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La Calidad de Vida en el Trabajo

für 71.10€ kaufen ···· - Bücher, eBooks, DVD & Blu-ray
El presente trabajo de investigación plantea el estudio de la Calidad de Vida en el Trabajo en la Aviación Militar Venezolana y de ésta manera establecer el Diseño Conceptual del mismo, cuyo objetivo final es el bienestar de los miembros de dicha organización castrense. Por otra parte debemos tener en cuenta que la mencionada organización se caracteriza por ser una organización estrictamente jerárquica, que tiene especial énfasis en la disciplina y obediencia, que depende de la confianza y lealtad de sus integrantes y en lo que se refiere a la Calidad de Vida en el Trabajo podríamos decir que es un concepto que plantea una relación directa entre los miembros de la organización, la satisfacción de las necesidades y su actividad laboral en la organización. Es de hacer que la nueva legislación no afecta en ningún aspecto de lo antes mencionado. La metodología a implementarse en el presente estudio se define en el marco de la triangulación metodológica: cuantitativos, cualitativos y holístico mediante una integración de las aproximaciones investigativas, la cual se apoyará en las perspectivas: fenomenológica y pragmatismo basado en el interés por los fenómenos sociales y el desarrollo ····· 10361116417


für 44.10€ kaufen ···· - Bücher, eBooks, DVD & Blu-ray
ShorttitleMalaria is the most frequently diagnosedillness and a principle cause of death among childrenaged below five years in Kenya. The consequence isnot just an intolerable burden for individuals, thehouseholds and national health systems, but also tothe socio-economic development of such endemic areas. This book details the assessment of malariaprevalence among children aged below five years andresponse strategies at the household in Kenya. Inaddition, the book also offers an explanation on howsocio-economic characteristics influence malariamorbidity and adoption of response strategies in thestudy area. Such an assessment is useful in providingclear understanding of the malaria morbidity burdenand how the affected households cope with theproblem. This book provides a basis on which theintended users such as, policymakers, healthcareplanners, malaria control programmes/agencies andaffected communities develop and implementappropriate and effective interventions to countermalaria among the under-fives at the household levelin malaria endemic areas in Kenya. ····· 10361115989

Multi-Sensory Stimulation in 24-hour Dementia Care

····· lezzter Preis 71.10€ ···· - Bücher, eBooks, DVD & Blu-ray
Dementia among nursing home residents is oftenaccompanied by behavioural disturbances and high caredependency. Multi-Sensory Stimulation or snoezelen,integrated in 24-h dementia care, is an approach thatmight improve mood and behaviour of demented elderlyas well as the quality of working life of dementiacaregivers. This book describes a study in which six intervention wards received a training program snoezelen for caregivers . They were compared with six control wards providing `usual care`. Results indicated that the implementation of snoezelen had a positive effect on mood, disturbing behaviour and withdrawn behaviour of demented elderly. Moreover, the implementation of snoezelen improved the quality of working life of dementia caregivers (e.g., less time pressure, stress reactions and burnout). This book also describes the effects of the implementation of snoezelen on (non-)verbal communicative behaviour during morning care and gives an overview of facilitating and hindering factors for successful implementation of snoezelen. The book includes a literature review on effects of existing psychosocial methods on behaviour of persons with dementia. ····· 10361115474


für 71.10€ kaufen ···· - Bücher, eBooks, DVD & Blu-ray
Are herbal remedies effective in HIV infection is a PhD research project that investigated most popular 5 herbal centres with unscientific claim of HIV curative medicines in Nigeria. The identified potential effective herbal remedy was investigated further with more HIV patients after phytochemical analysis and toxicological profiles were done. The herbal remedy was safe to use (acute, sub-acute or chronic) alone or in combination with present orthodox anti-HIV drugs (HAART).This fantastic herbal remedy increased the patient well being when used alone or as complementary therapy with HAART.It possesses greater therapeutic effect when used alone however, combination with HAART complements each other in side-effect amelioration. ····· 10361115384

Potential for Carfree Development in the UK

für 71.10€ kaufen ···· - Bücher, eBooks, DVD & Blu-ray
This thesis proposes a definition and typology of carfree development. It assesses the benefits and problems associated with European style carfree development and explores the potential demand for it, and the circumstances under which it might be feasible, in the UK. Through a review of the literature and study visits to European carfree areas, 3 types of carfree development were identified: the Vauban model, Limited Access model and pedestrianised city centres with substantial residential populations. To assess potential demand in the UK, two surveys were conducted: an online national survey aimed at members of environmental and cycling groups and a postal survey in Camden, London, followed by qualitative telephone interviews with a subset from both surveys. The findings revealed that potential demand for carfree housing is concentrated amongst Carfree Choosers people who currently live without cars by choice. These are mainly found in the inner areas of larger cities, where the greatest potential for carfree development exists. Some potential may also exist in suburban or exurban centres well served by multiple public transport connections. ····· 10361115152

Supply Response of Export and Food Crops in some ECOWAS Countries

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This work examined the supply response of selected export and food crops using a selection of seven countries from the Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS). The three export crops considered are cocoa, coffee and cotton while the food crops considered are maize and cassava. The inter-country comparism of supply response of export and food crops selected for this work indicated that elasticities are different from country to country. The Perron s crash and growth changestructural break test reveals that in Ghana, structural adjustment programme, SAP, has a positive and significant effect on the growth in the trend of cocoa acreage, cocoa yield, cassava acreage and maize yield. SAP has a positive and significant effect on maize producer price and cocoa yield in Nigeria. In Cote d Ivoire, SAP only has a positive effect on cocoa yield and cassava producer price. Results for Mali, however shows that SAP significantly and positively increased the growth in the trend of cotton yield, cassava acreage, maize acreage, and cassava yield. ····· 10361114716

