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für 53.10€ kaufen ···· - Bücher, eBooks, DVD & Blu-ray
This thesis examines the nature and meaning of divination in the Berekum Traditional Area. Divination is seen as an attempt by humans to know the unknown or to know the will of the divine. Diviners are thus, all those who are capable of revealing the will of the divine. Eighteen principal divining methods are identified in the Berekum Traditional Area. Religious behaviour has been seen to be symbolic. Thus, all items used in divination are those that are believed can enhance the result of divination. Divination in the Berekum area has both diagnostic and prescriptive dimensions.Divination in Berekum also shows that the people believe in a host of supernatural beings all of which can influence the life of humans either positively or negatively. The phenomenon of divination plays an important role in the life of the people of Berekum. But factors like Science and technology, formal education, urbanisation as well as other religious traditions, particularly Christianity is posing a very great challenge to the survival of divination in the study area. But the hold of religion on the people is so huge that it is likely the phenomenon of divination will be with them for a very long time. ····· 1036118644

Liberal Islam in Indonesia

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Jaringan Islam Liberal (JIL) is a network whose members claim themselves to be proponents of liberal Islam in Indonesia. The term liberal Islam means a critical understanding of Islamic teachings based on the essential meaning of the text by going beyond the literal meaning of the text because the text does not exhaust all meanings of revelation. In order to achieve this, JIL considers the fruits of modernity such as democratization, the idea of progress, secularization, human rights, religious freedom and pluralism and so forth as important in interpretation. Various responses have been addressed to JIL. The responses can be seen as questioning the validity of its concerns, its authority as a proponent of liberal Islam and the relationship between JIL and Indonesian society as its audience. This work also concentrates on all of these response types, either positive or negative, to JIL s views on religious freedom and pluralism. ····· 1036118455

The Shrine and Langer of Golra Sharif

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Shrines in Pakistan are complex social institutions with number of characteristics which bring people together despite cultural and geographical diversity that exists in their individual backgrounds. The Shrines have an internal organization, usually led by a Pir, besides a number of functionaries necessary for carrying out the diverse activities of the shrine. In this way, the shrines have the capability of making a positive contribution in the integration and unity of Pakistani society. The present book is based on the ethnographic study of the Shrine of Pir Mehr Ali Shah, located in the village of Golra Sharif in Islamabad, Pakistan. The operation of the shrine`s activities and its increasing popularity among the people can be explained in terms of satisfaction of the religious, psychological, social, economic and political needs of the followers and the associated communities. ····· 1036118434

The Early Church is the Mirror for Today`s Church

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We live in a world of globalization. Those things which people thought that will not happen are happening. The things prophesied by prophets and Jesus Christ are taking place nowadays. A lot of church denominations have been started. Every church denomination has its own kind of teaching and belief. Every church denomination claims to be biblical in her teachings. Whether a church is the true church or not is determined by comparing its teachings and practices to the teachings and practices of the New Testament church which are recorded mainly in the book of Acts of the Apostles. There is a big danger for a certain church denomination to put an emphasis only in one area of teaching and leave other teachings beside which are also important in the body of Christ. In order to have the balance, we need to notice the characteristics and teachings from the early church and see what we should be doing today. Specifically the study focuses on the Biblical teachings and practices of the early church compared to today s church. It is my prayer that as you read this book God will minister to you in a special way. Be Blessed.Thanks. ····· 1036118130

From `Maryada Purushottam` of Hindus to `Violent Ram` of Hindutva

für 39.42€ kaufen ···· - Bücher, eBooks, DVD & Blu-ray
The present work analyzes the rise and growth of Communalism in India and Sangh Parivar. The book also points out the differences between the Image of Lord Ram in Hinduism and the image of violent Ram projected by Sangh Parivar during late 80s and 90s. The book focuses on the history of communal riots, projection of Violent Ram by Sangh Parivar and the Ramjanam Bhumi-Babri Mosque controversy. The book contends that it was the Sangh Parivar, who, to gain political mileage by mobilizing Hindus on communal grounds, projected the Violent image of Ram, asking their fellow religionist to be violent to end the evil (i.e Muslims). The Sangh Parivar utilized the communal riots and growing hatred among Hindus against Muslims and the Shah Bano movement. They used religion and religious symbols to mobilize Hindus to successfully spread the ideology of communalism and projected the image of violent Ram. Thus the Babri Mosque was demolished in 1992 and since than the issue is a bone of contention between Hindus and Muslims in India. ····· 103614468

