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History of Islamic Civilisation

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Islamic civilization has not been static and thus undergone a lot of changes since the birth of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH). Islamic civilisation has taken different trends, occasioned by specific events within the communities where Islam has been key in people s lives. People need to understand these events as they have been unfolding and how they have impacted on the current organization as well as the social, economic, political and religious lifestyle of Moslems today, and their relationship with other non Muslims near and far from them. This book is presented in four chapters, consisting of Life of the Prophet Muhammad, the Caliphate period, Muslim Empires (Umayyad, Abbasid and Fatimid Empires) and Muslim Organizations. This book has been majorly designed for use in both secondary schools, tertiary institutions and Universities, though lower academic classes can find it useful for some topics. The simple way in which the events and major issues in Islamic civilisation have been presented in this book, makes it an easy to read document by even lay people with keen interest in knowing the origins, development, present and future of the Islamic religion. ····· 10361100107

Learn Islam: The last Divine Religion

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Practicing Islam without having learnt from Authentic Islamic Scholars cause malpractices (Biddaat) in the Deen. It is very important to know the basic spirit of the commandments and the teachings of the Prophet Muhammad SAWM so as to practice religion in its true perspective. The most disgusting outcome is the stubborn attitude of certain followers leading to the formation of different sects that have no place in religion. Prophet SAWM said that there would be 73 sects among my Ummah. Among these there would be only one that will be going to Jannah. In this book very selective topics have been touched. This effort has taken into account certain neglected practices among Muslims. Thus rightly, an effort to reform the malpractices in religion. World is fast nearing the End thus there is a section in these articles that tell us about the time that is forth coming. This work is valuable for New as well Old Muslims as this will give them an insight into Islamic teachings. This book is equally valuable for the Non-Muslims who will like to know something about the Islamic way of living. This will help them better understand the Divine religion and make the right decision. ····· 10361100087

Christian Ethics between Withdrawal and Assimilation

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Biji Stephen Pallonnil OSH correctly observes that Stanley Hauerwas theological ethics gives due concern on Christian narrative, character, distinctiveness and witness and an over-concern on the church. The author clearly depicts how Hauerwas strengths are also his weaknesses and argues Hauerwas has to make the distinctiveness and identity of Christian ecclesial ethics more intelligible and publicly communicable. In search of such an attempt the devices of the theology of revelation with special emphasis on Trinity and liberation ethics are well employed to overcome the over-determination of the church and the hermeneutical enclosure in Hauerwas and to pay attention to the social needs of the day. The Trinitarian life gives a theological basis and legitimacy for an ethical approach in which universality is not sacrificed for the sake of particularity and vice versa. Creative tension between particularity and universality & between faith and reason saves the Christian ethics from its possible threat of sectarian temptations. This book is highly valuable not only for Hauerwasian and Christian readers but also for the graduates students and teachers of Christian theological ethics. ····· 10361100074

Armageddon as Divine War in the Apocalypse

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The word Armageddon appears only once in the whole Bible as the name of the site for the eschatological battle on the great day of God the Almighty (Rev 16:16). Though it appears only once in the Bible, it has been the subject of a variety of interpretations. These interpretations can be divided into 2 major groups: Armageddon as a literal geographical place and Armageddon as a symbolic place. In the light of the differing opinions on the subject, this study explores the interpretation of Armageddon through the theological lens of the divine war motif. This is also done in an attempt to provide a unified, integrated understanding of the subject. The divine war motif emphasizes that Armageddon is not just the ultimate battle between good and evil. It is God s final and complete victory over all evil. The good news of Armageddon is that God will win in the end. ····· 1036199925

Knowing Otherwise:

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The stimulus for this research came from the author s experience of observing converts undergo a reattribution of meaning during and subsequent to their conversion experiences. It was clear that changed meanings took place what was not clear was how and why such changes occurred, nor where the impulse for such change came from. Religious converts routinely report differences in the way they attribute meaning as a consequence of religious conversion. Previously known objects, events and persons are perceived differently as a result of a new plausibility structure being brought to bear. This research applies a phenomenological interpretive method to interview transcripts obtained from recent converts in order to explicate the meaning of transformative religious experiences. The Apostle Paul`s statement `but we have the mind of Christ` (2 Cor 2:16) furnishes the central motif for this research, as exemplified by his own experience of having scales fall from his eyes at his own conversion on the Damascus road an experience which has become archetypical for all Christian believers in every time and place. ····· 1036199745