Turmeric (Curcuma longa): A natural source of edible yellow colour

für 71.10€ kaufen ···· - Bücher, eBooks, DVD & Blu-ray
Colour is one of the most important sensoryperceptions as it helps to accept or rejectparticular foods. A consumer s choice of food isoften associated with a specific colour and itsintensity. Presently, there is an increased globaltrend towards usage of colours of natural productorigin in food, pharmaceutical and personal careproduct industries as the usage of syntheticcolorants is leading to certain health and otherassociated ill effects. Much awareness is beingcreated amongst consumers for adopting naturalproducts in their day to day life. In this regard,Turmeric (Curcuma longa) is the best option availableas it is commonly used to impart yellow colour mostlyfor spicy preparation(s). This book dealt with usageof yellow colour from turmeric in selected foodproducts including the processing techniques involvedin colour extraction their physic-chemicalproperties usage in various food products along withtheir consumer acceptability and market potential.The authors believe that this book is a good sourceof information for all those involved in naturalproduct(s) applications especially of turmeric,including academic, research as well as processingcommunity. ····· 10361114400

Community involvement in the Early Childhood Development Programme

für 44.10€ kaufen ···· - Bücher, eBooks, DVD & Blu-ray
The Zimbabwean government launched a rural community based Early Childhood Development programme in 1982. This means that rural communities own the Early Childhood Development Centres. Communities are in charge of the day to day running of the centres. They are in charge of the payment of teachers` salaries. Communities have to fund raise to finance the programme. Resources for use by the centres are sourced by communities these include books, crayons and other writing materials. Communities are in charge of nutrition gardens so that there is constant provision vegetables and other food items. Communities are also involved in toy production. Communities also construct playground equipment using local materials. ····· 10361114301

Emissionen im Museum

für 55.00€ kaufen ···· - Bücher, eBooks, DVD & Blu-ray
Die vorliegende Arbeit setzt sich mit der Frage auseinander, ob ein Gütezeichen für emissionsarme Ausstellungsmaterialien und Vitrinen ein geeignetes Instrument zur Schadstoffbegrenzung im musealen Umfeld darstellt. Auslöser für die wissenschaftliche Auseinandersetzung mit diesem Thema sind die in der Praxis des Ausstellungs- und Museumswesens immer wiederkehrenden Probleme mit industriell gefertigten Bau- und Ausstellungsmaterialen, die zu irreversiblen Schäden an Kunst- und Kulturgut führen können. Während sich im Humanbereich über die letzten Jahre emissionsbegrenzende Gütezeichen wie der `Blaue Engel` oder `TÜV schadstoffgeprüft` für unterschiedlichste Materialgruppen wie Textilien, Lacke oder Holzwerkstoffe etablieren konnten, haben sich im musealen Sektor derartige praxisnahe Instrumente zur Reduzierung von Fremd- und Schadstoffen im Sinne präventiver Konservierungsstrategien bislang nicht durchsetzen können. Die vorliegende Arbeit behandelt das aufgezeigte Problem, indem die Thematik sowohl aus konservierungswissenschaftlicher als auch aus wirtschaftlicher Sicht beleuchtet und kritisch diskutiert wird. Die dargelegten Ergebnisse basieren auf drei Primäranalysen und einer Sekundäranalyse, welche im Rahmen der Arbeit durchgeführt wurden. Während sich die ersten beiden Umfragen an deutsche Museen richteten, wurden in der dritten Studie ausgewählte Vitrinenbauer befragt. ····· 10361108515

Collecting Table Bells

····· lezzter Preis 42.50€ ···· - Bücher, eBooks, DVD & Blu-ray
This is the documentation of a collector s item on which hardly any literature is available. It shows the evolution of a small but exclusive private collection of mainly European Table Bells. With more than 370 different bells it is also an excellent reference for other bell collectors. For the art lover in general it might be interesting to see the large variety and imagination the known and unknown artists used when creating these charming little objects. After all bells are part of our existence from the early beginning of humanity until today. ····· 1036180720

Conservation et nettoyage de céramiques archéologiques peu cohésives

für 41.31€ kaufen ···· - Bücher, eBooks, DVD & Blu-ray
La découverte en 2006 de tombes à incinération datant de La Tène finale dans le sud du Tessin (CH) a permis de mettre au jour un important mobilier funéraire, dont des céramiques. Ces dernières étaient pour la plupart peu cohésives et très sensibles au nettoyage à l`eau. De plus, la terre argileuse du milieu d`enfouissement s`accrochait à leur surface et s`écaillait en séchant, emportant avec elle la surface des céramiques. Ce manuscrit traite de la mise en oeuvre de tests de nettoyage mécanique et chimique appliqués sur des éprouvettes puis sur les céramiques archéologiques. Parallèlement, des essais de consolidation ont été effectués pour connaître son efficacité au contact de produits chimiques utilisés pour ramollir les dépôts argileux. Le bicarbonate de sodium et le bicarbonate d`ammonium ont fait leurs preuves pour faciliter le nettoyage de ces céramiques. La consolidation quant à elle a été efficace pour un seul type de céramique. Ces méthodes de nettoyage facilement applicables peuvent aider à la conservation de nombreuses céramiques dans le même cas. Les conservateurs-restaurateurs auront à tester les méthodes au cas par cas afin d`optimiser les résultats de nettoyage. ····· 103614725

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