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Wer war Jesus? Was wollte Jesus?

····· lezzter Preis 14.90€ ···· - Bücher, eBooks, DVD & Blu-ray
Nachdruck des Originals von 1921. ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· 10361152860


····· lezzter Preis 19.80€ ···· - Bücher, eBooks, DVD & Blu-ray
Klartext von Gerhard Ludwig Kardinal Müller, einem der bedeutendsten Kirchenmänner der Gegenwart. Dieses Gespräch mit Martin Lohmann ist eine heilsame Provokation. Martin Lohmann gelingt es, Kardinal Müller jenseits aller Klischees als Mensch, Gelehrten und nachdenklichen Mutmacher zu zeigen. Der Leser begegnet einem gleichermaßen gebildeten wie im besten Sinne kindlich gläubigen Menschen, der über ein faszinierendes Wissen verfügt. Dieses Buch ist eine Art hilfreiches Lehrbuch des Wesentlichen als Kompass durch verwirrte und unsichere Zeiten. Es macht deutlich, dass Glaube und Vernunft einander ergänzen. Und es zeigt: Glaube ist etwas Schönes. Er gibt dem Leben Weite und Freiheit. Nur wenn die Kirche ihrer Wahrheitsbotschaft treu bleibt, kann ihr eine wirksame Reform gelingen. Die einzige DNA der Kirche ist und bleibt die Wahrheit - der Gottessohn Jesus Christus. ····· 10361149471

Kardinal Stefan Wyszynski

····· lezzter Preis 10.00€ ···· - Bücher, eBooks, DVD & Blu-ray
Stefan Kardinal Wyszynski (1901-1981), der polnische `Primas des Jahrtausends`, verteidigte die Kirche hinter dem Eisernen Vorhang mit fester Hand und mit Hilfe des Rosenkranzes sowohl gegen den Kommunismus als auch gegen einströmende ideologische Neuerungen. Er bewahrte die alten kirchlichen Bräuche und die polnische Volksfrömmigkeit. Aber er tat noch viel mehr. In ihrer Kardinal Wyszynski-Biographie zeichnet Anna Meetschen ein differenziertes Bild dieser großen katholischen Persönlichkeit. Wyszynski hatte auch Züge eines Pioniers. Seine Fähigkeit, das Alte mit dem Neuen verbinden zu können, war beeindruckend und wirkt bis heute. Umso wichtiger ist es, sich mit ihm zu beschäftigen und sein Leben zu reflektieren. ····· 10361149469

Mein Haus, mein Geld, mein Gott

····· lezzter Preis 11.61€ ···· - Bücher, eBooks, DVD & Blu-ray
Die Autorin untersucht, inwieweit wir alltägliche Dinge zu Götzen machen, z. B. Familie, Kinder, Hobbys usw. Ehrlich berichtet sie von ihrem eigenen Versagen, aber auch von Gottes Güte und Gnade. Sie macht Mut, alle Bereiche unseres Lebens ganz Gott unterzuordnen. ····· 10361149457

Religion and Development in Africa

····· lezzter Preis 23.00€ ···· - Bücher, eBooks, DVD & Blu-ray
What is development Who defines that one community/ country is `developed`, while another community/ country is `under-developed` What is the relationship between religion and development Does religion contribute to development or underdevelopment in Africa These and related questions elicit quite charged reactions in African studies, development studies, political science and related fields. Africa`s own history, including the memory of marginalisation, slavery and exploitation by global powers ensures that virtually every discussion on development is characterised by a lot of emotions and conflicting views. In this volume scholars from various African countries and many different religions and denominations contribute to this debate. ····· 10361149308

Das hohe Ziel der Erkenntnis

····· lezzter Preis 19.90€ ···· - Bücher, eBooks, DVD & Blu-ray
Diese Hardcover-Ausgabe ist Teil der TREDITION CLASSICS. Der Verlag tredition aus Hamburg veröffentlicht in der Buchreihe TREDITION CLASSICS Werke aus mehr als zwei Jahrtausenden. Diese waren zu einem Großteil vergriffen oder nur noch antiquarisch erhältlich. Mit TREDITION CLASSICS verfolgt tredition das Ziel, tausende Klassiker der Weltliteratur verschiedener Sprachen wieder als gedruckte Bücher zu verlegen und das weltweit! Die Buchreihe dient zur Bewahrung der Literatur und Förderung der Kultur. Sie trägt so dazu bei, dass viele tausend Werke nicht in Vergessenheit geraten. ····· 10361148741

