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Forecasting Electricity Demand

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Forecasting of electricity consumption has become a significant element of utmost necessity of the planning exercise in the power sector, especially in the backdrop of the continuing energy crisis. The present work critically evaluates the electricity demand forecasting methodology available in general and proposes a methodology in the classical time series framework of multi-variate autoregressive-moving average (MARMA) model. ····· 10361115893

Development of Branded Fashion from Latvia

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Riga fashion shows used to be among the most important in the whole Soviet Union however, after regain of independence dramatic economical changes and sudden influx of foreign fashion affected the industry heavily in Latvia. There are only few brand names left, and new ones are struggling to get attention of media and public. Well equipped factories export all the production, often without their brand and local fashion designers are reluctant to mass produce their designs. This book investigates the fashion industry in Latvia and its potential for development with emphasis on branded products, considering designers` and mass producers` relations with retail channels, media and customers. By using the SWOT analysis tool and examples of world`s practice these findings are evaluated, and best development strategies are suggested. The analysis are valuable not only to representatives of Latvia and other post-Soviet countries but also to professionals in Fashion Business and Promotion fields who are considering working in the region or have interest to learn more about Soviet fashion history and transitional challenges. ····· 10361115871


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In the 21st century, more and more businesses are confronted with new and often radical technologies, frequently leading to very different business models. Demand and consumer expectations are shifting quickly and radically, since ICT facilitates new and consumer-driven patterns of consumption frequently directly opposing industry-centred interests and needs. Schumpeter`s Wind of Creative Destruction explains the process of destruction of old and the creation of new industries at the same time. His concept has gained a new importance within today`s market turbulences. This book presents research papers, which had been part of strict academic peer-review processes before their presentation at conferences around the globe. They gained high international academic and industrial interest. These research papers are part of a long-term research on the Home Entertainment Industry, whose established business model is highly threatened. The papers examine the challenges of discontinuity and the threat of obsolescence for the Home Entertainment Industry from various perspectives in the endeavour to understand patterns of industrial behaviour sailing against the Wind of Creative Destruction. ····· 10361115752

Travel Risk Perception

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Travel risk perception has escalated due to various catastrophic events during the last decade. Consequently, travellers are compelled to consider risk at destinations during their travel plans. A proper understanding of the formation of these risk perceptions is useful to the travel industry members and policy makers to predict and plan for arrivals. The book discusses in detail factors determining the risk perception of travellers. Eight factors have been identified as most influential in forming risk perception of travel destinations. They are: terrorism, crime, political instability, cultural barriers, health scares, religious dogma, financial crises, and natural disasters. The book introduces a new approach to studying risk perception: analysing the differences between risk factors at a general level and at specific level. The presumption here is that the formation of perception is affected by the level of detail presented to the decision maker. The impact of these factors and variables on risk perception were tested under a qualitative and quantitative methodological framework. ····· 10361115539

Fostering Innovations for Banking the Unbanked: Models & Mechanics

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ICT and microfinance is not catch-22 but a reality push to increase outreach in sustainable manner. This book particularizes discussions and critical analysis for explaining the logic of feasibility and operationalization of ICT based initiatives for increasing access spectrum of diversified microfinance services in the fringe areas of any developing country. This practical guide demonstrates value chain system approach to address the deepening crisis of outreach and sustainability in providing microfinance services. This highlights gaps in electronic banking, core MIS technology issues, description of business model architecture and contentious policy and market related issues to turn towards this new shift. Pakistan has been selected as a case study because it is still whipped by massive substance of poverty and its position in the top quartile of global microfinance industry make it interesting subject. Public & private sector has constructed the social and spatial milieu for providing microfinance services and continuously crafting new ways to increase sustainable outreach. ····· 10361115495

