties have an advantage of beign uniform and more vigorous. This is due to the heterosis that comes about by crossing genetically divergent parent lines. Heterosis (for any trait)can be summed up as superiority of hybrid offspring over best parent. In this study, a selected set of genotypes is evaluated in the US and Southern Africa to evaluate the level of haterosis for yield and other important agronomic characters of sorghum. The results indicate presence of significant heterosis that can be used by researchers to release new higher yielding sorghum hybrids for the benefit of all sorghum growers in the region. The author would like to thank Texas A&M Department of Crop Science for all the work that was done to bring out this information. ····· 10361117945

Soybean Germplasm

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Soybean is recognized as one of the most important grain legume in the world. It is also an important source of oil and protein. Therefore, thousands of breeding lines and hundreds of elite cultivars are developed yearly in soybean hybridization programmes over the world, increasing genetic uniformity in the frame of soybean. To widen the genetic basis of uniformity of soybean germplasm, new sources of genetic variation must introduce. To do this, criteria for parental stock selection need to be considered not only by agronomic value, but also from the point of view of their genetic dissimilarity. Therefore, the evaluation of genetic variation in soybean is a very important task not only for population genetics but also for plant breeders. The genetic variation can be analyzed by agronomic and biochemical traits, and molecular marker polymorphisms. Utilization of exotic germplasm for characteristics such as disease resistance or agronomic traits is the ultimate goal of assessing genetic diversity in plant crops including soybean. Particularly, we except to face in future new plant diseases or pests, climatic change due to the greenhouse effect, and so forth. ····· 10361118159

Functional Genetics and Psychiatric Disorders

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Drug addiction is a chronic disorder characterized by compulsive drug seeking and taking despite serious negative consequences. Association studies have identified a number of candidate genes harboring variants associated with susceptibility to addiction, but the causative variants frequently remain unknown. A solution to the challenge of identifying causative variants is the thorough characterization of functional genetic polymorphisms and their effects on regulation of candidate genes. I focused on candidate genes for drug addiction (ARRB2, DRD2, and DRD3) and made some novel and significant findings: The effects of two intronic SNPs in the human dopamine receptor D2 (DRD2) gene, previously shown to alter DRD2 alternative splicing, were confirmed in human brain autopsy tissues obtained from a population of cocaine abusers and controls. The same SNPs were significantly associated with cocaine abuse. The results of this study contribute to our understanding of the functional genetic variation in important candidate genes and have the potential to improve the prevention and treatment of drug addiction and other psychiatric disorders. ····· 10361118297

In vitro regeneration and transformation of white jute

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Jute is considered as one of the most important natural fibre of the tropical and subtropical regions of the world. Although there has been a decline in the volume of trade, jute is still considered as one of the most important foreign currency earner of many jute growing countries including Bangladesh. The production, quality and yield of this crop are affected by various biotic and abiotic stresses. The higher production and quality jute fibers can be obtained through the development of improved varieties using conventional as well as biotechnological techniques. But conventional breeding technique has not been found suitable in obtaining desired genetic variability in improving present varieties of jute particularly for the development of stress tolerance. Only limited information is available regarding the application of biotechnological methods in case of jute improvement. In this book the two most useful techniques of plant biotechnology such as in vitro regeneration and genetic transformation protocol for cultivated white jute varieties has been reported. ····· 10361118381

The Effect of Mutating the PDZ domains within secreted PDZD2

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PDZ domains are one of the most common protein-protein interaction domains in human. PDZ domain containing 2 protein (PDZD2) contains 6 PDZ domains and is highly expressed in pancreatic beta cells. It undergoes cleavage in the endoplasmic reticulum to produce a secreted form PDZD2 (sPDZD2) which retains the last two PDZ domains of PDZD2. sPDZD2 is a candidate beta cell regulatory factor. In current study, two mutated forms of sPDZD2 were generated with alterations in the amino acid sequence within the carboxylate-binding loop of one of the two PDZ domains, either at the PDZ5 or at the PDZ6 domain. Current study revealed that both the PDZ5-mutated and PDZ6-mutated sPDZD2 proteins failed to exert the insulinotropic effect that the wildtype sPDZD2 had on INS-1E cells when added exogenously in the culture medium. Both mutant proteins also failed to rescue the silencing action of siRNA on the insulinotropic effect of endogenous PDZD2 in INS-1E cells. These results suggest that intact carboxylate-binding loops of both PDZ5 and PDZ6 domain are crucial for the insulinotropic effect of sPDZD2 exerting on INS-1E cells. ····· 10361118408

Sweet Melon Breeding

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Cucumis melo, L. is considered as a subtropical fruit, belongs to the family of Cucurbitaceae .Melon is one of the important vegetable crops in Egypt and in the world. Fresh ripe fruit is consumed individually or in fruit salad as a dessert. In the recent decades, there is an increase in the cultivated areas of melon followed by the rate of exportation, it was 53036 fed in 1999, 60941 fed in 2001 and become 100167 fed in 2007.The aim of this investigation was to increase the homogeneity of the two studied local melon cultivars, by selfing and selecting the best genotypes for two successive seasons to produce some inbred lines and test them to record heritability, response to selection, correlation coefficient among studied traits and path analysis coefficient between shelf life and several qualitative characters. ····· 10361118581

Correlation and Evaluation of HbA1c in IDA

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Due to iron deficiency many complications are seen in human body.The study was conducted on 150 subjects . MCV, mean cell hemoglobin concentration Microscopic examination of Blood film .HbA1c was analysed by HPLC ( BIORAD D-10) . Serum iron & Total Binding Capacity (TIBC) Serum Ferritin it was observed that subjects those were having iron deficiency has low Hb, MCV, MCH ,Serum iron were as RDW, TIBC, UIBC and HbA1c were higher.The HbA1c is the glycation rate of RBC It has been observed that due to iron deficiency the glycation rate increases.The females are having more iron deficiency as compare to males. This is due to discrimination between the males and females and pregnancy related problems.After iron treatment significant increase was observed in the level of Hb, MCV, MCH ,Serum iron were as RDW, TIBC, UIBC and HbA1c were lower.After iron treatment level of HbA1c decreases Thus it was concluded that iron deficiency has shown marked change in the level HbA1c. The iron supplement has shown positive effect. The doctors and clinicians are advised to monitor HbA1c level when the patients are having Iron deficiency. ····· 10361119311

Maize Genetic Transformation

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Maize (Zea mays) is one of the main food crops worldwide, with a global production of 5.856.396 tons and 159.531.007 Ha. harvested in 2009/2010. Due to the importance of maize production is necessary to improve the yields using biotechnological tools. Plant transformation techniques are essential for the introduction of novel useful traits occurring across kingdoms or available in sexually incompatible species. About 20 years have elapsed since the initiation of the first experiments which led to the production of fertile transgenic maize plants. The main methods used in plant transformation technology are biological or physical. The biological method most widely utilized is Agrobacterium-mediated transfer.The physical method most widely utilized is the biolistic or particle bombardment. The aim of this work is to describe the entire process for the development of fertile transgenic maize plants obtained by microprojectile bombardment and analyze the biosafety standards involved. ····· 10361119538

Bioengineering and Expression of Human FVIII Gene

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This guide of recombinant FVIII production brings the power of manipulating and customizing genes to obtain ideal function of proteins. You will learn What is coagulation cascade and How FVIII works together with other factors in this cascade, what is the primary structure of FVII and where is spotlight of the gene and sequences that interact with other proteins, how to work with plasmids and generally cloning purpose, how to work with cell lines and how to optimize transfection process, brief discussions about bioinformatics essentials and being familiar with some online bioinformatic software and databases. All the protocols have been thoroughly tested in the author s own laboratory. ····· 10361131813

Genetic Diversity Study of Linseed Genotypes on Acidic Soil

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Linseed is one of the most important oil seed crops that its demand in the world market is increasing owing to its economic and nutritional values, especially its medicinal values to treat cancer. To meet this demand, the production of the linseed has to be increased in quality and quantity. Since the crop grows mostly in highland areas where rainfall and other factors induce soil acidity, its production is highly affected by it. Though adding lime corrects the soil acidity problem, it is expensive, environmentally unfriendly and in some situations subsoil acidity restricts its benefit. So, crop varieties with better tolerance to acidity have immediate application. Accordingly, sixty-four different linseed genotypes were evaluated by simple lattice design to identify high yielding and adaptable genotypes of linseed on acidic soil (PH = 5.1). Statistical analysis showed marked variations among genotypes for seed and oil yield, indicating acidity tolerance variations among the genotypes. Hence, the author strong believes that crop breeders and farmers engaged in breeding activity would benefit most from the techniques used to screen out the genotypes productive on the acidic soil. ····· 10361131824

DNA markers in chickens

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Throughout the last four decades breeders aimed their selection strategy in broilers to fast growing in order to compensate for the growing need for meat consumption especially poultry those efforts resulted with decrease in time length for marketing maturity and increase with body weight at marketing. Breeding program based on the DNA level rather than on phenotypes only, had helped to focused on particular genes, and their particular effects on linked traits. The ability to detect true linkage with minimum false positive or false negative associations (Test power) has been the challenge in those breeding program. The lack of concrete knowledge of Test power within experimental population structures had led us to design experimental genetic structures, to evaluate test power in a controlled manner. We established wide genetic base populations by created F2 and backcross populations. These populations were maintained in family structure to allow for linkage disequilibrium state between marker and QTL. We further examine test power in three Single Cross families implementing two genotype approaches Tail Analysis and Selective Genotype. ····· 10361132798

Effect of cropping systems on genetic analysis in blackgram

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This book based on empirical research provides comprehensive information on genetic analysis of blackgram under two cropping systems. In fact one of the areas in research on increasing plant productivity in developing countries is the preservation of inherent stability of traditional farming systems. Such farming systems are characterized by small holdings and growing of different crops under mixed and intercropping systems in variance to monocropping employed in large farms in developed countries. This shift in priorities is under standable because a substantial contribution of farm output in developing countries comes from small farms. Without radical alterations, there are remote chances of improving traditional farming systems.One such instance is the intercropping of maize with blackgram as a secondary crop in the mountainous tracts of North-Western India. It has been established by our study that significant progenies x cropping system interaction exists for grain yield and its component traits in blackgram-maize cropping systems. It may help to develop suitable breeding and selection criteria to seek genetic improvement of blackgram where it is intercropped with maize. ····· 10361133302

Selection for Nematode Resistance

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Parasitism, especially gastrointestinal (GI) nematodes is one of the major problems in sheep throughout the world. The economic loss to the farmers and the industry is substantial in terms of reduced productivity, animal mortality and cost of anthelmintic treatments. Furthermore, the evolution of parasite species resistant to a wide range of currently available anthelmintics has become a major concern for the sheep industry that necessitates the search for alternatives in parasite control measures. The approaches currently under investigation for parasite control, other than anthelmintic treatment are vaccines against nematodes, biological control (nematophagus fungi), breeding for nematode resistance or combination of some or all of them. Breeding for nematode resistance might be one of the economically viable and technically feasible options, because many researchers have already shown that there exists considerable variation within breeds resistant to a wide range of GI nematode species. The genetic parameters of nematode resistance traits and response to selection by incorporating resistance trait in selection index in Texel sheep breed have been discussed in this book. ····· 10361133944

Genetic studies of IgA nephropathy and Lupus nephritis

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The most important finding in these studies is the significant association between the low levels of sCD89-IgA complex in sera of IgA nephropathy patients and the progression of severe IgA nephropathy. One of our studies is the first investigation of the importance of IRF5, STAT4 and TRAF1-C5 gene polymorphisms in patients with IgA nephropathy and showed no evidence of an association of these genes with the development of IgA nephropathy or Lupus nephritis. The results did not suggest any overlap of genetic risk factors in the two diseases, even demonstrated a contrast between IgA nephropathy and Lupus nephritis. ····· 10361134080

Genetics of coat colour in horses

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For thousands of years horses have been linked to humankind, as beasts of burden and in war. In most recent times, the emphasis of use has been on sport and recreation. Though, the colour of horses has little to do with its performance, it is a primary means of identification and also the first indicator of questionable parentage. Tremendous progress in horse s coat colour genetics resulted in identification of different colour patterns with their mode of inheritance. The main aim of this book is collect all the available data related to coat colour patterns and bring together non-united areas of research. This book covers all major directions in horse coat colour inheritance. The second chapter provides information about melanogenesis and genetics of pigmentation. Chapters 3 and 4 are devoted to detailed description of different coat colour patterns. The molecular basis of different coat colour patterns is presented in Chapter 5. This book is addressed to broad audience, which includes students, lecturers, researchers and horse breeders working in the industry. As such it is hoped that the information presented will provide valuable guidance to scientists and breeders. ····· 10361134424

Y-Chromosome and mito DNA study on Baniya Caste Population of Haryana

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Our study on maternal and paternal lineages with the help of Mitochondrial DNA and Y Chromosome markers respectively on Baniya Caste Population of Haryana revealed the Indo-European affinity of the studied population. We showed that most of the individuals of Baniya caste exhibited the Indian specific macrohaplogroup M in mitochondrial DNA analysis and belonging to M207-R haplogroup which are the Indian specific haplogroups. PCA confirmed the strong affinity of this caste population with IE genepool with little admixture from neibouring population as evident from the clustering with the IE groups. The Admixture analysis showed the contribution of IE group in the origin of this caste population. The result reflects the rigidity in the customs of the Hindu society. There was the prominent reflection of the strict customs of the endogamy as evident from the homogeneity of the genepool of the studied caste. Thus, the social barrier has played a major role in shaping an origin of a caste population mainly. ····· 10361134425

Cadmium Metallothionein Gene of Paramecium

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Cadmium is a non essential trace metal, the increasing amount of which can be detrimental to the health. Once the cadmium level is elevated in the blood, it remains high even when its source is depleted. There is a need to remove the metal from the environment so our food, air or water is not contaminated by it. Metallothioneins (MTs) are metal binding proteins that are rich in cysteine residues constituting 30% of the total protein. The thiol groups bind to the metal ions. Different organisms such as bacteria, protozoa and mammals like humans have shown increased production of MTs with increasing amount of Cd2+-ions in the medium. PMCd1 is first gene ever discovered in Paramecium that could produce this MT in response to Cadmium. In this study the PMCd1syn gene has been cloned in pET41a expression vector and expressed in a E.coli BL21-codonplus strain. Since the gene PMCd1 amplified from Paramecium contained 10 stop codons, this gene of 612 bps was synthesized to substitute the stop codons for the Paramecium sp. specific amino acids. The expressed GST tagged PMCd1syn protein has been found to contain 203 amino acids out of which 37 are cysteine residues. ····· 10361135506

Dermatoglyphic Patterns in Individuals with Hypertension

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Hypertension is a disorder with a genetic background. The present study was undertaken to determine the association between certain dermatoglyphic patterns and hypertension. The study indicated that there was a significant correlation between the incidence of hypertension in those with arch type pattern in comparison to the control groups, particularly in the left middle finger. The P-value obtained for the fingerprint patterns for all the other fingers were above 0.05 indicating that there was no relationship between the occurrence of whorls, loops and arches in individuals with hypertension and the non-hypertensive individuals. The study also shows that the mean frequency of the atd angle in both the right and left hands were not significantly different enough to indicate that there was a relationship between the two variables. The results of the study have shown certain specific association between dermatoglyphic patterns and hypertension. ····· 10361135583

Genetic Analysis and Correlation of Lodging Resistance in Maize

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Both biotic and abiotic stresses are significantly affecting maize production and productivity in Ethiopia. However, research emphasis had been given for biotic research problems only. Hence, we should consider abiotic factors like lodging problems in our research agenda if we want to maximize production and productivity of maize in Ethiopia. It was found that, yield and lodging resistance can be improved by practicing restricted and simultaneous selection in some of yield contributing traits in maize. ····· 10361135612

Terapia Ortomolecular

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El presente trabajo pretende brindar información que ayude a crear conciencia, reeducar hábitos para el cuidado de nuestra salud y como prevenir el deterioro de nuestro organismo. Fundamentado en bases científicas sobre la bioquímica de las células y el equilibrio de moléculas en las mismas. Ubica la prescripción física como componente de la terapia orto molecular. Considerando que esta lectura puede ser útil para profesionales de la salud como disparador a futuras investigaciones y también para el público en general que desee adquirir un estilo de vida saludable. ····· 10361136496