O Boge

für 21.51€ kaufen ···· - Bücher, eBooks, DVD & Blu-ray
Oglyanites` vokrug - khristiane, musul`mane, buddisty, ateisty Kazhdyy verit v svoego Boga ili ni vo chto ne verit, a zhivut vse primerno odinakovo Neuzheli vsye ravno v kogo verit` Togda nuzhna li religiya I voobshche, Bog - eto kto Takie voprosy volnuyut chelovechestvo s nezapamyatnykh vremyen i v etoy knizhke sdelana popytka dat` na nikh otvety. Chtoby khot` chto-nibud` ponyat`, pridyetsya poznakomit`sya s mirovymi religiyami, bez etogo razobrat`sya ne- vozmozhno. Kniga ne natselena na kritiku religioznykh verovaniy, no sami re- ligii protivorechat drug drugu, a znachit, bez nedoumeniya po mnogim formal`- nym voprosam lyubykh religiy v takoy rabote oboytis` nevozmozhno, poetomu veruyushchim lyudyam chitat` etu knigu ne sleduet. Naskol`ko ubeditel`ny, a glavnoe, naskol`ko priemlemy privedyennye otvety - reshat` chitatelyu. ····· 103614314

Apostol Iuda

für 21.51€ kaufen ···· - Bücher, eBooks, DVD & Blu-ray
Bylo li predatel`stvo Iudy Umer li Iisus na kreste V chem zaklyuchalas` missiya Iisusa Khrista Otvety na eti voprosy v povesti `Apostol Iuda` vo mnogom protivorechat kanonicheskim Evangeliem, no takoy vzglyad na bibleyskie sobytiya ne bred bol`nogo voobrazheniya avtora, on osnovan na issledovaniyakh istorikov i drugikh istochnikakh. Eto ne popytka vosstanovit` sobytiya tekh vremen, a lish` odin iz vozmozhnykh variantov. ····· 103614195

Church Discipline in the Light of Martin Luther`s Ecclesiology

für 71.10€ kaufen ···· - Bücher, eBooks, DVD & Blu-ray
This volume is a monograph which was submitted and passed as PhD dissertation at Tumaini University Makumira 2008. The author revisits both the practice and Church discipline in the Lutheran Central Diocese whether they are consistent with Martin Luther`s understanding of law and Gospel in connection to justification by faith and his ecclesiology. To know if the Church`s practice points to Christ, the author analyses it within its actual historical and human context in local parish.He first investigated the Anilamba traditional practice and the Missionaries` Church discipline,which are the roots of the Lutheran Central Diocese practice of Church discipline. Then the author made a systematic analysis of Luther`s theology which is used as the standard to the Christian understanding of the nature of a Congregation to judge the Tanzanian Lutheran Church`s practice of Church discipline. Finally the author made suggestions for the best way to approach Church discipline. This is a book for students of theology, pastors, scholars, and ordinary Christians who seek proper understanding of the Christian faith. ····· 103613820

Spirituality and Quality of Life

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Spirituality has been viewed as an important factor in realizing an adequate quality of life. It is regarded as something that contributes to human flourishing, something that advances the quality of life. Generally speaking, millions of migrants all over the world left their homeland due to several factors. It can be economic, political, cultural or religious reasons. The Filipino migrants in the Netherlands come from a country where spirituality matters most. What happens to their search for a greener pasture and their spirituality in a highly secularized country Thus, this book explores the role of spirituality in the lives of Filipino migrants in the Netherlands. It explores the complex relationship between spirituality and quality of life from a theoretical and an empirical perspective. Does spirituality help them in coping with the challenges and odd circumstances in a far-away land Or is spirituality a kind of baggage that hinders them to achieve a better quality of life ····· 103613751

