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Weltbild und Weltanschauung

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Nachdruck des Originals von 1908. ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· 10361141548

Über die Grundlegung eines bündigen kosmologischen Gottesbeweises

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Nachdruck des Originals von 1915. ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· 10361141546

Die Persönlichkeit Gottes

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Nachdruck des Originals von 1883. ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· 10361141342

Geschichte des Montanismus, seine Entstehungsursachen, Ziel und Wesen sowie kurze Darstellung und Kritik der wichtigsten darüber aufgestellten Ansichten

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Entstanden irgendwann in der Mitte des zweiten Jahrhunderts n. Chr. hat sich der Montanismus als christliche prophetische Bewegung entwickelt. Waldemar Belck analysiert die Entstehung des Montanismus und seine Verbreitung und diskutiert die wichtigsten hierzu existierenden Ansichten.Sorgfältig bearbeiteter Nachdruck der Originalausgabe von 1883. ····· 10361139471

Orígenes de la cristología del cuarto evangelio

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Esta investigación pretende estudiar la relación entre la figura del profeta escatológico existente en el texto de 11QMelquisedec y otros textos de Qumrán y la cristología presente en el cuarto evangelio. Para lo cual, desarrollará las características de la figura del profeta escatológico, asi como del discípulo amado, tal como se descubre en 11QMelq, en 4Q521 y otros textos encontrados en Qumrán en vista de presentar los contactos y relaciones que tiene con el cuarto evangelio. La investigación propondrá un modelo de génesis de la cristología joánica distinta a la presentada por autores como L. Martyn, R. Brown quienes postulan una formación de la cristología joánica por estratos . De acuerdo a esta teoría, formulada por primera vez por J. Welhausen, y luego por R. Bultmann, el evangelio estaría formado por dos ediciones. Esta teoría la consideramos como una construcción a priori, innecesaria e insostenible a la luz de un estudio de 11 QMelq y señalaremos las razones que hacen inválida esta imagen de la génesis de la cristología joánica. ····· 10361137611

La profecía literaria en Qumrán y en el evangelio de Marcos

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César Carbullanca N. Nacido el 13 Julio de 1960, en Santiago (Chile), Licenciado en Teología (2000), en la Universidad Católica de Chile y Doctor en Teología bíblica (2005) en la Universidad Comillas (Madrid). Investigador-docente de la Universidad Católica del Maule/Chile en las líneas de investigación de apocalíptica, hermenéutica y teología del Nuevo Testamento. Miembro de la Sociedad Chilena de Teología y de la red de teólogos de ITEPAL. Invitado al Congreso de Apocalíptica (2007,2008) de la Universidad Metodista de Sao Paulo. Participa del Congreso de pesquisas bíblicas de la asociación bíblica de Brasil, ABIB, 2008. Asi como invitado al curso de post-grado en la Universidad Metodista con el curso: `Mística y mesianismo en Qumrán`. Panelista en el IV Congreso de la ABIB con el artículo `Martirio y exaltación del Hijo del hombre en la apocalíptica judía y en el cuarto evangelio` y ha terminado recientemente el proyecto Fondecyt: `El profeta escatológico. Estudio de los origenes de la cristología joánica a partir de la tradición de 11QMelq` ····· 10361137118

Eclesiología y ministerialidad en clave de Principio-Misericordia

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El presente trabajo pretende ser una aproximación al mundo del sufrimiento y la victimización, en el contexto de la misión de la Iglesia. A partir de algunas claves de interpretación bíblicas, y de la categorización propia que Jon Sobrino ha establecido, se explora el mundo de las víctimas, destacando su carácter cíclico y reiterativo. De igual forma, se pone de manifiesto el carácter potenciador que ejerce la pobreza para la generación de nuevas víctimas y la perpetuación de los victimarios. En un segundo momento se explora el carácter eminentemente misericordioso del Dios bíblico, y su ulterior reacción frente al sufrimiento humano. Este Dios no permanece indiferente frente a la historia humana, sufriendo junto a todos los hombres y mujeres que han sido victimizados. Finalmente proponemos cómo la Iglesia, al ser continuadora de la misión de Jesús, debe recuperar este carácter entrañable y amoroso, descubriéndose que tal movimiento implica generar un nueva dinámica en la comprensión misma de los ministerios y carismas. ····· 10361136984

In search of Humanity:

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The book focuses on two main areas the concept of being human and the contribution of Religious Education to the idea of being human . It contributes to an understanding of this concept of being human in selected contexts, mainly from western and African Contexts. Religious Education s contribution is also explored through a consideration of its capability in identifying features of human potential and then working towards developing them in building up true humanity. The focus is on the aims of Religious Education in the context of education in Uganda, skills and values, curriculum content, approaches and methods that can be used to develop true humanity. The book also examines the role of the Religious Education Teacher in developing truly human beings. Teachers as human beings have values, and these values may work as examples but are not to be imposed on their learners. Professionally, teachers need to concentrate on shared values from different worlds but critically examine those values using open-ended approaches and methods. Society depends on its education system hence the focus on education for shaping a truly human society. ····· 10361136043

God And The Church

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Over the years, Christians have continued to reflect on the nature of the church. These reflections have produced various ideas as to how each succeeding generation of Christians and theologians think the church should be understood. In this book, the author reviews the various views that have been advanced on the church and observes a missing link in the popular understanding of the nature of the church. He observes that the various ecclesiologies that have been written have not emphasized adequately God`s presence and participation in the church. He argues that an adequate understanding of the church entails locating God within the church as a member and the head who runs the church from within rather than from without. He used the metaphor of clan to try to simplify this important theological truth. The author therefore maintains that to understand the church today, it is important to go beyond the views which tend to present God as an outsider whose relationship to the church is distant and who runs the church from without. Essentially this book is about God and therefore brings ecclesiology into the mainstream of theological discourse. ····· 10361136035

African Blitzkrieg in Zimbabwe

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Scientifically, lightning (mheni) is the most spectacular element of a thunderstorm. In western classical mythology, lightning was a feared thunderbolt that had supernatural origins. Modern scientific views on lightning consider it as a discharge of electricity. The study examines the socio-cultural and religious beliefs of the Shona people in Zimbabwe on the phenomenon of lightning. It asserts that some Shona people claim to have the indigenous knowledge and power to manipulate nature to strike intended individuals or objects. Consequently, some fears, deaths, injuries and damages to property, flora and fauna have been registered due to lightning. The African perspectives on the nature and origins of lightning are mystical and mysterious. The supersonic speed and damage associated with lightning justify the caption African blitzkrieg . This blitzkrieg is man-made in both cases contrary to the scientific explanation. The study explores these contrasting perspectives on lightning and probes the claims of lightning-making. In addition, it evaluates such beliefs within the framework of moral and social problems as they impact on contemporary society. ····· 10361135945

The Pentecost

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The Church is such a popular movement throughout the world with a following running into billions. The origin of the Christian Church should necessarily be known. It would not be fair if the origins of such a popular movement were not certain or not known since its origins form the basis of its faith. This discussion sets out to explore the church s origins focusing on the events surrounding its infants. It also seeks to harmonize the theories already raised in order to come up with a single explanation concerning the origins of the church and the centrality of the Pentecost in the historical establishment of the church. ····· 10361135832

Burning Man Festival

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Burning Man Festival is an intentional community and alternative cultural event involving 50,000 people that meet annually in the desert of Nevada. Scholarly analysis of the festival tends to interpret it through Victor Turner`s framework of liminality and ritual. While this perspective sheds valuable light on understanding the event, other theoretical frameworks are helpful, including the `homeless mind` and secondary institutions thesis of Peter Berger, Brigitte Berger, and Hansfried Kellner used to explain the 1960s counterculture, updated by Paul Heelas and Linda Woodhead to include the turn to the self now involving life-enhancing secondary institutions. Hakim Bey`s Temporary Autonomous Zone also presents promising interpretive options for understanding this event. From these perspectives, Burning Man may be understood as an alternative cultural event that functions as a secondary institution and new spiritual outlet in rejection of mainstream institutions and religion. ····· 10361135761

Spiritual Olympics

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The essence of the pluralist hypothesis of John Hick is that just as there are many paths leading to the same mountain top, all the major world religions lead to the same Ultimate Reality. The Christian pluralist position views the other world religions as independent means of salvation, more or less equal to Christianity. This view has come under serious criticism from a variety of sources. The purpose of this thesis is twofold: first, it assesses the soundness of various criticisms of the pluralist view and secondly, it creatively develops the pluralist hypothesis in response to some of these criticisms.The assessment of the charges brought up against Hick s view show that while some of them are based on misunderstandings and possibly even misrepresentations of Hick s thought, others point out certain weaknesses of the pluralist hypothesis. The steps I suggest in developing further the pluralist hypothesis are based on those criticisms that are valid and reveal genuine deficiencies in Hick s thought. What emerges is a more believer-friendly version of the pluralist hypothesis, which in its present form is perceived by many as incompatible with genuine faith. ····· 10361135632

