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Divine numbers

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Numbers being natural, real, complex, integer etc play a vital role in our daily life. According to Hebrew tradition every number has a symbolic significance. In real life, man cannot survive without the use of numbers. Numbers have a lot of applications in modern life such as in mathematics, physics, engineering, computer programming, accounting the list is endless. This is the physical importance of numbers. However, we should note that numbers have a spiritual significance as well. Such significance will be explained, in detail, in this book. Numbers are a secret code of God s word. God often use numbers and number sequences to communicate and impart divine messages to us. ····· 10361118587

Towards a theology of sexual pleasure

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Happiness and fullness of life for the whole human person is the Good News preached by Jesus. It may be strange to find that many people consider Christianity as opposed to happiness. This is especially true with regard to sexual pleasure. It is pertinent to verify whether Christianity is against sexual pleasure, as well as to make a self-criticism of its approach to sexual pleasure. Any serious attempt to understand the Church s teaching on sexuality demands a committed research into its tradition rooted in the scriptures, and into the philosophical and cultural context in which the Church has been trying to live the mystery of human life revealed in Jesus Christ. This research is an attempt to analyse the various trends in the theological approach to sexual pleasure from the biblical times to the present day. Understanding the meaning and significance of sexual pleasure and accepting it positively and creatively will foster the goodness of the family, and thus the life of the Christian community and the entire society. This book will be helpful for theologians and students of theology, as well as for couples who want to live meaningfully their life of intimate love. ····· 10361118274

Rol` islama v sotsial`no-politicheskoy zhizni Alzhira i Turtsii

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Monografiya kandidata istoricheskikh nauk Galiny Alekseevny Shul`gi posvyashchena problemam islama v sovremennom obshchestve. Islam demonstriruet shirokiy diapazon politicheskoy prisposablivaemosti k samym razlichnym sotsial`no-ekonomicheskim strukturam i burnym politicheskim potryaseniyam XXI veka. V etom kontekste on vykhodit na pervoe mesto v otnosheniyakh mezhdu lyud`mi, gosudarstvami i tsivilizatsiyami. Neotlozhnost` sotsial`no-ekonomicheskikh problem v musul`manskikh stranakh takova, schitaet izvestnyy frantsuzskiy uchenyy Lui Garde, chto ot islama zhdut ne vozrozhdeniya very, ne odushevleniya umov i serdets, ne urokov pravednoy i bogoboyaznennoy zhizni, a vyrabotki bolee konkretnykh meropriyatiy po spravedlivomu raspredeleniyu material`nykh blag i opravdaniya neposredstvennogo politicheskogo deystviya. Odnako sovremennoe obshchestvo eshche ne gotovo k prinyatiyu politicheskogo islama, i imenno vokrug etoy temy vedutsya debaty i diskussii. Avtor predprinimaet popytki na primere Alzhira i Turtsii proanalizirovat` vzaimootnoshenie islama i gosudarstva. Provedennoe G.A.Shul`goy issledovanie daet khoroshuyu osnovu dlya vyrabotki universal`noy modeli adekvatnoy reaktsii sovremennogo obshchestva na eto vzaimodeystvie. ····· 10361117685

Indigenous Religious Traditions in Ghanaian Pentecostalism

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Goddesses in African religions are spirits that affect humans and demand reverence from them. They are also embodiments of ideas that African people have about women, their powers and their roles in society. This study focused on Mame Wata, a goddess in Half Assini, an Nzema-speaking coastal community in western Ghana. It sought to resolve a paradox, that is, the fact that, the goddess is at the center of a Pentecostalist tradition even though traditional Pentecostalism in Ghana views her as an agent of the devil. The study involved fieldwork in this community of the goddess s female worshippers led by Agyimah, a charismatic man, and an agent of the goddess. The study interpreted the goddess as a post-colonial invented symbol personifying both pre-colonial and emerging ideas about female power. Findings from the study also show that through Mame Wata the followers celebrate the spirituality of the female. ····· 10361117680


