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Reflections on the wellbeing levels of professionals

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This study evolved from an involvement with professional people in a rural and semi-rural environment thereby taking into account the role which the Employee Assistance Programmes (EAP) plays in their professional context of work. Two underlying factors motivate the study. Firstly, that professional needs and capacities of faith, belief and spirituality are not been catered for in the EAPs. Secondly, that an African-Christian wholesome sense making approach provides more satisfactory answers to the lack of faith, belief and spirituality in the EAPs than the modern versions of the classic dualist and tripartite anthropological schemes of soul and body or soul, spirit and body. Furthermore, a wholesome sense making approach supports and tackles people s wellness and well-being levels more satisfactorily than the classic dualist and tripartite views. An outline of an EAP in which faith leaders and consultants and their programmes are integrated and which contributes to the enhancing of well-being levels and performance management of professional people is described. ····· 1036189337

Islam in Contemporary Lagos, Southwest Nigeria

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This work argues that da`wah is the technical term for propagation in Islam by clarifying its concept especially in relation to the origin and development of Islam in Lagos. It further establishes the story of Islamic development in Lagos through the media, the pulpit, education and new waves of Islamic propagation. It juxtaposes the history of Islam in the pre-colonial Lagos and post-colonial Lagos underscoring the roles played by colonialism and Christianity. ····· 1036188970

Public Benefit and the Roman Catholic Church in England and Wales

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The increased regulation of the voluntary sector in the United Kingdom has brought a number of challenges to all those enterprises which are constituted as charities. Among these are the Roman Catholic dioceses of England and Wales, all of which are incorporated as separate charities. One of the challenges being faced is the new requirement both to demonstrate and report on how each charity benefits `the public`. This raises a question of whether this could constitute a threat as to how the Church organises her affairs through diocesan and parochial activities. This book examines the history of the Church`s financial affairs, at universal and national level, as a background to understanding the formulation of the canons on temporal goods in the 1983 Code of Canon Law. Analysing the requirements of the charity legislation and comparing the response of each diocese demonstrates that, although the Church is quite clearly providing a great deal of `public benefit` through its range of activities, the reporting of these suggests that the `public benefit requirement` is still viewed as more of a threat rather than an opportunity. ····· 1036188906

The Image of Islam and Arabs in Western Literatures

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The dominant image of Islam in the West conveys the idea that the religion of approximately one fifth of the world`s population is an intolerantly ideological and prone to violence. Instead of taking critical analyses of Western attitudes toward Islam and Arabs seriously, many who claim knowledge of the Muslim world focus largely on threads of hatred and fear articulated through religious discourse, without reflection on the complex and deeply conflicting situations in which these sentiments emerge. In this context, the oriental writings of the American author Leon Uris represent a biased depiction of Islam and Arabs in the West. The general picture which Uris has for all Muslims and Arabs in his oriental works, such as Exodus and The Haj, is that they are backward, scheming, fanatic terrorists, cutthroats, liars, oversexed, hate-filled, brutal, swindlers, corrupt, among many other blemishes. Such depictions have been reiterated so frequently in his writings that they seem to reflect reality for many Western readers. The impact of these negative stereotypes has been very extensive because there are a few works in which Islam and Arabs are depicted in objective and fair terms. ····· 1036188834

Condom Use in HIV Prevention among Catholic Youths

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This study is an investigation into the discourse of the Catholic Church on the use of condoms in the prevention of HIV transmission. The objective is to assess the preferred discourse among Catholic students in a nursing school. The findings revealed that in principle, students supported the Church s message of abstinence while in practice they favoured the secular s message of condom use. Message of `safe sex` from secular institutions, and students distorted perception of the Church s teaching on human sexuality undermine students ability to make an informed decision when dealing with issues of abstinence, fidelity and condom use. The study has generated more information on the Christian-Secular discourse on condom use which is of great help to scholars, students, government, Church and other planners in the country to understand the HIV/AIDS phenomenon better. ····· 1036188707