Holy Mary (Maryam) in Christianity and Islam

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Both Christians and Muslims enormously show their deep respect to Mary (Maryam) due to their religious cause. To them she is the best woman of all and an incomparable woman in the world. She is not only mentioned in the Christian Gospels, rather she was prophesized in Hebrew Scriptures long before her birth and is also elaborately discussed in the later revealed Book, the noble Quran, long after her death. No other woman is given such position in the Holy Scriptures. She was the most fortunate one because of being a daughter of a prophet and brought up by a prophet in a holy place and a noble family and finally being the virgin mother of a mighty prophet. Throughout her whole life she was very much committed and dedicated to each and every command of Almighty Allah. She was the symbol of truth, fair, passion, devotion, belief and practice. She was a source of inspiration for doing good deeds. Really she is the best example of an ideal woman for womanhood. In spite of basic differences between Christian and Muslim veneration to her, Mary is the common ground for bridging the gape between Christians and Muslims for the promotion of understanding inter-religious peace& harmony. ····· 10361135477

Christian Leadership and Management

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This book deals with leadership and management from Christian and secular perspectives. It specifically defines leadership, Christian Leadership, according to the examples given by Jesus Christ and management.It also looks at differences between leadership and management. The book looks at issues of initiating visions and goals, characteristics, styles and effectiveness of leadership. it conclude by looking at 23 sins of management. This book is intended to give guidance to leaders of the churches, communities, NGOs, CBOs and other organisations. Included are pre-tests, activities and assignments to help the reader to understand Christian Leadership and management. ····· 10361135464

Exploring Dialogue

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This timely book by Dr. Tsawe-Munga Chidongo explores how Christianity can relate positively, engage in dialogue and cooperate with African Indigenous Religion (AIR). This is urgently needed to address the ills - political, social, cultural and economic - affecting the communities. The African community has been calling on all the religions for whatever help they can provide, yet the various religious status quo continue to oppose each other, even though they live among and work closely with the people. This book focuses on inter-religious dialogue as a methodology that can be used to achieve success in inter-religious cooperation between Christianity and AIR. It is a fresh contribution which professionals and practitioners of religion and theology cannot ignore. Michael N. Jagessar (Revd Dr) The United Reformed Church UK. ····· 10361134235

From Paul Ricoeur`s Narrative Identity to Theology of Self

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Theology of self is developed through Ricoeur s narrative identity, which is theologically integrated with the Christian concept of righteousness. Theology of Self, as integrated with a narrative builds upon and strengthens Christian righteousness and Christian identity. The scope or limitations of the research will focus mainly upon Ricoeur s theories of narrative identity from a Christian theological perspective and application. Theology of Self is in support of Christian identity. The Christian values as such, concern Christian righteousness as taught in the Bible and wrought through the crucifixion, resurrection and ultimate salvation of Jesus. Therefore, by viewing Ricoeur s theory theologically, a Theology of Self becomes a particularly Christian discussion regarding righteousness, identity, testimony and Christian expectations. ····· 10361134185

David Hollenbach and the Human Rights Debate

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The issue of human rights represents what is probably the primary ethical concern in the world today. No human problem transcends national boundaries to the degree that violations of human rights do, not only with regard to their causes, but also in search for human solutions. There are many important philosophers and theologians, from a various philosophical and religious traditions, engaged in an on-going discussion and debate about the meaning, purpose, and limits of human rights language. This study is aimed at assessing the work of one important contributor to this discussion, the prominent Roman Catholic moral theologian, David Hollenbach, S.J. He proposes in his writings a community that is built on the ethics of responsibility, the creation of a society where the structures of sin that dehumanize the person are transformed into those that would enhance the dignity of each person. His passion for the ordering of society toward the common good could inspire renewed efforts in addressing the issues of global warming, environmental degradation, poverty, inequality, marginalization and promote human welfare. ····· 10361133447

