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This book re-examines Christ`s hospitality from an African perspective. It sets out on the premise that Christ is the ideal model of hospitality that African Christianity has to draw some vital lessons from - as Africa embarks on a theology of reconstruction, renewal, restoration, development, ecology and reconciliation. In its methodology, it traces the concept of hospitality from ancient to the present times and engages it with contemporary African concerns. The author is optimistic that even though Africa may be walking through the valley of darkness and death, there is no cause for alarm as Christ`s hospitality will manifest itself in all spheres of life, and thereby aid Africa to deliver the promise. To this end, a passionate appeal is made to the twenty-first century Africa: `Come on! Swim into action and address your own challenges` such as sexism, negative ethnicity, regionalism and xenophobia, violence, poverty, HIV and AIDS, hunger, corruption and all abuses of African hospitality in light of Christ`s ideal hospitality. ····· 10361113243


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The study and the application of the Holy Spirit have been very controversial all over the world. Watson comments: In recent years the most lively debate within the Church has centred round the person and work of the Holy Spirit The amazing development of the charismatic movement has thrilled some, angered others and puzzled still more . Specifically to Tanzania, in the mid years of 1980`s, where the Pentecostal movement grew faster, two strange terms emerged: The churches with the Spirit and the The churches without the Spirit. The implicatures behind the terms relied on the issue of the Holy Spirit. Originally, the terms initiated by the Pentecostals, meant that the Pentecostals regarded themselves as Churches with the Spirit and others including Protestants and Catholics were regarded as Churches without Spirit. From its analytical comparative study, this work intends to minimize and bridge the gap of understanding and application among different denominations on the subject. ····· 10361113144

A critical study of the impact of faith-healing

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Africans face challenges from the African Traditional worldview. These challenges come in the form of witchcraft, magic, infertility and certain life crisis. It is during these times of crisis that African Christianity faces a challenge from the African Traditional Religious world. Consequently, the African Initiated Churches including the Followers of Christ Church of God have identified this urgent need for the Christian Church in Africa. This thesis critically reflects on Faith-healing as practised by the African Initiated Churches. The proposal of the thesis points to the need for a theology of healing in Africa. There is an urgent need for a pastoral theology of care and counseling especially in times of crisis. The thesis does not attempt to judge the praxis and theology of the African Initiated Churches, but it rather highlights the existential needs of Africans. Furthermore, it is a provocative document which invites theologians, scholars, missiologist, church leaders and other religious practitioners for further research and exploration into the African religious cosmology. ····· 10361113136


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African Hospitality From a Missiological Perspective: Aiding Church and Societal Growth, explores the contribution of African Hospitality towards church growth in particular, and societal growth in general. It attributes the fast spread of Christianity in Africa to the generosity that was displayed by Africans to the early European missionaries in the 19th and 20th centuries. That is, they offered land and other resources, even though their hospitality was at times, misused and/or abused. It also attributes the hopelessness in Africa, as evidenced by massive poverty, bad governance, starvation on a mass scale, for the failure to uphold hospitality strictly, as in line with the ideal African heritage and Biblical traditions on hospitality. It challenges the church to take a more active role in religio-social issues in order to help Africa to overcome her miseries. At the end of the book the author is deeply convinced that there is great hope for the African church and society in general. ····· 10361112946

Dummheit ist Sünde

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Thomas von Aquin (1224-1274) ist ein Philosoph und Theologe mit überragender Wirkungsgeschichte. Die Schriften und Lehren des Heiligen prägen bis ins 20. Jahrhundert die katholische Kirche maßgebend. Er ist der Repräsentant eines Christentums mit Verstand.
Der große Theologe aus dem Dominikanerorden steht Hans Conrad Zander Rede und Antwort. Dabei zeigt sich: wir haben es mit einem Denker zu tun, der zu heutigen Fragestellungen Erhellendes und Überraschendes zu sagen weiß. ····· 10361104168


