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TCP Variants over Mobile Adhoc Network

····· lezzter Preis 44.10€ ···· - Bücher, eBooks, DVD & Blu-ray
Mobile ad hoc networks (MANETs)are collections of mobile nodes, dynamically forming a temporary network without centralized administration. These nodes can be arbitrarily located and are free to move randomly at any given time, thus allowing network topology and interconnections between nodes to change rapidly and unpredictably. Transmission control protocol provides reliability, end-to-end congestion control mechanism, byte stream transport mechanism, flow control, and congestion control. There has been significant research activity over the past year into performance of such networks with the view to develop more efficient and robust TCP variants. so over aim is to find best TCP variants in Mobile Adhoc Networks. ····· 1036124993

NAT Traversal and Detection

····· lezzter Preis 71.10€ ···· - Bücher, eBooks, DVD & Blu-ray
Since IPv4 Private Networks are behind NAT (Network Address Translation) devices. So, to Bypass the Binding Update and Binding Acknowledgment by NAT, we need to encapsulate it in UDP (User datagram Protocol) Packets. Hence, the Dual Stack Mobile IPv6 should support NAT Traversal and Detection . This Book provides an overview of network address translation (NAT) and its detection and traversal on dual stack implementation on Mobile IPv6 (DSMIPv6). In DSMIPv6 the MIP6D daemon should bypass NAT, when Mobile Node is behind NAT device in IPv4 Foreign Link. So for proper securing and fully functionality of NAT traversal, it should be IP Security Protected. Book presents design and implementation of NAT traversal capability and keeps alive functionality with IP Security in IKEv2 (Internet Key Exchange version 2) implementation for proper Data Communication. It also implements how IP Security integrate with NAT. With the support of this mechanism the mobile node is able to move freely from IPv4 to IPv6 and vice-versa. The main objective of not breaking connectivity at the time of switching from one network to other is accomplished be this book. ····· 1036124944

A Light Weight Time Synchronization Approach in Sensor Network

····· lezzter Preis 61.20€ ···· - Bücher, eBooks, DVD & Blu-ray
In this book we examined the implications of design space of Time Synchronization in Wireless Sensor Network and found that existing techniques are not adequate to provide appropriately support to some important regions in the design space. We suggested a new approach to fill this gap, by extending the existing time synchronization methods and combined in new ways in order to provide services that can meet the need of applications. We suggested an algorithm to be used by each sensor node to efficiently flood the network to construct a logical hierarchical structure from a designated source point then proposed a Tree Structured Referencing Time Synchronization (TSRT) scheme to minimize the complexity of the synchronization, which works in two phases. The proposed TSRT scheme is further extended for multi-hop Time Synchronization. We described comparison study of proposed scheme with similar existing synchronization protocols. In this we presented a survey and analysis of existing clock synchronization protocols with the suggested features of TSRT for wireless sensor networks. ····· 1036124859

A Study of Foiling Vehicles from Sybil Attack Using Pseudonyms

····· lezzter Preis 44.10€ ···· - Bücher, eBooks, DVD & Blu-ray
Vehicular ad hoc networks VANETs are being increasingly advocated for traffic control, accident avoidance, and management of parking lot and public areas. In particular, communication devices are being installed in more and more cars and roadside infrastructure components. At the same time, they will have direct access to a fixed roadside network infrastructure with information flowing both ways Security and privacy are two major concerns in VANETs. Unfortunately, in VANETs, most Privacy-preserving schemes are vulnerable to Sybil attacks, whereby a malicious user can pretend to be multiple other vehicles. The detection of Sybil attacks in this manner does not require any vehicle in the network to disclose its identity hence privacy is preserved at all times. I present a light weight and scalable protocol to detect Sybil attacks. In this protocol, a malicious user pretending to be multiple other vehicles can be detected in a distributed manner through passive overhearing by s set of fixed nodes called road-side boxes RSBs.In this paper, we are concerned with this problem and in particular, how to achieve security pseudonym - based authentication. Simulation results are presented. ····· 1036124793

Secure Group Communication

····· lezzter Preis 44.10€ ···· - Bücher, eBooks, DVD & Blu-ray
Many emerging applications e.g., teleconference, real-time information services, pay per view, distributed interactive simulation, and collaborative work are based upon a group communications model, i.e., they require packet delivery from one or more authorized senders to a very large number of authorized receivers. As a result, securing group communications i.e., providing confidentiality, integrity, and authenticity of messages delivered between group members will become a critical networking issue. In this paper, we present a novel solution to the scalability problem of group multicast key management. We formalize the notion of a secure group as a triple U K R where U denotes a set of users, K a set of keys held by the users, and R a user-key relation. We then introduce key graphs to specify secure groups. For a special class of key graphs, we present three strategies for securely distributing rekey messages after a join leave, and specify protocols for joining and leaving a secure group. The re keying strategies and join leave protocols are implemented in a prototype group key server we have built. ····· 1036124706