Un Nuevo Método de Análisis del DNA

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Mi maestro Edward Berka, un científico Alemán asilado en México, estimuló mi mayor interés por la investigación científica, y el trabajo experimental,en mi formación universitaria. Nos decía el Dr. Berka `Es importante considerar que la observación y participación personal con acuciosidad analítica, en cada parte del proceso de un experimento es el material mas importante e invaluable para un investigador científico`. Gracias a esa motivación, he dedicado mi vida a la investigación y en los últimos 22 años al trabajo experimental con DNA, lo que me permitió descubrir y patentar `Un Nuevo Método de Análisis del DNA`, que proporciona información más objetiva, que la que se obtiene con la electroforesis, nuestro método permite visualizar, fotografiar y conservar la integridad de la cadena de DNA y desarrollar un nuevo campo de la investigación genética, basado en el genotipo. Esta es la historia de esa investigación y de las paradoja que se crean, a partir de los límites que fijan a la investigación, los paradigmas científicos vigentes. EL LIBRO QUE TIENES EN TUS MANOS ES LA LLAVE PARA ENTRAR AL MUNDO DEL FUTURO. ····· 10361137183

Líneas de poroto frente virus transmitidos por bemisia tabaci

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Existen diversos factores que afectan la estabilidad de la producción de poroto, entre ellos, las enfermedades de etiología viral. Las virosis son una de las principales limitantes en Phaseolus vulgaris. El objetivo de este trabajo es evaluar el comportamiento de diferente variedades y líneas promisorias de poroto (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) frente Bean Golden mosaic virus y Cowpea mild mottle virus en relación al rendimiento en condiciones naturales de infección e identificar las moscas blancas vectores, para lo cual se realizaron estimaciones visuales de incidencia, severidad de sintomas y del efecto de la virosis sobre el rendimiento por el método de plantas apareadas. Se confirmó la identidad de Begomovirus y CpMMV presentes mediante serología y se cuantificó su concentración relativa, identificando los genotipos de Bemisia tabaci presentes en ensayos atravez de RAPDS, los ensayos se realizaron en dos años en dos zonas agroecologicas distintas.Se destaca la importancia de aparición de nuevas virosis CpMMV causantes de pérdidas en rendimiento como en sus componentes. ····· 10361137953

Motifs of untranslated regions in C. elegans and C. briggsea

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Untranslated regions (UTRs) are important regions in genes that are situated at 3 and 5 ends and are involved in the regulation of gene expression. UTRs on 3 end acts as complementary sequences for binding of microRNAs. The length and sequence of UTRs varies from species to species. In this work various conserved motifs in the untranslated regions of the genes have been reported by using software tool. Very little literature is available on the motif studies in the UTRs. This book therefore provides the insight on the presence of motifs with repeated single nucleotide in the 3 and 5 UTRs. Some coding genes were also analyzed for these motifs. These motifs show interesting similarities in different species of the genus Caenorhabditis. This finding could possibly be used in the identification of various organisms of same genus. These investigations could be helpful to scientific community working on non-coding RNAs, genomics and bioinformatics. This book could be helpful for students and teachers in the subject of Bioinformatics, Genomics, Molecular Biology and Biotechnology. ····· 10361146180

Novel Insect Insulin-like Peptide Genes

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Insulin family peptide members have key roles in regulating growth, metabolism, development, reproduction and longevity in vertebrates. Bombyxin, isolated from the silkmoth Bombyx mori, was the first Insulin-like peptide (ILP) identified in insects. Bombyxins have structural similarity to vertebrate insulin and amino acid sequence identity to mammalian ILP. To gain insight into the role of bombyxins, I have analyzed full genome of B. mori and identified five novel family bombyxin genes. Three of these genes have introns at almost same position as the human insulin gene. Temporal and spatial expressions of these genes have been observed to elucidate the molecular mechanisms of tissue development. Similar structure, location of intervening intron, and similar expression pattern between bombyxin and insulin genes have provide an important basis to elucidate evolutionary relationship and function of insulin family members in insects. This book promises to add considerable scientific value to the arena of molecular biology, evolutionary biology, genetics, insulin research and above all to the field of general science. ····· 10361146371

Diversity in Performance of Indigenous Chicken In-situ

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Bangladesh is a country furnished with various indigenous livestock genetic resources where native chicken (about 140 million) are more popular for their distinct traits in the present era of commercial chicken production. The quest of this research work was to find out various reasons which affect the performance of indigenous chicken including management system as well. So a benchmark survey conducted in some selected rural areas of Bangladesh (total 430 households) using a pre-tested survey questionnaire. Based on all the results, it identified that production performance of native chicken varied according to location, genotype, age, and plumage color. Moreover, simple phenotypic screening of village chicken with little feed supplementation, vaccination and pursuing proper marketing facilities could enhance their performance under free range condition (in-situ). In addition, this book would inspire the people of different countries to conserve their respective native chicken from the clutch of extinct. ····· 10361146459

Genetics of racing performance of horses

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Horses are companion animals, providing people as riders or spectators, with such pleasurable pursuits as racing, trotting, dressage etc. Racehorse populations provide examples of breeds, which have been selected over relatively longer period of time. The two breeds mostly used for gallop racing are Thoroughbred and American Quarter Horses. Among these two breeds, Thoroughbreds are used in longer races and American Quarter Horses are used in shorter races. The other type of racing is generally called harness racing. It is a form of racing in which the horses run in a specified gait (trot or pace). The main aim of this book is to compile all the published information on racing performance of horses. The first Chapter is the general introduction about the different gaits of the horses and breeds involved in horse racing. The second, third and fourth Chapters are devoted to the genetics of racing performance of Thoroughbred, American Quarter and Trotter Horses respectively. This book is addressed to broad audience and the information presented will provide valuable guidance to scientists and horse breeders involved in racing industry. ····· 10361146504

Somaclonal Variation in some species of Brassica

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The morphogenetic potential of three diploid Brassica species (B. oleracea CC B.campestris, AA and B. nigra, BB) and three amphidiploid Brassica species (B. juncea, AABB B. napus, AACC and B. carinata BBCC) was studied. An assessment of somaclonal variation induced with regard to certain morphological, cytological and biochemical parameters was made in the regenerants. Field performance of the R1 and R2 generation plants with respect to some yield traits was also evaluated. Higher morphogenetic potential was observed in the CC genome bearing species where as AA, BB genomes alone and in combination showed lower morphogenetic capacity. In 20.5 per cent of the total regenerants studied, cytological abnormalities were observed. Variation in the isozyme banding pattern of peroxidase, malate dehydrogenase and catalase was observed in 13.5 per cent of the total regenerants analyzed. A number of R1 plants showed significantly improved agronomic characters and higher oil content. Consistently high per cent oil content was recovered in four R2 lines of B. napus and two of B. carinata. However, segregation was observed in R2 generation of some selected R1 plants for traits like plant heig ····· 10361146803

Intellectual Property and Biotechnology

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Governments in North America and Europe have been using patents as a public policy tool to encourage the invention of health-related biotechnologies since the 1980. In recent decades however there has been a number of controversies related to patenting in biotechnology. Commentators are concerned that patents may be having a detrimental effect on innovation of and access to health-related products and processes. While empirical evidence that has been collected to date in relation to these concerns remains inconclusive, the debate may be clarified through the articulation of the rights and responsibilities that are at stake. The scope and content of a human right to healthcare are ultimately society-dependent, but its articulation can clarify whether instrumental property rights granted to inventors are interfering with this right in an unacceptable way. Intellectual property rights in health-related biotechnologies cannot be justified from a theoretical perspective, and so more definitive empirical data elucidating the role that patents play in regards to innovation and dissemination of health- related biotechnology is needed. ····· 10361147228

cytomorphological characterization of wide cross derivatives in Rice

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Wild species of Rice offer an important source of variability for improvement of cultivated Rice.Wide hybridization is the only way to transfer useful genes from wild species into cultivated Rice.In order to utilize the resistant potential of Oryza rufipogon to various biotic and abiotic stresses, this species was crossed with cultivated varieties of Oryza sativa. The crossability between O. sativa and O. rufipogon varied from 17.5-33 (%). The highest crossability was observed in IR-6/O. rufipogon (33%) and least in KS-282/O. rufipogon (17.5%). Based on crossability, IR-6 showed a close affinity with O. rufipogon.All the F1 hybrids were intermadiate in plant morphology between the two parents.The F1 hybrids showed both mid parent and high parent hetrosis for various quantitative traits. All the F1 hybrids showed normal meiosis with remarkably high chromosome pairing. Therefore favorable alleles can be easily introgressed from the wild O.rufipogon into cultivatd Rice O.Sativa. ····· 10361147267

Der Kampf mit der Nahrung

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Nachdruck des Originals von 1884. ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· 10361144428

Identificación morfológica y molecular de hongos celulíticos

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La mayor biodiversidad de los hongos se circunscribe a las zonas tropicales, con preferencia por el microclima húmedo con semisombra generado en el interior de los bosques en galería, bioma característico de la provincia de Misiones. Dentro del reino Fungi, existe un grupo de organismos denominados celulolíticos que son capaces de crecer en la biomasa lignocelulósica debido a que producen y secretan enzimas que posibilitan la remoción de la lignina y la degradación de la celulosa y hemicelulosa a azúcares más simples. Se recolectaron tres hongos desarrollados sobre material lignocelulósico con síntomas de pudrición. Estos fueron aislados e identificados mediante técnicas morfológicas y moleculares. Para ello, se realizaron observaciones macro y microscópicas y amplificaciones del ADN ribosomal correspondiente a la región ITS1-5.8S-ITS2 construyendose además árboles filogenéticos con los datos obtenidos de la secuenciación de los amplicones. Paralelamente, se evaluó la habilidad celulolítica de los aislados mediante el cultivo in-vitro y el test en placa con el colorante rojo Congo. ····· 103612464

El sorgo: su cultivo y mejora genética

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En el libro que ponemos en tus manos encontrarás, en primer lugar, las generalidades del sorgo. En el texto están bien descritas las características biológicas, morfología de la planta, exigencias ecológicas y época de siembra. Se exponen las particularidades de la preparación de suelos para su siembra, se explican las diferentes labores de cultivo y de cosecha a realizar, que le permitan al productor alcanzar altos potenciales de rendimientos agrícolas. Se dedica espacio a los diferentes métodos de mejora genética empleados en este cultivo, sus resultados, ventajas y desventajas. Se presentan los resultados alcanzados hasta el momento en el establecimiento de un protocolo de regeneración de plantas vía embriogénesis somática en sorgo variedad cubana CIAP 2-E-95, como prerrequisito para el desarrollo de los métodos de mejora del cultivo mediante transformación genética. También contiene los resultados de las investigaciones de un grupo de profesores e investigadores de la Filial Universitaria Municipal de Camajuaní y de la Universidad Central `Marta Abreu` de Las Villas sobre el comportamiento cuatro variedades de sorgo CIAP en tres tipos de suelo del Municipio de Camajuaní, Cuba. ····· 103613094

Parámetros genéticos en rasgos productivos de cerdos Duroc

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En este trabajo se estudiaron los componentes de varianza, parámetros genéticos, la estimación del valor y tendencias genéticas de rasgos productivos de cerdos Duroc . La muestra fue de 6729 registros fenotípicos (3398 machos y 3331 hembras) evaluados en prueba de comportamiento en campo. Se usó un Modelo Lineal General del SAS, las fuentes de variación fueron el año de nacimiento, la época, el sexo y la paridad. Se creó un fichero de pedigrí conformado por 7199 individuos. El modelo tuvo en cuenta el grupo contemporáneo año, trimestre como criterio de época y sexo, la edad final como covariable. Los efectos incluidos en el modelo fueron significativos. Las medias para el peso final (PF), peso por edad (PPE), ganancia media diaria (GMD) y espesor de la grasa (EGD) fueron 95.1 0.054 kg, 453.95 0.141 g, 509 0.056 g y 12.08 0.083 . La heredabilidad para los rasgos de PF, PPE, GMD y EGD fueron de 0.21 0.28 0.27 y 0.19 proporcionalmente, siendo las correlaciones genéticas y ambientales altas y positivas. Se demostró que las tendencias genéticas para los rasgos estudiados fueron bajas, lo que indica que el progreso genético en el rebaño es insuficiente. ····· 1036123190

Gendiagnostikgesetz. Was u.a. Ulla Schmidt dazu sagt

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Wie wurde und wird das Thema `Gendiagnostikgesetz` in der deutschen Politik diskutiert Der vorliegende Quellenband enthält die Protokolle der im Deutschen Bundestag zur Thematik gehaltenen ungekürzten Reden ab 2003 (15. Legislaturperiode). Diese parteiübergreifende Dokumentation ermöglicht dem Leser einen direkten Blick auf die parlamentarische Debatte zum Thema `Gendiagnostikgesetz` und die Diskussionen der Abgeordneten im politischen Tagesgeschäft. ····· 10361135031

Molecular Genetics of PRKAB1 Gene in Pakistani Buffalo Breeds

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The evolutionarily conserved serine/threonine kinase, AMP-activated protein kinase (AMPK), functions as a cellular fuel gauge that regulates metabolic pathways in glucose and fatty acid metabolism and protein synthesis. AMPK is a heterotrimeric protein consisting of a catalytic a and regulatory ß and ¿ subunits. This task yet remains to be undertaken in buffalo a species contributing to many South Asian economic importance, the genetic resource conservation of different buffalo breeds especially Nili-Ravi, Kundi and Azakhali breeds of Pakistan. Sequence analysis revealed thirty one single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) of buffalo PRKAB1 of which four were found in exons and twenty seven were in introns, all exonic SNPs were nonsynonymous mutation. PRKAB1 gene revealed eight different haplotypes resulting from thirty one polymorphic sites and haplotype frequency distribution of the at codon 150, 274, 281 and 282 were also investigated. This work will provide the genetic data for identification of better energy utilizing animals that produce good amounts of milk and meat under the prevailing circumstances. ····· 1036188073

Was wir Ernst Haeckel verdanken

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Nachdruck des Originals von 1914. ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· 10361143231

Identificación del QTL Lr34 de resistencia a roya de la hoja en trigo

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El crecimiento de la población sumado al número de habitantes con desnutrición, reflejan la necesidad de producir una mayor cantidad de alimentos. En este contexto el trigo constituye la base de la alimentación, proporcionando el 55% de los hidratos de carbono y el 20% de las calorías. Uno de los principales factores afectantes de su rendimiento son las enfermedades fúngicas, siendo en Argentina la roya de la hoja la que causa mayor detrimento. La principal forma de manejo de la enfermedad es la resistencia genética durable, generada por genes de efectos menores y aditivos como el Lr34. El objetivo de este trabajo fue identificar la presencia/ausencia del QTL Lr34 utilizando el marcador molecular ligado scLV34 en una población segregante de 728 genotipos, obteniéndose como resultado que el 31% de los genotipos evaluados eran portadores del QTL de resistencia. Esto permitió concluir que el QTL Lr34 se transmite de una generación a la siguiente como un carácter mendeliano simple y que la selección asistida por marcadores moleculares resulta de gran utilidad en la identificación de este tipo de QTL de difícil determinación por métodos tradicionales ····· 1036122553

Metabolic regulation analysis based on gene and protein expressions

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The biopolymer poly-3-hydroxybutyrate (PHB) is a polyester produced by certain bacteria utilizing glucose, corn starch or wastewater nutrients. The characteristics of PHB are similar to those of petroplastic polypropylene. PHB produces transparent film at a melting point higher than 130 degree Celsius that is non toxic and biodegradable without residues, which reduce greenhouse gas emissions considerably. Currently, application of PHB is limited to medical science because of its higher production cost. Microbial biosynthesis of PHB starts with the condensation of two acetyl-CoA molecules into acetoacetyl-CoA, which is subsequently reduced to hydroxybutyryl-CoA. This latter compound is then used as a monomer to polymerize PHB. To explore the possibilities for maximum PHB production, this book has investigated E. coli metabolic regulations by inserting PHB synthetic genes and/or deleting glycolytic pathway genes together with changing their culture condition. Study results from proteomics, transcriptomics, measurement of key enzyme activities and metabolic flux analysis have been interpreted for better understanding of their complex genotype-phenotype relationship. ····· 1036143

Impacto Genético del Petróleo derramado por el buque Prestige

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En noviembre de 2002, el hundimiento del buque Prestige produjo un derrame de 60.000 toneladas de petróleo, que afectó a muchas zonas a lo largo del litoral de Galicia (España). En la mayoría de los sitios impactados por la marea negra se generó una devastación de la zona intermareal donde desaparecieron muchas especies, particularmente moluscos. El presente trabajo evaluó si la drástica reducción de los censos poblacionales pudo generar cuellos de botella que pudiesen haber reducido significativamente la diversidad genética de las poblaciones afectadas y con ello su capacidad intrínseca de adaptarse y soportar nuevas perturbaciones medioambientales. En la evaluación se utilizó como especie modelo a Littorina saxatilis, un gasterópodo ovovivíparo del intermareal rocoso que se caracteriza por poseer un baja capacidad de dispersión, alta densidad poblacional y un amplio rango de distribución en el hemisferio norte. ····· 103611935