Evangelische Schulen in Ungarn

für 60.00€ kaufen ···· - Bücher, eBooks, DVD & Blu-ray
Schulen in evangelischer Trägerschaft sind Bildungseinrichtungen mit konfessionellem Profil. Sie ergänzen auch in Ungarn das staatliche Bildungswesen und eröffnen Möglichkeiten, in einer pluralistischen Gesellschaft Erziehungs- und Bildungsarbeit auf der Grundlage einer religiös-weltanschaulichen Prägung zu gestalten. Der Band befasst sich mit den evangelisch-lutherischen Schulen in Ungarn, mit ihrem Selbstverständnis und Profil, mit ihren wichtigsten Bezugssystemen und neueren Entwicklungsprozessen. Zahlreiche Zitate aus Schulprogrammen machen die Menschenbilder, die Zielvorstellungen und die Bildungsverständnisse dieser Schulen sichtbar. Das Selbstverständnis dieser Bildungseinrichtungen wird schließlich aus einer international-vergleichenden Perspektive bedacht und diskutiert. Schools of Protestant sponsorship are educational institutions with a denominational profile. They also complement the public educational system in Hungary and open up opportunities in order to shape education work in a pluralistic society on the basis of pedagogical, religious and ideological character. This volume deals with the Protestant-Lutheran schools in Hungary, their programmatic self-concept and profile, their most important reference systems and more recent developmental processes. Numerous quotes from pedagogical programmes grant visibility to the conception of the human being, objectives and concept of education by these schools. The self-concept of these schools is ultimately considered and discussed from an international comparative perspective. ····· 10361147518

Alt oder neu?

für 35.00€ kaufen ···· - Bücher, eBooks, DVD & Blu-ray
Der Band versammelt Beiträge aus der evangelischen und katholischen Theologie, Judaistik, Islamwissenschaft und Arabistik, Religionswissenschaft, Philosophie und klassischen Philologie. Sie alle beschäftigen sich mit der Frage, ob es in Religion und Theologie Entwicklung geben kann - eine Debatte, die sich von der Antike über das Mittelalter bis in die Neuzeit verfolgen lässt: Kann etwa im Verhältnis von griechisch-römischen Kulten, Judentum, Christentum und Islam von `alten` und `neuen` Religionen gesprochen werden Wie werden in ihnen jeweils die Begriffe `alt` und `neu`, `Fortschritt` und `Modernität` geltend gemacht Diese lang tradierten Fragen gewinnen in der Gegenwart eine dringliche Aktualität, etwa bei der Suche nach Antworten auf die vieldiskutierte `Glaubenskrise` der christlichen Kirchen oder bei der Forderung nach einem `modernen` Islam. The debate about whether there can be development in religion and theology can be traced from antiquity through the middle ages to modern times: Can we speak of `old` and `new` religions in relation to Greco-Roman cults, Judaism, Christianity and Islam How are the terms `old` / `new`, `progress` and `modernity` asserted within one and the same religion and its theology These old questions are becoming urgently topical in the present - often completely unreflected - for example when looking for answers to the much-discussed crisis of faith in the Christian churches or when calling for a `modern` Islam. The volume, which itself is an intercultural project, brings together contributions that were put up for discussion at an Italian-German university congress of the Università del Salento (Lecce) and the Augustana Divinity School (Neuendettelsau) in September 2019, and presents perspectives on the topic from different academic disciplines (protestant and catholic theology, Jewish studies, Islamic and Arabic studies, religious studies, philosophy, classical philology). In addition to historical examples from antiquity to present times, there are also systematic considerations. ····· 10361147504