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Liberation and Reconstruction in Africa: A Critical Analysis in the Works of J. N. K Mugambi, contributes to the ongoing debates in African Christian Theology, in the twenty-first century. It builds on Jesse Mugambi`s post-Cold War proposal for a paradigm shift, from liberation to reconstruction. The book innovatively introduces a new idea of both minor and dominant paradigms operating simultaneously in theology and other social sciences. It has sought to show that Mugambi`s idea of change in paradigmatic emphasis is largely authentic in so far as the global socio-economic trends and African cultural and religious heritage have their own forms of paradigm shifts,albeit in different formats. As a book that contributes to Africa`s theo-socio-economic developments, it will be useful to general readership, and in particular, teachers and students of theology,anthropology,Sociology, Philosophy, religion, comparative religion and other social sciences. It will also be useful to learners in seminaries, tertiary institutions and universities. If this book makes a major contribution to the modern scholarship, then these efforts will be for a worthwhile course. ····· 10361102729


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The study reflects on the rise and spread of the African Independent Churches in postcolonial Africa. It moves from the perspective that African Independent Churches are both African and Christian (Masondo, 2005:101) engaged in detailed appropriations of religious resources that can be mobilized in working out the meaningful contours of the world (Chidester, 1997:11).The major part of the study focuses on the Lumpa Church of Alice Lenshina in Zambia.It traces the founding of the church based on a series of vision by Lenshina.Lenshina s message was styled along the same lines as that of John the Baptist. She put emphasis on the eradication of witchcraft and sorcery.Her message was expressed in Bemba hymns sung in traditional tunes and she encouraged the beating of drums.She preached against beer and polygamy and she called for Biblical Christianity.Her leadership style was that of a chiefly nature.The Lumpa Church had a huge impact on pastoral practices and modes of worship in the mainline churches.Alice Lenshina s teachings were responsible for the fall-out with the Zambian nationalist organization,United National Independence Party,which resulted in 700 people losing their lives. ····· 10361102471


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This book exposes the effects of HIV and AIDS on the traditional Ndau woman in Chipinge District in Zimbabwe. It emphasises how much the woman has sacrificed in providing care to PLWHA. Apart from examining this and other burdens that women carry, this project highlights how Ndau women in Chipinge have been key to the overall response to HIV and AIDS. This is achieved through application of cultural hermeneutics of the Ndau religion, the traditional religion of Chipinge. This book looks for liberating resources that can be tapped from folklores, myths and other forms of oral literature in Ndau religion. It argues for the silver lining in the dark cloud presented by some harmful cultural practices (HCPs) that present African Traditional Religions (ATRs) as oppressive and ruthless to women. In this book, I deliberate on how the roles of women should not be looked down upon, and why maleness should not be a means to power if the response to HIV and AIDS is to be effective. As such, this book provides a social framework on how such cultures and customs can be contextualised, reinterpreted, remodelled, adapted and adopted in the framework of HIV and AIDS. ····· 10361102446

Christian Marriage and Sexuality in the African Context Today

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Today marriage as a stable state are far gone.They are being threatened by modernity.Science has overtaken the world faith and reason are in perpetual conflict.These days people speak of sperm bank,test-tube babies,cloning, genetic engineering, euthanasia, abortion, same sex, condoms, pills, homosexuality, lesbianism, fornication, masturbation.All these threaten the institution of marriage.We can now draw a line between pro-lifers and pro-choice.The mothers wombs are no longer baby-friendly it has become like a grave.The babies are an endangered species.Marriage has become a momentous act which is not taken seriously.Therefore marriage is in trouble today.Marriage is criticized left and right.Marriage is no longer seen as permanent. Marriage is undergoing an extraordinary transformation because of contemporary changes that are shaping human culture.It is the most elastic term to be used today because it embraces different expectations and life-styles.The two most important difference between African and western marriage are seen within two areas:The manner in which the marriage begins.Whether or not the ability to bear children is essential or is necessary.The book is a must read. ····· 10361102317