The Role of Vitamin B12 in Amelioration Radiation Protection Standards

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Intake of vitamin B12 for three consecutive weeks had no effect on the weight or body shape of the mice. Also, no toxic effects were observed during the experiment. Intake of vitamin B12 (0.8 mg / kg body weight) before irradiation improved the mortality rate, when compared to the untreated irradiated group and the best improvement was observed at day 14 after irradiation. Intake of vitamin B12 prior to irradiation improved the rate of mitotic index. The best recoveries in mitotic index rate were at 6 and 72 hr after irradiation. Treatment with vitamin B12 prior to irradiation increased the total number of polychromatic erythrocytes (PCEs) by 17 % and decreased the total incidence of normochromatic erythrocytes (NCEs) by 4 folds. Intake of vitamin B12 prior to irradiation revealed a highly significant decrease in the morphological deformation of sperm head and tail by 1.4 folds. ····· 103613259

Drought Tolerance

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Increasing water scarcity is a global issue, posing great threat to the animal and plant life. Identification of drought tolerant genes, investigation of networks of gene interaction and their regulation can pave a way to the development of crops which can grow and survive in water shortages. In this volume, methods have been described to identify drought tolerant genes in cotton by single gene and high throughput approach. Moreover the ways to characterize the identified genes are exemplary. A new way of using microarrays to identify similarities and differences among various genomes and use of these comparisons for identification of novel genes involved in important phenomenon is the heart of this book. ····· 1036118340

Your First Steps to Molecular Biology

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According to the growing demand for being familiar with molecular biology, there is a great need for interested reader to know about its basic concepts and terms. The book entitled `Your First Steps to Molecular Biology` targets a wide sector of readers who look for basic knowledge in order to understand complicated points and ambiguous terms in a simple way. Items are introduced in a pattern that gives linked ideas that serve the main subject. The book starts by informing reader the importance and application of molecular biology to different life aspects. It focuses on DNA biochemical structure and properties that allow the organism to save its specie. It also demonstrates different molecular biology terms such as genetic code, code degeneracy, reading frame, Wobble position and the relation between them. The book discusses how the sequences in DNA act as the archive of life secrets. DNA instructs the cell through mRNA during transcription and translation to express different functional activities. It also discusses mRNA processing, protein modifications, DNA duplication and cell division. The book is a trial for declaring most ambiguous concepts and terms in Molecular Biology. ····· 1036119853

Genetical and Physiological studies on fresh water fish

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The biochemical, physiological analysis and the genetical studies for (Oreochromis niloticus, Oreochromis aureus and Clarius gariepinus) from Abbassa, Manzala, Altal-Alkaber, Shader Azam and Borolos in Egypt. The pollution of zinc, copper and nitrite was increased in water and fish organs at Altal Alkaber. Lead and iron increased in water and fish organs at Shader Azam and Manzala. The pollution decreased in Abbassa and Borolos. The heavy metals increased in liver more than gills and muscles. R.B.Cs, Hb, P.C.V and activity of ALT & AST and Liver glycogen decreased in Manzalla. Plasma total protein increased in fish of Shader Azam. Total lipids in Oreochromis niloticus and Oreochromis aureus increased in Manzala. Urea and creatinine increased in Oreochromis aureus from Altal Alkaber. The induction of aberrant cells increased in the three species collected from five locations except Abbassa (O. niloticus, O. aureus), but the aberrant cells from gill filaments of Clarias gariepinus were increased in Manzalla and Shader Azam. We concluded that water pollutants have had an affect on biochemical, physiological and genotoxic effect on the properties of fishes exposed to it. ····· 1036120552

Lathyrus Germplasm

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The genus Lathyrus is wide spread in adverse environmental conditions. The main constrain of using Lathyrus is the presence of neurotoxin compound (ODAP), which causes Lathyrism for human and animals. To overcome this constrain, genetic resources must be mined for the genes conferring good agronomic traits and less amount of ODAP. Assessment of genetic diversity is the first priority in this context. Great homogeneity was observed in chromosome number of Lathyrus spp. The variation was only in karyptype characters and chromosome size, allowing the differentiation of several accessions. There were variations in seeds weight and protein content between or within species. The small seeds were most frequent in accessions of Lathyrus sativus from Asia and Africa, suggesting the center of origin Indian Subcontinent and Eastern Africa. Electrophoretic analysis showed inter and intra-specific variations. Isoenzymatic analysis revealed that the total alleles of isozymes were 34 genetic diversity was dividing between intera-accessions and inter-accessions and the high level of gene flow revealed could be due to the high percent of out-crossing. ····· 1036121149

Pearl millet Breeding for Grain Colour

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After release of first commercial hybrid in 1965, India witnessed a major breakthrough in total grain production and productivity of pearl millet. A large number of hybrids with high productivity potential are now available. However, so far as the grain quality and grain colour is concerned, no headway has been made in this direction. Quality of grain is also a complex character which is determined by genotype but also influenced by the environment. Particularly the environmental conditions during grain filling period affect the grain colour and quality drastically. For breeding white/grey grain coloured hybrids three basic requirements i.e. availability of genetic sources, genetics of grain colour and identification of stable genotypes are the most important ones. Keeping the above points factors into consideration, this book was written describing the genetic mechanisms and nature and magnitude of different types of gene actions involved in the inheritance of grain colour (grey & white) in pearl millet. It also describes the per se performance and stability for yield and its contributing traits in white and grey grain colour hybrids in pearl millet. ····· 1036121476

Variabilidad genética en dos poblaciones de llamas (Lama glama), Bolivia

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En Bolivia, la ganadería de la región andina está constituida principalmente por la crianza de ganado camélido, siendo éste una importante fuente de sustento para los habitantes de esa región. De acuerdo con el último censo de camélidos, nuestro país cuenta con 2.398.572 llamas, por lo que es necesario caracterizar genéticamente nuestras poblaciones para un adecuado manejo de la especie, un mejoramiento a nivel genético que permita una explotación sustentable de este recurso. Para esto se debe analizar la diversidad genética y la diferenciación de poblaciones y los marcadores de ADN microsatélites constituyen una poderosa herramienta molecular para lograr estos objetivos. En el presente estudio se caracteriza y evalúa la estructuración genética intra- e inter- poblacional de dos poblaciones nativas de llamas (Lama glama), pertenecientes a Sajama- Oruro (28 individuos) y E. Baldivieso- Potosí (30 individuos), utilizando 3 loci microsatélites. Todos los marcadores usados fueron polimórficos e informativos, con un número promedio de alelos por locus similar en Sajama y E. Baldivieso con valores de 3.67 y 3.33, observándose una baja diversidad alélica en dichas poblaciones ····· 1036124146

Host genetic determinants of cervical cancer, HPV and HSV-2 infection

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Cervical cancer (CaCx), caused by human papillomavirus (HPV), is the second most common cancer in women worldwide. Although large numbers of women get HPV-infected only a small fraction develop CaCx pointing to co-factors including host genetics playing a role. The aim of this thesis was to investigate the role of genetic polymorphisms in the cell death pathway genes, Fas, FasL and CASP8 in CaCx, pre-cancers and HPV infection. The genes have also been investigated in herpes simplex virus type-2 (HSV-2) infection, a co-factor for developing CaCx. Another gene involved in macrophage recruitment, CCR2 was also investigated. A case-control approach was used on South African black and mixed-ancestry population. Genotyping of the desired polymorphisms from peripheral blood was achieved using TaqMan assay, PCR-SSP and PCR-RFLP. Results were analysed using R, Stata 9 and Haploview 4.2. We show that genetic polymorphisms in these genes are differentially associated to CaCx, pre-cancers, HPV infection and HSV-2 infection. This is the first study reporting the role of Fas, FasL, CASP8 and CCR2 polymorphisms in CaCx in an African population and a non-HLA host genetic link to HSV-2 infection. ····· 1036124466

Characterization of Genetic structure using ISSR-PCR markers

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Kerman is one of the 30 provinces of Iran. It is in the south-east of Iran. It is Located on a high margin of Kavir-e Lut (Lut Desert) in the central south of Iran and so most of the province is largely steppe or sandy desert and it has hot summers and moderate climate. The climate in the province varies in different regions. Therefore in these vast climates there are some kinds of local animals and the preservation of local animals` diversity represents an essential factor for mankind needs of food. Three kinds of them are: Kermani sheep, Rayini Cashmere goat and Local cattle. Kermani sheep has adapted to a tropical region. This sheep is useful for both meat and wool, it has long legs and it has useful for long distance walking and its fleece are white with pigmented muzzle around eyes and legs. Rayini Cashmere goat is one of the most important Iranian native goat breeds that spread in the south-east of Iran where these animals are kept for both meat and cashmere production. As it produces high quality cashmere, these goats have a great economical value in global markets. The color is white and its down was clipped at the end of winter or early spring. ····· 1036124850

Inheritance of Pigmentation in Cowpea (Vigna unguiculata (L.) Walp)

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Cowpea (Vigna unguiculata (L.) Walp) is an important food legume cultivated in many parts of the world covering Asia and Oceania, Middle East, Southern Europe and Central and South America. It constitutes a major source of dietary protein, starch, minerals and vitamins for many poor families especially in Africa. The cowpeas grown in different parts of the world vary widely in seed colour and type, and preferences change from region to region. These varying preferences necessitate the need to develop cowpea varieties with different characteristics as no single variety can be suitable for all regions. The need to have a better understanding of the genetics of pigmentation in cowpea therefore becomes essential. This book presents a holistic approach to the understanding of the genetics of pigmentation in cowpea with a view to elucidating the inheritance pattern of pigmentation in plant, flower and seed. This would be useful to geneticists and breeders in developing suitable strategies for the breeding of cowpea varieties that suit the varying needs of consumers. ····· 1036124907

Genetics of the Endangered Kenyan Mountain Bongo Antelope

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The mountain bongo referred by its lovers as the jewel of the Kenyan mountain jungles is a strikingly beautiful species. Sadly, bongo populations have declined drastically in the recent years with only a few pockets of the animal found in isolated forests. The good news is that stakeholders ranging from conservationists, scholars and the local community have recognised the need to save the remaining bongo populations. Currently, the bongo is almost synonymous to the Aberdare ranges which has been wholly fenced, thanks to the sponsors of this noble call, to protect the species alongside black rhino, Diceros bicornis, which is similarly under great conservation threat. This book reports one of the pioneering efforts using modern molecular techniques to aid in the conservation process of the species. It reports primary genetic findings with the aim of stimulating people to step up the conservation of this jewel. The conservation of this species is not only a responsibility we owe to nature but also a precious present to the generations to come and to the many visitors from around the globe who visit the mountain jungles. ····· 1036125102

Genetic Improvement Strategies for Broilers and Layers

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Chicken was the first animal species in which Mendelian inheritance was demonstrated. A century later, the chicken was the first among farm animals to have its genome sequenced. The last several decades have seen a dramatic transition in poultry genetics, both in commercial breeding and research focus. Industrial production has facilitated replacement of the dual purpose chicken by stocks bred specifically for meat or eggs. The broiler and layer breeding companies have utilised different breeding and selection technologies at different period of time for the genetic improvement different economic traits. The main aim of this book is to compile all the published information on genetic improvement strategies followed in broilers and layers. The first Chapter is the general introduction about the commercial breeding programmes and improvements made in different economic traits over the decades by them. The second and third Chapters are devoted to the genetic improvement strategies for the broilers and layers respectively. This book is addressed to broad audience and the information presented will provide valuable guidance to scientists and breeders involved in poultry industry. ····· 1036187384

Immunogenetics of Thyroid Diseases

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Provides information regarding methods used in laboratory and interpretation of thyroid function, antibodies, and HLA-class II associations. Provides detailed information about PCR-SSP technique used for HLA genotyping (DNA-based technique). Very informative. How to make use of ELISA, Automated machine, PCR, Electrophoresis, and gel documentation system in clinical chemistry. Useful to all individual, whether a technician or post graduates related to diagnostic methods. ····· 1036188716

The Kenyan Sahiwal cattle and their crossbreds

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The study was conducted to draw together for comparative purposes, empirical measures of performance of Kenya Sahiwal crossbred cattle in different production systems. Two livestock productivity modeling approaches of PRY and Gross Margin analysis were applied. The PRY package was used to obtain herd productivity indices based on demographic parameters and produce related input parameters. Gross Margin analysis computed profitability of different enterprises based on the total monetary value of animal products and the total cost per unit animal per year. The increase in productivity of the Kenya Sahiwal crossbred herds demonstrated that genetic effects can be fully exploited in marginal areas of Kenya by systematic use of crossbreeding systems to achieve a cumulative and permanent genetic improvement in growth potential and milk production. It is important that a robust and efficient breeding programme is developed for sustainable increase of productivity of the crossbreds in the low-input productions systems in Kenya and other areas with similar production circumstances. ····· 1036188733

Cariotipos de Felinos Suramericanos

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La Citogenética, a partir de sus avances en las últimas décadas se ha constituido en una herramienta útil, ya sea en el diagnóstico de varias enfermedades de tipo genético, sino también como método de visualización del genoma como un todo, lo cual permite saber cuál es el estado de la estructura genética de una especie o especies, y la relación entre ellas. La familia Felidae es reconocida por ser una de las más uniformes cromosómicamente. De esta, la mayoría de los felinos suramericanos son los que mayores variables presentan. Por otro lado, las altas presiones tanto humanas como naturales han aislado varias poblaciones de felinos, poniéndolas en riesgo de extinción, lo cual, adicionalmente generaría una mayor diferenciación interespecífica. Por esta razón es necesario planear y ejecutar estrategias de conservación y la citogenética es un elemento indispensable para la toma de decisiones al respecto. ····· 1036190317

Coat Colour Genes, Heat Stress & Helminthes infection among WAD Sheep

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Heat stress and helminth infestation are major constraints to profitable sheep farming in the tropics. H. contortus is a major deadly helminthes which causes great havoc to small ruminant animals in the tropical regions. This work determines the effect of coat colour on Heat stress physiological and haematological parameters among West African Dwarf Sheep. It also determines the response of the different coat colour type of WAD sheep to H. contortus challenge. The study was carried out at in a tropical region . West African Dwarf sheep with different coat colour types (black , brown with extensive white markings, brown mouflon, badger face and black with extensive white markings) were used for the experiment. Badgerface sheep can withstand heat stress while brown sheep can tolerate H. contortus more than other coat colour types.Breeding of black sheep and others with dark pigmentation should be done under intensive care against heat stress. Male sheep can withstand harsh/hot climatic condition better than females. The genetic superiority of brown coat colour should be taken into consideration when designing breeding programmes for genetic resistance against helminthes. ····· 1036198419

Inheritance & Marker Detection for Fertility Restorers in Pigeonpea

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Pigeonpea is an important legume crop of rainfed agriculture system. Despite of concerted research efforts in pigeonpea improvement, stagnated productivity of pigeonpea during last several decades may be accounted to prevalence of various yield constraints and the situation is exacerbated by inadequate availability of genomic resources to undertake any molecular breeding programme. The yield levels remained unchanged despite of high yielding pure varieties released. In this scenario, like many cereal crops the use of hybrid technology in enhancing productivity has a potential. A stable male-sterility system in conjunction with existing natural out-crossing made it possible in pigeonpea. Knowledge of the genetics of male-sterility and fertility restoration behavior of the hybrid systems would have considerable impact on breeding hybrid parents with greater efficiency and it would also permit their rapid back-cross transfer of fertility restoration genes in elite inbred lines. The present study is designed to investigate the genetics of A4 Cytoplasmic-Nuclear Male-Sterility (CMS) system and linking molecular markers with fertility restoration (Fr) in pigeonpea. ····· 1036198718

A phenotypic study of G protein-coupled receptor 30 mutant mice

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Recent studies identified the G protein-coupled receptor 30 (Gpr30) as a potential new estrogen receptor. However, this finding remains still controversial and the physiological role of Gpr30 has not been clarified yet. In order to decipher the role of Gpr30 in vivo, we investigated the phenotype of a Gpr30 mutant mouse line, generated by the insertion of a beta-galactosidase-neomycin cassette into the Gpr30 open reading frame, in a primary and a secondary screen. To confirm the phenotype achieved in this first mouse line, a second one, devoid of any selection marker, was analyzed. Altogether the results achieved may contribute to a better understanding of Gpr30 function in vivo, disproving a role of Gpr30 in body weight regulation, suggesting a role in lipid and muscular metabolism, and providing evidence that Gpr30 may not be required for several estrogen-regulated physiological processes. ····· 1036199095

