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Concentración de la propiedad en Latinoamérica

für 26.10€ kaufen ···· - Bücher, eBooks, DVD & Blu-ray
La presente obra tiene como objetivo principal presentar al lector una revisión cualitativa y cuantitativa tanto de la concentración de la propiedad en cinco países de Latinoamérica como para la concentración de mercado de la industria bancaria chilena. La concentración de mercado en su máxima expresión es el monopolio y en general, ellos atentan contra el bienestar social, principalmente debido al escaso poder negociador de los consumidores en dicho contexto. Por otro lado, la concentración de la propiedad en extremo radica en la existencia de un único dueño. Similar es la situación para un controlador, estructura predominante por esta parte del mundo, donde el principal conflicto radica en su relación con los accionistas minoritarios. Se realiza una descripción histórica de la concentración y en función de ello, se analizan algunas de sus principales causas y efectos. Además, se comparan estos mercados, en términos de evaluar la eficiencia, el desempeño contable y el nivel de desarrollo humano dado el nivel de concentración de la propiedad existente. ····· 1036189624

Aspectos Básicos del Derecho de Propiedad

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El cuaderno que le brindamos esta dirigido a educandos que se preparan para la culminación de estudios de los cursos de continuidad y distancia asistida de la Licenciatura en Derecho del programa de universalización de la Educación Superior en Cuba. Constituye una compilación y sistematización de conferencias impartidas por los autores y por colegas dedicados a la enseñanza del Derecho sobre Bienes a lo largo de todos estos años en el empeño por formar juristas. Recoge aspectos básicos que los alumnos deben conocer para enfrentarse a un examen estatal, independientemente de los conocimientos académicos y prácticos que adquieran, así como el manejo de la legislación existente. Se ha tomado además como base para la elaboración del material docente los textos Derecho de Propiedad de colectivo de autores de la Universidad de la Habana, Temas de Derechos Reales de Orlando Rivero Valdés1 y varios textos doctrinales. ····· 1036189466

Handbook on Procedures on Arbitration and Litigation

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When two persons enter into an agreement, a dispute between them is not always inevitable. The purpose of the agreement may be anything. It may be the sale and purchase of goods it may be the construction of any works or projects it may be for rendering any professional or other services it may be lending and borrowing money it may be hiring and leasing, and so on. Often, the contracts are performed and closed to the entire satisfaction of the parties. However, it is impossible to imagine a situation where under a contract no dispute ever arises between the parties. Sometimes, in spite of best efforts by the parties to the contract disputes between them do arise, whatever may be the reason. The consequences of such disputes vary. The book that you have into your hands is a guide to assist a lawyer or/and legal expert to deal with disputes arising between two or more parties involved in an agreement. ····· 1036189190

Corporate Social Responsibility Disclosures

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Companies are known as that their ultimate objective is to make profit, shareholders are the only party toward which the company has responsibilities and the ultimate objective of financial management is to maximize shareholder value. It s been gaining more dominance in both academic and business life that the company exists for and has responsibilities toward a wider group of stakeholders and it must have some objectives other than profitability. The company must perform business operations by taking into account the social, environmental consequences integrate the idea of sustainability into its operations, known as corporate social responsibility (CSR). In the literature, it is questioned whether there is any relationship exists between CSR activities and the financial performance and the direction of the relationship. In this book, it is aimed to explore that whether there is any effect corporate social performance on financial performance and position and vice versa. The conscious toward CSR and sustainability must be promoted and the companies must assume more active roles. The companies must pay more attention to report and publish CSR and sustainability activities. ····· 1036189127

