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Thermal Conductivity of Nanofluids

für 44.10€ kaufen ···· - Bücher, eBooks, DVD & Blu-ray
This experimental work was done to measure the thermal conductivity of nanofluids (TiO2-water, ZnO-water and Al2O3-water). The thermal conductivity is measured experimentally, compared with the theoretical models for each nanofluid at each particle volume fraction. The unmatched hike is obtained in the thermal conductivity through nanofluid. To perform the experiment the nanofluid is prepared at different volume fractions of 0.25%, 0.50%, 0.75% and 1% of TiO2, ZnO and Al2O3 nanoparticles with base fluid water. The nano particles are mixed with water in ultrasonic vibration mixer (UVM) machine. The mixing of nano particles is done through ultrasonication. The measurements are taken at room temperature with the help of Thermal property analyzer KD2 Pro device which is most accurate device to measure the thermal properties of the liquids as well solids. The results of this experimental work shows that thermal conductivity increases 22% for TiO2 nanofluid, 17% for ZnO nanofluid and 24% for Al2O3 nanofluid with base fluid water for 1% volume fraction of nanofluid. ····· 1036121511

Phase Equilibrium of -carotene, Tocopherols and Triacylglycerols

für 79.11€ kaufen ···· - Bücher, eBooks, DVD & Blu-ray
This book illustrates phase equilibrium and rate test units design for subcritical and supercritical extraction. Two phase equilibrium data were experimentally obtained for some vitamins and fats (from oil) during supercritical extraction process. A thermodynamics model based on the Regular Solution equations was developed to predict two phase equilibrium data during this process. Furthermore, a statistical analysis was applied in this work. ····· 1036120594

Raschet vlazhnosti v atmosfere Zemli

für 35.91€ kaufen ···· - Bücher, eBooks, DVD & Blu-ray
Issledovanie ravnovesiya faz: gaza, zhidkosti, tverdoj, pozvolyaet rasschitat` krivye rosy v otkrytom i zakrytom sosudah, a takzhe vlazhnost` vozduha. Obrabotka dannyh amerikanskih meteozondov, pozvolyaet postroit` grafiki dlya prognoza pogody. Dlya uglekisloty rasschitany krivye rosy v sistemah gaz-zhidkost` i gaz-tverdoe, ispol`zuya jexperimental`nye velichiny teploemkostej. V rabote privedeny takzhe algoritmy dlya rascheta vysoty Solnca i azimuta i nekotorye drugie algoritmy. ····· 1036120469

Teplofizicheskie svoystva prostykh efirov

für 53.10€ kaufen ···· - Bücher, eBooks, DVD & Blu-ray
V monografii privedeny rezul`taty issledovaniya teplofizicheskikh svoystv teploemkosti, temperaturoprovodnosti i vyazkosti prostykh efirov (dimetil, dietil, diallil, dipropil, dibutil, diamil, digeksil, digeptil, dioktil, diizopropil, divinil, difenil, didetsil) v intervale temperatur 293-710 K i davleniy (0,101 98,1) MPa. Monografiya prednaznachena dlya nauchnykh rabotnikov, aspirantov, soiskateley, a takzhe shirokogo kruga spetsialistov v oblasti teplofiziki i izuchenii spetsial`nykh distsiplin dlya studentov VTUZov. ····· 1036119967

The Solubility of Volatile Organic Compounds in Biodiesel

für 69.21€ kaufen ···· - Bücher, eBooks, DVD & Blu-ray
Volatile organic compounds (VOCs) have a profoundly negative impact on the wellbeing of the environment. Besides being major contributors to global air pollution, VOCs also adversely affect human health. Thus, chemical industries are being increasingly pressurised into limiting the release of VOCs into the atmosphere. Chemical industries often use absorption processes to accomplish this task. The methyl esters that constitute biodiesel are an environmentally friendly substitute for conventional organic solvents in absorbing and removing VOCs from waste process gas streams. This book focuses on the use of UNIFAC as a thermodynamic model to evaluate which VOCs are suitable for absorption by the solvent biodiesel. This is accomplished by measuring the activity coefficients of various VOC/ biodiesel mixtures. In the book, various VOC control technologies are investigated and an investigation into the various thermodynamic models used in computing activity coefficient values is also conducted. This book will be useful to anyone who is searching for a suitable absorption solvent, as well as those who wish to know more about the various thermodynamic models being used by industry today. ····· 1036119850

