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Deutsche Porzellanfiguren des XVIII. Jahrhunderts

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Nachdruck des Originals von 1923. ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· 10361143710

Wohnungskultur und Möbel der italienischen Renaissance

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Die Kunsthistorikerin Frida Schottmüller präsentiert im vorliegenden Band eine Übersicht über die Raumkunst und Wesensart der Einrichtungsgegenstände der italienischen Renaissance. Anhand von fast 600 Abbildungen erläutert sie die Eigenheiten und den besonderen Stil der Epoche. Sorgfältig nachbearbeiteter Nachdruck der Originalausgabe aus dem Jahr 1921. ····· 10361138714

Führer durch die königliche Vasensammlung

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Der Archäologe Rudolf Hackl beschreibt im vorliegenden Band ausführlich und detailliert die in der königlichen Vasensammlung zusammengetragenen Stücke, seinerzeit der erste vollständige Katalog der Ausstellung, die heute in der Staatlichen Antikensammlung gezeigt wird. Darüber hinaus erläutert er die archäologische Bedeutung von Keramikfunden, skizziert die unterschiedlichen Arten und Verwendungszwecke der Gefäße und gibt einen kurzen Epochenüberblick. Sorgfältig überarbeiteter Nachdruck der Originalausgabe aus dem Jahr 1908. ····· 10361138544

Violencia y Grupos de Riesgo en México

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Durante las últimas tres décadas, Elena Azaola ha recorrido la República Mexicana con la convicción de que la voz de los sujetos más frágiles, quienes habitan en los rincones más obscuros y olvidados, como son las cárceles, los albergues, los prostíbulos o los cuarteles, donde se encuentran los niños abandonados o explotados, las mujeres sentenciadas por crímenes violentos, los policías o los jóvenes delincuentes, deben ser escuchados. Y no sólo eso, sino que lo que tienen que decir resulta imprescindible para comprender las carencias de un país al que parece que le ha costado más de lo que imaginamos abandonar los abusos de un régimen autoritario. Los trabajos de investigación de Elena Azaola, de los que este volumen contiene una buena muestra, han sido reconocidos no solamente en México sino también en los más de diez países donde han sido publicados, habiendo recibido diversos premios y reconocimientos. ····· 10361136328

Thervox: an exploration of sound sculpture

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The objective of this research is to combine sculpture and sound in the creation of three, three dimensional sculpture pieces, it could also be thought of as creating an instrument, not with traditional methods, but more sculptural aesthetics, with sound making possibilities. Thervox can be played by body movement and gestures interacting with the object, this is achieved through Theremin like electronics within the sculptures. Various interpretations of sound sculpture and the making of Thervox are offered to the reader, This work covers source of inspiration, review of interactive sound sculpture, designing and creating and evaluation. ····· 10361133959

Species Diversity and Composition of Forest Vegetation

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Biodiversity is the total variety of life on the earth which encompasses the total number,variety and variability of life forms, levels and combinations existing within the livingworld. Species diversity refers to the frequency and variety of species within ageographical area. Nepal covers the land only 0.1% of the global land possesses adisproportionately rich biodiversity.In mid hills, specially there is a unique and highest diversity found in western part ofNepal. The study entitled Species Diversity and Composition of Forest Vegetation ofBanpale Danda Forest Kaski ditrict, Nepal was commenced between June to September,2008 with aiming to assess the floral and faunal diversity of Banpale Danda. The data werecollected primarily by field observation as well as secondary sources. The sample plotswere laid out randomly with the sampling intesity 1% for trees, 0.5% for shrubs and0.001% for herbs. The collected data were analyzed by using MS-Excel program andshown by charts and histograms.The floral diversity was assessed by using Simpson s Diversity Index and Important ValueIndex (IVI). ····· 10361133856

The Fight Against Corruption In Kenya

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This book is about corruption in Kenya and its major watchdog KACC. It perceives corruption as a cancer to the development of any nation and needs to be fought at all costs. Corruption has thrived in Kenya for many years and a million dollar question has been why are horses of impunity of corruption thriving and there is a watchdog - KACC. It will be noted with utmost respect that some efforts are being put by KACC in the fight against corruption, but is it good enough The author longs for the day when corruption tendencies of flourishing in the country will be reduced to level like one in Singapore and Hongkong which has majorly been through political will and public participation in the fight against corruption and not majorly centered on anti graft watchdogs in the said nations. The book identifies some recommendations that will help KACC to take the fight against corruption a notch higher. I humbly call upon all Kenyan people of good will and desirous of seeing the demon of corruption being fought and buried completely to put on their armaments of whichever kind and zealously within the bounds of law fight corruption and say no to this cancer that is eating our economy slowly. ····· 10361133710

