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Handover between LTE and 3G Radio Access Technologies:

für 44.10€ kaufen ···· - Bücher, eBooks, DVD & Blu-ray
Handover from LTE to 3G cellular networks is considered a high priority item to operators that seek to provide a seamless anywhere anytime mobile service to the subscribers. Interworking procedures between these two networks are ensured in the 3GPP standardization, which the vendors must comply with in their implementation. Services such as video streaming and voice over IP however set stringent requirements for the handover performance. Handover delay should be unnoticeable and handover failures minimized. In order to reach these requirements, this feature needs to go through a development process on the vendor side that consists of thorough functionality, performance and fault correction testing. Test engineers then need to be well aware of the required standards as well as the requirements for quality of service to successfully develop the feature of Inter Radio Access Technology handover from LTE to 3G. ····· 103613732

Quality of Service in Heterogeneous Mobile and Wireless Networks

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Multi-access mobile devices and overlapping mobile and wireless network deployments have emerged as a reality in the converged telecommunications world. In heterogeneous wireless and mobile environment it is highly important to provide QoS support and seamless handovers between different radio access networks, something that is particularly needed for real-time services. Therefore, this book provides performance analysis of packet scheduling algorithms for cellular mobile networks and for WiMAX. Also, it provides QoS analysis of vertical handover for VoIP and video traffic in a heterogeneous wireless environment. Further, the book proposes improvements for vertical handover decision algorithms regarding the QoS provisioning in mobile and wireless heterogeneous networks, accompanied with numerical analysis and radio access technology selection algorithm. Finally, it gives important discussions and conclusions for improving the QoS in heterogeneous mobile and wireless networks. Hence, this book is useful for all professionals in mobile and wireless networking and to everyone else who is interested in this field of science. ····· 103613575

Optimizing access control lists Search for IP packet filtering

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A highly secured network with improved network performance in transmission control protocol/internet protocol (TCP/IP) is the main aim of this research. The network for checking IP packet filtering rules was designed and analyzed for security aspects using expert system and neural networks. In traditional networks access control lists are processed sequentially. This degrades performance of the network since packets are analyzed one after another. To remedy this performance drawback, we addressed the problem from three different fronts: using an expert system, using parallel processing and using an artificial neural network implementation. ····· 103613403

Detection and Classification Of Normal and Anomaly IP Packet

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Intrusion detection system is a vital part of computer security system commonly used for precaution and detection. It is built for classifier or descriptive or predictive model to proficient classification of normal behavior from abnormal behavior of IP packets. This book presents the solution regarding proper data transformation methods handling and importance of data analysis of complete data set which is apply on hybrid neural network approaches for used to cluster and classify normal and abnormal behavior to improve the accuracy of network based anomaly detection classifier. Because neural network classes only require the numerical form of data but IP connections or packets of network have some symbolic features which are difficult to handle without the proper data transformation analysis. For this reason, it got non redundant new NSL KDD CUP data set. The experimental results show that indicator variable is more effective as compared to the both conditional probabilities and arbitrary assignment method from measurement of accuracy and balance error rate. ····· 103613383

Remote Database Controller

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In information technology data plays a vital role. On the basis of data it used to process the information or do our day-to-day activities. More databases are available in the IT world to store or retrieve data in different manner or to maintain. So many organizations have released databases Oracle is considered the best one. There are RDBMS, DBMS, and FILE SYSTEMS database. RDBMS is successful for the end user or programmer and developers. But Oracle database is reliable and user friendly and it supports network. In the Oracle database access control is possible and at the same we can create new user with possible security for the user. Oracle administration can be done within a campus or in front of a server provided that the server should be a wired network. For the Data Base management the Administrator or Data Base user must sit before the Data Base Server or access the sever within the campus. This is a disadvantage for the user as well as the administrator if they are in different locations or in roaming. But through our software, try to eliminate the above said disadvantages by using the latest communication technology modem. ····· 103613350

Today`s Impact on Communication System by IP Spoofing

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In computer networking, the term IP address spoofing or IP spoofing refers to the creation of Internet Protocol (IP) packets with a forged source IP address, called spoofing, with the purpose of concealing the identity of the sender or impersonating another computing system. The IP spoofing security weakness was published by S. M. Bellovin (1989). However, not much attention has been paid to the security weaknesses of the TCP/IP protocol by the general public. This is changing as more people and companies are connecting to the Internet to conduct business. This thesis is on Today s Impact on Communication System by IP Spoofing and Its Detection and Prevention . This paper contains an overview of IP address and IP Spoofing and its background. It also shortly discusses various types of IP Spoofing, how they attack on communication system. This paper also describes some methods to detection and prevention methods of IP spoofing and also describes impacts on communication system by IP Spoofing. ····· 103613254

