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The Irish Asia Strategy and Its China Relations

····· lezzter Preis 79.90€ ···· - Bücher, eBooks, DVD & Blu-ray
Asian studies as basically all efforts to engage in inter-culturally is caught in producing and reproducing prejudices on the one hand and denying differences and specificities on the other. In particular in academic studies and teaching the challenge is to overcome this apparent dichotomy and the task is to establish understanding without prejudice of what Asia really was and is. The extensive range of topics and views in this volume challenge a mode of globalisation that simply overthrows national traditions by a Darwinian-kind of rule of the survival of the strongest, the fittest will actually be the one who is well capable to manage difference by understanding them in a historical context and acknowledge them as part of something new that is emerging in front of our eyes. This book will stimulate further research and debate within and without the boundaries of Asian Studies. ····· 10361173066

Irish Investment in China

····· lezzter Preis 69.90€ ···· - Bücher, eBooks, DVD & Blu-ray
Asian studies as basically all efforts to engage in inter-culturally is caught in producing and reproducing prejudices on the one hand and denying differences and specificities on the other. In particular in academic studies and teaching the challenge is to overcome this apparent dichotomy and the task is to establish understanding without prejudice of what Asia really was and is. The extensive range of topics and views in this volume challenge a mode of globalisation that simply overthrows national traditions by a Darwinian-kind of rule of the survival of the strongest, the fittest will actually be the one who is well capable to manage difference by understanding them in a historical context and acknowledge them as part of something new that is emerging in front of our eyes. This book will stimulate further research and debate within and without the boundaries of Asian Studies. ····· 10361173065

ECO-WISE - Social Enterprises as Sustainable Actors

····· lezzter Preis 39.90€ ···· - Bücher, eBooks, DVD & Blu-ray
ECO-WISE is associated with ecologically conscious or environmentally friendly practices in a wider sense. The wide variety and usage of this notion indicates that green is a growing trend internationally. In particular, the abbreviation ECO-WISE stands for ecologically oriented work-integration social enterprises. These enterprises can be described briefly as not-for-private-profit organisations that improve the inclusion of the long-term unemployed into society by providing jobs in ecological businesses. Over the last few years, ECO-WISE have been discovered as a strategic reserve to strengthen the environmental, social and economic pillars of society. They are seen as examples of best practices that achieve the general objectives of the global sustainable development strategy. These organisations, however, have only been marginally investigated their experience in balancing economic, social and environmental goals has largely remained unnoticed. The intention of this book is to deliver an overview of concepts, performances and impacts of ECO-WISE and other social enterprises that have environmental interests in addition to their socio-economic goals. A group of international experts from a variety of disciplines took up the challenge to contribute to this compilation, drawing on their own national and cultural experiences, as well as different theoretical and methodological paradigms. This compilation of articles is not exhaustive. It should rather be understood as one of the first cohesive sets of articles that together illustrate the world of ECO-WISE and similar organisations, with the hope that this will trigger discourse that further reveals the experiences and potential of social enterprises as sustainable actors. ····· 10361173064

Constructing the `Other`

····· lezzter Preis 34.90€ ···· - Bücher, eBooks, DVD & Blu-ray
Asian studies - as basically all efforts to engage interculturally is caught in producing and reproducing prejudices on the one hand and denying differences and specificities. In particular in academic studies and teaching the challenge is to overcome this apparent dichotomy, establishing understanding which is not least based on a cooperative approach. This book is the collection of the 4th Annual Conference of the Asian Studies Ireland Association held at University College Cork in late 2012. It reflects core issues of Asian Studies in Europe and Ireland. ····· 10361173063