You who live in the shelter of the Most High (Ps. 91:1)

für 40.00€ kaufen ···· - Bücher, eBooks, DVD & Blu-ray
Biblical Psalms are a common heritage of Jewish and Christian cultures. Serving for the common liturgy of the Jerusalem Temple and individual prayers since biblical times they inspired Hebrew poetical language. The Qumran community, as well as Jewish and Christian communities of Late Antiquity attributed to them a special authority and apotropaic function. Quoted and interpreted in various ways in the New Testament and Rabbinic tradition they had a fundamental role in regular liturgies since the Middle Ages. Referred to in medical texts, recited on pilgrimages and at funeral vigils they represented an important aspect of folk religion and the formation of religious identity. The present volume is intended to show the many ways the Psalms were used and enjoyed a lasting popularity in regular and folk religion, collectively and individually, from antiquity until today. ····· 10361147503

A Study of the Catholic Priest in Shusaku Endo`s Novels

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This thesis was born out of a desire to study the character of the Catholic priest in literary works of fiction in order to learn new ways of understanding them and the God they serve in a rapidly changing world. Much has already been written about priests in the Western hemisphere in works such as Graham Greene`s The Power and the Glory and Georges Bernanos The Diary of a Country Priest but much less is known of books about priests from other parts of the globe. Through a process of elimination, it was decided to consult the works of the revered Shusaku Endo because he is considered by many scholars to be Japan`s, if not Asia`s, foremost Catholic writer. In an attempt to reconcile his Catholic faith with his Japanese identity, Endo ultimately produced a series of fictional stories that provided a rare glimpse into the lives of Catholic priests in a non traditional Catholic setting. Four of Endo`s novels were chosen for this study because of the prominent roles that the Catholic priests played in them: Volcano, Silence, The Samurai, and Deep River. Each book rendered a unique account of what is was like to be a Cahtolic priest in Japan. ····· 10361147299

The Ethical Meaning of the Christology in Colossians:

für 44.10€ kaufen ···· - Bücher, eBooks, DVD & Blu-ray
This dissertation is a detailed analysis of the Epistle to the Colossians. The author uses rhetorical critical methods and recognizes that the New Testament epistles are greatly influenced by oratory. Also, the author demonstrates how rhetorical techniques assist Paul to express his thought that the central idea of Christianity that the divine nature and saving work of Christ has unavoidable ethical implications. In the first chapter of his letter Paul cites Christological hymn the apostle uses Christological theme during the whole epistle and he concludes his admonition with the Household code, in which social roles of the member of oikos are interpreted in terms of their relation to Christ. According to Paul s teaching in Colossians, the power of Christ has universal scope and, consequently, all aspects of human life, including everyday societal relationships, must be brought into submission to Christ. ····· 10361147191

The Roots of Ethnicity, Tribalism, Nepotism and Racism in the Church

für 53.10€ kaufen ···· - Bücher, eBooks, DVD & Blu-ray
The world is reeling from the deep hate rate among the people of the World with issues of Negative ethnicity, tribalism, Nepotism and the Race factor. The churches are sick, the governments are struggling and the peoples are tone apart. The economies are going down every time a new political system comes to power. Evangelism is thwarted and church growth is dismal. Commissions of inquiries are set up every morning to look into these factors. What s going on The material at your hand endeavors top answer the world s most disturbing question Ethnicity . Read through and definitely you will extract the starting point for the healing and remedy processes in the Church and the World ····· 10361147140

Illness and Healing in Gospel Music in Southwestern Nigeria

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This book discusses the concepts of illness and healing and also identifies factors responsible for the regular occurrence of the themes of illness and healing in the Nigerian gospel music recordings. The book further assess the relevance of the gospel musicians` perception of illness and healing to contemporary Nigerian socio-economic and political realities with a view to understanding the concepts and representations of illness and healing in Nigerian gospel music. Adopting the contextual, cultural-hermeneutical, musicological and discographical approaches, this book reveals that gospel musicians in Southwestern Nigeria which is representative of the whole country perceives illness not only as a state of physical disorder but also as any form of social disorder, dysfunction, failure or limitation. The prevailing socio-economic upheaval in Nigeria continues to make gospel music socially relevant as Nigerian music has not only become a tool for social commentary, but also helps to create an agenda for the perceived social reconstruction. This book is a study in Sociology of Religion and relevant for students in the fields of sociology, music, history and religion. ····· 10361147064

