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Media Usage, Personality Traits and Attitudes to Hiv/Aids

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The Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome (AIDS) caused by Human Immuno Deficiency Virus (HIV) has been a major disease plaguing the humanity as a whole and African continent in particular. The continent has remained a global epicentre of the AIDS pandemic. Available statistics show that the sub-saharan African is worst hit, with an estimated 22 million adult and children living with the virus. With just 10% of the world s population, sub-saharan African is home to more than 67% of all people living with HIV. Nigeria, African most populous nation is firmly established as having the world s third highest HIV/AIDS prevalent rate with 4million people living with the virus. Unfortunately, the large those affected with the disease fall within the range of economically active adults who are deprived of contributing towards the economic progress of the country. Apart from Agriculture, the social-economic consequences of AIDS will have long time implication for the Nigerian economy. Given the large proportion of young Nigerians and the evidence that by age 15, 25% sexual active and 50% by age 18, the youths most of who are students of higher institutions formed the most vulnerable group. ····· 1036119677

Aktsii protesta v Rossii kontsa XX veka: lozungi kak sverkhtekst

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V knige lozungi aktsiy protesta v Rossii 90-kh godov KhKh veka rassmatrivayutsya kak sverkhtekst tsel`noe rechevoe i kul`turnoe obrazovanie, kotoroe daet osnovu dlya ob`yasneniya otdel`nykh rechevykh i zhanrovykh zakonomernostey izuchaemykh tekstov. Takzhe ponyatie sverkhteksta pozvolyaet vyyavit` skrytye tsennostnye predpochteniya chasti obshchestva, podderzhivayushchey dannye lozungi. Osoboy primetoy sverkhteksta lozungov ukazannogo perioda yavlyaetsya rechevaya agressiya, na osnove predlozhennoy metodiki analiza vydelyayutsya tri stepeni ee proyavleniya v lozungakh. Osobuyu znachimost` dlya samostoyatel`nykh issledovateley predstavlyaet soboy Prilozhenie, v kotorom soderzhitsya unikal`naya kollektsiya bolee 1000 lozungov protesta. Kniga mozhet byt` interesna i dlya sotsiologa, tak kak v lozungakh otrazhayutsya problemy sotsial`nykh grupp i obshchestva v tselom i dlya lingvista, tak kak v rechevoy tkani lozunga zametny izmeneniya zhanra i dlya kul`turologa: v lozungakh fiksiruetsya otbor i kombinatsiya kul`turnykh tsennostey kontsa KhKh veka v Rossii. ····· 1036119611

The Agenda-Setting Impact of Egyptian Nightly Television Talk Shows

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The awareness function of the mass media is at the heart of civic engagement, which is fundamental for a country in transition to democracy such as Egypt. This research study linked agenda-setting theory to civic engagement examining the agenda-setting impact of Egyptian nightly television talk shows on attitudes towards civic engagement among the Egyptian elite. A primary content analysis of the three most popular Egyptian nightly television talk shows before the Jan.25th revolution: Masr Ennharda (Egypt Today), Al Ashera Masa an (10 PM), and 90 Deqeeqa (90 Minutes), was conducted to measure the media agenda. A primary survey was also administered to examine the public agenda and the relationships between exposure to talk shows, agenda-setting, and civic engagement. This study proceeded with conducting qualitative interviews with experts, producing recommendations for talk shows in order to play a more active role in fostering civic engagement in Egypt. ····· 1036119551

Social Network Sites

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This study is focused on examining the potentials of the internet in fostering participatory social action. Over the years different participatory processes have been employed by practitioners to empower communities with the ability to take decisions and act for themselves in order to effect social change and attain their own development. Methods such as Participatory Learning and Action (PLA), Theatre for Development (TFD) and the like seek to get people actively involved in its process as a catalyst to reach true and sustainable development. However with the astronomical growth in the usage of the internet, especially Social Network Sites, and its consequent capacity to facilitate connectivity between numerous individuals across distant boundaries, this study therefore looks at the potential of Social Network Sites as a communication medium with the ability to enable people s participation in the deliberative processes through which mutual agreement towards sustainable development could be attained. Using six discussion topics from two groups on facebook as a case study, this study demonstrates the inherent capacity of Social Network Sites in fostering participatory communicative ····· 1036119515

