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Gestión documental en trabajos fin de grado

für 26.10€ kaufen ···· - Bücher, eBooks, DVD & Blu-ray
Actualmente, las universidades españolas han comenzado a implantar las nuevas titulaciones adaptadas al Espacio Europeo de Educación Superior. En estos nuevos planes de estudio se hace evidente la necesidad de incrementar la movilidad tanto de los estudiantes como del profesorado. Este trabajo estudia el uso de gestores documentales como herramienta de soporte para el desarrollo, por parte de alumnos ERASMUS, del Trabajo Fin de Grado. Las aplicaciones de gestión documental permitirán automatizar tareas y gestionar toda la documentación del trabajo. Su implantación supondrá un esfuerzo adicional para el personal implicado, pero este esfuerzo se verá recompensado con una mejor atención a los alumnos y la disponibilidad de una base de datos documental con todos los trabajos de fin de grado sobre la que será posible realizar todo tipo de consultas e informes. ····· 1036121995

Delitos Informáticos - Ciberterrorismo

für 26.10€ kaufen ···· - Bücher, eBooks, DVD & Blu-ray
Este libro presenta de un modo didáctico los conceptos básicos sobre delitos informáticos, seguridad informática hasta un excelente análisis de los hackers y del ciberterrorismo. Tienen especial importancia los 10 puntos críticos para la administración de la Justicia ante los delitos informáticos, tipología de los mismos, todo lo vinculado con infraestructura crítica y su vulnerabilidad frente a nuevas amenazas terroristas. También se destacan el análisis del ciberterrorismo, sus capacidades, grado de desarrollo y abundante casuística, Recomendamos calurosamente la lectura de este libro, útil tanto para quienes buscan una visión introductoria, como para los profesionales que quieran profundizar sus conocimientos sobre el tema. Prof. Edgardo Frigo (Coordinador Internacional del Foro Latinoamericano de Profesionales de Seguridad) ····· 1036121987

Aplicaciones Web semánticas y datos semánticos

für 53.10€ kaufen ···· - Bücher, eBooks, DVD & Blu-ray
La Web Semántica dispone de un conjunto razonable de estándares tecnológicos, ontologías, y datos semánticos. Sin embargo, diez años después de la creación de la primera de las especificaciones tecnológicas en las que se basa, aún no se ha popularizado, sobre todo si se compara con la velocidad a la que se popularizó la Web. En esta tesis se incide en la necesidad de acercar dos perfiles de usuario con conocimientos muy diferentes. De una parte se encuentran los desarrolladores de aplicaciones web y de otra se encuentran los expertos en tecnologías de la Web Semántica. Para un desarrollador de aplicaciones web es muy difícil utilizar datos semánticos. Para un experto en tecnologías de la Web Semántica es muy difícil crear aplicaciones web atractivas, robustas, y que cumplan unos requisitos básicos de calidad. Por tanto, los desarrolladores de aplicaciones web que utilicen datos semánticos (aplicaciones web semánticas) deben tener unos conocimientos fuera de lo común. ····· 1036121808

Procesamiento digital de audio

für 26.10€ kaufen ···· - Bücher, eBooks, DVD & Blu-ray
Los sistemas de audio han revolucionado desde que Claude Shanon creo la teoría del muestreo digital, en la década de los 30 del siglo XX. Aunque en un principio, el procesamiento digital de audio se uso únicamente para las telecomunicaciones telefónicas, desde la década de los 80, el audio digital está casi en todas partes. El propósito de este libro es servir de referencia al uso de tecnologías de audio que ya están disponibles para todos, tan solo a un clic del mouse de una computadora. El libro toca varios aspectos del procesamiento de audio, desde su captura, digitalización, escritura a formatos convencionales, formatos de audio, mejora mediante filtrado y mezcla, hasta la conversión a otros formatos para su distribución y uso. ····· 1036121769

