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Der Werwolf

für 32.90€ kaufen ···· - Bücher, eBooks, DVD & Blu-ray
Der Werwolf - ein ungebrochener Mythos. Oder steckt vielleicht doch mehr Wahrheit dahinter, als wir geneigt sind, anzunehmen Wilhelm Hertz macht sich auf die Spurensuche und taucht tief in die Sagengeschichte ein. Hierzu vergleicht er Werwolfsagen verschiedener Völker und macht erstaunliche Entdeckungen. Sorgfältig bearbeiteter Nachdruck der Originalausgabe von 1862. ····· 10361139232

Slavische Volksforschungen

für 46.90€ kaufen ···· - Bücher, eBooks, DVD & Blu-ray
Mit Slavische Volksforschungen führt Friedrich S. Krauss ein in Glaube, Sitten und Bräuche der Slaven. Darüber hinaus widmet Krauss sich in einem zweiten Teil einem besonderen Aspekt der slavischen Kultur: den Guslarenliedern der Südslaven. Krauss ist ein vielschichtiges und detailliertes Werk gelungen, das nicht zuletzt durch Authentizität auf Grund der eigenen Erfahrungen des Autors beeindruckt.Sorgfältig bearbeiteter Nachdruck der Originalausgabe von 1908. ····· 10361139230

Trachten, Sitten, Bräuche und Sagen in der Ortenau und im Kinzigtal

für 34.90€ kaufen ···· - Bücher, eBooks, DVD & Blu-ray
Nach Bezirken sortiert und sehr detailliert beschreibt J. J. Hoffmann Trachten, Sitten, Bräuche und Sagen in der Schwarzwaldregion rund um Ortenau und Kinzigtal. Die Jahrhunderte alten Traditionen, die Hoffmann beschreibt und somit für eine breite Nachwelt bewahrt, sind auch für ortsfremde kulturgeschichtlich Interessierte spannend. Sorgfältig bearbeiteter Nachdruck der Originalausgabe von 1899. ····· 10361139217

Norddeutsche Sagen, Märchen und Gebräuche

für 54.90€ kaufen ···· - Bücher, eBooks, DVD & Blu-ray
Die Sagenforscher und Philologen Adalbert Kuhn und Wilhelm Schwartz stellen im vorliegenden Band eine umfangreiche Sammlung norddeutscher Märchen, Sagen und Gebräuche aus den unterschiedlichsten Gegenden zusammen. Vom Schweriner Petermännchen bis zu den Bergmännchen von Iburg, von alten Fastnachts- bis zu Hochzeitsbräuchen enthält das Werk mehr als 800 bekannte und vergessene Erzählungen und Beschreibungen aus dem Volksmund. Sorgfältig überarbeiteter Nachdruck der Originalausgabe aus dem Jahr 1848. ····· 10361138802

Nachklänge germanischen Glaubens und Brauchs in Amerika

für 34.90€ kaufen ···· - Bücher, eBooks, DVD & Blu-ray
Der deutsch-amerikanische Schriftsteller Karl Knortz untersucht im vorliegenden Band, welchen Einfluss deutsche Einwanderer auf die amerikanische Kultur genommen haben. Dabei geht er u. a. auf Volkslieder, Erzählungen und Märchen, aber auch auf religiöse Riten und Brauchtümer ein. Sorgfältig überarbeiteter Nachdruck der Originalausgabe aus dem Jahr 1903. ····· 10361138622

Studien über die Enstehung der nordischen Götter- und Heldensagen

für 59.90€ kaufen ···· - Bücher, eBooks, DVD & Blu-ray
Der Philologe Sophus Bugge untersucht im vorliegenden Band Herkunft und Entstehung der nordischen Götter- und Heldensagen. Eng an den Texten der Überlieferungen stellt Bugge Zusammenhänge zu anderen Sagenkreisen her. Nachdruck der deutschsprachigen Originalausgabe aus dem Jahr 1889. ····· 10361138410