Research and Development (R&D) and its Impact on Firm Performance

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R&D is a major source of technological change. It has become an integral part of corporate activity in industrially advanced countries. Highly technology- based products of these countries pose major threat to Indian products in the global market. At this juncture, technological up-gradation is the need of the hour as far as Indian firms are concerned. In- house R&D efforts are of vital importance to Indian Industry as its specific requirements can not be met with technology imports alone. Local R&D efforts are essential to assimilate and adapt imported know-how. Therefore, one of the great challenges facing Indian Industry is to gear up local R&D to enhance its technological capability. This book attempts to identify the major determinants of the probability of undertaking R&D in Indian Industry as well as to assess the impact of R&D on firm performance. The focus is on a specific sector of manufacturing, namely, the chemical sector. The analysis would be of useful to professionals, researchers, policy makers and any one else who may be interested in this field. ····· 10361115442

Evolution of Crude Oil Price Term Structure

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The focus of the book is on the lessons that can be learned by `reading` the crude oil price term structure correctly - i.e. in formation of trading strategies or making forecasts. The analysis goes back to the period when trading crude oil was becoming popular and traces the conditions that led to the inevitable need for creating oil futures and markets where they are traded. The main aim of the book is to go into the details of the crude oil price term structure in order to understand how it reflects the prevailing market conditions and how the various market participants use it in their strategic decision-making activities. This book could be helpful to students who are interested in crude oil and the economics behind crude oil and crude oil products to post-graduate students and researchers who are interested in deepening their knowledge of term structure as used in the crude oil industry to professionals who want to explore the practical implications of concepts such as contango and backwardation and the hints one can get by interpreting correctly the crude oil price term structure for building a successful trading strategy. ····· 10361115287

Trading Strategies used in Derivatives Market

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Derivatives market within a short span of time has become an important trading instrument. Everybody wants to know and talk about derivatives however they remain a unique type of financial instrument that few of us understand. This book is aimed at providing an in-depth insight for a better understanding of instruments and strategies used in derivatives market. Instruments such as Forwards, Futures, Options and Swaps are widely discussed along with strategies such as Cap, Floor, Vanilla, Collars among others. This book provides a conceptual framework in integrating trading strategies to derivatives market. It also enlightens with the insight of review of literature, procedure of a study and a detailed qualitative and quantitative analysis of the data collected. This book will attract people from many concerns i.e. economist, administrators, investors, market analysts and researchers. Even a layman can benefit by reading the book thereby making an appropriate investment strategy. ····· 10361115257

Financial Performance Analysis in the Banking Sector of Bangladesh

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The research has discussed about financial performance of HSBC and has analyzed the financial performance of the major competitors in a comparable format. For ease of understanding the study has been segmented into six chapters, each of which are assigned in a sequential order to reveal into main findings. The first part of the study discussed its origin, objective, scopes, methodologies followed and limitations. The second part of the study depicted information regarding organizational overview of HSBC, which has covered the historical background, introduction of group, products, organizational structure and different activities of HSBC in Bangladesh. The third part shows the financial analysis of HSBC and the fourth chapter focuses on competitor analysis. Then fifth chapter comes up with findings of the analysis while sixth chapter focuses on recommendations and conclusions. The competitors analyzed in this report along with HSBC are Standard Chartered Bank, Citi NA, Prime Bank, BRAC Bank, Dhaka Bank and Bank Asia. Financial analysis in the third and fourth chapter has been done with some key statistics. Figures are shown in a compatible form and summarized in appendices. ····· 10361115128

Investments in renewable energy production

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This work focuses on the financial valuation of particular renewable energy investments: namely wind and solar photovoltaic large scale projects. As a consequence of a global sky high growth of investments in these two technologies it is natural to wonder what fuelled this trend. Besides the obvious question about whether it is worth investing or not, it is interesting to understand if and how value is created and which parameters can significantly influence it. In order to answer these questions I have built a financial model based on the Adjusted Present Value method. This method may result complicated if compared to the traditional Discounted Cash Flow. However, it has the advantage of enabling not only the determination of the the net present value of investments, but also the separation of the value generated by investing decisions from that generated by financing ones. Key findings demonstrate that growth is backed by a good average profitability for both wind and solar projects, even though results can change a lot, mostly depending on financing considerations ····· 10361114545