Arañas Distribuidas. Asignación Efectiva de Trabajo

für 35.10€ kaufen ···· - Bücher, eBooks, DVD & Blu-ray
La computación desde sus inicios, como en la actualidad, es utilizada como una herramienta que le ayuda al hombre a resolver problemas de su vida diaria. En este trabajo nos enfocamos a hallar y recuperar documentos que yacen en la Web, por medio de programas que los localizan y los recuperan, a texto completo. Estos programas (llamados arañas, o crawlers en inglés) pueden ser instalados en una o varias máquinas. En este último caso se coordinan entre sí para evitar duplicar (o sextuplicar, si se instalaran en seis máquinas) esfuerzos. Un documento se recupera una sola vez, aunque varias arañas se topen con él. Un Web crawler es un programa que inspecciona de manera metódica y automatizada las páginas de la Internet. Para un Web crawler es sumamente importante no duplicar trabajo, pues una dirección URL duplicada puede originarle perder varias horas o incluso días de trabajo ya que otra de sus tareas es extraer direcciones URL incluidas dentro de ella y procesarlas de igual manera. El presente trabajo muestra la definición de una arquitectura que resuelve el problema de duplicidad y optimiza el espacio asociando a cada página web 4 de los principales temas de los que trata. ····· 1036121688

Navigation Approach: GIS Based Transportion Planning

····· lezzter Preis 49.00€ ···· - Bücher, eBooks, DVD & Blu-ray
Are you feeling little lost Its Map which gets you there!!!Here with I am Presenting :A must read Book: The Protector for those without one, A Guide for all travelers on the way, May be a Bridge, a Flyover, A circle or any complicated Turn etc ,all who wish to come across... You will get prevoice guidance to take care of that hindrance well in advance and make your journey smooth and memorable. Persons having any kind of health problem if a call for an ambulance is not certain about the time in which the ambulance will reach its place. A route guidance system helps to tackle many of the transportation problems by minimizing congestion and ensuring uniform utilization of the road network. The available system does not have an intelligent mechanism to consider the traffic congestion instantaneously and to identify the optimum route at that time. A book based on Geo-spatial Technology Application provides many helpful applications for ensuring a smooth flow, by aiding design, routing, traffic control and real-time navigation. Happy Reading :) ····· 1036121597

Multibiometrics Systems: Modern Perspectives to Identity Verification

für 61.20€ kaufen ···· - Bücher, eBooks, DVD & Blu-ray
In recent years, use of biometric systems has been increasing rapidly in the field of identity verification of individuals. Human physiological or behavioral characteristics are available uniquely to each individual as biometrics evidence. Unimodal biometrics systems are designed based on a single identifier, such as face, fingerprint, etc. However, it suffers from several limitations and due to these limitations it often degrades the performance. These limitations can be minimized by using multibiometric systems that consolidate evidences obtained from multiple biometrics sources. The overall aim of this book is to present some novel multibiometrics systems which can be used in different security related applications. Further, this book is an invaluable collection of most up-to-date multibiometrics algorithms which are presented with novel computer vision and machine learning techniques under a unified framework. This book will be helpful to industry practitioners, researchers and academicians who are engaged in various disciplines of system sciences, information security and identity businesses. ····· 1036121589

A Novel Approach To Model user Context for Context Aware Applications

····· lezzter Preis 68.00€ ···· - Bücher, eBooks, DVD & Blu-ray
With the advent of ubiquitous computing environments it has become increasingly important for applications to take full advantage of Context aware computing to increase the satisfaction of the users in context aware environment services. Also with the increasing amount of research on Interactive Context Aware Applications like Context Aware TV, Context Aware Mobile, Context Aware Living Room, etc, users are interacting with them in an ever more convenient way. Currently, the programming of context-aware applications is complex and laborious. Even though the number of context aware applications is increasing day by day along with the users, till today there is no generic modeling and programming paradigm for context aware applications. This situation could be remedied by design and developing the appropriate modeling as a base for context aware programming paradigm. The book discusses the basic version of different types of proposed context oriented modeling approach for facilitating the programming of user context aware applications or in general context aware applications. Each type of modeling technique is explained using the proposed set of graphical notations and diagrams. ····· 1036121558

Clinical Decision Support System

für 44.10€ kaufen ···· - Bücher, eBooks, DVD & Blu-ray
Physicians use differential diagnosis technique extensively for identifying specific diseases in patients. They identify certain parameters that are out of a specific range in medical reports of patients and on basis of these parameters they refer patients to specialists. The Clinical Decision Support System can be used by medical students and general physicians to help them with diagnosis based upon Blood test results. It is to assist clinicians at the point of decision making while referring them to subject matter specialists. The Clinical Decision Support System takes input data from database, diagnoses and provides a list of possible diseases and to which specialist the patient should be referred to. The software has Patient Blood Test Data and List of Diseases database. Joining these different databases and a decision making mechanism based upon symptom patterns that are followed in different diseases. The Blood Test Results of patients will be available to the doctors on single click along with the all possible diagnosis and recommendation to concerned specialist. ····· 1036121480