Theology and Literature

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The theme of Theology and Literature looms large in many literary works. The key issues which are of concern to African creative writers is the preoccupation with the questions of relevant Christianity and the struggle for the total liberation of the African people. The faith of the future generations of the African people depends, to a large extent, on the dialogue with African literary writers. One of the best known literary icons in Africa, Ngugi wa Thiong`o, criticises church leaders and African theologians for lack of involvement in the liberating activity. He challenges the church to join forces of protest in matters of peace and social justice. Few works have examined the theme of religion in African literary works. This book critically examines the centrality of religion in Ngugi wa Thiong`o`s literary works. It examines the credibility of the church and its involvement in the total liberation of the African people spiritually, socially, politically, economically and culturally. ····· 1036199562

Embracing Change in Spiritual and Religious Care

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Embracing Change: Crisis and Opportunity in Spiritual and Religious Care Change can be exciting and stimulating, or it can be frightening and many of us will resist it. This project took place following painful change which could not be fully described to me at the time, by those who saw the need for it. People cannot be summarily fired in order to facilitate change and introduce a more ethnically-diverse chaplaincy department, at least not if the cost is too high for financially-strapped institutions. I was caught in the middle and eventually found an escape in retirement. I was fortunate others are not so lucky. And yet, the outcome of this painful change has been renewed growth both for me and for the institution. I am glad it happened. As I will note elsewhere, this commentary will suggest that to be truly effective, the best changes take place gradually, allowing for testing, reflection and modification along the way, and leading, in the end, to the best outcomes for the future. Such a change process may still be difficult and painful but the hope is that it will result in lasting transformation. ····· 1036199514

Culture and the Kingdom

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Culture and the Christian Gospel have Co-existed right from the birth of the latter. It is though undisputable that Human culture pre-existed the Gospel. In the early days after its birth, the Gospel interacted with the Jewish culture and also with the Greco-Roman Gentile Cultures. Throughout the ages, the gospel has infiltrated into numerous human cultures across societies and continents. In the earliest days, we see Judaizers using the Jewish culture to antagonise St.Paul`s apostolic mission among the Gentiles. This creates the first question Is Culture a weapon with which one can set out to fight the church mission This work explores the relationship between culture and the Gospel or the church mission. Are cultural values compartible with those of christianity Do they have commonalities Is their co-existence necessary for the church mission These and other related questions will find adquate answers in this work. This work is particularly aimed at sensitising the church leaders and missionaries especially those operating in conservative traditional Cultures. It will also enrich the entire Christian communion. May you be blessed as you read this book! ····· 1036199465

An Incarnational narrative Christology of Shona women of Zimbabwe

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In a Shona women`s Incarnational narrative Christology, the Incarnation is also understood as a lived reality. God in Christ is the God who is present and acts in human history and in the contemporaneity and particularity of our being. Shona women pattern their lives on the meta-story - the life of Christ as found in the Gospel. They are given a forum to appropriate their creation and baptismal dignity and vocation in a patriarchal church and society. The theanthropocosmic Christology that emerges captures the Shona holistic world-view that involves the head, gut, womb and heart underlined by the circle symbolism that is further affirmed by the Shona hut kitchen. The latter as woman space is the acme of Shona hospitality and thus God becomes all in all. At the interface of gender, ethnicity, class and creed, God in Christ transcends human limitedness and artificial boundaries in creating catholic space and advocating all-embracing apostolic action. In a hermeneutic of engagement and suspicion, prophetic witness becomes the hallmark of Christian discipleship and of a Christology that culminates in liberative praxis. ····· 1036199300

Eliade`s Theory of Religion and the African Experience

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Mircea Eliade has made meaningful contributions to the academic debate in the field of religion and comparative religious studies. As much as he had scholastic opinion that would find synthesis with, support and defend his thought patterns and argument, so too he had, of almost equal proportions, those who would criticize his scholarship, accusing it of being, amongst others, biased and `revealing uncritical unverifiable generalizations`. The scope of this study is to enter that debate, with the intention to specifically focus on and unpack some of the most important concepts that underlie Eliade`s thinking and deliberations, rather than focusing on the holistic theory of religion as purported by him. These concepts will be measured against the African Religious experience, to see if it finds resonance or stands in conflict with it. In the process, this study attempts to reveal some aspects of Eliade`s theory of religion that could be saved to fit an African religious perspective. It also attempts to identify some aspects or conceptions of Eliade`s theory that are lacking if read through an African lens. ····· 1036199208

The Future of Ecumenism

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This study envisages the future of the ecumenical movement in the twenty-first century, in the light of the Joint Declaration on the Doctrine of Justification. The Declaration was signed by Lutheran and Roman Catholic Churches at a time when the ecumenical movement was undergoing a crisis. The main feature of this crisis has come to be referred to as the winter of ecumenism. This phenomenon exposes the discrepancy between ecumenical agreements and their actual reception. Against this background, our study seeks to establish whether and how the Joint Declaration has contributed to, and whether it has the potential to re-define ecumenical relations. Succinctly, in the context of the so-called (new) winter of ecumenism, our study investigates the significance of the Joint Declaration for the future of ecumenical relations among Lutheran and Catholic Churches. It is the contention of this study that, given its hermeneutical contribution, theological import and ecumenical openness, the Joint Declaration is an ecumenical milestone and a significant step at rapprochement between Lutheran and Roman Catholic Churches in the lengthy and arduous journey to Christian unity. ····· 1036199189

