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Ownership and Property

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The situation in many parts of the world is characterized by injustice. As high-rise buildings are being constructed in the cities, there is a ruthless demolition of the houses of the urban poor communities. Displacement of farmers and the indigenous communities is rampant to give way to the so-called development projects. For whom are these developments when thousands of people are pushed to the margins Has the Church nothing to say in this kind of situation What are its views and teachings regarding ownership and property The Church Social Teachings on ownership and property have received criticisms from capitalists, socialists and communists. The socialists and communists allege that the Church s teaching on the natural rights of a person to private property is nothing but a justification to preserve the status quo. The capitalists meanwhile boast that they are supported by the Church in their advocacy of private property. However, the Church s views on ownership and property are very different from that of the capitalist, socialists and the communist. Discover how and why through this book on ownership and property from an empirical and theological perspectives. ····· 1036121218

Religiya i Islam v Kazahstane: sociokul`turnyj aspekt

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Religiya segodnya prevratilas` v odin iz vazhnejshih faktorov, opredelyajushhih osnovnye processy sovremennosti. Materialom k dannoj monografii posluzhili stat`i, vystupleniya i interv`ju avtora, opublikovannye v 2009-2013 gg. v razlichnyh nauchnyh izdaniyah (zhurnalah i sbornikah nauchnyh konferencij), SMI, Internet-sajtah i posvyashhennye razlichnym aspektam religii i Islama v Kazahstane. V knige podnyat i obsuzhden ochen` shirokij diapazon problem religioznoj sfery - i na konceptual`nom, i na konkretno-istoricheskom i predmetnom urovnyah. Znachitel`noe mesto udeleno voprosam istorii, nalichnogo sostoyaniya i perspektiv razvitiya islama v Respublike Kazahstan. Privlekli vnimanie avtora i takie problemy, kak: mezhkonfessional`nye i gosudarstvenno-konfessional`nye otnosheniya dialog religij tolerantnost` - kak bazovyj princip sosushhestvovaniya religij v mnogokonfessional`nyh obshhestvah rol` religii v global`nyh processah sovremennosti religiya v sisteme nacional`noj bezopasnosti (v chastnosti, processy islamizacii gosudarstv Central`noj Azii) i dr. Kniga adresuetsya studentam, magistrantam, doktorantam, prepodavatelyam vuzov i vsem interesujushhimsya jevoljuciej religioznoj sfery Kazahstana. ····· 1036121095

Your Slave , Our Brother

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... A relationship with Jesus is incomplete and defective without a healthy relationship to the Body of Christ. Onesimus needed a family so that he could build a life as a person and as a Christian. So Paul called upon Philemon and the church in Colossae to assist Onesimus and embrace him as a beloved brother in the Lord. At first glance, it would be easy to dismiss Paul s Letter to Philemon as unrelated to African present-day concerns. How does a First Century letter exhorting an obscure individual to welcome back his run-away slave have anything to do with us today Upon closer examination, however, we discover that this letter contains valuable instruction as relevant to contemporary African Christians and churches as it was when it was written... A reader of this letter will surely discover how relevant it is to the contemporary African needs, especially qualities that should characterize the fellowship among Christians as individuals and churches in Africa and even elsewhere. ····· 1036121064

Christian and African paradigms of reconciliation in South Africa

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This study seeks to compare paradigms of reconciliation in African tradition (including African indigenous religion and culture) and Christianity, in order to enhance the reconciliation process in South Africa. The aim is to enable and promote dialogue between African tradition and Christian tradition, with special reference to the reconciliation paradigms they offer. In order to accomplish this, the first step taken is to establish what African tradition has to offer in terms of reconciliation resources. The next step is to establish what the Christian faith tradition has to offer in terms of reconciliation paradigms. After having elaborated on certain reconciliation paradigms lodged in both African tradition and Christianity, the next step is to explore ways in which these paradigms interact. This study seeks to highlight points of agreement and connection between the paradigms of reconciliation provided by African tradition and Christian tradition. Moreover, it seeks to illustrate that the two cultural and religious traditions could interact fruitfully for the benefit of South African society. ····· 1036121040