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For any organization, the effective workforce planning is essential to stay competitive and continue to subsist. Workforce planning is an organized process for identifying the number of employees, their mix and the types of skill sets required to accomplish an organization`s strategic goals and objectives. This book focuses on demand analysis (i.e. forecasting the future workforce demand) in workforce planning. Workforce demand forecasting techniques can be classified into two broad categories viz. qualitative and quantitative. Generally, quantitative techniques are used to forecast workforce size and mix, whereas, qualitative techniques forecast competency requirements. This research explores demand analysis in many folds. First, state-of-the-art of workforce analysis techniques are presented and synthesized into a scenario specific forecasting technique(s) selection tree. Afterwards, the Clonal C-fuzzy Decision Tree (C2FDT), a decision support model, is proposed to forecast future workforce demand. C2FDT inherits its properties from fuzzy c-mean clustering and clonal algorithm. ····· 10361114374

Ramsey Pricing by Railways

····· lezzter Preis 53.10€ ···· - Bücher, eBooks, DVD & Blu-ray
Passage of the US Staggers Act opened the way to Ramsey pricing by US railroads. Similar developments in Canada led to Ramsey pricing` by Canadian railways as well. Although this pricing method is believed to be new, it is so only in name. Such demand-based pricing is here shown to have been the norm in many countries and at many times in the past. By putting railway rates in the context of spatial economics, the author gets beyond previous discussion of whether railway rates were based on cost or the value of service and shows how both those factors were considered in setting Ramsey prices` from the earliest times on. The analysis is supported by extensive empirical tests of unregulated and regulated freight rates charged in the USA at the end of the XIXth and beginning of the XXth centuries. By the same author: Argentine Railways, Seven Papers on their Economics and History, ISBN 978-0-9811096-1-9 Who was Who in Argentine Railways, 1860-1960, ISBN 978-0-9811096-0-2. ····· 10361113955

Business Continuity in Kosovar SME`s

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Kosovo as the newest country that emerged from last Balkan war is struggling to form sustainable Institutions and built an Economy that is going to reduce high poverty in the country. As in any economy, SME`s are seen as the biggest contributor to employment and stability. This book provides a research on Business Continuity in Kosovar SME`s with the intention to provide some guidelines and basis for readers in understanding the SME`s in Kosovo, their crises, how they deal with them, and possible interventions for improvements. ····· 10361113942

Competitive Challenges and Cluster Responses

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The cluster approach continues to gain ground as a key strategy for industrial development in today`s globalised era. However, not every cluster achieves the desired competitiveness goal of cluster development. While many cluster studies have examined factors and conditions that influence the success or failure of cluster development, most focus on only one or two aspects. But cluster development is a complex process that involves numerous interdependent actors and institutions. Hence, to develop cluster successfully, policymakers must view cluster development as a `process` and understand its intertwining elements and mechanisms. This study uses a case study approach and a multi- dimensional comparison of seven clusters across three national contexts and three sectors: the Thai hard disk drive cluster, the Taiwanese semiconductor cluster, the Malaysian electronics cluster, the Thai and Malaysian automotive and auto-parts clusters, and the Thai and Taiwanese orchid clusters. This book provides a novel and holistic framework to better understand cluster development processes and mechanisms for more effective formulation and implementation of cluster policy. ····· 10361113797

Privatization and Regulation of Electricity Sector

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Power shortages and blackouts are common in developing countries especially in emerging economies due to increasing electricity consumption, population and weak distrubution system. As a result, these economies are facing common problem that how to meet the grwoing demand to maintain economic growth and to develop a regulatory framework for electricity sector which is efficient and market based. This book explores the common problems faced by developing countries in the electricity sector and provides the practical examples of measuring efficiency of generation and distribution companies using state of the art methodologies. Based on efficiency results, price cap regulation for the purpose of electricity tariff setting has been proposed. This book serves as a guide to develop incentive based price cap regulation as a case study of developing countries. It also provides an integrated approach to efficiency measurement for electricity sector regulators.It covers the conceptual issues related to power sector policy analysis, privatization modules,efficiency and price cap regulation in an accessible yet rigorous maner. ····· 10361113645