Strengthening the Retention of Child Protection Workers

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This book examines a key issue in the field of human and social services: how to retain workers in child protection and welfare organisations. Research over the last decade has highlighted the turnover of these workers as being a pressing and perennial issue that impacts upon service users, staff welfare, resources and the reputation of this sector. This book presents the findings of a study examining social workers retention in child protection and welfare. The findings from this study highlights how workers retention is influenced by exchanges relationships with colleagues and managers, and this book presents a unique career preference typology which expands our understanding of how workers make decisions to stay or leave based upon their pre-conceptions of career pathways post-qualification. The book also examines findings associated with the employment mobility of these workers within child protection and tracks their next post after leaving, which provides some surprising findings regarding how we understand and measure turnover for these workers. The book also examines rich qualitative data from these workers experiences of being a social worker in child protection associated with job satisfaction, commitment to child protection and welfare work, making a difference, quality of supervision, autonomy, and exchange relationships with peers, all of which emerged as important factors in social workers decisions to stay or leave. The implications of this study s findings for theory are also explored. Kenneth Burns is deputy course director of the Master of Social Work and a research associate with the Institute for Social Science in the 21st Century at University College Cork, Ireland. ····· 10361173019

Local Organization of Social Services in Hungary

····· lezzter Preis 49.90€ ···· - Bücher, eBooks, DVD & Blu-ray
This book was born in the framework of an international comparative research collaboration, which launched the LOSS project nearly two decades ago from the Catholic University of Ingolstadt (Bavaria) and the University of Louisville (Kentucky). When the Local Organization of Social Services Project was established it had a main aim to build a bridge among different social cultures and social politics which exist in the United States of America, Western Europe and the countries of the democratizing Eastern Europe. The main purpose of the editors was not to show the current Hungarian social and socio-political situation, which situation is transforming, it was rather to give an inspiration to other research teams who create similar monographs about the LOSS in their own countries. This book seemingly does not follow strict editorial rules, although there is an invisible logical line, which runs through and concatenates all the chapters.The intent of the authors,who are each researchers of the subject of the chapters, was to try to synthesize the social phenomena of the near past and some chapters give wider historical perspectives, as well. Essentially, this book is a part of a puzzle, which was deciphered in a way in a post-socialist country but it isnot excluded that there will be other results after the collaboration among the semi-peripheral Northern and Eastern European countries in the next years. ····· 10361173009

Rights - Developing Ownership by Linking Control over Space and Time

····· lezzter Preis 44.90€ ···· - Bücher, eBooks, DVD & Blu-ray
Again and again debates are focussing on issues around the supposed interference between political and economic system, rejecting the current dominance of economic thinking . As justified many contemporary critical voices are, they make us occasionally forget that a more thorough consideration does have to deal with two major issues if it aims on progressive politics: suggesting that economic development is increasingly controlled by political decisions means that the entire system and its composition itself underwent a fundamental change finally, capitalism had been the victory of economic law over political law . subsequently we have to reconsider against this background also the question of rights the present debate offers some considerations on overcoming the individualist approach towards defining social rights and aims on developing an approach that is based on a definition of the socio-political system as grounded in processes of relational appropriation, opening perspectives on multiple ontological relationality, concerned with auto-relation, group-relation (as general sociability), other -relation (as institutionalised and defined socialbility including class relationships etc.) and, environmental ( organic nature ) relations. One important aim of this third volume of the Writings on Philosophy and Economy of Power is again to localise the changes of the current mode of regulation in a more fundamental way, emphasising the need to elaborate the changes of the political economy. Answers on the guiding question Do we face a new renaissance is further elaborated. ····· 10361172980

Social Policy - Production rather than Distribution

····· lezzter Preis 49.90€ ···· - Bücher, eBooks, DVD & Blu-ray
Social Policy research and respective debates have become over time distinct - as matter of gaining their own frame of reference or the other way round: emerging as some kind of policy `modern moral`, without maintaining their genuine and explicit reference to the wider economic and regulative system of society. This surely takes different national shapes but can nevertheless be seen as general developmental trend. Paradoxically this development means at the same time that social policy is most fragile and open to influences from external requirements, demands and perhaps more importantly hegemonic mindsets. In the present research outlook the four most important issues are re-integrated: 1) social policy as part of a general mode of production - as resulting from it but also the search for an answer on it, 2) being as such genuinely also part of the development of the modern state, 3) being on the other side closely linked to the positioning of individuals as socio-economic actors - this will be in particular developed as matter of precarity. 4) The debate of Human Rights begs against this background special attention - and it will be approached by developing a framework for local and also for global conceptual consideration. ····· 10361172963

