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Aufenthaltsgesetz. Was u.a. Josef Philip Winkler dazu sagt

für 49.00€ kaufen ···· - Bücher, eBooks, DVD & Blu-ray
Wie wurde und wird das Thema `Aufenthaltsgesetz` in der deutschen Politik diskutiert Der vorliegende Quellenband enthält die Protokolle der im Deutschen Bundestag zur Thematik gehaltenen ungekürzten Reden ab 2009 (17. Legislaturperiode). Diese parteiübergreifende Dokumentation ermöglicht dem Leser einen direkten Blick auf die parlamentarische Debatte zum Thema `Aufenthaltsgesetz` und die Diskussionen der Abgeordneten im politischen Tagesgeschäft. ····· 10361134933

Zuwanderungsgesetz. Was u.a. Josef Philip Winkler dazu sagt

für 74.00€ kaufen ···· - Bücher, eBooks, DVD & Blu-ray
Wie wurde und wird das Thema `Zuwanderungsgesetz` in der deutschen Politik diskutiert Der vorliegende Quellenband enthält die Protokolle der im Deutschen Bundestag zur Thematik gehaltenen ungekürzten Reden ab 1998 (14. Legislaturperiode). Diese parteiübergreifende Dokumentation ermöglicht dem Leser einen direkten Blick auf die parlamentarische Debatte zum Thema `Zuwanderungsgesetz` und die Diskussionen der Abgeordneten im politischen Tagesgeschäft. ····· 10361134930

Relaciones con Venezuela

für 53.10€ kaufen ···· - Bücher, eBooks, DVD & Blu-ray
Este ejemplar se basa en una recopilación documental de las principales discusiones políticas en España del Siglo XXI en torno a las relaciones con Venezuela. A partir de las fuentes del Congreso de Diputados, los discursos no abreviados, entre otras, la postura de José Luis Rodríguez Zapatero, tratamos de introducir al lector en la temática para que pueda tomar una postura crítica respecto a los debates parlamentarios y las discusiones políticas diarias de los diferentes actores y partidos políticos sobre las relaciones con Venezuela. ····· 10361134892

Relaciones con Venezuela

für 53.10€ kaufen ···· - Bücher, eBooks, DVD & Blu-ray
Este ejemplar se basa en una recopilación documental de las principales discusiones políticas en España del Siglo XXI en torno a las relaciones con Venezuela. A partir de las fuentes del Congreso de Diputados, los discursos no abreviados, entre otras, la postura de José Bono Martínez, tratamos de introducir al lector en la temática para que pueda tomar una postura crítica respecto a los debates parlamentarios y las discusiones políticas diarias de los diferentes actores y partidos políticos sobre las relaciones con Venezuela. ····· 10361134891

EU-Kommission. Was u.a. Thomas Dörflinger dazu sagt

für 45.00€ kaufen ···· - Bücher, eBooks, DVD & Blu-ray
Wie wurde und wird das Thema `EU-Kommission` in der deutschen Politik diskutiert Der vorliegende Quellenband enthält die Protokolle der im Deutschen Bundestag zur Thematik gehaltenen ungekürzten Reden ab 1998 (14. Legislaturperiode). Diese parteiübergreifende Dokumentation, ermöglicht dem Leser einen direkten Blick auf die parlamentarische Debatte zu das Thema `EU-Kommission` und die Diskussionen der Abgeordneten im politischen Tagesgeschäft. ····· 10361134883

The student protests in Macedonia Serbia and Bulgaria in 1996/97

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The study comparatively examines the student protests that took place in Macedonia, Serbia, and Bulgaria in the winter of 1996/1997, with regards to the interplay between liberalism and nationalism. It compares the three similar post-communist countries with non-consolidated democracy through the instances of liberalism and nationalism that could be found in the student protests that happened in a parallel time-period. Specifically, the study tries to find out how liberalism and nationalism coexist in a protest movement, on one side, and in which instances nationalism is present in pro-democratic movements, on the other side. The study shows that in the cases of Macedonia and Serbia the lining of liberalism and nationalism is inverted while liberalism is in the front side in Serbia, nationalism is dominant in Macedonia. Furthermore, it shows that nationalism is present in Macedonia and Serbia, but not in Bulgaria, because Macedonia and Serbia have issues of contested statehood and unresolved inter-ethnic problems, which are absent in Bulgaria. ····· 10361134607

