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Approaching Humankind

für 60.00€ kaufen ···· - Bücher, eBooks, DVD & Blu-ray
Every human life form encapsulates an idea of humankind and humanity. Today, this very idea is challenged by the various and diverging needs for cultural orientation in the age of globalization. One of the recent attempts to meet these challenges is provided by a new humanism with an intercultural intent. Such humanism can be conceptualized only by the collaborative efforts of different academic disciplines at exploring the human being as the gist of what is meant by humanity. Thus, this volume explores the pertinent fields of knowledge from the perspectives of philosophy, theology, anthropology, sociology, economy, psychology, neurobiology, history, and gender studies. Focusing on the guiding question of what is meant by being a human, the contributions of this volume encompass a fascinating spectrum of insights, which will orientate future discussions on humanity and humanism. ····· 1036193904

Folter vor Gericht

für 45.00€ kaufen ···· - Bücher, eBooks, DVD & Blu-ray
Folter ist in vielen nationalen Rechtsordnungen und durch das Völkerrecht ausnahmslos verboten. In Deutschland existieren mehrere Rechtsvorschriften, die Opfern von Folter oder anderen schweren Misshandlungen ein dauerhaftes Aufenthaltsrecht oder zumindest Abschiebeschutz gewähren. Standards zur medizinischen und psychologischen Begutachtung von Menschen mit Traumatisierung sind etabliert. Das Bundesverwaltungsgericht hat Mindestanforderungen an die Substantiierung von Traumafolgestörungen durch ärztliche Atteste formuliert. Und bis 2012 soll ein Gemeinsames Europäisches Asylsystem verwirklicht werden. In der Theorie scheint klar zu sein, was sich in der Praxis als problematisch entpuppt: Ein fairer Umgang mit Folteropfern in Asylverfahren. Ziel dieses Sammelbandes ist, die Möglichkeiten und Grenzen der an Asylverfahren beteiligten Fachrichtungen auszuloten, den interdisziplinären fachlichen Austausch weiter zu vertiefen und neue Denkansätze zu geben. ····· 1036193903

51 Jahre türkische Gastarbeitermigration in Deutschland

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Dieser Band knüpft an den vorhergehenden Band zum Thema `50 Jahre türkische Arbeitsmigration in Deutschland` an. Er weist auf die Kontinuität und Prozesshaftigkeit hin, die auch nach dem Jubiläum besteht. In interdisziplinärer Bandbreite widmen sich die einzelnen Beiträge deutsch-türkischen Verhandlungen im wirtschaftlichen und diplomatiehistorischen Kontext, dem scheinbaren Widerspruch zwischen engagierter Literatur und literarischer Ästhetik in der Migrationsliteratur, der Darstellung von Türken und der Türkei in deutschen Lesebüchern, der Gastarbeitermigration als Motiv im türkischen Film, der Theaterarbeit als Raum für Protest sowie kommunikativen Handlungen angesichts der Erfahrung von Marginalisierung. ····· 1036193894

Inclusive Humanism

für 55.00€ kaufen ···· - Bücher, eBooks, DVD & Blu-ray
Die Vielfalt miteinander vernetzter Kulturen auf unserem begrenzten Planeten erfordert gemeinsame Orientierungen. Die Humanwissenschaften müssen fundamentale Fragen angehen: Wie sieht ein Humanismus aus, der eigene Sichten und Erfahrungen Europas und Amerikas nicht vorschnell universalisiert Wie können wir Globalität als Ganzes denken, ohne Einheit und Differenz gegeneinander auszuspielen Braucht eine Weltgemeinschaft gemeinsame Werte, oder reichen Regeln für einen humanen Umgang Wie kann der allgegenwärtige Ethnozentrismus zivilisiert werden Wie lässt sich verhindern, dass `Kultur` in Identitätskämpfen als Waffe missbraucht wird Ein realistischer Kosmopolitismus muss die Menschheit als Einheit verstehen, ohne Kulturen in globale Schablonen zu pressen. Hierfür können wir sowohl auf geteilte Charakteristika aller Menschen als auch auf Gemeinsamkeiten aller Kulturen bauen. Dieses Buch bietet ein anthropologisch informiertes Fundament zu heute drängenden Problemen interkulturellen Umgangs. ····· 1036193873

