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The relevance of cooperative approach in rural area of Rwanda.

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Assuming that rural population of Rwanda almost agricultural knows a precariousness of its productive assets specifically cultivable land. And that their organizational mode is not adapted in order to help them enjoying a sustainable socio-economic life. My main objective is to understand the magnitude of this landless and the fragility s degree of this organizational mode. I made an exploratory survey to verify four assumptions: (i) The rural population of Rwanda lives an excessive landless accompanying by a high fragmentation (ii) This landless increases by generations to generations (iii) In these circumstances, this operator lives an organizational mode based primarily to individualism which does not allow him to fully enjoy its physical, moral and intellectual forces (iv) Its socio cultural environment is not hostile to cooperative mode that allowed to overcome challenges in time and space such as those uncounted by Rwandan rural population. The analysis of my findings allowed me to confirm those four assumptions and I have reached my goal. My research result is brought to knowledge of many readers, various speakers and decision-makers. ····· 1036119136

Funding models for financing of water infrastructure in South Africa

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The aim of water resources infrastructure development in South Africa is to ensure water security and availability within specific water management areas. It must be emphasized that South Africa is a water-scarce country, subject to droughts and periodic floods. Future water availability (surface water) will be impacted by climate change and variability. Thus, water demand management and conservation (water use efficiency) must be an integral part of infrastructure planning and development. The research is presented in terms of the various performance areas, i.e.: Relationships between infrastructure and development Water infrastructure development and management Infrastructure condition and capacity, i.e. operation and maintenance. Water is a strategic natural resource and a reliable and affordable water supply underpins all economic and social development. The supply of water is viewed as a critical input into the economy and for the creation of opportunities for empowerment. Attempts are made to describe, explain, understand, predict (foresee), critique and/or analyse new and existing information on the funding (financing and economics) of water infrastructure projects. ····· 1036119134

Islamic Insurance (Takaful) in Nigeria:

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The book addresses the problems face Islamic Insurance (Takaful) in Nigerian. The Nigerian insurance industry has introduced takaful product (Islamic insurance) into its insurance market. The initiative is a good development for the reason that it is based on the apparent prospects for the product in the country. However, the new takaful product is being confronted with some problems. The main problem being the lack of a reliable legal framework. Other problems are the lack of technical-know-how of the takaful operation and religious intolerance. The study attempts to resolve the problem by proposing the Malaysian takaful legal framework as a model for Nigeria. The framework is embodied in the Takaful Act, 1984. The law is viable as it helps the country to develop its takaful operations rapidly. It is therefore, suggests that the Malaysian takaful framework as presented in this study should be adopted as a model to develop the Nigerian takaful framework. This will help immensely in overcoming the problems that faces the Nigerian takaful operations and it will accelerate the development of the Nigerian Takaful product to the level of world standard. ····· 1036118988

The role of dairy cooperatives

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This study was undertaken to explore the role of dairy cooperatives in stimulating innovation and market oriented smallholders development by taking Ada a dairy cooperative as a case study. It entails the specific objectives of investigating the role of the cooperative in promoting innovation, promoting linkages for access to services and marketing and enhancing knowledge and information sharing. Primary data was collected from 150 smallholder dairy producer members of the cooperative randomly selected with Probability Proportionate to Size (PPS) using sampling frame from both urban and peri-urban members of the cooperative. This was supplemented by information from focal group discussion with dairy producers, board members of the cooperative and key informants. Qualitative and quantitative methods were deployed to analyze the collected data. ····· 1036118651

Random Walk, Semi-strong Hypothesis and Stock Market Behavior

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This study, using end of the month stock market index investigated the efficiency of the Nigerian stock market employing unit root test, and standard GARCH (1,1) model as major alternate form methods. The simple descriptive statistics was necessarily used for snapshot decisions.The unit root test and the GARCH model proved that the Nigerian stock market follows a random walk process while a wider informational determining test the Granger causality showed that the market as far as information is concerned is not semi-strong efficient. The descriptive statistics and the GARCH model showed that the Nigeria stock market is volatile implying that there exists a high level of risk in stock trading in Nigeria. However, the result suggested a low persistence of volatility clustering for the market indicating that increase in volatility is not likely to remain high over several periods.The researcher therefore made some recommendations such as restricting the debt/equity ratio, palliating further the listing requirements, establishing a functional derivatives market to boost the market size,assuring effective information dissemination and awareness to forestall sluggish market behavior. ····· 1036118392