The Role of the Beijing Olympics in China`s Public Diplomacy

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The 2008 Beijing Olympics were ardently sought, lavishly staged and hugely successful. China successfully used the Olympics as a tool of public diplomacy with a positive impact on its politics, economics and environment. But how did Beijing beat the odds to stage the most spectacular Olympic event in history and with what impact China s Public Diplomacy is reinforced and undercut by authoritarianism Yet, global status demands more transparency and greater accountability. As PD becomes increasingly indispensable in the management of external affairs, China s Olympic experience offers wider lessons. This book examines a topical issue of growing currency and wide relevancy to PD puts the Olympics in a national and international context highlights the paradox of China s Public Diplomacy underscores China s successful national brand image as an emerging global power offers valuable insights into deeper understanding of the rising China and its importance as a workshop of the world. The book is, therefore, a pleasant, interesting and invaluable reading for students and practitioners of diplomacy as well as those interested in modern China and contemporary international relations. ····· 10361134451

Status Evrosoyuza, ego institutov i organov

für 71.10€ kaufen ···· - Bücher, eBooks, DVD & Blu-ray
Razvitie integratsionnykh ob`edineniy gosudarstv svyazano s globalizatsiey i sblizheniem tsivilizovannykh gosudarstv v pravovoy, politicheskoy i ekonomicheskoy sferakh. Primer ob`edineniya Evropy dolzhen stat` zalogom tesnogo sotrudnichestva stran vsekh kontinentov. Na osnove opyta Evrosoyuza mozhno postroit` soyuzy, soobshchestva stran v Azii, Afrike, Amerike, chto osobenno aktual`no v usloviyakh nestabil`noy ekonomicheskoy obstanovki, mezhetnicheskikh konfliktov, pravovykh kolliziy. Tol`ko obshchimi usiliyami mozhno protivostoyat` finansovym krizisam, voynam i konfliktam, prestupnosti i terrorizmu. Dannaya kniga prolivaet svet na razvitie naibolee uspeshnogo ob`edineniya gosudarstv - Evrosoyuza, kotoryy nakhoditsya na stadii reformirovaniya. Ona budet polezna vsem, izuchayushchim mezhdunarodnye otnosheniya i politiku, studentam, aspirantam, prepodavatelyam yuridicheskikh VUZov. ····· 10361134301

Unity and Separation in World Politics

für 71.10€ kaufen ···· - Bücher, eBooks, DVD & Blu-ray
This book investigates one of the central questions of world politics by asking: What is international society While most previous approaches to that question have simply posited the existence of an international society, this work finds in the question an invitation to investigate world politics as a complex social phenomenon. In doing so, it seeks to bridge the gap between the English School theory of international politics and international historical sociology.Taking its starting point from classical scholars such C.A.W Manning, Georg Simmel and Ferdinand Tönnies, and drawing on the insights of contemporary social theorists, including Paul Ricoeur and Slavoj Zizek, the book seeks to establish a general theory concerning the formation of political entities in world politics.The proposed theory suggests a comprehensive rethink of the social nature of key features of world politics, including the state and international society. In addition, it offers new perspectives on such topical developments as political globalization, the European Union, and the Clash of Civilizations. ····· 10361132979

China`s Adaptation to Global Regimes, Dilemmas and Debates

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This is a well researched investigation into a very important but difficult issue of the way China adapted itself to the global political, economic and security processes and institutions after the end of the Cold War especially in view of its long period of isolation during the 1960 s and 1970 s. While examining China s carefully operated activism in UN, relatively bold participation in WTO and cautious political management of its role in the Arms Control Regime, the book analyses various debates associated with China s rise in global affairs and also the dilemmas it encountered in accepting international norms and conventions. This work combines serious theoretical discussion with concrete analysis of China s integration in three important spheres of world processes: politically the UN, economically the WTO and strategically the Arms Control Regimes. ····· 10361132935

