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Exposing Familiar Spirits in The Spiritual Church

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Spirituality has been one of the confusing spheres in the church and especially in the Pentecostal churches. There has been little Discernment among the spiritual world. In which churches operate in. Many churches are operating in familiar spirits without knowing. There must be clear distinction between the Holy Spirit of God and familiar spirits. In This book we have explained clearly how Church leaders, pastors and other Religious leaders can expose fake and familiar spirits operating and affecting them in the churches today worldwide. The church of Christ, Leaders and pastors will benefit when they read this book as they gain Knowledge and understanding on exposing familiar spirits. Our main Aim is to expose the existence and operation of familiar spirits in the spiritual churches around the globe. May this book be beneficial to the body of Christ. ····· 10361132771

Joseph Babalola and the Growth of Indigenous Pentecostalism in Nigeria

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This book has given the evaluation of a great hero, motivator and a unique icon to be remembered in the history of the world and especially, Nigeria. Joseph Ayo Babalola has been identified as a prophetic figure in Nigeria. The book therefore analyzes the historical antecedents, growth and expansion of indigenous Pentecostalism in Nigeria it also enumerates the prophetic and evangelistic activities of Joseph Ayo Babalola on faith healing. These resultant activities stimulated growth and changes till the early 1960s. The book reveals that Apostle Joseph Ayo Babalola was a major contributor to the growth of the Christ Apostolic Church as well as nation building. It also reveals how indigenous Pentecostal leaders emphasized divine healing and prophetic gifts such as visions, dreams, and discernment as remedies to personal problems confronting Nigerians at that time. The book concludes that the indigenous Pentecostal churches in Nigeria would continue to be functional and relevant to other churches and contemporary society. ····· 10361132417

Unraveling the Mysteries of Jesus the Christ

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The present book makes an humble attempt to analyze the various conflicting and contradictory views about the person of Jesus. Most of the scholarly findings were relating the legends associated with Jesus the Christ with Lord Krishna of India, others were finding Buddhist element in his teachings and character. Yet another type of studies were negating the historicity of Jesus the Christ. In view of all these conflicting and contradictory findings one gets confused and face a volley of questions as to Jesus really lived in India. Whether there was no Jesus. If there was no Jesus, how come the events of crucifixion and resurrection took place. Did he really come to India Was he born to a virgin or not Was he born on 25th December or some other date Did he really start preaching at the age of 30 Was he reincarnated from Baptist John Was he a good shepherd or good cowherd Whether he was born in Bethlehem or Nazareth and so on. This compelling book tries to answer all these questions keeping in view of the plethora of views woven around Jesus. ····· 10361132313

The Holy Spirit, the Sanctifying Power

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THE HOLY SPIRIT THE SANCTIFYING POWER IN CALVIN`S THOUGHT This work interprets the role of the Holy Spirit in sanctification according to John Calvin. The Study of Calvin focuses on the 1559 edition Institutes. The perspectives of Calvin`s views explored are those of `the Christian life` and that of the Christian life as a life of `Grace and Gratitude.` Calvin understood the Spirit as the power through which `the Christian life` comes to be, and the power through which such life is lived for the honor and glory of God- a life that pays gratitude to Him. Further, he understood the Spirit as the power bringing forth transformation into the `Image of God-IMAGO DEI` during the process. In Calvin`s thought, therefore, the Holy Spirit is the power involved in the creation of ` the Christian life` and the renewal of such life into the `Image of God.` ····· 10361132004