WDM Optical Multicasting

····· lezzter Preis 53.10€ ···· - Bücher, eBooks, DVD & Blu-ray
Relevant for computer systems and communications engineers as well as networking vendors. Explores the optical multicast wavelength division multiplexing (WDM) technology and the media access control (MAC) protocols that supports multicast traffic in local WDM networks. Presents a comprehensive and comparative study of different challenges faced in the design of multicast technique and schemes. Investigates design issues and considerations for flexible and scalable network architecture such as multicast wavelength assignment problem, transceivers tuning limitations, multicast scheduling algorithms, reconfiguration techniques, and survivability strategies. Provides a thorough analysis of the single-hop WDM optical network based on the broadcast-and-select with passive star coupler (PSC) system. ····· 1036124595

Dynamic Cell Sizing in Mobile Cellular Networks

····· lezzter Preis 44.10€ ···· - Bücher, eBooks, DVD & Blu-ray
The proliferation of multimedia data services has spurred the remarkable growth of the mobile cellular network industry. To optimize the resources and performance of mobile cellular networks, spectrum management and traffic congestion control are key issues. In large cities, traffic demands are heavier in the city center compared to the suburbs, with a large busiest to quietest traffic ratio. Dynamic cell sizing is a flexible traffic congestion control mechanism which increases the capacity of a network by adaptively varying the pilot power to modify the coverage areas of cells for optimum performance under various traffic conditions. In order to mitigate the occurrence of coverage holes in a dynamic cell sizing environment, it is important to prioritize cell attenuation based on the traffic load of adjacent cells. This book presents a novel framework for predictive priority-based cell attenuation in dynamic cell sizing. ····· 1036124460

Adminred para el proceso de conectividad y seguridad informática

····· lezzter Preis 35.10€ ···· - Bücher, eBooks, DVD & Blu-ray
La investigación se desarrolla a partir de la necesidad de conectar las diferentes instituciones educacionales de la provincia a la red, y el déficit de personal capacitado para la implementación de sus servicios. El diagnóstico realizado permitió determinar las necesidades teóricas y metodológicas generales en el proceso de conectividad y seguridad informática. Para ello se emplearon como métodos y técnicas investigativas: el histórico y lógico, el análisis y síntesis el inductivo - deductivo,sistémicoestructural que incluye la modelación además la observación, la encuesta, la entrevista y el criterio de expertos. Para fortalecer el proceso de conectividad y seguridad informática en las instituciones con conexión a nuestra red educativa diagnosticadas se propone una Web interactiva en la que se ofrecen los temas fundamentales para la configuración de los principales servicios, que garanticeel acceso a la información necesaria para el desarrollo del proceso docente educativo, dedicada a estudiantes, docentes, directivos de educación y familiares de todo el territorio. Se integran acciones para preparar a los administradores de red para su desempeño en las escuelas ····· 1036124151

Turbo códigos para sistemas de transmisión con baja razón señal-ruido.

····· lezzter Preis 26.10€ ···· - Bücher, eBooks, DVD & Blu-ray
Los turbo códigos desde su aparición han demostrado ser un excelente esquema de codificación de canal. Sin embargo, no existe una combinación única de elementos dentro del turbo codificador que garantice `el mejor desempeño`, la elección de elementos del turbo codificador depende en gran medida de las características del sistema donde se desee implementar. En el presente trabajo se analiza la construcción y desempeño de turbo códigos usando tramas menores a 1024 elementos (tamaños de trama muy usados en esquemas de comunicación inalámbricas) y bajo condiciones de ruido severas. ····· 1036124041

Central de videotelefonía con Linux

····· lezzter Preis 67.41€ ···· - Bücher, eBooks, DVD & Blu-ray
El objetivo del presente documento es estudiar, diseñar e implementar una central de videotelefonía con software libre para pequeñas y grandes empresas, y suplir la necesidad de comunicación interna. Para ello se realiza el estudio de las principales características de transmisión digital, de las redes telefónicas, el modelo TCP/IP, voz sobre IP y la videotelefonía, bajo el sistema operativo GNU/LINUX, y su herramienta de trabajo telefónico llamada Asterisk que es la base principal para el diseño y la posterior implementación de la central de telefonía y videotelefonía IP a un costo bajo en comparación de sistemas actuales de telefonía. ····· 1036123922