The Rhetoric of Freedom in the US Presidential Campaign 2008

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Freedom is identified as the idea that determines the American sense of exceptional national identity. Also American politicians in the United States very often refer in their speeches to American freedoms. Therefore, in this paper, I focus on the qualitative content analysis of the 2008 US presidential campaign speeches to investigate how the concepts of freedom are used in America and how they are translated into practice in candidates policies. Moreover, the purpose of this work is to explore the complex relationship between progressive and conservative notions of freedom on the American political scene today. Reflecting on the speeches delivered by the presidential candidates, it aims to answer the following questions: how the conservative and progressive notions of freedom differ, whether the nominees of the Democratic and Republican Parties, Senator Barack Obama and Senator John McCain, conformed to them in their statements, or have Democrats and Republicans lost their distinct perspectives on the notion of freedom, now speaking a common language. ····· 1036119514

Al-Qaeda And The New Media Of Terror Communications

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One of the greatest challenges of the new media in recent years and one that will intensify further as world turns to a global village is the potential impacts of New Information and Communication Technologies (NICTs) on form and content of media output,the processes through which media messages are produced and consumed.Such challenges are however, not new,and of course the history of the mass media is a history of technological development with profound social consequences and implications at every stage. And there are strong grounds that contemporary media are undergoing particularly dramatic technologically driven changes, as characterized by media interactivity, accessibility and diversity of information overload with new freedoms for the audience, users, or consumers.It is resolved that this book will be able to:centre and justify the discourse on new media and terrorism and its potential for destruction in a more global context of post-modernism, and also enhance the knowledge of media professionals, media scholars and peace practitioners who will find this research instructive as it is a timely response to the awareness and effects of media globalization. ····· 1036119253

Reaching The Unreached

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Development is a type of social system that produces higher per capita income and improves standards of living through modernized production methods and improved social organizations. This can only be possible if the required information reaches bulk of the people-a neglected majority. Most of them live in villages. An effort has been made in this book to discuss various means and modes to reach the resource poor majority. In the first chapter the need and problems of development has been discussed. Second chapter presents an idea of participatory communication. Third chapter deals with channels of communication for dealing with neglected population and the forth chapter describes techniques to improve the communication skill of the change agents. How to deal with rural youth and women have been explained in the sixth and seventh chapters. Development of local leadership is essential for sustainable development and the same has been described in eight chapter. A new model REACH has been explained in chapter ninth. Recent advances in Communication which can be applied for dealing with poor people has been discussed in the last chapter. ····· 1036119103

Strategic Communication For Polio Eradication In Nigeria

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By late 2009, Nigeria remained the only polio endemic country in Africa and one of the only four in the world.Polio cases rose astronomically between 2003 and 2009, a period that coincided with immunization boycott in Northern Nigeria.Global polio eradication partners, led by UNICEF adopted a new communication approach that led to 99% drop in polio cases between 2009 and 2010. This work reveals a strong link between the application of UNICEF- developed ACADA model for communication planning and the positive response of mothers to polio eradication campaign. Development communication scholars and development agencies will find this work very useful. ····· 1036118906

Extreme Makeover

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The purpose of this paper was to investigate how the global and the local interact within the adaptation of a foreign programme to a new cultural context. The main question guiding this study was how an American format, namely Extreme Makeover has been adapted to the Romanian market and culture. Reality television is one of the most prolific television genres of the present. Reality shows are cheap to produce, attract large audiences and they have the capacity to cross borders by means of the format. The format is a set of guidelines for the adaptation or re-production of a certain programme in a place different than its country of origin. The format of Extreme Makeover has been sold and produced in many countries over the world, including Romania. The circulation of formats is seen as a manifestation of cultural globalisation. A format can be adapted to a new cultural context, but it still carries values common in the country it originates from. These values are being interpreted and negotiated within the adaptation of a show to a new context. ····· 1036118897

News Reporting

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Reporting and Writing for the Media is a comprehensive and complete effort to document the theoretical and practical insights of the reporting process. The book is designed keeping in mind the students of Mass Communication and Journalism as well as practicing media professionals. The book provides guidelines for writing various types of news stories apart from discussing in detail the technicalities in writing other types of news stories like features, special stories, editorials etc. The book introduces various concepts related to the art of reporting in print, electronic media giving practical hints for the beginners. A separate section on various types of beats explains their nature, rules and regulations attached to them. The special section on latest trends in reporting deals with the topics on Citizens Journalism, Online Reporting etc. The book adopts a unique blend of a practical approach by dealing with various subjects on academic lines as well as the theoretical framework much needed for practicing the art of reporting. Reading this book is compulsory for all aspiring and practicing journalists. ····· 1036118869

