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Adoption Of Mobile Banking In Nigeria: Issues And Challenges

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For a long time to come, technology will continue to dominate the scope of human activities all over the world. The science of getting things done in the most efficient ways will therefore continue to be a popular study and generate much interest. The banking environment is constantly changing. The financial services industry is in transition in the emerging economy and technology is profoundly changing the nature of financial services.This work will be useful for practising Information and Communication Specialists and students of Telecomuinaction and Business/ Aviation Management. ····· 1036121020

Auto-organization, Service Discovery and Lookup in P2P Ad Hoc Networks

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In service oriented world, mitigating human intervention in name resolution, service registration and discovery, resource storage and access etc. has always been a hot research topic. Peer-to-peer systems give an impetus to achieving these tasks in distributed way with no centralized single point of failure. Accomplishing these tasks becomes more challenging in peer-to-peer ad hoc networks where dynamism is inherited trait. This work is an effort to achieving auto-organization including automatic IP assignment, domain name resolution, service discovery and lookup in p2p ad hoc networks. We employ Scope a p2p social networking prototype on ad hoc networks developed under a European ITEA project, as a case study for this work. We prototype a system, which provides domain name resolution, bootstrapping (super) node discovery, service discovery and registration in local ad hoc networks. We propose and develop service lookup system that works in global settings. Our solution for lookup is based on One Hop DHT for ad hoc networks giving query result in a single routing hop with minimum possible network traffic. The simulation results for lookup show the effectiveness of our approach. ····· 1036121008

What Factors Influence ERP User Satisfaction?

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This book tries to connect the successful implementation and operation of the ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning) information systems with people and their characteristics. It examines the human factors that influence ERP user satisfaction. The key findings that were found when analysing the data were that none of the human socio-demographic characteristics do influence ERP user satisfaction. In the current survey was found that perceived usefulness and self-efficacy are the key directors of the ERP user satisfaction. Users that intent to use the ERP system and feel that they are able enough to correspond to whatever it will arise while using the ERP system, these users are the most satisfied. A discussion takes place about how the companies should handle this situation in order to develop the prerequisites for increasing the user satisfaction and the productivity accordingly. Such recommendations should be taking into account from top management in order for organizations to increase their human capital, increase the return on investment (that is made on ERP information systems) and gain competitive advantage. ····· 1036120960

Modification in kNN

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The goal of clustering is to decompose or partition a data set into groups such that both the intra-group similarity and the inter-group dissimilarity are maximized. In many applications, the size of the data that needs to be clustered is much more than what can be processed at a single site. Further, the data to be clustered could be inherently distributed. The increasing demand to scale up to these massive data sets which are inherently distributed over networks with limited bandwidth and computational resources has led to methods for parallel and distributed data clustering. In this book, we present a cohesive framework for cluster identification and outlier detection for distributed data. The data is either distributed originally because of its production at different locations or is distributed in order to gain a computational speed up. We use a parameter free clustering algorithm to cluster the data at local sites. ····· 1036120944

Jeffektivnye priemy pri korrelyacionnoj obrabotke signalov i izobrazhenij

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Metody obrabotki signalov i izobrazhenij na osnove korrelyacionnogo analiza harakterizujutsya znachitel`nym ob#emom vychislenij, chto v ryade sluchaev delaet nevozmozhnym ih primenenie. Povysit` jeffektivnost` ispol`zovaniya korrelyacionnogo analiza na osnove vektorno-matrichnogo predstavleniya algoritmov obrabotki mozhno rassmatrivaya faktorizaciju signal`nyh i rastrovyh matric kak sredstvo sokrashheniya vychislitel`nyh zatrat. Avtorami predlagajutsya metody faktorizacii signal`nyh matric slozhnyh binarnyh signalov i rastrovyh matric izobrazhenij, pozvolyajushhie snyat` ogranicheniya na ih razmer i strukturu. Rassmotreny matematicheskie konstrukcii, prigodnye dlya obrabotki signalov na osnove dvuznachnyh harakterov i podhody k povysheniju jeffektivnosti obnaruzheniya i lokalizacii ob#ektov na staticheskih i dinamicheskih izobrazheniyah. Predstavleny rezul`taty jexperimentov. Avtory nadejutsya, chto material knigi budet polezen kak studentam i aspirantam, tak i personalu, zanimajushhemusya razrabotkoj sovremennyh sistem cifrovoj obrabotki signalov i izobrazhenij. ····· 1036120862