Comunicaciones por luz visible

····· lezzter Preis 46.71€ ···· - Bücher, eBooks, DVD & Blu-ray
En todo momento de nuestro día, las comunicaciones están presentes. Estas, se han convertido en un pilar fundamental y sería imposible imaginar nuestras vidas sin las telecomunicaciones. Cada día, el número de personas que acceden a internet o que se conectan en red es mayor, además, cada vez se utiliza para más situaciones cotidianas y así la demanda de ancho de banda ha aumentado considerablemente y el espectro de RF se ve cada vez más congestionado. Dadas las necesidades surge VLC (comunicación por luz visible), con una idea inicial muy simple transmitir información con elementos de iluminación,es decir al mismo tiempo que se da luz a una habitación se puede estar conectado a internet, utilizando la misma lámpara. ····· 1036123055

Localización en interiores usando Redes Inalámbricas de Sensores

····· lezzter Preis 62.10€ ···· - Bücher, eBooks, DVD & Blu-ray
Esta obra presenta los resultados obtenidos en el proyecto de investigación titulado `Localización en Interiores usando Redes Inalámbricas de Sensores`, desarrollado en el Departamento de Teoría de la Señal y Comunicaciones de la Universidad de Sevilla (España). En este trabajo se presenta una alternativa de bajo coste y flexible a los sistemas ya existentes de localización en entornos de interior, usando la tecnología de las redes de sensores inalámbricas (WSN). El sistema consiste en el despliegue de una serie de nodos repartidos por el entorno, los cuales, tras una calibración previa, son capaces de monitorizar en tiempo real la posición de un nodo móvil. Actualmente, este sistema puede emplearse en una amplia gama de aplicaciones, entre las cuales cabe mencionar la monitorización remota de personas mayores o discapacitadas. ····· 1036122924

Gestión de Redes orientado a la Telemática y Cableado Estructurado

····· lezzter Preis 26.10€ ···· - Bücher, eBooks, DVD & Blu-ray
La Gestión y Administración de la Tecnología de la Información y Networking (GATIN),es un tema que juegan un papel importante dentro del ámbito de la Gestión de Redes,ya que actualmente el incremento en las exigencias en las comunicaciones es alta,al igual que la multiplicidad de terminales para un mismo servicio/usuario y el incremento exponencial de terminales va en aumento, lo que da lugar a que pueda darse congestión en el tráfico de datos de la red, usuarios insatisfechos, por lo que hay que contemplar aspectos relacionados con normas que se deben considerar al momento del ensamblado e instalación del cableado estructurado, tipos de cable utilizados a nivel de cableado estructurado,equipos de transmisión de datos (hub s, router s, switche s, servidores, pc s) y diseño de redes y subredes, sus respectivas direcciones IP estáticas y dinámicas, máscaras, DNS, Wins, Puerta de Enlace (GateWay), crecimientos en la red y otros aspectos claves propios del Networking. ····· 1036122806

Conmutación óptica de paquetes

····· lezzter Preis 44.10€ ···· - Bücher, eBooks, DVD & Blu-ray
Las empresas operadoras de redes de comunicaciones ópticas, observan la Conmutación Óptica de Paquetes como una alternativa viable y prometedora en el medio plazo, cuando la tecnología de dispositivos fotónicos alcance la madurez necesaria. Esta tesis doctoral se centra en la evaluación de prestaciones de las arquitecturas de conmutación óptica (optical switch fabrics), los componentes que encaminan los paquetes ópticos desde los puertos de entrada a los puertos de salida del nodo. La arquitectura de conmutación es el mayor contribuyente al coste final del nodo, y es el factor crítico a abordar para que la Conmutación Óptica de Paquetes sea comercialmente viable. En esta tesis se analizan las prestaciones y la escalabilidad de las arquitecturas de conmutación más prometedoras. Se proporcionan algoritmos de planificación de la arquitectura, y técnicas para dimensionar las líneas de retardo con las que se construyen las memorias ópticas en los nodos. En conjunto, se proporciona una visión global del diseño de arquitecturas ópticas para redes de Conmutación Óptica de Paquetes. ····· 1036122308

