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European Union`s Common Foreign and Security Policy and Turkey

für 44.10€ kaufen ···· - Bücher, eBooks, DVD & Blu-ray
Since the starting of accession talks in 3 October 2005, Turkey`s bid to the European Union has been a long contested debate. This book analyzes the European Union`s CFSP and Turkey`s relations with the EU from a rational institutionalist perspective. What is known as the European Union today has come a long way from being merely trade club to an economic and political entity on its own right. Within this respect, the research question in this book demonstrates that, the European Union started out with an administrative body to manage the common market on steel and coal, and in less than a half- century turned out to be a complex network of institutions where member states transferred some of their competences to this supranational level. In the EU`s urge to form a more robust common foreign and security policy, a possible inclusion of Turkey in the EU will bring strategic benefits as well as possible costs linked with it. In other words, the Turkish accession to the EU will bring substantial material benefits to European security and this acts as a factor influencing member state preferences, and to a certain extent the public`s view towards Turkey. ····· 10361119460

Post-Conflict Peacebuilding

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During the past 15 years, the international community has played an increasingly assertive role in post-conflict peacebuilding. Yet the lack of long-term success in this critical area suggests that there is still much to be learned for improved practice. This paper seeks to address this need for policy research by studying two unprecedented test-cases in peacebuilding: the UN transitional administrations in Cambodia (1992-1993) and East Timor (1999-2002). The paper distinguishes the cosmetic causes of each mission s flaws from the fundamental or root causes of failure, which have arguably contributed towards problematic outcomes in each state. The root causes of mission failure are highly influenced by structural conditions, including legacies of conflict, and in the conception and design of international intervention. The paper suggests priorities to improve the design of peacebuilding missions. Further studies in how to involve the early participation and consensus of domestic actors in the conception, design, planning and implementation of peacebuilding structures are recommended. ····· 10361119359

The Root Causes of International Terrorism

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The terrorist attacks on September 11, 2001 brought international repercussions unlike any previous attacks. The Global War on Terrorism was launched in response to these attacks. Nine years after the GWOT was lunched, the international community views the military approach as ineffective, as a war against Muslims and as a means for US dominance. The international community doubt the intentions of the US government and view the western media as insensitive to non-westerners as the GWOT has had little impact on reducing international terrorism. In addressing the root causes of international terrorism we have to look at general issues such as oppression, military interventions, unresolved conflicts and authoritarian regimes supported by Western imprealist rather that only focusing on more immediate causes and circumstances that motivate and facilitate specific campaigns and acts of international terrorism. ····· 10361119064

The Nord Stream Gas Pipeline

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This study examines the planned natural gas pipeline from Russia to Germany through the Baltic Sea, known as Nord Stream. The analysis is performed in the context of unsecured and threatening gas prognosis for Europe. It is argued that while Russia consolidates its grip on gas through the planned Nord Stream pipeline, dependence on imported gas from Russia in the EU is continuously increasing. Despite statements by the Russian government that the Nord Stream pipeline is a purely commercial enterprise, convincing economical, political and ethical arguments were developed by Poland and the Baltic States that its real purpose is to exert political pressure on certain EU states. Conclusions are drawn that in order to oppose Russian gas strategy aiming at the EU s division, Europe needs to establish a coherent and effective energy policy which would enhance its international position. This analysis should help shed some light on the EU energy policy, and should be especially useful to researchers examining security of supply of gas in the EU. ····· 10361119059

The Visegrad states on the EU`s Eastern frontier

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In the years before their accession to the EU the Visegrad states considered their collaboration also an instrument to achieve their common goal the EU membership. However, since May 2004 the Group had to re-evaluate its purposes and to redefine its activities. The V4 not only share the EU`s Eastern frontier, but also the responsibility for implementing the EU`s policies towards the Eastern neighbours. The studies, dealing either with the current EU endeavours for successful implementation of the Eastern dimension of the ENP, or with the tendencies in regional co-operation and integration processes in Europe are numerous. This book is based on carefully selected materials related to the strategic importance of the Visegrad Group for the development of EU relations with the Eastern neighbours. With the evidence of collected data this research focuses on the declared goals of the V4 in a chosen JHA area the visa policy that activates a variety of mechanisms for continuing regional cooperation. The book should serve as a useful source of information for those interested in the region of Central Europe and the EU`s Eastern neighbourhood. ····· 10361119024