Kashmir Conflict and Self-determination

für 53.10€ kaufen ···· - Bücher, eBooks, DVD & Blu-ray
Nuclear powers India and Pakistan have several times fought over the Kashmir region. Most Kashmiris, on the other hand have been fighting for their right of self-determination as recognized by the UNO. In the past two decades, the region has been witness to a lot of violence which has also strained the relations between India and Pakistan. There have been several rounds of talks on Kashmir between governments of India and Pakistan. Sadly, there has not been any substantial positive outcome in resolving this dispute which has international ramifications. The Kashmir dispute has been analyzed several times in terms of its impact, economical or political, on India, Pakistan and also Kashmir. An analysis through a Kashmiri point-of-view as to what the Kashmiris want and how the two decade long conflict has affected their resolve for self-determination makes for an interesting research. The books thus investigates these issues and reports on the basis of data collected in five main districts of Kashmir. The book contains a discussion of the respondents views and their feasibility in light of Kashmiris aspirations and realpolitik of south Asia. ····· 10361132745

Transatlantic Public Opinion on War

für 64.71€ kaufen ···· - Bücher, eBooks, DVD & Blu-ray
This book analyses transatlantic public opinion on post-Cold War era military operations in Kosovo (1999), Afghanistan (2001), and Iraq (2003). It surges into the differences recorded in the transatlantic relations and the growing asymmetry between the publics of the two poles in assessing the military engagements, especially over the use of force in the post-Cold War period. Confronted with the need to examine broader correlations between trends in wars and trends in public opinion, this book generates the polygonal hypothesis that military operations taken at a high-risk level with high costs inevitably downgrades the acceptable utility hence public support for the action, while use of force with the principal objective of foreign policy restraint encourages popular support . The main implication of this book is as straightforward as it is important: the persistence of traditional Cold War concerns and continuation of realist way of thinking rather than speaking of ideals and values shape public opinion on use of force in post-Cold War era . ····· 10361132734

Indian Ballistic Missile Defence Programme

für 44.10€ kaufen ···· - Bücher, eBooks, DVD & Blu-ray
Strategic stability in South Asia is pre-requisite for regional peace and security. The strategic stability in South Asia would require the working of nuclear deterrence between India and Pakistan, safety, security and survivability of nuclear weapons in all conditions of both states and the absence of arms race between them. Both states also need to refrain from developing or introducing any weapon system that has the potential to decisively alter the nuclear balance in one s favour. For this purpose both India and Pakistan need to contribute by taking responsibility and avoid taking any step that can be dangerous for prevailing strategic stability in South Asia. But, Indian interest in developing the Ballistic Missile Defence capability is a new emerging threat to the strategic stability in South Asia which has the potential to destabilise the regional peace and security. ····· 10361132082

Public Diplomacy in Slovakia

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The effectiveness of public diplomacy is measured by minds changed. In order to improve our picture in other s minds tomorrow, we have to get better, smarter and nicer today. Surprisingly, in this way we could change the world.This paper outlines the requirements for a modern and effective public diplomacy with a specific focus on Slovakia. It claims that civil society and private sector must be brought on board in order to include the entire spectrum of the society. If sustainability and credibility is to be achieved, fundamental values generated by own citizens must become a basis. Creating a distinguishable image in the fierce competition of other countries requires a consistent, diligent and patient effort. Special attention is paid to the sometimes strained political relations between Slovakia and Hungary and argues for the greater use of public diplomacy to influence positive change. The paper concludes by suggesting that carefully elaborated and targeted public diplomacy should become an increasingly important asset. This book should be useful not only for public diplomacy practitioners but for anyone interested in nation branding or foreign affairs. ····· 10361132009

The Efficacy of the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Regime

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The proliferation of nuclear weapons is a serious threat to international security and peace. Particularly, the cases of Iran and North Korea, and the recent processes including the Seoul Nuclear Security Summit are illustrating the importance of nuclear non-proliferation regime in international affairs. This regime, for more than forty years, aims to provide services for the prevention of proliferation and use of nuclear weapons. The IAEA, CTBTO, the NPT Review Conferences and other internationally important institutions of this area are trying to be providers of the nuclear weapon-free world and barometers of the health of the non-proliferation regime. The aim of this book is to assess the effectiveness of the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Regime. An analyzing of the regime in the book is guided by the regime theory, international law and politics, identifying and interpreting applicable rules and norms that are establish the nuclear non-proliferation regime, and assessing how well enforcement of the regime is carried out and what are the future reforms might be. ····· 10361131914