Jesus in African Culture

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Pioneers of African Christianity propose that the traditional religions of Africa, rather than being adversative to Christianity in Africa, provide sufficient idioms for the Christian faith to thrive in Africa. Kwame Bediako builds on this concept to show that the primal religions of Africa constitute the innate cultural identity of Africans and that the gospel becomes impotent in the African milieu unless it accommodates the pre-Christian experiences of Africans in its presentation. The recent surge in interest in Christianity in modern Africa gives Bediako the needed impetus to demonstrate that Christianity is a translatable, nonWestern faith capable of meeting the religio-cultural needs of African Christians. Amidst concerns that the African brand of Christianity may have compromised Scriptural integrity, Bediako believes that marketplace Christianity should inform academic theology and that African Christianity may, indeed, be the needed life-line for global Christianity to survive secularity and post-modernity. ····· 1036188690

Identity, Anti-Colonialism & Community Resistance:

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Approximately 1 in 2 parents in Ontario, Canada, regardless of personal religious beliefs, now choose to enroll their children in a public Roman Catholic secondary school, a system that has historically struggled for recognition and independence as equally legitimate across all of Canada. Students in modern Roman Catholic schools regard religion and spirituality as critical aspects to their individual identities, yet within the colonial framework of this Euro-centric school system, youth struggle to achieve a level of inclusivity and acceptance that modern religious identity affords. Using a critical ethnographic methodology within a single revelatory case study, this book presents the voices of youth as the most critical voice to be heard on identity and identity in faith in Ontario Roman Catholic schools. Through the approach of an anti-colonial discursive framework, incorporating a theology of liberation that emphasizes freedom from oppression, the voice of Roman Catholic secondary school youth are brought forth revealing their struggle for acceptance in a system that intentionally hides diverse religious identities, outside that of being Roman Catholic. ····· 1036188620

Religion and Nation Building

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In this book, Centenary Priests reflect on the theme Religion and Nation building in Nigeria. We choose this theme because the year 2010 marked the silver jubilee of our ordination and by God s special design also the golden Jubilee of Nigeria s independence. What the various contributors have articulated in this book is an attempt to voice out their opinions, frustrations, suggestions and possibilities open to us as individuals and a nation in the years ahead. All agree, without a doubt that the phenomenon of religion does play a major role in nation building, especially if positively charged. Experience and examples from other countries like Poland and South Africa point to the fact that when properly channeled, religion can be a tool for mobilization for the overthrow of dictatorships and institutionalization of democracy. There could be enduring lessons from all these to show the limitations or otherwise of religion in nation building. Whichever way one looks at it, suffice it to say that as a Class, the Centenary Priests of Bigard Memorial Seminary Class of 1985, feel excited to be part of the discourse that borders on plotting new and viable pathways for our future. ····· 1036188612

From Darkness into Transforming Light

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The trauma of sexual abuse causes a host of painful effects in the lives of survivors, often continuing for years beyond the incidents of abuse. Much literature has been written from the perspective of psychological therapy that can assist survivors recovery from trauma. However, little has been written regarding care for the spiritual dimension of the lives of sexual abuse survivors. Lack of attention to the spiritual needs of survivors may cause further suffering and a further feeling of abandonment by God and their community of faith. This book presents key writings of Carmelites John of the Cross, Thérèse of Lisieux, and Edith Stein that offer unique and meaningful contributions for the spiritual care of survivors. Their texts directly respond to the question of the meaning of human suffering. They also specifically address the experiences of abandonment, anxiety, darkness and meaninglessness that are experienced by many survivors of abuse. The perspectives of these spiritual masters, therefore, offer significant insight for survivors healing journey. ····· 1036188550