The Political Economy of Integration and Disintegration in Africa

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This book, The Political Economy of Integration and Disintegration in Africa: the Factor of External Interests, interrogates the political economy of state system in Africa from the ancient times, its external nexus, and the role of world politics in the transformation of the state system in Africa. It equally explores the processes and phases of the transformation, how the scramble for natural resources by external forces structured the character of modern African state system, and how they combined to shape Africa s position in international politics. The book therefore attempts a study of the cosmopolitization of African state system through integration and the role of external interests in its continued disintegration. ····· 10361119003

Position of the Israel Lobby in the United States` Political System

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Interest groups, or lobbies and their lobbying activities are changing the face of the global politics. In this important context, the Israel lobby is the focus of this book since it is operating in the political system of the World`s chief international actor. The lobby`s huge power reserves in the United States` political system, its methods of influence, its main successes and failures, and its role in the formulation of the United States` foreign policy regarding the Middle East can be listed as the most important aspects of the book. Additionally, the lobby`s goal to overemphasize the special relationship between the United States and Israel is also discussed as one of the its tactics in influencing the policy process in the United States. Other tactics of the Israel lobby are also analyzed in the book, which are anti- Semitism accusations, campaign contributions to pro- Israel candidates, manipulation of high level appointments, and the effective use of its supporters both in the House and the Senate in order to eliminate any open debate on the might of the lobby and the probability United States` more evenhanded policy preferences. ····· 10361118980

Soviet Legacy in Central Asia

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The Central Asian republics have experienced simultaneous processes of nation-building, state- building and democratization as all other states of Eastern Europe. They have formulated and established their own institutions through in which state- building, nation-building and democratization processes have been put into practice. However, they have faced to some problems mainly as a result of two reasons: (i) Soviet legacy`, such as the nationalities policy, national delimitation and Sovietization, and (ii) their internal and traditional structures such as clanism, regionalism and nationalism, and rise of radical Islam. The existence of today`s Central Asian nation-states were unintended consequences of the 1924 artificial creation of nations and states, but that seems to have alittle positive effect on nation-building and state-building processes. The negative impact of the Soviet policies is basically over democratization. The authoritarian leaders monopolized power by relying on one ethnic or tribal group.The political system in all states is now under the control of one party or group led by the autocratic leaders. ····· 10361118940


für 71.10€ kaufen ···· - Bücher, eBooks, DVD & Blu-ray
This book focuses on the Serbo-Croat relations in Yugoslavia and claims that these relations involved both `cooperation` with `constructive` effects and `conflict` with `destructive` effects in the Yugoslav politics. Furthermore, this study argues and explains that the Serbo-Croat War and the Bosnian War in the 1990s were not clash of civilizations or return of ancestral hatreds among Serbs, Croats and Bosniaks (Yugoslav Muslims) but were results of reconstruction of capitalism in Yugoslavia and economic-political contradictions between Serbian and Croatian bureaucratic- technocratic ruling elites whose ideological basis has been nationalist liberalizm. I dedicate this book to the memory of my mother, Bahtiye Sancaktar (Bahta Fejzic, 1936-2010). ····· 10361118879

Democratic Peace Building and Security in East Asia

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In East Asia, previous conflicts have had a strong element of external superpower intervention in accordance with the Cold War pattern. This situation is now changing quite dramatically, and more traditional rivalries are resurging, more similar to a 19th century Europe-type situation. The larger Asia-Pacific `region` was most affected by the Cold War, and the recent lifting of the superpower overlay therefore has created a vacuum of great uncertainty in the security field. Several powers have more or less open regional ambitions, which must be related to turbulent and highly unpredictable domestic situations in the countries concerned.Above all of discussions on democratic peace in East Asia, East Asian democracy is closely associated with a decreased likelihood of interstate wars, military disputes, or civil wars in East Asia. More significantly, politico-economic factors in the post-Cold War era greatly contributed to the phenomenon that is labeled democratic peace. Further, they imply that foreign policy strategies aimed at increasing the likelihood of peace in the future by spreading democracy are likely to be more effective in the region. ····· 10361118387

The Role of Energy in Russian Foreign Policy towards Kazakhstan

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Energy is a significant factor in the formation of Russian foreign policy, particularly towards Kazakhstan. This book seeks to isolate the role of energy amid a sea of other factors already attended to by mainstream literature in the Anglo-American and Russian traditions. What is missing from the contemporary literature, however, is a well-rounded and thorough scientific approach to the study of energy`s role in foreign policy. To begin filling this gap, the methodology of political science is supplemented here by a multi-disciplinary approach in which significant space is allocated to other areas of study relevant to energy and its repercussions on geographical, technological, legal, and economic issues. The originality of the present work is not intended to be found in its conclusions but in the uniquely scientific methods employed in drawing them. Its fresh analytic approach will be appreciated by students and scholars who are interested in new ways of looking at energy issues. ····· 10361118110