Social Pedagogy for the Entire Lifespan

····· lezzter Preis 49.90€ ···· - Bücher, eBooks, DVD & Blu-ray
The ambition of this two-volume publication is to illustrate the applicability of social pedagogy - as an academic and professional paradigm - to work with the most diverse target populations. It is launched at a moment when important and highly interesting developments can be observed in the United Kingdom: a country without a traditional social pedagogy model has started importing social pedagogy from countries with a social pedagogy tradition. Social Pedagogy for the Entire Lifespan illustrates how social pedagogy - as a model in theory and practice - has been and is currently being used, around and across Europe, for work with people of all age groups. Volume II proposes chapters on work with adults (including social problems, physical and mental disabilities) and older people, written by authors based in Belgium, Denmark, Norway, Poland, Spain, Sweden and Switzerland. Readers will find chapters discussing the implications regarding the use of educational theories to conceptualise social pedagogy, as well as the relevance of life-long learning debates, not only in academia but also in politics. The global (worldwide) dimension is covered by a chapter on the relationship between Latin American and European social pedagogy. ····· 10361172961

All the Same - All Being New

····· lezzter Preis 44.90€ ···· - Bücher, eBooks, DVD & Blu-ray
The book gathers different contributions - they can all be linked to recent orientations by the main contributor, Paul Boccara who states the need for a new modèle anthroponomique. According to the work of the well-known French academic and political activist the current challenges need more than a simple change of the economic system - even if such reorientation is surely also needed and has to be in itself far-reaching. However, going beyond economic changes the challenge of the time has to face the need to redefine the position and role of humanity in the wider relationship to others and to nature. The contributions gathered in the present volume are discussing both, generic questions of such revolutionary processes and the need of changes in concrete areas as labour market policies, political strategies, financial control and the like. ····· 10361172958

Social Pedagogy for the Entire Lifespan

····· lezzter Preis 49.90€ ···· - Bücher, eBooks, DVD & Blu-ray
The ambition of this two-volume publication is to illustrate the applicability of social pedagogy - as an academic and professional paradigm - to work with the most diverse target populations. It is launched at a moment when important and highly interesting developments can be observed in the United Kingdom: a country without a traditional social pedagogy model has started importing social pedagogy from countries with a social pedagogy tradition. Social Pedagogy for the Entire Lifespan illustrates how social pedagogy - as a model in theory and practice - has been and is currently being used, around and across Europe, for work with people of all age groups. Volume I is dedicated to the theory and history of social pedagogy, as well as to practice with children and young people. Chapters cover Belgium, Denmark, France, Germany, Norway and Spain. Volume II will include chapters on practice with adults and seniors, as well as chapters on further perspectives. ····· 10361172898

Von der Staats- zur Bürgerpolizei?

····· lezzter Preis 22.80€ ···· - Bücher, eBooks, DVD & Blu-ray
Die Kultur der Polizei wird sowohl in der Polizeiwissenschaft, als auch in den Medien vielschichtig betrachtet. Insbesondere nach Übergriffen werden als Paradigmen geltende Vorstellungen über die Polizei rezipiert, so z.B. Korpsgeist, gewaltbetonende Männlichkeit und `Crime Fighter`.Fragt man nach der empirischen Basis für diese Aussagen so stellt man fest, dass sich die zumeist qualitativen Studien insbesondere auf Forschungen Peter K. Mannings im anglo-amerikanischen Raum und auf Rafael Behr im Deutschen Raum beziehen. Diese Arbeit zeigt im Rahmen einer quantitativ empirischen Studie in der Kölner Polizei, dass durch verschiedene gesellschaftliche Prozesse, u.a. der Akademisierung der Polizei, die zentralen Werte der Polizeikultur sich verschieben und lädt dazu ein, die Konzepte neu zu denken und sich auf die `Next Generation` der Polizei einzustellen. Kontextuiert wird die Arbeit durch eine politische Rahmung, welche den Weg von einer Staatspolizei zu einer modernen Bürgerpolizei, die eine andere Kultur voraussetzt, zeichnet. ····· 10361166945