Viajeros y costumbristas en España y México

für 35.10€ kaufen ···· - Bücher, eBooks, DVD & Blu-ray
Antes del nacimiento formal de la antropología, los libros de viaje de los románticos del siglo XIX que cruzaron por en España y México, así como las representaciones gráficas de los artistas viajeros fueron testimonios de la mirada extranjera en tierras vistas como exóticas . Estas producciones ofrecen una perspectiva personal y pormenorizada de las sociedades que ven, por lo que cabría preguntarse si es posible considerarlos formalmente como antecesores de la antropología, considerando el llamado a la complementariedad de esta ciencia con Historia según propone Edward Evans-Pritchard, así como desde el lado contrario lo es la Historia Cultural de Peter Burke. En contrasentido, la respuesta local a los viajeros extranjeros fue dada por la literatura costumbrista de ambos países y constituye también otra manera de analizar las sociedades decimonónicas española y mexicana mediante sus artículos en la prensa sobre las llamadas escenas o cuadros de costumbres, así como los álbumes ilustrados de tipos populares. ¿Es posible analizar estas producciones con rigor científico o son exclusivamente materia de análisis para otras disciplinas como el arte y la literatura ····· 10361136512

Los cuentos maravillosos en el folclore serbio y español

····· lezzter Preis 88.20€ ···· - Bücher, eBooks, DVD & Blu-ray
A pesar de todo su valor cultural y artístico, el folclore no deja de ser un área para muchos desconocida. En el presente trabajo, se ofrece una investigación sobre la literatura de tradición oral, procedente del folclore serbio y español. Se trata de un análisis -siguiendo los principios comparativistas- de los cuentos maravillosos, a partir del cual se profundiza en la estructura hasta llevar a cabo una clasificación conjunta. Por otro lado, los personajes que están presentes en los cuentos son estudiados en profundidad, realizando un análisis descriptivo de cada uno de ellos y justificando su presencia a través de la mitología. De este modo, se obtiene una perspectiva general de la riqueza, así como de los rasgos comunes y específicos de los cuentos maravillosos de estos dos pueblos. ····· 10361136307

El Folklor Afrocubano en la Comunidad Moense

für 26.10€ kaufen ···· - Bücher, eBooks, DVD & Blu-ray
El propósito del estudio que se presenta va encaminado a revelar cómo existe una tendencia al abandono de las raíces afrocubanas dentro de las manifestaciones religiosas del municipio Moa, con marcado carácter tendencial a la práctica religiosa protestante. Por la importancia que reviste la presencia de materiales bibliográficos sobre la presencia folclórica africana en las manifestaciones religiosa del moense y asumiendo que no existe algún antecedente al respecto, se presenta un material que servirá para conservar las raíces culturales del pueblo de Moa y como material de consulta. Con la ayuda de diferentes métodos de investigación de la metodología cualitativa y etnográfica fue posible realizar un estudio exploratorio respecto a la temática del folklore afrocubano en Moa, fue posible obtener datos interesantes que evidencian un transito de la religión afrocubana a la práctica protestante. ····· 10361136288

Social Functions of Karrayyu Oromo Oral Prose Narratives

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As the study is delimited to only four genres, the researcher feels that all the issues are not treated in depth so as to bring into light the multifaceted and complex social issues in the life of the the Karrayu society. Thus, the researcher recommends an in-depth investigation to be undertaken, particularly in other genres like geerarsa, mirrisa, faaruu loonii and mammaaksa. Thus, the researcher hops that it will reveal the dynamics of the culture of the community if an in-depth analysis is carried out in the area. ····· 10361136051

Folklore as Mediating Versatile Indigenous Socio-cultural Ideologies

für 44.10€ kaufen ···· - Bücher, eBooks, DVD & Blu-ray
From time to time, you may hear individuals uttering I am lost in us! It sounds puzzling, yet requires exceptional attention. This era of globalization has come with all its packages of the good and the terrible effects. In one sense, it is a time born phenomenon and so a society may have little power to stop its expansion. In the other sense, it would appear that a society has faced the maximum challenges to preserve and circulate its own indigenous socio-cultural values, norms, stories, practices and life philosophies. Of all, the basic questions should be: how to maintain indignity and originality of diverse values and thinking What is the benefit of listening to peoples life stories and philosophies How do people construct their own realities and identities How do they communicate them Are there things that modern society could learn from the past stories and beliefs These and other questions could get answers if we pay attention to folklore and its channels. You see, that is why you need to give special credit to folklore and its contents! It means,NEVER MISS such materials that enable you to see a society through the insiders eyes. ····· 10361136017