Pragmatism and Non-Interference

für 61.20€ kaufen ···· - Bücher, eBooks, DVD & Blu-ray
While the rise of Chinese soft power in Africa is widely acknowledged, reasons for this sea change are contested. As the title suggests, this research largely focuses on two of them: Non- Interference and pragmatism. This paper introduces the concept of passive values of attraction, which is defined as the respect for a different path of development, the anti-thesis to a neoliberal one-size-fits-all- approach, or the commitment to multi-polarity. The Chinese non-interference policy is hereby seen as a manifestation of China`s pragmatism in Africa. It is attractive because it gives Africa the flexibility to try out different policies rather than coercing the continent into a certain direction. What creates China`s soft power in Africa is a system which bases its legitimacy on the improvement of living conditions of the people, rather than on the spread of an ideology, even if this ideology comes in the name of democracy or human rights. ····· 10361118097

Diplomatic ambiguity

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Diplomatic ambiguity is one of the most interesting kinds of language-use in politics in general, and in diplomacy in particular. Normally, it is taken as a device that buys a temporary agreement at the price of a later verbal and interpretive conflict or misunderstanding. Prior to this study, no comprehensive or theory-guided analysis of this both political and linguistic phenomenon had been attempted. The study focuses on a number of ambiguously phrased peace-agreements, exploring three fundamental parameters in terms of which the concept of diplomatic ambiguity can be framed: language, power, and law. It proposes an argument of relevance to the most prominent schools of thought in International Relations, and closes a visible gap in the existing literature dealing with conflict, diplomacy, international politics, and discourse- related aspects of such politics. Due to its interdisciplinary character and sensitivity to the requirements of practice, it also offers an informative and practicable guide to the practitioners of international relations, diplomacy, politics, and law. ····· 10361118043

The Failure of the Democratic Republic of the Congo

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The Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC) iscurrently one of the most dangerous countries inAfrica, riddled with political corruption, civil war,and material exploitation. The root of many of theseissues lies within the DRC`s history starting withBelgian colonial powers and the subsequent years ofcolonization, pan-Africanism, and the struggle fornew independence. Understanding the long-termeffects of Western colonization in Africa will be akey component in helping countries like the DRCrebuild in a meaningful way, although the solution ismuch more complicated. ····· 10361118018

UNESCO. Was u.a. Ulla Schmidt dazu sagt

für 39.00€ kaufen ···· - Bücher, eBooks, DVD & Blu-ray
Wie wurde und wird das Thema `UNESCO` in der deutschen Politik diskutiert Der vorliegende Quellenband enthält die Protokolle der im Deutschen Bundestag zur Thematik gehaltenen ungekürzten Reden ab 1998 (14. Legislaturperiode). Diese parteiübergreifende Dokumentation, ermöglicht dem Leser einen direkten Blick auf die parlamentarische Debatte zu das Thema `UNESCO` und die Diskussionen der Abgeordneten im politischen Tagesgeschäft. ····· 10361117898

G8-Gipfel. Was u.a. Dr. Angela Merkel dazu sagt

für 59.00€ kaufen ···· - Bücher, eBooks, DVD & Blu-ray
Wie wurde und wird das Thema `G8-Gipfel` in der deutschen Politik diskutiert Der vorliegende Quellenband enthält die Protokolle der im Deutschen Bundestag zur Thematik gehaltenen ungekürzten Reden ab 1998 (14. Legislaturperiode). Diese parteiübergreifende Dokumentation, ermöglicht dem Leser einen direkten Blick auf die parlamentarische Debatte zu das Thema `G8-Gipfel` und die Diskussionen der Abgeordneten im politischen Tagesgeschäft. ····· 10361117883

Relaciones con Cuba

für 40.50€ kaufen ···· - Bücher, eBooks, DVD & Blu-ray
Este ejemplar se basa en una recopilación documental de las principales discusiones políticas en España del Siglo XXI en torno a las relaciones con Cuba. A partir de las fuentes del Congreso de Diputados, los discursos no abreviados, entre otras, la postura de Miguel Ángel Moratinos Cuyaubé, tratamos de introducir al lector en la temática para que pueda tomar una postura crítica respecto a los debates parlamentarios y las discusiones políticas diarias de los diferentes actores y partidos políticos sobre las relaciones con Cuba. ····· 10361117854