Chislennoe modelirovanie zadach biologicheskoj populyacii

für 49.41€ kaufen ···· - Bücher, eBooks, DVD & Blu-ray
V nastoyashhee vremya issledovaniya linejnyh matematicheskih modelej fizicheskih, biologicheskih, himicheskih i drugih processov yavlyajutsya udobnymi, tak kak dlya lezhashhih v ih osnove linejnyh differencial`nyh uravnenij v chastnyh proizvodnyh razrabotany obshhie metody ih resheniya. V prikladnyh zhe zadachah real`nye fizicheskie processy yavlyajutsya nelinejnymi,i dlya ih adekvatnogo opisaniya sleduet ispol`zovat` nelinejnye matematicheskie modeli. V nastoyashhej rabote izuchaetsya svojstva reshenij nachal`noj zadachi, kotoraya yavlyaetsya nedostatochno izuchennym i pojetomu interesno prosledit` za jevoljuciej processa reakcii s diffuziej. V dannoj monografii izlozheny osnovnye rezul`taty chislennyh i analiticheskih issledovanij nelinejnyh matematicheskih modelej, opisyvajushhih processov populyacii v odnorodnoj i neodnorodnoj srede, s nelinejnoj diffuziej kvazilinejnymi parabolicheskimi uravneniyami. ····· 1036121474

Signature Recognition Using Clustering Techniques

für 61.20€ kaufen ···· - Bücher, eBooks, DVD & Blu-ray
Biometric authentication techniques are in high demand for entrance monitoring and security systems. The techniques must be cheap, reliable and, simple. Handwritten signature verification satisfies these requirements. Signature Recognition is a very well known area in Biometrics. Signature of a person is one of the important biometric attribute, has been used for centuries as an authentication measure. In current era signatures are important in business, banking, legal application areas. With the tremendous developments in computer technology and advancements in programming platforms the field of biometrics has seen increments with leaps and bounds. In this book we have discussed an automatic off-line signature verification and forgery detection system based on clustering technique. This system uses the Vector Quantization, Walsh Coefficients, Geometric centers, Grid and Texture features as well as local and Global features of a static handwritten signature. ····· 1036121458

Feature Selection for Cancer Classification

für 71.10€ kaufen ···· - Bücher, eBooks, DVD & Blu-ray
Feature selection for cancer classification contains a novel approach for feature selection for cancer microarray data using signal-to-noise ratio approach and t-statistics. It starts with a through overview of the concepts of gene expression data and feature selection approaches for cancer data sets. It then connects these concepts and applies them to the study of various literature and list out the approaches used and their limitations and advantages. Key features include 1. A brief introduction on microarray data 2. Different feature selection approaches available in the literature are described 3. Provides proposed feature selection approach 4. Experimental evaluation and result analysis for different cancer data sets after classification. ····· 1036121456

The Role of DM Technology in E-Transaction Expansion in banking

für 53.10€ kaufen ···· - Bücher, eBooks, DVD & Blu-ray
CRM is at the heart of keeping existing customers of an organization satisfied while attracting and retaining new customers. In particular, organizations that provide different type of services should identify the market place for its various services though a good CRM in order to get a competitive advantage. Hence Dashen Bank S.C. should do the same in order to achieve its objectives, as the bank has a mission of providing efficient, focused and international banking services to its customers. To achieve its mission, the bank is expected to identify the special behaviors of its customers in order to fulfill their interests. Though the bank is trying to change its customers from the traditional banking transaction to modern banking system, the change is not coming as expected. ····· 1036121370