Performance Evaluation of MANET (Mobile Ad-hoc Network) Metrics

····· lezzter Preis 49.00€ ···· - Bücher, eBooks, DVD & Blu-ray
A mobile ad hoc network (MANET) incorporate mobile wireless nodes, the communication between these is carried out without any centralized control. MANET is a self organized and self configurable network where the mobile nodes move arbitrarily. The mobile nodes as a router receive and forward packets. Routing is a critical issue in MANET and hence the focus of this work along with the performance analysis of routing protocols. In this work, the evaluation and study of four routing protocols i.e. AODV, DSR, OLSR and TORA is done on the basis of the mobile node mobility factors, traffic sources and traffic loads. The simulation tool used is OPNET modeler version 14.0. The performance of these routing protocols is analyzed using three metrics: packet end to end delay, routing overhead and throughput. All the four routing protocols are compared, analyzed and explained in a detailed manner with metrics. ····· 1036121572

The Cloud Traffic Tribulations- Dangers and Suggested Solutions

für 44.10€ kaufen ···· - Bücher, eBooks, DVD & Blu-ray
We Know that today s scenario more and more people are opting for cloud computing for there computing needs. One of the benefit is that it will eliminate the risks involved with purchase of a new application . To deliver such high performance computing cloud data centers are equipped with tens to hundreds of thousands of servers delivering applications to millions of users. In such situation network performance must be uninterrupted, highly reliable and faultless with minimum predictable latency for all traffic types. Moreover the cloud network should be aware of flows of various applications. This Book discusses the upcoming traffic dangers arising from cloud computing delivered over public cloud. Along with that the book provides comprehensive solution traffic problems. The Salient Features of the Book are Discussing the currently growing Cloud traffic Requirements to meet the growing traffic needs Current Solutions to traffic Problems Suggested solution Using Technologies like DS field Marking Use of QoS Protocols Use of High speed edge Routers Traffic flow Measurement Pre Congestion Notification ····· 1036121565

Intrusion detection using artificial intelligence based ensembles

für 49.41€ kaufen ···· - Bücher, eBooks, DVD & Blu-ray
Network security is a serious global concern. The increasing prevalence of malware and incidents of attacks hinders the utilization of the Internet to its greatest benefit and incur significant economic losses. The traditional approaches in securing systems against threats are designing mechanisms that create a protective shield, almost always with vulnerabilities. This has created Intrusion Detection Systems to be developed that complement traditional approaches. However, with the advancement of computer technology, the behavior of intrusions has become complex that makes the work of security experts hard to analyze and detect intrusions. In order to address these challenges, Artificial Intelligence based techniques have become a promising solution. However, the individual techniques report low detection accuracy and high false positive rate in intrusion detection. The accuracy may be enhanced by using ensemble techniques comprised of multiple techniques. The multiple techniques can be combined in a number of ways to enhance the detection results. ····· 1036121537

Throughput Prediction for TCP Bulk Transfers

für 53.10€ kaufen ···· - Bücher, eBooks, DVD & Blu-ray
Predicting the throughput of large TCP transfers is important for a broad class of applications. This paper focuses on the design, empirical evaluation and analysis of TCP throughput predictors. We first classify TCP throughput prediction techniques into two categories: Formula-Based and History-Based. Within each class, we develop representative prediction algorithms, which we then evaluate empirically over the RON testbed. FB prediction relies on mathematical models that express the TCP throughput as a function of the characteristics of the underlying network path. It does not rely on previous TCP transfers in the given path and it can be performed with non intrusive network measurements. We show that the FB method is accurate only if the TCP transfer is window-limited to the point that it does not saturate the underlying path, and explain the main causes of the prediction errors. HB techniques predict the throughput of TCP flows from a time series of previous TCP throughput measurements on the same path, when such a history is available. We show that even simple HB predictors,like Moving Average and Holt-Winters, using a history of few and sporadic samples can be quite accurate. ····· 1036121494

Optimal Guard Node Placement Using SGLD and Energy Factor

für 35.91€ kaufen ···· - Bücher, eBooks, DVD & Blu-ray
Execution of distributed denial-of-service (DDoS) attacks requires little effort on the attacker`s side, since a vast number of insecure machines provide fertile ground for attack zombies. These attacks can easily be downloaded and deployed. On the other hand, prevention of the attack or the response and trace back of agents is extremely difficult due to a large number of attacking machines, the use of source-address spoofing and the similarity between legitimate and attack traffic. The objective of this work is to develop algorithm that will help optimal placement of guard node (GN) in different network topologies. If we use all nodes in the networks as Guarding nodes (GN), then the overall efficiency of the network as well as the energy of nodes will decrease rapidly. We study how to optimize the placement of these nodes so that they can detect DDoS attack on earliest, while using minimum number of GN, and keep the cost factor and overhead as low as possible with minimal energy utilization. ····· 1036121133