Life Style Assessment of Indian Yogis

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About Book: This book is based on a research study conducted with the objective to Profile Indian Yogis of five different yogic practices on their selected life style responses. Another objective of the study was to compare Indian Yogis of five different yogic practices by their selected life style responses. Life Style Assessment Inventory by Anspangh Davids, Michael, H. Hamrich and Frank D. Rosato was adopted to collect data for Life Style Assessment. The static group comparison design was used for the study. Five groups were made as Hatha Yogis, Raj Yogis, Japa Yogis, Mantra Yogis and Nada Yogis comprising of 50 subjects each. Life Style Assessment consisted of Physical Assessment, Alcohol and Drug Assessment, Nutritional Assessment, Social Wellness Assessment, Spiritual Wellness Assessment, Emotional Wellness Assessment, Stress Control Assessment & Intellectual Wellness Assessment. To Profile Indian Yogis of five different yogic practices on their selected life style responses, Descriptive Statistics were used. To compare Indian Yogis of five different yogic practices by their selected life style responses, analysis of variance (ANOVA) was used at 0.5 level of significance. ····· 10361133188

Spread Spectrum Wireless & Communications Policy

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Spectrum is a communications resource which government is required to allocate. Itmust do so efficiently. This requires promoting competition while balancing the interestsof the various stakeholders government, the firms and the consumer. The currentmethod of allocating spectrum falls short of this requirement. It is characterized byregulatory constraints on spectrum allocation and use resulting from the scarcity ofspectrum. This scarcity is a consequence of available technology. New spread spectrumtechnology can alter this scarcity. A failure to recognise the impact of this technologywill result in an artificial scarcity of the resource. Spread spectrum technology allowsmultiple interference free transmission of signals over a broad range of the radiospectrum. This will have a positive impact on the availability of spectrum, on innovationand the development of a robust communications infrastructure. The result will be theefficient, competitive and economically feasible delivery of communications services. Itmeans that the current regulatory structure must be modified to make way for a new openaccess system. ····· 10361132439

Perceptions of Resilience to Social Environmental Risk Factors

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Youth in Lesotho and throughout the world grow up surrounded by social environmental risk factors, as defined by Christle et al. (1999: 1) that make them susceptible to negative behaviours. However, some resilient young people are not affected by these risk factors instead, they succeed in school and in life in general.This research aimed to explore and describe perceptions of resilience to environmental risk factors among youth in Lesotho. A qualitative approach, following an exploratory, descriptive and contextual research design, was employed, and purposive sampling was used to select resilient Form B/Grade 9 learners at Hlotse High School in Leribe, Lesotho, who participated in focus-group interviews. These learners were requested to nominate significant people in their lives (such as family members, teachers, friends and community members) who played a role in their resilience. A semi-structured interview guide was used to collect data from participants. The interviews were tape-recorded, and field notes were taken in order to document the data collected as well as record the researcher s own perceptions and observations. ····· 10361132028

Natural Surfactants in Transcutaneous Delivery of Carvedilol

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The efficacy of many useful drugs can be improved by carrying out certain pharmaceutical manipulations in delivery route e.g. by transdermal drug delivery system. However, excellent impervious nature of stratum corneum restricts both the type and number of drugs that can be delivered to the systemic circulation by this route. A popular approach for increasing the percutaneous permeation of drug is to incorporate penetration enhancers into the formulations. The use of synthetic chemical enhancers for enhancing the percutaneous permeation of drugs is decreasing due to their long term effects and potential systemic toxicity. Hence, the main objective of this study was to evaluate the influence of triterpene and steroidal saponins on percutaneous permeation of carvedilol and to understand the mechanism(s) responsible for this effect. ····· 10361119764

Enhancing Achievement Level of Delinquents

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Education brings an effective behavior modificationin an individual. It should be given to allindividuals, irrespective of caste, creed or anydifferences. However, the methodologies andstrategies followed differ for individuals. It is notappropriate for the same curriculum to cater theneeds of the individuals. Different curriculum withinnovative teaching-learning strategies has to beapplied for Gifted, Slow Learners andDifferently-abled children. Here, in this Study, anattempt has been made to cater the needs ofDelinquent children who undergo their regularschooling in children s Home. The investigator, afterthorough observation felt that there is certainly aneed for change in curriculum implementation forthese children. Hence, an attempt has been made inpreparation of an Instructional Package for allsubjects with a different strategy. This Packagetriggers the students Affective Domain objectives,which is the gateway for Cognitive and Psychomotorobjectives fulfillment. When all these objectives arefulfilled, there is a certain possibility inenhancement of the achievement level of the delinquents. ····· 10361119737