Online Communities in Saudi Arabia

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The purpose of this ethnographic investigation was to explore individuals participation in online communities in Saudi Arabia from within the social and cultural contexts. The findings of this study indicate that the active members had a strong sense of community. Online, they observed their cultural values, customs and traditions and abided by the rules of their religion. Meanwhile, the features of the online medium, such as the anonymity and lack of social cues, have also affected their behaviour online by causing them, for example, to utter obscenities and engage in flame wars. Participation in online communities had both positive and negative effects on individuals offline lives. For example, while members became more open-minded in their thinking and less inhibited about the opposite gender, they became less caring about family commitments. Similarly, it had both advantages and disadvantages. Among the advantages were information sharing and knowledge gain, and the increase in members ability to express themselves. Among the disadvantages were the excessive loss of time and the frustration arising from favouring only well-known members. ····· 1036118777

Society, Media, Communication and Development

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Over the last few decades, different forms of linkages which connect media to their source, i.e., society and other institutions have been brought to light: what do the media actually do for society and their clients and audiences What makes people change their behaviour, attitude and ways of life We usually speak of knowledge as the outcome of a communication or learning process. But the direct product of the media is not knowledge itself but massages with a potential for knowledge-forming . This book is an attempt to respond to all these enquiries. An attempt has been made to analyse and elaborate upon the relationship between society, media, communication and development looking from developing nations communication needs and resources in general and Indian perspective in particular. This work provides a valuable insight into social/development communication theory and practice with a distinct focus on India which may be of immense use to students and researchers in the relevant fields. ····· 1036118665

Multimedia Transport Over LTE

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Long Term Evolution (LTE) is the 4th Generation mobile technology as specified by 3rd Generation Partnership Project (3GPP) standard. It has an Internet Protocol (IP) based architecture which can support downlink speeds as high as 100 Mbps. This enables reliable real time (live) video streaming on mobile devices.One of the most significant changes with LTE compared to current and earlier cellular systems is that it is aimed at an all IP network where only packet switching is supported. Voice call will no longer be using separate circuit switched channels. This book will cover the technology and architecture of LTE.In this book we have studied and analyzed the throughput and the delay performance characteristics of standard voice and video calls employing Hybrid Automatic Repeat request (HARQ) Schemes at the Medium Access Control (MAC) layer. Also emphasis has been laid on improving the Quality of Service (QoS) of voice and video transmissions LTE. This involves a detailed study of the LTE protocol stack delay, and MAC and TCP performance in the LTE network. ····· 1036118624

Effect Of Magazine Editions on the Culture of Youth in Pakistan

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Are Magazine Editions creating identity crises among Youth How much the Youth wishes to adopt the values presented in the content of the Magazines How the Youth distinguishes between the existing social norms and those presented through magazine content The main concern of this research is to find how the Print Media particularly Magazine Editions are affecting the cultural values of youth in Pakistan. Whether the contents in Magazine Editions are influencing and changing the culture of Pakistani Youth or not. Youth are the building blocks of any society and thus they need to be more practical, rational and follow its own culture in order to retain their identity. Though the Youth wants to follow the footsteps of their parents but do they also want to follow the values presented through magazines adopting new values which now have become part of Pakistani Culture ····· 1036118275

Effects of Information and Communication Technologies

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The Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) are attracting individual in all walks of life the business, academics, politics, games, art and communication. The Internet and its various technologies, tools, platforms, and venues have provided novel research grounds for decades, and there is no sign of stopping. The ICTs has the potential to reshape the political and fiscal authority of the nation state, questions of identity, group formation, and new forms of activism, problems about the governance and its impacts on democracy, liberalism, dictatorship, digital divide and so on. By the virtue of ICTs, young people are participating in a range of activities, including social networking, blogging, gaming, instant messaging, downloading music and other content, uploading and sharing their own creations, and collaborating with others in various ways. This study is focused on the needs and usage of youngsters (regular and private students of graduation and post graduation education) in the Khyber Pakhtunkhwa (KP) of Pakistan using ICTs involving the Mass Media perspective of Uses and Gratifications in ICTs for expectation, gratification, cognitive, affective and social needs. ····· 1036118195

Nuzhna li informatsionnaya politika v informatsionnom obshchestve?