A Source Critical Reassessment of the Gospel of Luke

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Dr. Kari Tolppanen argues that the author of the Gospel of Luke did not derive his common material with the Gospel of Mark from canonical Mark. He bases his thesis on three major observations: First, Luke clearly emphasizes certain theological themes in Luke-Acts, but interestingly, these themes are sometimes missing in Luke`s passages while present in Mark`s parallel passages. Second, there are significant differences at both macro and micro levels between the Lukan and Markan Passion-Resurrection sections and their non-Passion-Resurrection sections, suggesting that Luke did not derive these two blocks of text from the same source. Third, great variation in verbatim agreement levels between Luke and Mark`s parallel passages runs against known ancient editorial practices and the human tendency towards consistency in editing. In his conclusion, the author suggests that Luke did not derive his common material with Mark from canonical Mark but from a parallel source. This parallel source and canonical Mark had the same origin but different development histories probably due to the interaction of orality and literacy. This explains the inconsistencies between Luke and Mark. ····· 10361133421

The Continued Relevance of the Religious life in the Secularized world

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Does it still make sense to follow Jesus in the Religious Life of voluntary poverty, celibacy and obedience in the Secularized World The monograph traces the history of the religious life, the history, dimensions and effects of secularization,and argues that the religious life is still relevant in the secularized world since the human being by nature is a composite of both spiritual and material elements. Science and technology, the basis of secularization,only satisfy the desires of the material dimension of the human being, but they are incapable of satisfying the desires of the spiritual dimension which are the most basic desires of the human person. Therefore as long as human beings remain spiritual-and-material beings, they will always have spiritual desires, and there will always be spiritual values apart from material values which science and technology/secularization offer.(62 pages) ····· 10361133047

Political Historiography of Islam in South Asia

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When some scholars in the West speak of a clash of civilizations, they usually mean a contemporary conflict between Islam and the West. Both Islam and the West are vastly sweeping categories and tell us little about the actual lives of people. Those who subscribe to the clash of civilizations thesis find the distance between a hollow generalization of the sort that Samuel P. Huntington has proposed and the eventual caricature of Islam and Muslims to be a short one. Combined with Orientalist prejudices, they offer equally untenable theories that suggest that Islam is inherently and uniquely resistant to democracy, secularism and liberalism.The truth lies elsewhere.The most substantial majority of Muslims in the world live in two fairly stable democracies, namely India and Indonesia. Pakistan and Bangladesh also add up to a sizeable population of Muslims in the world.In the light of these debates and controversies, it is the South Asian experience that teaches us a significant lesson. It shows that that there is no single linear pattern to define Muslims or Islam in the world. ····· 10361133022

Biblical Counselling of Sotho Christians Believing in Witchcraft

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The main problem, which this study aims to address is: what Biblical counselling can be given to Sotho Christian members who believe in Witchcraft In addressing this problem the study will attempt to answer the following questions: What is the Scriptural message concerning witchcraft What effect does the problem of limited cosmic good fear and doubt about one`s life-force have on Christians of the Reformed Churches What guidelines can be developed to contribute in pastoral counselling for members who strongly believe in witchcraft Therefore the aim of this study is to investigate and propose guidelines for counselling Sotho Christian members who believe in witchcraft. ····· 10361132970

Exposing Familiar Spirits in The Spiritual Church

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Spirituality has been one of the confusing spheres in the church and especially in the Pentecostal churches. There has been little Discernment among the spiritual world. In which churches operate in. Many churches are operating in familiar spirits without knowing. There must be clear distinction between the Holy Spirit of God and familiar spirits. In This book we have explained clearly how Church leaders, pastors and other Religious leaders can expose fake and familiar spirits operating and affecting them in the churches today worldwide. The church of Christ, Leaders and pastors will benefit when they read this book as they gain Knowledge and understanding on exposing familiar spirits. Our main Aim is to expose the existence and operation of familiar spirits in the spiritual churches around the globe. May this book be beneficial to the body of Christ. ····· 10361132771

Joseph Babalola and the Growth of Indigenous Pentecostalism in Nigeria

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This book has given the evaluation of a great hero, motivator and a unique icon to be remembered in the history of the world and especially, Nigeria. Joseph Ayo Babalola has been identified as a prophetic figure in Nigeria. The book therefore analyzes the historical antecedents, growth and expansion of indigenous Pentecostalism in Nigeria it also enumerates the prophetic and evangelistic activities of Joseph Ayo Babalola on faith healing. These resultant activities stimulated growth and changes till the early 1960s. The book reveals that Apostle Joseph Ayo Babalola was a major contributor to the growth of the Christ Apostolic Church as well as nation building. It also reveals how indigenous Pentecostal leaders emphasized divine healing and prophetic gifts such as visions, dreams, and discernment as remedies to personal problems confronting Nigerians at that time. The book concludes that the indigenous Pentecostal churches in Nigeria would continue to be functional and relevant to other churches and contemporary society. ····· 10361132417

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