Inheritance of important traits in bread wheat using diallel analysis

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Bread wheat (Triticum aestivum L. em. Thell) is one of the most important cereal grain crop of the world and is cultivated over a wide range of climatic conditions. For a successful breeding program the inheritance of yield related traits is a pre- requisite. This monograph communicates the inheritance pattern of yield and related traits in bread wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) using 8x8 diallel analyses. Graphical analysis revealed additive gene action for days to heading, days to maturity, plant height, grains per spike, 1000 grains weight and harvest index. While over dominance gene action for flag leaf area, tillers per plant, Spike length and yield per plant. The GCA mean squares were significant for all traits except tiller per plant and yield per plant and were greater than SCA mean squares indicating the preponderance of additive genetic effects. The parents Tkb, Tat, Sarc-3 and SQ- 92 were good general combiners. The parents Tkb , Tat , Sarc-3 and SQ-92 and the specific crosses that showed high mid parent and better parent heterosis are recommended for further use in wheat breeding programmes. ····· 10361101061


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Genetic improvement of Cowpea for yield and seed size

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Cowpea is an important warm-season grain legume. Cowpea has received relatively little attention from a research standpoint. Apart from improvement of specific traits, breaking the yield plateau is the major task. Towards this direction, pooling of yield contributing alleles has reached already saturation and hence requires alternative approach. Recently, it has been realized that morpho-physiological approach as an alternative to address such tasks. The present book highlights the importance of physiological traits such as photosynthetic rate, stomatal conductance, transpiration rate and chlorophyll content in determining the yield indirectly by manipulated sink and source relationship and further, the scope of introgressive hybridization in development of new plant type through transgressive segregants. And also gives highlights regarding breeding approach by selection of parents, generation of transgressive segregants based on heterosis of the population and the selection parameters. This information is of great useful to the researchers and breeders who are willing to work on genetic improvement of crop species through conventional breeding approach. ····· 10361102530

Human STAT1 deficiencies

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The Signal Transducer and Activator of Transcription 1 (STAT1) is activated in response to interferons (IFNs) stimulations. In response to IFN- , STAT1 homodimerizes to form the gamma activating factor (GAF). In response to IFN- , STAT1 heterotrimerizes with STAT2 and ISGF3- to form the interferon sequence gene factor 3 (ISGF3). This work clearly demonstrates the distinct roles of the IFN- -induced-GAF complexes in anti-mycobacterial immunity and of IFN- induced- ISGF3 complexes in the anti-viral immunity in humans at the cellular and clinical levels by different molecular mechanisms. It also highlights the fact that a phenotype depends of the mutation and not only of the affected gene and moreover the importance of the homozygosis or heterozygosis state of the mutation in human genetic diseases. ····· 10361113097

Thee Low-temperature Response of EARLI1 in Arabidopsis

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One approach toward understanding adaptation of plants to their environment is to investigate environmental regulation of gene expression. My focus is on the environmental regulation of EARLI1, which is activated by cold and long-day photoperiods in Arabidopsis thaliana. EARLI1 is a putative secreted protein and has motifs found in lipid transfer proteins. Cold activation of EARLI1 is inhibited in the presence of the calcium channel blocker lanthanum chloride or the calcium chelator EGTA. Addition of the calcium ionophore Bay K8644 results in cold-independent activation of EARLI1. The regulation of EARLI1 was reconstituted using promoter::GUS fusions in transgenic plants to determine the minimal DNA fragment that responds to cold shock. A 100bp region between -1183 and -1085 appears to be sufficient to confer low-temperature induction upon a reporter gene, as assayed by northern hybridization. Within this region are two putative Myc and one Myb transcription factor binding sites. This work is useful to plant developmental and molecular biologists interested in understanding the regulation of genes by abiotic factors. ····· 10361115037

Genetic analysis of seed yield and other attributes in lentil

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The present investigation revealed that the magnitude of additive gene action has been found to be higher for plant height, biological yield per plant, harvest index, protein content and tryptophan content therefore early generation selection by using pedigree method will be useful for the improvement of these traits. However, for days to 50% flowering, days to 75% maturity, fertile nodes per plant, pods per plant, seed yield per plant and 100-seed weight, preponderance of dominance variance was observed which imply that selection should be deferred to later generations by using bulk or bulk-pedigree method of breeding. The promising cross combinations like PL-406 x L-649 can be exploited to develop early maturing genotypes and PL-406 x L-651 could be exploited to develop high yielding cultivar in lentil, whereas Vipasa x L-652, PL-406 x L-354 can be exploited for the improvement of quality traits in lentil ····· 10361115291

Popular DNA Markers and their Applications

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Recent developments in DNA marker technologies have made it possible to uncover a large number of genetic polymorphisms at the DNA sequence level, and to use them as markers for evaluation of the genetic basis for the observed phenotypic variability. The molecular markers possess unique genetic properties and methodological advantages that make them more useful and amenable for genetic analysis compared to other genetic markers The commonly used techniques are allozyme analysis, RFLP, RAPD, AFLP, microsatellite typing, SNP and EST markers, etc. In present book, three DNA markers i.e. microsatellite, mitochondrial DNA and SNPs, along with their application in assessments of genetic variability and inbreeding, parentage assignment, species and strain identification, hybridization and marker assisted selection are discussed in detail. ····· 10361116225

Producción de clones de yuca con raíces de valor comercial elevado

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La yuca, tercera fuente tropical de calorías, ingresó en la economía moderna de mercados, que implica disponibilidad de variedades más productivas, nutritivas, acianogénicas, sin deterioro fisiológico y variantes extremas del almidón. Sin embargo, las variedades mejoradas tradicionales, requieren procesos prolongados debido al ciclo largo y otras características intrínsecas a la genética del cultivo. Estas limitaciones, hacen viable el uso combinado de estrategias biotecnológicas como mutagénesis y mejoramiento, para incrementar la efectividad de la obtención de variedades novedosas para la agroindustria. De igual forma, el desarrollo de poblaciones mutantes ampliará las posibilidades de investigaciones sobre el funcionamiento de la planta de yuca in vivo y la clonación de genes de interés. En la investigación realizada, se identificaron genotipos con raíces de alto valor, rasgos fisiológicos y morfológicos de interés, especialmente del almidón en una población mutante inducida. Se caracterizó morfológicamente la población obtenida a partir de semillas irradiadas y su progenie endocriada, identificando anormalidades morfológicas, propiedades físico químicas de raíz y almidón. ····· 10361116582


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Phalaenopsis, with long arching sprays of flowers, isamong the most beautiful flowers in the world.Phalaenopsis is an important genus and one of themost popular epiphytic monopodial orchids, growncommercially for production of cut flowers and pottedplants. Most of them have different and interestingmorphological characteristics which have differentvalue to the breeders.Phalaenopsis gigantea one of the most difficult togrow and has the potential of producing beautifulhybrids was selected for this study in developing arapid and efficient in vitro propagation technique.Furthermore, Study was carried out using molecularcharacterization through Random Amplified PolymorphicDNA (RAPD) analyses for 20 species of Phalaenopsiswas conducted to determine their genetic relationships. ····· 10361118529

Genetics of Drought Tolerance Traits in Maize.(Zea mays L.)

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The present study pertaining to the estimation of genetic parameters and characters association in forty maize genotypes was conducted in the glasshouse of the Department of Plant Breeding and Genetics, University of Agriculture, Faisalabad, Pakistan during the crop season in February, 2009 at 3 moisture levels 40%, 60% and 100%. The data for various quantitative characters was recorded, statistically analyzed. The experimental material consisted of 40 maize accessions. The path- coefficients were also computed to estimate the contribution of individual characters to the fresh shoot length. Investigations regarding path coefficient showed that fresh root length had maximum direct effect on fresh shoot length at three moisture levels followed by dry root weight, root density, leaf temperature and dry shoot weight at three moisture levels. It was concluded that fresh root length, dry root weight, root density, leaf temperature and dry shoot weight are the characters which contribute largely to fresh shoot length of maize seedlings and selection can be made on the basis of these characters. ····· 10361118765

Genetic Correlations Among some Yield Components in Sugarcane in Kenya

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This study was conducted in three locations in western Kenya to determine phenotypic and genetic correlations among sugarcane yield and its components estimate broad-sense heritabilities and expected genetic gain for sugarcane yield and quality traits among 13 promising sugarcane clones. Genotype × location (G×L) interactions were significant (p 0.01) for stalk length, stalk weight, sucrose content, fibre content, sugar yield, Brix yield and cane yield. Broad sense heritabilities (h2) were high for stalk diameter (0.928), number of millable cane (0.912), single stalk weight (0.907), number of internodes (0.907) and sucrose content (0.712) indicating that selection for these traits would be effective. Cane yield traits, except number of internodes, had low to moderate genetic correlations (rg = -0.299 to 0.586) with cane yield. Genetic correlation between refractometer Brix and sucrose content was high (rg = 0.998) was high. The study suggests that in the preliminary stages of selection, emphasis should be placed on multi-location testing of clones and selection of stalk weight, number of millable cane, Brix yield and sucrose content to improve cane and sugar yield. ····· 10361118862

Toxins as Medicine

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The toxins has a wonderful characteristics & medicinal values from marine sources which can be handy for researchers working on neuro-degenerative diseases.Neurotoxins are the molecules which block the transmission of the nerve impulse. The marine neurotoxins are widely seen in marine worms, sea anemone, cone snails. Neurotoxins act on nerve terminals and block the transmission of the nerve impulse and are thus most poisonous to the prey and human. Some neurotoxins specifically target ion channels, and different receptors. The structures and the various properties were annotated from PubChem and ChemSpider. The user can retrieve the details of neurotoxin, about its source, structure, its target, and the pharmacokinetics studies. The ADME and toxicology property of the marine neurotoxins was predicted using ADMETOX box. It was found that most of the marine neurotoxins were peptide molecules. It was observed that many marine neurotoxins had the potency to treat various diseases like Alzheimer`s, Parkinson`s, epilepsy, certain types of cancer and associated pain relief. ····· 10361119787

Genomics at a Glance (I)

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Genetic marker is any trait representing genetic differences between individual organisms or species. Generally, they do not represent the target genes themselves but act as signs or flags . Genetic markers that are located in close proximity to genes may be referred to as gene tags`. Such markers themselves do not affect the phenotype of the trait of interest because they are located only near or linked to genes controlling the trait. All genetic markers occupy specific genomic positions within chromosomes(like genes) called loci .There are three major types of genetic markers: morphological(also classical or visible ) markers which themselves are phenotypic traits biochemical markers, which include allelic variants of enzymes called isozymes and DNA(or molecular) markers, which reveal sites of variation in DNA.DNA-based markers offer several advantages over traditional phenotypic and biochemical markers. DNA-based markers are less affected by age, physiological condition of samples and environmental factors. DNA based molecular markers have acted as versatile tools have found their own position in various fields like taxonomy, physiology, embryology,etc. ····· 10361133730

Estudio de diversidad genética de una colecciòn mundial de habichuela

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La habichuela, es un tipo comercial de frìjol común (Phaseolus vulgaris, L) producto de una selección intensiva hacia la suculencia de la vaina, ausencia de dehiscencia, semilla pequeña y aplanada. Existe controversia, con respecto al efecto de este segundo efecto fundador ejercido al frìjol en los centros secundarios de domesticación, sobre la arquitectura genética de los actuales cultivares de habichuela. Se considera, que los problemas actuales del cultivo como baja tolerancia a estreses bióticos y abióticos, están relacionados con la base genética estrecha de las variedades comerciales y la dificultad de obtener nuevas variedades tolerantes, a partir de cruzamientos con genotipos rùsticos de frìjol debido a la ruptura en la progenie del complejo de ligamiento que le confiere a la vaina sus características comerciales. Se evaluò por descriptores morfológicos y bioquímicos, una colección mundial de habichuela del CIAT- Colombia, con el fin de cuantificar la diversidad genética existente, identificar accesiones promisorias para el mercado global, con miras a contribuir al fortalecimiento de programas de premejoramiento en países productores o consumidores de la habichuela. ····· 10361136122

Fecundación In Vitro en cerdos con semen congelado-descongelado

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Se realizaron 5 experimentos de fecundación in vitro (FIV) con semen congelado de cerdo. Primero, se estudió el efecto de las fases previas y de post-congelación del semen de verraco en pajuelas de 5 ml sobre la capacidad de FIV. El 2º experimento consistió en ver el efecto de la temperatura final de descongelación del semen sobre la capacidad FIV. En el 3º, se buscó el efecto del tamaño de las pajuelas, sobre la cap. de FIV. En el 4º experimento, se determinó el efecto de la congelación del semen sobre el grado de condensación de la cromatina nuclear y la cap. de FIV. Por último, en el 5º, se evaluó el efecto de conservación del semen descongelado a 15 C, almacenado en pajuelas de 0.5 y 5 ml las pajuelas se mantuvieron a 15 C durante 5 hs y los parámetros de FIV se compararon con los obtenidos al inicio de la conservación (0 horas). Los estudios realizados aquí aportan nuevos datos que contribuyen a la optimización del proceso de congelación y descongelación del semen de verraco. Estos resultados indican que, aunque la fase previa reduce la cap. fecundante, son fundamentalmente los procesos de congelación y descongelación los que reducen los índices de fecundación. ····· 10361137306

Association of Carcinogen Metabolizing Genes With Head & Neck Cancer

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Head and neck cancer is increasing at an alarming rate and the exact reason of this dramatic increase has still not been revealed. This books gives an overview of few genes that are found to be associated with cancer initiation. The results of the research are very helpful in designing a gene therapy or even a diagnostic test. Normal healthy individuals can go for genetic screening and be aware of the genetic status for cancer initiation. The book is very helpful for scientists as new methodologies have been introduced that are cost effective and time saving. ····· 10361146583

Genetic diversity of Fagus orientalis Lipsky in Iran II

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Among the broad-leaved temperate forests of the northern hemisphere, Iran s Hyrcanian forests are very particular. Pure and mixed beech forests are the most important elements of this ecosystem, making up the richest and the most beautiful forests of Iran. Beech forests represent about 18 % of Hyrcanian forests surface and form about 30 % of forest trees volume in Iran, which forms the most valuable stands in Hyrcanian zone and allocate the most rate of timber production in Iran. The two main technical reasons for decline of beech in these forests are unsuitable harvesting methods during the last 40 years and lack of forest protection. There is an urgent need to improve conservation of this tree species through better forest management, with the aim of both genetic resource conservation and high quality timber production. This book provides important information for the delineation of genetically homogeneous regions, useful for provenance identification and seed-lots certification. Addressing the above issues is a basic step for providing the genetic baseline to establish both in situ and ex situ conservation priorities and breeding strategies for any species in Hyrcanian forests. ····· 10361146678

Monograph on Genomics of Ageing Gene-Sirt1

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Ageing is a syndrome of changes that are deleterious, progressive, universal & thus irreversible. SIRT1 gene is a candidate gene, involved in ageing process. The SIRT1 gene, whose activity is modified by the body`s metabolic state & was previously known to help control the process of ageing and extend the lifespan of humans, also plays a key role in regulating the internal clock. This important discovery helps to explain how the body regulates essential functions such as hormone production, body temperature & blood pressure, & may eventually lead to drugs to combat metabolic disorders, obesity or diabetes. SIRT1 gene codes for the protein SIRTUINS . By using Bioinformatics Tools & Softwares Exons, Introns, SNPs & RFLPs of SIRT1 were predicted. SNPs are consequently important in understanding human health. Information related to functional SNPs in candidate disease genes is critical for cost effective genetic association studies, which attempt to understand the genetics of complex diseases. The 3D structure of Sirtuin was modeled & Docked with suitable ligands. The SIRT1 activation study helps in medical application for developing SIRT1 activating drugs for ageing problems. ····· 10361147328

Chromosome Rearrangement Breakpoint Hot Spots in Humans

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Chromosomes in humans occasionally break and an exchange, inversion or other more complex rearrangement of the broken pieces can occur. If the breakage causes no damage to essential gene function, and if no overall loss of chromosome material takes place, these rearrangements can remain undetected in healthy carriers. Problems occur when cell division, involving rearranged chromosomes in the germ line, leads to an unbalanced distribution of chromosomal material in the resulting gametes. Depending on how much chromosomal material is involved, the imbalance can cause fertility problems to severe birth defects in the offspring. This book describes a study attempting to identify hot spots for breakage on human chromosomes, in a search for clues to the origin of constitutional chromosome rearrangements. Identifying true hot spots is complicated by ascertainment bias which comes about frequently due to the often severe phenotypic manifestations of chromosome rearrangements. Through accounting for the various sources of bias, a number of candidates for constitutional chromosome rearrangement hot spots are identified. ····· 10361116234

