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Einführung in die praktische Infrarot-Thermografie

für 26.80€ kaufen ···· - Bücher, eBooks, DVD & Blu-ray
Infrarot-Thermografie ist ein Baustein aus dem Werkzeugkasten der zerstörungsfreien Werkstoffprüfung. Die berührungslose bildgebende Temperaturmessmethode ermöglicht die zuverlässige Ortung und Quantifizierung thermischer Auffälligkeiten eines Meßobjekts. Der besondere Vorteil ist dabei, daß dies bei laufendem Betrieb einer Anlage passieren kann. Die IR-Thermografie ist somit eine unverzichtbare Inspektionshilfe und leistet einen wichtigen Beitrag zur Früherkennung von Schäden.Voraussetzung ist allerdings eine professionelle Beherrschung der Technik. Die physikalischen Grundlagen stammen dabei von den Physikern Herschel, Planck, Stefan, Boltzmann und Wien. Ihre Entdeckungen und Gesetze ermöglichen es, die thermischen Eigenschaften eines Körpers, der eine über dem absoluten Nullpunkt (-273 °C) liegende Temperatur hat, sichtbar zu machen. Im Unterschied zu anderen bildgebenden Verfahren (z.B. Röntgen- oder Ultraschall) können allerdings mit der in diesem Buch beschriebenen passiven Thermografie nur Oberflächeneigenschaften (Temperaturen) detektiert werden. Zum Inhalt des Buches gehört deshalb auch eine Besprechung einiger grundlegender Begriffe der Thermodynamik. Um die Funktionsweise einer Thermokamera zu verstehen, ist aber ebenso ein Ausflug in die Optik nötig. Der größte Teil widmet sich der speziellen Gerätetechnik einer IR-Kamera. Was hat es mit dem Emissionsgrad auf sich Was ist eine Umgebungsstrahlungstemperatur Welchen Einfluß haben Level und Span auf die Aussage eines Thermogrammes Sehe ich einen wirklichen `hotspot` oder nur die reflektierte Temperatur eines Körpers Was sollte ein korrekter Bericht enthalten, den Sie ihrem Auftraggeber überreichen Ein Hinweis auf die in Deutschland verfügbare Literatur und die wichtigsten Vorschriften zum Schluß. ····· 10361107469

Eccentric Cylinders Rheometer

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This thesis is devoted to the creation of a rheometer based on the boundary value problem of the two eccentric cylinders. This device is the first one after the cone-and-plate rheometer which is able to determine more material constants other than the viscosity. However, the eccentric cylinder rheometer shows to be one of the future instruments which is capable to further developments without the difficulties due to the effect of inertia encountered in the cone-and-plate rheometer. The preliminary results obtained by this apparatus proved to be sufficient for the determination of the viscosity coefficient and the second order coefficient over a range of shearing which overcomes the range covered by the cone-and-plate. Further investigation are required which is expected to allow the determination of other material constants. The theoretical basis of the present problem is discussed in details [1, 2], where the fluid performs rotational and axial motions. In the present thesis the rotational part of the motion is considered and the stream function for this motion is determined. ····· 10361102774

Wave Dynamics and Stability of Thin Film Flow Systems

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The work considers some free surface problems and attempts to understand the intrinsic complex behavior of waves in thin films down an inclined plane or vertical wall. The viscous Newtonian thin film or non-Newtonian inelastic power-law film or viscoelastic film down an inclined plane or vertical wall is considered and dynamics of waves and stability characteristics of thin film flow systems are analyzed. The investigations are based on the derivation of an amplitude equation of Landau-Stuart type for the evolution of waves for isothermal or non-isothermal films valid in the neighborhood of a neutral curve or on the use of modern bifurcation techniques of dynamical systems theory together with direct numerical integration to construct weakly nonlinear permanent waves on Newtonian / viscoelastic films for moderate to high Reynolds numbers and small to moderate surface tension effects. The work also considers the development of a flow of a viscous conducting fluid over a rough spinning disk in the presence of a transverse magnetic field with or without induced air shear effects. The entire work is divided into seven chapters. ····· 10361102659

Nonlinear Dynamics of Plates Under Multi-Physics Fields

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This book investigates the nonlinear behavior of circular plates under different types of loadings and physical fields, namely, thermal, electrostatic, and mechanical. The approaches used were perturbation and numerical techniques applied on different applications ranging from aerospace to micro-electro-mechanical systems (MEMS). The book should be of value to R&D engineers, researchers, and postgraduate students in Engineering and physics as well. ····· 10361102483