Cyberspace: Anarchy or Control?

für 53.10€ kaufen ···· - Bücher, eBooks, DVD & Blu-ray
Cyberspace has redefined international relations by making person to person contact more immediate in a virtual world. Cyber power has empowered a plethora of actors in cyberspace who want to find independence and freedom from the state control. Such anarchical claims of many individuals and groups in cyberspace, however, have proven unrealistic before the state`s presence. The state has encountered cyberspace by extending its power of governance to the Internet. All the states in the world use some form of control in their cyberspaces using one or many mechanisms of cyber regulation. China and Sri Lanka are two vivid examples for political control of the Internet. These states have perceived cyberspace activism and politics as a threat to their national security and sovereignty. China has increased the state control by going to the extreme of banning search engines such as the Google. Sri Lanka fights a war in cyberspace against Diaspora Tamils uprooted from their homeland. This book examines China s panoptical surveillance of cyberspace and Sri Lanka s counter strategy of cyber war against the secessionist LTTE, representing Srilankan Tamils, from a realist perspective. ····· 10361131790

The Munich Speech of Putin

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At the 43rd Munich Conference on Security Policy, Putin gave a speech that seemingly divided the world. While some sided with the US Defence Secretary, Robert Gates, thinking that one Cold War was quite enough , others agreed with Putin`s aide, Sergei Yastrzhembsky claiming that it was more of a Cold Shower . When one`s new Churchill, who drops the Iron Curtain is another`s new Wilson, who draws attention to the ills of international system, emotions are clearly brought into the analytical process on both sides. This book, therefore, takes a constructivist approach to assess the connection between Russian Policy assertiveness of the decade and its possible effects on international security situation by examining varied perspectives against the factual base. Is Russian foreign policy since Putin an attempt to challenge the systemic status quo and, consequently, a global security threat Or is it just a realist pattern of normal international behavior in anarchic environment This book takes on a journey to identify the equilibrium perspective. ····· 10361119721

Environmental Regime Negotiations

für 71.10€ kaufen ···· - Bücher, eBooks, DVD & Blu-ray
The purpose of this book has been to test and refinethe effects of power-based and knowledge-basedvariables on negotiation processes, perceptions, andoutcomes in environmental regime negotiations withthe quantitative-statistical analysis. Power and knowledge variables were operationalized ina 2 x 2 experimental design to understand theinteraction and main effects of power (symmetry andasymmetry) and knowledge (knowledge and no-knowledge)conditions on negotiation indicators collectedthrough pre- and post-negotiation questionnaires.Tape-recorded simulation negotiations of the ozoneregime were content-analyzed as well as the real-lifeclimate change negotiations to constructcompetitive/cooperative and disagree/agree indicesfor a negotiation strategy/style analysis. The result indicated that knowledge is beneficialwhen the parties in simulation had equal power. It ispossible to argue that a power symmetric structuremanaged the complexity because equality is stable andsimple and that scientific/consensual knowledgereduced uncertainty. The analysis should beespecially useful to professionals in InternationalRelations and Environmental Science. ····· 10361119704

The US Factor in Pak-Afghan Relations

für 53.10€ kaufen ···· - Bücher, eBooks, DVD & Blu-ray
Pakistan`s relations with Afghanistan have always been stormy and estranged since Pakistan won independence in 1947. Afghanistan was the only country to oppose its membership in the United Nations. Kabul took the plea that the Pakhtun and Baluch people inhabiting Baluchistan and the North West Frontier Province (NWFP, now Khyber Pakhtunkhwa) bordering Afghanistan had not been given the right of self determination and such territories were forcibly merged into Pakistan. This led to the Pakhtunistan problem. However, Afghanistan`s support for Pakhtunistan was half-hearted because it did not want its own Pakhtun population to start thinking of a merger of Pakhtun territories into a single new state of Afghan and Pakistani Pakhtun. An additional problem was the Durand Line border, which Kabul argued its past rulers signed under duress at a time when the British Empire was at its peak. ····· 10361119677