Style and Meaning in Funeral Oratory

für 71.10€ kaufen ···· - Bücher, eBooks, DVD & Blu-ray
This book analyses Babukusu funeral oratory ritual called Khuswala Kumuse. It highlights the central role the ritual plays in Babukusu community in defining their worldview and how they relate with their cosmology and themselves. The ritual performer exploits the linguistic resources at his disposal to construct meanings that enables the society to understand itself better. Thus the book highlights stylistic features in the performers text and how they contribute to the overall meanings and functions of Khuswala Kumuse. The author argues that the ritual performer uses literary language in constructing the image of Babukusu-nation. Mr. Maelo notes that the ritual provides a platform where members of the community come together to affirm their identity and nationhood and to reflect on their past and chart out their future. This book is very resourceful to literary scholars, educators and sociologists in developing cultural dynamics theories. ····· 10361135474

The practice of tattooing in Amhara region: the case of Ankober

für 49.41€ kaufen ···· - Bücher, eBooks, DVD & Blu-ray
Ankober, also called Gorobela was a capital of the former kingdom of Shoa. It is located at the northern edge of the Ethiopian highlands in the northern Shoa, and is a historical site. The Ankober community is well known for its habit of wearing of tattoos. The reasons so far in support of tattooing in Ankober are decorative, religious and healing. This book presents a fascinating tattoo designs and their cultural relevance in the Ankober community. Basically, there are ten distinct tattoo designs that are worn in the Ankober community. The tattoo designs are named burrie, yebere shint ot wet`a wered, mesk`elegngna or meskel, kibb, guramaylle, yewof igir, net`ebt`ab, senselet, finger tattoos, writing on the body and others. ····· 10361132043

The impact of initiation ceremony on women

für 44.10€ kaufen ···· - Bücher, eBooks, DVD & Blu-ray
The aim of the study was to examine the extent to which values and norms that are taught during initiation benefit women. The other aim was to discover those values that contributed to the infringement of women s rights. It was discovered that a number of issues are taught to the girls during the initiation rite. Values like respect towards the elderly people and men, keeping their marriages by respecting their husbands and taking good care of them, having self discipline, how to provide hygiene, food taboos, hospitality and how to take care of babies. The findings also indicated that the initiated girls have little freedom of expression while in seclusion. Sometimes, they are beaten up, mistreated and they are not suppose to say a word or object to that. However, most girls appreciated the teachings, as the things learnt help them in their marriage and life afterwards. If the various recommendations made are taken into consideration, then the rite will be sustainable and adopted by many cultures and traditions that have been practicing it. ····· 10361131799

Riddle Events, Contexts and Audiences

für 71.10€ kaufen ···· - Bücher, eBooks, DVD & Blu-ray
The last half century (1960 2010) has seen substantial growth in African Oral Literature research especially in the areas of folklore narratives, oral poetry and proverbs but not much has been done in the area of riddles, in particular, riddling as performance. Most of the studies done have focused on riddles as short formulaic question-and-answer forms enjoyed mostly by children thereby ignoring the dialogic and narrative forms of the riddle in everyday discourses. Studies of the riddle in Africa have mostly analysed mutilated riddle acts in the form of extracted riddle precedents that bear no clue of the events, contexts and audiences that produced or inspired the production of the supposed riddles. This book demonstrates the role of events, contexts, and audiences on riddling as performance. It also analyses the formal structure and performance patterns of popular riddle acts in Lusoga language and culture. It portrays the dynamics of meaning making processes and thematic patterning during riddling. The case of Nsinze Seed School riddle event reveals the central role of audiences, contexts and events play in creating and re-creating, producing and reproducing riddle texts. ····· 10361100136