Swallowing Jonah: Strategies for Reading Biblical Narratives

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Interpreters of the book of Jonah understand the characterisation of Jonah, and hence the meaning of the book, in a variety of ways. These interpretive models may be categorised under seven headings: Jonah as Pinocchio, psychotic, Prometheus, fall-guy, patriot, prophet, and reluctant missionary. They reflect the spectrum of opinions regarding whether Jonah ultimately serves as a positive or negative example. How one decides this issue depends on the interpreter s understanding of the larger group whom Jonah represents. In turn, this will largely determine what is perceived as the main message of the book. Thus the surface-level question driving this investigation is, how is the reader to understand the character of Jonah The aim of this book is to set forth the value of knowing conventions of setting, plot and characterisation. Awareness of and attention to these factors hold the promise for more nuanced understanding both of Jonah as well as other narratives of the Hebrew Bible. ····· 1036188505

A Study of the Qur nic Oaths

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H am d al-D n Far h (d. 1930), a Qur nic scholar from the Indian Sub-continent, revisits the long contested questions on the nature and significance of the Qur nic oaths. Previously, the Muslim scholarship generally explained the Qur nic oaths by contending that there is a certain glory in the objects the Qur n swears by. Far h , however, adopts a different stance. He claims to have followed a principled stance and offered a coherent explanation of the Qur nic oaths. Tracing the origin of the oath, surveying the conventions not only in the Qur nic text and classical Arabic literature but also the non-Arabic sources, for instance classical Greek and Biblical Hebrew, he attempts to establish that conventionally, glorification of the object of oath is not its necessary element. Oaths are employed to evoke an object as evidence to the veracity of the claims that follow, but are not always mentioned explicitly. Far h s achievement is not confined to answering an old question about the nature and purpose of the Qur nic oaths. His work contains a number of interesting examples of his interpretive approach that has become the hallmark of the exegetical school he founded. ····· 1036188498

Analysis of Healing in Luke-Acts

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Here you are with a masterpiece that explores the significance and patterns of healing in the Gospel of Luke and the Acts of the Apostles, and how these influence the healing ministry of the Church today. It offers lucid pastoral and theological guidelines for the implementation of healing ministries in the contemporary Church. You will encounter in this book the African primal worldview of healing and its significance to the church,an exegesis of textual references of healing in the Gospel of Luke and the Acts of the Apostles, and doctrinal, evangelism and missiological lessons that can be drawn from the methods of healing used by Jesus Christ and the early Apostles. This is a must-read book for theologians, theological students and all Christians. ····· 1036188328

Fundamental Teachings Of The Church Of Latter Day Saints

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Though the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints is a distinct religion, it believes in The Old Testament and The New Testament in addition to its personal scriptures. Members of the Church believe that Jesus is the head of their Church and consider themselves as true Christians but not as part of Catholic, Orthodox or Protestant traditions. Fundamental doctrines of the Church include belief in one God, the divinity of Jesus Christ and his atonement, the universal need for repentance, baptism by proper authority, continuing revelation through living Prophets, the brotherhood and sisterhood of all human beings, the eternal sanity of marriage and family. ····· 1036188271

Empowering Pastors and Leaders Through Trust Fund

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Scarce economic resources, modest economic growth, constraints on the public sector and low institutional capacity explain why design of adequate institutional financing systems in low-income developing countries has remained cumbersome. Financial institutions such as Trust Funds were established as a first response to lack of public finance. The current focus in the Kenya Government s ministry of cooperative is on the need to have a health financing strategy that will move the country from excessive reliance on out of pocket (OOP) financing towards a system that affords a greater protection for the savings this can be realized through a socio-economic scheme. While noting that the high cost of living in the country is one of the leading causes of poverty, recognizes good saving as a pre-requisite for socio-economic development of the country. The performance of the trust funds is affected by high cost of living contributing to poor access, declining standards, increased re-emergence of pyramid schemes, high cost of products offered and inadequate funding. ····· 1036188256

An Evaluation of the Biblical basis of the tenets of Fundamentalism

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Many scholars view fundamentalism as an ill that has to be removed from society. Ironically, fundamentalists believe themselves to be the only `true` Christians and the only ones that interpret the Bible correctly. This book, therefore, seeks to examine the five main tenets of fundamentalism and to establish whether they are based on the Bible or not. It exposes the inconsistencies that characterize fundamentalists` interpretation of Scripture. ····· 1036188182