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`Prepariruya`, izuchaya sovremennoe obshchestvo, lyuboy issledovatel` vynuzhden analizirovat` prichiny i faktory, vyzvavshie k zhizni vo vtoroy polovine KhKh stoletiya t.n. informatsionnyy skachok. Odnako v otechestvennoy nauchnoy srede znaniya ob informatsionnom obshchestve rasprostranyayutsya krayne medlenno i eshche medlennee usvaivayutsya. V Rossii poka podgotovleno i izdano nedostatochnoe kolichestvo nauchnykh rabot, v kotorykh by produtsirovalas` novaya informatsiya po problematike sovremennogo, to est` informatsionnogo obshchestva. Poetomu nashey issledovatel`skoy zadachey stalo rassmotrenie determinatsii sovremennogo obshchestva razlichnymi prichinami i motivami. My khoteli ponyat`: pochemu v sovremennom obshchestve tak uskorilsya rost ob`ema i sotsial`no-politicheskogo vliyaniya informatsionnogo prostranstva Vozmozhno, razmyshlyali my, chto etot informatsionnyy skachok nosit vremennyy kharakter i so vremenem neizbezhen otkat nazad. A vozmozhna li, sprashivali my sami sebya, deinformatizatsiya sovremennogo sotsiuma, esli razvitie togo ili inogo obshchestva ostanovitsya Vozmozhen li voobshche v nashey strane perekhod v informatsionnuyu fazu obshchestvennogo razvitiya ····· 1036118166

Konkurentnye preimushchestva internet-SMI na sovremennom mediarynke

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Monografiya posvyashchena probleme obespecheniya konkurentosposobnosti sredstv massovoy informatsii, funktsioniruyushchikh v seti Internet. V rabote vyyavleny konkurentnye preimushchestva internet-SMI pered drugimi sredstvami massovoy informatsii opredeleny faktory, okazyvayushchie dominiruyushchee vliyanie na konkurentosposobnost` internet-SMI. Issledovany osnovnye tipy produkta, proizvodimogo internet-SMI. V monografii predlozhen kompleks pokazateley, pozvolyayushchikh provodit` kolichestvennuyu otsenku konkurentosposobnosti internet-SMI. Osushchestvlena klassifikatsiya konkurentnykh preimushchestv internet-SMI po raznorodnym priznakam. Proveden analiz rossiyskogo onlayn-segmenta sovremennogo mediarynka, vydeleny ego spetsificheskie osobennosti. Rassmotreny mekhanizmy vyyavleniya konkurentnykh preimushchestv internet-SMI na osnove tekhnologiy benchmarkinga, predstavleny rezul`taty prakticheskoy aprobatsii opisannogo mekhanizma. Monografiya adresovana menedzheram internet-SMI. Ona mozhet byt` takzhe polezna spetsialistam v sfere marketinga, reklamy i svyazey s obshchestvennost`yu, a takzhe studentam sootvetstvuyushchikh spetsial`nostey ····· 103615239

Gosudarstvo i kul`tura v usloviyakh global`noy sotsiokul`turnoy dinamiki

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Vopros o novoy paradigme vzaimootnosheniy gosudarstva i kul`tury rassmotren v aspekte aktivno idushchikh v mire global`no-lokal`nykh protsessov, izmenyayushchikh privychnoe ustroystvo mira. Pokazano, chto printsipial`noe znachenie dlya deyatel`nosti gosudarstva v oblasti kul`tury priobretayut posledstviya globalizatsii, vyrazhayushchiesya v izmenenii prostranstvennykh svyazey v rezul`tate strukturnoy transformatsii obshchestva i formirovanii vzaimozavisimykh polyusov territorial`nykh komponentov i setevykh potokov. S uchetom izmeneniy v ponimanii samoy kul`tury, otsenki ee vklada v ekonomicheskoe i sotsial`noe razvitie utochneny sfery deyatel`nosti gosudarstva, krug ego obyazannostey v sootvetstvii s temi vozmozhnostyami, kotorymi ono raspolagaet v usloviyakh diversifikatsii svoikh funktsiy. Kniga budet interesna rukovoditelyam organov upravleniya i uchrezhdeniy sfery kul`tury, gossluzhashchim sotsiokul`turnoy sfery, prepodavatelyam i studentam, vsem, kto nameren razobrat`sya v mekhanizmakh vliyaniya faktorov kul`tury na ustoychivoe razvitie i vozmozhnostyakh vozdeystviya na protsessy sotsiokul`turnoy dinamiki. ····· 103614776

L`actualité revue et...commentée

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Michel Renouleaud a poursuivi en 2013 sa réflexion sur les événements, majeurs ou anecdotiques, et sur leur traitement par les différents médias. Cette sorte de revue de presse, écrite au jour le jour et ne tenant généralement aucun compte des hiérarchies éditoriales, se veut comme les précédentes éditions totalement subjective. Il s`agit avant tout pour l`auteur de livrer, sans aucune arrière-pensée, les sentiments que lui inspirent aussi bien des choix ou des déclarations politiques, des décisions de justice, des comportements individuels ou collectifs, des évolutions sociétales...Bref, tout ce qui jalonne notre quotidien de citoyen intéressé par la marche du monde et par la façon dont les journalistes (une profession qu`il a longtemps pratiquée) en rendent compte ou la commentent.Le lecteur passe ainsi de la démission d`un pape et de l`élection de son successeur à la mort de Nelson Mandela, via la célébration du premier mariage gay à Montpellier, les élucubrations autour du `tireur fou` arrêté à Paris, les emballements générés par tel succés sportif, etc. ····· 103614662