***Totem und Tabu

····· lezzter Preis 35.00€ ···· - Bücher, eBooks, DVD & Blu-ray
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Schulbuch Geschichte

für 30.00€ kaufen ···· - Bücher, eBooks, DVD & Blu-ray
Deutschland und Polen haben eine äußerst schmerzliche und schwierige gemeinsame Geschichte. Umso bemerkenswerter ist, dass die beiden Länder seit den 1970er-Jahren kontinuierlich zum Thema `Schulbuch` zusammenarbeiten.Dieser Band ist das Ergebnis einer zwei Jahre dauernden Zusammenarbeit von Fachwissenschaftlern und Schulpraktikern beider Länder im Rahmen des Expertenrates des Projektes `Deutsch-Polnisches Geschichtsbuch`. Er legt ein Konzept für die Erarbeitung eines curricularen Geschichtsbuches vor, mit dem Schüler aus Deutschland und Polen in einigen Jahren europäische und globale Geschichte aus deutscher und polnischer Perspektive lernen können. Der Band stellt nicht nur ein Grundlagendokument der deutsch-polnischen Wissenschaftsbeziehungen vor. Er kann auch Impulse für Schule und Wissenschaft weit über die beiden Länder hinaus geben. ····· 1036193861

Wettkampf und Wirklichkeitsverständnis

für 54.00€ kaufen ···· - Bücher, eBooks, DVD & Blu-ray
Sport ist vielfach präsent: In den Medien, in der Freizeit, in der Schule, in Smalltalks oder hitzigen Diskussionen, als Berufsfeld, Wirtschaftsfaktor oder Werbepartner. Sport produziert beeindruckende Bilder, erzählt spannende Geschichten, lädt zum Staunen und Mitfiebern oder auch zum Mitmachen ein. Er wirft Fragen an unser Menschenbild auf und nach den Werten, an denen wir uns orientieren. Dieses Buch untersucht, wie wir Siege und Niederlagen erleben, dazu Themen wie Selbstbestimmung und Freiheit, Egoismus oder Menschenwürde, Doping, Gender-Fairness, die Virtualisierung des Körpers, das Lob Gottes im sportlichen Spiel, der christliche Glaube in der Fankultur, die Angewiesenheit des Profisports auf Kommerzialisierung und Politisierung, Metaphorik des Sports und Bildung im Sport. ····· 1036192825

Heinz-Dietrich Wendland (1900-1992)

für 38.00€ kaufen ···· - Bücher, eBooks, DVD & Blu-ray
Ein ökumenisch aufgeweichtes Luthertum - so charakterisierte Heinz-Dietrich Wendland seine Theologie, die quer zu den Verhältnissen der theologischen Landschaft der BRD stand. Er begann als konservativer Lutheraner, dessen soziales Denken vor allem von einem Ziel getrieben war: der Verachtung gegenüber der Demokratie und der `höllischen Trinität Freiheit, Gleichheit und Brüderlichkeit` (Wilhelm Stählin). Nach 1945 war er einer der ersten, die sich aus theologischer Perspektive entschieden für die Bonner Demokratie und ihr soziales Konzept eingesetzt haben. Als Sozialethiker und Neutestamentler prägte Heinz-Dietrich Wendland mit seinen Veröffentlichungen und seiner Lehrtätigkeit an den Universitäten Heidelberg, Hamburg und vor allem Münster den theologischen und kirchlichen Diskurs zu Themen von der Paulusforschung bis zur Marxismuskritik, von liturgischen bis zu gesellschaftlichen Fragen. Dieses Buch zeichnet die Lerngeschichte Wendlands nach und zeigt damit die Stärken und Schwächen eines wandlungsfähigen Konservativismus im 20. Jahrhundert. Das Buch entstand im Rahmen des DFG-Projekts `Transformationsprozesse in die BRD: Kontinuität und Diskontinuität im Politik- und Gesellschaftsverständnis Heinz-Dietrich Wendlands`. ····· 1036192801