Diseño de un esquema de seguridad para las redes inalámbricas

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Este trabajo propone un esquema de seguridad que pretende servir como base para la implementación de cualquier red inalámbrica para probar la efectividad de la propuesta, se aplicará el esquema a la red inalámbrica del CUCEA (Centro Universitario de Ciencias Económico Administrativas), buscando incrementar su fiabilidad. El esquema consiste en cuatro fases principales: la primera fase denominada Análisis de Información es de preparación y validación de requerimientos, que comprende la adquisición y análisis de información la segunda fase llamada Análisis de Riesgos, comprende el proceso identificación y valoración de activos, riesgos, amenazas e impactos la tercera fase denominada Gestión de Seguridad, se refiere a la selección de contramedidas o salvaguardas para disminuir los riesgos y por lo tanto incrementar el nivel de seguridad, y la cuarta fase Verificación de cumplimiento, verifica y compara los resultados que se obtuvieron, así como la creación de una política de seguridad. ····· 103613017

Estudio y análisis del comportamiento de redes ad hoc móviles

für 88.20€ kaufen ···· - Bücher, eBooks, DVD & Blu-ray
Las redes inalámbricas han penetrado de forma rápida en las redes de control que dan soporte a servicios públicos estratégicos (suministro de gas y electricidad, suministro y saneamiento de aguas). En este libro se analiza el comportamiento de las MANET en entornos de tipo industrial, tomando como ejemplo una red para el control y supervisión de la red de saneamiento de una gran ciudad. Pocos han sido los trabajos que evalúen las redes ad hoc con modelos formales. Por ello, el primer objetivo que en este libro se plantea es el diseño de modelos que permitan representar el comportamiento de las redes ad hoc que pueden generarse en ambientes industriales para evaluar sus prestaciones y si los servicios típicos pueden ser ofrecidos y en qué condiciones. El segundo objetivo es contrastar y verificar esos resultados. Por ello se ha creado un banco de pruebas para realizar experimentos con un protocolo de encaminamiento reactivo evaluando su comportamiento durante la transmisión de streaming de vídeo. Además, se han modificado los parámetros por defecto del protocolo para adaptar su funcionamiento mejorando notablemente los resultados. ····· 103612472

Protocolos para Redes Inalámbricas de Sensores

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Una red inalámbrica de sensores (Wireless Sensor Network) es una red de un gran número de pequeños dispositivos o nodos capaces de medir diferentes variables del ambiente en el que se encuentran, y de procesar y comunicar la información de manera inalámbrica. Medicina, agricultura y domótica son algunas de las numerosas áreas de aplicación de esta tecnología. Dadas las limitaciones de energía que poseen los nodos, diferentes técnicas para protocolos de red han sido estudiadas, con el objeto de mejorar la eficiencia en la tarea de encaminamiento. La conciencia de energía es una estrategia de maximización de la vida de la red que consiste en seleccionar rutas no óptimas utilizando diferentes métricas de energía. Por otro lado, los protocolos de diseminación proponen ahorrar energía por disminución de las tareas de mantenimiento de la red, estableciando rutas en forma dinámica, utlizando estrategias para controlar el proceso de flooding o inundación. En este trabajo se analizan los protocolos M-SPIN y SAMF, se diseña un protocolo híbrido de diseminación y conciencia de energía, exponiendo el modelo y resultados de simulación obtenidos con la herramienta de código abierto Omnet++. ····· 103612352

Aplicación de modelado de un sistema de identificación de buques

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En esta tesis doctoral se implementa una aplicación para la simulación a nivel estático del Sistema de Identificación Automática de Buques por el Método de la Cuadrícula. Se ha desarrollado la aplicación utilizando un servidor WMS para mostrar, con escalas de distinta magnitud, diferentes cartografías y los elementos necesarios para representar el entorno y el sistema de identificación. La aplicación es capaz de generar un informe mediante el cual se puede evaluar la posibilidad de implantar el sistema en el lugar y según la forma seleccionada por el usuario y, en el caso de que sea posible, permite evaluar las necesidades en cuanto a ancho de banda se refiere. Además, se plantea la implantación del Sistema de Identificación Automática de Buques por el Método de la Cuadrícula para controlar el tráfico marítimo que rodea la Península Ibérica y que va y viene a las Islas Canarias, y se obtienen datos sobre su viabilidad y sobre las necesidades del sistema (número de cuadrículas y canales) para las densidades de tráfico marítimo mínimas y máximas. ····· 103611836