Stability of Ferrofluids

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The goal of the research documented in the thesis is to investigate the stability of ferrofluids. In particular, the work focuses on the thin layer of ferrofluid heated from below. Chapter 1 has provided a brief overview of ferrofluid history along with several basic definitions needed to understand the material presented in the later chapters. Chapter 2 deals with the theoretical investigation of the nonlinear stability analysis of magnetized ferrofluid heated from below. Chapters 3 and 4 are devoted to study the effect of rotation and solute, respectively, on stability of magnetized Introduction 29 ferrofluid. Chapter 5 deals with the theoretical investigation of the nonlinear stability analysis of magnetized ferrofluid heated from below saturating a porous medium of high permeability via generalized energy method using a Brinkman model. Chapters 6 and 7 focus on studying the effect of rotation and solute respectively, on stability of magnetized ferrofluid saturating a porous medium. Finally, a summary of the present work and some future directions are presented. ····· 10361102110

Developments in Rheology for Environmental and Process Engineering

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Two major industrial/environmental disasters occurred in 2010. Firstly, on 20 April an oil rig belonging to BP blew up in the Gulf of Mexico, releasing daily, about 10 million liters of crude oil in the ocean. Secondly, on 4 October a dam retaining waste materials of a factory producing aluminium in Hungary suddenly collapsed, releasing more than one million cubic meters of toxic red mud. It is obvious that the final impact of these two disasters (yet to come) will be tragic. Meanwhile, one lesson that can be learnt from them is that a failure in a given process can lead to a major environmental disaster. So, process and environment can sometimes be strongly associated. This paper was written on that basic assumption, by revisiting dam-break flows, gravity currents and core flows of complex fluids. ····· 10361101422

Progress in low-dimensional chaos

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The field of chaotic dynamics has grown highly nonlinearly in the past few decades. Major progress occurred in traditional areas such as bifurcations, crises, basin boundaries, strengthening the mathematical foundations. New topics such as control and synchronization of chaos have emerged, addressing more practical questions. This book has a bit of both, addressing the initiates in low-dimensional chaos, from graduate students to researchers. First, we discuss the topic of phase synchronization of chaos. This phenomenon results from weak interactions between dynamical systems and found applications to neuroscience and communications. Here we focus on a competition phenomenon that occurs between signals in phase synchronization of a chaotic attractor. Second, we discuss the topic of indeterminate bifurcations. We study systems undergoing adiabatic drift that destroys an attracting periodic orbit through a saddle-node bifurcation placed on a fractal basin boundary. The fate of the system following the pre-bifurcation orbit is indeterminate it is impossible to predict its final state past the bifurcation. We address this indeterminacy numerically and analytically. ····· 10361100844


····· lezzter Preis 61.20€ ···· - Bücher, eBooks, DVD & Blu-ray
The tombs of the kings in Valley of the Kings, Luxor, are considered to be one of the tourism industry`s bases in Egypt due to their uniqueness all over the world. Hence, they should be preserved from the different factors that might cause harm for their wall paintings. One of these factors is the excessive relative humidity as it increases the bacteria and fungus activity inside the tomb in addition to its effect on the mechanical and physical properties of materials. The current research aims to study the mechanical ventilation systems effect on airflow pattern as well as temperature and relative humidity distribution inside three tombs. The study is carried out using computational fluid dynamics (CFD) simulation using a commercial CFD code, namely FLUENT® version 6.2.16. It was found that the optimum airside system design should allow the air to pass all the enclosure areas before being extracted. Also a restriction should be made for the simultaneous number of visitors for each tomb should be made in order to limit the relative humidity inside any given tomb. ····· 10361100767

Phase Behavior of Water-Hydrocarbon Systems:

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Thermodynamic description and prediction of the complex multi-phase systems, prone to gas hydrate and salt formation, is crucial to the economical and safe design and operation of oil and gas production and transportation facilities, in particular in offshore and deepwater regions. The topics presented in this book included modelling of the phase behaviour and gas solubility in the water-hydrocarbon systems in the presence of electrolyte solutions with/without hydrate organic inhibitors, as well as development of tools and methods to predict gas hydrate formation and salt precipitation problems associated with petroleum exploration and production. A new thermodynamic approach capable of predicting vapour-liquid-solid equilibria (VLSE) in systems containing electrolytes or electrolyte and organic inhibitors at conditions relevant to subsea transportation of oil and gas is presented.Various generic correlation for predicting the hydrate suppression temperature as well as the compatibility concerns of different hydrate and scale inhibitors are also described. Potential of using gas hydrate technology for different processess is also explained. ····· 1036199677

