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Working memory And Complex Sentence Comprehension

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Working memory refers to the ability to store information while at the same time engage in some kind of cognitively demanding activity such as verbal reasoning or comprehension. These include a phonological short-term memory (PSTM) storage buffer and a visuo- spatial short-term memory buffer, an attentional resource control function, and processing speed.This study aimed to investigate the influence of the mechanisms of working memory on children`s complex sentence comprehension.The findings suggested that children between the ages of seven and twelve years use their working memory system to process and comprehend familiar complex sentences.This book can highlight the importance of cognitive factors such as working memory while assessing language in clinical situation. ····· 10361113643

Defamiliarization In The Novels of E. Kezilahabi and S.A. Mohamed

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The study investigates the utility of defamiliarization techniques in selected novels of Euphrase Kezilahabi and Said Ahmed Mohamed.The novels analysed were purposefully sampled. Kezilahabi`s Rosa Mistika (1971), Kichwamaji (1974), Gamba la Nyoka (1978), and Mohamed`s Utengano (1980), Dunia Mti Mkavu (1980), Asali Chungu (1978), Kiza katika Nuru (1988) and Babu Alipofufuka (2001) were analysed within specified parametres. The study, thus, examined the following defamiliarization techniques: metaphor, irony, simile, synecdoche, metonymy, analogy, symbolism, juxtaposition, allusion, dream and magical transformations and adopted Critical Discourse Analysis Theory (CDA). This post-modernist conceptual framework is an interdisciplinary approach in the study of discourse, which views any use of language as a form of social practice. It postulates that discourses are shaped and constrained by social structures and culture. Critical Discourse Analysis employs methods developed in areas, such as context analysis, narratology and textual semiotics.The theory proposes that relations of power in our society affect and shape the way we both communicate with each other and create knowledge. ····· 10361113452

South African Technology Issues and Policies

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This book provides information on some of the South African broadcasting and information society policies implemented since 2009. Not all information and communication technology (ICT) policies are described and analyzed but only those that have an immediate impact on the citizen and user of the mentioned technology are mentioned. E-community or access centres are also described and their role in the education of users is also evaluated in this book. Most of the information and data are summarized and a next book could provide indepth information on these developments. These national ICT changes are welcome but more strides have to be made to improve national ICT statistics and bridge the chronic digital divide. ····· 10361113366

Haben Tiere ein phänomenales Bewusstsein?

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Die Frage, welche Eigenschaften nichtmenschlichen Tieren berechtigterweise zugeschrieben werden können, und welche Zuschreibungen zu reduktionistisch auf der einen Seite oder zu anthropomorphistisch auf der anderen Seite sind, betrifft nicht nur einzelne Wissenschaften, sondern ist auch für die Philosophie in vielerlei Weisen bedeutsam. Dabei lassen sich Philosophen, die in Richtung einer größeren evolutionären, physiologischen und kognitiven Kontinuität zwischen Menschen und Tieren argumentieren, solchen entgegenstellen, die kategoriale Grenzen ziehen möchten. Zur Begründung einer solchen `Kluft` zwischen Menschen und dem Rest der Tierwelt dienen für das Selbstverständnis des Menschen als konstitutiv betrachtete Eigenschaften, die Tieren dann abgesprochen werden. Eine solche Eigenschaft ist phänomenales Bewusstsein, die Bedingung für das Haben von Erlebnissen und Empfindungen wie Lust oder Schmerz.Die vorliegende Arbeit betrachtet zwei entgegengesetzte Antworten, welche der Repräsentationalismus, einer der innerhalb der letzten Jahrzehnte prominentesten Ansätze der Philosophie des Geistes auf die Frage nach nichtmenschlichem phänomenalem Bewusstsein gibt. Der u.A. auf Jerry A. Fodor zurückgehende Repräsentationalismus erklärt mentale Zustände und Eigenschaften unter Bezug auf ihre Funktion der Repräsentation der Außenwelt. Peter Carruthers spricht Tieren phänomenales Bewusstsein ab, da sie seiner Argumentation zufolge nicht über mehrstufige und damit selbstbewusste Repräsentationen verfügen, sondern alle Reize auf einer quasi-maschinellen Ebene verarbeiten. Auf der anderen Seite argumentiert Colin Allen aus der Sicht der kognitiven Ethologie für die Zuschreibung phänomenalen Bewusstseins an Tiere. Sein Anliegen ist es, basierend auf dem Konzept mentaler Repräsentation ein Kriterium zu finden, das auf Grund intelligenten Verhaltens die Zuschreibung von phänomenalem Bewusstsein erlaubt. Beide Ansätze erweisen sich bei eingehender Betrachtung als unzureichend: Während es an den Autoren durchaus verschiedene Kritikpunkte gibt, was ihre argumentative Überzeugungskraft angeht, bildet die beiden gemeinsame repräsentative Konzeption des phänomenalen Bewusstseins einen übergeordneten Angriffspunkt. Obwohl beide den Anspruch haben, dies in ihrer jeweiligen Position angemessen erfassen zu können, gehen sie fehl im Verständnis dessen, was phänomenale Zustände wie Schmerz ausmacht. Es bleibt zu vermuten, dass diese Schwierigkeit ein generelles Merkmal repräsentationalistischer Theorien des Geistes ist. Beide Positionen zeigen sich als ungeeignet, die Frage nach dem phänomenalen Bewusstsein befriedigend beantworten zu können. ····· 10361108052