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JOHN CALVIN`s AND THE LUO VIEWS ON SANCTIFICATION This work interprets the role of the Holy Spirit in sanctification according to John Calvin.It then responds to Calvin`s views from the perspective of the Luo Christians of the Africa Inland Church of Kenya. The study of Calvin focuses on the 1559 Edition Institutes. The perspectives of Calvin`s views explored are those of the Christian life and that of the Christian life as a life of Grace and Gratitude. Calvin understood the Spirit as the power through which the Christian life comes to be, and the power through which such life is lived for the honor and glory to God- a life that pays Gratitude to Him. Further, he understood the Spirit as the power bringing forth transformation into the Image of God`during the process. The study shows that the Luo understand the role of the Holy Spirit in a somewhat similar manner an indication that Calvin`s teaching had a significant impact among the Luo of the Africa Inland Church of Kenya. ····· 10361116178


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This book sets on the premise that there is a need for a new cultural hermeneutics that will move towards the deconstruction of the wrong attitudes against African women that are experienced through some (African) proverbs. Certainly, a change of attitude is necessary in order to redeem Africa from the typecasts that do harm to the society. It is ironical that `society` includes the African church. Change of attitude will help in upholding, creating positive proverbs and in dismantling the old ones, which are designed to distort a woman`s image. It is recommended that African women scholars and theologians, together with `concerned` men should publish books that will put to public domain the `newly` reconstituted and/or redesigned proverbs and reach out to those who cannot read or write through seminars and in their respective places. In addition, it is urged that we should, make it a habit to severally quote the `new` proverbs in our speeches and in our ongoing publications - in our endeavour to usher in a new community of men and women where the lion and the goat will sit together at a Kamukunji (dialogue table) of interaction and genuine friendliness. ····· 10361116118


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The observation of rituals at every stage of human life is the key religious focus among the Abanyole of Western kenya. It is the central proof for their unity in electing leaders and maintaining ethical values. This study outlines background views practised and observed in variuous rituals performed by the Abanyole thus contributing to the sources for the study of African RelIgion. Currently I am a lecturer of Religious Studies at Moi University, Narok Campus in kenya. Besides, I also teach Ethics of Education in the same institution. I have taught Religious Studies in various high schools in Kenya. I have also been an administrator in Public School,Kenya. I have a P.h.D. in Religion of Maseno University. ····· 10361115968

African Spirituality: An Introduction

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The topic African Spirituality comes as an unexpected suprise to many because for a long time we have thought that spirituality is the prerogative of Christianity,or if anything,it has nothing to do with African traditional practice.This is a bias whose origin stamps back to the time of the early missionaries to the continent.The missionaries who brought us faith made us believe that spirituality has to do with sanctity which is attainable only in Christianity. African traditional practices were looked down upon.In fact at a certain stage it was even leveled satanic by the missionaries.This attitude made it difficult,not only for the missionaries to enter into useful dialogue with the African traditions, but also for the African converts to have positive views of those values which,until the time of their conversion,they had cherished so much.Spirituality can refer to an ultimate or immaterial reality an inner path enabling a person to discover the essence of their being or the deepest values and meanings by which people live.This is true to African Spirituality.The book is easy, clear, precise and to the point.It can be used by clergy and religious during and after formation. ····· 10361115835

Multicultural Church Planting

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For Many years it has been a challenge to Pastors, Missionaries, Religious Lay Leaders to Plant Multicultural Churches, reasons being that it is not Possible because of various reasons leaders encounter on the way. It has also coursed missionaries return to their homeland due to hitches they have faced on missionary Journey. Multicultural church is Diverse it needs Time and Knowledge to understand its Depth, In this Book I have clearly Outlined as well as proven How to plant such Ministry or church, The Foundations, Blueprint, Strategies, Questionnaires and Interviews, the research and resources that I used is great, It will Enlighten, Educate, Encourage as well as help Equip many Church leaders and Pastors who have a calling for a Multicultural church Planting. This book can change the way Church Plantings has been Done and it can serve as a tool for students, Lecturers, Teachers and Leaders in any Nation On earth to fulfill their Kingdom Calling. ····· 10361115607