Postcolonial `Redaction` of Social-economic parables in Luke`s Gospel

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Working with the texts` socio-historical and literary contexts, this book argues that Luke is influenced by the imperial setting of his day to provide the images that he does in the parables and the empire insensitive` language that he employs in writing the parables and his gospel. Further, and working with the Kenyan context and using the postcolonial elements of empire mimicry and hybridity, this book argues that Luke`s images and language are taken up by the upper and ruling class to re-member` the empire by marginalizing the poor hence widening the gap between the rich and the poor to insurmountable levels. ····· 10361102274

The Images of God as Perceived by Abandoned Children

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This research study is an attempt to explore the ways in which children from different family backgrounds reflected on images of God or who they perceived God to be. The author draws from psychological tradition of `object relations` theory and interface with theology and spirituality formation to engage with possible challenges that confronts children growing up without parents because of abandonment which has become a harsh reality faced by a number of children today. These reflections provide a challenge for new theologies embodied through children`s experiences which contributes towards the formation of contextual and relevant curriculums on religious education. ····· 10361101633

Portrait of God in Saul`s Rise and Rejection

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It has long been taught in the church that Saul was rejected because of his disobedience to God. In recent literary studies on the First Book of Samuel, however, God is portrayed as malicious, hostile, ambiguous, or problematic, especially in God`s relation to King Saul. While agreeing that those pictures of God are an integral part of 1 Samuel, the author argues that those portrayals are mainly based on the representation of God by Prophet Samuel who is a fallible human being. Reading the text closely, she presents God as working in dynamic relation with humans, giving them room to exercise their freedom and holding them accountable. She delves into cases where human interests enter the picture to deflect God`s intention. Her reading shows how human action or inaction affects and sometimes distorts the divine portrait. This book will help both the theologically conservative and the liberal readers who want to ponder on the ways in which God operates in the history and on the parts humans play. ····· 10361101555


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Nature as an inter-religious issue has gained momentum over the last few years.This is a good sign because it reiterates the view that the global environmental crisis is fundamentally a moral and religious problem. We must investigate what different religions have to say to one another today that may clarify what it means to have a proper respect for the earth in our personal and social and economic choices. This book deals with a critical comparative correlational dialogue between Shona and Christian attitudes to nature.It examines the nature of conflict, criticism and complementarity between the two religions.It makes a case that the attitudes to nature of these religions can best complement each other in the framework of eco-spirituality as a minimum common ground. In this framework there is a possibility of an environmental ethic based on the intrinsic value of nature that traditional Shona adherents and Christians can share.The book`s argument is that whereas Christianity, because it seems to be already saturated with, and acculturated to the dominant ideology of science can help provide a clearer vision of Shona attitudes to nature consistent with religious environmentalism. ····· 10361101554


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We live in perilous times where Christianity is emerging with occultism and eastern mysticism. Many Christian leaders are talking of re-thinking Christianity so that it is in tandem with other religious beliefs. This is being done under the semantics of peace, love, and unity but underneath it involves a fundamental denial of truth. Many evangelical leaders are confidently taking the broad way to Rome and are swaying other Christians to follow suit. Thousands of Christians have embraced experience based Christianity where emotions and experiences take precedent over the holy word of God. The church of the Lord Jesus Christ has been turned into a den of thieves, Wolves and profit makers. Many Christians have forsaken their first love Jesus Christ and have gone whoring after mammon and quick miracles. In short, Christianity has become a den of zombies,heretics and hypocrites. Are you confused about the emergent church movement, word of faith movement and the true foundation of the Church This book is a must read for you. ····· 10361101043

Babylon Christendom

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A close examination of the spiritual condition of the church today categorically reveals that we are approaching the end. All the deceptions in the last days that were clearly articulated by the Lord Jesus Christ and his apostles are all around us. The strong delusion talked about in 2 Thesa 2 is more evident that ever before. The church is infested with all kinds of counterfeit doctrines and mammon worship has become the order of the day. Pastors are struggling with sexual sin and are controlled by the spirit of Phariseeism. Evangelical leaders have forsaken sound doctrine and have gone whoring after occultism,ecumenism and political Christianity. This book exposes the alliance of Christianity with Babylon. It explores the techniques of discerning this counterfeit Christianity and the urgent need to separate from it without any hesitation. Are you confused about the doctrines and spiritual condition of Babylon Christianity This book is a must read for you. ····· 10361100935