Trade Policy and the Nigerian Automobile Industry

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The Nigeria s third Development Plan of 1975-1980 builds on what was envisaged under the Second Development Plan on building a viable automobile industry in Nigeria. A combination of tariff and non-tariff measures was put in place to ensure the survival and development of the industry. There was an envisaged gradual substitution of imported CKD with local input intake set to be achieved within specified timeframe and beyond. Unfortunately, as a result of trade policy inconsistencies, combined with other factors, up to the year 2000, the average local CKD consumption among firms in the industry was below 25 percent. Hence, the major problems the book tries to examine are the reasons and effects of low level of output, the poor performance of the CKD deletion programme, inability of the sector to link, learn and leverage on progress made in this vital economic sector globally. ····· 1036189102

Determinants of capital structure on Ethiopian insurance companies

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Capital structure issue has been debated for many years and still represents one of the main unsolved matters in the corporate finance literature. Indeed, what makes the capital structure debate so exciting is that only a few of the developed theories have been tested by empirical studies and the theories themselves lead to different, not mutually exclusive and sometimes opposed, results and conclusions, and thus, there is no yet a fully supported and unanimously accepted theory. Especially in less developed countries like Ethiopia, specifically on insurance industry, it received little attention. Consequently, a design feature that works well in one country may not in another. This may be referred to as The No-One-Size-Fits-All (the NOSFA) principle. ····· 1036189030

The Fundamentals of International Business

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International business takes place in different cultures and it is important to understand the fundamentals of this cross-boarder trade. This book gives an insight on how to do business across countries with special reference to Ghana and the rest of the world. topics such as international trade diplomacy and regional economic integration gives a clear picture of how trade can be used to reduce poverty. Counter trade tells us that barter system of trade is still alive but on a more modern stage. Theories underpining the study of international business have been discussed extensively and the political economy of international trade gives a picture of country dynamics when it comes to trade across bountries. ····· 1036188832

Managerial Flexibility Using ROV

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The traditional DCF techniques have been criticised of late due to the rigidity of their criteria when making capital budgeting decisions. Real Option Valuation (ROV) is suggested as an alternative because it implicitly incorporates flexibility in project valuation. With ROV, opportunities in projects are treated as real options and are therefore valued using financial option principles. Real Options give the firm the opportunity to act on an investment project (invest, abandon, rescale) at a later date, when more information is available. The primary aim of this study is to determine through a survey, whether companies tracked by the JSE/FTSE Top 40 index in South Africa, are using ROV. Despite the endorsement of the technique by academics, only a few firms seem to have adopted it. Just nine percent of the respondents claimed to be using the technique. This is largely attributed to managers being unaware of the technique, and to some extent, the complexity of employing it in practice. On the other hand, managers were generally found to recognise the flexibility in their projects despite not using ROV, although it was not confirmed whether and how they quantify this flexibility. ····· 1036188477

Budget Deficit in Public Schools: The Kenyan Perspective

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Budget is an estimate of the amount of money to be received and the amount to be spent for various purposes in a given time. Budget deficit is therefore the amount by which an entity s spending exceeds its income over a period of time. Budget deficit in educational institutions has been a big challenge world wide. In the US, several states including California and Dallas are threatened by budget deficit crisis. In South Africa, the global economic crisis led to a reduction in child grants creating budget deficit in the educational institutions. Despite the huge budgetary allocation of 20% of the overall national budget of Kenya, there still exits budget deficit in public universities, tertiary institutions, secondary and primary schools. This problem of budget deficit has led to inadequate provision of textbooks, library reference materials, laboratory equipments and boarding facilities. The overall objective of the study was to assess factors that cause budget deficits in public secondary schools in Kisumu City, Kenya. ····· 1036188392

Balancing the Rights of Consumers and Lenders in Electronic Lending

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Limiting the annual percentage rate of charge (APRC) is the major bottleneck in balancing the rights of consumers and service providers in electronic retail lending in Estonia. The APRC limit is problematic because it assumes the reverse burden of proof: in case the APRC of a loan exceeds the legal limit and a borrower argues that the loan is contrary to good morals, a lender is obliged to prove that it is not. The undefined wide scope of the obligation of proof facilitates a discussion of constitutional non-compliance of the APRC limit. First, the APRC limit sets constraints to the income level of service providers, decreasing economically reasonable exercise of entrepreneurship freedom. Secondly, the APRC limit might influence the parameters of electronic retail lending, decreasing consumer-friendliness of the service and thereby indirectly restricting the contractual freedom of consumers. Finally, next to responsible lending, responsible borrowing and well-informed consumer decisions should be the core of electronic retail lending. Instead of limiting the cost of credit, high information, disclosure and marketing requirements are more appropriate. ····· 1036188179