17 Hz machen einen Unterschied: Die Stimme der als managementkompetent geltenden Frau ist in ihrer Wahrnehmung männlich

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Verena Schütte setzt sich in Form einer kommunikationswissenschaftlich-interdisziplinär angelegten Studie mit der menschlichen Stimme in sehr spezifischer Weise auseinander. In methodisch und inhaltlich sehr differenzierter Weise wird die Frage zu beantworten versucht, in welchem Maße, aufgrund welcher Eigenschaften und wegen welcher Faktoren ihrer Rezeption die menschliche Stimme darauf Einfluss hat, wie erfolgreich Menschen innerhalb ihres Berufes sind. Dabei erfolgt zum einen eine Eingrenzung auf die Stimmen von Frauen, zum anderen eine Ausrichtung auf Managementpositionen, die nach wie vor fast ausschließlich von Männern besetzt werden. Allerdings will diese Untersuchung nicht als Gender-Studie verstanden werden, vielmehr geht es ihr darum, `ob eine spezifisch männliche Stimme und Sprechweise einer Sprecherin beziehungsweise die auditive Wahrnehmung eines maskulinen Stimmbildes den Prozess der Attribution von Managementkompetenzen tatsächlich signifikant beeinflusst.` Wie in dieser Formulierung exemplarisch zum Ausdruck kommt, geht es um eine möglichst differenzierte Erfassung des komplexen verbalen wie non-verbalen beidseitigen Kommunikationsgeschehens, insofern sowohl auf die Sprechweise einer Sprecherin als auch auf die Wahrnehmung ihrer Stimme und deren Wechselwirkungen einzugehen ist. Es wird der Fragestellung nachgegangen, inwiefern (geschlechtsspezifische) Stereotypen bei der Zuschreibung von Kompetenz eine Rolle spielen beziehungsweise sogar ausschlaggebend sind. Mit der Stimme als Untersuchungsgegenstand liegt das Hauptgewicht auf der non-verbalen Kommunikation. ····· 10361107904

Humanistic Communication in Science

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The purpose of this thesis is to investigate the challenges of neuromarketing application in Humanistic Communication and healthcare campaign research. This is based on a personal interest in the development of healthcare campaigns and the adaption of theories. Gadamer`s notion on interdisciplinary linking, builds a(interdisciplinary) bridge between my fascination with technological and theatrical development, and the philosophy of communication research. ····· 10361102985

The role of celebrity advertising on brand loyalty and patronage

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This book expounds on the role celebrity advertising performs in promoting brand loyalty and Chi Vita juice was used as an example by the researcher. It reviewed relevant literature in the area of advertising, brand loyalty and consumer behavior. The method adopted in this study was survey and questionnaire was used as the instrument of data collection. The result revealed that the respondents were aware of Chi Vita commercials and such commercials were perceived to be effective in nature. Also, it confirmed that the level of the respondents` income doesn`t affect their product loyalty to a brand. The researcher suggested that there should be more emphasis in the usage of movie celebrities than musical celebrities in future commercials. In addition, it was pivotal for changes in the use of celebrity endorsement are properly managed and planned this was because the proper usage of a celebrity can enhance the awareness and patronage of the brand. ····· 10361102656