Análisis-Simulación en Matlab de líneas de cobre para alta frecuencia

für 35.10€ kaufen ···· - Bücher, eBooks, DVD & Blu-ray
En el presente trabajo se realiza un análisis de las características físicas de las líneas de cobre y de los interferentes que la afectan.Se realiza además un simulador de pares de cobre para altas frecuencias que sustituye los modelos anteriores y tiene como objetivo realizar la precalificación parcial de las líneas de abonados en el rango de frecuencias en que operan las tecnologías de acceso en banda ancha ADSL2 y ADSL2+. Se describen las características generales de la tecnología ADSL y sus variantes ADSL2 y ADSL2+ enfatizando en el estado actual de la última. Se realiza un estudio de los parámetros de las líneas y de los diferentes interferentes que la afectan con el objetivo de realizar una simulación que permita calificar su comportamiento. Seguidamente se efectúa, mediante el uso del software Matlab/Simulink7.8, la simulación. Por último se comparan los resultados con los obtenidos experimentalmente por prestigiosos laboratorios científicos que están expuestos en disímiles publicaciones internacionales. ····· 103611339

Enabling Seamless Handoff for Next Generation Networks

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One of the most challenging aspects in Next Generation Networks (NGNs) is the mechanism through which the different technologies will complement each other to achieve a constant access to networks. This research work deals with the problem of defining fast movements without interruptions (seamless handoffs) in NGNs. This objective is achieved through a secure key distribution process, which enables a fast re-authentication process providing both user anonymity and untraceability. The developed access control system offers a set of features not covered so far by a single solution: (1) applicable for EAP-based NGNs (2) reduction of the authentication latency in mobile environments irrespective of the type of handoff performed by the user (3) provision of strong security properties (4) easy deployment in current networks (5) compatibility with current standardized technologies and (6) user privacy support. ····· 103611035

Analysis of CUBIC

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CUBIC is congestion control algorithm designed keeping in mind the issues with networks having high bandwidth delay product. It is current congestion control algorithm being used in Linux kernels. The algorithm modifies the linear increase function of TCP to a cubic function. It also has a better response time and maintains the fairness against concurrent TCP flows. It exhibits a TCP friendly nature over a much vast range of values for Round Trip Time, Bandwidth and Error Rate. But, it also has a problem of aggressive increase and slow convergence of flows causing prolonged unfairness for short lived flows. We have tried to understand these implications of the CUBIC TCP algorithm and explore reasons and suggest solutions for them. The solutions suggested are not purely mathematical but, they lay a foundation for a full fledged algorithm gives hints towards what improvements should be implemented to better the performance of CUBIC. For studying and analysis we have implemented CUBIC in Linux and simulated it in ns-2. ····· 10361986

Feature Subset Selection in Intrusion Detection

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Intrusions on computer network systems are major security issues these days. Therefore, it is of utmost importance to prevent such intrusions. The prevention of such intrusions is entirely dependent on their detection that is a main part of any security tool. A variety of intrusion detection approaches are available but the main problem is their performance, which can be enhanced by increasing the detection rates and reducing false positives. PCA has been employed to transform raw features into principal features space and select the features based on their sensitivity. This research applied a GA to search the principal feature space that offers a subset of features with optimal sensitivity. Based on the selected features, the classification is performed. The SVM and MLP are used for classification. This research work uses the KDD dataset. The performance of this approach was analyzed and compared with existing approaches. The results show that proposed method provides an optimal intrusion detection mechanism that outperforms the existing approaches and has the capability to minimize the number of features and maximize the detection rates. ····· 10361882

How Virtual Private Network benefit SMEs

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The Virtual Private Network (VPN) is one of the best technologies used for communication over the Internet. As the world is more and more getting dependent on the Internet, VPN is growing and making its mark as International and Multinational companies use VPN services as the medium of communication. A VPN has its public telephonic infrastructure and tunnelling protocols for communication. Companies can own their private telephonic lines from the VPN in order to maintain their security to a higher extent. The VPN provides the same resource sharing which telephone companies used to present but at a lower rate. Today Intranet and Wide Area Network(WAN) are dependent on VPN. The VPN has been successful in managing and protecting the data of the companies which have been using it and that has been a boon to the large scale companies as they have been using the VPN services for a period. But VPN hasn t made its mark in the small scale companies as there is lack of awareness about, How will a VPN help in a small scale Industry .In this paper I would investigate on how can VPN be used in the small scale Industries which can help these Industries to grow and go globally across the world ····· 10361742