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The production of more food from less land, water and other concerned resources is one of the main challenges before agricultural scientists today. These challenges can be accomplished only through new technologies as the existing technologies do not seem to be adequate. Recent advances made in biotechnology in the form of genetically modified organisms offer exciting opportunities to address some of these challenges. Transgenic technology in crops is one of the most powerful methods and has already made some breakthrough in this field. But there have been many concerns shown against this technology like their acceptability ethically, ecologically as well as technologically by various groups throughout the globe. These and such type of comprehensions, apprehensions, ethical and ecological concerns has been discussed in this book with special reference to India. Different types of problems as well as prospects have been thoroughly discussed as well. At the end of book some useful suggestions have been put forward regarding the future research in this field. ····· 10361113587

Price Engineering for SMEs in the Hotel Industry

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The advent of the Internet era changed the way business is conducted, especially in the hotel industry. The existent literature argues that the online booking revolution diminishes the effectiveness of traditional revenue management systems (Schwartz, 2008). The present paper shows that, on the contrary, online booking and revenue management perfectly complement each other. In particular, light algorithms are used to construct a pricing policy which can and should be used by managers of small size hotels. The price engineering endeavor is based on both simulated demand following a Poisson distribution and on the pricing policy of competing 2-star hotels in the vicinity of the Vrijthof Square, Maastricht. Regression analysis is used to determine the relation between the competitors` prices and the quantitative and qualitative independent variables chosen for this model. The light algorithm presented in this paper uses easily accessible software packages such as Microsoft Excel, simulation tools and online booking sites. The chosen approach adds a new dimension to asset management, thus enriching and improving the managerial decision process. ····· 10361113436

Employee Empowerment as a Coping Strategy in a Changing Environment

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The study`s main objective is to establish the influence of empowerment on the outcomes of organizations. It is based on the thesis that organizations as open systems operate in a changing environment where they are to survive in the coming decades. Empowerment is the strategy recommended in this study that can be implemented with least resistance. Empowerment is conceptualized to mean employee participation in decision-making, information sharing and power sharing. Such participation should result in positive organizational outcomes such as job satisfaction , organizational commitment and productivity. Studies carried out in the Western and European countries have shown a causal relation between empowerment and job satisfaction, organizational commitment and productivity. Employee participation in the Zimbabwean environment is discussed under the dichotomy of economic empowerment that includes policies of indigenization and employee share ownership plans and workplace democracy that is facilitated by the Labour Act and its provisions such as the Workers` Committee, Works` Council and collective bargaining among others. ····· 10361113425


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The Vietnamese Catfish industry expects to earn USD 1.5billions from Pangasius export in 2010, and keep increasing to USD 2,3 billions in 2020, being the largest supplier in the world. This book endeavors to journey with its readers through the various parts of the Vietnamese catfish supply chain, in a comprehensive, but easy to read analysis. The huge loss of farmers and an extreme shortage of raw material in the later of the year 2008, expanding to 2009 was an alarm for Vietnamese farmers/processors to take a deeper look at their production and supply chain, to understand the underlying situation. The book reveals that, the lack of integrated supply chains and often low technological infrastructure for production, combined with investment decisions being based on word of mouth rather those well research facts, leave room for improvement. In other words, despite the industry`s large volume and annual value, the vertical parts of the supply chain portray little cooperation. On the condition that the supply chain is strategically rebuilt and improved, Vietnamese catfish industry is absolutely capable of further expand its position in the global market. ····· 10361113255

Assessing Commercial Timberland Assets in the United States

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Timberland ownership in the United States has changed dramatically in the past several decades. Integrated forest products firms have been divesting their timberlands, whereas timberland investment management organizations (TIMOs) have been active acquirers. Timberland return has three drivers, the biological growth, timber price, and land price. Biological growth can be consistently estimated, land price is correlated with inflation, while timber price remains most unpredictable. The first part of this book models and forecasts timber prices in 12 southern timber regions via different time series models. The second part examines the financial performance of private- and public-equity timberland investments in the US using both parametric and nonparametric asset ricing approaches. The last part investigates the option values of investment, mothballing, reactivation, and abandonment in a hypothetical southern pine plantation using the contingent claims approach. The results can help investors better understand commercial timberland assets in the US. ····· 10361113140