Reading by the Light of a Burning Phoenix

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This is a new interpretation of Hermann Hesse`s Steppenwolf. This interpretation is grounded on Immanuel Kant`s moral philosophy and is centered on a discussion and analysis of an inescapable paradox that is fundamental to the human condition. I argue that our rational capacity exposes us to an unconditional and insuperable moral demand. However, we can only ever respond to this autonomous command with a finite material capacity. It is our fate, therefore, to impose conditions on our own unconditional imperative, that is, to exist as a self-evident contradiction. Since it is possible to escape neither the conditioned nor the unconditioned pole, we must eventually despair of the possibility of moral sufficiency. I argue that Steppenwolf is an aesthetic articulation of and response to this radical and tragic structural disparity. I also argue that Steppenwolf offers an intimation of deliverance, but only in the form of willing and anonymous self-sacrifice in the name of the impossible ideal. I conclude with an articulation of a fundamental three-stage moral development that is made possible by empowering aesthetic symbols described by both Kant and Hesse. ····· 10361131982

Early Engagements with the Bible in Tanzania

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This book provides a critical analyses of the interface between the Bible and the people of central Tanzania, especially the Gogo, in the early missionary endeavours. This analysis is vitally significant if we are to come to grips with the prevailing interpretative practices of the ordinary readers of the Bible in Tanzania. Presently, in Tanzania, it has become a common practice for Christians, and even people of other faiths, to keep Bibles in their houses even though they do not read them. Scripture verses are written or inscribed on doors and on the walls of lounge rooms. Words of the Bible are written on buses and lorries. Sometimes a Bible is placed on a sick person for healing. At night, some people put their Bibles under their pillows. Others have been buried with their Bibles. Why do people treat, read and interpret the Bible the way they do What resources do they have that facilitates their reading and understanding This resourceful book provides some answers. This book is highly recommended for studies in African theology. ····· 10361131892

Heiligkeit für Anfänger

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Das vorliegende Buch definiert Heiligkeit als tiefe Beziehung zu Gott, ein wunderbares und unergründliches Zusammenspiel von Gott und Mensch, von Gnade und Bemühen. Heiligkeit ist etwas sehr Individuelles. Dem Autor gelingt es dennoch, konkrete und zugleich allgemein gültige Schritte aufzuzeigen, wie Heiligkeit aussehen und wie sie erreicht werden könnte. Ein Buch, das es verdient, zum spirituellen Standardwerk zu werden. ····· 10361121127

The Triple Anointed Leader

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For years people have wondered about the difference in Leadership, I have found out one of secret that brings this difference, it is all about the Anointing and the Level of anointing one is operating in. In This book I have covered Three major Levels a leader undergoes, Not all leaders have the three anointing or will operate in all the anointing. That is what makes a difference. I have used the example of David the King of Israel, He was anointed thrice and each time there came new responsibilities, new challenges and Different Happenings all together. This is still happening to many Religious, Political, Economical leaders and Managerial Position of Leadership. Many are facing challenges yet they do not understand why. The book Unveils all the three levels of anointing, the challenges and Preparations that leaders Need to know as they get in leadership Positions. It is Vital to Lay leaders, Pastors and Students in any Leadership sphere. It will open, enlighten and prepare them for leadership Opportunities ahead. Teachers, pastors, and leaders can read and Use it in various leadership training cycles. This book is the best Gift to buy for your Pastor and those Leaders you Love. ····· 10361119725

African Tradition Religion and Pentecostalism in Zimbabwe

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The book explores the interaction between Christianity and African Traditional Religion. It examines how Pentecostals in Zimbabwe, through a case study of Zimbabwe Assemblies of God, Africa (ZAOGA), have couched aspects of Shona traditional religion into their Christian faith in spite of their well-known adversarial stance towards the traditional religion. The book argues that Zimbabwean Pentecostals continue source and be influenced by the traditional religions in their lives. ····· 10361119702

The Role of Religion in Health Matters

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This is an excellent research study, which brings to the fore a theological position in an African context on the ministry of the evangelical Christian Church toward a holistic provision of health care. The study helps us appreciate the diverse tangible and intangible religious health assets found in the local churches and how they directly or indirectly enhance and contribute to better health outcomes in our communities. The work points out assets found among religious institutions, which should be appreciated and leveraged in public health policy for the well being of the people. The research unveils the vital relationship that exists between religion and health and how an integrated approach to healthcare helps to meet the health needs of people and communities. ····· 10361119636