GWAS of Major Depressive Disorder and its Related Phenotypes

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Major Depressive Disorder (MDD) is a complex and chronic disease that ranks fourth as cause of disability worldwide. Thirteen to 14 million adults in the U.S. are believed to have MDD and an estimated 75% attempt suicide making MDD a major public health problem. Recently several genome-wide association (GWA) studies of MDD have been reported however, few GWA studies focus on the analysis for MDD related phenotypes such as neuroticism and age at onset of MDD. The purpose of this study was to determine risk factors for MDD, identify genome-wide genetic variants affecting neuroticism and age at onset as quantitative traits, and detect gender differences influencing neuroticism. This study confirmed previous findings that MDD is associated with an increased prevalence in women (about 43% more compared to men) and is highly heritable among first degree relatives. Several novel genetic loci were identified to be associated with neuroticism and age at onset. Gender differences were found in genetic influence of neuroticism. These findings offer the potential for new insights into the pathogenesis of MDD. ····· 10361132960

Interplay between DNA replication and repair

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DNA replication complexes assembled at origins of replication are intrinsically highly processive. However, their progression is often hindered by lesions in or on the DNA. There is growing evidence that RNA polymerase stalled itself at a lesion in the template strand is a major obstacle, especially in UV-irradiated cells. The data presented in this book provide information and propose model on how modulation of RNA polymerase activity might enable UV-irradiated cells lacking RuvABC to overcome obstacles caused by the stalling of RNA polymerases at UV-induced DNA lesions. The proposed model for replication restart relies on PriA protein, but does not require RecBCD and thus does not proceed via recombination and Holliday junction resolution or even via processing of a DNA end by RecBCD. However, it does require the UvrABC excision repair pathway and RecG protein. The book describes studies indicating that in rpo cells, replication forks may run directly into lesions in DNA rather than into RNA polymerase stalled at lesions, and that this leads to direct fork rescue without recombination with the aid of SOS induction, which increases excision repair to remove lesions at other sites. ····· 10361455

Anti mitotic polyclonal antibodies for mitotic inhibition

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The sequence of cell cycle events is governed by an array of proteins which regulates the essential process of cell division. The present study involved extraction of proteins from interphase and mitotic CHO cells, their purification and characterization by protein profiling and estimation of protein concentration. Protein profiling by SDS PAGE confirmed the presence of proteins unique to mitotic extracts with particular reference to a protein of molecular weight ~ 38 kDa . The study also focused on generating polyclonal antibodies against CHO cytosolic mitotic extract, testing their reactivity and employing them to mediate mitotic inhibition. Inhibition of mitosis was observed in a dose dependent manner. The results of the evaluation of homogeneity of cytosolic protein antigens tested by a combination of precipitation reactions in extracted protein solutions and also in situ whole cells by immunofluorescence confirmed that the reactivity of the antiserum was restricted to protein antigens of cancerous cell lines(CHO, Vero and HeLa) and that extracts from normal cells(lymphocytes) failed to react with the same. ····· 1036119823

Epigenetic Inheritance of DNA Methylation Patterns

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Proper inheritance of DNA methylation patterns during cell division is critical for preserving cellular identity and preventing malignant cellular transformation. In humans, DNA methylation patterns are established during development and then maintained through multiple somatic cell divisions by co-operative activity of the de novo and maintenance DNA methyltransferases - DNMT3A/3B and DNMT1, respectively. A key question that remained unresolved is how the de novo DNMT3A/3B enzymes assist in faithful inheritance of methylation patterns in somatic cells while guarding against aberrant de novo DNA methylation. This study revealed a novel self-regulatory inheritance mechanism where DNMT3A/3B remain bound to nucleosomes containing methylated DNA, which stabilizes these proteins and enables faithful propagation of DNA methylation within the methylated domains through cooperative activity of DNMT3A/3B and DNMT1 enzymes. Such a mechanism not only ensures faithful somatic propagation of methylated states but also prevents aberrant de novo methylation by causing degradation of free DNMT3A/3B enzymes. ····· 1036124992

Malaria Transmission Blocking Vaccine Candidate in Iran

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More than a century after discovery of malaria transmission by Anopheles mosquitoes, it is still important vector born disease. P. vivax is the main cause of malaria in Iran that transmitted in north and south of Iran by different Anopheline vector species. A large reduction in the burden of malaria has recently been achieved in Iran following the scaling up of effective treatment and vector control programmes. These achievements question the need for a partially effective malaria vaccine targeted at disease prevention. Different genes from several parts of the life cycle of Iranian malaria parasites and their Anopheles vectors are already characterized and also have been challenged or are in challenging process. Ookinete secreted protein, PvWARP, is candidate as malaria Transmission Blocking Vaccines (TBVs). Recently, we have tested the mice raised polyclonal anti-PvWARP in field condition by using Anopheles-Plasmodium model. This is the first study on malaria TBV in the country and WHO/EMRO region. The out coming results of this study showed that anti-PvWARP could be useful as regional malaria TBV candidate in assisting malaria elimination program. ····· 1036125011

E.coli: Molecular phylogeny and pathogenicity islands

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Phylogeny is the study of evolutionary relatedness among various groups of organism. Molecular phylogeny has also revealed that horizontal transfer plays an important and unexpected role in evolution. Phylogenetic analysis has shown that E. coli strains fall into four main phylogenetic groups (A, B1, B2,and D). the phylogeny groups of E. coli are distributed into intestinal and extraintestinal. There are three markers used in the phylogenetic analysis of E. coli as follows:- chuA, yjaA, and TspE4.C2. The presence of pathogenicity islands is one of the most indicator of the possession of E. coli of virulence factors. Pathogenicity of E. coli has been correlated with the presence of gene encoding for one or more virulence factors including (adhesins P and S fimbriae), iron acquisition systems (e.g., aerobactin), and toxin (e.g., hemolysin). ····· 1036125423

Inheritance In Tomato

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Tomato being a classical experimental material because of its self pollinated nature easy in crossing with other varieties, large number of seeds/fruit, easily grown under varied climatic conditions and large number of mutable loci, has been given little attention towards its genetic improvement especially for quality traits. Very high degree heterosis for yield, its components and quality characters has been reported. Study of genetic diversity among the existing genetic stocks provides an opportunity for selecting the diverse parents for the hybridization. The genetics of yield, its components and quality characters are of great significance in designing and execution of appropriate breeding programme. The present manuscript was written to achieve the following objectives:- 1.To estimate the heterosis, general combining ability, specific combining ability effects of the parents and their hybrids. 2.To estimate the components of variance for various characters. 3.To study correlation and path analysis for yield, its components and quality traits. ····· 1036187076

Assessment of Genetic Analysis of Allium molecular markers

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The advent of DNA marker technology has revolutionized the field of genetics. Although phenotypic or morphological markers and later isozyme (protein) markers have dominated the field of classical genetics for more than a century, the introduction of DNA-based markers during the second half of twentieth century changed the pace and precision of genetic analysis. Plant improvement work which is generally based on the breeding and progeny testing followed by selection of the desired traits, at present could not produce the desired results. Thus, the need arises to have an alternative method for the evaluation of the genetic structure of the plant species. The molecular markers offer alternatives to conventional germplasm improvement techniques. Molecular techniques used to identify genetic variation in plant populations may result in the recognition of new taxa or varieties and at the same time provide the tools for their identification. Many opportunities of using biotechnology in plant breeding have been identified, most of which have application to the urgent problems of the improvement of medicinal plants. ····· 1036191529

Genetics of Rice Under Normal and Water Stress Conditions

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These studies presence of sufficient exploitable genetic variability for various yield related traits among the rice genotypes. A good number of rice genotypes were screened and identified on the basis of various morphological, physiological and molecular studies, that would be used in the development of F1 hybrid seed. The genotypes CB-17, CB-32 and Basmati-198 were good general combiners for productive tillers per plant, primary branches per panicle and yield per plant, especially under water stress condition and also gave specific cross combinations for good yield and yield related traits. The crosses productive tillers per plant (Basmati-198 x CB-17), seeds per panicle (Basmati-2000 x CB-42, Basmati-198 x CB-14), 1000 seed weight (Basmati-2000 x CB-32, CB-42 x CB-32) and yield per plant (CB-32 x CB-14) sowed promising results for yield and yield related traits. Thus these hybrids could be used as such or further selection could made to develop high yielding rice genotypes suitable for cultivation under water stress condition. Over all this book will provide the information the breeders, geneticist, researchers and students related to genetic study of the rice crop. ····· 10361100244

Apolipoprotein E Polymorphism in Indian Populations

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Introduction: Physical Anthropologists for the fast two decades besides their research in understanding human evolution and variation, they are also interested in epidemiological and genetic epidemiological investigations. Hence the present volume is focused on the genetic variation at apolipoprotein E (apo E) locus among the Indian populations and to find its effects on the cholesterol and HDL cholesterol levels, the risk factors for cardiovascular disease (CVD) to assess the susceptibility to CVD. Abstract: Apolipoprotein (apo) E polymorphism was determined among the two Indian populations.The allele frequencies of the apo E polymorphism of the Indian sample are compared with other world populations. The effect of apo E polymorphism was examined on two quantitative traits, total cholesterol and HDL cholesterol. Target Group: Post Graduates and Researchers. ····· 10361100337

Multi-drug Resistance Gene Polymorphisms in Malay Leukemic Patients

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The most frequent single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) of MDR1 gene (in exons 12, 21 and 26) were reported to contribute to the drug resistance in many tumors. The main objectives of this study were to establish the feasible tools for screening of these three most frequent polymorphisms and to investigate the distribution of these polymorphisms in Malay leukemic patients. DNA samples were collected from Malay patients diagnosed as leukemia was subjected to dHPLC and RFLP analyses. From the results, 25 (25.7%) of the patients showed heterozygous mutation, 7 (6.7%) wild type, while 2 (1.9%) showed homozygous mutation. There was a significant difference in the distribution of polymorphisms between exons 21 and 26 (p0.05). Based on PCR-RFLP assays, there were 93.2%, 96.1% and 100% of common polymorphisms detected in exons 12, 21 and 26, respectively. The association studies to investigate the clinical implications of the distribution of these polymorphisms especially in the response of treatment in these patients should be carried out in the future in order to establish personalized treatment for Malay patients with leukemia. ····· 10361102913

Genetic aspects of carcass composition and meat quality in sheep

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This book explores genetic aspects of carcass and sheep meat quality traits and considers future options to improve meat quality.The focus is to breed for improved meat quality,as consumers require leaner meat,less fat and consistent quality.Therefore,traits determining product quality are carcass composition and meat quality. Meat quality traits pose particular problems for improvement,as direct measurements require the destruction of the animal.Muscle quality is considered to be difficult to measure in the live animal.Hence,this book investigated the use of in vivo composition traits to predict meat quality. Additionally,it investigated opportunities for genetically improving meat and carcass quality by using in vivo predictor traits and quantitative trait loci.There is no published information available on genetic correlations between carcass traits, assessed by Computer Tomography,and meat quality traits in any species.This study detected significant genomic approaches for traits related to carcass and meat quality.This book provided considerable novel information of the genetic control of sheep meat quality traits. ····· 10361113006

Molecular and Genetic Analysis of Asian Wheat

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The result of the analysis of morphological, isozyme, RAPD and other PCR based molecular marker have been report to survey the genetic diversity among bread wheat germplasm collected from various geographical regions. Transmission of wheat to Asia through three routes was traced out by the analysis of Asian wheat landraces with isozyme and RAPD, and it was suggested that Asian wheat could be divided into at least three lineage. Quality related genes of wheat is genetically and geographically differentiated, alleles (HMW, LMW, puroindoline and waxy ) are geographically distributed. Some unique alleles are found in this study could be utilized to improve the quality of wheat proteins. ····· 10361113876

Exploring the Mechanism of Biological Evolution

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DNA and protein evolution is the cornerstone of modern biology. In order to form a new integrated theory, the study incorporates many factors: (1) the large-scale random unequal crossover in eukaryote meiosis have fueled spliceosomal introns, which results in that introns are very common in eukaryotes but very less in prokaryotes (2) DNA evolution proceeds through two ways: C-to-T (caused by DNA methyltransferase, which mainly existed in vertebrates) and A-to-G substitution (which increased linearly with the A/G gradient) (3) the trend of protein evolution is controlled by the simple trend of coding-DNA evolution. Cys increases in the all species during protein evolution (4) S. thermophilus is tested to be resistant to most current antibiotics due to horizontal gene transfer (5) DNA methyltransferase is considered to affect protein evolution, which will promote various cancers prevalence, thus an enzyme inhibitor could be a potential candidate for cancer therapy (6) Meanwhile, multibase site-directed mutagenesis, heterogeneous DNA transformation and species selection are studied for exploring evolution. ····· 10361114578

DNA Fingerprinting of Trees and Genetic Diversity of Syzygium cumini

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Genetic diversity remains the fundamental step for plant improvement in era of genomics. Understanding how diversity is structured is not only a prerequisite for systematic sampling of the germplasm but also helps in designing suitable conservation strategies. Syzygium cumini (Black Berry) is a large evergreen multipurpose tree of family Myrtaceae. The tree which is native to India thrives easily in tropical climate and is found in many parts of Asia and Eastern Africa. S. cumini is widely used world wide in treatment of diabetes. This work demonstrated how genetic diversity is structured in Syzygium populations. This book shows how dominant markers (RAPD and ISSR) could be used for tree species in population genetic analysis. Apart from genetic analysis, phytochemical variations have been studied together as a tool for authentication of germplasm and biodiversity evaluation. ····· 10361114768

regulation of 5-HT1A receptor gene

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The serotonin 1A receptor (5-HT) is expressed presynaptically on raphe neurons and works as an inhibitory autoreceptor. It is also expressed postsynaptically in limbic and cortical areas involved in mood and emotional regulation. Alteration in expression and function of 5-HT 1A receptors is believed play an important role in etiopathology and treatment of mood disorders such as major depression. Here in this book we reviewed transcriptional regulation of 5-HT1A receptor gene and introduced a novel regulator which acts on expression of 5-HT1A receptor postsynaptically. ····· 10361115974


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La poliposis asociada al gen MUTYH constituye un nuevo síndrome de herencia autosómica recesiva que predispone a los adenomas colorrectales y al cáncer colorrectal. La penetrancia de esta enfermedad, sus manifestaciones extracolónicas, el fenotipo de los heterocigotos, el tratamiento más adecuado y la posible existencia de alteraciones en otros componentes del sistema de reparación del ADN por escisión de bases son importantes aspectos aún por dilucidar que pueden tener implicaciones en el asesoramiento genético, screening y manejo de los pacientes y sus familias. Éste es el primer estudio en población española que pretende describir la frecuencia y naturaleza de mutaciones germinales en el gen MUTYH de la población española afecta de poliposis colorrectal y en la población sana. Así mismo, se intenta explicar la relación fenotipo-genotipo de los individuos afectos y la importancia de la heterocigosidad en el desarrollo de la enfermedad. ····· 10361117110

Genetic Transformation of Sugarcane: Method and Application

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Traditional plant breeding techniques, together with chemical, biotechnological approaches, have been extensively used to increase crop yields which are more productive and resistant to diseases and pathogens. However, conventional breeding is a lengthy process. Incorporation of desired gene(s) from foreign source is the prime needs to overcome the bottleneck. Genetic transformation of sugarcane deserve the due research attention for the purpose. Agrobacterium- mediated genetic transformation in differents sugarcane varieties and regeneration of plantlets from transformed explants were discussed. The transformation efficiency in callus, organogenic pre-treated callus and meristematic spindle leaf segments at different infection time by five Agrobacterium strains containing GUS marker gene and Stress resistance genes (CIPK, CBL and Gly1) were explained. PCR based confirmation of GUS reporter gene was done using DNA isolated from plantlets regenerated from transformed explants. Phenotypic expression of resistance genes also explained with the different regeneration medium containing selective stresses. ····· 10361117923

Genotoxicological Evaluation of Some Heavy Metals in Fish

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Life without water can not exist and pollution of this vital fluid by heavy metals affects life precisely. They cause heavy mortality when present in lethal concentrations, however, when present in sub-lethal concentrations they exert undesirable alterations in genetic content of a living cell. Aquatic animals can be used as sentinel species for the evaluation of genotoxic potential of chemicals in the environment and their risk to human health. Fishes play a major role in the flow of energy in aquatic ecosystems and constitute an important part of the human diet. They can be used as a very sensitive indicator for the monitoring of environmental mutagens and carcinogens. Present study finds its relevance in the above context by revealing the fact that heavy metal pollutant, viz. Cr, Hg, As and Cu by virtue of their presence in aquatic habitats not only adversely alter physico-chemical profile of water but also damage genetic profile of the fish model, C. punctatus. Thus, posing a threat for the loss of fish diversity, a potent food resource in present circumstances as well as days to come. ····· 10361118506