Relaciones con Cuba

für 57.60€ kaufen ···· - Bücher, eBooks, DVD & Blu-ray
Este ejemplar se basa en una recopilación documental de las principales discusiones políticas en España del Siglo XXI en torno a las relaciones con Cuba. A partir de las fuentes del Congreso de Diputados, los discursos no abreviados, entre otras, la postura de Miguel Ángel Moratinos Cuyaubé, tratamos de introducir al lector en la temática para que pueda tomar una postura crítica respecto a los debates parlamentarios y las discusiones políticas diarias de los diferentes actores y partidos políticos sobre las relaciones con Cuba. ····· 10361117853

La base de Guantánamo

für 35.10€ kaufen ···· - Bücher, eBooks, DVD & Blu-ray
Este ejemplar se basa en una recopilación documental de las principales discusiones políticas en España del Siglo XXI en torno a la base Guantánamo. A partir de las fuentes del Congreso de Diputados, los discursos no abreviados, entre otras, la postura de Miguel Ángel Moratinos Cuyaubé, tratamos de introducir al lector en la temática para que pueda tomar una postura crítica respecto a los debates parlamentarios y las discusiones políticas diarias de los diferentes actores y partidos políticos sobre la base Guantánamo. ····· 10361117852

Terrorismo internacional

für 40.50€ kaufen ···· - Bücher, eBooks, DVD & Blu-ray
Este ejemplar se basa en una recopilación documental de las principales discusiones políticas en torno al terrorismo internacional en España del Siglo XXI. A partir de las fuentes del Congreso de Diputados, los discursos no abreviados, entre otras, la postura, de José María Aznar López, tratamos de introducir al lector en la temática para que pueda tomar una postura crítica respecto a los debates parlamentarios y las discusiones políticas diarias de los diferentes actores y partidos políticos sobre el terrorismo internacional. ····· 10361117830

Islampolitik. Was u.a. Dr. Wolfgang Schäuble dazu sagt

für 69.00€ kaufen ···· - Bücher, eBooks, DVD & Blu-ray
Wie wurde und wird das Thema `Islampolitik` in der deutschen Politik diskutiert Der vorliegende Quellenband enthält die Protokolle der im Deutschen Bundestag zur Thematik gehaltenen ungekürzten Reden ab 1998 (14. Legislaturperiode). Diese parteiübergreifende Dokumentation, ermöglicht dem Leser einen direkten Blick auf die parlamentarische Debatte zu das Thema `Islampolitik` und die Diskussionen der Abgeordneten im politischen Tagesgeschäft. ····· 10361117827

Gibraltar. Entre otras, la postura de José Luis Rodríguez Zapatero

für 57.60€ kaufen ···· - Bücher, eBooks, DVD & Blu-ray
Este ejemplar se basa en una recopilación documental de las principales discusiones políticas en torno a Gibraltar en España del Siglo XXI. A partir de las fuentes del Congreso de Diputados, los discursos no abreviados, tratamos de introducir al lector en la temática para que pueda tomar una postura crítica respecto a los debates parlamentarios y las discusiones políticas diarias de los diferentes actores y partidos políticos sobre Gibraltar. ····· 10361117813

Afganistán. Entre otras, la postura de José Luis Rodríguez Zapatero

für 48.60€ kaufen ···· - Bücher, eBooks, DVD & Blu-ray
Este ejemplar se basa en una recopilación documental de las principales discusiones políticas en torno a Afganistán en España del Siglo XXI. A partir de las fuentes del Congreso de Diputados, los discursos no abreviados, tratamos de introducir al lector en la temática para que pueda tomar una postura crítica respecto a los debates parlamentarios y las discusiones políticas diarias de los diferentes actores y partidos políticos sobre Afganistán. ····· 10361117810

Afganistán. Entre otras, la postura de Carme Chacón Piqueras

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Este ejemplar se basa en una recopilación documental de las principales discusiones políticas en torno a Afganistán en España del Siglo XXI. A partir de las fuentes del Congreso de Diputados, los discursos no abreviados, tratamos de introducir al lector en la temática para que pueda tomar una postura crítica respecto a los debates parlamentarios y las discusiones políticas diarias de los diferentes actores y partidos políticos sobre Afganistán. ····· 10361117809

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