Financing Agriculture Through Islamic Commercial Transactions

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Food is one of the basic and essential necessities for the nourishment and survival of human life. Among the multiple sources of food, Allah (SWT) has created, agriculture, undoubtedly, remains the most important one which allows farmers to grow food for them and for others to meet the current and future food demand. The work force that is making a living from this sector includes both poor and elite classes however, the number belonging to poor class is dominant. The poor class, owing to its financial constraints and meagre resources, is unable to get maximum benefit from their efforts. Consequently, they remain in need of money at the various, and at times crucial, phases of the harvesting cycles. But a Muslim farmer is prohibited by Islam from getting interest based loans. An alternate source, therefore, is needed to provide financing to a Muslim farmer under the Shariah conforming modes.The present work is the first comprehensive work on islamic agricultural finance in the history of islamic finance.It provides theoritical and practical guideline to islamic banks and other islamic financial institutions to finance the agrcultural sector both for crop and non crop activities. ····· 1036188166

The PFI Teething Problems or Fundamentally Flawed?

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Across much of the industrial world a new recession is about to begin the banking system in under threat several governments are on the verge of default and the world`s second most important currency, the Euro, is facing a possible break-up. Global policymakers have run out of both ideas and confidence. Once lauded as the solution to growing public sector deficits and ageing infrastructure the PFI has failed to live up to its billing. This paper considers the Private Finance Initiative and critically examines its ongoing relevance as a policy foundation for the financing of public sector capital projects. It looks at the pan-European policy framework that led to its introduction and lays out a plan for reform of the initiative. It concludes with a series of recommendations to re-establish the Private Finance Initiative as a vital tool in the provision of infrastructure projects. ····· 1036187820

Performance of SSNIT in Ghana from 1995-2005

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The performance of the SSNIT pension scheme from 1995-2005 has been mixed. This is because while funding status, contributions received and benefits paid had improved over the years, other indicators like investment income, coverage rate, dependency ratio and processing time have not fared as well. Agency problems exists in the operations of SSNIT. This is due to the fact that there are political interferences that negatively affect the choice of investment and investment income. The book showed that the method of computing the pensionable income is an indication of poor scheme design because it can easily expose the scheme to abuse. SSNIT should review the use of the best three years average to ensure a more equitable system. The average of total years of contribution should be used. SSNIT should approach the government to review the legal and regulatory framework to resolve the politically based agency problem eminent in the running of the pension scheme. ····· 1036187549

WTO Accession and required product standards

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The word standard has become a common term in all sectors of business. participants in all business undertakings do not negate the idea of having the best quality. Consumers look for a product or service with high standards. And, transactions are expected to result in the satisfaction of the parties, with a special concern that consumers need to be protected from any possible harm that would occur from the normal consumption of any goods or services. This book entitled WTO Accession and Required Product Standards: The Case of developing countries: Ethiopia, primarily focuses on examining one aspect of standard in trade, i.e. product standards, in the context of Ethiopia s anticipated accession to the world trade organizations.It is organized in four chapters. An introduction to the WTO is made followed by general remarks on standards in relation to trade. The second part examines the WTO legal regime on standards. Then the issues that are of utmost concern in developing and least developed countries when the topic of product standard is raised will be discussed. Finally,the enigma of standards in the WTO for Ethiopia will be explored. ····· 1036187347