Cytogenetic and Biochemical Findings in Digestive Diseases

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Advances in medicine in the first part of the last century paved way for the control of diseases due to infection and malnutrition. In the last 50 years, interest has turned increasingly to the study of genetics in relation to medicine. It has been realised that many prevalent diseases are partly determined by genetic factors. This research was focused on the conceptual and empirical analysis of the predominant cancerous and non-cancerous lesions of the digestive system in patients attending a Gastrointestinal tertiary care hospital in the city of Coimbatore in South India. Characteristic and random chromosomal alterations associated with several cancerous and non-cancerous lesions of the Gastrointestinal Tract (GIT) and accessory organs have been identified. Many gastrointestinal diseases are associated with distinct patterns of biochemical shifts. The study portrays the pattern of haemato-biochemical alterations in diseases of the digestive system. The cytogenetic findings may provide important clues and help foresee the potential malignancy of a benign lesion. ····· 10361119195

Lamellidens corrianus: A pearl Producing Bivalve

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Pearl was discovered by man of the earliest civilization even before 3500 B.C. Hence from early civilization, pearl is considered as one of the precious gem obtained mainly from water. The major Indian pearl producing freshwater species are Lamellidens corrianus, Lamellidens marginallis, Perreysia corrugate. These species are widely distributed in ponds and large bodies of perennial waters of Indian subcontinent. A rapid progress has been made in freshwater pearl culture. Biochemical and molecular markers like Isozymes, RFLPs, RAPDs, Microarrays and DNA sequences help in investigating genetic variation, inbreeding, parentage assignments, species and strain identification and construction of high resolution genetic maps of important aquaculture species. An attempt is made to study the intra and inter genetic similarities/ variations in the bivalve L. corrianus from various water bodies using some of the above mentioned markers- Isozymes, RAPD and DNA sequences. ····· 10361131778

Microsatellite Instability within Fragile Sites in the Rat Genome

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Toxic heavy metals in air, soil, and water are global problems that are a growing threat to all living kinds in the environment. Exposure to toxic heavy metals can result in cytotoxic, carcinogenic and mutagenic effects. Mutagenesis is an indicative of genetic instability and can be assayed using microsatellite instability (MSI). The aim of the present study is to investigate based on the rat model, the effects of oral acute and sub-chronic doses of four heavy metals (cadmium chloride, lead acetate trihydrate, arsenic trioxide and copper sulphate pentahydrate)on microsatellite instability at D6mit3, D9mit2 and D15Mgh1 loci, which are located in three different common fragile sites (6q21, 9q32-q33 and 15p14, respectively), within rat genome. In the acute and sub-chronic studies, the MSI were observed in the three studied loci and was in the form of addition or deletion of base pair nucleotides. These finding may indicate the sensitivity of microsatellite sequences located at the fragile sites and the sensitivity of the simple sequence repeats (SSRs) assay for the detection of small variations in DNA sequence. ····· 10361131861

Genetic diversity of Fagus orientalis Lipsky in Iran

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Among the broad-leaved temperate forests of the northern hemisphere, Iran s Hyrcanian forests are very particular. The Hyrcanian forest ecosystem is considered to be one of the last remnants of natural deciduous forest in the world. In this area beech survived intense climate and geological changes during the Quaternary, which occurred despite the fact that this area was not covered by ice and therefore was only indirectly influenced by the glaciations. Hyrcanian commercial forests in Iran were nationalized in 1963. Since then, the area has declined significantly from 3.4 to less than 1.3 million ha in 2002. The two main technical reasons for the failure of this system in these forests are unsuitable harvesting methods during the last 40 years and lack of forest protection. There is an urgent need to improve conservation of this tree species through better forest management, with the aim of both genetic resource conservation and high quality timber production. This book provides basic information on gene conservation and management of beech forests, by studying the genetic diversity within and among populations/regions and shed light on the history of beech in Iran. ····· 10361132950

Novel methods for the visualization of gene expression patterns

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Most of cells in a given body have the same base template of DNA. This fact begs the question: How do different cell types come into existence Years of research have shown that the answer to this question is differential gene expression. Based on innate tendencies, or environmental effects to which a cell or group of cells is subject to, it is able to `turn up` or `turn down` the expression of genes in a systematic manner to yield a phenotype that is amenable to its intended function. In this work, we examine the effects of chromatin on changes in the patterns of gene expression on a multi-cellular scale, and also examine gene expression patterns on the single cell level in an array of different cell types. We take a different approach to the representation of the unique patterns of gene expression found within each of the cell(s) examined, making the identification of a given cell type more facile upon visual examination ····· 10361133801

Systems Biology Approaches in Infectious Diseases

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Epidemiological and genetic studies showed that severity of invasive group A streptococcal (GAS) sepsis is influenced by interactions of genetic factors of both bacteria and host. Systems biology approaches presented shed light on host mechanisms of differential response to invasive GAS sepsis. Using genome-wide association studies, we found association between differential susceptibility to GAS sepsis and quantitative trait loci (QTL) on mouse Chr 2 and X. Genes within these QTLs were prioritized based on bioinformatics and qPCR to explore mechanisms of host differential susceptibility. Collectively, data suggested that prostaglandin and interleukin 1 signaling pathways act as key modulators of a network of genes involved in immune responses to GAS sepsis. In addition, genome-wide transcriptome studies showed that pathways involving activation of interleukin 10 production and signaling are likely to be associated with resistance to infection. Despite differences between mouse and human immune systems, systems biology approaches results using mice corresponded well with results obtained from human studies demonstrating the power of this approach and better translation to humans. ····· 10361146898

Clonación y caracterización del antígeno celular porcino CD47

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Esta Tesis se presenta la identificación y clonación del ADNc que codifica para el homólogo porcino de la proteína asociada a integrina (IAP o CD47), la localización cromosómica del gen correspondiente y la caracterización funcional de dicha molécula. Se generó una sonda molecular específica y el rastreo de una genoteca de ADNc de músculo liso de aorta de cerdo identificó siete clones conteniendo todos ellos secuencias idénticas. Los clones comprendían una fase abierta de lectura que codificaba un péptido señal putativo de 18 aminoácidos, una secuencia de 122 aminoácidos correspondiente a un dominio extracelular de tipo inmunoglobulina variable (IgV) seguida por una región de 147 aminoácidos conteniendo cinco dominios que atraviesan la membrana y una cola citoplásmica de 16 aminoácidos. El CD47 porcino se expresaba de modo estable en las células CHO transfectadas y se unía a Trombospondina humana (TSP). El anticuerpo BRIC-126, anti-CD47 humano, inhibía la unión de plaquetas y de células transfectadas con CD47 a TSP humana y a fibrinógeno porcino, en tanto que no tenía efecto alguno sobre las células CHO control.CD47 se localiza en la región q42-(1/2q46) del cromosoma 13. ····· 103611566

Caracterización de semillas de amaranto sometidas a estrés abiótico

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El aprovechamiento del amaranto es integral por sus características agronómicas e industriales, se usa como grano, verdura o forraje. El principal objetivo de este cultivo es la producción de semilla, cuyo rendimiento está determinado por el genotipo, manejo del cultivo, condiciones ecológicas, resistencia a sequía, plagas y a su adaptación en diferentes tipos de climas y suelo. La calidad de semilla es trascendental para los agricultores y para la industria semillera, ya que una semilla de alta calidad es un factor determinante en la elaboración de un producto vinculado a la producción. El grano de amaranto contiene un alto contenido de proteínas, almidón y de aminoácidos esenciales como la L-lisina. El aceite es de excelente calidad y no contiene colesterol, tiene altos niveles de ácido linoleico. En este trabajo se caracterizaron seis fenotipos de amaranto (A. hypochondriacus L.), que actualmente se consideran adaptables y de alta productividad en la parte alta de México mediante los patrones de germinación, velocidad de germinación y emergencia de semilla sometida a estrés en presencia de herbicidas, ácido salicílico y compuestos análogos, sulfato de cobre y carencia de hierro. ····· 10361137472

Genetic and Environmental Risk Factors Associated with Type 2 Diabetes

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Diabetes mellitus (DM) is a heterogeneous disorder resulting from an interaction of numerous genetic and environmental factors. It is a disease that has strong clustering in families and has genetic component. Current study was aimed to determine familial clustering, inheritance pattern and the influence of consanguineous marriages on the aggregation of type 2 diabetes mellitus in a sample population of Balouch community. Study was further extended towards the estimation of antioxidant enzyme activities and lipid peroxidation in diabetic subjects in Balouch and Punjabi community. Lipid peroxidation product of thiobarbituric acid compound (malondialdehyde MDA) was used as indicator of membrane damage while levels of antioxidant enzymes were considered as markers for vascular injury. In conclusion, Family history index was found to be a useful parameter used to measure the risk for developing type 2 DM. Consanguinity plays an important role in the aggregation of type 2 DM in families having diabetic subjects. Offsprings and siblings of type 2 DM patients have a greater risk to developing diabetes at any time during their life span. ····· 1036186669

Genetic characterization of wheat under water stress

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Water stress is one of the most significant factors among abiotic stresses that limit performance growth and productivity of crops. Among local hexaploid wheat, Rawal-87 performed well and also indicated lower SSI, TOL and MP values and higher value of YSI under all water stresses and can be considered as a tolerant variety. Bread wheat advanced lines CIM-47 and CIM-50 were the most tolerant genotypes against water stress and also showed lowest SSI,TOL and MP with high YSI values. It may therefore, be concluded that these genotypes have the potential of stress tolerance. Considering the biochemical parameters, minimum MDA contents with higher POD activity has been found in Rawal-87, Chakwal-86 and Pak-81 when stress was imposed at different irrigation levels. CIM-47, CIM-49 and NR-234 showed minimum levels of MDA with increased POD activity under different stress conditions and are considered as tolerant genotypes. Higher sugar contents have been noticed in genotypes CIM-47, CIM-51, NR-234, NR-241 and NR-264. These results led to conclude that higher reducing sugar content in tolerant genotype could be use as a distinguishing parameter. ····· 10361375


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Cytogenetics is a branch of genetics that is concerned with the study of the structure and function of the cell, especially the chromosomes. It includes routine analysis of G-Banded chromosomes, other cytogenetic banding techniques, as well as molecular cytogenetics such as fluorescent in situ hybridization (FISH) and comparative genomic hybridization (CGH). The world has witnessed extraordinary advances in science over the last few decades. Biotechnology one such area of growth is a term covering a broad range of scientific activities used in many sectors, such as food, health and agriculture. It involves the use of living organisms or parts of living organisms to provide new methods of production and the making of new products. Cytogenetics is also defined as the study of chromosomes and how changes in their structure and number can relate to disease. Cytogenetic tests are often used in the diagnosis of genetic diseases and in prenatal diagnosis. The two major techniques used in cytogenetics are karyotyping and fluorescent in situ hybridization (FISH). ····· 10361407

Agricultural Biotechnology and Genetic Engineering

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Biotechnology, or biotech for short, refers to the application of biological research techniques to develop products and processes using biological systems, living organisms, or derivatives of organisms. Biotech processes have been used for thousands of years, yet the industry we know today is scarcely more than a quarter century old. Bread, cheese and beer all products made from microorganisms have been part of the human diet for 6,000 years. But it was not until the 1970s that scientists began to apply components of these microorganisms at the molecular level to solve human problems in spheres ranging from medicine to agriculture and industry. Due to this breadth of applications, the term biotechnology gradually gave way to the more accurate biotechnologies or a collection of techniques that apply cellular and molecular characteristics and processes to solve human problems. Such techniques are applied at the molecular level and include genetic manipulation, gene transfer, DNA typing and cloning or microorganisms, plants and animals. Biotech products or biologics as they are sometimes called, thus originate from living organisms bacteria, cells or animals. ····· 103613176

High Molecular Weight Glutenins and Isozymes

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High molecular weight glutenin subunits are the key factors that influence bread making quality of common wheat. A number of HMW glutenin subunits have been detected using SDS-PAGE within each locus i.e. Glu-A1, Glu-B1 and Glu-D1 in common wheat. Particularly, alleles encoding the HMW glutenin subunits are associated with different dough properties of wheat. Of these, the allelic variation at the Glu-D1 locus has a particularly strong effect. Current study was undertaken with the main objective to study and characterize a group of synthetic elite genotypes for their high molecular weight glutenin subunit alleles in order to rank these elites for their bread making quality traits. For this, a total of 45 synthetic elites were picked from the elite set of 95 entries released by CIMMYT. ····· 1036118431

Evolution of Cotton Varieties for Salt Affected Soils

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Geometric population growth and declining agricultural land are becoming major concerns for agricultural scientists and policy makers. After more than two decades of experiences and research work, Pakistan is now learning to live with salinity. Development of cotton varieties having good performance for salt-affected soils is one of the prime objectives of the cotton breeding institutions across the globe. Thus, a regular screening of available germplasm is need of the time because of fast spreading saline areas with increasing level of salinity toxicity and deterioration in genetic makeup of already salt tolerant genotypes. The present study was planned with the objectives to screen-out available of cotton germplasm for determining their salt tolerance potential, to check-out the genetical behaviour of F1 cotton genotypes under salt stress and to find out F1 cotton genotypes having high yield potential than existing cultivars.Various biometrical techniques e.g, genetic components of variation, heritability, genetic advance, correlation, path coefficient, heterosis, combining ability, selection index, have been used in present research for selection of salt tolerant genotypes. ····· 1036118612

Genetic variation for disease resistance in rainbow trout

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Proliferative Kidney Disease (PKD) caused by the Malacosporean parasite Tetracapsuloides bryosalmonae, is the most economically damaging disease of British rainbow trout farming, costing the industry in excess of Pds. 2.5 million per annum. With no vaccine or prophylactic treatment available, and only management techniques currently adopted to minimise the stress and mortality associated with the disease, the research undertaken within this book addresses a potential alternative approach selective breeding. The book will explain the investigation undertaken to identify that selective breeding for PKD resistance is possible, and how the level of additive genetic variation was calculated, allowing estimates of heritability to be documented for commercial strains of rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss). ····· 1036119913

Genetic Diversity Analysis in Fagopyrum tataricum by Molecular Markers

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Tarter buckwheat (Fagopyrum tataricum Gaertn, Polygonaceae) is a crop of dietary benefits beause of their active component rutin along with other nutritional components. In ancient time it was underutilized crop but at the present time tarter buckwheat must be further evaluated for its contribution to diversifying cropping systems, enhancing human nutrition, and contributing to National economies. Detection and analysis of genetic variation can help us to understand the molecular basis of various biological phenomena in plants. Since the entire plant kingdom cannot be covered under sequencing projects, molecular markers and their correlation to phenotypes provide us with requisite landmarks for elucidation of genetic variation. Genetic or DNA based marker techniques such as RFLP (restriction fragment length polymorphism), RAPD (random amplified polymorphic DNA), SSR (simple sequence repeats) and AFLP (amplified fragment length polymorphism) are routinely being used in ecological, evolutionary, taxonomical, phylogenic and genetic studies of plant sciences. ····· 1036120467

Bioética e Identidad

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En nuestra sociedad hacen su aparición las técnicas de ADN para identidad y filiación en respuesta a una coyuntura histórica entre los años 1976-83, en función de la búsqueda de hijos de desaparecidos por razones político-ideológicas. A partir de esta demanda, con el correr del tiempo, se han ampliado los motivos de solicitud de estudios de ADN. Y éstos otros motivos son los que intentamos señalar. El presente trabajo es el resultado de una investigación que se interesa, desde la perspectiva bioética, de las características de la población que consulta por estudios de ADN para determinación de identidad y filiaciones biológicas, en su composición y en los motivos principales que conducen a la misma. Se realizó en la ciudad de Mar del Plata (Pcia de Bs. As. Argentina), en una ONG de Genética Humana, que brinda asistencia, y hace docencia e investigación en el tema. Interesó la modalidad de abordaje, profundizando en las estrategias metodológicas del proceso de atención. La finalidad está orientada a incrementar el conocimiento de la problemática, reconocer aspectos conducentes a la optimización del asesoramiento para la toma de decisiones ····· 1036121827

Gene action in single cross hybrids of maize

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Maize is an important cereal crop belonging to family, Poaceae. It is one of the staple food crop and widely cultivated crop throughout the world. It is the only cereal which can be used as food at various stages of its plant development. The potential of heterosis is just beginning to be exploited in developing countries through expansion of hybrid seeds. It has the highest potential of per day carbohydrate productivity. Thus, the father of green revolution, the renowned Nobel Laureate, Dr. Norman E. Borlaug, believes that after the last two decades saw the revolution in rice and wheat, the next few decades will be known as maize era . Shull (1908 and 1911) gave the original concept for production and growing of single cross hybrids. The recent trends even in the developing and under developed countries single cross hybrids are more popular due to their higher yield under favourable environment and uniformity in expression. Hence, there is a greater scope for the exploitation of heterosis through single cross hybrids, than double cross hybrids. ····· 1036125020