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The seven sacraments are ceremonies that point to what is sacred significant and important for Christians. They are special occasions for experiencing God`s saving presence. That`s what theologians mean when they say that sacraments are at the same time signs and instruments of God`s grace.If you learn more about the sacraments, you can celebrate them more fully. Among Christians, sacraments are said to derive from practices instituted by Jesus like the casting out of demons. There are seven sacraments of Roman Catholicism as codified by St. Thomas Aquinas and promulgated by the Council of Trent baptism confirmation the Eucharist penance anointing of the sick ordination and matrimony.This book is written out of experience by the author.The book is easy simple clear precise and to the point.It is long enough to cover the essentials and detailed enough for all who are interested in indepth study of the Catholic Sacraments.I recommend the book to all Catholics in Catholic Institutions.It can be used for evangelisation and catechesis by catholic fraternity.It can be used in Seminaries and houses of formation.It is a must read to all clergy and Religious before and after formation ····· 10361100895


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Evidentialism has been one of the prominent epistemological approaches to the rationality of belief since the time of the Enlightenment. It maintains that a belief ought to be based on sufficient evidence in order to be rationally acceptable. Some evidentialist critics of theism contend that there is not sufficient evidence for belief in God to be rationally justified. While the typical response from theists is to attempt to provide sufficient evidence to justify belief in God, some philosophers of religion have attempted to undercut this debate by showing that belief in God is a properly basic belief, requiring no further evidence or argument for it to be rationally justified. The purpose of this book, therefore, is to examine the evidentialist challenge to the rationality of religious belief, particularly belief in God, then offer an internalist model of immediate knowledge of God through knowledge by presence. This model is the best explanation of how an immediate knowledge of God can be justified epistemically, and seems more effective epistemically than other approaches to the rationality of belief in God. ····· 10361100853

African Knowing and Biblical Interpretation

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A study of the history of biblical interpretation will show that prevailing philosophies of knowledge have always played a critical role in the articulated or unarticulated principles that have governed biblical interpretation in various ages. The principles that govern the forms of biblical interpretation taught in most formal Christian theological institutions in Africa are those rooted in the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries` Modern Missionary Movement and its philosophical framework, the Enlightenment. Postmodern critique of Modernity has provided academic space for other epistemological frameworks to be the basis on which societies other than those in the West engage with the Bible. In this book, Bantu epistemology, in as far as it is possible to articulate it, forms the basis for engaging the Bible and biblical exegesis. ····· 10361100850

Ethics and Morality from an African Perspective

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To do a course on ethics and morality one must start with a simple but complex question: `Are human beings capable of making moral choices without any form of legalised or codified morality` In order to give a comprehensive answer to this question, scholars of ethics have tried to pose another fundamental question: What is ethics What is the relationship between ethics and morality Ethics or moral theology is not concerned with elucidation and justification of morality in a narrow sense.However it is clear that to assess people``s conduct as immoral or morally acceptable is to consider it from one point of view and not the only possible way of assessing the human act.In the study of moral theology we concern ourselves generally with questions about how we ought to live, what could count as good, reasons for acting in one way rather than another.We also consider what constitute a good life for human beings meaning thereby not necessarily morally good but treating as an open question where would be the proper place for morality for the good life or whether indeed it has any place there at all.The book is good to students and lecturers of ethics, morality, theology and philosophy. ····· 10361100647