für 53.10€ kaufen ···· - Bücher, eBooks, DVD & Blu-ray
This book contributes to the discourses on the China-Africa relations. It particularly focuses on the China-Ghana link, and engrossed itself with the central question: What has been the impact of the China-Ghana economic relations on the performance of Ghana`s textile and construction industries This question and its subsidiaries stem from the claim by industry players and observers that the influx of foreign textiles, particularly the China made, is militating against the performance of the Ghanaian textile sector. Besides,it is also claimed that the increasing infrastructural financing by the PRC and subsequent taking up of projects by foreign companies and the Chinese construction firms in particular, is incapacitating the Ghanaian construction industry. This piece conducts a case study on the respective industries understudy towards shedding some remarkable light, and bringing forth some unique perspective on the subject matter. The book should be useful to those interested in the impact of China`s rise in the global economy, and in particular China-Africa relations. ····· 10361119542


für 44.10€ kaufen ···· - Bücher, eBooks, DVD & Blu-ray
Theorists and diplomats have come up with cogent and complex institutional engineering schemes - such as federalism, confederalism, consociationalism and others - as solutions capable of bringing peaceful ends to ethnic conflicts. Many of these schemes have been considered for the Nagorno-Karabakh peace process, which has continued for more than fifteen years now. Yet, the conflict remains unresolved. Despite the continuous failures to reach an agreement, secession has remained off the table. This book examines the legitimate claims of secessionist scholars to offer secession a fair and equal chance similar to the other schemes as a mean to resolve the ethnic conflict in Nagorno-Karabakh. The question investigated here is whether or not secession offers a viable solution for the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict and potentially for other ethnic conflicts as well. ····· 10361119526

A Critical Analysis of South African Peacemaking

für 61.20€ kaufen ···· - Bücher, eBooks, DVD & Blu-ray
The African Great Lakes region, where conflict resolution and peace operations have been a challenge for 50 years, has been the site of continuous conflicts in the 1960s and 1990s. Despite South Africa`s enormous contribution as a peacemaker in the region since 1996, the situation in eastern Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) remains fragile.How can another potentially deadly conflict in the Great Lakes region be prevented in the future And how can South Africa improve its performance as a peacemaker This book analyses South Africa`s peacemaking efforts in the context of three events in the Great Lakes region: the 1994 Rwandan genocide, the First Congo War in 1996, and the Second Congo War in 1998.The study, which focuses on eastern DRC, due to the highest concentration of causalities, aims to explore solutions to conflict by strengthening South Africa`s peacemaking opportunities, which is the key to implementing successful conflict prevention. This analysis should be especially useful to academics and students in International Relations and Political Studies, as well as practioners such as humanitarian, development and peace workers in the Great Lakes region. ····· 10361119467

European Union`s Common Foreign and Security Policy and Turkey

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Since the starting of accession talks in 3 October 2005, Turkey`s bid to the European Union has been a long contested debate. This book analyzes the European Union`s CFSP and Turkey`s relations with the EU from a rational institutionalist perspective. What is known as the European Union today has come a long way from being merely trade club to an economic and political entity on its own right. Within this respect, the research question in this book demonstrates that, the European Union started out with an administrative body to manage the common market on steel and coal, and in less than a half- century turned out to be a complex network of institutions where member states transferred some of their competences to this supranational level. In the EU`s urge to form a more robust common foreign and security policy, a possible inclusion of Turkey in the EU will bring strategic benefits as well as possible costs linked with it. In other words, the Turkish accession to the EU will bring substantial material benefits to European security and this acts as a factor influencing member state preferences, and to a certain extent the public`s view towards Turkey. ····· 10361119460

Post-Conflict Peacebuilding

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During the past 15 years, the international community has played an increasingly assertive role in post-conflict peacebuilding. Yet the lack of long-term success in this critical area suggests that there is still much to be learned for improved practice. This paper seeks to address this need for policy research by studying two unprecedented test-cases in peacebuilding: the UN transitional administrations in Cambodia (1992-1993) and East Timor (1999-2002). The paper distinguishes the cosmetic causes of each mission s flaws from the fundamental or root causes of failure, which have arguably contributed towards problematic outcomes in each state. The root causes of mission failure are highly influenced by structural conditions, including legacies of conflict, and in the conception and design of international intervention. The paper suggests priorities to improve the design of peacebuilding missions. Further studies in how to involve the early participation and consensus of domestic actors in the conception, design, planning and implementation of peacebuilding structures are recommended. ····· 10361119359

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