Victorious Life

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This book has been written primarily to enlighten the modern day believer on the word of God with respect to living victoriously as we await the Rapture of the Church. The book expounds on five subjects namely faith, Putting the whole armour of God, Yielding to the Holy Spirit The blood of Jesus and Commitment to and fellowship with God. Faith is the law of the New Testament and the beleiver cannot live without it. The armour of God is the means through which we counter the Devil and his schemes as we have been made righteous through the blood of Jesus and are in fellowship with God the Father to whom we pray in the name of Jesus Christ as we yield to the Holy Spirit. Relevant scripture quotations are cited for cross referencing with the Holy Bible. The emphasis being that the word of God may be applied effectively in our day to day lives as we celebrate our victories through Christ Jesus. ····· 1036120998

Family Life Circle

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The family is a very important unit in a society. Without a family, there can never be a community. The existence of several families living together in a practice of a particular and common tradition and culture forms the basics of a given community, though these families may be nuclear or extended family. However, the strong fabric of family unit, whether nuclear extended, monogamy or polygamy entirely depend on the care and concern accorded to them in social, psychological, environmental, physical, emotional, spiritual relationship among many other issues. The author has touched very important components in a Family. We recommend that every family to to read this book to learn how to treasure family. ····· 1036120945

Implementation of Christian Religious Education Curriculum

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This book discusses a study done on the implementation of Christian Religious Education (CRE) curriculum in secondary schools in Murang`a South District, Central Province, Kenya. The motivation to delve into this study came from gaps in available literature on implementation of CRE curriculum in secondary schools in Kenya. Additionally, teachers` perceptions have been ignored in available literature despite their impact on curriculum implementation processes. The study established that although CRE teachers in secondary schools in Murang`a South District handled huge teaching workloads and lacked adequate teaching-learning resources, they held positive perceptions towards implementation of CRE curriculum. The authors recommended that challenges facing implementation of CRE curriculum should urgently be addressed. They also recommended that a similar study should be done covering students` perceptions which were excluded in this study. ····· 1036120676

Small Group Concepts for Nairobi Urban Mega Churches

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The world has become a scary place for young people faced with peer pressure and a morally deteriorating culture they battle daily to make wise choices. As the influence of the family and church continues to weaken, young people are searching for safe places where they can share their struggles, ask questions and be accepted. They seem to be looking for answers in all the wrong places like pubs, clubs, media, and disco theatres that is why church small groups are very vital in their lives. Small groups thus provide an opportunity for young people to become more like Christ and to experience care and true community. This book presents small groups as that place where young people in the urban local church find community, accountability as established by the lessons discovered from the first century genesis of small groups. Thus becoming more like Christ and in the process radically influence the society just as Jesus did with His small group of the twelve disciples. The objective of this study was to investigate the relationship between small groups as a strategy for numerical church growth and holistic development (physical, mental, spiritual and social/emotional) of its members. ····· 1036120629

Shona Religion of Zimbabwe

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This book concerns the spirits and spirit mediums of Zimbabwe: what they are their organizational structures and functions in religion and traditional medicine training related to traditional medicine medium gender balances and views of n angas and herbalists. The book defines Divine Angels , Vadzimu, and Mashave and their roles in efficacies of traditional medicines. The relationships between spirits and their mediums, misconceptions, the phenomenon of spirit possession, bira and chenura ceremonies, matters of doctrine: judgement and life after death relationships between spirits, spirits and people differences between spirituality and magic interactions between God and people life styles of Angelic spirit mediums and their involvement in people s gatherings non-involvement of Shona Religion in evangelism are spelt out. Shona religious values and prophecies of spirit mediums which have influenced life in Zimbabwe are documented. Final discussion is on marriage and its role in shaping community values. ····· 1036120560