Islamic Education

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This study is about the Ulama and their educational reforms in Marawi City. It focuses on the effectiveness of their educational role in addressing the need of the Muslims. The ideas originated from the Ulama are the reason for the expansion of Islamic knowledge in Marawi City. The efforts of the Ulama brought the true light of Islam on the Maranaws removing most of the mystery and mysticism in the early pagan teachings. They call people to revive the Sunnah of Prophet Muhammad (SAW) by enjoining good and forbidding un-Islamic practices and infuse a fresh breath of Islamic learning. The numerous Madaris and integrated schools in Marawi city were initiated by the Ulama. Madrasah and integrated schools are the centers of Islamic learning,and the places for gaining righteous and divine knowledge. Madaris,Mosques,and limited numbers of Integrated Islamic institutions in the country particularly in Marawi where scholars impart Islamic knowledge and instill Islamic piety through their example and teachings.Finally, one of the issues confronted the Ulama in their educational reform is the lack of subsidy since the government rarely heeds the educational development of the Muslims. ····· 10361119620

De-colonization Extended to African Theology`

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The study examines two paradigms that have influenced the nature of the traditional culture and the gospel message relationships in Africa. On one hand, the dialectical paradigm was at the service of Europeans, notably missionaries for much of the colonial period. Missionaries perceived Africa in negative terms to the extent that the majority of them did not compromise their standpoint. That standpoint was to destroy every fabric of traditional African society. This was the foundation of a prejudicial centre-periphery` theory, to which Europeans subscribed. The study posits that it was this centre-periphery theory that shaped, for example, missionary Christianity to remain like a foreign religion, despite having an almost permanent foothold in Africa. On the other hand, the dialogical paradigm perceives an integrative role, in which traditional culture can function at the service of theology and thereby re- invigorates African Christianity. By using the Zimbabwean context, the study contends that the latter dialogical model is more appropriate towards transforming African Christianity to become more vibrant. ····· 10361119528

The Emperor Has No Clothes

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The fundamental bottleneck behind the persistent sinful behavior of today`s Christians is the Original Sin doctrine. According to this bizarre doctrine, man is born with a corrupted nature from Adam. Proponents of the original sin heresy tactfully argue that human beings are born in sin, get saved in their sin and die in their sin and go to heaven in their sins . They opine that a born again Christian` who commits suicide goes to heaven. Can you imagine! They are also not shamed to say that being a born again` Christian rapist , murderer, porn addict and thug does not deprive one of heaven. Christianity has become a source of ridicule because of Original Sin preachers. Non-Christians look a Christians as big hypocrites because they do not see a difference between them and the born again` Christians. Original sin preachers do not understand that grace produces works and human freedom does not negate God`s sovereignty. This book takes you through the origins and rebuttals of the doctrine of Original Sin. After reading this book, you must decide whether to follow the bible alone or concoctions of carnal preachers. ····· 10361119478

Monotheism and the Sons of God

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The significance of the term sons of God is that it often refers to the members of the divine council, which seems to be in conflict with the concept of monotheism. Deuteronomy 32 appears to contain two contrasting concepts, one which denies the existence of other gods (Deut 32:12, 21, 39, cf. 4:35, 39) and the other which assumes their existence (Deut 32:8, 43). Therefore the question is whether the sons of God really exist and what is their relationship with Yahweh ····· 10361119442

Judithising Christ?