Thermodynamic Analyses of a Natural Gas Fired Thermal Power Plant

für 62.91€ kaufen ···· - Bücher, eBooks, DVD & Blu-ray
Fundamental industrial issues that influence effective performance and operations of thermal power plant in an economic and environmentally friendly manner were addressed in this book. For instance, it was revealed in this book how operation of condenser at inappropriate condenser cooling water flowrate could cost the plant operator. The influence of reference temperature on plant efficiency and cost of operation was also addressed. From this book, it was also established that effective operation of thermal power plant saved not only cost but also guaranteed friendly environment. The concepts adopted in this book could also be applied in other process industries other than thermal power plant. The results obtained from the case study could serve as reference materials and helpful information for the plant operators towards schedule of contingency plan. ····· 1036119654

Solution Thermodynamics

für 44.10€ kaufen ···· - Bücher, eBooks, DVD & Blu-ray
The interactions of water with the various functional groups of proteins play crucial role in determining the conformational stability of proteins. The interactions between charged biomolecules and ions can highly influence the behavior and conformation of former molecules in aqueous solutions and study of these interactions do provide an insight into their conformational stability and unfolding behavior. As the amino acids in vivo are not involved in pure aqueous medium, their studies in the presence of various electrolytes, non-electrolytes, zwitterions i.e. molecules of various sizes, shapes and characteristics, like polarity and hydrophobicity are much in place. Partial molar quantities and the transfer functions determined at infinite dilution are extremely useful in the elucidation of mutual interactions between amino acid and cosolute/cosolvent molecules. ····· 1036119388

Scale Deposition on Coated Carbon Steel and Titanium Surfaces

für 44.10€ kaufen ···· - Bücher, eBooks, DVD & Blu-ray
Calcium Sulfate (CaSO4) deposit reduces heat exchange in heat transfer equipment which adversely affects the equipment performance and plant production. This experimental study was conducted by using the Rotating Cylinder Electrode (RCE) equipment available in the university s Center for Engineering Research (CER/RI) to study and compare the effect of solution hydrodynamics on Calcium Sulfate (CaSO4) scale deposition on coated carbon steel and titanium surfaces. In addition, the Scanning Electron Microscopic was used to examine the morphology and distribution of Calcium Sulfate (CaSO4) crystals deposited on titanium metal surfaces. In this study, the rotational speed was varied from 100 to 2000 RPM to study the behavior of Calcium Sulfate (CaSO4) accumulation on both materials. Based on the experimental results, Calcium Sulfate (CaSO4) scale obtained in the present study was almost constant on coated carbon steel in which the rate of scale deposition is equal to the rate of scale removal. However, the deposition of Calcium Sulfate (CaSO4) observed on titanium material was increased as the speed increased. ····· 1036119283

Termodinamicheskiy analiz effektivnosti teploenergeticheskikh ustanovok

für 44.10€ kaufen ···· - Bücher, eBooks, DVD & Blu-ray
V rabote privoditsya metod otsenki effektivnosti teploenergeticheskikh ustanovok razlichnykh vidov po kompleksnomu pokazatelyu effektivnosti, razrabotannomu avtorom na kafedre teploenergetiki Astrakhanskogo gosudarstvennogo tekhnicheskogo universiteta sovmestno s Otdelom energeticheskikh problem Saratovskogo nauchnogo tsentra RAN. Metod na osnove edinogo kompleksnogo pokazatelya i ego sostavlyayushchikh prodemonstrirovan na primere sovremennykh ustanovok i apparatov: parogazovye ustanovki, gazoturbinnye ustanovki, dvigateli vnutrennego sgoraniya, dvigateli Stirlinga, promyshlennye kotly, utilizatsionnye kotly, teploobmennye apparaty, teplovye nasosy, solnechnye ustanovki i kombinatsii etikh vidov ustanovok. Izuchenie dannogo materiala osnovano na znanii bazovykh polozheniy sleduyushchikh distsiplin: `Tekhnicheskaya termodinamika`, `Teplomassoobmen`, `Toplivo`, `Kotel`nye ustanovki`, Teplomassoobmennoe oborudovanie`, `Teplosnabzhenie`, `Netraditsionnye i vozobnovlyaemye istochniki energii`, `Energosberezhenie v teploenergetike` i drugikh distsiplin professional`nykh tsiklov inzhenerov-teploenergetikov ····· 103615342