Religious Education in Comparative Perspectives

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This book provides a systematic comparison of Religious Education (RE) as it has evolved in the secondary school curriculum of Scotland and Malawi during the past four decades (1970-2010). It seeks to draw analogies and, where valid, to indicate significant points of difference regarding key issues underpinning this development between two countries existing in radically different national contexts, one Western (Scotland) and other African (Malawi). The conceptual framework of the issues described in the book is based on concepts and debates in the discourse of contemporary RE. The book argues that despite some points of difference, there is greater similarity on salient issues regarding the nature of RE in the two countries, in areas such as the need for curriculum reform, micro-politics of reform, provision in schools and status of the subject. Given the challenges the subject faces in Scotland and Malawi, the book concludes that without government intervention and support from other key stakeholders, RE will continue to be regarded as a marginal curriculum subject. ····· 1036199027

Priests and Priesthood in the Aramaic Targums to the Pentateuch

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In the past few decades, various studies have clarified that the priests and priesthood continued to have a considerable influence on Jewish society and culture even after the destruction of the Second Temple. The present study attempts to investigate comprehensively how the Aramaic Targums describe the priests and render issues in the Hebrew Scripture concerning priesthood. Our combined study of history and literature provides significant information on the relationship between the Targums and priests, which indicates the originality of the Targums as a world of their own, not merely as a part of the rabbinic world. In addition, it sheds light on the status of priesthood in the time and place where the Targums were composed. Our investigation will contribute to a greater understanding of the diversity of Judaism after the destruction of the Temple, which was also the source of Judaic creativity and energy. ····· 1036198919

The Personalist Foundation of Biomedical Ethics

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In the field of biomedical ethics, the almost inevitable question is: How can morally right medical decisions be made upon or by a human person, within the context of the understanding of who he/she really is. In an attempt to answer this question, the author of this book, Dr John Baptist Matovu, presents to the reader Catholic as well as secular personalism, from a biomedical ethical point of view. He analytically and comparatively discusses the notion of the human person, how it relates to the foundations or basic notions of biomedical ethics and its role in biomedical ethical reasoning and decision making, according to Catholic and secular approaches. He evaluates some key positions of these approaches in relation to the (Catholic) Magisterium. His final conclusion is that the present forms of personalism make a significant contribution to answering the above question but leave some important questions unanswered. ····· 1036198806

Waqf - The Islamic Endowment

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This Book explains Waqf as Sadaqah Jariyah or continuous Sadaqah . The Waqf is created by giving away an asset, which has eternal value of ample benefit(s) to its giver. The Sadaqah, is, however, religious. It involves establishing a Mosque, or providing basic necessities and/or welfare to people such as building a house for the wayfarer, especially during one s lifetime so that he/she will get the reward for his/her own good deed after death. An important characteristic of Waqf relates to its objectives, which is the idea of giving charity, providing socio-economic relief to the needy, the poor and also giving education to people in the course of Allah. This Book determines the Waqf management and its process of succession. The Waqf provider can give guidelines on the method he/she likes the Waqf to be implemented. Most Awqaf are perpetual in nature and very often this is emphasized in the Waqf deeds. The Book therefore sheds more light on the concept of Waqf, its meaning and historical development. . It is recommended to students, teachers and researchers of Waqf in Islamic jurisprudence. ····· 1036198682

The Theology and Spirituality of the Symbols

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The Franciscan Missionaries of Hope is a burgeoning religious group founded in 1993 in Kenya by nine brothers who felt the call to follow in the footprints of Saint Francis of Assisi. All nine brothers were originally within the Order of Friars Minor in the Vice Province of East Africa. The brothers had been in the Order or the Friars Minor (OFM) for a minimum of six years from 1986 up to 1993. They were in their temporary vows, studying or doing pastoral ministry in various countries when the leadership of the Order of Friars Minor advised them to leave while a number of other brothers decided to do so on their own. Without entering into the minute details of what happened, for this would take us afar from the topic of this paper, the main reasons for the brothers departure can be mentioned in passing. First, there was a clash between indigenous African values and western values. Secondly, there was lack of genuine dialogue between the brothers being formed and the formators themselves. ····· 1036198662