Strategic Urban Forest Management Plan for Harbord Village, Toronto

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The strategic urban forest management plan for Harbord Village, Toronto, is based on the NeighbourWoods inventory performed by local residents in 2007. The stragetic urban forest management plan is a 20-year management plan, encompassing four five year management plans and annual operating plans. The management plan is based on the vision that Harbord Village residents have for their urban forest, and the management plan is meant to assist them reach these goals, and subsequently better manage their urban forest. ····· 10361119705

Today`s Woodland Degradation, Tomorrow`s Fuelwood Crisis

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The savanna woodlands are the main source of fuelwoodfor the urban centres of Ghana. Howeversocio-economic factors have led to lack of will toprotect the woodlands against human induced factorswhich militate sustainable woodland management.Woodlands in KND have been exploited and are underpressure to play their live-supporting functions.Firewood harvesting and charcoal production havebecome major economic activities in the ruralcommunities. The current pressure on woodlandsprompts the world that, today s woodland degradationis tomorrow s fuelwood crisis. Focused GroupDiscussions were used to identify biophysical andsocio-economic factors affecting fuelwood collection.Remote sensing and participatory mapping were used tomap the land cover and the fuelwood collection sites.Land tenure is a control against exploitation ofwoodlands in Kunsu. Woodland declined by 25%. Thisbook re-echoes the fact that our woodlands arediminishing drastically and the need to embark ontree plantations to supplement the natural woodlands.This book is helpful to fuelwood managers,researchers in climate change adaptation and copingstrategies, NGOs fighting against woodland degradation. ····· 10361119630


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Tomato yellow leaf curl virus (TYLCV) is a major tomato virus in Ghana and Africa as a whole. In this study, 30 accessions of Solanum lycopersicum L. with reported TYLCV- resistance from AVRDC were assessed for resistance to TYLCV in Ghana. Plants were grown in a field, a hot spot of the disease and the reactions of plants were evaluated based on the disease symptoms when they were 30, 45 and 60 days after transplanting. Molecular screening was also done to re-confirm the phenotypic evaluation. All the tomato accessions demonstrated various degrees of disease symptoms. Phenotypic evaluation was confirmed by amplification of TYLCV DNA fragment in all tested accessions. Based on both the phenotypic and molecular evaluations, no accession provided complete resistance to TYLCV in Ghana. However accessions with milder symptoms of TYLCV in the field but no viral DNA were assessed as tolerant. ····· 10361119360

Steel Skywalk

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A steel skywalk structure is analyzed and designedusing conventional and finite element approach. Analysis based onstiffness method has been carried out using analysis and design software STAAD.Pro-05 and the results so obtained are verified by manualcalculations. The skywalk design is as per the clauses and normsspecified by IS 800-1982 . Finite element model of the same is formulatedand analyzed using ANSYS-10 and the results are compared withstiffness analysis and experimental testing. A prototype of skywalkstructure is prepared to a scale of 1:10 using mild steel. The experimentalmodel is tested under static loads and simulated wind loads forvarious load combinations. Free vibration analysis of the model iscarried out to determine its natural frequency and other importantparameters influencing its behavior under dynamic loads. ····· 10361119030

Unionism and Public Service Reform in Lesotho

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The book Unionism and Public Service Reform in Lesotho reviews the legislation governing the Lesotho s Public Service since 1995. The 1995 Act was viewed as one of the important pieces of legislation in the history of Lesotho s Labour Law because it dealt with issues such as freedom of association, trade union recognition, and unfair labour practices. Despite these developments, the Act was surrounded by controversy, concerning matters of prohibitions to assembly and participation in trade unions. In 2005, a new Act was enacted stipulating the new guidelines for the Public Service. The discussions of the historical, political and legislative contexts and literature review on freedom of association and public service reform provide a reflective background for an understanding of what has informed the legislative process in Lesotho s Public Service and the attitudes of public servants towards unionism. This book should be useful to scholars, trade unionists, staff association representatives, and the general public that are interested in understanding the labour relations regime in Lesotho. ····· 10361118923

International Graduate Students Challenges in Auburn University

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Phenomenological and qualitative methodologies were chosen to utilize and describe the essence of international graduate students experiences at Auburn University. Data was collected through a structured Internet survey, individual interviews, and focus group interviews focusing on the challenges that international graduate students experienced, the resources that they used when experiencing these challenges, and the recommendations that they provided to Auburn University to better serve international graduate students. The study found that many of the challenges that international graduate students experienced were caused by cultural differences. For example, challenges related to language, the variety of food choices, even financial challenges were all related to cultural challenges. International graduate students used many self-imposed resources to help them with their academic and /or non-academic culturally related challenges. Based on the findings of this study, participants have a numbers of recommendations for Auburn University as to how it can better serve international graduate students needs. ····· 10361118911