The Resilience of African Beliefs and Practices

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This work predominantly seeks to establish and demonstrate the fundamental causes of a continued vitality and resilience of ATRs in the life of a contemporary African who resides in the Zimbabwean cities. This endeavor seeks to find out why ATRs continue to exist in the face of onslaught from Christianity and other religions. Surprisingly ATRs are resilient and they persevere even if history has it that they have been undermined and demonized in their encounter with both the missionary religions and the western culture. Indeed ATRs have been constantly attacked and knocked down but they are not necessarily being knocked out as evidenced by the everyday life of most African people. All things considered, this endeavor seeks to explore that which sustains the beliefs and practices of these ATRs. The study is also going to be helpful to biblical scholars, theologians and traditionalists interested in ATRs encounter with other religions and their resilient survival. ····· 10361146927

The Karimojong: The Pastoralists of East Africa

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The Karimojong: the pastoralists of East Africa is a study of the pastralists nomads who practice transhumance life style.The study investigated whether, the Karimojong are resistant to change. the reader is introduced to the rich cultural norms and traditions of the Karimojong nomads and will also interact with other pastoralists who have settled as agriculturalists. Researchers and missiologists in perticular, will find information in this book a vital guide in working in difficult mission fields. ····· 10361146684

Highway to Heaven

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Life is a journey and this journey begins for everybody at the moment of being born into this world and terminates at the point of death. The moment a person is born, he or she begins a journey into eternity. Man is a spirit he has a soul and dwells in his body. It is the body that dies the spirit and soul are the never-dying parts of man which will live in the unending ages of eternity either in heaven or hell. This life is preparatory for life beyond the grave and so death does end human existence, it only opens the door and ushers the departed soul into his or her eternal destiny and destination. This book has been written not for theologians and philosophers but for you. My purpose is to give you a clear understanding of a new way of life that was presented by an unknown Galilean over two years ago. It is the way that guarantees peace with God in this life and being able to live with Him when this life is over. This book is written in such a way that once you start reading it, you will not want to stop until you have finished reading it. ····· 10361146651

Towards a Missional Theology for African Diaspora in North America

für 71.10€ kaufen ···· - Bücher, eBooks, DVD & Blu-ray
Missional theology as it has evolved in North America is not attending to the unique needs of African diaspora. It has failed to take note of African diaspora existential conditions. The African diaspora, stands at the intersection of multiple forces affecting global Christianity. It embodies distinctive theological elements that have the potential for redefining the understanding of theology of mission and ecclesiology within a global context. In this dissertation, I have laid the groundwork for developing a missional theology that is criticized, challenged, and influenced by the experience of AICs and the African theology. I have developed a more relevant and transformative missional theology for AICs, and an understanding of how the experience of AICs can inform North American missional theology. In attending to the above, I have argued that the North American missional theology developed in the past few decades (which is geared toward the needs of a mainline church declining in membership) has much to learn from the missional experiences of AICs. ····· 10361146606

For Knowledge and Love

für 44.10€ kaufen ···· - Bücher, eBooks, DVD & Blu-ray
Mystical experience maintained an enigmatic prominence among certain theologians and philosophers during the medieval era of Western Europe and the Near East. These theologians and philosophers, who were ensconced in traditional monotheistic religions, sought something extraordinary to explain the pertinent questions which they felt their particular religions had not fully answered. Such intellectuals questioned the contemporaneous understandings of spiritual devotion, metaphysics, ontology, epistemology, and even cosmology since the incontrovertible labels of traditional monotheistic religions no longer were able to vindicate these concepts. Therefore, many of these intellectuals endeavored into the past to verify the textual concepts and understandings of the ancients. In particular, Suhrawardi and San Juan de la Cruz believed ancient philosophies and religious practices to be an essential foundation for mystical experience because it provided the essential pre-experiential virtues and technologies that ultimately, could provoke this phenomenon. ····· 10361146600

Christian Love -The Greatest Thing in the World?