Muslim Morality and a Changing World

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Modernization Phenomenon, as a feature of the contemporary world, involves changes that occur as societies move from traditional to large scale urban complex character. This phenomenon has made it difficult for traditional religious concepts and practices to be observed in total. This book traces the history of Islam in Kenya, as it was confronted with a well organized African Traditional Community the Abawanga Kingdom of Western Kenya, and the resultant Muslim demography. The book eventually analyzes the effect of modernization on the morals of young African Muslims as they struggled with the endeavor to match faith and action as was required by Islam. The resultant double heritage of Islam and African Religion as it is confronted with the modern phenomenon, and it s production of a unique form of religious institutionalization is a major theme examined in the book. This book is particularly significant to all those students interested in African Religions in general, and religion and social change in Africa in particular. ····· 1036198632

Analysis of Okonko Society and Christianity: Focus on Igboland Nigeria

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Okonko Society is one of the Traditional Societies in Igboland that functions as an authentic component of African Religion. While the social units of the family, the kindred, and the ethnic group, have protective values for individuals within them, Okonko operates as additional protection consolidated with religious and mystery rites. The mystery rites and secrecy associated with Okonko Society are unbelievable, and the Society has been surrounded with controversy since the advent of Christianity in Igboland. In order to create a platform of dialogue between African Religion and Christianity, a comparative analysis of Okonko and Christianity is undertaken within this context. The work examines the origin, nature, functions, and membership of Okonko Society in Igboland on the framework of Christian sacraments of Initiation. In all, Okonko Society and Christianity can coexist in Igboland for a balanced society. ····· 1036198629

Church`s Mission - Unfinished Task

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This book explores the vision God has for the church, which is missions. it is a call for you to respond to Christ`s invitation to live for the same purpose and significance that He did. It is an obligation from God and as believers we are to carry out the task of mission to the uttermost part of the world. Surely it is worthwhile to lay ourselves out with all our might in promoting the cause and kingdom of Christ. Remember! The mission of the Church is Missions. ····· 1036198600

Nature and Role of Religious Studies at the University of Zambia

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Simply put, Religious studies is an academic multidisciplinary field of study, secular study of religious beliefs which might also include institutions. Most often than not, religious scholars describes, compares, interprets, and explains religion, emphasizing systematic, historically based, and cross-cultural perspectives.This particular book examines and evaluates strides that have been made in Religious Studies at the University of Zambia from inception in 1985 to 2005. In doing so, the nature and role has been given prominence and highlighted. A number of issues have been examined ranging from history,later developments, methodology, content,impact and current manifestation.The principles of phenomenological and interpretive approaches were key considerations in the methodological perspectives, in that every effort was made to get insiders views.Permission was sought to disclose names of key respondents.In conclusion, it clearly appears Religious Studies at the University of Zambia has remained an academic discipline and its orientation is historical, sociological, phenomenological, philosophical and educational though faces some challenges. ····· 1036198476

Living between two cultures:

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This study explores the reasons for conversion to Islam for ten well-educated, Caucasian, American born women of European descent in a small, relatively affluent college town in Oregon, United States. It follows their process of constructing a new identity with their families, with friends, within the Muslim community and within self. Language choice and lifestyle choices are also examined. Semi-structured interviews with the women were done and several issues were in common. Issues of balancing American culture with their new culture, how they negotiate between two different cultures in daily life, how they are viewed by others and how they now view the world are examined. The results show that these women made a clear, rational and intellectual decision rather than an emotional decision when deciding to convert. They made the decision after careful research and despite some problems, would make the same decision again. ····· 1036198269

On Prayer and The Contemplative Life

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This book is part of the TREDITION CLASSICS series. The creators of this series are united by passion for literature and driven by the intention of making all public domain books available in printed format again - worldwide. At tredition we believe that a great book never goes out of style. Several mostly non-profit literature projects provide content to tredition. To support their good work, tredition donates a portion of the proceeds from each sold copy. As a reader of a TREDITION CLASSICS book, you support our mission to save many of the amazing works of world literature from oblivion. ····· 1036196863

American Lutheranism Volume 2: The United Lutheran Church (General Synod, General Council, United Synod in the South)

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This book is part of the TREDITION CLASSICS series. The creators of this series are united by passion for literature and driven by the intention of making all public domain books available in printed format again - worldwide. At tredition we believe that a great book never goes out of style. Several mostly non-profit literature projects provide content to tredition. To support their good work, tredition donates a portion of the proceeds from each sold copy. As a reader of a TREDITION CLASSICS book, you support our mission to save many of the amazing works of world literature from oblivion. ····· 1036196823

The Chief End of Man

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This book is part of the TREDITION CLASSICS series. The creators of this series are united by passion for literature and driven by the intention of making all public domain books available in printed format again - worldwide. At tredition we believe that a great book never goes out of style. Several mostly non-profit literature projects provide content to tredition. To support their good work, tredition donates a portion of the proceeds from each sold copy. As a reader of a TREDITION CLASSICS book, you support our mission to save many of the amazing works of world literature from oblivion. ····· 1036196809

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