Endspiele interdisziplinär

für 36.00€ kaufen ···· - Bücher, eBooks, DVD & Blu-ray
In den Massenmedien sind Vorstellungen von Weltuntergang und Weltende weit verbreitet. Neben kommerziell ausgerichteten Filmen und vornehmlich durch das Internet verbreiteten Untergangsprophetien finden sich auch künstlerisch anspruchsvolle Aneignungen. Nicht immer jedoch wird ein Ende mit Schrecken erwartet. Der Angst vor dem Weltuntergang steht seit der Antike die Hoffnung auf ein neues goldene Zeitalter gegenüber. Ein Ende mit Schrecken oder doch die Durchsetzung eines ewigen Friedens Eine Klimakatastrophe biblischen Ausmaßes oder doch ein (außer)irdisches Paradies Dieser Forschungsband nähert sich diesen Fragen interdisziplinär aus Perspektiven verschiedener Geisteswissenschaften. Aus dem Inhalt Vom Ende des Endes. Leopardis und Becketts Endspiele, A se stesso und Fin de partie Circulus vitiosus. Der Rollenwechsel des Leviathan in der Antike `Die Welt, die uns stirbt.` Die Lehre von der annihilatio mundi im Anschluss an Johann Georg Hamann Weltuntergang an der Wende zum Spätmittelalter Der Frankfurter Pogrom von 1241 und seine Einbettung in jüdische Endzeiterwartungen Ein synchroner Schnitt durch die Endzeit. Überlegungen zur geschichtswissenschaftlichen Erforschung der Apokalyptik Die technische Keimzelle im digitalen Universum von Konrad Zuse `It`s the End of the World as We Know It (And I feel Fine)`. Überlegungen zum Verhältnis von Affekt und Utopie ····· 1036192786

Ethnicised Rights

für 44.10€ kaufen ···· - Bücher, eBooks, DVD & Blu-ray
The study aimed to establish how ethnic identity affects enjoyment of equality of opportunity in Kenya. While inequality of opportunity is seen as differential access to basic rights by ethnic groups, basic rights are the necessities or entitlements every individual requires in order to live in dignity for example healthcare and participation. The study reveals ethnic identity has had a positive and negative impact in accessing basic rights in post independence Kenya. Although ethnicity offers people a sense of belonging and has seldom been used legitimately to acquire economic and political power, it is a significant basis for discrimination of certain ethnic groups. Apart from parliament where ethnic representation has been fairly proportional, appointments made to key positions in institutions that allocate national resources are characterised by blatant ethnic discrimination. The study further explores how inequality of opportunity has been aggravated by the country s profound culture of patronage, ineffective development policies, lack of human rights awareness among people and the absence of public accountability. ····· 1036192653

Condom use: A method of protection against HIV/AIDS infection

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The effect of HIV/AIDS have been felt in every corner of the world either directly or indirectly. To date there is no drug or vaccine, cure or prevention of HIV available, Therefore to prevent infection of the virus is by avoiding behaviour that will put individual at a risk of infection such as sharing of needles and having unprotected sex.Infection is a very complex affair because many people who get infected are unaware or do not reveal the symptoms. This study intended to assess the use of condoms as a method of protection aginst HIV/AIDS infection among youths, with specific objectives of determining the extent of knowledge and popularity of condom use and further to evaluate the sourcing avenues of condoms and there respective ease of access, to find out the youths perception on the effectiveness of condoms as a method of protection against HIV infection and to determine the safety and acceptability of use. The study adopted the use of a descriptive study design with a target population of all youths of Kisumu - Kano youth programme. ····· 1036192577

Deconstruction: New Considerations in Humanities

für 61.20€ kaufen ···· - Bücher, eBooks, DVD & Blu-ray
University Scholarship in Humanities in the second half of the twentieth century is marked by two movements often working in tandem. The intellectual ferment in many of the disciplines in humanities is caused by the cross-disciplinary interface between critical theories that tend to collapse the ideological boundaries between disciplines. The second movement is concerned with the evaporation of spatial boundaries themselves that has created a radically new space in the aftermath of colonialism which goes under the broad rubric of post-colonialism. The resurgence of competing deconstructive approaches incorporating feminism, post-colonialism, cultural studies and postmodernism has radically de-familiarised the educational establishment s ambience since the 1960 s. Publications like After Theory, Post-Theory, The Death of Criticism, The Death of Theory with their provocative titles seem to ring the death knell of theory, but is it really the end of aura of theory or do we agree with Anita Desai when she says that Nothing s over ever This work includes new ideas/thoughts on Deconstruction which, we hope, would help the critics and the scholars get better understanding of this contentious area. ····· 1036192396

