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Islam and the West Are Partners

für 44.10€ kaufen ···· - Bücher, eBooks, DVD & Blu-ray
Following the 9/11 events and its aftermath, the media make Islam more known by linking it to terrorism and threat to the Western world. Islam is then described as the new enemy to the West representing an ideological and even physical threat. Studies conducted by scholars such as Elizabeth Poole and John E. Richardson indicated that generally Islam and Muslims are represented negatively in the British mainstream media. Taking a different path, the study presented in this book focuses on The Tablet, a leading Catholic weekly newspaper in Britain. Responding to the clash of civilisations hypothesis that dominates the representation of Islam and Muslims in the British mainstream media, The Tablet presents a different perspective by considering Islam and Muslims as partners to the West on the grounds that Islamic civilisation and Western civilisation are compatible. ····· 10361936

Towards a Theory of Social Adaptation to Climate Change in Africa

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Little work has been done to integrate behaviour change theories into climate change communication and adaptation research. This study proposes an integrated model of Social Adaptation to Climate Change with a framework to predict climate adaptation behaviour through a chain of relationships starting with media impact on climate knowledge, knowledge impact on human cognition and human cognition on climate adaptation behaviour. The study analysed a survey data of literate youth in tertiary institutions within the Tamale Metropolitan Assembly of Ghana to answer key research questions on media, knowledge and youth climate adaption behaviour and perceptions. The study argues that climate knowledge is high among the educated youth, climate knowledge is significantly associated with human cognition, and human cognition is significantly related to climate adaptation behaviour. The media however, has no significant impact on climate knowledge. We conclude therefore that understanding and predicting climate adaptation behaviour in Africa, can be enhanced through integration of hitherto fragmented areas of research namely media coverage, public knowledge and behaviour change theories. ····· 10361884

A Study of Entrepreneurship

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China s accession to the World Trade Organisation (WTO) has greatly enhanced global interest in investment in the Chinese media market, where demand for digital content is growing rapidly. The East Asian region is positioned as a growth area in many forms of digital content and digital service industries. China is attempting to catch up and take its place as a production centre to offset challenges from neighbouring countries. Meanwhile, Taiwan is seeking to use China both as an export market and as a production site for its digital content. This research investigates entry strategies of Taiwanese digital content firms into the Chinese market. By examining the strategies of a sample of Taiwan-based companies, this study also explores the evolution of their market strategies. However, the focus is on how distinctive business practices such as guanxi are important to Taiwanese business and to relations with Mainland China. This research examines how entrepreneurs manage the characteristics of digital content products and in turn how digital content entrepreneurs adapt to changing market circumstances. ····· 10361738

Rabota zhurnalista v usloviyakh krupnoy tekhnogennoy katastrofy

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Otechestvennaya zhurnalistika chasto okazyvaetsya ne v sostoyanii adekvatno osveshchat` sobytiya, svyazannye s tekhnogennymi katastrofami, i vyzyvat` ustoychivye reaktsii obshchestvennogo mneniya. V svoyu ochered`, eto privodit k znachitel`nomu snizheniyu effektivnosti zhurnalistiki i nedoveriyu k ney znachitel`noy chasti naseleniya. No, pri issledovanii poslednikh chetyrekh tekhnologicheskikh katastrof global`nogo masshtaba (avarii na Chernobyl`skoy AES i na Sayano-Shushenskoy GES, vzryv na nefteburovoy platforme v Meksikanskom zalive i tsep` tekhnologichesikh katastroficheskikh protsessov na AES `Fukusima-1`, vyzvannykh stikhiynym bedstviem) stalo ponyatnym, chto universal`naya model` sistemy ob`ektivno-sub`ektivnykh faktorov protivostoyaniya chrezvychaynym obstoyatel`stvam prirodno-tekhnogennykh katastrof istoricheski razvivaetsya i sovershenstvuetsya. I zhurnalistika sposobstvuet etomu protsessu, formiruya adekvatnye chrezvychaynoy situatsii formaty i zhanry `publitsistiki katastrof` i optimal`nye informatsionnye strategii vzaimodeystviya vlasti i pressy v usloviyakh tekhnogennykh kataklizmov global`nogo masshtaba. ····· 10361617

Electronic Media Polio Immunization Campaign

für 61.20€ kaufen ···· - Bücher, eBooks, DVD & Blu-ray
Exclusively focused on the Effects Approach of Media Studies, this study develops a framework of adoption of polio immunization innovations by the divergent socio-economic status group of parents in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa (KP), Pakistan. It focuses on the effects of health communication via electronic media on parents belonging to high socio-economic (HSE) and low socio-economic (LSE) status at different levels namely: awareness, persuasion, decision and confirmation. Moreover, this study aims to identify various semantic, structural, socio-religious permissibility, and psychological barriers in the effect process. The study also highlights the knowledge gap between the HSE and LSE in adopting the innovation. The dissertation addresses research questions like: To what extent electronic media polio immunization campaigns influence parents belonging to divergent status at various stages of innovation-decision process in the area under study and whether or not the effects of electronic media polio immunization campaign are uniform on parents belonging to the aforementioned classes in the locale Compiled in 2005, the monograph is restructured for the health development worldwide. ····· 10361594