Infectious mutagenesis

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This book reviews much of the up-to-gate research literature and the authors` data on the cytogenetic effects of vaccination and some infectious diseases in humans as well as in experimentally treated animals or cellular cultures. All aspects relevant to karyopathology and chromosomal aberrations induced by various infectious agents. Particular attention is paid to the process by which the immune system controls the effects of the infectious mutagens. Special attention is given to the mechanisms of karyopathological changes caused by infectious agents. The book s supplement is included a lot of photographs of various karyopathological aberrations induced by some infectious agents. This book is an ideal reference for genetics, cytologists, medical and biological students, and for all practicing physicians. ····· 1036192556

Genetics of Cowpea

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The book `Genetics of cowpea` is a compilation of research findings on the study of morphological traits of cowpea (Vigna unguiculata [L.] Walp.). The inheritance pattern of some qualitative traits, such as purple pigmentations on the vegetative parts of the plant, flower colour, pod colour, seed colour, shape and texture, plant habit, and number of branches and some quantitative traits, such as days to flower, days to maturity, pod length, peduncle length and seed weight are discussed. These traits exhibited monogenic, digenic and multigenic patterns of inheritance with various types of gene interactions which include dominance, complementarity, epistatis, etc. Some of these coloured parts of the plant showed close association with each other which could either be as a result of pleiotropy or linkage. The literature cited in the text is given at the end of the book. The book will meet the needs of university students, plant breeders and researchers. ····· 1036198242

Gene Pyrmiding in Sugarcane Crop

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The present study has shown the possibility for the production of sugarcane transgenics with red rot resistance. Integration of resistant gene and its stability in the cultivated sugarcane have opened up yet another new method of crop improvement. Through genetic transformation technology it is possible, a variety with high yield and quality which otherwise is lacking in a single character can be improved by the introduction of a specific gene. In India red rot is one of the major fungal disease of sugarcane. Though many varieties with high yield and quality are being developed through conventional methods, due to want of resistance to red rot they could not be released for cultivation. Sugarcane var. Co C671 is one of the important and commercial variety due to its high sucrose content. Hence the present project is focused on the possibility of genes coding for PR proteins defending the fungal diseases imparting red rot resistance in an elite variety through the introduction of genes chitinase, -1,3-glucanase and Dm-AMP1.This would enlighten the possibility of a transgenic approach in sugarcane crop improvement. ····· 1036199195

RNA interference Screens as a Tool for Discovering Gene Function

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Recent advances in the field of RNA interference (RNAi) have enabled researchers to conduct in depth investigations of gene function using RNAi libraries. Our second-generation shRNA libraries consist of over 200,000 short hairpin RNA constructs targeting over 45,000 human and mouse genes modeled after primary miRNA transcripts. Each hairpin is linked to a unique 60 nucleotide identification sequence, which serves as a barcode and allows us to virtually count the number of cells that contain a specific hairpin in a cell population. Small changes in barcode copy number can be monitored through the use of microarray technology. The barcode can be amplified from a cell`s genomic DNA and fluorescently labeled to produce a probe that is hybridized to a microarray. I applied this RNAi barcode screening method in a screen using a complex mixture of 7500 library hairpins in a p53 isogenic HCT 116 colon cancer cells to identify genes that modify sensitivity to a common chemotherapeutic, doxorubicin. This work illustrates the powerful use of RNAi screens to search for genes that synergize with existing therapeutics, and suggests strategies for genetically informed combination therapies. ····· 10361101218

Characterization and diallel analysis of cotton, Tanzania

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Thirty cotton varieties were studied. The objective was to evaluate genotypes through oil content, fatty acids, morphological and molecular characteristics. Statistical procedures were performed using different computer programmes. Stability was analysed using stability measures, (Shukla, Wricke, Lin and Binns, Eberhart and Russell) and the AMMI analysis. Average oil content was 20.23%. Polyunsaturated:saturated fatty acid ratio was 2:1. NTA Varieties NTA93-21 and NTA 93-15 were the best for agronomical characteristics. Genetic distances for morphological analysis ranged from 0.18 to 0.80. AFLP analysis had high genetic similarities. Low genetic similarity was observed on agronomical compared to AFLP markers. Variety NTA 93-21 outperformed others while Super Okra performed poorly for many characteristics. Combining ability indicated significant variation in GCA estimates among parents. Genotypes with positive GCA for yield components exhibited negative GCA for fibre quality. Positive heterosis for boll weight was observed for more than 90% of the combinations and heritability was moderate to high. Wricke, Shukla and ASVT stability procedures identified similar stable genotypes. ····· 10361101237


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The domesticated apple (Malus x domestica Borkh.) of the Rosaceae family is one of the most important commercial fruit worldwide. The quality of this pomaceous fruit is crucial to breeders and farmers as it ultimately determines its acceptance for consumption and determines shelf life. The introduction of marker-assisted selection has allowed hastening of traditional breeding. This book reports the first identification of QTLs associated with nine fruit quality traits using a linkage map derived from Golden Delicious` x Dietrich` population. These loci are of great importance for identification of candidate markers and characterization of genes associated with these quality traits that can be further exploited for new cultivar conception. The book also relates the use of proteomics for comprehensive characterisation of the fruit pulp proteome using 2D-PAGE. Through comparative proteomics analysis of high and low firmness fruits, mechanisms linked with fruit firmness were elucidated. The study sheds light on the mechanisms involved with fruit quality by combining proteomic, genomic and phenotypic data and further link crop biotechnology and fruit breeding. ····· 10361103067

Evolution and genomic diversity of Plasmodium vivax

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Shorttitle: Geographical speciation occurs among geographically separated populations and is a common mechanism of speciation in a wide range of organisms. The use of modern genetic techniques has substantially improved our understanding of the identification and detection of the speciation process. Plasmodium vivax isolates inhabiting the Old World and New World regions so far, were considered to be as two different subspecies or separate species because of the variant transmission phenotypes and differences in nuclear and plastid genetic markers. We explored a panel of novel and known genetic markers to trace the pattern of genetic diversity and evolutionary history of P. vivax in the Indian subcontinent to determine the genetic identity between Old World and New World subtypes. Our genetic markers analysis consistently showed a high degree of genetic identity between the supposedly Old and New World isolates of P. vivax and strongly supports our view of a single species. ····· 10361113238

A Network-based Investigation of the Mechanisms of Alzheimer`s Disease

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We constructed two protein-protein interaction networks from proteins involved in Alzheimer s disease. Mapping gene expression data to one of the networks identified the MAPK/ERK pathway and clathrin-mediated receptor endocytosis (CME) as key loci of altered gene expression in Alzheimer s. The MAPK/ERK pathway is a critical component of learning and memory. CME affects production of the amyloid-beta peptide. We then used the network models plus additional data to identify potential non-coding SNPs that could affect gene expression. Three SNPs near the transcription start site of the transferrin gene had minor alleles frequencies that differed in Alzheimer s patients versus controls. We then used systematic perturbations of the networks to model the effects of multiple interacting variants. The networks responded in an unexpected manner to multiple node or edge removals. Node and edges with lesser individual effects rose in importance in the networks as they were degraded. This suggests that Alzheimer s-associated genes could be generated by a more random process than expected, and that proteins that initially appear unimportant may play a more significant role in pathogenesis. ····· 10361114076

Genetic variation in Khoisan-speaking populations from southern Africa

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Khoisan-speakers currently represent remnant groups of a much larger and widely distributed population of hunter gatherers and pastoralists who had exclusive occupation of southern Africa before the arrival of Bantu-speaking groups in the past 1,200 years and sea-borne immigrants within the last 350 years. They harbour some of the most divergent mitochondrial DNA and Y-chromosome lineages found in living peoples throughout the world. Additionally, in autosomal studies, Khoisan-speakers group in a distinct cluster from that of other African populations. This project made use of mitochondrial control region sequences, Y-chromosome SNP and STR markers and autosomal SNP markers to examine the population structure of various Khoisan-speaking groups. The relatedness of the groups to each other and to their neighbouring groups were examined. Study results confirmed the uniqueness of the genetic make-up of Khoisan-speakers. Furthermore, various levels of admixture from neighbouring populations were illustrated for the different Khoisan-speaking groups. ····· 10361114560

Genetic Incompatibility in a Biological System

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This book describes a detailed study of the genetic incompatibility as represented by the DL system in Physiolus vulgaris. The DL system is an excellent representative of the genetic incompatibility between parents of the same species. Specific hybrids between parents of Phaseolus vulgaris from different origins exhibit reduced root growth plus shoot abnormalities in F1 plants and failed root growth in a certain proportion of F2 plants. The phenomenon is attributed to two semi-dominant alleles at two complementary loci, DL1 and DL2, which are expressed in the roots and the shoots respectively. The study showed physiological and anatomical evidences that the inhibitory action of the causative signal from the DL2 shoot that affects the DL1 root is alleviated by external supply of sugars. The sugar effect is suggested to be of a metabolic nature may be via supplying carbohydrates that are required for the growth as well as generating a signal that can antagonise the inhibitory effect to some extent. The inhibitory signal was extracted from the cotyledons of DL2 shoots and its effect was shown on the DL1 roots, which is thought to be through the phloem. ····· 10361114650


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In my Ph.D. thesis, I described a large scale RT-PCR and cloning pipeline that I developed to obtain several thousand full-length mammalian (mainly human and mouse) cDNA clones for the NHGRI/NCI Mammalian Gene Collection effort. At that time, the layers of the mammalian transcriptome complexity were not yet fully conceived. In this project, I was deeply involved in strategic and conceptual issues in characterizing transcriptome complexity from different levels. Using the RT-PCR pipeline combined with gene prediction algorithms that utilize comparative genomic information, we successfully identified and experimentally verified novel mammalian genes such as full-length rat homologs of human disease genes. Furthermore, I studied transcriptome complexity including SNPs and alternative splicing in leukemia samples using quantitative PCR, and we developed a trace analysis technology to identify multiple alternative spliced transcripts in one single sequencing reaction. My results suggested that alternatively spliced transcripts show cancer type specific up- or down- regulation, and the ratio of alternative spliced isoforms may underlie the cancer mechanism. ····· 10361114893

Genética de la enfermedad de Charcot-Marie-Tooth autosomica recesiva

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La enfermedad de Charcot-Marie-Tooth representa a un grupo de entidades clínica y genéticamente heterogéneo, siendo la forma más común de neuropatía periférica hereditaria, con una prevalencia estimada en 1 cada 2.500-5.000 habitantes. El objetivo de esta tesis doctoral es profundizar en el conocimiento de las bases genéticas y moleculares de la enfermedad de Charcot-Marie-Tooth, especialmente de las formas con herencia autosómica recesiva. En este sentido, se incluyen los resultados obtenidos del análisis genético y molecular del gen GDAP1 en una serie de 118 familias de origen español, cuyas mutaciones son las causantes de la forma autosómica recesiva axonal tipo 4A (CMT4A) así como también, el estudio genético y molecular de la enfermedad de Charct-Marie-Tooth en 17 familias españolas de etnia gitana con herencia autosómica recesiva y neuropatía desmielinizante. ····· 10361116453

Vacunas genéticas celulares en cáncer

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Desde los inicios de la investigación en vacunas antitumorales hemos asistido a un progresivo aumento de la eficacia en los diferentes modelos experimentales, indicando que era plausible su aplicación en la terapia del cáncer. Desafortunadamente, al llegar a la clínica se han encontrado grandes limitaciones, más en el campo terapéutico que en el preventivo, apuntando a la existencia de complejas barreras limitantes fuera de los modelos de laboratorio. Pensamos que el mejor conocimiento de los mecanismos desencadenados por estas vacunas nos permitirá sortear esas barreras. La consecución de este objetivo podría suponer importantes beneficios en los pacientes portadores de tumor. Este trabajo abarca modelos desde los liposomas, lipopoliplejos y proteínas tumorales hasta las vacunas antitumorales basadas en células modificadas genéticamente, mostrando desde el resultado totalmente eficaz en modelos preventivos de melanoma hasta la barrera encontrada en los modelos terapéuticos, donde se intenta comprender parte de los motivos responsables. Hemos querido reunir la experiencia previa con la más reciente, para conseguir añadir un paso más hacia el éxito de la vacunación terapéutica. ····· 10361116645

Genética Agrícola

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Genética Agrícola es un libro concebido para lectores que esperan conseguir en sólo un texto, los fundamentos de la genética aplicados a la agricultura, de manera tal que los distintos niveles en que el ADN es estudiado con fines agrícolas puedan ser abordados de una manera integral. Aún cuando la genética como rama de la biología está presente en áreas tales como la medicina, zoología y microbiología, el tratamiento que reciben las subidivisones de la genética (molecular, mendeliana, poblacional y cuantitativa) en el presente libro es eminentemente agrícola. Es por esto que Genética Agrícola pretende ser un apoyo para todo profesional del agro, especialmente para aquellos que trabajan en el campo del mejoramiento genético de plantas, y para aquellos estudiantes de pregrado y postgrado que se están inciando en el apasionante mundo de la genética aplicada a la producción vegetal.Igualmente puede resultar en una valiosa guía para los docentes de esta área del conocimiento. ····· 10361117276


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Despite exhaustive efforts, progress in gene mapping of fibrosing lung diseases has been very slow. In the last 15 or so years, our knowledge of the association of HLA alleles in SSc and sarcoidosis has improved, but the exact mechanism involved remains elusive. Results showed in this thesis indicate that in addition to the HLA, co-stimulatory molecules also play an important role in the pathogenesis of these disorders. There is also evidence that genes involved in trafficking of inflammatory cell to lung are also involved in pathogenesis of SSc and sarcoidosis. In the coming few years, accessory molecules, i.e. co-stimulatory molecules, innate immunity genes and trafficking molecules, are likely to play an even more important role and the acceleration in disease gene discovery will shed new light on the biological pathways involved in the pathogenesis of fibrosing lung diseases. ····· 10361117912


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This has evolved considerably the concept of biology and computation i.e. computational biology. This book will provide definitely the elementary ideas regarding the Bioinfomaics. Over 298 pages of thisbook, it has been tried to give the basic informationas well as to serve the important information, thisedition will be help full for the students ofbiotechnolgy, bioinformatics as well as in researchareas. This book contains five units having differentcharacters like, What is the Bioinformatics,Biological bases for the Bioinformatics, ProteinsStructure, folding and function, Nucleotide SequenceData: Genome, Biological data types. ····· 10361118707

Life Extension or Extinction

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`See, I have set before you today life andprosperity, death and adversity.` (Deut 30: 15)Today we are again confronted with the choice betweenlife and death, just like the Israelites of old! Wehave at our disposal the ability to enhance oreliminate ourselves. This book deals with three significant areas thataffect human life: (a.) The symbolic and depthdimension of reality and life: (b). The Human GenomeProject and its implications for life: (c.) Theinevitability of science-religion dialogue topreserve the fragile life on planet earth. Technological and genetic advancements of today offerus the crucial choice between human extension andextinction. We are able to enhance lifesignificantly. We can also annihilate ourselvescollectively. Confronted with such an astoundingchoice, we need to increase our moral and spiritualprowess to respond to the changing scenario of today.So creative acceptance and affirmation of both thetechnological and spiritual possibilities arenecessary for the survival of life on our planet. ····· 10361118912

A Comparative Study on Biological Networks

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Biological networks encapsulate invaluable information about the roles of different entities and their interactions with each other. Analyzing these networks is essential to reveal evolutionary differences between different cells and organisms. An important type of analysis is the comparative analysis which aims at identifying functionally similar components of these networks. Analogous to sequence alignment which identifies sequence similarity, network alignment reveals similar connectivity patterns such as alternative paths and subnetworks. Additional to the comparative analysis, examining solely the topological structure led to discovery of the steady states and the modular organization that these networks exhibit. This book introduces (i) Alignment algorithms for metabolic networks that account for heterogeneous network elements, connected subnetwork mappings and the scalability problem (ii) An algorithm that predicts functional similarity between reactions based on metabolic flux analysis (iii) Efficient methods that identify steady states of Boolean regulatory networks (iv) An algorithm that identifies dynamic modular structure of regulatory networks. ····· 10361119292