The Monotheistic Concept in Judaism and Islam

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Though many ancient religions initially affirmed the monotheistic concept of God, it is unfortunately true that this concept of unity did not get perfection in those religions due to their polytheistic practices. Thus, monotheism was replaced by polytheism at maximum religious beliefs and practices in the course of time. However, of Abrahamic religions both Judaism and Islam strictly maintain monotheism by their uncompromised and unqualified concept of the unity of God. As far as monotheism is concerned, though there is apparently no difference between these two faiths, but internally there are some subtle differences. In spite of it, the monotheistic concept is the most common point of all similarities prevailed in both traditions which can surely pave the way to build up a close and harmonious relationship between Jews and Muslims which is at present more essential than ever before. ····· 10361115584

When Children Witness the Sacred

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This study explored the impacts, lifelong aftereffects, and aspects of disclosure pertaining to religious apparitions encountered during a person`s childhood. The procedure consisted of 3 parts: (a) a questionnaire, (b) the creation of a creative expression piece and writing an autobiography, and (c) an interview with 1 participant. Participants were 23 adults (21 women and 2 men) ranging in age from 25 to 70 years. Participants claimed, that as children before the age of 13 years, to have witnessed or interacted with a religious apparition. The data collected were in two forms: (a) written autobiographies (n = 13) and (b) interviews (n = 1). Implications of the study show a need for training and education of health care providers (physical and mental), educators, clergy, spiritual guides, and parents in order to provide a better understanding of this phenomenon so they may aid experiencers in the assimilation and integration of their religious apparition encounters. Therefore, people in the aforementioned roles may find this study helpful. Adults who feel they have experienced a religious apparition, especially as children, may also find this study of interest. ····· 10361115407

Theological Dramatics

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Christian theology, often formulated in creeds, formal theological treatises, and catechetical texts, also takes interesting form in the literary narratives of Christian poets. Aemelia Lanyer and John Milton in the seventeenth century undertook poetic treatments of the crucifixion and the temptation of Christ, and the texts that they leave to future generations not only call into question traditional boundary lines between proper and improper ways to name God but also provide avenues by which the faithful can imaginatively read and be read by the text of Scripture. ····· 10361115210

The Power & The Passion

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Blending spirituality and humanness has always been a challenge. Monasteries were built and hermits created by the failure to see how spiritual excellence could possibly be realized amidst the mundane aspects of human subsistence. Whatever the name of the religion or cause whether Christianity or Communism, Buddhism or Blogism humans remain inescapably laced together by a resilient thread that resists the peculiar grind of culture, the suffusing halo of religion, the mind-blowing rhetoric of revolutionaries, and the corrosive drag of time. Hitching onto Judo-Christian history, The Power and the Passion examines certain aspects of corporate humanness that were manifest in King David and King Solomon, and how these aspects have continued to play out in the lives, loves and experiences of prominent and would-be prominent persons in contemporary human society. Surely, humanity`s fickleness has scarcely been remedied by civilization just as humanity`s deviousness has hardly been healed by religion.. ····· 10361115087

Beliefs in Hindu Gods of Modern Thai Youths in Bangkok

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The approach of the New Public Management requires that governments should consult and engage citizens in policy making in order to enhance the quality, credibility and legitimacy of policy decisions. While this approach is being implemented in both developed and developing countries, some developing poor countries are facing limitations in harmonizing the traditional centralized systems and the new approaches of citizen`s participation. This book which is based on a research study conducted in Uganda gives an insight on how the participatory planning model has been implemented in a decentralized set up and how it has attempted to empower the citizens in a resource poor country despite the pertinent challenges. It contributes invaluable information on how participatory approaches can be enhanced for better citizen`s empowerment. This book will be especially useful to economists, policy makers and analysts, researchers, programme and project implementers, social workers and administrators especially in the public and voluntary sectors. ····· 10361114431