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In this work, Joy Crumly aims to ask what Christian love is in the light of what Henry Drummond has written about it based on his interpretation of 1 Corinthians 13, and whether or not humans are capable of absolute Christian love. This question is answered by saying that love is made of nine parts, highlighted by Drummond and through understanding that absolute love is not something that humans are capable of. It is however, something that Christians should always aim for in their attempts to grow in the image and likeness of God. Joy comes to this conclusion because she feels that only God is capable of limitless love as He is the only thing which is limitless. Human beings are innately flawed and sinful so cannot love absolutely. They should constantly try though because it is their duty as Christians. ····· 10361146580

Understanding God

für 61.20€ kaufen ···· - Bücher, eBooks, DVD & Blu-ray
Since the earliest of times, people have tried to understand what God was all about. The Jewish people were and are no exception to this. Understanding God: Jewish Perspectives delves into the various approaches, both traditional and non-traditional, that Jews have employed to better their understanding of God. The reader is shown how Judaism`s four movements, Orthodox (Traditional), Conservative, Reconstructionism, and Reform, have approached their respective understandings of God, as well as chapters on the Mystical and Chassidic approaches to this subject. Additionally, perspectives and aspects of the Kabbalistic tradition are explained, as are the Jewish liturgical tradition, and how prayers have portrayed understandings of God. The contributing authors demonstrate their expertise in their respective areas, allowing the reader a greater grasp of an often difficult and complex topic. ····· 10361146577

The Awesome God

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This book introduces the doctrine of Trinity not simply as an academic discipline but as an activity of congregations. It introduces the basics theological thinking in learning about the nature of God. Using this approach, the book is helpful for all who are seeking to know God, and to share God to fellow man and woman. It is the intention of the author to give exhaustive biblical evidences, so that the readers may find what God had revealed about Himself. ····· 10361146454

The Prevalence,Causes and Effects of In-law Conflicts in Zimbabwe

für 49.41€ kaufen ···· - Bücher, eBooks, DVD & Blu-ray
This study addresses the prevalence, causes and effects of in-law conflicts among Seventh-day Adventists in five selected districts in Bulawayo, Zimbabwe. This research was necessitated by seemingly many incidents of domestic conflicts involving in-laws. Consequently, Chapter One identifies the problem and methods used in identifying the prevalence, causes and effects of this phenomenon. Chapter Two highlights Biblical and Prophetic perspectives on in-law relationships. Chapter Three reviews related literature. Chapter Four describes the methods used to establish the prevalence, causes and effects of these conflicts. Chapter Five reveals findings emanating from study. Chapter Six summarizes the findings, draws some conclusions and gives some recommendations. The respondents gave long lists of causes, actual challenges and effects of in-law conflicts ranging from minor to dissolution of marriages. ····· 10361146342

Christological Ethics

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The notion of the imitation of Christ is key concept that has been used in history to express the relationship that exists between christology and Christian ethical reflection and action. However, despite its prevalence, there is a continued tendency within scholarship to either reject it in toto or de-emphasize its importance. This research challenges such tendencies and contends that Paul, in his letter to the Philippians, uses the story of Christ (2:5-11) and his story (3:4-14), which is patterned after that of Christ, to provide an essential and consistent imitative paradigm for Christian ethical reflection and action. ····· 10361146282

Childlessness as a challenge in African Christianity

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The book endeavors to explore the traditional value of children in African families. From the outset, the author has traced the traditional concepts of marriage, meaning and purpose of the family. It has become a well established fact that, like in the Gikuyu and Mumbi myth of their origin, traditional African myths connect marriage and childbearing as the original purpose of the creation of male and female by whoever or whichever power or force that did it. Therefore, since religion has to do with the relationship between humanity and divinity, Africans hold the belief that their Creator, to whom everything belongs and from whom everything originated demands every male and female person to marry and procreate. Thus marriage and childbearing is held as a religious obligation. It demonstrates that the Western imported or imposed Christianity has affected the African traditional concept, purpose and value of marriage and childbearing. In the name of Christianity, marriage was divinely intended for life long companionship between man and woman with or without children. Paradoxically, the same Western Christianity may accept divorce, thus curtailing the marriage life. ····· 10361146167

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