The Impact of Micro finance on Poverty Reduction in Ethiopia

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Poverty is a harsh and undesired phenomenon in mankind. Reducing, if possible eradicating poverty is unquestionable. Thus, microfinance programs have been considered as one of the main instruments in poverty reduction in recent development agenda. It is a means to support the marginalized active poor of the society. Studying the impact of microfinance intervention is important to assess its viability on poverty reduction. The impact of delivering financial services to poor clients was analyzed based on some socio- economic and political indicators in different levels. ····· 1036118280

Role of Competition Commission of india

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The attempt through this book has been made to creep into the business world and unveil the acts which help the big business houses to fetch money at the cost of common man. The role of Competition Commission of India under the Competition Act, 2002, in checking anti-competitive activities of business enterprises has been contemplated in detail. The present work has also discussed the lacunas in the legal framework, which has directly or indirectly barred the Competition Commission of India to act effectively. The book would act as a guide for those who want to look into the legal peripheries provided for the competition world and the monitoring force above it. The book explains the kinds of anti competitive practices,the manipulative behavior of the big business houses and the way they create the monopoly in the market, causing thereby the prejudice to the common consumer world. The author has tried to keep the critical analysis within the ambits of ethics, with due regard to the efforts of legislature which has given form to the spirit of the Constitution of India. ····· 1036118075

Predprinimatel`skoe pravo v voprosakh i otvetakh

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Nastoyashchee uchebnoe posobie razrabotano v sootvetstvii s programmoy kursa `Rossiyskoe predprinimatel`skoe pravo` dlya studentov vysshikh uchebnykh zavedeniy, obuchayushchikhsya po spetsial`nosti `Yurisprudentsiya`, predstavlyaet soboy kratkoe, tezisnoe izlozhenie lektsiy po predprinimatel`skomu pravu, i prednaznacheno dlya samostoyatel`noy proverki znaniy studentami nakanune ekzamena. Uchebnoe posobie pozvolyaet izuchayushchim predprinimatel`skoe pravo sistematizirovat` znaniya, priobretennye v protsesse obucheniya, sosredotochit` vnimanie na naibolee problemnykh i vazhnykh teoreticheskikh voprosakh, v tom chisle, na pravoponimanii i pravoprimenenii deystvuyushchego zakonodatel`stva o predprinimatel`stve v ekonomicheskoy sfere. Dlya studentov yuridicheskikh vuzov i fakul`tetov, obuchayushchikhsya po programmam bakalavriata i magistratury, a takzhe dlya praktikuyushchikh yuristov i predprinimateley, nuzhdayushchikhsya v obnovlenii teoreticheskikh znaniy v oblasti predprinimatel`skogo prava. ····· 103615445

Biznes-analitika i skoringovoe modelirovanie

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Rassmotren teoreticheskiy aspekt biznes-analitiki i finansovogo modelirovaniya s opisaniem zarubezhnogo opyta primeneniya skoringovykh modeley pri otsenke kreditosposobnosti zaemshchika. Opisyvaetsya tekhnologiya upravleniya kreditnym riskom i kreditnaya politika kommercheskikh bankov Rossii. Predlozhen avtorskiy podkhod k normirovaniyu finansovykh indikatorov s uchetom otraslevoy prinadlezhnosti, masshtaba deyatel`nosti organizatsii, etapa zhiznennogo tsikla firmy. Raskryt instrumentariy parametricheskogo i matrichnogo modelirovaniya finansovogo polozheniya organizatsii. Predstavlen avtorskiy kompleks regressionnykh i diskriminantnykh modeley otsenki kreditosposobnosti zaemshchika na osnove reglamentov bankov. Metodiki finansovogo analiza proillyustrirovany na primere organizatsiy APK. Prednaznachena dlya nauchnykh sotrudnikov, bankovskikh analitikov, prepodavateley, magistrantov napravleniya 080300.68 `Finansy i kredit`, a tak zhe slushateley programmy MBI (`Finansy`). ····· 103615267