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For decades radical feminism has been waging a very persistent onslaught on biblical Christianity. This assault is premised on the faulty assumption that biblical Christianity is based on patriarchal oppression and domination and thus needs to be gender-neutralized if not overthrown. As a result, a number of so called gender neutral bibles with translations such as Judith Christ instead of Jesus Christ , prodigal daughter instead of prodigal son, send you out to fish for people instead of fishers of men among other changes. Radical feminist theology is a clear reflection of the old lie of the serpent has God said(Genesis 3:1).It is a clear manifestation of Lucifer`s antics clearly expressed in the statement I will ascend above the heights of the clouds I will be like the most High(Isaiah 14:14). This book argues that the Bible teaches that women are equal to men as human beings. Husbands are to love their wives, even as Christ also loved the church, and gave himself for it..(Eph. 5:25-28). No man should ever treat a woman with contempt, or abuse her in any way. All women should be treated with respect and gentleness by men. ····· 10361119420

The Gap in Catholic Healthcare Chaplaincy

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There is a new era of Catholic chaplains walking the halls and rooms of Catholic Healthcare institutions they are chaplains, trained in Clinical Pastoral Education, most with a masters in divinity or masters in pastoral ministry. They are not priests, religious sisters or brothers. They are lay Roman Catholics with a passion to carry on the ministry of Jesus Christ in the healthcare setting. They are changing the way healthcare ministry is carried out in the hospital setting. ····· 10361119382


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The continent of Africa is currently undergoing sociopolitical and economic crisis. Researches have shown that women and children are the most affected whenever problems arise. This book looks at the way proverbs on women, from the biblical book of Proverbs, have been applied to the lives of women. In some cases one approach has been used to interpret these proverbs therefore the message passed to women is less effective, distorted, and sometimes meaningless to them. Therefore the question raised is In what ways can women in the book of Proverbs be understood in order to bring an effective and relevant meaning to African women It reveals the nature and situation of women in ancient Israel and surrounding nations as it focuses on women in wisdom literature. Literal approach to proverbs about women addresses only a few women. Today, African women require a pragmatic message that is life giving, healing, liberative and reconstructive. The book has discussed the use of different approaches in attempting to unveil the problem, that is: historical critical, canonical and the feminist approach that helps Church and Society to meet the challenges of women and the entire community. ····· 10361119228


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AIDS intervention in Africa has been seriously hampered by the fear and stigma that people with AIDS pose a general health hazard to the population.Stigma is a common human reaction to disease.Throughout history many diseases have carried considerable stigma.AIDS is only the latest disease to be stigmatized. Some religious people believe that AIDS is a punishment or curse from God for promiscuous people.This belief reinforces stigma and discrimination against people living with AIDS making it difficult to seek necessary help.In WHO IS MY NEIGHBOUR ,Charles B. Manda challenges the us and them kind of attitude,thinking and behaviour of faith communities which has not stopped but fueled the spread of the epidemic through silence. The book demonstrates that Africa`s faith community, which in many countries already provides most of the care and comfort for the sick and dying as well as the orphans and vulnerable children, has a very significant role to play in social and cultural antecedents of HIV and AIDS. Although the study is localized to South African context, the results have a much wider relevance to the Church as a healing, inclusive and accompanying community. ····· 10361119144

Living the Ethic of Care

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Living the Ethic of Care becomes a lifestyle in which the needs of others became paramount to all other concerns. The human experience is one of need that can be met by other humans both in the present world and in the realm beyond our reach. The focus of the caring one is ultimately on others. The world is full of needs to be met and through conscious effort one`s life becomes consumed in that effort. It is about the natural need in the short term and about eternal needs on a greater scale. The Ethic of Care is a calling and entering into the fulfillment of one`s calling meets one`s own need as well. To see ongoing success following one`s efforts into this fulfilling and self fulfilling experience is hugely gratifying. It is a giving and a receiving, with a purpose whose results may never fully be known. ····· 10361118802

Pentecostalism in Apostolic Faith Mission (A.F.M.)

