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Monumento, escultura y mobiliario en la renovación de Bilbao (Tomo II)

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El estudio pone en relieve el límite entre la escultura y el mobiliario. Establece pautas para comprender ciertos fenómenos sobre todo en el último tercio del siglo XX y comienzo del XXI, a raíz de las vanguardias artísticas y en sintonía con el diseño. En este segundo tomo, se aborda la parte más específica de los escenarios concretos que se localizan en Bilbao, importante foco de atención en base a los procesos urbanísticos que se suceden en dicha ciudad caracterizada por su dimensión postindustrial y metropolitana. El trazado urbano teje las escenografías de la ciudad materializadas en los emplazamientos donde las permanencias monumentales y persistencias simbólicas con valor patrimonial y a veces un tanto anacrónico, comparten en post-modernidad un espacio-territorio conceptualmente más complejo y físicamente más indefinido con los elementos singulares de amueblamiento que funcionan como hitos señalizadores y artefactos estéticos ····· 1036189746

El embrujo del Chignahuapan

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El embrujo del Chignahupan es el resultado de una investigación que aborda desde una perspectiva biocultural las condiciones de vida y salud, a través de ciertas evidencias o huellas que dejaron marca en sus osamentas de una población prehispánica mesoamericana, que habitó el antiguo Valle de Toluca, México en una época de cambios importantes en la configuración del mundo mesoamericano. El análisis morfoscópico realizado en la serie esquelética proveniente de entierros de un sitio arqueológico de la antigua ciénega del Chignahuapan en la Cuenca del Alto Lerma, en el actual Estado de México, arrojó una serie de evidencias patológicas, que permitieron conocer las condiciones generales de salud de los habitantes de este sitio prehispánico. La presente investigación permite acercarse a la comprensión de como el modo de vida pudo haber impactado en la salud y nutrición de esta población de una zona pantanosa de la Ciénega del Chignahuapan. ····· 1036189704

Sociedad, pobreza y moda en la España del Siglo de Oro

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La presente obra estudia la faceta menos conocida de Bartolomé Jiménez Patón, la que se refiere a su obra última, en la cual escribió sobre los más variados temas haciendo valer su postura de moralista severo. Son los temas más pintorescos y variados de su obra: la moda, tanto en el vestuario como en el peinado, la ociosidad y los pobres o las plagas que asolaban la España de su tiempo. Se estudian y editan aquí cuatro obras, alguna de las cuales se creía perdida, como el `Albergue de pobres y remedio de necesidades`, que nos ha llegado manuscrita, y otras nunca editadas hasta el momento presente, como el `Discurso de la langosta` (1619), la `Reforma de trajes` (1638) y el `Discurso de los tufos` (1639). Su lectura aporta aspectos esenciales para entender la literatura de su época y el tiempo que le tocó vivir al autor. ····· 1036189701

¿Qué es...en Derecho?

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El libro ¿Qué es ... en Derecho es un acercamiento al derecho positivo cubano con el propósito de popularizar sus conceptos básicos entre la población, ávida de saber en estos rubros. Tal posición no escamotea, doctrinariamente, la universalidad de los mismos si se intenta cotejarlo con otras legislaciones. Sólo requeriría su adecuación al nuevo contexto legal. El autor intenta conjugar los términos del argot técnico jurídico con pinceladas históricas, reglas gramaticales y curiosidades que faciliten su retención por el lector. Si lo logró en cierta medida, constituye un éxito para aquel. ····· 1036189694

Propuesta de relleno sanitario para San Cristóbal

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La presente investigación tiene como finalidad proponer un sistema de disposición final de residuos y desechos sólidos urbanos para el Municipio San Cristóbal. Para ello se tiene previsto realizar un disgnóstico del sitio actual de disposición, identificar los impactos ambientales que genera el actual sistema y proponer el nuevo sistema de disposición mediante una lista de cotejo y aplicando la observación se identifican los impactos ambientales generados en el vertedero a cielo abierto no controlado de San Josecito. El sistema propuesto para la disposición de residuos en el Municipio San Cristóbal es el relleno sanitario mecanizado, con métodos de disposición de zanja y depresión, con una vida útil entre el rango de 20 a 25 años considerenado sitio recomendable La Finca La Esperanza ubicada en el Municipio Córdoba del Estado Tachira. ····· 1036189506