The Neglected Missions

für 53.10€ kaufen ···· - Bücher, eBooks, DVD & Blu-ray
In this detailed and nuanced analysis of the early culture of Indonesia s leading Islamic modernist movement, the Muhammadiyah, Burhani significantly revises anachronistic understandings of the movement that cast it as puritanically hostile to Javanese culture. This book shows us that the impetus for Islamic renewal came in large part from Javanese elites deeply involved in traditional court culture, and they undertook that renewal not to expunge Javanese culture from Islamic practice but to promote the distillation of what they saw as Javanese culture s Islamic essence. Burhani s reconstruction of the early days of the Muhammadiyah in Java adds to a growing literature that appreciates the specificities of particular historical moments in Javanese apprehensions of Islam. This book will be an important source for students of Indonesian culture and politics who need to appreciate the changing relationships between local and global religious culture across the twentieth and twenty-first centuries. --Julia Day Howell, Professor of the Sociology of Religion, Centre for the Study of Contemporary Muslim Societies, University of Western Sydney-- ····· 1036192365

Disaster management and its implications for Development

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Disasters are horrible to development and this constrained the development process of many places in the world. from the perspectives of this research it is established that Kasese district has always continued to experience disasters and this has made the people ion the district to be vulnerable to disasters. it is therefore important that that a considerable approach to reduction of disasters becomes a very ones responsibility. ····· 1036192332

Disaster Management in Libraries

für 44.10€ kaufen ···· - Bücher, eBooks, DVD & Blu-ray
Effects of disasters all over the world are numerous and impact negatively on a country s economy. To curb this problem, disaster management is very important for any organization, since they have valuable resources such as buildings, equipment (computers, photocopiers), furniture, books or records, rare materials, antiquities that needs to be protected against destruction and personnel from being injured or killed by disaster occurrence. Governments and organisations whether private or public incur a lot of resources in terms of (time, finances, equipment, buildings, recruiting qualified human resources) to help them improve their nations and/or organisations to make them compete well with others. This book therefore addresses issues on disaster cases in libraries and beyond. It delves in to finding ways of curbing disasters both natural, manmade and those of moribund type the book suggest establishment of disaster management policy and department that is mandated to handle disaster cases in any established institutions where information is stored and used. The book is a must read for disaster policy makers, information managers and custodians of social memory. ····· 1036192292

Conflict Resolution and Community Development

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There are customary structures among the Woliso Oromo. Among others, the most venerated and widely spreading community structures embrace abba kuma, abbaa dbibbaa, luka, laga and abiyo spirit.These age-old customary structures were deep embedded in the socio-cultural lives of the community. The roles of these community structures in community development and conflict resolutions have been quite immense. Their integrative role is to keep the community together as a unit possessing and reflecting common socio-cultural and historical assets. Their pivotal role in maintaining peace and order among the community had been profound. The customary community structures in Wolisso area have got useful functions for social, economic, political, cultural, historical and environmental developments. ····· 1036192112

What use are translators in a globalised post-modern Babel Tower?

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Translation can be used for bad or good purposes, to impose or fight capitalism, to share or deny knowledge. Yet, this book will demonstrate the impossibility of translation, its lies, its enslavement to the system, and its active role in the subjugation of a global subaltern class. This book acknowledges the impossibility of the translator s task, and concludes with an exhortation to give up and abolish the practice of translation: let us call this exhortation the No-Translation Proposal. We may try to make this Babel Tower a more comfortable home, where we can understand each other without linguistic negotiations by being our own mediators, where individuals are endowed with the opportunity to gain direct access to the originals in order to dismiss elitist circles of privileged mediators who have been trained to unnecessarily filter meanings on their behalf. If translations are removed, originals will speak for themselves, and readers, empowered to become text explorers, will rely on a virtual unlimited heritage of first-hand sources of knowledge, rather than partial, restrained, and derivative mediations: if peoples could share it all, that would be real cultural democracy. ····· 1036192109

Mob Justice in Uganda:Lack of Faith in the Judicial Process

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Mob justice is a silent Monster especially in developing countries. Hundreds of people continue to die without being subjected to legal court prosecution. This book explores the issue of mob justice and tracks the causes of the vice that is common in most African cities towns and rural areas. It tackles the issue from a human rights perspective and can be useful to lawyers, advocates, human rights activists, the police, and the justice sector in general. Although the case study is on Uganda, the issues in the book are applicable to most African situations and is thus recommended to readers in the rest of Sub Saharan countries where mob justice is rampant. The book is an important resource given the fact that there isn`t adequate literature on mob justice. It therefore provides an important glimpse into the challenge that continues to threaten the core principle of natural justice where people are supposed to be innocent until proved guilty by competent courts of Law. Academicians, social researchers justice sector, and other readers will find this book invaluable. ····· 1036192108