Ekonomicheskaya organizovannaya prestupnost` v Rossii

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Rossiyskaya ekonomicheskaya organizovannaya prestupnost` postsovetskogo perioda - dostatochno novaya forma prestupnosti, voznikshaya na styke organizovannoy, ekonomicheskoy, korruptsionnoy prestupnosti na osnove tenevoy ekonomiki. V sovremennyy period uslozhnyayutsya sposoby soversheniya prestupleniy, ispol`zovanie sovremennykh informatsionnykh tekhnologiy oblegchaet ikh sokrytie, korruptsionnye tekhnologii pozvolyayut effektivno zashchishchat` ot sotsial`nogo kontrolya, a otlazhennye mekhanizmy legalizatsii prestupnykh dokhodov prevrashchayut prestupnuyu deyatel`nost` v vysoko pribyl`noe predpriyatie. Predstavlennyy analiz kachestvennykh i kolichestvennykh kharakteristik ekonomicheskoy organizovannoy prestupnosti, a takzhe faktorov, determiniruyushchikh ee sushchestvovanie, pozvolyaet ne tol`ko rassmotret` problemy, voznikayushchie pri protivodeystvii organizovannoy prestupnosti v sfere ekonomiki, no i ponimat` spetsifiku tekh yavleniy, s kotorymi osushchestvlyaetsya bor`ba. Prednaznacheno dlya nauchnykh i prakticheskikh rabotnikov, prepodavateley, studentov, aspirantov, magistrantov yuridicheskikh spetsial`nostey, a takzhe dlya shirokogo kruga chitateley, interesuyushchikhsya problemami bor`by s organizovannoy prestupnost`yu v Rossii. ····· 103615133

Razvitie informatsionno-finansovoy infrastruktury

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Perekhod k informatsionnomu obshchestvu delaet vozmozhnym razvitie intellektual`nykh form biznesa na finansovykh rynkakh. Effektivnost` infokommunikatsiy na rynke finansovykh uslug obuslavlivaet uvelichenie postupleniy v strukture dokhodov za schet intellektual`noy renty v rezul`tate okazaniya uslug finansovogo posrednichestva. V rezul`tate integratsionnykh protsessov na infokommunikatsionnom i finansovom rynkakh proiskhodit stanovlenie informatsionno-finansovoy infrastruktury kachestvenno izmenyayushchey strukturu proizvodstva v novoy ekonomike. Perspektivy razvitiya informatsionno-finansovoy infrastruktury pozvolyayut sdelat` vyvod o prioritetnom znachenii v sovremennoy ekonomike infokommunikatsionnoy infrastruktury yavlyayushcheysya bazisom stanovleniya novykh form finansovykh uslug i tranzaktsiy. Dlya ekonomistov, spetsialistov, rabotayushchikh v sfere primeneniya informatsionnykh tekhnologiy na finansovykh rynkakh. ····· 103615058

Protivodeystvie korruptsii v sisteme ispolnitel`noy vlasti

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Dannoe nauchnoe izdanie analiziruet metodologicheskie osnovy protivodeystviya korruptsii v sisteme ispolnitel`noy vlasti Rossiyskoy Federatsii. Rassmatrivaet pravovuyu i antikorruptsionnuyu ekspertizy kak mekhanizm ogranicheniya administrativnogo usmotreniya v sisteme ispolnitel`noy vlasti. V rabote tak zhe issleduyutsya administrativno-pravovye aspekty v bor`be s korruptsiey v pervuyu ochered` putem sovershenstvovaniya form i metodov upravlencheskoy deyatel`nosti. ····· 103614996