Intelligent MANET Optimisation System

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The overall aim of this book is to design and implement a novel intelligent optimisation system to solve the context-awareness problem in MANET routing. As this book raises a very important point in MANET that is, although there have been many MANET routing protocols invented, each protocol is designed based on a particular context condition. This is problematic because network conditions are not constant and, in a MANET dynamic environment, that particular context condition will not last long. This book offered a solution for the above dilemma by inventing a system that, given a change in the network context, selects the optimum routing protocol from a predefined list which contains all important and well-implemented routing protocols. In another words, introducing an optimum system that is in charge of the selection of the running routing protocol at all times. This optimisation system is a novel approach that can cope with the network performance s degradation problem by switching to other routing protocol. The system proposed for MANET in this book adaptively selects the best routing protocol using an Artificial Intelligence mechanism according to the network context. ····· 10361699

Improving Traffic Engineering for IP using MPLS

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This dissertation is looking at the improvement of traffic engineering in the Internet Protocol (IP) network. The need of this improvement is because the conventional IGP algorithms that controlled the traffic engineering in IP network seem to be ineffectively to distribute the traffic flows which will lead to the congestion at some point in the network while the others traffic flows are underutilized. Therefore, a network simulation was carried out to improve the traffic engineering in the IP network by using new protocol known as Multi Protocol Label Switching (MPLS). Thus, this dissertation reviews the drawback of conventional IGP algorithms in the IP network in order to provide a background for the network simulation, the traffic engineering concept and the MPLS algorithms concept in order to improve the traffic engineering. Then, a proposed model network was designed for the network simulation. The network simulation is used to demonstrate how the MPLS with (ER-LSP) and (CR-LDP) algorithms have improved the traffic engineering in the IP network.Finally, an analysis of the simulation is provided to measure the improvement that achieved from the network simulation. ····· 10361567

Base Station Cooperation on Spatial Spectrum Sharing and Cell Planning

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Base station cooperation (BSC), also known as Cooperative Multi-Point (CoMP), has been identified as a key radio access technology for next-generation cellular networks. This work creates a foundational framework that extends BSC transmission to provide spatial spectrum sharing (SSS) through MIMO null beamforming while enjoying cooperative stream transmission. SSS is investigated by introducing the protected Gaussian MIMO broadcast channel (PGMBC), a GMBC with receive power constraints. Applications of the PGMBC are identified and its capacity region is derived. In addition, precoding schemes are developed to mitigate intercell interference and intersystem interference. The simulations show that through BSC, significant throughput gains over non-cooperative null-beamforming schemes can be achieved. However, to maximize the benefits of BSC in practical networks, the location and configuration of BS sites must be planned accordingly. This work introduces a fundamental framework for planning BSC networks. The impacts of BSC on coverage, capacity, complexity are investigated. In addition, a cell planning procedure for distributed, dynamic fractional BSC networks is described. ····· 10361538

Design and Simulation of LAN with GNS3 for a Medium Size Enterprise

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Before now, all telephony services are based on the circuit-switched networks, known as the Public Switched Telephone Networks (PSTN). But nowadays, a new trend has emerged that provides telephony services over internet protocol networks, referred to as Voice over IP (VoIP) or IP telephony. There are a few driving force and motivational factors that are behind the VoIP network - the cost savings, the voice and data applications` integration etc are the crux of the innovation. The cost saving is achieved mainly by reduced cost of making a long distance call, maintenance, deployment, management etc., while the integrated applications of voice and data are teleconferencing, integrated voice mail and email, the call distribution intelligence and automation. Therefor, with this era of innovative business practices in information technology that involves voice and data networks integration, both transmitted over the internet and implemented on a local area network (LAN).This book is undoubtedly beneficial to Small and Medium sized businesses for convergence of data and voice networks in their existing data network to accommodate the VoIP solution in the same LAN. ····· 10361526

Including Context in A Routing Algorithm for the Internet of Things

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The Internet of Things assumes that a large number of devices which are used on a daily basis will eventually become connected to the Internet. This scenario will provide room for a large set of new applications, however the network connections of an enormous set of nodes, which can be connected and disconnected, can move around and which have limitations with regards to their processing and communication capabilities, raises the need for the development of new message routing algorithms, different from those being in use today. In this thesis, a contribution is made towards the development of this type of algorithms. In particular, the idea which is tested is whether routing algorithms can improve their performance at various levels, such as, message delivery time, number of messages lost, power consumption, etc., if routing decisions can make use of the concept of Context . ····· 1036172

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