Status of Women Ascetics in Jaina and Buddhist (Sramana) Traditions

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In the context of Indian thought, freedom is primarily taken to mean freedom from suffering or duhkha arising out of ignorance. The common view held by all Indian thinkers is that ignorance of reality is the cause of our bondage and suffering. Moksha is regarded as the highest purushartha or goal of life. Jain and Buddhist religion have made a major impact on society through the path which leads to the cessation of suffering or which leads towards the liberation. There is a problem of the relation between women and spiritual liberation. This work examines the assumptions and the implications of this problem in detail. Hence, this work compares the similarities and differences between Jaina and Buddhist traditions with respect to women ascetics. This work also explores why both traditions did not want to give equality to women in the religious realm and thought from the women s perspective. A related question is whether this can be regarded as either a philosophical or a social problem. The spirit guiding this work is: What if we just happen to be women Gender is no obstacle to attaining sainthood. This work will helpful for those people who are interested in gender studies ····· 10361100408

Concept of Trinity and Jesus` Divinity

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The concept of Trinity and Jesus` Divinity is the most debated topic amongst the Christians and the Muslims. It is the base of controversial relation between followers of both the religions. Unfolding the verses from the Bible and the Qur`an, the writer seeks:the difference in the teachings of the two Holy scriptures, the logical validity of the individual concepts and the support provided by the verses of the Qur`an used by the writer. ····· 10361100386

The Truth is...

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For the last decade there have been a lot of misconceptions about Islam,and Islam,Muslims and the Quran have become issues of growing concern to the world media and religious groups.Islam has been viewed by many as an alien civilization that will inevitably clash with the Western civilization,thus giving a twisted and unrealistic picture of what Islam is about and what the Quran actually says.This book,therefore, addresses those who are interested in sincerely seeking the truth about Islam and invites them to read not only to contradict and refute, nor to believe and take things for granted , but simply to weigh and filter things before they commit themselves to new information. The book does not only reveal and cite a lot of intolerable contradictions in the Bible but it also proves them.It helps those who would like to know the truth and follow it it delivers a message for any open-minded seeker after, and a lover of, salvation who might once have wondered what the religion of truth is, what the ultimate goal of man s existence is and who Allah is. It is a call for all Christians and Jews who recognize their inner responsibility to worship the One True God. ····· 10361100303

History of Islamic Civilisation

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Islamic civilization has not been static and thus undergone a lot of changes since the birth of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH). Islamic civilisation has taken different trends, occasioned by specific events within the communities where Islam has been key in people s lives. People need to understand these events as they have been unfolding and how they have impacted on the current organization as well as the social, economic, political and religious lifestyle of Moslems today, and their relationship with other non Muslims near and far from them. This book is presented in four chapters, consisting of Life of the Prophet Muhammad, the Caliphate period, Muslim Empires (Umayyad, Abbasid and Fatimid Empires) and Muslim Organizations. This book has been majorly designed for use in both secondary schools, tertiary institutions and Universities, though lower academic classes can find it useful for some topics. The simple way in which the events and major issues in Islamic civilisation have been presented in this book, makes it an easy to read document by even lay people with keen interest in knowing the origins, development, present and future of the Islamic religion. ····· 10361100107

Learn Islam: The last Divine Religion

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Practicing Islam without having learnt from Authentic Islamic Scholars cause malpractices (Biddaat) in the Deen. It is very important to know the basic spirit of the commandments and the teachings of the Prophet Muhammad SAWM so as to practice religion in its true perspective. The most disgusting outcome is the stubborn attitude of certain followers leading to the formation of different sects that have no place in religion. Prophet SAWM said that there would be 73 sects among my Ummah. Among these there would be only one that will be going to Jannah. In this book very selective topics have been touched. This effort has taken into account certain neglected practices among Muslims. Thus rightly, an effort to reform the malpractices in religion. World is fast nearing the End thus there is a section in these articles that tell us about the time that is forth coming. This work is valuable for New as well Old Muslims as this will give them an insight into Islamic teachings. This book is equally valuable for the Non-Muslims who will like to know something about the Islamic way of living. This will help them better understand the Divine religion and make the right decision. ····· 10361100087

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