System dynamics modeling to changes in construction projects

für 44.10€ kaufen ···· - Bücher, eBooks, DVD & Blu-ray
This book is useful to learners and instructors who wish to appreciate system dynamics modelling in the construction industry. It helps you look at different options and guides you on choosing the best. I have studied the dynamics of economic systems, providing new insights into the cycles and feedback loops in economic systems.The modeling approach focuses upon an understanding of feedback and feed forward relationships, and the model construction requires the analyst to construct the relationships between the various state variables and rate variables (flows). Several techniques are currently employed by the construction industry to quantify the impacts of changes and system dynamics is one of them. This is the first edition and am hoping that in the near future i will releasing the second edition. ····· 1036121356

Neural Network Based Classification and Diagnosis of Brain Hemorrhages

für 71.10€ kaufen ···· - Bücher, eBooks, DVD & Blu-ray
Despite advances in medical sciences, many patients cannot gain benefits from developed Methods, especially health care specialists in areas such as, health detection systems are not able to address the problem of high mortality due to lack of proper systematic detection is increasing the death rates in the patients. Brain hemorrhage is one of the most frequent forms of hemorrhages among the people all over the world. The social problem of this research addressed is the lack of system for detection and Classification of brain hemorrhages. This work explores the possibility of finding a solution in three phases. The results of Neural Networks in medical diagnosis and classification computerized algorithms for diagnosing brain hemorrhage by examining Computer Tomography images of patients. The results indicate that the system uses a classification approach and has an accuracy of 90% classification evaluated by domain experts, recommended medical referral decision.The results of this work at various phases could study potentially useful to develop further detection and classification system for medical community in terms of predicting patients who are likely to have brain hemorrhages. ····· 1036121353

Security For ARM Based Embedded Systems

für 44.10€ kaufen ···· - Bücher, eBooks, DVD & Blu-ray
Nowadays hi-tech secure products need more services and more security. Furthermore the corresponding market is now oriented towards more flexibility. Thus, this book presents implementation of the Advanced Encryption standard (Rijndael) and compares how it performs on different platforms. In this book, the Advanced Encryption Algorithm is implemented for ARM based platforms. Although the AES is fully defined in terms of functionality, it requires best exploitation of architectural parameters in order to reach the optimum performance on specific architectures. Our book concentrates on ARM cores widely used in the embedded industry. ····· 1036121312

Automated bug localization in embedded softwares

für 44.10€ kaufen ···· - Bücher, eBooks, DVD & Blu-ray
Automated bug localization in embedded softwares is aimed at developing an understanding of the holistic concepts and techniques of embedded software debugging. This book discusses general concepts of embedded systems incorporating embedded systems as its core to be set free with bug localization. This book contains general concepts of software bugs along with their types and handling mechanisms. Debugging concepts are given very precisely. Discussion on embedded software characteristics, architecture and models of computation are the great features of this book. This text has choose Busybox as the test bed of practical implementations. This book organizes detailed discussions on the deployments of concepts and methodologies regarding memory error detection, invariant analysis and object state incorporated debugging. The organization of the text material differs greatly from the organization of a book the main idea being the reader understand the concepts involved in embedded software debugging very easily. This text material will be useful to research grads as well as practicing engineers. ····· 1036121205

Emotion Recognition in Continuous Mandarin Chinese Speech

für 61.20€ kaufen ···· - Bücher, eBooks, DVD & Blu-ray
In this work, 14 emotions, including 6 full-brown emotions: anger, boredom, fear, happiness, neutrality, and sadness, 8 underlying emotions: anxiety, despair, disgust, gratefulness, love, praise, shame, and surprise, are explored for emotion recognition study using speech processing and pattern recognition methods in the emotional space theory. A new emotional corpus, Mandarin Chinese Emotional Corpus 2010 (MCEC2010), is built up by 34 professional voice actors/actresses. This corpus consists of 19,136 short utterances recorded by voice actors/actresses and 472,017 emotional annotations labeled by 26 annotators who didn t participate in the voice collection. And all emotional expression of segments will be mapped into the PAD (Pleasure-Arousal-Dominance) emotional space. By this visualizing presentation, it can not only quantify different emotional expressions in the utterance, but observe the gradual changes of different emotional expressions during dialogue. I hope that the content of this book can improve your knowledge of speech processing and emotion recognition. ····· 1036121168