Phase Behavior of oppositely charged nanoparticles

für 53.10€ kaufen ···· - Bücher, eBooks, DVD & Blu-ray
Binary suspensions made up of oppositely charged nanoparticles have been shown to self assemble into substitutionally ordered superlattices. The structure of the superlattice depends upon the particle charges as well as the mixture composition. Pressure composition phase diagrams for binary mixtures of equal sized and oppositely charged nanoparticles are constructed for charge ratios ranging from -1 to 0. The effect of charge asymmetry on the formation and stability of the substitutionally ordered solid is clearly demonstrated. ····· 1036199170

La Energía de los Explosivos

für 62.10€ kaufen ···· - Bücher, eBooks, DVD & Blu-ray
Los valores de energía de los explosivos se emplean junto con otras propiedades como una medida del buen funcionamiento de los mismos, de modo que los usuarios entienden que al emplear un explosivo con mayor energía disponen de mayor energía para desarrollar contra la roca. En cierto modo esto es cierto, pero existen diversos modos de evaluar la energía de los explosivos, entre los cuales juegan un papel destacado los códigos termodinámicos. En este libro se presentan todas las herramientas relevantes en un código para el cálculo de explosivos: ecuaciones de estado, cálculo del equilibrio químico y cálculo de estados de detonación. Con el fin de examinar qué parámetro energético define mejor la energía disponible en el proceso de la voladura, se ha estudiado la relación del trabajo útil con la energía de fragmentación y otros parámetros de la voladura. Asimismo se han desarrollado dos modelos de reacción parcial que permiten explicar el comportamiento no ideal de la mayoría de los explosivos industriales. Uno de los modelos de reacción parcial propuestos se ha aplicado a los resultados experimentales obtenidos mediante el test del cilindro con explosivos industriales. ····· 1036189536

Metodologías de diagnóstico termoeconómico de sistemas energéticos

für 53.10€ kaufen ···· - Bücher, eBooks, DVD & Blu-ray
El rápido crecimiento industrial en aras de satisfacer las necesidades humanas condujo a la instalación de grandes y complejos sistemas energéticos, que en la actualidad se presentan como los principales medios de contaminación del medio ambiente, debido a las formas desmedidas del consumo de energía. Actualmente, el hombre enfrenta grandes retos en la búsqueda de sistemas de transformación de la energía en forma más eficiente y racional, situación que lo ha obligado a enfocar su atención en el uso de las energías alternativas. En esta obra se presentan los resultados de un trabajo de tesis doctoral, en el cual se presentan algunas de las metodologías del diagnóstico termoeconómico de los sistemas energéticos actuales. Se realiza una comparación entre las principales metodologías del diagnóstico termoeconómico y se aplican sobre un caso práctico de estudio. La aplicación de estas metodologías de diagnóstico permite detectar, cuantificar y valorar económicamente las pérdidas de energía de un sistema energético. ····· 1036189521

Thermodynamic conditions in quenching chamber of LV circuit breaker

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Work deals with the study of processes that attend the electric arc extinction inside the quenching chamber of a circuit breaker. It is focused on several areas. The first one is concerned to fluid dynamics calculations (CFD) and the second one is aimed at thermal field calculations. In this work effects of metal plates distance together with metal plates shapes are described from aerodynamical point of view. Another objective solved by this work is to give information about influence of an electric arc position in a quenching chamber, which changed its shape due to forces acting on it during extinction process. For purpose of this work a new software solution for CFD was developed. Whole software concept is based on plug-ins. Due to this solution, the softwares calculation core can be used for other numerical analyses, like structural, electromagnetic, etc. The only requirement is to write a plug-in for these analyses. Because the software is designed as multi-threaded application, it can use the fully performance of current multi-core processors. ····· 1036187951

Thermochemical Recovery of Heat

für 49.00€ kaufen ···· - Bücher, eBooks, DVD & Blu-ray
Chemical recuperation of heat has gained significant interest due to higher magnitude of reaction heat compared to that of the latent heat in conventional (physical) recovery. In particular, two concepts have been identified which engage chemical reactions within the process: Chemical Recuperation of Heat through Fuel Synthesis and Chemical Recuperation of Heat through Reaction Coupling. The first concept uses the recovery of surplus heat by chemically manipulating the fuel through an endothermic reaction. The result is the generation of a secondary fuel within the cycle which can be used to reduce the process primary fuel consumption and thus increase the overall efficiency. Based on the second concept, one can temporally store the heat using a pair of endothermic/exothermic reactions for later release to system or continuous upgrade of the heat temperature level. It is of interest if the chemical recuperation of heat can be realized through integration of the two concepts. The inclusion of chemical reactions for recuperation of heat will form the next phase in the heat recovery sector as it offers the possibility of extracting a vast remnant of waste heats. ····· 1036186532