African Indigenous Institutions for Conflict Resolution

····· lezzter Preis 44.10€ ···· - Bücher, eBooks, DVD & Blu-ray
African societies have their own traditional institutions for democratic administration. It would be quite reasonable to argue that Africans, at least like any other people elsewhere, certainly have for long time developed their own unique system of governance. As part of their strong and viable system, they had also and still have effective and practically workable conflict resolution mechanisms unlike some Westerner centric arguments which consider African people as savage and uncivilized. It has been assumed that the Western techniques of conflict resolution would also apply to African societies where the context is quite different. Unlike the Western techniques, the African traditional principles of conflict resolution are targeted at bringing about sustainable peace among the disputants thereby the prevalence of enmity and hatred within as well as across communities could permanently be vanished. Indeed, this is also possible for the Irob society to do it away customarily at the grass-root level through the use of Melat-agle, one of their cultural institutions. ····· 1036192568

La Rumba cubana

für 35.10€ kaufen ···· - Bücher, eBooks, DVD & Blu-ray
En este texto se rescata la historia de creación y resistencia de los afrocubanos en la esfera de la música popular cubana por excelencia: la rumba. El pasado de esclavitud de los cubanos de origen africano sirve de fondo histórico en su múltiple y diversa significación. Asimismo, la migración forzada, el cimarronaje, las guerras de independencia con su impronta de transculturación, recreación y transformación constantes de rituales, cantos, bailes, acompañados por expresiones lingüísticas de origen congo, yoruba y carabalí y el uso de los tambores en una explosión percusiva, elementos todos que nos remiten al complejo étnico, cultural y estético de la rumba. Este proceso plurifacético se estudia aquí desde su origen hasta la primera mitad del siglo XX, en el ambiente social posterior a la abolición de la esclavitud que se consumó en 1886. ····· 1036189636

Oral Ramayani Tradition of Eastern India

für 79.00€ kaufen ···· - Bücher, eBooks, DVD & Blu-ray
The Ramayana tradition of India with a long and strong background has played a significant role on life and society. The present book is primarily a comparative analytical study of the oral Ramayana traditions of Eastern India i.e. Assam, Bengal and Orissa. Its aim and objectives are to explore inter-related, well documented and systematic study of genres based on Rama-katha which are transmited orally first and gradually entered to the written traditions. In India Rama is not only religious idols for the people or the Ramayana is not simply an epic of religious verses, it is a part of human experiences, not separable from other modes of experiences. Fundamental human needs lie beneath this masterpieces of religious literary work for which Rama-katha diffused in the folk society long before its written literary form. That is why the oral traditions of Rama-katha has been current in the folk society from times immemorial. It exerted impact on the life of individual as well as of society ····· 1036188331

Portrayal of Children and Elders in Wolliso Oromo Proverbs

für 44.10€ kaufen ···· - Bücher, eBooks, DVD & Blu-ray
This work presents the portrayal of children and elders in Wolliso Oromo proverbs from the perspectives of contexts of uses of the proverbs. It is an attempt made to explore how the society see its needy members. In doing so, it tells how the Oromo were and are treating their children and elders. As proverbs show the philosophical views of the society at large,this work may contribute a great deal to those who intend to study on the area at large.The Oromo are very rich in folklore. For centuries folklore has been used among the Oromo as a tool for various social functions. It is therefore, a treasure for one who need to know more about the owners- the people. Among the Oromo where oral tradition has been and is playing fundamental role, the study of various folkloric elements provide a password in the making of the true histroy of the Oromo who are indigenously Ethiopians(the Oromo). ····· 1036188290

Dormant Ethnobotany

für 61.20€ kaufen ···· - Bücher, eBooks, DVD & Blu-ray
This dissertation introduces the applied concept of dormant ethnobotany, a concept that helps explain the socio-economic, cultural and ecological aspects and implications of the transition away from active use of ethnobotanical knowledge and the factors that may lead to its re-emergence. Dormant ethnobotany is the study of relationships between people and plants that are inactive, but nonetheless still alive in memories, the historic record, and folklore and thereby capable of reemergence in support of the transition to a more sustainable society. The dissertation extends the field of ethnobotany from its current roots, the study of dynamic ethnobotany of indigenous people, because it is a case study that takes place in a non-indigenous community located in a developed nation. A multiple methods approach was used that entailed qualitative interviews, ecological studies and triangulation in the context of a case study of the Bull Run Mountains of northern Virginia s Piedmont Region. The research was further refined by focusing on the mid-1940s to the mid-1950s as the key transition period from dynamic to dormant ethnobotany in this geographic area. ····· 1036187378