Contemporary Patterns of Communication

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The book offers a social semiotic take on contemporary communication, by providing a thorough description of video-interaction, a new form of communication started on YouTube thanks to the introduction of the `Video Response` option. A multimodal analysis of over 2,000 videos responding to one another explores the affordances of the medium and the way these are used creatively in the interactants` practices. It highlights how, in contemporary sign-making practices, traditional patterns of coherence are often disregarded and successful communication is driven by new principles, as the result of representations produced through the selection, copy-and-paste and recontextualization of other texts. The book offers insights to those interested in communication, language and semiotics. At an empirical level, its original contribution consists in providing a description of a new form of communication. At a theoretical level, it highlights the inadequacies of traditional theories to the description of contemporary forms of communication and points to new analytical tools that seem more apt to the task. ····· 10361101807

Communication and Organisational Effectiveness in Poverty Reduction

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In Nigeria the poverty issue has been the focus of social scientific researches going back to 1975 and of poverty reduction projects going back to 1980. But, while recent statistics indicate the continuing severity and pervasiveness of poverty in the country, the research literature yields few investigations of the role and impact of communication in the poverty issue. This work, therefore, investigates the character of project communication and its relationship with the organisational effectiveness of poverty reduction interventions. It uses case research methods (including type and network analyses) as well as participation and systems theories to test the proposition that the properties of project communication determine organisational effectiveness. This book should bring greater clarity to the practice of communication in poverty reduction projects and to the understanding of the ways in which such practice shape the impact of projects. Scholars, students, managers and other stakeholders in the area of communication for development and poverty reduction will find this book an invaluable tool. ····· 10361101431

On Cross-Culture Translation Strategies

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Inspired by widespread convergent phenomena, this book attempts to study translation from the perspective of global convergence. With concrete examples of both linguistic and cultural convergence, the interdependent relationships respectively between language and culture and between translation and convergence are explored as prerequisites for elaborating on the focal theme. Then, based on an irresistible tendency of convergence and worldwide linguistic and cultural crises, the book goes a step further to focus on analyzing proper cross-culture translation strategies by putting forward relevant translation principles and detailed translation techniques with vivid examples. For better understanding and further reference, major factors influencing the choice of translation strategies are illustrated and the translator is suggested to make a cautious and comprehensive decision of the most practical approach. The research should be especially useful to those who are interested or engaged in translation studies. ····· 10361101055

Dialogue in a Management Team

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Managing diversity in today s organizational environments can challenge many organizations. This action research study addresses that challenge by investigating the outcomes of dialogic communication training on a city government management team experiencing organizational diversity. The study consisted of four phases: (1) individual interviews for needs assessment, (2) focus group meeting for training design, (3) dialogic communication training, and (4) individual interviews for assessment of the outcomes. The results of this study indicate that dialogic communication and the development of dialogic style of leadership through communication training provide a valuable and practical approach for work teams. Specifically, management team members communication skills improved, they adopted a more participatory management style, and they reported higher levels of relational satisfaction. Study findings highlight the need for practitioners to assist in developing communication training that facilitates emergent dialogue. ····· 10361100314

Effective Image Compression using Evolved Wavelets

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This book deals with image compression using evolved wavelets. The people is interested in image compression is go through this book.This book also explain effective image compression using evolved wavelets with clear explanation and coding.The principles used in this is very effective and self explanatory.This book also contains some explanation towards the compression I recommend you please go through this book. ····· 1036199947

Communication over Interference in Wireless Networks

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Wireless technologies grow rapidly and benefit almost every aspect of our daily lives. In a typical multiple-user environment, different users may severely interfere with each other. How to reduce the coordination overhead in order to improve the efficiency of the wireless networks becomes a big challenge. Unlike the wired counterpart, a wireless link is easily affected by environment changes and surrounding wireless activities. Determining the instant link conditions (or qualities) is essential for most protocol designs and application developments in wireless communications. In this book, we introduce several techniques which leverage the physical layer information or cross layer design to enhance the wireless network performance. ····· 1036199767

