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Fondo de Comercio

für 88.20€ kaufen ···· - Bücher, eBooks, DVD & Blu-ray
En la actualidad, el fondo de comercio se ha convertido en uno de los activos empresariales más complejos de valorar. El presente trabajo analiza la partida intangible denominada fondo de comercio incidiendo en el conocimiento de la diversas teorías del valor y de la propiedad privada, los métodos de valoración de activos y empresas, y los diversos intangibles de los que forma parte. Para posteriormente profundizar en su naturaleza y conceptualización, además del tratamiento contable en las legislaciones más importantes. La obra finaliza con la presentación de un estudio empírico sobre la relevancia del fondo de comercio en el mercado de capitales español, así como una serie de conclusiones generales sobre el trabajo desarrollado. ····· 103612032

Morosidad en tarjetas de crédito ¿un problema de finanzas familiares?

für 32.31€ kaufen ···· - Bücher, eBooks, DVD & Blu-ray
Con base en una serie de investigaciones previas realizadas en el Banco A, se llevó a cabo un diagnóstico de oportunidades de mejora, en la cual se observó que la cartera vencida total de una sucursal del banco A, presenta un índice del 15,13%, de los cuales aproximadamente el 3% son tarjetas de crédito. De acuerdo a esta problemática, se evidenció la necesidad de investigar el impacto de la utilización de la tarjeta de crédito en la economía familiar. Para ello Se aplicó una encuesta, contando con las herramientas y la disponibilidad de los recursos humanos, institucionales y bibliográficos. Conforme a los resultados se realizaron sugerencias, referente a las finanzas familiares, buscando de alguna manera minimizar el impacto del índice de morosidad de la sucursal del Banco A. ····· 103611754

Intangibles en Chile:

für 80.10€ kaufen ···· - Bücher, eBooks, DVD & Blu-ray
Esta tesis tiene como objetivo, tal como lo señala su titulo, conocer la situación de los intangibles en Chile, observando la relación entre la importancia de estos recursos, que trae consigo la necesidad de información sobre estos y la capacidad y eficiencia informativa de los estados financieros que dependen de la normativa contable chilena. En el mercado chileno, la presión en las empresas actuales sobre su capacidad competitiva, entrega de información de calidad y comparabilidad a nivel nacional e internacional, ha generado interrogantes sobre la situación de los intangible en el ámbito nacional: Por una parte, se presenta la interrogante, ¿Son importantes los intangibles en las empresas chilenas y con ello, se determina la existencia de la necesidad de información sobre estos recursos y por otra parte, ¿Los estados financieros nacionales responden de manera eficiente a estas necesidades de información , lo que implica el cumplimiento de los criterios y requisitos contables impuestos por las normas contables nacionales. De esto nace la pregunta ¿Las normas contables nacionales abordan de manera eficiente la necesidad de información del mercado nacional e internacional . ····· 103611555

Tecnología de Información bajo la Ley Sarbanes Oxley

für 35.10€ kaufen ···· - Bücher, eBooks, DVD & Blu-ray
La ley Sarbanes Oxley, nace como respuesta a los escándalos financieros producidos por empresas norteamericanas, especialmente Enron y Worldcom. Esta regulación ha tenido efectos sobre algunas compañías Chilenas. Las empresas afectas a esta ley, han tenido que desarrollar importantes esfuerzos e invertir recursos humanos y financieros, con la finalidad de implementar un modelo de administración de los riesgos de reporte financiero. Uno de los aspectos de mayor relevancia, lo ha constituido la formalización de los procesos y controles que realizan las empresas. El objetivo de este trabajo de titulación, es diseñar un plan de adecuación de la gestión de TI para adaptarse a las exigencias regulatorias, explicitada en el desarrollo y descripción del proceso de tecnología de información, bajo un marco de control interno. ····· 103611508

Problems of State Social Insurance Fund Budget in Lithuania

für 44.10€ kaufen ···· - Bücher, eBooks, DVD & Blu-ray
Recently, Lithuanian state social insurance system faces a very serious challenges. Therefore in this work Sodra is presented as the sole national authority responsible for enforcement of the state social insurance in Lithuania. Thesis contains information about the agency mission, vision, strategic objectives, management structure and functions of social types, forms, budgets, benefits analyse of contributions to the Fund Budget, use of itsfunds for the benefits payment and transferes to other funds (except analyze of administration of the recourses transferred and functions of the respective authorities). Significant attention paid to the anlyse of the state social insurance to assess whether the legislative measures of the state social insurance reimburse lost (not paid) remuneration for work. In addition, issues of the State Social Insurance Fund Budget have been named and analyzed, posssibilities to overcome them have been discussed by providing suggestions and forseeing perspectives. The work consists of 8 parts: introduction, four main parts, the findings, recommendations, and references. ····· 103611240