Social Media, App`s und Co. Die Rolle der Polizei im Zeitalter des Web 2.0

····· lezzter Preis 19.80€ ···· - Bücher, eBooks, DVD & Blu-ray
Obwohl die Polizei regelmäßig als Gegenstand von Berichterstattungen und Diskussionen innerhalb von sozialen Medien erscheint, so bewegt sie sich ihrerseits auf modernen Medienplattformen häufig noch immer wie auf (an anderer Stelle populär gewordenem) unerforschtem Neuland . In diesem Buch soll gezeigt werden, wie moderne Kommunikationsstrukturen wirken und inwiefern moderne Phänomene wie social media , Web 2.0-Anwendungen und Apps Einfluss auf das Verhältnis der Polizei zu ihren Bürgern entfalten. Weiterhin wird anhand der Darstellung der Möglichkeiten einer eigenen Polizei-App ein Weg aufgezeigt, wie sie in Zukunft auf der Basis von vertrauen stiftender Kommunikation zeitgemäß mit ihren Kunden in Kontakt treten kann und welche Vorteile für alle Beteiligten sich hieraus ergeben können. Begleitend hierzu enthält das Buch eine empirische Erhebung bezüglich der Akzeptanz und des gewünschten Informationsangebots einer solchen App und eine Interpretation der Umfrageergebnisse. Abschließend wird gezeigt, wie die Polizei durch die Einbeziehung der Elemente Transparenz, Kollaboration und Partizipation den Weg zu einem neuen Selbstverständnis beschreiten und somit einen wichtigen Beitrag zum Aufbau und Erhalt von Vertrauen und Akzeptanz in der Bevölkerung schaffen kann. ····· 10361166933

Demokratische Wissenschaftseinrichtung: KIT.21 als Modell für Baden-Württemberg? : Tagungsband einer Fachtagung der Hans-Böckler-Stiftung im Karlsruher Institut für Technologie (KIT) im Juni 2011

····· lezzter Preis 35.00€ ···· - Bücher, eBooks, DVD & Blu-ray
Die zum Thema `Demokratische Hochschule` durchgeführte Tagung der Hans-Böckler-Stiftung in Zusammenarbeit mit dem Personalrat des KIT setzte sich das Ziel, die Zusammenhänge zwischen Autonomie, staatlicher Verantwortung, Demokratie und Arbeitsbedingungen einer Wissenschaftseinrichtung, insbesondere am Beispiel KIT, herauszuarbeiten. Mit dem vorliegenden Tagungsbericht hoffen die Veranstalter dem Ziel einer demokratischen und sozialen Wissenschaftseinrichtung einen Schritt näher gekommen zu sein. ····· 10361164461

Autonomie, Gemeinschaft, Initiative : Zur Bedingtheit eines bedingungslosen Grundeinkommens. Eine soziologische Rekonstruktion

····· lezzter Preis 15.00€ ···· - Bücher, eBooks, DVD & Blu-ray
In den vergangenen Jahren ist in Deutschland eine lebhafte Diskussion zum bedingungslosen Grundeinkommen entstanden. Sozial- und wirtschaftspolitische Betrachtungen überwiegen. Kaum ist der Vorschlag zur politischen Ordnung nationalstaatlicher Demokratie ins Verhältnis gesetzt worden. Hierbei zeigt sich, dass ein bedingungsloses Grundeinkommen nahtlos an den Voraussetzungen anknüpft, auf denen Demokratien heute schon begründet sind: Autonomie der Bürger, Bürgerrechte und Volkssouveränität. ····· 10361164374