Los medios de comunicación: alejados del periodismo y de la ética

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Los medios de comunicación tienen una enorme importancia e influencia social. Estos medios, prácticamente en su totalidad corporativos, es decir, poseídos o controlados por las grandes corporaciones económicas, marcan y conducen el rumbo de la mayor parte de la población occidental. Pocas personas escapan a su influencia y pocas también mantienen una actitud crítica con ellos. Esta influencia, tristemente, no ha sido para bien, bien al contrario. Por este motivo esta obra describe esta actitud poco periodística, poco ética y poco responsable que han tenido estos supuestos periodistas. Describe su terrible papel en la justificación de guerras coloniales recientes, como la de Yugoslavia, Libia o Siria, también habla del pasado, para ver que esta actitud no es nueva, mirando a la Venezuela antes de Chávez, al ataque a la Unión Soviética o al propio nacimiento de los Estados Unidos. Cómo no, expone la profunda hipocresía y la incluso responsabilidad penal y criminal en que incurren dichos medios. Que el lector disfrute de la obra y le ayude a pensar y decidir por sí mismo. ····· 103614629

L`actualité revue et...commentée

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Au quotidien, avec son blog,,et chaque année, Michel Renouleaud revisite à sa manière l`actualité. Politique,économie,justice,sports,culture...: aucun domaine n`échappe à son oeil critique.Les événements internationaux et nationaux, comme les faits touchant au Languedoc-Roussillon, la région où il vit,retiennent son attention à travers,le plus souvent,la manière dont les médias les rapportent ou les analysent.2011,avec le `printemps arabe`, mais aussi la mort de Ben Laden, la catastrophe de Fukushima, la crise de la zone euro, les frasques de D.S-K...n`a pas été une année comme les autres.Localement, elle a également été marquée par la fin de la carrière parlementaire du premier président du Comité des régions européennes, le Lozérien Jacques Blanc, et aussi les polèmiques à répétition autour du tram-bus à Nîmes, du contournement Nîmes-Montpellier de la ligne ferroviaire à grande vitesse, du doublement de l`autoroute A9...De quoi remplir de nombreuses pages de commentaires. ····· 103614554

L`actualité revue et...commentée

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Le journaliste qu`il a été durant 23 ans, avant de rejoindre la `tribu` des communicants, demeure en Michel Renouleaud. Aujourd`hui retraité, il n`en reste pas moins attentif aux événements, petits et grands,qui jalonnent notre quotidien. Au jour le jour, il les commente dans un blog et, depuis 2010, ces réflexions `à chaud`lui serve de matière première pour rédiger `son` Journal de l`année. Ce Journal ne vise absolument pas à l`objectivité. Ni à l`exhaustivité. Il s`agit simplement pour l`auteur de livrer sa vision de l`actualité et,surtout, de commenter la manière dont elle a pu être rapportée par ses ex-confrères et consoeurs. C`est souvent critique. Mais il lui arrive aussi de souligner des initiatives éditoriales qui ne sacrifient pas à l`air du temps. ····· 103614487

Krugi na polyakh

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Eta kniga ne plod fantazii avtorov, a pravdivoe otobrazhenie deystvitel`nosti. Nastol`ko dostovernoe,chto ofitsial`naya nauka staraetsya ne zamechat` takikh lyudey, kak Elena,sposobnykh otvetit` na volnuyushchiy ves` mir vopros o kontaktakh s inoplanetnymi tsivilizatsiyami.No vremya prishlo i zhiteli Zemli dolzhny uznat` istinnuyu informatsiyu, zashifrovannuyu v krugakh na polyakh i drugikh neobychnykh figurakh(gliptakh,pentagrammakh i t.p.) ····· 103614322

Videogames and American Society

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There is no question that videogames have shaped modern society in more ways than most people tend to give credit for. This phenomenon of modern culture has grown from a pastime for the socially-akward to a billion dollar industry. Written in 2004, this thesis regarding America`s attitude towards videogames remains valid today. Filled with insights from all over the digital domain, it gives a thorough insight into the broad spectrum of digital entertainment. ····· 103613809

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