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This work, designed for readers pursuing in-depth academic study of Pentecostal theology, traces the origins of the Apostolic Faith Mission (A.F.M.) in Zimbabwe from the Azusa Street revival in Los Angeles, and is based on a dissertation completed for the M.Th. in Systematic Theology degree at UNISA. Pentecostalism spread to South Africa with the founding of Apostolic Faith Mission of South Africa, and in face of stiff resistance from government authorities and established mainline churches, it spontaneously filtered into Zimbabwe. A theological survey of the main tenets of Pentecostalism helps us to discover the Pentecostal tenets adopted in Apostolic Faith Mission, from inception through to Apostolic Faith Mission in Zimbabwe. An overview of the Pentecostal experiences in Apostolic Faith Mission reveals dynamism in Pentecostalism. Four phases of Pentecostal experiences are discerned, resulting in various congregations of the same Church behaving and believing differently. The work also seeks to contribute towards reconciling the diverging Pentecostal views in Apostolic Faith Mission. ····· 10361118735

Theological justification of apartheid in South African churches

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Now that Apartheid as a political system has been abolished it is time to analyse the factors that evoked a theology of Apartheid. This theology has not been developed suddenly and independently but is part of a long lasting process, intertwined with many other factors. When viewing available literature it appears that many aspects are brought in, whereby different perspectives play a role. The aim of this study is to gain a survey of the many factors that played a role in the origin of Apartheid and especially Apartheid theology, that is intrinsically interwoven with the other factors. It aims, with the help of this divers literature, to understand the roots and the nature of Apartheid theology, especially with regard to the present position of the traditionally white churches in South Africa. The focus is especially on the Dutch Reformed Church (the Nederduits Gereformeerde Kerk) as the leading volkskerk of the Afrikaners. ····· 10361118667

Religious Diversity on the Labyrinth

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Millions of people in recent years have been captivated by the mystery and beauty of a 4,000-year-old geometric form called the labyrinth. They have walked, prayed, meditated, and participated in rituals on the labyrinth s winding circular path as it guides them with certainty into the center. Labyrinths are located in schools, prisons, hospitals, parks, and churches. They have become a unifying symbol and a ritual structure attracting people from a broad spectrum of religions and spiritual pursuits, making the labyrinth an excellent window through which to view the growing trend of religious diversity. This book examines how the labyrinth is emerging around the world as an arena for ritual that is unbounded by the structures, rules, and limitations that often accompany religious traditions. The labyrinth belongs to no one religion, has no single leader, no absolute ritual, and no authoritative text. By examining the labyrinth`s ancient classical and Christian history and describing its diverse contemporary rituals we can discover the importance of ritual as a means of engaging with a sacred cosmos. ····· 10361118631

Divine numbers

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Numbers being natural, real, complex, integer etc play a vital role in our daily life. According to Hebrew tradition every number has a symbolic significance. In real life, man cannot survive without the use of numbers. Numbers have a lot of applications in modern life such as in mathematics, physics, engineering, computer programming, accounting the list is endless. This is the physical importance of numbers. However, we should note that numbers have a spiritual significance as well. Such significance will be explained, in detail, in this book. Numbers are a secret code of God s word. God often use numbers and number sequences to communicate and impart divine messages to us. ····· 10361118587

Towards a theology of sexual pleasure

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Happiness and fullness of life for the whole human person is the Good News preached by Jesus. It may be strange to find that many people consider Christianity as opposed to happiness. This is especially true with regard to sexual pleasure. It is pertinent to verify whether Christianity is against sexual pleasure, as well as to make a self-criticism of its approach to sexual pleasure. Any serious attempt to understand the Church s teaching on sexuality demands a committed research into its tradition rooted in the scriptures, and into the philosophical and cultural context in which the Church has been trying to live the mystery of human life revealed in Jesus Christ. This research is an attempt to analyse the various trends in the theological approach to sexual pleasure from the biblical times to the present day. Understanding the meaning and significance of sexual pleasure and accepting it positively and creatively will foster the goodness of the family, and thus the life of the Christian community and the entire society. This book will be helpful for theologians and students of theology, as well as for couples who want to live meaningfully their life of intimate love. ····· 10361118274

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