Women and Oppression: A Feminist interpretation of 1 Timothy 2:8-15

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The study is on New Testament feminist interpretation of 1Timothy 2:8-15. It seems the place of women in the churches today is very much influenced by how this passage is used. A careful reading of the passage seems to suggest a different perspective with regards to how women are perceived in the churches today. It appears women are as suggested by the passage, inferior to men. Although there is clear evidence of woman disciples during Jesus time, which Jesus treated equally as men The passage seems to be silent of this view. The passage therefore seems to be echoing a male human being`s views about woman which is androcentric. Moreover, the biblical reading of the creation stories also look biased in this passage. This book seek to interrogate 1Timothy 2:8-15 with the intent to redress patriarchal connotations in the passage which are oppressive to women. It is the argument of this book that women and men are equal and should occupy equal positions in church. An alternative interpretation of the passage which spells out Women and men authority as expressed in Christianity is welcome and healthy in today`s relations. ····· 1036120559

Faith Expressing Itself Through Love

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While there is a general consensus amongst evangelicals that social action is biblical, there are still areas of theological debate which continue to hamper our engagement. Within Irish evangelicalism further factors complicate the picture: the accusations of `souperism` during the Famine, the Anglo-Irish identity of nineteenth century evangelicals, and operating as 1% of the population while being overshadowed by a large and very socially active Catholic Church. The purpose of this book is to deal with the context of Irish evangelicalism and to articulate an applied theology of evangelical social action. For illustrative purposes, three church leaders from different settings (rural, suburban and inner-city) were interviewed. These interviews illustrate the reality of social engagement in Ireland. The contention is that such a coherent, worked-out and applied theology would greatly enhance and further the Irish church`s mission. This book is intended to engage with and challenge Irish pastors, church leaders and any reflective Christians desiring to navigate and make a difference in this area of ministry. ····· 1036120311

Revered and Reviled in a Quest for Pentecostal Holiness

····· lezzter Preis 71.10€ ···· - Bücher, eBooks, DVD & Blu-ray
This book investigates the life and ministry of the German Pentecostal pioneer Jonathan Paul (1853-1931) to assess his influence on the Pentecostal Movement in Germany and Europe. It traces his theological development as a Lutheran pastor and evangelist in the nineteenth century Holiness Movement, his role in the Gnadau Union and his contentious perfectionist doctrine. Paul s subsequent adherence to Pentecostalism is the main focus and includes the unimaginable condemnation of the man, his teachings and of Pentecostals in general by German Evangelical Leaders in the Berlin Declaration of 1909. The Pentecostal Movement s rapid and widespread growth in Germany is studied, revealing an ecumenical outlook and charismatic identity that exerted a major influence on other contemporary Pentecostal leaders in Europe and beyond. ····· 1036120090

Dark Spots of Negative Ethnicity in Church and Secular World Today

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Development and the preaching of the Liberating Gospel of Jesus Christ in Developing countries and the West have been slowed, hindered and frustrated by negative ethnicity, genocide, ethnic cleansing, the house of human skulls in Rwanda, destruction of property, apartheid in South Africa, Racism in the West and Silent Majimboism in Sudan and Kenya, are all forms and effects of negative Ethnicity. There is need to establish the basis and the stronghold of negative Ethnicity and come up with possible solutions. The world is reeling from the deep hatred among its people with issues of negative ethnicity, tribalism, Nepotism and the Race factor. The churches are sick, the governments are struggling, economies are sinking, families are divided and the peoples are fallen apart. The economies are going down whenever a new political system comes to power. Evangelism is thwarted and church growth is dismal. Commissions of inquiries are set each morning to look into these factors. What s going on This book endeavors to give top answers to the world s most disturbing question Negative ethnicity . Read through and definitely you will extract the starting point for the healing processes. ····· 1036120003

Introducing The Study of Comparative Religion

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In the context of shrinkage of time and space in 21st century, the Study of Religions has become a valuable tool for respect and peaceful coexistence. The myth of Religious superiority is no longer fashionable. Thus, there is now a general awareness that all Religions have a role to play in achieving World peace and sustainable progress. In this regard, the Study of Comparative Religion waxes strong. The diverse religious traditions practiced out there can no longer be suppressed or exterminated by the sword. The present work examines the intellectual status, values, and approaches in the Study of Comparative Religion. Using the methods of history and analysis, the work submits that in the thinking and activities of any people, one finds philosophy and religion at its root. The Study of Comparative Religion becomes the effort to project different religious traditions as worth studying, appreciating and respecting. ····· 1036119905