Between Heaven and Hell

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Early in the twentieth century, the Spanish scholar and translator, Miguel Asín Palacios, claimed that Dante Alighieri had appropriated many features of his otherworld narrative, `La Divina Commedia,` from Muslim sources. Some decades later one such source was discovered that dated to the thirteenth century. The manuscript had been translated into Spanish, making it accessible in that language to Europeans. That discovery refuelled the claim that Dante derived his inspiration from Moslem sources, a claim that persists to the present time. This book demonstrates through the close analysis of aspects of Asin`s thesis and three case studies, that Dante instead follows precedents in sources from the Judeo-Christian corpus, sources that predate the emergence of Islam. The analyses of the case studies contain new information and original interpretations on the lives of the historical characters, Brunetto Latini, Reginaldo degli Scrovegni, and Manfredi Hohenstaufen (the illegitimate son of Frederick II). These analyses should be of interest to students of mediaeval and specifically Italian history, religion and literature, and to those who have followed scholarship on the `Asin thesis.` ····· 103613648

indigenous african religion and development

für 44.10€ kaufen ···· - Bücher, eBooks, DVD & Blu-ray
the need to marry religion and development has engaged the attention of scholars for a while. while some are of the opinion that religion should not have a place in development, others are of contrary opinion. this book explores the use of the indigenous religion of africa in helping to ensure the development of the community. the book provides insights into how the indigenous people of assin atandasu of southern ghana make use of their religion in imploring the ancestors and the gods ultimately to the supreme being in helping them to achieve their needed development. this will enable stake holders in the development quest not to ignore the indigenous people as they fashion development projects in these areas these stake holders will find this book a valuable companion to help them meet their stated aims. ····· 103613468

Interfaith Dialogue: Charity

für 40.41€ kaufen ···· - Bücher, eBooks, DVD & Blu-ray
This book is about interfaith dialogue between Muslim and Christian faith communities in Canada. In Canada Christianity has been the predominate religion throughout its history. That demographic is beginning to shift, with Islam as the fastest growing faith and Christianity continuing its decline in numbers since the end of WWII. Canada s culture is diverse and pluralistic and heavily depends upon immigration to maintain its population growth and workforce. Canada has a strong record on Human Rights and embraces its rich diversity which makes it culturally distinct on the world stage. This creates a golden opportunity for Muslims and Christians in Canada to lead the way in effective interfaith dialogue. An understanding of the theologies and practices of charity in the Muslim and Christian faith traditions is a significant bridge that promises to lead to lasting peace, effective dialogue, and a joint working relationship with one another. If done properly, effective interfaith dialogue between the Christian and Muslim faith communities could potentially influence and change public policy for the alleviation of poverty within the broader communities they co-inhabit. ····· 103613445

Islamic Ethics

für 61.20€ kaufen ···· - Bücher, eBooks, DVD & Blu-ray
This book is an outcome of both library and field research. Islamic Ethics which basically deal with morals has been a virgin area for quite some time. In this book the following moral aspects have been given emphasis adultery, taking of intoxicants and theft. The problem of applying Shariah in Uganda has been given due attention. Uganda has been used as a case study taking its traditional and contemporary dimensions. On each moral issue discussed, the position of Shariah has been given. After a detailed discussion of Islamic ethics a general conclusion has been given. This book has been designed for Islamic scholars and university students with academic interests in Islamic ethics, though it is also useful to students at lower academic levels. ····· 103613238

A Critique of Marx`s View of Religion

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This book explores Karl Marx`s position that religion is the opium of the people. While Marx argued that religion is an ideology, in this book it is argued that it is not. It is further argued that Christianity should not be taken as a paradigm for all religions. Thus, while Marx`s critique of religion was appropriate for the Christianity of his time, it cannot be a true description of the role Christianity has played in every epoch. Indeed, Marx`s view of religion should not be universalized and applied to all other religion especially African traditional religions. ····· 103613157