The Influence of Folktales on Early Ndebele Narratives

für 61.20€ kaufen ···· - Bücher, eBooks, DVD & Blu-ray
The Influence of folktales on Ndebele narratives- examines the role played by orature in shaping the written narratives especially the narratives of people who are still engrossed in their oral art forms. This work observes that there is a marked difference between a writer who is conscious of the techniques of oral narratives and what needs to be done when incorporating these techniques into written art and one who uses these oral techniques without being aware that they are using them. In this book Ndebele narratives are analyzed from these two perspectives. The work brings out evidence of narratives that exhibits folktale techniques but the writers of those narratives deny that they ever thought of any folktale during the time of creating their narratives. The work identifies characters in these narratives which are created using the folktale model. It shows how critical it is to understand the folktale model in order to identify the message the writer is putting forward in their narrative. A chapter is devoted on the role of the colonial Literature Bureau in the creation and growth Ndebele narratives. ····· 1036187164

Disaster Motif as a Social Construct

für 61.20€ kaufen ···· - Bücher, eBooks, DVD & Blu-ray
In this book Dr. Wallace Mbugua shows how various members of a society confront the realities of disaster. He examines the qualities that precipitate disaster and how the motif ties up experiences and characteristics that constitute human suffering. The text also examines the various forms of disaster from spiritual, abstract material to physical. Finally, this text brings out significant life lessons through the medium of oral narratives. ····· 1036187135

Pro Samothrake

····· lezzter Preis 24.50€ ···· - Bücher, eBooks, DVD & Blu-ray
Hermann Thiersch schildert den damaligen Forschungstand der Ausgrabungen auf Samothrake. Er fordert die Archäologen auf, das Heiligtum auf Samothrake vollständig auszugraben, die unveröffentlichten Fundstücke zusammen zu tragen und die Rekonstruktionsversuche zu überarbeiten. Mit der vorliegenden Abhandlung vom 25. Juni 1930 legt Thiersch einen eigenen ersten Versuch vor. Der 1874 in München geborene Hermann Thiersch war ein deutscher Klassischer Archäologe. Nach seinem Studium und seiner Promotion erhielt er vom Deutschen Archäologischen Institut ein Reisestipendium und unternahm mehrere Ausgrabungen im östlichen Mittelmeerraum. 1904 habilitierte er und wurde Professor an der Universität Freiburg i. Br. - später an der Universität Göttingen. 1933 unterzeichnete er das Bekenntnis der Professoren an den deutschen Universitäten und Hochschulen zu Adolf Hitler und dem nationalsozialistischen Staat . 1938 wurde er jedoch aus der Göttinger Akademie ausgeschlossen, weil seine Frau als Halbjüdin eingestuft wurde. Hermann Thiersch verstarb 1939 in Göttingen. ····· 1036174599


····· lezzter Preis 35.00€ ···· - Bücher, eBooks, DVD & Blu-ray
Rau und bodenständig, zupackend und nachdenklich, so vermittelt dieser Bild-Essay das Alpleben. Die vielfach ausgezeichnete Fotografin Vanessa Püntener hält in ihrem `Porträt einer verborgenen Welt` die Heimat ihrer Familie, die Bergwelt der Urner Alpen, fest.
Vanessa Pünteners Fotografien sind so unaufgeregt wie ihr Sujet, und wie von den Menschen, die sie porträtiert, so scheint auch von ihren Bildern ein tiefes inneres Leuchten auszugehen. In ihnen erfahren wir das Leben auf der Alp als eine Welt mit einem eigenen Rhythmus, voller Gelassenheit, aber auch geprägt von harter Arbeit und Unwägbarkeiten. ····· 1036155133

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