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Empresa mexicana en el Tratado de Libre Comercio de América del Norte

für 88.20€ kaufen ···· - Bücher, eBooks, DVD & Blu-ray
Este trabajo es una ventana hacia la relación trilateral desde el punto de vista mexicano, en donde permite visualizar los negocios desde el marco jurídico mexicano para los inversionistas interesados en el mercado de América del Norte y considerando simultáneamente la opción como bloque regional. Con el TLCAN, México se proyecta frente a la comunidad internacional con una posición geopolítica y comercial que representa una ventaja competitiva y comparativa en el rubro comercial muestra de ello son las diferentes empresas transnacionales que han aterrizado en suelo mexicano orientando desde este lugar sus productos y servicios hacia el oriente, norte, sur y este del territorio nacional, generando con ello el incremento del comercio internacional desde la plataforma mexicana, traduciéndose en interesantes beneficios. Aunado a lo anterior, México representa en si mismo, la suma de más de diez tratados de libre comercio firmados desde la década de los noventa hasta la fecha,lo cual implica un atractivo mercado de más de 460 millones de consumidores. ····· 103612016

Problemas de la Enseñanza del Derecho Internacional Público

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La incursión en la situación actual de la enseñanza del Derecho Internacional Público, es un asunto de gran interés, que se ha convertido en centro de preocupación para todos los países del orbe, pues en el mundo actual reviste gran importancia la adquisición de un conjunto de habilidades y conocimientos sobre los principios y reglas que configuran su estructura. Los graves problemas que enfrenta hoy la enseñanza del Derecho Internacional Público, han propiciado el desdén de los estudiantes por la asignatura, pues en las facultades de Derecho, generalmente es considerada una materia de relleno que no ocupa un lugar preponderante dentro de los planes de estudio de la carrera. Con el propósito de perfeccionar la enseñanza del Derecho Internacional Público en un futuro inmediato y proyectar nuestros esfuerzos hacia la concientización de estudiantes, profesores e instituciones, en la tarea de sustituir el modelo tradicional vigente, por la enseñanza crítica, que permita la preparación integral de los futuros profesionales, la presente investigación declara los retos que debemos enfrentar para la consecución de este fin. ····· 103611759

La Doble Nacionalidad en el Derecho Mexicano

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La nacionalidad es el vínculo que une a los individuos con un Estado determinado desde diversos aspectos, entre ellos los sociales, religiosos, políticos, culturales. El tema de la doble nacionalidad se ha tornado controvertido, pues es de aplicación interna para cada país. Para el caso de México no se ha firmado ningún tipo de convenio internacional que permita esta figura en todos los marcos legales diferentes al nuestro. ····· 103611574

Migración y Asuntos Internacionales

für 44.10€ kaufen ···· - Bücher, eBooks, DVD & Blu-ray
Este trabajo, además de seguir y analizar el tema migratorio de los mexicanos en los Estados Unidos desde el año 2009 al 2011 mediante una recopilación de trabajos periodísticos en distintos medios de comunicación, intenta aderezar el tema con cuestiones internacionales y de negocios que de alguna manera u otra están íntimamente ligados al flujo de personas en el mundo, tal es el caso de la política comercial de México la Pequeñas y Medianas Empresas en el país el tema de la integración económica regional o las fricciones comerciales con los Estados Unidos de América. ····· 103611332

Gazan Independence under International Law

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On June 2007, in a spectacle in front of the world stage, Hamas militants, took over the Gaza portion of Palestine and posed for pictures in front of a picture of the late Yassir Arafat as the new rulers of the coastal territory. Since that time, they have managed Gaza as if its own fiefdom, with a separate executive, legislative, judician, border controls, and security personnel from the rest of the Palestinian Authority. The purpose of this book is to analyze whether Gaza could be forseen as independent under Present International Law as is unfolding under present events. Studying Gaza through the lens of Palestinian History, The Law of Occupation, and through Hamas`s de facto actions, it will be demonstrated that a case can be made for a separate Gazan state from the rest of the Palestinian Territories and Israel. ····· 103611094

Kosovo`s Diplomacy:

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The declaration of independence marked a new era for Kosovo and its relations with the countries that have recognized its independence. Since then Kosovo is striving in its diplomatic efforts to achieve broader international recognition and become a member of the United Nations. Instruments of traditional diplomacy do not necessarily present the sole means of Kosovo to interact with other States to the service of its foreign policy and the practice of international relations. In modern times, public diplomacy is receiving broad recognition as a crucial element for understanding and influencing foreign publics. Outreach, communication and understanding present the core concepts necessary to successfully complement traditional diplomacy in fulfilling foreign policy objectives. Driven by foreign policy challenges, public diplomacy efforts and practices are emerging as tools to proactively engage with non-governmental actors such as: think-tanks, research institutes, academia, NGOs, the media, business communities, and relevant associations of other countries that are engaged in second track diplomacy. ····· 103611018

Is Territorial Integrity Sacred?