La religión de matriz africana

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Las religiones de matriz africana ocupan un espacio en las sociedades americanas desde el tiempo de la expansión colonial. Debe tenerse en cuenta que dicha presencia está desprendida directamente da la práctica esclavista y el traslado de poblaciones originarias africanas. Sin embargo la religión no puede ser vista desde el exotismo desde donde suele ser vista inclusive por algunos cientistas sociales, sino que su presencia tiene una transversalidad en la sociedad americana tal como pretende dar cuenta esta trabajo. Además en el proceso histórico que va desde la esclavitud hasta la constitución de los modernos Estados americanos la religión ha tenido una presencia como productora y conservadora de la cultura africana que tanto tiene que ver en la formación de las pautas culturales americanas. Por otro lado en este proceso histórico y particularmente en el siglo XX la religión ha incorporado a su practica a sujetos no afrodescendientes que en países como Argentina son la mayoría de los practicantes, en esta incorporación la religión de matriz africana amplio su cuerpo doctrinario a todos lo que necesitasen de su abrigo fundiendo el discurso religioso con el discurso de liberación. ····· 103612998

Un año con el Niño de Belem

für 35.10€ kaufen ···· - Bücher, eBooks, DVD & Blu-ray
En la zona de Xochimilco, al sur de la cuenca de México, la organización de mayordomías para imágenes religiosas sigue siendo un proceso no solo vigente, sino pródigo de particularidades ya que al momento se mezclan características heredades del pasado indígena con aquellas que son propias de la globalización. En este texto se recrea y analiza la mayordomía al Santo Niño de Belem durante el período 2004-2005. En el marco de la importancia del culto al Niño Dios en Xochimilco, se habla del Santo Niño de Belem: su historia, su significado para la gente del barrio de Belem en Xochimilco, cómo se organizan sus mayordomías, el significado de esta forma de culto en ámbitos como el médico y psicológico, y se rescatan a manera de testimonios muchas de las actividades que tuvo el Santo Niño durante 2004-2005. Ésta es una aportación más de los autores al rescate del capital intangible de los habitantes de la zona de Xochimilco. ····· 103612250

Con el favor de Dios

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La religiosidad popular es un tema fascinante que puede ser analizado desde muy diversos puntos de vista. En el presente texto, los autores lo abordan como una parte integral del imaginario colectivo de los habitantes de Xochimilco. Esta zona, ubicada al sur de la cuenca de México, forma parte de la gran ciudad y, sin embargo, aún conserva mucho de lo que son las formas de vida semirurales que hay no solo en México, sino en gran parte de América Latina. Cómo son esas formas de vida, cómo es que la presencia divina a través de distintos tipos de imágenes se hace patente de manera cotidiana y en las numerosas festividades de la zona, cuál es el impacto tangible e intangible de las prácticas de religiosidad popular, es lo que se recrea en esta obra que intenta rescatar la historia oral ofrecida por diversos informantes a los autores a lo largo de numerosas visitas de investigación. ····· 103611861

El Espíritu Santo, origen de la esponsalidad

für 80.10€ kaufen ···· - Bücher, eBooks, DVD & Blu-ray
Guillermo de Saint-Thierry, teólogo y místico del siglo XII, se ha servido de la metáfora del amor esponsal para hacer referencia a la reciprocidad entre el hombre y Dios, camino de la conformación de la creatura a su Creador. Este trabajo indaga sobre El Espíritu Santo, origen de la esponsalidad en la Expositio super Cantica canticorum de Guillermo de Saint-Thierry. Se trata de un tema complejo y de índole novedoso, desarrollado a partir de un contenido dogmático que el autor ha desplegado como teología mística trinitaria. El recorrido del texto abarca cuatro ejes fundamentales, el primero de ellos es el antropológico-teológico que penetra en la dimensión humana de la esposa. Un segundo eje gira en torno la esponsalidad en Cristo, profundizando la dimensión cristológica. Un tercer eje aborda la obra del Espíritu Santo en su índole trinitaria y un cuarto y último eje versa sobre la tensión escatológica como camino de búsqueda y encuentro de los esposos. Desde este itinerario cometido despunta la esponsalidad como clave de comprensión de la participación del hombre en la vida trinitaria, emplazada por el Espíritu Santo en su origen mismo. ····· 103611380

Themes in Biblical theology

für 44.10€ kaufen ···· - Bücher, eBooks, DVD & Blu-ray
The monograph deals with certain basic themes in Biblical theology it gives the Biblical perspectives of such issues as marriage, monogamy, polygamy,homosexuality, gay marriage,celibacy,widows, women in the Bible, the Word of God,the Trinity,the person of Jesus, what kind of being is Jesus ,the Holy Spirit,the Wisdom of God, the people of God,the significance of blood, the significanc of name, the powerful name of Jesus,death and immortality, love, the Incarnation,sin/repentance/forgiveness/reconciliation,salvation/redemption/liberation, priesthood and sacrifice,healing, peace &justice - the indispensable foundation of peace.These themes are looked at from the perspectives of both the Old and the New Testaments(79 pages) ····· 103611184