Forecasting Crude Oil Prices

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Crude oil is the commodity de jour and its pricing is of paramount importance to the layperson as well as to any responsible government. However, one of the main challenges facing econometric pricing models is the forecasting accuracy. Historically, linear and non-linear time series models were used. Although, a great success was achieved in that regard, yet there were no definite and universal conclusions drawn. The crude oil forecasting field is still wide open for improvement, especially when applying different forecasting models and alternative techniques. Toward this end, the proposed research implemented Artificial Neural Network models (ANN). The models will forecast the daily crude oil futures prices from 1996 to 2006, listed in NYMEX. Due to the nonlinearity presented by the test results of the crude oil pricing, it is expected that the ANN models will improve forecasting accuracy. An evaluation of the outcomes of the forecasts among different models was done to authenticate that this is undeniably the situation. ····· 1036187244

Ethnic Conflicts and their Impacts on Livelihood System

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Real practices of ethnic based federalism political system of the country at its grass root level is not in a position to mitigate ethnic conflicts and settle peace and securities among different ethnic groups as per its presumed goals, objectives and roles since its adoption of 1991 due to the newly created and articulated high prevalence of desires to have wide area of administration boundaries, motives to consolidate strong power over the neighboring other ethnic groups among local administrators, political leaders and other elites of the conflicting ethnic groups which resulted in multi dimensional losses. The policy implication of this study is that unless these disastrous ethnic conflicts are treated and addressed properly from disaster risk science and sustainable development point of view, the formulation and implementation processes of every project, plan and programs in the areas may be critical and fruitless due to the fact that sustainable peace, security and stability are the primacy for all persistent and sustainable development issues. ····· 1036187144

Issues and Trends in the Fund Management Industry

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Mauritius has achieved recognition as a reliable emerging investment funds jurisdiction over a relatively short period of time. However, being in such a competitive and dynamic industry, one should not rest on one`s laurels. Legislation needs to be constantly reviewed and updated and quality of services must be kept to highest possible standards. When the new pieces of legislation are enacted Mauritius will have all the ingredients to consolidate its reputation and further grow as a well-recognized services centre for fund management. In fact, fund managers have to adapt to a future that requires the ability to think different . However with the actual financial crisis, the future of this sector is still unclear. ····· 1036186949

The Current State of Capital Movement Freedom for India

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Indian economy s progress in the world has been largely significant during the last decade. After having been characterized by extensive regulation, protectionism, public ownership, pervasive corruption and slow growth from 1947-1990, India observed a drastic improvement in its economy as from 1991 with the help of Manmohan Singh, the then Minister of Finance, revived economic reforms and better economic policies to liberalize business regulations and attract foreign capital. The different measures applied up to now have been undertaken in three different periods- 1991, 1995 and 2005 to better tackle worldwide challenges. Today, India is the second fastest growing major economy and the largest FDI attracting economy behind China. The recent overtaking of inward FDI by outward FDI is a major point illustrating the fact that India is growing into a developed economy. All this has been due to the policies aimed at liberalizing and facilitating businesses in India.Such liberalization extended to securities transactions in India has resulted in huge inflows of FII and NRI investments in stock market. ····· 1036186940

Financial Management

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Giving the complexity of today s business operations, and the importance of good management for profit, it is imperative that company finance be well managed and utilized for organization prosperity. This book has been written to meet the requirement of modern course in financial management, and to give sound financial analysis for decision making to would be investors. Some books have been written on this topic but financial management a Nigerian perspective has simplified this subject. The keeping of good financial records is very important for financial accountability, prudence, and for the production of good records for company audit. In this book Dr. Simon Stanley Ugochukwu has taken his time to lay a good foundation for all who would like to have some basic knowledge of good financial practice. It is an invaluable book for all student of financial management in tertiary institutions at the level of First degree and postgraduate. This book is also of immense value to would be investors who would like to be shareholder in an on-going business establishment or who aim to go into new business ventures. Professor A.O. Egbuta ····· 1036186772