Cognitive Radio parameters optimization using Bio-Inspired Algorithms

für 53.10€ kaufen ···· - Bücher, eBooks, DVD & Blu-ray
Cognitive Radio Engine model optimizes wireless transmission parameters for spectrum management and decision supports, results analyzed and compared among multi-channel with algorithms based on Base-10 Genetic Algorithms (GA), Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO)and hybrid of GA+PSO. Multi-objective fitness functions established the relationships among the environmental parameters, transmission parameters, and objectives of QoS performance. Using theoretically relationships between various different parameters and the weighted cumulative sum approach, equations for each objective to be used within Cognitive Radio engines were developed. The objectives of these multi-objective fitness functions were controlled by the values of the weights on each defined function. A robust technique for spectrum mobility of secondary users based on DNA inspired computing, satisfies the solution to problem given by S. Haykin paper `Cognitive Radio: Brain-Empowered Wireless Communications`. However, this involve only one transmission parameter (i.e. received power) and at last, cognitive radio security threats discussed based on Simulink model. ····· 1036121001

Two Tier Security Framework for Service Oriented Systems

für 61.20€ kaufen ···· - Bücher, eBooks, DVD & Blu-ray
The aim of this book is to develop a Multi-Level security model for web service computing environments. This book describes about an Hardware Level Authentication scheme of web service consumers for secure communication with the service providers and History based Accounting and Reacting Denial of Service attack (DoS) model to detect and prevent possible DoS attacks in web service computing. The main objectives of this book are to provide built in authentication for web service consumers. It also minimizes the security constraints and challenges in any close group web service communication. This book has engaged the E-learning framework as a test bed to carry out the experiments in support of the proposed idea and its goals. The E-learning framework provides all the possible aspects of web service computing to perform the experimentation of this book. The experimental results in this book reveal the performance and accuracy of the Two Tier Security Framework for SOS. ····· 1036120988

Determination of End-To-End Delays of Switched Local Area Networks

für 71.10€ kaufen ···· - Bücher, eBooks, DVD & Blu-ray
In practice, switched Local Area Networks (LANs) designs, has, largely been based on heuristics in many cases, no design is carried out only network installation (network cabling and nodes placements). This often leads to LANs that are sluggish (large delays), and, that fail to satisfy the network users in terms of speed, when, a user s computer is in a communication session with other computers or host machines that are attached to the LAN or with switching devices that connect the LAN to wide area networks (WANs). Therefore, the need for deterministic guarantees on delays has led to the need for analytic and formal basis for designing switched LANs. This book provides a perspective for solving the switched LANs delay problem. Basic theoretical issues required for understanding the problem are discussed. The development of a maximum delay model of a packet switch, and, an algorithm that design engineers can use to generate optimum network designs in terms of installed network switches and attached hosts, while, respecting specified maximum delay constraints are explained. This book should be useful to computer network researchers and network design/installation professionals. ····· 1036120962

Performance Analysis of the CAP-SV Routing Protocol

für 44.10€ kaufen ···· - Bücher, eBooks, DVD & Blu-ray
With the advancement in electronics and communications, wireless networks in all sizes and structures have become prolific. Wireless ad hoc networks, in which there is no central coordination, are one of the emerging types as opposed to the classical wireless networks with base station/access point management. Sensor networks, vehicular networks, or temporary wireless networks that are setup among participants of a short-lived convention such as a business meeting are examples to wireless ad hoc networks. In some of these cases, the stations might have power constraints, such as sensors living on batteries never to be replaced. Therefore, designing protocols for these networks should take into account these requirements. In this study, we present an analytical study of the performance of a power-aware routing protocol in terms of power consumption. The CAP-SV routing protocol was proposed in a 2004 paper along with simulation results. We provide analytical verification to the orginal simulations. ····· 1036120941

Bluetooth Networking and its Security Architecture

für 44.10€ kaufen ···· - Bücher, eBooks, DVD & Blu-ray
Bluetooth wireless technology has become an essential part of our modern society. Mobile phones, game controllers, Personal Digital Assistant (PDAs), computers and various electronic gadgets have adapted Bluetooth and made it a popular technology for short range wireless communication. However, as the Bluetooth technology becomes widespread, it has shifted from short range and can now even have long range communication greater than WLANs with the help of extended antennas and so the vulnerabilities in its security protocols have also increased which can be potentially dangerous to the privacy of a user s personal information. The security issues of Bluetooth has been an active area of research for the past few years. This book presents some vulnerabilities of this technology and proposes some countermeasures. It also provides some tips that end-users can implement immediately to become more cautious about their private information. A fairly new concept is also introduced in this book which uses a secure Bluetooth networking technology in a public environment to enable social networking between multiple users who do not have access to the internet. ····· 1036120867

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