The Omission of Sin

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Dark spiritual powers are at work in the world and the church has to receive a renewed sense of its mission to be a shining light. However, many believe that the negative overtones of unpalatable Bible concepts could be more easily absorbed if the listeners were engaged on another level. This book examines the basis of such engagement and draws comparisons with more traditional approaches. The challenge for those who are eager to evangelise in a pluralist culture is to recognise afresh the many-faceted Gospel and to find new ways of communicating its core concepts, such as sin and atonement,in the midst of what some have described as a `sinless` society. The research in this volume was conducted in the context of a post-Catholic Irish society that has largely abandoned the absolutes of a disgraced hierachy. ····· 1036119777

Islamic Law

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Dr. Muhammad Hamidullah was well-versed in Islamic law and showed keen interest in spreading this knowledge to the Muslim world through his lectures and writing. His contribution as a scholar of Islamic law had been remarkable. A part from translating the works on Islamic law in Urdu from different languages, he himself produced many important works on this subject. In these works he thoroughly discussed different aspects of Islamic law and interpreted the provisions of Sharî ah keeping in view the demands of modern times and problems of the present days. He also examined the sources of Fiqh and methodology for bringing out legal points through them. His discussion about the importance and scope of Ijtehâd, principles of its application and contribution of early jurists to the development of this institution has great significance. It is noteworthy that while responding to the problems of modern period, he himself applied the mechanism of Ijtehâd. His emphasis on the institutional Ijtehâd was a revolutionary step in this direction. Keeping these, the present work gives detailed account of Islamic views of Dr. Hamidullah. ····· 1036119768

The berated politicians

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Miriam, Michal, Jezebel and Athaliah are a summery figure of political marginalisation of the female gender in the Hebrew Bible. The literary renditions in which these women are subjected unequivocally eschew their political significance in their respective ancient societies. Their images and names are recorded in ways that confound the modern reader of the Bible with ambiguities. No one would tell from the Hebrew Bible that these women were people of significant political and leadership profiles but merely as wicked women in the history of humanity. They are portrayed as political anomalies in the political space of men. Their decapitated and fragmented images and histories have been ingested into an ideological system that regulates gender world order and influences social, intellectual and linguistic discourses and pictorial misogynistic polemics in the modern world. ····· 1036119646

God`s Pathos, Logos and Ethos

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The aim of this book is to challenge the way we theologise and, particularly, the way in which we deal with the question of the religious and socio-political form of idolatry found both in Hosea, and in the sub-Saharan African context. As is known, in most theological discourse, we preoccupy ourselves with rational theological considerations, which only refer to dogma already developed around some of the issues concerning God. Because of this tendency, the affective aspect of God is not treated with much seriousness. God is considered as someone else, one who is indifferent to what happens in the daily life of His devotees and in the rest of creation. The study of the Bible, particularly of the prophets, becomes a mere repetition of the accepted dogma and never makes a difference in the lives of those who read and believe in what they consider the basis of their faith. As Africans, the ones who live in oppressed and conflict-ridden religious and socio-political contexts, in which people are slaves of the religious and socio-political idols, who are also their oppressors, we think that we have, in spite of the difficulties, to forge a new theological framework, one which can move us. ····· 1036119643

Gender Discrimination: A Study on Religious Perspective

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Most of the religions including the three main religions- Islam, Christianity and Hinduism contain some discriminatory factors which undermine the women s positions in the society and establish men s dominating power over women. Hence, there is a conflict between the feminists and the orthodox in the question of changing or reforming religions rules which show gender discrimination. But, this is the demand of the modern age to reform and re-read the scripture and to make new innovative rules which would help people regardless male and female to work together in the society. ····· 1036119615