Periodicheskaya pechat` Serbii v usloviyakh global`nykh mediaprotsessov

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Issledovanie sovremennoy serbskoy periodiki v usloviyakh mediaglobalizatsii pozvolyaet prosledit` zakonomernost` razvitiya ne tol`ko vostochnoevropeyskikh SMI, no i sovremennykh zarubezhnykh mass-media v tselom. V dannom issledovanii byl proveden analiz sovremennogo mediarynka stran byvshey Yugoslavii, utochnena tipologiya periodicheskoy pechati stran byvshey SFRYu, Izuchena periodicheskaya pechat` Serbii v period s momenta zarozhdeniya pervykh periodicheskikh pechatnykh izdaniy po nastoyashchee vremya, opredeleny osnovnye osobennosti i tendentsii razvitiya sovremennoy periodicheskoy pechati Serbii v kontekste funktsionirovaniya mirovogo mediasektora, izucheny osnovnye kommunikativnye strategii vedushchikh periodicheskikh izdaniy Serbii, izucheny stilevye osobennosti podachi materialov v serbskoy periodicheskoy pechati raznoy ideyno-politicheskoy orientatsii. Prakticheskaya tsennost` opredelyaetsya vozmozhnost`yu primeneniya poluchennykh rezul`tatov dlya sostavleniya uchebnogo kursa o sredstvakh massovoy informatsii stran byvshey Yugoslavii i stran Vostochnoy Evropy, a takzhe mozhet byt` polezen dlya analiza sovremennogo mediadiskursa regiona, sovremennoy ekonomicheskoy, politicheskoy situatsii. ····· 10361456

Noise Pollution

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Noise is an unwanted, human-created sound that has the effect of being distracting, annoying, painful and physically harmful. The growing level of noise worldwide including Pakistan has caused several environmental and health problems including deafness, lack of sleep, irritability, indigestion, heartburn, high blood pressure, ulcers, and heart disease. Noise pollution is constantly increasing in Pakistan. Mostly people are unaware of the adverse effects of this menace. Therefore to create awareness among the masses about this hazard a campaign titled as, Noise Pollution Awareness Campaign has been designed for the educational institutions of Lahore, Pakistan covering the students ranging from schools to universities. The awareness campaign is divided into two processes mainly the A-process (where advocates prepare an action plan for policy makers) and P-process (campaign for students of schools, colleges and universities). There is a dire need to raise social consciousness through an awareness campaign and this book can provide some exciting insight and novel approaches to deal with this urban menace because noise in an important health issue that affects more than hearing! ····· 10361342

Freedom of the press in Zimbabwe:From the colonial era to 2009

für 49.41€ kaufen ···· - Bücher, eBooks, DVD & Blu-ray
The focus of this book was on the nature and operation of laws and regulations that were and are still being used to limit the freedom of the media in Zimbabwe. The focal point of this book was to examine the impact of media laws in Zimbabwe on the freedom of expression of its citizens. The author scrutinised media laws such as Access to Information and Protection of Privacy Act (AIPPA), the Public Order and Security Act (POSA) and the Broadcasting Services Act (BSA). I focused mainly on the period before the amendment of the constitution ascended in 2013.The underpinning theoretical framework was informed by the Authoritarian, Libertarian and the Social Responsibility schools of thought. Questionnaires and in-depth interviews with selected key informants were the chief methods for data collection. Secondary data such as court cases, newspapers and some documents from organisations such as the UN, African Charter and Southern Africa Development Community (SADC) Protocol on Culture, Information and Sport were also consulted. Qualitative data was analysed using thematic content analysis while tables, graphs and charts which were interpreted and linked with processed qualitative data ····· 10361163

Outsourcing Publishing Services to India

für 44.10€ kaufen ···· - Bücher, eBooks, DVD & Blu-ray
India is among the world s top BPO destinations. While most discussions focus on the outsourcing of software services and the call centre phenomenon, it is virtually unknown that the country is also the global hub for outsourced book publishing services. Trends show that India s capabilities for serving academic, scientific and technical publishers are the most highly developed. But outsourcing is about much more than cutting costs, or improving service and quality. As overseas clients and Indian suppliers discover, the service relation is ultimately a social one. Both parties bring to it their cultural constitution, their desire for control or a degree of creative freedom, their differing perceptions about the outsourced work, their sense of their own worth, and sometimes, their personal prejudices. With certain academic publishers in the UK and publishing services vendors in India as its field of study, and combining academic theory with empirical findings, this book explores the attitudes and assumptions that could make or break the service relation. ····· 10361104

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