Determinants of Share Price, Stock Market Volatility and Efficiency

für 71.10€ kaufen ···· - Bücher, eBooks, DVD & Blu-ray
This substantially enlarged new edition of a well-established book aims at making its readers well-equipped with theories,concepts and techniques which can be applied to various levels of investment decision making.Consistent with this objective, the author have taken an analytical approach while dwelling on the subject matter.With an overall objective of doing creative investment management,taking sound investment decisions and maximizing wealth - is the focus of the book. SALIENT FEATURES To identify the significant determinants of Share Price of `A` group and `B` Group shares of the select banks and to examine its relationship with various explanatory variables To measure the volatility of stock return relative to market return and the riskiness of the select securities. To investigate whether prices of stocks in Bombay Stock Exchange follow a Random Walk Process (i.e. weak form of efficiency) as required by the market efficiency theory. ····· 10361918

Performance of Close-Ended Mutual Funds by Investment Objectives

für 44.10€ kaufen ···· - Bücher, eBooks, DVD & Blu-ray
The Purpose of this study is to measure the performance of closed-ended Mutual Funds and specify them into different categories for the guidance of investors. It also identifies Funds with high and low performance, according to their investment objectives. The study provides analytical comparison between different closed ended Mutual Fund companies providing significant guidance for Fund managers as well as the investors. ····· 10361896

Economic Efficiency and Profitability of Islamic Bank

für 71.10€ kaufen ···· - Bücher, eBooks, DVD & Blu-ray
The study is among the first few studies on Islamic banking that will provide comprehensive cross countries between Islamic banks in the world using more than one analytical approach. Hence, the study also provides contribution in term of rigorousness of the methodology used as compared to previous studies on Islamic banks. This study will contribute findings for 3 different methods used from efficiency, determinants of the efficiency, the profitability and the relationship between efficiency determinants and profitability. Hence, it provides a more comprehensive analysis whereas most studies in the past applied specific model such as Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA) or Tobit or Fixed Effect Model (FEM) on an individual basis instead of employing the three methods in one study. The findings from this comparative study will add an interesting dimension to the existing literature and body of knowledge in relevant manners. This study is novel in presenting new finding on the impact to the Islamic banks on several latest issues such as Financial Crisis (AFC), 2008 Global Financial Crisis (GFC), region in MENA and ASIA, and GNI country income based on 2003 World Bank Atlas method. ····· 10361804

Working Capital Management and profitability of Pharmaceutical Sector

für 44.10€ kaufen ···· - Bücher, eBooks, DVD & Blu-ray
The pharmaceutical industry is one of the success stories of India ensuring that good quality essential drugs are made available at affordable prices to the vast population of the country as well as competing with some of the best names in the global markets. The industry is an intellectual industry and is in the front rank of India`s science-based industries with investment in research and development and wide ranging capabilities in the complex field of drug manufacture and technology.owned, leadership passes from father to son and the founding family holds a majority share. In terms of the global market, India currently holds a modest 1-2% share, but it has been growing at approximately 10% per year. It is now seeking to become a major player in outsourced clinical research as well as contract manufacturing and research. There are 74 U.S. FDA-approved manufacturing facilities in India, more than in any other country outside the U.S, and in 2005, almost 20% of all Abbreviated New Drug Applications (ANDA) to the FDA are expected to be filed by Indian Companies. ····· 10361519

Value Creation in BRIC countries

für 44.10€ kaufen ···· - Bücher, eBooks, DVD & Blu-ray
Valuation and the term value always were disputable issues in financial world. Different types of value, different techniques of value estimation, plenty of factors influencing value are the main issues of financial articles in various respectable financial magazines. Recent financial crisis increased the intense around these issues in all over the world and brought new momentum to the question on how reliable market value reflects real (fundamental) value of companies, what makes this value increase or decrease etc. This paper is focused on the defining the level of influence by fundamental value of company on its market value in BRIC countries. And as a basis for fundamental valuation the Residual Income Model was taken complemented by the value of intangible assets, whose role in value creation is raising in XXI century. ····· 1036191

Evaluation of the Philippine government construction contract

für 71.10€ kaufen ···· - Bücher, eBooks, DVD & Blu-ray
Researchers of late have started to realize the significance in risk management of investigating the construction practitioners risk philosophies. This study examined the risk philosophies of Filipino contractors with the aim of representing their judgements and standpoints as this study review the standard construction contract of the Philippines. Recommendations with justifications on which party/parties should bear the risks were provided in order to improve the contract implementation, especially when the risk event occurs. ····· 1036153

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