The Impact of the Christian-Muslim Conflict on the Women of Jos

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Rebecca has written a lot of books on Women in Ministry With Jesus Where They Some Reflections of Activities of Women in the Church, the Secret of a Successful Living in the Christian Home, Wealth Creation and Savings: Some Biblical Principles and Ethics, Biography of Rev. Dr. Musa Gotom, Several Articles on Plights of Women in Conflict Situations, Mutuality and Interdependency as Needed Solution to Conflicts. These books are all edifying and a lot of people are using it in Nigeria and some countries. This book had a groundbreaking records and the external supervisor Prof. Igwe commented that he could have given Rebecca Ph.D because this book is a well researched work, with primary sources. Rebecca presently writing her Ph.D thesis on The Plight of Women in Conflict in Northern Nigeria. She collected her data from more than 700 children and women victims. It will be another good material on Violence against Women in Nigeria. ····· 1036119548

The Dark Night

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Russian émigré theologian Vladimir Lossky (1903-1958) claims that Western theologies of the dark night of the soul tend toward an impersonal philosophy, especially neo-Platonism, in a way that seems to involve spiritual dangers. At the same time he commends, for example, the Orthodox theologies of St Symeon the New Theologian (949-1022) and St Maximus Confessor (580-662). This study discusses the Spanish Carmelite St John of the Cross (1542-1591) mystical theology of dark nights of the soul from the point of view of Lossky s claim, conducting a substantial comparison of St John s theology with the theology of St Symeon the New Theologian. In addition, it also compares select aspects of his theology with aspects of Vladimir Lossky s and St Maximus Confessor s theologies and the thought of the neo-Platonist philosopher Plotinus (204-270). The purpose of these comparisons is to propose a definition of the relationship of St John of the Cross theology to central Orthodox theological principles and emphases and to evaluate the truth of Lossky s more general attempt to define the Western notion of dark nights from an Eastern Orthodox perspective. ····· 1036118922

God`s Handmaiden: Living a Life of Uncommon Purpose

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This book is a must read for all those who desires to make their lives count. It is for those who want to be relevant in their generation. From the book you can get a summary of the challenging stories of purposeful women like Susannah Spurgeon, Army Carmichael, Maria Woodworth-Etter, to mention but a few. In the book, Martha Ighalo shares life challenging truths which will motivate every woman to discover and fulfil God s plan, for her life. Her dream is to see a new generation of purposeful women, who will fight in this end time battle and hasten the coming of Christ for His saints. ····· 1036118803


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This thesis examines the nature and meaning of divination in the Berekum Traditional Area. Divination is seen as an attempt by humans to know the unknown or to know the will of the divine. Diviners are thus, all those who are capable of revealing the will of the divine. Eighteen principal divining methods are identified in the Berekum Traditional Area. Religious behaviour has been seen to be symbolic. Thus, all items used in divination are those that are believed can enhance the result of divination. Divination in the Berekum area has both diagnostic and prescriptive dimensions.Divination in Berekum also shows that the people believe in a host of supernatural beings all of which can influence the life of humans either positively or negatively. The phenomenon of divination plays an important role in the life of the people of Berekum. But factors like Science and technology, formal education, urbanisation as well as other religious traditions, particularly Christianity is posing a very great challenge to the survival of divination in the study area. But the hold of religion on the people is so huge that it is likely the phenomenon of divination will be with them for a very long time. ····· 1036118644

Liberal Islam in Indonesia

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Jaringan Islam Liberal (JIL) is a network whose members claim themselves to be proponents of liberal Islam in Indonesia. The term liberal Islam means a critical understanding of Islamic teachings based on the essential meaning of the text by going beyond the literal meaning of the text because the text does not exhaust all meanings of revelation. In order to achieve this, JIL considers the fruits of modernity such as democratization, the idea of progress, secularization, human rights, religious freedom and pluralism and so forth as important in interpretation. Various responses have been addressed to JIL. The responses can be seen as questioning the validity of its concerns, its authority as a proponent of liberal Islam and the relationship between JIL and Indonesian society as its audience. This work also concentrates on all of these response types, either positive or negative, to JIL s views on religious freedom and pluralism. ····· 1036118455

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