Challenges and Opportunities of Indigenous Church Leaders in Uganda

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Uganda which is 85% Christian and the heart of the East African Revival, a country once referred to as the Pearl of Africa, has been ranked among the most corrupt countries in the world, with a high domestic violence rate, well-known for high figures of HIV/AIDS, one of the poorest countries in the world, very high infant mortality rate, high levels of sexual immorality, witchcraft and many others. Uganda has also been characterised by civil war, sectarianism, tribalism, nepotism, bribery, religious conflicts, election malpractices and lack of rule of law. All these indicate the presence of the `Acquired Integrity Deficiency Syndrome` (AIDS) in Uganda. People wonder why Christianity has not transformed society. This book provides, the causes, the areas of prevalence and impact of integrity crisis in Uganda. The greatest crisis in Uganda today is a crisis of leadership and the problem is with the church and in particular the church leaders in the area of integrity. Medad indicates that integrity is an issue of the heart and it is faith in God that can transform the heart and make leaders transformational leaders.He indicates that charisma and character must go together. ····· 1036188164

From Amulek to Zeezrom

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The Mormon migration to the American West is unparalleled in United States history. It was a flight from danger to safety by members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints an exodus from a Babylon of persecution toward a yearned-for Zion. These Bible-loving Saints had also come to love another testament of Jesus Christ: The Book of Mormon. Originally engraved on metal plates, this book was a New World witness of Jesus that complemented the Bible. Published in 1830, The Book of Mormon gave additional proof of the prophetic mission of the book s translator, Joseph Smith. Saturated with doctrinal references to Jesus, The Book of Mormon proved to be the Church s greatest missionary. New converts flowed into the Great Basin to join others who believed in this remarkable paper book translation of writings etched onto ancient metal plates. In two previous books, the author has written about the Latter-day Saint experience in the West. He now examines some of the doctrines of The Book of Mormon, that witness of Jesus Christ that would alter American history, and transform individual lives, including that of the author. ····· 1036188142

A contextual approach in mitigating the impact of HIV/AIDS

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This book provides a contextual model that creates an opportunity for the Church to use the resourceful African philosophy of ubuntu-hunhu to support and care those for affected and infected by HIV/AIDS. The Church is challenged to tap into the traditional African aphorism umuntu ungumuntu ngabantu . Ubuntu-Hunhu which is key to the traditional African aphorism acknowledges that your pain is my pain your sorrow is my sorrow your well-being is my well-being your salvation is my salvation your joy is my joy, ... However, a striking feature of this book is the clarity on how HIV/AIDS creates an opportunity for the Church re-inculcate the spirit of non-exclusiveness, caring and interdependence which is at the heart of ubuntu-hunhu way of life. The development of the model is guided by the principles of an Asset-Based Community Development model pioneered by Kretzmann & McKnight, and drawing from ubuntu-hunhu philosophy. The model emphasises on the resources and assets such as traditional healers, traditional medical practitioners, ubuntu-hunhu values, and beliefs, stressing their incorporation in the strategy and approach by the Church to help mitigate the impact of HIV/AIDS. ····· 1036188095

Does Relative Deprivation Lead to Millenarianism?

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People do experience various types of deprivation in life, for example, lack of land, education, job opportunities, no means of production no access to basic things or necessities in life. These deprivations, in many cases, have led people to have millennial types of thinking and form millennial movements in many parts of world from ancient times to the present. This paper sought to investigate the causes of deprivation which in most cases caused the formation of millennial movements. It also investigated the cause of deprivations in Micah, the eighth century prophet, with the view of understanding and interpreting this prophetic book. ····· 1036187966