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Bride Wealth from an African Theological Perspective, sets out on the premise that Bride wealth has been a significant point of conflict between Christianity and African culture. For some African Christians have held this practice close to their heart. In various cases, where bride wealth negotiations are taking place, concerns have arisen as to whether this practice conflicts with biblical teachings. This led us to research on bride wealth in our endeavor to help African Christians understand biblical teaching regarding the practice. The goal of this study thus is to reflect theologically on bride wealth in Africa by sampling the Dinka, of the Anglican church of Sudan, and ultimately understand the real meaning of bride wealth in Africa today. ····· 10361114330

Amos` attack of Affluent Classes:

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This research endeavourers to demonstrate that Amos` attack of the rich classes in the Israelite society was greatly influenced by his poor social status. He was a voice of the voiceless poor majority in this society. It was not mere coincidence that Amos bashed the haves in the Israelite society but, he was doing this in solidarity with his fellow downtrodden poor classes who were being oppressed by the affluent ones. Yahweh-God of the Oppressed ones called out Amos from his humble background as a peasant to attack the bourgeois classes for undermining social justice. The whole discussion will engage the social conflict method as propounded by the Marxist school of thought. ····· 10361114198

From Sheep to Sheperds

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To educate for life in Abundance in Africa the church has to educate for social transformation. Christian Education has to lead to the real transformation of people`s lives, from poverty to life in its fullness,from oppression to liberation, from disenfranchisement to empowerment, from dependency to independence and from sheep to sheperds. Kumalo argues that education in the church must go beyond indoctrination to liberation and freedom. He argues that this can be done when Christian Educators take into account a multi- disciplinary approach which includes social and political issues which affect people as they struggle to make life possible for themselves. Drawing from his South African experience, the theories of African Educators such as Steve Biko, Canaan Banana,Anne Hope and the Wesleyan heritage, he argues for a holistic and comprehensive approach to Christian Education. He proposes for` a Transformation-Centered Model` of Christian Education. Through this he argues that Christian Education can be a tool for liberation, transformation and development both the church and society in the African context. ····· 10361114120

The Permanence of Catholic Priesthood

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Is it possible to un-ordain a priest It is not theologically or spiritually possible.Once a man is ordained a priest,he will always have the ability to offer the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass,and nobody on earth can take that ability away from him. Canon law follows theology, so it is no surprise that the code c.290 After it has been validly received sacred ordination never becomes invalid echoes the Catechism of the Catholic Church 1581-1582 in asserting that priestly ordination which is validly conferred never becomes invalid. You are a priest forever, according to the order of Melchisedech. (Psalm 110:4).Once validly ordained, a priest`s ordination never becomes invalid,even if he loses the clerical state.Once a priest always a priest.Once a Bishop always a Bishop!No one can change that.The Church teaches that the effect of a sacrament comes ex opere operato, by the very fact of being administered,regardless of the personal holiness of the minister.That character remains on his soul for all eternity identifying him as one of God`s ordained servants.Married Catholic priests are still valid priests in good standing theologically.The book is good to the Laity,Religious and clergy ····· 10361114096

Jesus is HIV positive

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Zimbabwe is currently engulfed in a political dilemma resulting in untold suffering to citizens. Many Zimbabweans are now economic and or political refugees in neighboring countries and elsewhere. Zimbabweans are suffering economically and socially, these conditions are a fertile ground for the spread of the dreaded HI virus. Even though HIV- AIDS cuts across social classes, in Zimbabwe the infected and the affected are the poor and powerless, more so women, especially those in rural areas. The Lutheran church (ELCZ) is currently the only non-governmental organisation responding to HIV/AIDS in Matabo. Despite the ELCZ`s effort to mitigate against the spread of HIV, it still spreads unabated. The ELCZ so far is using expert knowledge in responding to HIV/AIDS. It should be noted that the church is the body of Christ, so if one member of the church is living with HIV/AIDS (infected/affected) then the whole body (the church) is living with HIV/AIDS. The church has AIDS and if the church that has AIDS the body of Christ, therefore Christ has AIDS. ····· 10361113724