Obosnovanie ugolovnogo zakona: sotsial`nye i pravovye osnovy

für 61.20€ kaufen ···· - Bücher, eBooks, DVD & Blu-ray
Za 15-letniy srok deystviya Ugolovnogo kodeksa RF v nego bylo vneseno bolee 3 tysyach izmeneniy i dopolneniy. Ni odin blok izmeneniy UK RF ne oboshelsya bez norm, ne sootvetstvuyushchikh obshchim polozheniyam ugolovnogo prava, ego sotsial`nym i pravovym osnovam. V svyazi s etim viditsya neobkhodimost` razrabotki kontseptsii razvitiya ugolovnogo zakonodatel`stva, dal`neyshego issledovaniya i izucheniya teorii obosnovannosti pravovykh norm, ikh effektivnosti. V rabote pokazany stepen` razrabotki kontseptsii bor`by s prestupnost`yu, ugolovno-pravovoy politiki, puti issledovaniya i korrektirovaniya ikh, proyavlenie v izmeneniyakh norm razdela 8 UK RF `Prestupleniya v sfere ekonomiki` nazyvayutsya i raskryvayutsya nekotorye sotsial`nye, bolee podrobno pravovye osnovy ugolovnogo zakona, tolkovanie ikh v resheniyakh Konstitutsionnogo i Evropeyskogo sudov otsenivayutsya ugolovnoe zakonodatel`stvo, Postanovleniya PVS RF na predmet ikh sootvetstviya pravovym i sotsial`nym osnovaniyam kriminalizatsii deyaniy, zakrepleniya ikh priznakov v sostavakh prestupleniy. Issledovanie prednaznacheno spetsialistam, magistram, aspirantam i prepodavatelyam yuridicheskogo fakul`teta vysshikh uchebnykh zavedeniy, rabotnikam suda, prokuratury i pravookhranitel`nykh organov. ····· 103614920

Conflits armés internes et responsabilité de protéger

für 44.91€ kaufen ···· - Bücher, eBooks, DVD & Blu-ray
A l`aune des Revolution populaires contre les système en place, de la Tunisie à la Syrie, les populations ont dû faire face, parfois, à de très violentes répressions. C`est dans ce contexte que le concept de `responsabilité de protéger` doit s`appliquer, se substituant ainsi à l`obligation incombant à l`Etat de protéger sa population, lorsque ce dernier faillit. La responsabilité de protéger, lorsqu`elle est appliquée dans le respect des trois responsabilités qu`elle comprend (responsabilité de prévenir, d`agir et de reconstruire), permettrait de protéger les populations contre des dérives totalitaires. Semblant s`opposer au principe inaliénable de souveraineté des États, et en raison du caractère sélectif de sa possible invocation, la responsabilité de protéger fait face à de nombreuses critiques. Cet ouvrage se propose de revenir sur certains conflits armés internes (Libye, République Centrafricaine, Syrie et Bahreïn) afin de mieux comprendre les enjeux de ce concept et d`éviter de jeter le bébé avec l`eau du bain. ····· 103614759

Decadencia del estado de derecho en Venezuela

für 16.02€ kaufen ···· - Bücher, eBooks, DVD & Blu-ray
Estado de derecho y Poder Judicial autónomo, son nuestras primeras necesidades . Ese fue el juicio de valor formulado, apenas a dos años y medio de haberse iniciado el nuevo gobierno y doce años después lo sigue siendo porque la historia de la rendición de los integrantes del Poder Judicial a las órdenes impartidas por el Poder Ejecutivo sólo es comparable con la postración de los jueces del Tercer Reich ante los caprichos de Adolfo Hitler, ya que bien visto ni siquiera se trata de la sujeción de uno de los poderes del Estado a otro, sino al capricho del teniente coronel Chávez, que en algunos casos de manera oculta y en otros de modo abierto y descarado impartió a los jueces precisas instrucciones sobre lo que debía ser el contenido de las sentencias en los procesos bajo sus responsabilidades. ····· 103614611