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According to the Agriculture Census Organization, the total equine population in Pakistan was 4.8 million in 2006. This has risen to 5.1 million (Horses 0.4, Asses 4.5 and Mules 0.2) as per the census report for 2008-2009. (Anonymous 2008-09)Strangles is named from the air restriction in late stages of the disease where the horse breathes as if it is being strangled because of the restriction of the trachea due to swollen lymph nodes. It is considered to be one of the top three most significant and feared respiratory diseases in horses (Natarajan and Langohr, 2003). It accounts for close to 30% of all equine infections reported worldwide, making it the most frequently encountered single horse illness (Harrington et al., 2002). The mechanism and route of entrance of Streptococcus equi subsp. equi (S. equi) into the lymphoid system has not so far been properly elucidated. An in vitro trial revealed adherence of S. equi to equine epithelial cheek cells, tongue and nasal epithelial cells (Srivastava and Barnum, 1983b Valentin Weigand et al., 1988). ····· 10361118787

Factors Influencing the Spread of HIV/AIDS in Nigeria

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The Spead of HIV/AIDS in Nigeria.The CIA predicts a possible devastation of the Nigerian elite from HIV/AIDS infection if the epidemic is not contained. For many years, after the discovery of HIV/AIDS infection in the population, Nigerian Officialdom s response was tepid. Thus valuable time was lost in the adoption of policies, and in the institution of programs to stem the spread of the disease. Factors Influencing the Spread of HIV/AIDS in Nigeria: Three Economic Status/Income Level Groups in Owerri, Nigeria was a study to examine whether one s economic/income status and degree of AIDS knowledge had a relationship with high risk sexual behavior or unprotected sex which is a cofactor in the transmission of HIV, the virus that causes AIDS. The study addressed the problem of insufficient data on the factors influencing the spread of HIV/AIDS in Nigeria. ····· 10361118774


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India is one of the four major players in the global oilseeds/vegetable oils scenario of the world, being one of the important oilseed grower, producer, importer, and exporter. India has the largest area in rapeseed-mustard in the world but the productivity in India is just 50-60% of the world average. To meet the challenges of oilseed production in the post WTO regime, there is a need to adopt standard crop management practices. The top priority has been given to increase the productivity per unit area of land to meet the demand of the growing population for which crop production research has been reoriented as Integrated Nutrient Supply and Management System Research in an environmentally sound and sustainable way. This book integrates current knowledge in nutrient management, crop physiology, soil science, agricultural economics and other relevant disciplines. This book will be of significant interest to advanced undergraduate and post-graduate students of Agronomy, plant physiology and crop science, Agricultural economics and rural development as well as NGO workers and policy makers, farmers and advisors and others interested in Agriculture. ····· 10361118716


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This book is about the computer aided analysis and design of RC structures. The book discusses basis of structural design, Types of structures, Components of structure, Various loads, Slabs, Types of slabs, Design steps, ACI -318-02 Recommendations, Methods of design of Beams, Method of analysis of beams, Strength requirements, Practical considerations, Shear in beams, Design of Columns, Types of Columns, ACI Column Specifications, Behaviour of Loaded columns, Short concentrically loaded, columns, Bending and axially loaded columns, Braced and Unbraced frames, Column Design Results, Design of Footings, Requirement of footings, Types of Footings, Design Steps, Stair Case, General Requirements, Design Steps, Design of Stair Case, Seismic analysis, Introduction to earth quake, UBC-1997 provisions and Building codes requirements (ACI 318-02). ····· 10361118700

Theft of mobile phones

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Theft of mobile phones among undergraduates of Nnamdi Azikiwe University Awka is my M.Sc. project which examined the manner in which phones were stolen among the students of the school. Both the qualitative and the quantitative methods of data collection and analysis were used in the study. The strain theory constituted the theoretical framework. The study found that theft of mobile phones is a regular phenomenon in the school. However, the frequency of theft of mobile phones in the school was observed to be less than alleged in the literature. The study recommended among others value re orientation as panacea to theft of mobile phones in the school. ····· 10361118677


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A sample of 302 farmers was collected from the contact farmers in Benue and Kogi States. The data were analyzed using descriptive statistics, such as frequencies and percentages. Inferential statistics such as Z test, Logit and Multiple regression were also used. The profile of the small scale maize and rice farmers in Benue and Kogi States that emanates from this study is that of a dominating population of economically productive age group with little annual income and high adoption scores for inorganic fertilizer between 2004 to 2008. Study showed that education and age influenced adoption of the inputs. Annual income, farm size and sex influenced output of maize and rice. There was significant difference in output of maize and rice in the two States. However, there was no significant difference between output of improved and local rice. There was incorrect use of inorganic fertilizer as against right quantity of fertilizer to apply, use of hand glove to manually apply fertilizer, storage of fertilizer in ventilated store and application of fertilizer after due soil testing analysis to identify type of nutrient and level of eficiency. ····· 10361118619

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