Interfaz Bioética

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La bioética surge de la preocupación por el destino humanizado del hombre frente al vance de las ciencias de la vida y el creciente poder de las biotecnologías que cuestionan el `puesto del hombre en el cosmos. Para enfrentar tal cuestionamiento, la bioética se basa en el diálogo entre dichas ciencias y las humanidades, en especial, la ética filosófica. Interfaz bioética aborda una idea del ser humano acorde con nuestra época y enfrenta los problemas y posibles ventajas que ofrece la clonación (erapéutic ay reproductiva) así como las diversas anternativas eugenésicas, en particular, la posibilidad radical de que `tomemos la evolución en nuestras manos` gracias a la intervención en el Genoma Humano. Todo ello se analiza desde una perspectiva crítica, abierta y plural que evita caer tanto en la fobia ante la tecnología como en la fascinación frente a ella. Se establece así un diálogo crítico con ambas posturas, con el objetivo primordial de crear conciencia de algunas de las encrucijadas éticas que enfrentamos hoy en día y dejar al lector la tarea de elaborar su juicio propio. ····· 1036189472

Actividad físico-deportiva de tiempo libre en jóvenes

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Los comportamientos de práctica físico-deportiva de tiempo libre de los jóvenes universitarios no se ajustan suficientemente a las recomendaciones de un estilo de vida activo que sea favorable para su salud. La investigación se articula sobre el análisis de los correlatos (determinantes) que se asocian con la práctica en los estudiantes de la Universidad de Guadalajara (México). Analizando los aspectos cualitativos (practican, abandonan y no participan) y cuantitativos (frecuencia, duración, intensidad y nivel de práctica). También se revisan los motivos que llevan al estudiantado a realizar práctica físico-deportiva durante su tiempo libre, así como las motivaciones intrínsecas y extrínsecas. Se indaga sobre los motivos que afectan la continuidad en la práctica y conducen al estudiantado a declinar en su participación. Finalmente, se examinan las barreras que han obstaculizado la participación de los jóvenes que nunca han realizado práctica de tiempo libre, analizado que variables internas y externas afectan en mayor medida. ····· 1036189440

Communicating Science

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In today s fast moving world the communication of science and technology is playing an increasingly important role in maintaining a sustainable relationship between science and the public. As science journalism is in decline, researchers and Universities have gained leeway in their relationship with traditional media. The motives to communicate outwards can be seen as a consequence of the PUS (Public Understanding of Science) and PEST (Public Engagement in Science and Technology) movements, which grew out of a general concern for the public s lack of interest and knowledge about science and the scientific method. Today however, the motives to communicate outwards are becoming increasingly pragmatic. Both journalists and researchers have their own agenda when communicating as corporate science and the competition for funding increases. At the same time, the conditions on which stories about science can be told have dramatically changed with the 21st century media landscape. By taking on a purely qualitative approach this book tries to explore the changing `rules of the game`, with the aim to provide new insights and lay out a path for further quantitative studies. ····· 1036189171

The Syntax of Verbal and Nominal Clauses of Yem

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This book presents the syntactic descriptions of simple verbal and nominal clauses of Yem in light of the minimalist program of Chomsky (1995a and 1995b). Yem is a language spoken in south-west part of Ethiopia classified under Omotic as a branch of the Kafa-Benoyem group of West Omotic. The Yem speakers (Yemma) live in the SNNP Regional State of Ethiopia. The author includes the basic assumptions in minimalist program about syntactic representation and clause derivation as a frame-work. The analysis shows the derivational operations as well as agreement, temporal and case features in verbal and nominal clauses of Yem. Also functional categories projected in IP layer, the hierarchical orders and basic word orders are described. Nominative case is checked at the spec of AgrsP where as accusative case is checked at the space of vP. However there is no temporal element in nominal clause and it is interpreted as DP not as IP. Thus, these and other descriptions presented in the study make this work important for linguists, pedagogical researchers, writers of educational materials, students of linguistics and for those who are interested in the study of Omotic languages. ····· 1036189167

Human Resource Management Couselling

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Human Resource Management counseling provides students and practicing managers with a concise but thorough review of essential Human Resource Management counseling concepts and in a highly readable and understanding form. Dr. Wilson Otengah Human Resource Management counseling is an extremely innovative look on Human Resource counseling issues. We believe that this book will help guide stimulate students, practioner and consultants. Henry OTok. Counseling in many organizations have been ignored, the book is an essential tool for growth oriented organizations. Phoebe Otiende. ····· 1036189130

Ubuntu Values for Effective HIV/AIDS Prevention in South Africa

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HIV/AIDS has posed a challenge to the whole world such that the world is more divided than ever on almost every aspect of the infection and pandemic, these include global response towards curbing the HIV/AIDS issue, economic matters, cultural issues and socio-political aspect of our human life. In a sense the book brings forth the idea that in order to effectively prevent the spread of HIV/AIDS a number of approaches must be taken into consideration, these include the political will on the part of government, the will to combat HIV/AIDS on the part of the global governance in the form of UNAIDS, this also means coming up with medications intended to prevent the rapidness through which the disease spreads. Other interventions must include cultural means of preventing devastating diseases such as HIV/AIDS this is supported by the idea that indigenous language which gives meaning to such illnesses must be used. Socio-cultural practices need to be revisited and re-examined with courage to do away with cultural practices which degrades and dehumanise members of our communities. With regard to some of our cultural practices, difficult questions need to be asked and answered. ····· 1036188953