Der Markenwert von Spielfilmen

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Spektakuläre Kassenerfolge scheinen den in der Spielfilmindustrie weit verbreiteten Einsatz von Markenstrategien auf den ersten Blick zu rechtfertigen. Wie in der Konsumgüterindustrie gibt es jedoch auch in der Filmindustrie zahlreiche Beispiele für eine weniger erfolgreiche Markennutzung. Auch markierte Filme verursachen hohe Kosten und können eine hohe Schwankungsbreite in ihren Erlösen aufweisen. Die wissenschaftliche Auseinandersetzung mit dem Wert von Filmmarken ist von hoher Praxisrelevanz für die Spielfilmindustrie, da die Entscheidungsunsicherheit in Bezug auf die Durchführung von filmbezogenen Markenstrategien groß ist. Subjektive Ansätze einer Einschätzung der Erfolgsaussichten von Spielfilmprojekten reichen angesichts der hohen Investitionen und Renditeziele von Filmstudios nicht aus. Der Autor entwickelt in seiner Arbeit ein Entscheidungsmodell zur Auswahl geeigneter Filmmarken, sodass Medienunternehmen die Gefahr ökonomischer Fehlentscheidungen potentiell reduzieren können. ····· 10361108565

Bindungs- und Bewältigungsreaktionen von Konsumenten nach dem Ende von Markenbeziehungen

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Das Konzept des Relationship Marketing gehört zu den wichtigsten Entwicklungen in der neueren Marketingliteratur. Insbesondere in den letzten Jahren ist in einer erweiterten Betrachtung des Relationship Marketing die bestehende Markenbeziehung zwischen Konsument und Unternehmen (bzw. Marke) auf großes Interesse aus Theorie und Praxis gestoßen. Der Grund hierfür ist, dass diese Beziehung einen zentralen und proaktiv beeinflussbaren Teil des Unternehmenswertes darstellt.Während in der sozialpsychologischen Beziehungsforschung das Beziehungsende sowie die Zeit nach dem Ende von Beziehungen umfangreich erforscht ist, finden sich innerhalb des Relationship Marketing kaum Forschungsarbeiten zu Konsumentenreaktionen nach dem Ende von Markenbeziehungen. Ein besseres Verständnis der Gründe und Prozesse des Beziehungsendes ist von großem ökonomischen Interesse für Markenanbieter. In welche Gruppen lassen sich Kunden nach dem Beziehungsende einteilen Welche Gruppe lässt sich leicht als Kunde zurückgewinnen Von welcher Gruppe geht durch markenschädigende Kommunikation eine Gefahr aus Die Beantwortung dieser Fragen liefert Unternehmen (insbesondere mit High-Involvement-Produkten) wichtige Informationen, um zielgesteuerte Maßnahmen nach der `kundenseitigen Scheidung` einzuleiten.Die Autorin nimmt die psychologische Beziehungsforschung zur Grundlage für eine vertiefte Analyse von Markenbeziehungen. Sie konzentriert sich dabei auf Konsumentenreaktionen nach dem Ende von Markenbeziehungen. Dabei wird deutlich, dass ehemalige Konsumenten unterschiedliche Bewältigungsstrategien zeigen, die trotz hoher Markenbindung und Markenzuneigung dazu führen können, dass sie der Marke Schaden zufügen. Unter Bezug auf sozialpsychologische Erkenntnisse ermöglicht dieses Buch tiefe Einsichten in die Kognitionen, Emotionen und das Verhalten von Konsumenten nach der Trennung von einer Marke. ····· 10361108519