Rente in Sicht

····· lezzter Preis 16.58€ ···· - Bücher, eBooks, DVD & Blu-ray
Gut aufgestellt für den dritten Lebensabschnitt - Was ist bei gesetzlicher Rente und betrieblicher Altersvorsorge zu beachten - Steuerpflicht und Steuern sparen: Was gilt für die unterschiedlichen Einkünfte im Rentenalter - Geldanlagen optimal gestalten: Wie der Wechsel in den Ruhestand die Finanzstrategie beeinflusst - Kranken- und Pflegeversicherung sowie weitere Versicherungen: So wird der Versicherungsbestand neu geordnet - Den Ruhestand im Ausland genießen: Was ist zu beachten bei Renten, Immobilien und Versicherungen Rentner und Pensionäre sind in einer besonderen finanziellen Situation: Einkünfte, Ausgaben und Zeithorizont sind überschaubarer geworden. Es gelten Einschränkungen, zum Beispiel bei der Vergabe von Krediten, und Sonderregeln, etwa bei der Besteuerung. Neben den Ruhestandseinkünften müssen sich viele Frauen und Männer ab etwa 60 Jahren um weitere finanzielle Bereiche kümmern, etwa um die Verringerung von Anlagerisiken oder eine wohlüberlegte Regelung des Nachlasses. ····· 1036173440

Das Haushaltsbuch

····· lezzter Preis 9.71€ ···· - Bücher, eBooks, DVD & Blu-ray
Aus der Finanzberatung der Verbraucherzentralen - seit Jahrzehnten bewährt Die Verbraucherzentrale liefert das bewährte Arbeitsbuch für alle, die den Überblick über ihre Einnahmen und Ausgaben behalten wollen - auf Papier! Denn das Finanzmanagement privater Haushalte wird immer komplexer, die Anzahl fester Verpflichtungen steigt, Zahlungen per Kreditkarte, zum Beispiel bei Internetkäufen, werden häufig gar nicht als `Geld ausgeben` wahrgenommen. Der erprobte Budgetplaner zeigt den Finanzrahmen, schafft Kontrolle über die eigenen Finanzen und hilft zuverlässig, rote Zahlen zu vermeiden. - 12 Monats- und 54 Wochenübersichten zum Eintragen, Planen und Vergleichen - Praktische Vorlagen für die Geldanlage, Ratenzahlungen und die Rücklagenplanung - Großes Format (DIN A4) mit praktischer Ringbuch-Bindung - Zielgruppe: Alle, die ihre Einnahmen und Ausgaben lieber auf Papier planen und nachhalten ····· 1036173429

IGeL-Angebote beim Arzt

····· lezzter Preis 12.66€ ···· - Bücher, eBooks, DVD & Blu-ray
Vermutlich mehr als eine Milliarde Euro haben im Jahr 2012 Patienten in Deutschland für private Zusatzleistungen ausgegeben. Individuelle Gesundheitsleistungen (IGeL) sind ein wachsender Markt. Weil viele Frauen und Männer aktiv etwas für ihre Gesundheit tun möchten, gehören Untersuchungen zur Vorsorge und Früherkennung zu den häufigsten IGeL-Angeboten. Dieser Ratgeber bringt anbieterunabhängige und aktuelle Orientierung auf dem unübersichtlichen IGeL-Markt und hilft Patienten, ärztliche Angebote richtig einzuschätzen. - Die 24 häufigsten IGeL-Angebote im Überblick - Nutzen und Risiken der wichtigsten IGeL - mit den Bewertungen des `IGeL-Monitor` des Medizinischen Dienstes des Spitzenverbandes Bund der Krankenkassen e.V. (MDS) - Was dürfen IGeL-Angebote kosten - Tipps und Checklisten für das Gespräch mit dem Arzt - Patientenrechte und IGeL - wo und wie können sich Verbraucher beschweren ····· 1036173396