Nanotechnologies in medicine:bioethical implications,legal reflections

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Nanotechnologies are rapidly evolving as emerging technologies in every sector of human life. The plethora of applications deriving from the, from computer science, to medicine and many others, have collected the interest of many actors from researchers to ethicists to regulators, in searching a connection between their scientific ground, the bioethical debate concerning nanotechnologies applications (calling for a `nanoethics`) and the equivalent regulatory debate. ····· 1036188880

Reforming Higher Learning in New Brunswick: A Critical Theory Critique

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This book examines the policies presented by the Government of New Brunswick for restructuring the provinces post-secondary education system. The main policies reviewed are the Advantage New Brunswick Report and the New Brunswick Action Plan, which are part of Canada s wider strategic economic action plan. This book is relevant because it deals with many central concerns and problems faced by universities and the government in the context of contemporary higher education policy, recession, and high unemployment. The purpose of this book is to provide the ground for criticizing higher education policy through a theoretical framework aimed at articulating the problems facing post-secondary education and the liberal arts. The Advantage New Brunswick Report and New Brunswick Action Plan are framed and defined in terms of the context of post-secondary education. This work can hopefully serve as a springboard for discussion and as the basis for further critical inquiry into higher education policies in Canada and all over the world. The overall significance of this book is as a sign of the decline of liberal education in the face of growing technical and applied programs. ····· 1036188807

Environmental Policy Transfer in the EU Context

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Although there are a growing number of studies in the environmental field of Europeanisation, more academic inquiry is needed to assess the success of environmental policy adoption, especially within certain accession countries where EU policy implications seem particularly challenging. This study aims to investigate the adoption of an EU environmental policy instrument, the EU Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA) Directive, within one such accession country, Turkey. For this purpose, a theoretical framework based on Europeanisation and policy transfer is applied to Turkey s adoption of the EU SEA Directive and the consequences are assessed through empirical research. The EU SEA Directive places great emphasis on the governance modes such as transparent decision-making and public participation with domestic policy-makers in its concern and drive to promote sustainable development. Adoption of the SEA Directive implies new governance modes for Turkey s institutional settings, especially the country s political and administrative institutions. The research shows that the discourse of Europeanization helped empower actors seeking to drive through the SEA Directive, until the acc ····· 1036188779

Interfaith Values for a Global Society

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This is a pioneering study of interfaith understanding in modern multi-cultural society for the improvement of relations with global perspective. It consists in self-realization of oneness of the whole humanity. The present study throws light on various dimensions of religious phenomenon, its diversity, emerging synthetic trends and the various efforts undertaken by spiritually enlightened seekers of truth with the goal of promoting interfaith understanding. Different world religions teach love, co-existence and mutual brotherhood for harmonious relation of man. The author aims to join hands transcending the traditional religious barriers of exclusiveness for the welfare of mankind. ····· 1036188741

Animal Farm Revisited: A Conceptual Integration Analysis

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Recent studies and discoveries in the field of Cognitive Linguistics have amplified the range of possibilities for linguistic research and investigation regarding language and culture. This paper examines Conceptual Integration Theory and tracks different blends and their development in George Orwell s 1945 literary classic Animal Farm as well as discusses their interrelations with symbolic representation. This study also shows the way the author utilizes personification, blends and symbolic representation to create a satirical atmosphere and to criticize totalitarian states. The results show the existence of, and outline the characteristics of, two distinct types of blends the base-blend and the gradually developing blend. Similarly, the analysis suggests that the progress and eventual completion of the gradually developing blend depends on the prior establishment of the base-blend and symbolic representation. Future studies could be conducted by examining other literary works, television shows, commercials or films to identify the existence of more gradually developing blends. ····· 1036188683

Narratives of Hegemony and Marginalization

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Within a well-defined trans-cultural perspective and in the context of contemporary literary theory this book dismantles narratives of marginalization and hegemony rooted in Arabic and American literature in order to centralize the victimized and the subalterns and erect their own cultural mythology. Navigating a spectrum of terrifying and untold narratives of hegemony and domination the book aims to reconstruct a culture devastated by despotism, violence and anarchy. Totally, the book aims to rewrite the story of oppression from the viewpoint of the oppressed aesthetically articulating the turbulent experience and panorama of pessimism underpinning modern history. ····· 1036188592