Environmental Problems and Human Responses in Zimbabwe

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This book critically examines Environmental Problems and Human Responses in Mazvihwa Communal Area (Zvishavane District) in the Midlands Province of Zimbabwe. This is an area of high rainfall variabilinty and reccurrent droughts. Based on Kay`s (1979) and Burton,et al`s (1978) models, the book argues that the area`s carrying capacity has long been exceeded leading to disastrous consequences for human beings and their livestock. Theformer in turn respond in ways that conform to Burton,et al`s model. The book focuses on two major droughts, namely those of 1982 and 1992,the latter one being the worst in living memory.The two models can also be applied to other communal areas of Zimbabwe. ····· 1036192003

Christianity and African Spirituality

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The challenges facing African Christianity are similar to those the early Greco-Roman Christianity faced while trying to integrate the gospel in the ways that were understandable by locals, as well as being authentic as far as Christianity was concerned. In Africa, the churches are also trying to integrate some cultural values within Christianity so that Christianity will not be viewed as a foreign religion but as an African religion as part of a universal religion. Many African theologians and scholars have come up with various Christological models which try to speak the gospel in African way. These are, Christ as the healer, ancestor,and big brother . This book is written in similar circumstances, in particular in its focus on Igembe community a sub-group of Meru tribe in Kenya. It is focused on understanding how African spirituality has been a challenge to Christianity, especially as far as healing, health and wholeness, calamities, and witchcraft are concerned. It is also in this perspective that the office of Muaa is studied. ····· 1036191996

Peace in the World

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Serious minded writers have always found themselves questioning what is usually taken for granted, and have generally found the task exciting, though vastly under-appreciated. Bertrand Russell found it hard to focus on mathematics and logic by remaining indifferent to social and political discontent around him. His works of prose stand out as a monumental contribution to political discourse and human development. Unlike most of the western philosophers, he questions the basis of western political thought. He discourages aggression, hostility, political and economic exploitation, and many other preeminent aspects of the western culture and thought which have destabilized the world of today. Present research work is designed to show the significance of his Post World War-II Essays for peace and security of the human kind, in particular, their relevance at the present time. ····· 1036191739

Languages for America

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`Languages for America` is Dr. White`s final dissertation project in which he explores the creation of an American national identity through the works of various political pundits and satirists. This work uncovers the rich history of nonstandard languages in nineteenth-century American literature and the many strands of humor used to diffuse tense political debates. From the early European settlement of the American continent to questions of race at the turn of the twentieth-century, `Languages for America` asks what it means to `speak American` and who determines what the American language should sound like and how it should appear in written form. ····· 1036191375

The socio-economic situation of vulnerable children in Ethiopia

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The issue of street children is becoming a worldwide phenomenon. There are vast ranges of ideas about how to tackle the problem of street children. The problem is so huge and diverse that multiple strategies are needed. Clearly, it cannot be achieved simply by injections of money, or by merely passing laws. These efforts may even aggravate matters unless they are accompanied by programmes which will allow children to develop their potential. Though responding to each child is difficult task, before intervention, there should have well documented information about each child. Holistic approach is preferable through specifying the respective roles of major stakeholders. ····· 1036191316

Federal political culture in India: A public perceptionia

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Federalism for more than six decades has provided the Indian electorates as how to live together even as they maintain their diversities. Though federalism doesn t and cannot provide a panacea to every political entity, however healthy democracy seems to demand the adoption or maintenance of an effective federal system. However It appears that there is a correlation between the federal structure and the federal attitude of the country. Indian constitution envisages a federal mode of organization. The process of the evolution of Indian Federalism has been influenced by the interplay between the original constitutional design and changing political practices notably the relations between parties in power at different levels of government structure, rise of regional parties, end of one party dominant era and the judicial interpretation of the constitution.The present study is the only empirical study ever conducted to capture the public perception on the emerging issues of Indian federalism in general and federal political culture and structure of India in particular. The Study ha s the backup of a database comprising of 500 respondents covered in 5states in different regions of India ····· 1036191304

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