Design of 20 G router on NETFPGA

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In computer networks, data is sent in the form of packets. Routers are used to forward the packets from one network to the other. Since router s processing is limited, so unsurprisingly packets often have to spend a lot of time waiting in the router s queues with a possibility of packet being dropped as well. Our aim was to make packet delivery faster by enhancing the processing capability of router and to develop a router that can support the future Gigabit networks. We implemented the functionality of router on NetFPGA platform which is an open source hardware and software project. The 1G router was already implemented and we changed that design to implement 20G router but since right now we have 10 G platform our design can support 10Gbps routing at line rate. So our technique is to enhance spped at low cost. ····· 1036199599

In Quest of Alternative Views on Theories of Communication

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Increasingly, there is a gigantic debate on the flow of communication theories from north to the south of our today`s `global village.` Indeed, the arguments for the state-of-the-art research into Asian theories of communication - de-Westernization and indigenization scholarship - have been gathered momentum over the past two decades. In similar vein, this research is an attempt to search for alternative non-Western theories of communication. To meet this aim, the endeavor has been made to excavate thoughts of Sufism in order to bring to light alternative aspects of human communication. The structure of the book is inspired by Sufism idea of the Seven Cities of Love and is designed accordingly. The logic behind this attempt was the fact that the structure is a part of overall meaning or in McLuhan`s words, `medium is the message.` This research brought to light that Western theories are constructed based on constitutive elements of communication, concepts of individuality/self, continuity, and dynamism. Accordingly, four alternative theories has been proposed. The overall embarking understanding is the fact that these two extremes should be well balance and blended. ····· 1036199375

Blind EqualizatiOn for Siso Systems

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The demand for high data rate reliable communications poses great challenges to the next generation wireless systems in highly dynamic mobile environments. In this Book, we focus on the blind receiver design for SISO transmission over block fading and time-variant channels. We investigate the joint Maximum-Likelihood (ML) channel estimation and data detection for SISO wireless systems with general constellations and propose a low complexity blind algorithm for finding the exact joint ML solution. The method uses some a priori information about the communication problem to improve the channel estimation accuracy and bit error rate. The Book considers two SISO systems circular (OFDM) and linear convolution systems. In the circular convolution system, we show how an OFDM symbol, transmitted over block fading channel, can be blindly detected using the output symbols only. In the linear convolution system, we perform a blind equalization for a data packet transmitted over block fading channel using the received symbols only. Finally, the Book considers a more realistic problem in which we design a blind receiver for linear convolution SISO transmission over time-variant channels. ····· 1036199046

Dual and Triple Feeding for Full Wave Dipole Antenna

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In parallel with the wireless communication growth, the mobile communications demand is rapidly growing the need for higher quality transmission and wider coverage rises. As a result of that, a better use of the electromagnetic radiation wavelength is needed. Thus, new types of antennas needed to be developed. Full wave dipole antennas are one of the good solutions for that. The triple full wave dipole antenna with its high gain and low input impedance is a perfect solution for most of the wireless network s problem. This research focuses on the development of a new full wave dipole antenna feeding techneiques. Seven ways of feeding were studied, four with dual feeding and three with triple feeding. This book is providing the reader with a complete and clear view of the aspect of dual and triple feeding for the full wave dipole antennas. Included in this book, the construction and impedance matching, current distribution, radiation pattern, and gain of the mentioned antennas. There are also a clear computer analysis and comparision using matlab. ····· 1036198972

Barack Obama and World Peace

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In a world that is becoming increasingly interconnected, it is relevant to examine the situations that foster peace and harmony, so as to play them up in preference to the situations that foster strife and division. In talking about peace from a communication standpoint, it is relevant to talk about speechmaking, and this work treats rhetorical criticism as a research method. Barack Obama`s receipt of the 2009 Nobel Peace Prize was a situation that was not simply interesting, but also cogent in regard to the understanding of human efforts to broker peace in this interconnected world. The way we understand peace in the context of human efforts at its procurement is a field that is virgin, and this contribution to scholarship in that area is consequently justified. Any effort at contributing to this field will perennially be justified, because of the need for peace. The age of war should necessarily give way to one of peace, and the understanding of how peace comes about is a step in the right direction to that giving way. This thesis helps to make that step by presenting a notable proponent of world peace and examining his rhetorical efforts in helping bring about such global peace. ····· 1036198545