Data Analysis: A Roadmap to Better Decision-Making

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This book investigates how data and information are transformed into knowledge that supports decision-making processes. The information revolution renders information a common product: it is easily supplied, accumulated, processed and managed. In recent years, the amount of data has been growing exponentially. Traditional methods of data analysis rely primarily on slower, more expensive manual investigation and analysis. These limitations make the traditional methods impractical. This book provides an alternative approach and presents a novel framework to advance data analysis through the knowledge discovery process. This work borrows ideas from related fields, such as Operations Research and Information Theory. Grounded in these disciplines and formal mathematical expressions, this work presents a comprehensive model and corresponding design tools. Last, this book enables a rigorous exploration of data analysis and knowledge discovery tools which provide a roadmap to better decision-making. ····· 1036120822

Improved Reinforcement-Based Profile Learning for Documents Filtering

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today the problem is not the availability of the information but how to get the related information. A personalized information filtering system must be able to tailor to current interests of the user and to adapt as they change over time. This research has proposed a content-based personal information system that learns the user preferences by analyzing the content of the document and building the user profile. The proposed filtering system monitors a stream of incoming documents to deliver only those matches the user profiles. This system is called RePLS an agent-based Reinforcement Profile Learning System with adaptive information filtering. The agent approach is used because of its autonomous and adaptive capabilities to perform the filtering. The core of this system is an improved term weighting method which is called Purity term weighting to measure the importance of the most suitable terms represented in each profile. The top selected terms are then used to filter the incoming documents to the learned user profiles. ····· 1036120812

Performance Analysis of Data Mining Classification Techniques

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The present study aimed to do the performance analysis of several data mining classification techniques using three different machine learning tools over the healthcare datasets. In this study, different data mining classification techniques have been tested on four different healthcare datasets. The standards used are percentage of accuracy and error rate of every applied classification technique. The experiments are done using the 10 fold cross validation method. A suitable technique for a particular dataset is chosen based on highest classification accuracy and least error rate. ····· 1036120782

Novel Approach Of Edge Detection In Mammographic Images

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Edge Detection leads to reducing the search space and time required for processing. There are many existing edge detection techniques but still many practical issue exists in this field. Edge is a set of those pixels whose grey have step change/ rooftop change and it exists between objects & its background, onject & object, region & region and between element & element. These edge detection techniques do not work well upon these images. Many edge detection algorithms are used to find boundaries in images. A significant problem with mammography is the variability of diagnosis among radiologist and computer aided diagnosis (CAD) methods that consistently highlight region on mammograms that may warn further examinations. One of the first step in CAD is the segmentation of the image into background and the breast. This has the advantage of further simplifying the processing of image (by eleminating the background) and also provides as a reference for the alignment of the views when two viewes are being compared. Knowledge of the breast edge also sometimes identifies large masses that have distorted the outline of the breast. ····· 1036120751

Storing and retrieving XML documents to and from RDBMS

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Existing database systems do not provide the uniform support for both XML and Relational Data with similar storage and retrieval efficiencies. A generic data mediator provides uniform support for both XML and relational data with similar storage and retrieval efficiencies is produced by using existing efficient schema-oblivious mapping strategies XNode and SUXCENT and free of cost available technologies: MySQL, PHPMyAdmin and PHP classes. The key to mediator approach is storing and retrieving XML documents in a relational database, providing a user interface for XML manipulation, independent of proprietorship and without doing any modification in its basic structure. After the mediator`s implementation, the RDBMS becomes repository for both XML and Relational data simultaneously. The mediator has flexibility to add any proposed more efficient schema-oblivious XML mapping strategy as a new collection. The mediator can also be used as the benchmarking tool for the researchers to compare various schema-oblivious XML mapping strategies by adding a new collection. The comparative study of insertion, retrieval and query performance of these two types of mapping strategies is produced. ····· 1036120728

A generic architecture for e Government and e Democracy

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Is online electronic vote (e Voting), using Internet, secure enough Could someone view or change my vote If I pay my taxes online, could my financial information be compromised How can I ensure that a hostile government does not commit fraud Is it possible to design a generic, extensible, scalable, reusable and highly secure software architecture to develop an e Government system Is the direct democracy through Internet (e Democracy) realistic This book, the author s PhD thesis, tries to solve all these questions. Using UML, it proposes an architecture to implement any e Government, for any country at any level (local, national, supranational...), and with any political and administrative layout. It includes both administrative (eg: paying taxes) and decision-making procedures (eg: voting), and there are no paper-based traditional processes. This book also finds and catalogues all typical security problems in e Government and e Democracy, researching solutions for all of them. Finally, the author proposes a qualitative and quantitative analysis framework, in order to measure the probability and cost of solving a given problem, its probability of occurrence, and its impact. ····· 1036120696