Religions in Globalizing India

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If India is to find its appointed place in the galaxy of developed nations, it must harness the energy of every Indian. Indians by nature are deeply religious. If the human energy is to be channelized in the right direction, then the Indian leadership needs to engage deliberately and constructively with all the religions that make its presence felt on the Indian landscape. This could build extreme pressure on the organizational set-ups of religions to reform, renew and rejuvenate their archaic rituals and dogmas to fulfill the high aspirations of their modern adherents. The author s core concern is to re-discover the liberating and inclusive elements in various religions, stressing the need to adaptation to changing circumstances so as to create an inclusive and peaceful Indian nation, as it moves towards integrating itself with the globalizing world. The book is a must-read for all sensitive readers, especially students engaged in understanding the role of religions as extremism and fundamentalism in the name of religion is leaving scars all around the world. ····· 103611006

Genesis of Religious Crisis

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The Genesis of Religious Crisis in Nigeria talks about the historical and traditional connection between Christianity and Islam. The two faiths share a common origin in the Middle East. Muslims consider Christians as fellow adherents of the sacred Covenant between God and Abraham (and later the Children of Israel) and as the followers of the Messiah. Islam puts heavy emphasis on the special bond between the two religion. For instance the New Testament (the Gospel or Injil) has a central role in Islamic theology. The book talks about the reasons people kill in Nigeria, the role of both religion in the killing, provide some solutions. The book is quick and easy to read, summaries to help both students and researchers. ····· 10361987

The Power of Pentecost

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The gift of the Holy Spirit is a controversial subject in the Church today. It is more controversially discussed than Satan himself. There is very little argument in the Church about the Godhead, most Christians believe in the Trinity and there is a universal acceptance of the existence of Heaven and Hell. However, talk about the gift of the Holy Spirit and the Church is completely split into diverse dichotomy with varying degrees of understanding, believe and acceptance. The author takes the view that the gift of the Holy Spirit was intended by God and is imperative for a successful Christian life. He goes on to posit that a successful Christian life is impossible without the power and influence of the Holy Spirit. This book combines Scripture with practical examples to underscore the significance of the Holy Spirit in the life of a believer. The author believes that many Christians are weak and confused and many are being deceived because they do not understand or accept the influence of the Holy Spirit. Regardless of your spiritual background, you will find this book revealing, almost controversial, but it will edify you. ····· 10361923

The Ten Commandments and the Quran

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The Ten Commandments are good, basic and moral laws that will help keep us out of problem with ourselves, family, friends, and neighbors. God knows what is the best for all of us and He simply wants all of us to stay out of problem in order that we may be able to live in peace and harmony with one another. Islam is one of the three Abrahamic faiths beside Judaism and Christianity. Many of the teachings such as worshiping only one God (Monotheism) is similar to other religion such as Judaism and Christianity. It is the religion of Noah, Abraham, Isaac, Ishmael, Jacob, Joseph, Moses, David, Solomon, Jesus, Muhammad (Sm) and all the other messengers mentioned or not mentioned in the Quran, the Muslim s scripture. Islam does accept the status of both Moses and Jesus as prophets, which means that the Commandments are not completely ignored. If we take a look at Ten Commandments of God estimated in Exodus 20. There are many commandments that reapplied in the Quran. There are certain ayats (verses) in the Quran which include ten important commandments given by Allah to mankind, where several command very similar to the Ten Commandments. ····· 10361894

Apparitions of the Virgin Mary in Saskatchewan

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This work is an examination of the Virgin Mary, her apparitions and possible reasons for her appearance to an individual, group or community. This undertaking was not done lightly and examined the relationship that the Holy Mother has had with Canada`s First Nations and possible reasons as to why she is appearing to this particular cultural group. This books examination is primarily that an examination of the relationship the Virgin Mary has with women, with First Nation women and with Saskatchewan and Canada. ····· 10361834

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