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The Pangs of Birth in African Christianity: Essays in Commemoration of One Hundred Years of Mutira Anglican Mission (1912-2012), traces the growth of protestant Christianity since 1844 when Ludwig Krapf, a German missionary working for the English body, Church Missionary Society, reached the East African Coast with the sole aim of converting local people to Christianity. The book seeks to demonstrate how a miniature village in Kenya, Mutira, came to appear in the map of the world after Christianity was introduced by the European missionaries in early 1900s and subsequently changed peoples` lifestyles. It moves on to demonstrate that Christianity in Mutira and the rest of Africa was born under pain - a pain that was bravely borne by its pioneers. In its second part, the book provides critical essays that are set to demonstrate that African Christianity has the capacity to grapple effectively with the challenges of the 21st century. Such concerns include suffering, neo-colonialism, poverty, disease, violence, xenophobia, identity crisis, negative ethnicity, inculturation, ecumenism, reconstruction and reconciliation among others. ····· 10361113509


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Ethics in A Christian Perspective: An Introduction, examines the ways in which Christian thinkers appeal to their traditions, sources, norms, and values to engage in moral reflection. The book is divided into eight brief chapters dealing with foundational issues as it relates to Christian Ethics. Among the topics addressed in include Theories of Ethics, Foundation of Christian Ethics, Religion and Ethics, Christian Ethics and Moral Philosophy, Foundation of African Morality in a Christian perspective as well as an approach to Christian Ethics in African context. Ethics in A christian Perspective: An Introduction, is not intended to be a comprehensive textbook for Christian Ethics but rather an introductory. The point of this book is to introduce students, who may come from widely divergent intellectual and religious backgrounds, to the ways in which moral reflection is undertaken within the Christian tradition in varied contexts. ····· 10361113427


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This book discusses how four African women theologians namely, Mercy Oduyoye and Teresa Okure from West Africa, together with Anne Nasimiyu and Teresia Hinga from East Africa participate in the inculturation debate. The scene has largely been set by two African male theologians, namely, John Mbiti and John Pobee with the main themes of Community and Christology respectively.The four women theologians highlight a holistic perspective, thereby opening up inculturation in African theology for critique and differentiation. They examine African culture and demonstrate an understanding of women as a distinct group with inherent varieties within this category. Further, they incorporate the experience of West and East African women in their perspective on inculturation thereby analyzing women`s subordination. They show a commitment to the emancipation of women within the framework of inculturation. Consequently, the four African women theologians` perspectives contribute to gendering inculturation in Africa. ····· 10361113324


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This book re-examines Christ`s hospitality from an African perspective. It sets out on the premise that Christ is the ideal model of hospitality that African Christianity has to draw some vital lessons from - as Africa embarks on a theology of reconstruction, renewal, restoration, development, ecology and reconciliation. In its methodology, it traces the concept of hospitality from ancient to the present times and engages it with contemporary African concerns. The author is optimistic that even though Africa may be walking through the valley of darkness and death, there is no cause for alarm as Christ`s hospitality will manifest itself in all spheres of life, and thereby aid Africa to deliver the promise. To this end, a passionate appeal is made to the twenty-first century Africa: `Come on! Swim into action and address your own challenges` such as sexism, negative ethnicity, regionalism and xenophobia, violence, poverty, HIV and AIDS, hunger, corruption and all abuses of African hospitality in light of Christ`s ideal hospitality. ····· 10361113243


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The study and the application of the Holy Spirit have been very controversial all over the world. Watson comments: In recent years the most lively debate within the Church has centred round the person and work of the Holy Spirit The amazing development of the charismatic movement has thrilled some, angered others and puzzled still more . Specifically to Tanzania, in the mid years of 1980`s, where the Pentecostal movement grew faster, two strange terms emerged: The churches with the Spirit and the The churches without the Spirit. The implicatures behind the terms relied on the issue of the Holy Spirit. Originally, the terms initiated by the Pentecostals, meant that the Pentecostals regarded themselves as Churches with the Spirit and others including Protestants and Catholics were regarded as Churches without Spirit. From its analytical comparative study, this work intends to minimize and bridge the gap of understanding and application among different denominations on the subject. ····· 10361113144

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