Thermodynamic Properties of Some Metals at High Temperatures

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In any study of the properties of materials, it is obviously crucial to include the effect of anharmonicity at an extreme environment, which is accompanied by the changes in the elastic, vibrational and mechanical properties. There are two issues to be resolved when trying to compute the properties of metals at finite temperatures and pressures: first is how to describe the inter-atomic interactions of statistical nature accurately, and second is how to incorporate the effects of expansion and compression into this description. As for computing the effects of temperature and pressure, in principle, any of the first principles methods can be used. Unfortunately, though these ab initio methods are physically robust, they show some practical difficulties at high temperatures and pressures, and are relatively cumbersome too. In this view, results of ab initio methods at ambient conditions are combined to finite temperature methods such as mean-field theory to estimate complete thermodynamics of materials at high-T,P conditions. The present monograph is the illustration of the same, with special reference to metals. ····· 1036186513

Abhandlungen zur Thermodynamik

····· lezzter Preis 29.99€ ···· - Bücher, eBooks, DVD & Blu-ray
Hermann von Helmholtz wurde bereits zu Lebzeiten als Genie gehandelt. Der Universalgelehrte studierte nahezu alle Naturwissenschaften und erlangte bahnbrechende Erfolge in Medizin, Physik und Physiologie. Mathematisch ausgearbeitete Untersuchungen über Naturphänomene machten ihn außerdem zum Mitbegründer der modernen Meteorologie. Im Laufe seines akademischen Werdeganges wurde Helmholtz mehrfach als Professor berufen und 1883 schließlich in den Adelsstand erhoben.Eine seiner späten Leistungen und gleichzeitig das Herzstück dieser Sammlung sind die drei Abhandlungen über die Thermodynamik chemischer Vorgänge . Fächerübergreifend wendet der Reichskanzler der Physik die Gesetze der Thermodynamik auf die Elektrochemie an und führt damit den Begriff der Freien Energie ein. ····· 1036174899

Thermodynamic Modeling of Asphaltene Precipitation

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Asphaltene precipitation is a sophisticated issue in the upstream oil industry, worldwide, and has detrimental effect on a verity of production processes in oilfields it damages the properties of the reservoir and causes an unfavorable and significant decrease in oil production. Many oil reservoirs encounter asphaltene precipitation as a major problem during natural production. It is desirable to predict and investigate the precipitation behavior of asphaltene in different pressure temperature conditions. In spite of numerous studies to predict asphaltene behavior, the effect of temperature on asphaltene precipitation during pressure depletion at reservoir conditions is still obscure in the literature. In this work the PVT data as well as experimental data of asphaltene precipitation at reservoir conditions of two Iranian heavy and light oil samples are used, and the asphaltene precipitation and deposition envelops (APE and ADE) of the oils are developed. ····· 1036125411

Analysis of Refrigerating, Air-conditioning and Drying Processes

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Microsoft Excel spreadsheet add-ins for the R152a data and the psychrometric data, at any barometric pressure and in the air-conditioning and drying temperature ranges, were developed using appropriate governing equations. They were then used to simulate and analyse refrigerating, air-conditioning and drying processes in the Microsoft Excel environment by exploiting its automatic computation potentials. The packages allow one to determine the thermodynamic properties of R152a and humid air at any desired state, and to simulate and analyse refrigeration, air-conditioning and as well as drying processes. This, as a teaching tool, evokes the intellectual curiosity of students and enhances their interest and ability in the thermodynamics of R152a and humid-air processes. The developed Excel add-ins are also useful to the practising HVAC design engineer. ····· 1036124566

Estudio termodinámico y experimental de fijación de arsénico

····· lezzter Preis 61.90€ ···· - Bücher, eBooks, DVD & Blu-ray
La existencia hoy en día de concentrados de cobre con altos contenidos de arsénico, ha dirigido los problemas de contaminación en la minería, directamente hacia las fundiciones. Con presencia de ambientes oxidantes y altas temperaturas, el arsénico se puede presentar tanto como trióxido de arsénico gaseoso como sulfuro de arsénico gaseoso, dependiendo del potencial de azufre. El presente estudio compromete un análisis exhaustivo para la fijación de arsénico en un ambiente oxidante aislado a altas temperaturas, por medio de mezclas a granel (polvo) de sulfato férrico, sulfato férrico con óxido de calcio y sulfato ferroso con óxido de calcio, para la formación de arsenato férrico (FeAsO4). ····· 1036123915