Teoreticheskie osnovy viskozimetrov

für 53.10€ kaufen ···· - Bücher, eBooks, DVD & Blu-ray
Monografiya, posvyashchena teoreticheskomu obosnovaniyu raboty viskozimetrov osnovannykh na vynuzhdennoe dvizhenie issleduemogo veshchestva cherez izmeritel`nyy kanal.Rassmatrivaetsya metod padayushchego gruza, metod s padayushchim polym tsilindrom,metod vynuzhdennogo dvizhenie gruza i metod kapillyara. Resheno gidrodinamicheskikh zadach, postavlennykh v obshchey forme, kotorye vstrechayutsya v rabote viskozimetra. Sushchnost` metoda reshenie zaklyuchaetsya v tom, chto pervonachal`no poluchaetsya uproshchyennoe raschyetnoe uravnenie metoda i na ego osnove osushchestvlyaetsya vydelenie osnovnykh i vtorostepennykh faktorov. Dalee, s uchyetom etogo poluchaetsya bolee utochnyennoe raschyetnoe uravnenie metoda i razrabatyvaetsya rekomendatsiya o podbore parametrov pribora. Kniga rasschitana dlya nauchnykh rabotnikov, takzhe mozhet byt` poleznym dlya studentov vuzov ····· 103615266

Khimicheskiy potentsial.Tom 1-y

für 80.10€ kaufen ···· - Bücher, eBooks, DVD & Blu-ray
V knige rassmatrivayutsya problemy vvedeniya, obosnovaniya, rasprostraneniya na raznye termodinamicheskie sistemy i primeneniya v razlichnykh oblastyakh nauki odnogo iz vazhneyshikh i trudnykh dlya ponimaniya ponyatiy termodinamiki -khimicheskogo potentsiala. Kniga rasschitana na studentov, prepodavateley i nauchnykh rabotnikov fiziko-khimicheskogo profilya. Ona mozhet byt` polezna spetsialistam vo vsekh oblastyakh nauki i praktiki, ispol`zuyushchikh khimicheskiy potentsial i svyazannye s nim ponyatiya i predstavleniya. ····· 103615120

Termodinámica de los concentradores solares

für 62.10€ kaufen ···· - Bücher, eBooks, DVD & Blu-ray
El aprovechamiento de la radiación solar como fuente de energía está limitado por la baja densidad energética de la radiación solar que llega a la Tierra y el elevado grado de irreversibilidad termodinámica de los procesos de su captación. Los procesos de concentración de la luz solar poseen gran relevancia en la actualidad y vinculan esencialmente la óptica con la termodinámica. Por ello el objeto de estudio de este texto es la razón de concentración máxima alcanzable con un concentrador de la luz solar, análisis que conduce al concepto de límite termodinámico, análogo al de la eficiencia del ciclo de Carnot en este universo de los procesos de concentración de la luz solar ····· 103612727

Estudio de un captador solar térmico sombreador

für 88.20€ kaufen ···· - Bücher, eBooks, DVD & Blu-ray
En la actualidad existe una gran preocupación por el ahorro energético para conseguir una menor dependencia de la energía convencional. La integración de sistemas de energías renovables en la edificación, es una importante estrategia para soluciones energéticas sostenibles. Esta integración se encuentra muchas veces limitada en los proyectos arquitectónicos, al darse prioridad a la parte estética frente a otros elementos como es el clima, la orientación de la edificación o el consumo de energía. La integración de los captadores solares en componentes externos de los edificios contribuye a la reducción de costes en la implementación, permitiendo además una mayor libertad arquitectónica. En este libro se estudia un nuevo tipo de captador solar térmico integrado en sombreadores de edificios. Además de calentar agua, controla las ganancias solares sobre las superficies acristaladas donde es instalado. Se modeló, se validó experimentalmente y se evaluó la aplicación para calentamiento de agua sanitaria, con estudio de la viabilidad económica y ambiental. Este trabajo puede ayudar a ingenieros o arquitectos que deseen implementar colectores solares térmicos en sus proyectos. ····· 103611300

Cold Finger Melt Crystallization

für 35.91€ kaufen ···· - Bücher, eBooks, DVD & Blu-ray
This work contributes to the development of pyroprocessing technology as an economically viable means of separating used nuclear fuel from fission products and cladding materials. Electrolytic oxide reduction is used as a head-end step before electrorefining to reduce oxide fuel to metallic form. The electrolytic medium used in this technique is molten LiCl-Li2O. Groups I and II fission products, such as cesium (Cs) and strontium (Sr), have been shown to partition from the fuel into the molten LiCl-Li2O. Various approaches of separating these fission products from the salt have been investigated by different research groups. One promising approach is based on a layer crystallization method studied at the Korea Atomic Energy Research Institute (KAERI). This research explores economical and scalable operating parameters based on a comprehensive understanding of heat and mass transfer through a series of experiments in which LiCl is purified, by concentrating CsCl in a liquid phase as purified LiCl is crystallized and removed via an argon-cooled cold finger. ····· 10361830

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