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Territorial integrity is a well-known principle of international law,which gives rise to the highest controversy.Namely,states right to defend themselves before threats posed by other states,especially by non-state actors.The question is how territorial integrity should be interpreted against the background of new threats to peace and security brought by terrorism.Author examines customary law and United Nations Charter and their influence on the perception of territorial integrity of states.What alternatives do states have in answering to acts,which threatens their territory or nationals What are the legal justifications Author gives answers to these questions regarding counter-terrorism and rescue of nationals.The practice of states and opinio iuris,which are presented in the book,show the inefficiency of strict reading of territorial integrity followed by absolute prohibition of the use of force and limited self-defense exception.Considering territorial integrity as an absolute,in a world where interstate contacts and state interdependence have reached advanced level,and where non-state actors gained position as subjects of international law,is no more possible and desirable. ····· 10361644

Somaliland and International Criminal Justice

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In 1991, the Somali government led b y Mohamed Siad Barre was brought to a violent end by a civil war. Barre, an army general who had seized power in 1969 through a coup d etat and had ever since ruled the Horn of Africa nation with an iron fist, was chased out of the capital, Mogadishu, in an orgy of death and destruction. The war had started in the northern parts of the country in the mid-1980 s but had gradually spread to the south. The uprising in the North was spearheaded by the Somali National Movement (SNM), an insurgency whose members hailed mostly from the Isaaq clan. Barre s response to that insurgency was swift and brutal, and by the time SNM came to power in early 1991 and declared the creation of a new independent state called Somaliland, tens of thousands of Isaaqs had been killed. As a result, allegations were made that genocide, crimes against humanity, and war crimes had been committed by the Barre regime. This study examines whether or not these allegations fit the conventional definitions and jurisprudential interpretations of such mass killings by the ad hoc international criminal tribunals. ····· 10361462

Academic Freedom in Africa

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This book is an attempt to close the gap that exists in Africa as regards the state of literature addressing itself to the issue of academic freedom, as a human right, from an African perspective. The right to academic freedom is relevant in terms of its protection and guarantee in Africa, in that, being a poor continent, the only hope that Africa has for its regeneration is mainly through educating its population. This can only be achieved in an environment which secures for academic professionals, who are teachers of the African population, the most necessary of freedoms in pursuit of their academic work. Thus an elaboration on the right to academic freedom and its content, as well as the extent of its protection as a human right in Africa is undertaken in this book. The book ultimately makes out a case for the African Commission on Human and Peoples` Rights to adopt an interpretation of the African Charter on Human and Peoples` Rights that includes protection of the right to academic freedom. ····· 10361298

The Principle of Universal Jurisdiction

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The book discusses the Principle of Universal Jurisdiction and proposes the way forward in combating international criminals. It also discusses the challenges that the principle faces in its implementation especially in the context of Africa. Though the Principle has its merits in terms of eradication of impunity, it also has practicle challenges. It is however equally important to note the role of emerging ad hoc International Courts/Tribunals as well as The International Criminal Court. They have significantly contributed to the effort in the fight against grave violation of Human Rights in general and International Criminal Law in particular. These combined efforts together with the national courts will, inevitably, in the near future bring to an end the violation of Human rights and will make the world a better space for living. ····· 10361291

Human Rights = Environmental Rights?

····· lezzter Preis 44.10€ ···· - Bücher, eBooks, DVD & Blu-ray
One of the most seductive areas where environmentalists may look to strengthen the relationship with the human rights world is in the existence of international legal fora. That is, the existence of a quasi-judicial or judicial international process to force States to comply with international human rights law. Presently, international environmental law is lacking of this kind of mechanism. Hence, an important value added of linking these two areas of international law may be the use of international human rights mechanisms/systems for environmental claims. The clever introduction of environmental claims in international human rights fora could lead to the further development of concepts and consequently help broaden the sphere of protection. With this in mind the primary objectives of this book is to show how human rights and environment relate and the challenges in enforcing Environmental human rights. ····· 1036174

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