Management styles and information technology diffusion

für 71.10€ kaufen ···· - Bücher, eBooks, DVD & Blu-ray
The focus of this book is on Strategic Diffusion of information technology in Jordanian Governmental Organizations. In particular, this book outlines a research journey that investigated the impact of management styles and managers attitudes on the diffusion of information technology. It argues that successful information technology diffusion requires a clear understanding of the organizational context including human and technological dimensions. Towards the establishment of this understanding, this book explores the management styles within a developing country context and the managers` attitudes towards IT. In particular, the interaction between management styles and information technology diffusion (Electronic government in particular) is the major theme in of this book. Relationships between certain demographic characteristics and managers` attitudes towards IT are also discussed. ····· 1036121167

Performance Modeling of a wired Local Area Network

für 44.10€ kaufen ···· - Bücher, eBooks, DVD & Blu-ray
The benefits of Computer networks are realized when computer hard-wares on the network are well utilized.This book shed light on identification of a performance related problem on an Institution`s large computer network.Using Omnett++, a computer model was designed and a simulation model was developed and validated for the University of Utara Malaysia wired Local Area Network. This book is recommended for IT students, computer analyst, network administrators and policy makers who are interested in locating bottleneck area on a computer network and how to improve the performance of the network. ····· 1036121108

Basics in Bioinformatics

für 61.20€ kaufen ···· - Bücher, eBooks, DVD & Blu-ray
The foundation of Bioinformatics is the information stored in various databases. It is a larger science in Computational biology, which is having wide area of applications in quantitative analytical techniques in modeling and solving various problems in biological systems. `Basics in Bioinformatics` provides theoritical and practical approaches in understanding of hidden biological information by using Computers. Topics such as Biology, Biological databases, Sequence alignment, Protein structure prediction, Molecular modeling, Drug designing, Systems biology and recent advances in Bioinformatics provides the way by utilizing the knowledge of biomolecules with Information Technologies. This book covers the core topics in present research areas of Bioinformatics. ····· 1036121094

A Generic Framework for Medical Image Segmentation

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Medical image segmentation is challenging and requires more sophisticated algorithms. Medical images are obtained by several different modalities and each of them has certain characteristics. For this reason, there is a need for developing a method which works for any kind of medical images. Deformable model is one of the most popular method in medical segmentation that requires some features (such as an edge) to be present along the boundary of the object, and pull the deformable curve toward that feature. This methods may be sensitive to the starting position and may leak through the boundary of the object if the edge feature is not salient enough in certain regions in the image. On the other hand, level set method evolves a contour implicitly by manipulating a level set function .In this book, we implemented level set region-based method to segment several images from different modalities. Its performance is tested by comparing the segmented results with those obtained by manual segmentation.The method reached a good performance with an average accuracy 94%. ····· 1036121078

Adoption Of Mobile Banking In Nigeria: Issues And Challenges

für 53.10€ kaufen ···· - Bücher, eBooks, DVD & Blu-ray
For a long time to come, technology will continue to dominate the scope of human activities all over the world. The science of getting things done in the most efficient ways will therefore continue to be a popular study and generate much interest. The banking environment is constantly changing. The financial services industry is in transition in the emerging economy and technology is profoundly changing the nature of financial services.This work will be useful for practising Information and Communication Specialists and students of Telecomuinaction and Business/ Aviation Management. ····· 1036121020

Auto-organization, Service Discovery and Lookup in P2P Ad Hoc Networks

für 53.10€ kaufen ···· - Bücher, eBooks, DVD & Blu-ray
In service oriented world, mitigating human intervention in name resolution, service registration and discovery, resource storage and access etc. has always been a hot research topic. Peer-to-peer systems give an impetus to achieving these tasks in distributed way with no centralized single point of failure. Accomplishing these tasks becomes more challenging in peer-to-peer ad hoc networks where dynamism is inherited trait. This work is an effort to achieving auto-organization including automatic IP assignment, domain name resolution, service discovery and lookup in p2p ad hoc networks. We employ Scope a p2p social networking prototype on ad hoc networks developed under a European ITEA project, as a case study for this work. We prototype a system, which provides domain name resolution, bootstrapping (super) node discovery, service discovery and registration in local ad hoc networks. We propose and develop service lookup system that works in global settings. Our solution for lookup is based on One Hop DHT for ad hoc networks giving query result in a single routing hop with minimum possible network traffic. The simulation results for lookup show the effectiveness of our approach. ····· 1036121008

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