Ideal und Konzept des Grundeinkommens: zur Struktur einer über sich selbst hinausweisenden Idee

····· lezzter Preis 15.00€ ···· - Bücher, eBooks, DVD & Blu-ray
Das bedingungslose Grundeinkommen ist Gegenstand einer stark polarisierten Debatte zwischen ebenso unbedingten Befürwortern wie Gegnern. Das Buch vertritt demgegenüber eine differenzierte These: Demnach entfaltet sich das gesellschaftspolitische Potential des Grundeinkommens als regulativer Idee noch vor und unabhängig von der Frage, ob man den Vorschlag des Grundeinkommens als inhaltliches Konzept befürwortet oder nicht - die Grundeinkommensidee weist aus sich selbst über sich selbst hinaus. ····· 10361164367

Including Indigenous Minorities in Decision-Making

für 71.10€ kaufen ···· - Bücher, eBooks, DVD & Blu-ray
An increasing number of democratic states find themselves confronted by the reality of having to accommodate many and very varied groups of people who for various reasons consider themselves as having special group interests or preferences that differ from those of the majority culture. In such cases, the core democratic principle of one person one vote entails a danger of creating permanent minorities who risk having their interests disregarded by what Tocqueville termed the tyranny of the majority . While talk about a departure from the one person one vote principle would likely ring alarm bells with many politicians and citizens, questions of democracy and minority inclusion have ranked high on the research agenda of many academics for years, and - as this book shows - neither are democratic experiments in actually existing democracies experiencing such challenges unheard of. This book is based on interview data with representatives of the Indigenous populations and government authorities in Western Australia and New Zealand and documents experiences with including Indigenous populations in political decision-making in these two settings. ····· 10361147396

The State I Am In

für 44.10€ kaufen ···· - Bücher, eBooks, DVD & Blu-ray
`The State I Am In` explores the distinct in-between position of borderlanders in negotiating multiple identities and the meaning of citizenship and state power at a juncture of cultures and political entities. The fate of space in the reality of the modern geopolitical map is an absurdity often taken for granted: we are inevitably born into a certain political state and are granted citizenship to that state. Perceptions of the Malaysian nation-state in Limbang s borderlands in the province of Sarawak are much shaped by its proximity to and reflection on wealthy Brunei, of which it was once part, and the divide in-between that has only materialized in recent history. In the 21st century Sarawak and Brunei stand ideologically, economically and culturally far apart, which results into a lively cross-border trade, illicit flows of goods, peculiar ethnic and family ties and unexpected manifestations of contrasting cultures and state power vernaculars. At the margins of the Malaysian state, ideas of state and nation making are contested, shaped and reshaped through social fantasies about what the state and its power signify. It is in this dialectic process in which the state exists. ····· 10361147313

Swedishness in Swedish Integration Policy

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Integration policy is the effect of a certain political rationality in a given time and space. To understand the function of Swedish integration policy one has to understand the political rationality and the social antagonisms active in the formation of the policy. A central step towards understanding the contemporary political rationality of Swedish integration policy is to understand how a hegemonic discourse on swedishness is articulated, how a Swedish subject is produced and positioned and which discursive changes that has occurred since its initiation. Restricted immigration to Sweden was initiated by the Swedish state during the economic regression and crisis in the 1960s and 70s. Along these restrictions a goal oriented generalized integration policy was put into place. This research is about Swedish integration policy and it leads to an investigation of the Swedish class society, from norms regarding the formation of the normal Swedish family, gender relations to the responsible Swedish worker. ····· 10361147283