Risikomanagement in der Berufsunfähigkeitsversicherung

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Die Absicherung des Berufsunfähigkeitsrisikos verursacht bei privaten Versicherungsunternehmen erhebliche Herausforderungen. Informationsdefizite über den Gesundheitszustand der Versicherten und die Arbeitsmarktabhängigkeit des Risikos erschweren die Versicherbarkeit einer Berufsunfähigkeit. Die Arbeit widmet sich daher der Frage, ob durch privatwirtschaftliche Absicherungen des Berufsunfähigkeitsrisikos ein geeigneter Beitrag zur Schließung der Lücken im Schutz der Sozialversicherung geleistet werden kann und welche Voraussetzungen im Hinblick auf resultierende moralische Risiken dafür erforderlich sind. Als Hypothese wird angenommen, dass die Risikosituation durch ein Risikomanagementkonzept beherrschbar wird, das die unternehmensinterne Angebots- und die unternehmensexterne Nachfrageperspektive berücksichtigt.Zunächst werden bestehende Anreizmodelle des Angebotes und der Nachfrage in der Berufsunfähigkeitsversicherung vorgestellt und fortentwickelt. Anschließend werden diese Erklärungsmodelle in einem Entscheidungsmodell zusammengeführt. Mithilfe einer komparativ-statischen Szenarioanalyse werden verschiedene Steuerungsstrategien des Versicherers beurteilt und Handlungsempfehlungen abgeleitet. Zudem werden Sensitivitätsanalysen zur Prüfung der Robustheit der Erkenntnisse durchgeführt und die Unzulänglichkeiten der Modellierung diskutiert. Betrachtet werden verschiedene Formen der Verweisbarkeit, präventive Bonusprogramme, Sonderleistungen zum Vertragsablauf sowie Rehabilitationsmaßnahmen und Wiedereingliederungshilfen. ····· 10361108489

Designsprünge als Instrument des Marketings

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Vor dem Hintergrund des weltweiten technischen Fortschritts ist eine zunehmende Homogenisierung unzähliger Leistungsprofile auf stagnierenden Märkten zu beobachten. Dies animiert Unternehmen dazu, neben den üblichen Erfolgsfaktoren wie Preis und Qualität verstärkt nach Ansatzpunkten zur Differenzierung zu suchen. Der Einsatz von Design bietet hierbei eine Möglichkeit, Produkte und Dienstleistungsangebote zu differenzieren, um sich so im harten Wettbewerb abgrenzen zu können.Insbesondere in der Automobilindustrie zählt das Design inzwischen zu den zentralen Entscheidungskriterien beim Produktkauf. Jedoch ist zu konstatieren, dass in Bezug auf das Produktdesign die Praxis der Theorie weit vorausläuft. Insbesondere die Analyse des Konzepts `Designsprung` stellt einen bisher nicht untersuchten Gegenstand der wissenschaftlichen Forschung dar.Mit der vorliegenden Arbeit wurde zunächst die Zielsetzung verfolgt, sich dem Begriff des Designsprungs zu nähern und ihn von verwandten Konzepten abzugrenzen. Vor dem Hintergrund einer umfassenden theoretischen und methodischen Basis sowie Modellen zum Produktdesign und zum Adoptionsprozess konnte erstmals ein Rahmenmodell für die Bewertung von Designsprüngen aus Kundensicht aufgestellt werden, wobei wechselseitige Design- und Markenwirkungen in Abhängigkeit unterschiedlicher Einflussgrößen untersucht wurden. Im Anschluss an die Modellüberprüfung wurde eine Clusteranalyse zur Identifikation relevanter Zielgruppen für Designsprünge durchgeführt.Auf Basis der Untersuchungsergebnisse konnten abschließend Empfehlungen abgeleitet werden, die darauf abzielen, die Effektivität von Designsprüngen positiv zu beeinflussen und letztendlich den gewünschten Markterfolg von Automodellen mit einem Designsprung sicherzustellen. Darüber hinaus konnte auf Basis der Ergebnisse der Kundensegmentierung auf weitere Ansatzpunkte hingewiesen werden, die für ein erfolgreiches Management von Designsprüngen hilfreich sind. ····· 10361108483

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