Empowering rural women for change in a Millennium Village in Uganda

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Women empowerment has remained a thorny issue in the development juggernaut. Feminists and development practitioners alike are not certain of and are overly divided over how it actually looks like and how to achieve it. More perplexing is the empowerment of rural women who suffer multiple handicaps and face diversely complex vulnerabilities. This study found significant improvements visibly taking place in the lives of rural women as they interacted with the Millennium Village Project. The appeal of a global project was spurring the rural community to new learning opportunities and insight that were vital in the slowly emerging process of challenging and deconstructing the prejudicial gender constructions that had historically and structurally disempowered women. Although the sustainability of the gains accruing to women remains debatable, it is not implausible to suggest that the MVP has catapulted the whole village to a fresh wave of optimism and confidence-pivotal ingredients in any effort of empowering the hitherto vulnerable rural women and the entire society. ····· 1036188531

A Mixed Legacy: Institutionalization of A Feminist Agenda in Lesotho

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The study looked at how the global/transnational gender equality agenda has been institutionalized in Lesotho. it looks at how different state and non state actors have shaped the articulation and implementation of gender equality issues. the actors are the political parties, NGO community, women`s organizations, the donor community and the Government institutions. The study has argued that this global agenda is not imposed in Lesotho, but that Lesotho has used the transnational space to institutionalism gender equality in policies and laws. however, because of the entrenched patriarchal ideologies, the parameters of gender equality debates have been shaped by male dominated institutions and in particular these forces have marginalized women`s political representation. on the other hand legal activism has been successful to shape legal reforms while women`s voice in decision making is still marginalized. ····· 1036188254

Livelihood, conflicts, and Nech sar National park

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Nech sar National park is formally gazzeted in 1974 as a National Park to protect the endemic flora and fauna with the dominant philosophy of fortress conservation, often without prior consultation and clarification of purpose to the aboriginal peoples. As a matter of fact, the geography, which currently referred as national park was the home and source of basic means of living for the surrounding agricultural and agro-pastoral communities. In the due process of striving to win life and bread, the local communities trespass the park limits and held in conflict with park authorities, and sometimes among each other to maximize their informal share of the land in the park. The obvious outcome therefore, is gradual decline of wildlife, both in number and type, setting of wildfire, changing of landscape, and land use pattern, as well as trampling of the white grass through overgrazing. The author recommends community based conservation strategy in place of fortress conservation schemes as an alternative to bring sustainability to the park ecosystem along with livelihood security for local people. ····· 1036188240

Philosophy and Culture: Subaltern and Hegemony in India

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This book brings a collection of essays depicting philosophical and cultural space in India. All of the essays deal in detail with the hegemonic ideas propagated through literature and philosophy. It also focuses attention on possible alternatives evolved in writings in the history of the country. It will be useful to understand the relation between literature and hegemony within the context of postmodern philosophy. ····· 1036188169

Rupert Moultrie East:

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It is a known fact that many pre-colonial and colonial Hausaists have contributed immensely to the development of Hausa literary works including creative writing. So far, to my knowledge, few of these contributions have been studied at postgraduate level. This work essentially digs into the biography and contributions of one of the colonialist, Dr. Rupert Moultrie East, to the development of Hausa Literature, or in essence creative writings in the language. The work traces the history of Hausa creative writing, especially its evolution through literary competitions organized virtually/principally by Dr. East. This work was able to demonstrate and conclude that it is through Dr. East s initiative that many Northern Nigeria Hausa Elites acquired skills in creative writings. Thus it was through his efforts that Hausa indigenous literature (drama and novels) geminated and grew. The work also establishes that it is not only in theory that Dr. East thought his lessons but also demonstrated them in practice. He was able to compose what was popularly regarded as the first Hausa drama written in the language, i.e. the Six Hausa Plays (1936). ····· 1036188113

Life stories of Swedish Third Culture Kids

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Where is home for a Swedish Third Culture Kid Elisabeth, a Swedish TCK growing up in Ethiopia, answers: `I always add but I have been living in a lot of places or I have been moving around a lot . I am never satisfied with just saying `I am Swedish` because it never feels totally correct. There are so many other things as well . Everyday life of Swedish Third Culture Kids (TCK) are characterized by their experiences of living among worlds. Koolash and Wu brings to light the life of Swedish Third Culture Kid s challenges and rewards of growing up globally. Through interwiews the authors validate past experiences of Swedish TCKs and placing it into contexts of belonging, identity, nationalism and traditions. For educators, parents and Swedish TCKs spread around the world `Life stories of Swedish Third Culture Kids: Belonging and Identity` brings to life of todays challenges for Swedish TCKs. ····· 1036187926

Languages reveal boundaries of identity in Israel

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This book examines the every-day activities and interactions of a bilingual Arabic-Hebrew kindergarten in Jerusalem. Its focus is on the encounter of the two languages, which in the context of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict reveal boundaries of ethnic, religious, and cultural backgrounds. A bibliographical review in which topics include analyses of language ownership, the debate on the traditional system of education in Israel, which is organized by languages of instruction, and the ethnographic work based on the observant participation suggest that the Israeli-Palestinian conflict exists also at the level of language. ····· 1036187923

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