Una contribución al modelaje de máquinas y motores térmicos

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La termodinámica es la ciencia de la energía y presenta una gran importancia en el diseño de motores de automóviles, turbinas de gas, turbinas de vapor, y todos aquellos dispositivos que funcionan a través de ciclos de potencia y de refrigeración. Es por esta razón que ha sido parte esencial de los pensum de estudios de las carreras de ingeniería en todo el mundo. En este texto se muestra una aplicación de esta ciencia en el análisis de las máquinas térmicas y se estudian las variables físicas que permitan optimizar el rendimiento y la potencia de estos dispositivos. Se hace énfasis en aspectos tales como la influencia de las temperaturas, relaciones de compresión, relaciones de presión,relación de cierre de admisión, los cambios en la relación de trabajo de retroceso y su relevancia en el mejoramiento y optimización de las máquinas de ignición y de los motores de turbinas a gas. ····· 1036123860

Propiedades Termofísicas de Mezclas Binarias

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Las interacciones moleculares de las mezclas están directamente relacionadas con una magnitud que se conoce como amplitud de la longitud de correlación. Experimentalmente esta magnitud se ha determinado para una gran cantidad de mezclas binarias en las proximidades del punto crítico líquido-líquido por diferentes técnicas entre las que cabe señalar la dispersión de luz, dispersión de rayos X y turbidez. Desafortunadamente en muchas ocasiones esta cantidad no se ha determinado con una precisión aceptable. Las medidas calorimétricas proporcionan, por su parte, una fuente adecuada para la determinación de la amplitud de la longitud de correlación. Además, la viscosidad dinámica de la mezcla crítica de sistemas con puntos críticos presenta una débil divergencia en las proximidades de la temperatura de separación de fases y posee un exponente crítico universal característico. La complejidad del estudio de la viscosidad dinámica radica en la necesidad de realizar una corrección a los valores experimentales, estas correcciones son altamente dependientes del valor de dicha longitud y por lo tanto una combinación de ambas permite el estudio de la viscosidad en mezclas binaria. ····· 1036123088

Determinación de propiedades termodinámicas en combustibles.

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El los últimos años se ha trabajado en el control de la calidad de combustibles líquidos y lubricantes, amén de las amplias aplicaciones que estos tienen en la Agricultura, el Transporte y la Biotecnología. La tensión superficial brinda información acerca de los mecanismos moleculares que ocurren en los combustibles líquidos y de la eficiencia del proceso de combustión. En este trabajo se desarrolla un método experimental para determinar la tensión superficial con precisión y exactitud en combustibles líquidos, específicamente en las mezclas de alcohol gasolina haciendo una caracterización molecular de las mismas, usando el tensiómetro DuNouy. El tensiómetro es conectado a un sensor de fuerza, se considera la sensibilidad del sensor B, se obtiene F. Se mide el diámetro interior y exterior del anillo. Se presentan las mediciones de la tensión superficial, se determina la fuerza y el coeficiente de tensión superficial en gasolina, alcohol y mezclas de dichos compuestos, usando un software en Mathcad 14, se da una explicación de los procesos intermoleculares que ocurren. Los resultados demuestran la precisión y exactitud de la técnica de medición desarrollada. ····· 1036122967

Thermal Conductivity of Nanofluids

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This experimental work was done to measure the thermal conductivity of nanofluids (TiO2-water, ZnO-water and Al2O3-water). The thermal conductivity is measured experimentally, compared with the theoretical models for each nanofluid at each particle volume fraction. The unmatched hike is obtained in the thermal conductivity through nanofluid. To perform the experiment the nanofluid is prepared at different volume fractions of 0.25%, 0.50%, 0.75% and 1% of TiO2, ZnO and Al2O3 nanoparticles with base fluid water. The nano particles are mixed with water in ultrasonic vibration mixer (UVM) machine. The mixing of nano particles is done through ultrasonication. The measurements are taken at room temperature with the help of Thermal property analyzer KD2 Pro device which is most accurate device to measure the thermal properties of the liquids as well solids. The results of this experimental work shows that thermal conductivity increases 22% for TiO2 nanofluid, 17% for ZnO nanofluid and 24% for Al2O3 nanofluid with base fluid water for 1% volume fraction of nanofluid. ····· 1036121511

Phase Equilibrium of -carotene, Tocopherols and Triacylglycerols

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This book illustrates phase equilibrium and rate test units design for subcritical and supercritical extraction. Two phase equilibrium data were experimentally obtained for some vitamins and fats (from oil) during supercritical extraction process. A thermodynamics model based on the Regular Solution equations was developed to predict two phase equilibrium data during this process. Furthermore, a statistical analysis was applied in this work. ····· 1036120594

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