Introduction to Biochemical Genetics

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Genetics is the study of heredity, the process in which a parent passes certain genes onto their children. Biochemical geneticists are confronted with four main problems: the secondary effects of gene differences, e.g. physiological effects the primary action of genes the agencies causing mutation and the biochemical nature of genes and their mode of reproduction. The same problems are involved in the investigation of self reproducing units not attached to the chromosomes, whether or not these units are gene controlled. Biochemical Genetics studies the mechanisms of gene expression control, coordinated regulation of metabolism, and the relationship of the physiological state of cells with the maintenance of genetic stability . Biochemical Genetics accredited since May 1987 and provides a comprehensive program for the diagnosis and biochemical management of patients with inborn errors of metabolism (IEM). The diagnosis of more than 190 different disorders and have recorded well over 2000 affected patients. Many are treated with diets that need to continue throughout life . ····· 10361119301


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Wheat (Triticum aestivum) being an important cereal crop feeds the human population worldwide. Lower genetic diversity in wheat resulted in its vulnerability to multiple biotic and abiotic constraints affecting the yield considerably. To improve its productivity, genetic improvement is needed. In order to enhance its genetic base wild ancestors of wheat have been explored and found valuable to achieve the pressing end. Amphiploids and Synthetic Hexaploids produced through crossing Durum Wheat (2n=4x=28 AABB) and diploid progenitors with A and D genome, respectively, have been recognized as an avenue to harness the wild genetic potential in its progenitors. These synthetics carry novel allelic diversity for key biotic stresses such as fungal and viral diseases. Additionally, abiotic stresses like salinity and drought tolerances are an added attributes. In this work, experiments are presented that focused on the recognition of different potential traits in synthetic Hexaploids to enhance wheat improvement efforts worldwide. ····· 10361119632

Induced Mutagenesis in Eggplant

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Vegetables play a pivotal role in our diet as they are the main source of some important supplements, especially vitamins and minerals. Most of the fruits of genus Solanum are used as vegetables and the eggplant is one of the most common and popular vegetables grown throughout the World. Mutation breeding seems to be a handy tool for improving the quantitative and qualitative characters in various crop plants. Therefore, physical and chemical mutagens are being used in genetic improvement programmes of different plant species. The main purpose to publish this work is to acquaint those who are pursuing research in the field of cytogenetics and mutation breeding or M.Sc. (Botany/Cytogenetics and Plant Breeding). I am thankful to LAP LAMBERT Academic Publishing GmbH & Co. KG, Germany to approach me for publishing my research work. ····· 10361132018

Molecular Markers of Resistant Potato Plants for some Potato Viruses

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Potato virus Y Potyviridae and Potato virus X Flexiviridae are one of the most important viruses in Solanaceae. Breeding for virus resistance, a major component of most breeding programs is generally regarded as being the best strategy for long-term virus control. This approach is hampered, however, by the limitation of suitable sources of resistance. In the past, the introgression of genetic sources for plant resistance has been successfully applied to develop a limited number of virus-resistant cultivars. Although plant breeding for virus resistance still has great potential, there are limitations to this conventional approach. Selection of new viral resistant potato cultivars is the key to success in plant breeding programs. The utility of new tools is required to assist the screening and selection of new genotypes resistant to PVY and PVX. The objectives of this study are to develop biochemical and molecular markers for resistance to PVY and PVX and to detect Ryadg and Ryfsto genes conferring extreme resistance to PVY and Rx resistant gene to PVX, as well as sequence alignment analyses of the isolated and sequenced Ry and Rx genes. ····· 10361132076

Molecular and Biochemical Studies on PII protein

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Acknowledgment: I thank God for all the blessings. I would like to express my kindest regards and gratefulness to my supervisor Dr. Hassan Mahmoud Gebreel, Assistant Professor of Microbiology, Ain shams University and Dr. Khaled Zakaria El-Baghdady, Lecturer of Microbiology, Ain shams University for their valuable guidance, direct supervision and their valuable revision. My deep gratitude and sincere thanks to Prof. Dr. Hussein Abd-Kareem Ahmed, Professor of Microbiology, NCCRT institute for his effort in constructive criticism and valuable critical reading and revision the manuscript. Sincere especial thanks are to prof.Dr. Nahed Abdel Ghaffar Abdel Aziz Ibrahim Head of Microbial Molecular Biology Department, AGRI institute , great encouragement, her effort throughout the Ph.D, valuable scientific ideas and advices. Also, for her inspiring guidance. I wish to thank Prof. Dr. Karl Forchhammer at Tubingen University for his unlimited support, valuable advice, sending some important chemicals used in this work. I also, like to thank him giving the chance to learn with right way. Finally, my great respect and gratitude to every one who participated in completion of this work. ····· 10361132386

Wheat Salt Tolerance

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This book was an effort for wheat improvement under salinity stress.One hundred and eighty seven wheat genotypes were evaluated at germination, vegetative and maturity stage under 200, 250 and 300 mM NaCl stress.Various morphological and molecular markers were utilized to screen salt tolerant cultivars. Vegetative stage was found to be most salinity sensitive stage. Therefore, genotypes should be evaluated at this stage by using molecular, physiological, morphological and biochemical approaches. More than 10 SSR markers were found to be linked with salinity tolerance.Heritability estimates and gene action studies revealed that potential for improving salinity tolerance in wheat does exist. ····· 10361132818

Investigating the chemotherapeutic mechanism of action of cisplatin

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The DNA-damaging compound, cisplatin (cis-diammine-dichloridoplatinum (II)), is a highly successful anti-tumour agent widely used in the treatment of a range of human cancers. Despite the clinical efficacy of cisplatin, its curative potential is largely restricted by the occurrence of drug resistance and several dose-limiting toxic side effects. Attempts to ameliorate these deficiencies have met with limited success. However, it is ultimately hoped that such efforts will benefit from a more comprehensive understanding of the mechanism by which cisplatin elicits tumour-specific cytotoxicity. The overall aim of this project was to further elucidate the mechanism of action of cisplatin. For this purpose, different experimental approaches were employed to examine the interaction of cisplatin with DNA, and the drug s effect on human gene expression. Firstly, chromatin structures native to DNA in human cells were simulated in vitro via reconstitution techniques. Their effect on cisplatin-mediated DNA damage could then be evaluated. Secondly, the transcriptional response of human cells to cisplatin treatment was analysed using microarrays and gene expression profiling techniques. ····· 10361132886

Analysis of TP53 and Promoter hypermethylation of MGMT in lung cancer

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Lung cancer was considered to be rare in the beginning of the century but has now reached almost epidemic proportions, being the leader killer in developed countries and is also rising in developing countries. Lung cancer shows a great variation in the prevalence in different geographical regions, probably because of different origins of mutagens or mechanisms of action of different mutagens and/or different ethnicity of different populations. It has always been the interest of scientific community to identify and characterize the molecular alterations and associated risk factors associated with the lung carcinogenesis in different geographic regions of the world. Kashmir Valley being the northern most part of the India, with a different geography and unique culture from rest of the country, lacks the data regarding the molecular biology of lung cancer. Since lung cancer incidence is rising in the Valley, being second most common cancer in this region with the capital district of Srinagar having the highest district-wise age adjusted incidence in males in the country. With this background we tried to study the molecular alterations of TP53 and promoter methylation of MGMT. ····· 10361134234

Polymorphisms in Estrogen Receptor Genes and Breast Cancer Risk

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This book presents a comprehensive approach to the molecular genetics basis of breast cancer among Iranian women, and divided into five chapters. Part one introduces estrogen receptor genes and breast cancer, part two describe the methodology of screening polymorphisms, part three, briefly cover all results in ESRs polymorphisms and the last pat discuss association of these results with breast cancer risk. ····· 10361135666

Estudio del pseudohipoparatiroidismo en una cohorte española

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El pseudohipoparatiroidismo (PHP) está caracterizado por hipocalcemia e hiperfosfatemia debidas a resistencia a la hormona paratiroidea (PTH). Pacientes con PHP-Ia generalmente presentan otras resistencias hormonales y muestran un fenotipo característico denominado osteodistrofia hereditaria de Albright (AHO). Este fenotipo también está presente en pacientes diagnosticados de pseudopseudohipoparatiroidismo (PPHP), que no tienen resistencia hormonal. Por otra parte, pacientes con PHP-Ib, presentan, preferentemente, resistencia a la PTH y no tienen fenotipo de Albright. Desde el punto de vista genético, el PHP-I está causado por alteraciones en el locus GNAS (20q13.32), uno de los más complejos del genoma humano. Pacientes con PHP-Ia presentan mutaciones en heterozigosis en cualquiera de los trece exones del gen GNAS, que codifica la proteína Gs . Mientras que el PHP-Ib se debe a alteraciones en el complejo patrón de metilación del locus GNAS, asociadas en algunos casos a deleciones, en el alelo materno, en regiones centroméricas al gen GNAS. ····· 10361136893

Study of serum metals and DNA damage

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Coronary artery disease (CAD) is one of the major health problems responsible for increasing mortality and morbidity all over the world. The hypothesis of the study is that elevated levels of antioxidant enzymes are associated with increased stable coronary artery disease. With this perspective in the study, the role of trace elements, lipids and antioxidant enzymes levels in the serum of patients with CAD were determined and the presence of DNA damage in peripheral blood lymphocytes in these patients was also verified. Our findings reports that the increased DNA damages are found in CAD patients who have been analyzed for high or moderate risk of triple vessel disease by duke treadmill score (DTS) and coronary angiogram successively. Moreover evaluation of the association of angiotensin converting enzyme (ACE) gene with coronary artery disease (CAD) has suggested that there is no association of Deletion (D) or insertion (I) alleles with CAD. The study implies that the trace elements will have reliable prognostic value in the diagnosis of CAD if the investigation is carried out on the extent of the changes of these elements in CAD patients. ····· 10361146427

Genetic Diversity in Triticum Groups under Saline Stress

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Identification of agronomic and biochemical traits related to salt tolerance is also important criterion to be considered. Present study was aimed for the assessment of variations for salt tolerance among and within four Triticum groups with respect to agronomic traits and biochemical parameters including malondialdehyde (MDA) content, protein, superoxide dismutase (SOD), peroxidase (POD), catalase (CAT), and reducing sugars. Salt tolerance is a complex trait and does not involve single mechanism in providing tolerance. In conclusion grain number is an important trait under salt stress for determining yield where as number of spikes and spikelets are the important traits in determining grain number. Selection criteria of tolerant genotypes could be based on agronomic traits which are contributing to yield. Up regulated activities of SOD coupled with increased activities of POD and CAT activities and low MDA content can be useful biomarkers for the selection of tolerant wheat genotypes under salt stress. Accumulation of reducing sugars under salt stress is another important biomarker for the identification of tolerant genotypes. ····· 10361146482

Genética poblacional y forense en razas ganaderas Vasco-Navarras

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El presente estudio ha conjugado dos disciplinas genéticas: Genética de Poblaciones y Genética Forense. Así, dentro del ámbito de ambas disciplinas, se ha llevado a cabo un análisis enfocado a aportar información de interés para la gestión de los programas de conservación, selección y mejora de los recursos genéticos ganaderos locales de la Comunidad Autónoma del País Vasco (CAPV) y Navarra. En concreto, en este trabajo se han incluido las razas ovinas Latxa, Carranzana, Sasi Ardi y Navarra las razas bovinas Pirenaica, Betizu, Terreña y Monchina y las razas equinas Pottoka, Jaca Navarra, Euskal Herriko Mendiko Zaldia y Burguete. Los objetivos primordiales de este estudio han sido: 1) el desarrollo de herramientas genético-moleculares (microsatélites y SNPs) y su posterior aplicación en la caracterización de la estructura y diversidad genéticas, tanto intra como interpoblacionales, dentro y entre las razas citadas 2) el análisis de las relaciones filogenéticas entre las razas, así como entre éstas y otras razas de interés, tanto peninsulares como europeas y 3) la aplicación de las herramientas genético-moleculares desarrolladas en el ámbito de la Genética Forense Animal. ····· 1036122921

Diagnóstico genético preimplantatorio

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El DGP es una técnica para examinar un embrión de 4 o 5 días con el fin de conocer si es portador de enfermedades, su sexo y poder seleccionar también entre los embriones obtenidos con la FIV uno que pueda ser donante de sangre del cordón umbilical(bebé medicamento). El objetivo de esta tesis doctoral es en primer lugar profundizar en el conocimiento del DGP y en segundo lugar saber cuáles son las cuestiones éticas más tratadas en los artículos de revistas biomédicas y bioéticas y compararlas. Se estudiaron 94 artículos de revistas biomédicas y 35 de bioéticas. El DGP tiene riesgos importantes, tanto para el embrión como para la madre. Tiene una baja efectividad de la técnica y hay gran pérdida de embriones en todo el proceso. Se han analizado los juicios bioéticos respecto al DGP tanto en las revistas teniendo en cuenta aspectos como: respeto al embrión, la selección de embriones por el sexo, el bebé medicamento, si el autor considera que el DGP es un procedimiento eugenésico, la seguridad de la técnica, etc. Desde la bioética personalista es una técnica que atenta contra la vida, la dignidad humana y de la procreación y es eugenésico. ····· 1036190616

Watson Molekularbiologie

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Die Molekularbiologie als eigenständige Disziplin der Biologie existiert exakt so lange wie dieses Buch, dessen erste Auflage 1965 das Gebiet und seine Aufgaben gültig definierte. In allen Folgeauflagen ist es stets das Standardwerk der Molekularbiologie geblieben. Auch die vorliegende 6. Auflage besticht durch Aktualität und die Fähigkeit, ein komplettes und lebendiges Bild der Molekularbiologie auf knappem Raum zu entwerfen. Die genaue Darstellung von Schlüsselexperimenten und den wichtigsten Arbeitstechniken belegt, warum die Molekularbiologie heute das aufregendste Feld in den Life Sciences ist. Zahlreiche Bezüge zu medizinischen Anwendungen, aktuelle Literaturhinweise, ein Glossar und umfangreiche animierte Übungseinheiten auf der Website machen die Wissenschaft von den Biomolekülen zum echten Erlebnis.

Die Molekularbiologie als eigenständige Disziplin der Biologie existiert exakt so lange wie dieses Buch, dessen erste Auflage 1965 das Gebiet und seine Aufgaben gültig definierte. In allen Folgeauflagen ist es stets das Standardwerk der Molekularbiologie geblieben. Auch die vorliegende 6. Auflage besticht durch Aktualität und die Fähigkeit, ein komplettes und lebendiges Bild der Molekularbiologie auf knappem Raum zu entwerfen. Die genaue Darstellung von Schlüsselexperimenten und den wichtigsten Arbeitstechniken belegt, warum die Molekularbiologie heute das aufregendste Feld in den Life Sciences ist. Zahlreiche Bezüge zu medizinischen Anwendungen, aktuelle Literaturhinweise, ein Glossar und umfangreiche animierte Übungseinheiten auf der Website machen die Wissenschaft von den Biomolekülen zum echten Erlebnis.

TEIL I Chemie und Genetik
Das Mendel`sche Weltbild
Nucleinsäuren als Träger der genetischen Information
Die Bedeutung der schwachen chemischen Wechselwirkungen
Die Bedeutung energiereicher Bindungen
Schwache und starke Bindungen bestimmen makromolekulare Strukturen

TEIL II Erhaltung des Genoms
Die Strukturen von DNA und RNA
Genomstruktur, Chromatin und Nucleosomen
Die Replikation der DNA
Die Mutabilität und Reparatur der DNA
Die Homologe Rekombination auf molekularer Ebene
Sequenzspezifische Rekombination und Transposition von DNA

TEIL III Expression des Genoms
Kapitel 12 Mechanismen der Transkription
Kapitel 13 Das Spleißen von RNA
Kapitel 14 Translation
Kapitel 15 Der genetische Code

TEIL IV Regulation
Kapitel 16 Transkriptionelle Regulation in Prokaryonten
Kapitel 17 Transkriptionelle Regulation in Eukaryonten
Kapitel 18 Regulatorische RNAs
Kapitel 19 Genregulation in Entwicklung und Evolution

James D. Watson entschlüsselte 1953 zusammen mit Francis Crick die Struktur der DNA und erhielt dafür 1962 den Nobelpreis. Er lehrte und forschte an der Harvard University und am Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory und war u.a. Mitinitiator des Human Genome Project.
Tania A. Baker und Stephen P. Bell sind Biologie-Professoren am renommierten Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT).
Alexander Gann arbeitet zusammen mit Watson am Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory.
Michael Levine ist Professor für Molekulare Zellbiologie an der University of California, Berkeley.
Richard Losick arbeitet am Howard Hughes Medical Institute in Harvard.

Für Dozenten
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Für StudentenÜbungsaufgaben mit Lösungsvorschlägen zu den einzelnen Kapiteln
Ausführliche Struktur-Tutorien mit interaktiven und animierten Molekülmodellen zu 14 ausgewählten Biomolekülen

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