Le pouvoir de marché-l`approche d`un manuel

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Dans le cadre d`une approche d`un manuel sur le droit de la concurrence, nous présentons le pouvoir de marché - une vue d`ensemble - et la réglementation du pouvoir de marché - les lois antitrust : une analyse du contrôle des concentrations de dimension communautaire. En examinant le règime du contrôle des concentrations horizontales et non horizontales tel qu`il est établi au niveau de l`Union européenne, nous attrirons l`attention sur des erreurs de droit et des imperfections dans les Lignes directrices et sur l`application des règles dans certaines décisions de la Commission. ····· 103614564

Essays on Determinants of Accounting Conservatism

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This study consists of two essays. Using a dataset from 38 economies, the first essay examines the association between product market competition and accounting conservatism as well as whether this association varies with legal institutions and product market competition. In addition, I also investigate whether product market competition affects the positive association between legal institutions and accounting conservatism documented by prior studies. In the second essay, I examine the association between ownership structure and accounting conservatism as well as how legal institutions influence this association. Using a comprehensive, firm-level ownership dataset for thirteen Western European countries to conduct the empirical analysis, I find that: (1) both wedge between control rights and cash-flow rights and dispersion of cash-flow rights across multiple large owners are positively associated with accounting conservatism (2) legal institutions strengthen the positive association between wedge/dispersion of cash-flow rights and accounting conservatism. ····· 103613788

The Regulation of OTC Derivatives and the Global Financial Crisis

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`The book discusses how to reduce risks associated with OTC derivatives and how to increase derivatives market transparency in order to prevent future financial turmoil. It is suggested that, moving OTC derivatives to central counterparties (CCPs) reduces counterparty risks, but it requires additional costs and weakens incentives for market participants to move their transactions to CCPs. Trading derivatives in organized trading venues increases market transparency, but it also requires huge investments to establish trading in such venues. This book discusses about such problems to improve risk management in OTC derivatives market. Thus this book is carried out to fulfill several motivations and it is important for many parties, such as regulators, investors, banks, hedge funds and other financial institutions. In addition, the book is useful for undergraduate, graduate and postgraduate students interested in the regulation of financial derivatives and the global financial crisis.` ····· 103613690

Aid Effectiveness on Human Development in Sub Sahara Africa

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The purpose of this study is to assess the trend of Official Development Assistance and its impact on human development in sub Saharan African(SSA) countries. By comparing the trends of these variables, the study argues a positive evolution of aid inflows and a positive evolution of human development in SSA countries. The study aimed then to analyze whether the official development assistance has impacted on human development during this last decade. By the data Panel analysis, the aid effectiveness in all SSA countries on human development is positive but very low when one did not control for the country-specific effects and temporal effects. By taking into account these las variables the analysis has then found that the temporal effects and country specific effects have negatively affected human development in SSA countries. The analysis has also concluded a positive relationship between a good governance and human development in one hand, and between the Human development and GDP per capita in the other hand. Within this context, the aid policy for SSA countries, specifically in Burundi needs to be well designed and implemented by taking into its specific problems. ····· 103613517

Pre-Post Acquisition Comparison of Financial Performance of Companies

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Acquisitions are used to gain competitive advantage over other firms through gaining greater market share for improving competitiveness of companies and, entering new markets and geographies, capitalizing on economies of scale and broadening the portfolio to reduce business risk, etc. India has emerged as one of the top countries with respect to merger and acquisition deals. Indian companies have been actively involved in acquisitions in India domestically as well as internationally, as India increase its participation in M&A deals. This research study is aimed to study the Pre & Post Acquisition Comparison of Financial Performance Of Acquiring Companies [With special reference to Manufacturing sector in India (2000-2006)] by examining some pre- and post-acquisition financial ratios of these firms and to see the differences in the pre acquisition and post acquisition ratios of the firms that go for acquisitions. The results suggest that acquisitions did not experience any significant increase in profitability of the overall firms in the post acquisition period. ····· 103613399