Ihr Weg zum Wohneigentum

····· lezzter Preis 12.66€ ···· - Bücher, eBooks, DVD & Blu-ray
Wohneigentum ist Altersvorsorge

Wohneigentum wird aufgrund der bestehenden Rentensituation und der Finanzkrise ein immer wichtigerer Teil der Altersvorsorge. Häufig steht aber am Anfang des Immobilienbesitzes ein großer Schuldenberg. Wer sich verkalkuliert, riskiert im schlimmsten Fall das Scheitern und letztlich die Zwangsversteigerung. Der Ratgeber hilft, die Entscheidung für oder auch gegen die eigenen vier Wände auf der Basis fundierter Fakten zu treffen. Er begleitet den Leser Schritt für Schritt: Vom Ansparen des Eigenkapitals bis zum erfolgreichen Abschluss der Verträge. ····· 1036173390

111 Gründe, Anwälte zu hassen

····· lezzter Preis 9.95€ ···· - Bücher, eBooks, DVD & Blu-ray
Rund 160.000 Anwälte und Anwältinnen bevölkern Deutschlands Kanzleien und Gerichtsflure, vertreten verfeindete Nachbarn, Eheleute und Wirtschaftsbosse, verteidigen Geld und verletzte Egos, schreiben Gesetze und Rechtsgeschichte. Zu beneiden sind sie nicht. Hervorragende Juristen sollen sie sein und zugleich perfekte Mandantenversteher. Und nun stellt sogar die Europäische Kommission die Frage, ob die Privilegien des Freien Berufes Rechtsanwalt inklusive dem Versorgungswerk noch gerechtfertigt sind. Darauf Antworten zu finden, ist nicht leicht, hat die Anwaltschaft doch eben erst begonnen, ihre glorreiche Vergangenheit aufzuarbeiten und die Anwältinnen hinter dem Herd hervorzuholen. Wer mit ihnen dennoch erfolgreich zu seinem Recht kommen will, sollte wissen, wie man sie anpackt. Dafür listet das Buch liebevoll und tiefironisch 111 Gründe auf, warum man Anwälte hassen, beneiden, bewundern und manchmal sogar recht gern haben kann. EINIGE GRÜNDEWeil sie einfach nicht aussterben. Weil sie furchtbar schlau sind. Weil sie selbst ihr Spiegelbild von oben herab betrachten. Weil sie das letzte Haar in der Suppe finden. Weil sie mehr Recht haben, als gut für sie ist. Weil sie Rechtspflege mit Kontopflege verwechseln. Weil sie Unabhängigkeit als Luxus betrachten, den sich nicht jeder leisten kann. Weil sie Spitzenplätze auf der Psychopathenskala einnehmen. Weil auch ihnen die Frist davonläuft. Weil sie ohne Statussymbole nicht mal unter die Dusche gehen. Weil sie einander nicht die Butter auf dem Brot gönnen. Weil sie beim Fernsehsessel Anschnallgurte empfehlen. Weil sie sich bei der Schlammschlacht die Weste beflecken. Weil sie keine Probleme lösen, sondern Rechtsprobleme. Weil sie nur sonntags Kinder haben. Weil sie mit `Anwalt` die `Anwältin` nicht mitmeinen. Weil sie auf Partys nur über Porsches reden. Weil selbst ihre Hobbys Karriere machen. Weil sie die falsche Ausbildung haben. Weil aus ihren Lehrbüchern braune Soße tropft. Weil sie niemals die Note `sehr gut` vergeben. Weil man ihre Sätze dreimal um den Block wickeln kann. Weil sie auf gute Verbindungen achten. Weil sie manchmal mehr rechts als Rechtsanwalt sind. Weil ihre Liebe zum Detail sie blind macht. Weil sie den Zugang zum Recht mit Stolperdraht sichern. Weil sie ihr privates Rententöpfchen füllen. Weil sie ihre Vergangenheit nur im Schneckentempo aufarbeiten. ····· 1036166771

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