Wireless Frequency Meter

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A wireless frequency meter is a device used to measure the frequency of an output signal of any electrical device situated in a remote location. Our designed wireless frequency meter typically displays numerical values of the frequency in an LCD module in the unit of Hz or KHz. It consists of two major parts: 1) Line frequency counter and 2) Remote Display Module. Line frequency counter consists of three major section which are i) signal input, ii) Micro controller, iii) RF transmitter whereas the remote display module also consists of three parts i) RF Receiver, ii) Microcontroller and iii) LCD Display Module. The Receiver Module can be set up at a maximum distance of 150 meters from the transmitter. It is possible to have more than one receiver for a transmitter. This meter can measure frequencies up to 125 KHz and is very much useful for various industrial applications at a cost of Tk. 1850 only. The main attraction of our designed circuit is the simplicity of the circuit, easiness of implementation and the availability of components required in Bangladesh. ····· 1036192065

Non-Conventional Technology for Okra Production

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This study is primarily related to use humic acid as a soil conditioner and calcium carbide as plant growth regulator. Humic acid improves soil organic matter, water holding capacity, and nutrient use efficiency, whereas calcium carbide is potential source of two gases, acetylene and ethylene. Acetylene acts as nitrification inhibitor while slowly releasing ethylene works as phytohormone. The study shows that plant height, number of flowers, number of green pods per plant, green pod dry weight, shoot and root dry weight, nutrient uptake in fruit of okra plants were positively affected by calcium carbide and humic acid. ····· 1036191911

Effects of Broadband Internet on Television Watching Habits

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Internet is the requirement of time and obligatory for every one as a household to office worker. It is an apparatus that turns the world into a global village. No matter where you are living, but you can communicate anywhere and with any person. We depend on it and due to this technical advancement get nearer in broadband internet day by day. Broadband is the best example of technological revolution in internet services. Broadband internet not only makes our existence trouble-free although changes it to some extent. My personal observation made me interested to discover this fact: is broadband internet accountable for a steady decline in TV watching behavior of students. Regarding this question that why I have selected only broadband internet and TV for my research work So I want to declare, due to growing attractiveness and need of broadband internet obliged me to think about it. And TV is also a socializing agent of a society we can t ignore it. Students are the growing power of a society and their concerns locate the trend, that s why I just choose them to measure the effects of broadband on their TV watching behavior. ····· 1036191805

Sourcing backpackers

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This thesis examines the need for information and subsequent use of sources of information by travelers, with a specific focus on backpackers. A theoretical model is presented to link being a backpacker, need for information, and a) where information sources are found (internally vs. externally), b) how many information sources are used, and c) which types of information sources are used (direct vs. mediated). The model and hypotheses were tested through an online survey among travelers. Results showed that being a backpacker is minimally related to the type of information sources used, and not to where sources are found or how many sources are used. Instead, the use of travel information sources was related to demographic variables such as age, level of income, level of education, length of trip, and the regions visited. Individual characteristics thus seem of more importance in explaining information used during travel than traveler group characteristics. Implications for current theorizing and research on traveling and use of information sources are discussed. ····· 1036191710

Collaborative Distance

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Both organisations and individuals are using more collaborative work, across geographic, disciplinary and organisational boundaries, leading to increased demand for Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) to support a more effective and efficient online collaboration. This thesis presents an empirical study exploring various aspects related to collaborative distance in the context of innovation projects. It focuses on the investigation of issues related to distance factors that affect collaboration effectiveness and efficiency. This empirical study aims to enlarge the academic understanding of distance factors by disambiguating their description and deciphering their role in the collaboration process, and clarifying the reasons for the use and improvement of collaboration technology for overcoming collaborative distances. It confirms that distance factors raise collaboration barriers, and reveals that they disturb the collaboration mechanics by hindering knowledge workers capacity to reach a mutual understanding. These findings have deep implications for the future enhancement of collaboration technology to fill the current gaps in online collaboration (eCollaboration). ····· 1036191473

Content analysis of animal husbandry news

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Content analysis is vital to the developing science of human behavior. Content analysis has developed as a multipurpose research technique especially for carrying investigation in the field of communication.Animal husbandry is the agricultural practice of breeding and raising livestock. As such, it is a vital skill for farmers, and in many ways as much art as it is science. The science of animal husbandry is called animal science. Thus news regarding animal husbandry is considered as animal husbandry news which was selected for content analysis purpose. ····· 1036191404

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