Eschatology a Progressive Process

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In order to understand eschatology in its fullest sense, let us look at the Biblical first eschatological statements, we will use just a few examples, because the Bible sets these eschatological statements before us page after page as we study the Holy Scriptures. In Genesis 1:26 to 28, we read:- Then God said, Let us make human being in our image, to be like us. They will reign over the fish in the sea, the birds in the sky, the livestock, and all the wild animals on the earth and the small animals that scurry along the ground . So God created human beings in His own image. In the image of God He created them male and female He created them. Then God blessed them and said, be fruitful and multiply. Fill the earth and govern it. Reign over the fish in the sea, the birds in the sky, and all the animals that scurry along the ground.` These words are eschatological they are standards which show God s purpose and goal for mankind, and also the end of disobedience. ····· 1036187668

Globalization and Militant Hindu Nationalism

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This book is an attempt to propose new directions for Christian theology in India in the present context of globalization and militant Hindu nationalism. In recent years, Christians have been the target of violent attacks by militant Hindu nationalists. Critically analyzing the history of Christianity and militant Hindu nationalism in India, this book contends that militant Hindu nationalism originated in the context of Western colonialism, which brought about a crisis of religious, cultural, and national identity among Hindus. Moreover, contemporary globalization is perceived as recreating colonization-like situations, only now at a staggering speed and on a global level.The contemporary attacks on Christians by militant Hindu nationalists must be understood within the dynamics of globalization. The Church in India needs to respond to this crisis. The author proposes that through a renewed theological initiative based on the three traditional areas of focus of Indian theology inculturation, interreligious dialogue, and social justice - the Church can become genuinely Indian and address the crisis arising from globalization and militant Hindu nationalism. ····· 1036187381

A Perichoretic Model of the Church

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This study seeks to investigate the trinitarian consistency of Dumitru Staniloae s general ecclesiology, by use of a perichoretic model of the church , rooted in the patristic concept of trinitarian perichoresis, which describes the reciprocal interpenetration of the divine persons, based on their common divine ousia. Staniloae makes his eastern patristic understanding of the Trinity the foundation of his whole theological construction, including his ecclesiology. For him, the Church, as a theo-anthropic reality, is called to be an icon of the Trinity, a true reflection in space and time of the perichoretic relations existing eternally between the divine persons of the triune God. This calls for an ecclesiology that is rooted equally in Christology and in pneumatology, any imbalance in this dynamic leading, in Staniloae s opinion, either to excessive institutionalism and authoritarianism or to exaggerated individualism and subjectivism. The trinitarian inconsistencies revealed by the investigation model we have used arise more from the characteristic clericalist and sacramentalist tendencies inherent to Orthodoxy in general, than from the particular nature of Staniloae s theology. ····· 1036187380

The Basis of the Healing Ministry

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The author, Dr John Baptist Matovu, traces the basis of the ministry of healing in the Catholic and Islamic traditions, as represented by Richard McCormick and Falzur Rahman, respectively. Although there are areas of divergence between the two, both traditions present us with perspectives which are the basis of the ministry of healing. These perspectives place the judgments, decisions and actions, pertaining to the ministry of healing, within the context of the God-man/woman relationship. In both, the healing of man/woman should respect the totality of all his/her different dimensions, especially as one who originates from and returns to God. This God-man/woman relationship imparts upon man/woman a special dignity which must be respected and preserved in all medical decisions and actions, with regard to the preservation and improvement of his/her health. ····· 1036187286

Abuse of Alcohol by Clergy

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The Church is experiencing a growing number of clergy who abuse alcohol, and this has made people to ask whether clergy still embody the image of God or if they are alcoholics. I therefore undertook to do a research on this problem to ascertain whether the church creates alcoholics or are alcoholics attracted to the ministry. Questionnaires designed for laity, clergy and the diocesan leadership were given to them to find out if alcohol and alcoholism is a problem to the church and what could be the cause of it. Realizing that the questionnaires may not be sufficient, five case studies were used. With many clergy, the signs were there before ordination and no one picked them up. Though this research was not aimed at stopping priests from being alcoholics, the researcher hopes that it helps the clergy to realize what alcohol do to their ministry, families and themselves so that they can make wise choices when it comes to taking alcohol. ····· 1036187258

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