The Circuitous Politicization of the Alevism (1960-1980)

für 53.10€ kaufen ···· - Bücher, eBooks, DVD & Blu-ray
The 1960s and 1970s witnessed the dissolution of traditional Alevism, which had been based on rural/isolated life, as a result of urbanization. Turkey also experienced a rapid social and physical mobilization in these years. The social dynamics of Turkey in the 1960s and 1970s associated the dissolution of the archaic Alevism with the social mobilization of Turkey within the context of urbanization therefore, the Alevis, who became more visible in the newly urbanizing environment, mainly remained a part of left-wing politics in that period. This book examines why Alevis politically moved towards the left movements politically during this time period. The affiliation between the Alevis and left wing movements is investigated in two dimensions. On the one hand, the Alevis relation with the Republican People s Party is scrutinized. On the other hand, the affiliation between the Alevis and the radical socialist movements is examined. Moreover, the Unity Party of Turkey which addressed the Alevis indirectly and the Alevis indifference to the UPT are investigated while inspected the affiliation between the Alevis and left politics. ····· 10361146920

Perception on Non-salary Remuneration to Elected Political Personnel

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Elected political personnel are the engine of modern society responsible for planning and overseeing socio-economical development. Their remuneration that in their view is inadequate have dominated public discourse,where the public feel they are getting more than what they deserve for doing very little. Moreover their remuneration diverts resources needed by the large society. This qualitative study conducted in Tanzania establishes that, the perception on remuneration to elected political personnel is manipulated in the manner which suits individuals` interest than it does to public interest. The manipulation of issues distract and divert the attention of the society from addressing issues like poor living conditions, economical hardships and poor services delivery. To solve those socio-economical problems any society need to have a strong economy that can only come if every one works hard and smart. Unfortunately this is not the case. ····· 10361146815

In the multiple shadows of modernity

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The book is about the relationship between critique and the field of tensions interweaving modernity and capitalism where critique itself has to be practiced and re-thought In which way can a fruitful connection between social sciences and critique be realized in a context of profound transformations in capitalism and in its mode of interpreting the vocabulary of modernity Contemporary capitalism analysed in the book as a specific mode of domination seems characterized by a peculiar ability of recuperating and incorporating several languages and forms of critique. The inquiry undertaken in this book aims at contributing in an on-going, collective process of research on the conditions for rescuing critique from the pitfalls and predicament produced by the peculiarity of contemporary capitalism. Arising out of exchanges and dialogues between the two authors around these topics, the book traverses some crucial debates in social sciences and political theory (from studies of networks to postcolonial criticism) and seeks to root criticism in an investigation of the production of subjectivity and social world underlying contemporary capitalism. ····· 10361146522

Political Neutrality and Humanitarian Aid

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This study investigates how the ideological interpretations of the principle of neutrality affect the practices of humanitarian aid organizations in conflict situations. I study the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) and Médicins Sans Frontières (Doctors without Borders/MSF). I seek examples from the current conflict in Darfur, Sudan to illustrate my findings. The purpose of this study is to determine how the organizations deal with delivering aid in a highly politicized environment while maintaining neutrality. I conclude that neutrality impacts practice, depending in part on the organization s goals, by enhancing the level of organizational responsibility for aid s impact, minimizing its coordination with other aid agencies, states or international organizations, and either eliminating the freedom to denounce abusive practices or causing dilemmas within organizations over whether or not to publicly denounce the parties to a conflict. Neutrality is more often a pragmatic means to an end rather than a theoretical ideal. Additionally, the neutrality of an organization depends not only on its intention but also on how it is perceived by the parties to the conflict. ····· 10361146334

Incidencia sociopolítica de la ley de participación popular

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El trabajo analiza las transformaciones sociopolíticas en los municipios rurales de Bolivia tras la implementación de la Ley de Participación Popular que inicia un proceso de descentralización y reconfigura el quehacer de la vida política local. Se muestra el proceso sociopolítico en la Bolivia rural desatado en la década de los noventa con la ley 1551 que permitió el surgimiento de nuevos actores políticos que darían un brinco del ámbito local al nacional en la posterior década. Este trabajo fue presentado como tesis de maestría del Magister en Estudios Políticos y Sociales Latinoamericanos de la Universidad Alberto Hurtado en Santiago de Chile el año 2004. ····· 10361137911

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