Pluriempleo y pluriactividad en el sector privado español

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En el ámbito privado, el pluriempleo y la pluriactividad no constitutivos de concurrencia desleal son lícitos y están permitidos, salvo los supuestos limitativos contemplados por la normativa vigente, pudiendo eliminarse al acordar las partes el pacto de exclusividad o de plena dedicación mediante compensación económica expresa, o controlarse su desarrollo a través de los mecanismos establecidos al efecto en las normas estatales y convenios colectivos. Se analiza el marco socioeconómico actual, las delimitaciones conceptuales entre ambas situaciones, la constitucionalidad tanto de estas situaciones como de sus diferentes regímenes jurídicos, así como de las prohibiciones y limitaciones establecidas en el sistema de fuentes del Derecho del Trabajo y de la Seguridad Social Español. En el ámbito de la Seguridad Social se analizan pormenorizadamente los diversos regímenes jurídicos, tanto en materia de cotización como prestacional, incluyendo la cuestión de la compatibilidad o incompatibilidad de prestaciones al hilo de las diversas contingencias protegibles en las que podrían tener repercusiones estas situaciones. Dirigido por el Catedrático D. Ignacio Duréndez Sáez, U. de Murcia. ····· 103612985

La Nueva Cultura del Usuario Financiero ante la @Banca. Caso Venezuela

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La investigación está dirigida a definir las bases teóricas de la cultura financiera del cliente venezolano ante los constantes avances tecnológicos, que apoyados a través de la internet día a día las instituciones financieras venezolanas ponen a disposición de sus clientes, a través de los diferentes dispositivos electrónicos existentes en el mercado (Celulares, BlackBerry, Computadoras Portátiles, entre otros). Clientes que definiremos como externos, es decir, todos aquellos que poseen algún tipo de instrumento bancario y que no son empleados. Para ello, se realizó un trabajo de campo a través de diferentes instrumentos de recolección de datos que nos permitió obtener información de primera mano con la finalidad de analizarlos mediante herramientas estadística básicas, lo cual tiene, la finalidad de brindar la posibilidad de que estas instituciones puedan formular estrategias que pudieran permitirles prepararse para lo que se ha denominado La Nueva Economía, o @Economía. además en el mismo se muestra la percepción que tienen los clientes consultados sobre la @Banca y de como los afecta, lo cual es realmente necesario si se sabe que son el activo más importante de la Banca. ····· 103612862

Fondo de Comercio

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En la actualidad, el fondo de comercio se ha convertido en uno de los activos empresariales más complejos de valorar. El presente trabajo analiza la partida intangible denominada fondo de comercio incidiendo en el conocimiento de la diversas teorías del valor y de la propiedad privada, los métodos de valoración de activos y empresas, y los diversos intangibles de los que forma parte. Para posteriormente profundizar en su naturaleza y conceptualización, además del tratamiento contable en las legislaciones más importantes. La obra finaliza con la presentación de un estudio empírico sobre la relevancia del fondo de comercio en el mercado de capitales español, así como una serie de conclusiones generales sobre el trabajo desarrollado. ····· 103612032

Morosidad en tarjetas de crédito ¿un problema de finanzas familiares?

für 32.31€ kaufen ···· - Bücher, eBooks, DVD & Blu-ray
Con base en una serie de investigaciones previas realizadas en el Banco A, se llevó a cabo un diagnóstico de oportunidades de mejora, en la cual se observó que la cartera vencida total de una sucursal del banco A, presenta un índice del 15,13%, de los cuales aproximadamente el 3% son tarjetas de crédito. De acuerdo a esta problemática, se evidenció la necesidad de investigar el impacto de la utilización de la tarjeta de crédito en la economía familiar. Para ello Se aplicó una encuesta, contando con las herramientas y la disponibilidad de los recursos humanos, institucionales y bibliográficos. Conforme a los resultados se realizaron sugerencias, referente a las finanzas familiares, buscando de alguna manera minimizar el impacto del índice de morosidad de la sucursal del Banco A. ····· 103611754

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