Introduction to WCET An analysis approach with SWEET

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Today, traditional mechanical and electrical systems are replaced with special ICT (Information and communication technology) based solutions and with the invention of new technologies this trend is increasing further more. This special ICT-based domain is called Real-time systems and today s driveby-wire,electronic stability programs in car, control software in vehicles are just a few examples of real time systems. The task is a fundamental element of the software in a real-time system, and it is always necessary to know the longest execution time of a task, since missing a task s deadline is a not allowed in a time critical hard real-time system. The longest execution time of a task or the Worst Case Execution Time (WCET) is estimated by WCET analysis. This estimation should be tight and safe to ensure the proper timing behavior of the real time system.There are several methods and tools for WCET analysis.This book is an introduction to WCET along with WCET tools and benchmarking of tools.SWEET(SWEdish Execution Time tool) is used in this book as a WCET tool.An analysis approach with SWEET has been shown in this book ,so that readers can easily get the whole scenario. ····· 1036120689

Identifying the User`s Query Intent in Web Search

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Web Information Retrieval systems need to increase the user satisfaction while improving the quality of the results. The current trend in this direction focus on representing the information needs of the user along with the query. This representation need to be automatic and transparent to the furthest extent possible. In this work the focus is on identifying and understanding the user intent: What motivated the user to perform a search on the web To this end, we apply machine learning models not requiring more information than the one provided by the very needs of the users, which in this work are represented by their queries. The knowledge and interpretation of this invaluable information can help search engines to obtain resources, especially relevant to users, and thus improve user satisfaction. By means of unsupervised learning techniques, which have been selected according to the context of the problem being solved, throughout this research work, we show that is not only possible to identify the user`s intents but that this process can be done automatically. ····· 1036120673

Mission Possible: Becoming Green and Sustainable

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Information technology has contributed significantly to economic growth but its enormous impact on creating a green economy has been ignored. Recently, the term of Green IT has become a topic of constant debate and has been discussed extensively in both academic researches and practitioner reports. However, due to its newness, research on this issue has been limited. At a time when it is becoming more evident that Information Technology has an increasingly significant role to play in creating a green economy and enforcing sustainable development, this research stream assists in understanding the adoption and effective implementation of Green IT practices in organizations. This book is also seeking to provide a preliminary insight on the status of Green IT adoption as well as some of the underlying factors that influence it. Governments are seen as the most powerful propulsion for Green investments. However, there are many other variables including technological, environmental and organizational factors that can contribute to successful adoption and implementation of new Green initiatives. ····· 1036120654

Development of a software architecture-based quality model

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This book reports on the research carried out to identify software architectural quality attributes with a view to ensuring that existing software systems follow a specific architecture for the quality to be determined exactly at all times. Qualitative and quantitative research approaches were used for the development and evaluation of an improved model. The model, Software Architecture Scenario-Based Performance Quality Model (SASPQuM) was developed in Unified Modelling Language using AgroUML Computer Aided Systems Engineering tool. The developed model was categorised into three: stimuli, architectural decisions, and responses. These were mathematically represented and simulated using MATLAB. The validity of the model was tested on an existing software architecture - Made in Nigeria Primary Healthcare Information System software (MINPHIS) and the Architecture Trade-off Analysis Method (ATAM) was used to evaluate the architecture. The research related software architecture to software quality and attached value to quality attributes since they manifest themselves as part of the execution model of the software running on a computer. ····· 1036120646

Simulation of FPGA based Buffered Security Enabled Encoders

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This book deals with the simulation of various Encoders through FPGA based system to add security in embedded systems. A buffered based implementation has been proposed which accept a stream of data form input port store the data into the buffer. The encryption technique operates on the data to generate the intermediate encrypted data stream through simulated hardware. Triangular Encoder deals with string / block as input and produces the string / block as output based on the XOR operation. The XOR operation is done on a fixed size data block, which is taken from the buffer storage. The number of iterations depends on the size of the block of data bits in the data stream. This encoder follows the principle of block cipher technique and symmetric in nature, hence decoding is done following the same procedure. The buffer can store the encrypted data also. This simulation gives the hardware definition/ RTL for buffer based encryption. ····· 1036120580

Prediction Function With Time Factor In Collaborative Filtering

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The vast growth of information on the Internet as well as number of visitors to websites add some key challenges to recommender systems such as providing accurate estimation, handling many recommendations efficiently and coping with the vast growth of number of visitors in the system.Therefore, new recommender system technologies are needed that can quickly produce high quality recommendations even for huge data sets. The task of Collaborative filtering is to predict the utility of services to the active user based on the user`s previous likings or database of user votes from a population of other users.The accuracy of user similarity is the key to the success of the recommendation for computing predictions. Recommender model predict user interest with the help of prediction function Prediction is a numerical value expressing the likelihood of the active user prefers the item. At various sites, a users feedback is often continuously collected over a long period.By including some time function we modifiy prediction function to improve the efficiency of the recommender system. ····· 1036120572

Information technology and construction productivity

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Over the past decades, information technology has been impacting industries, economics, the way of life and even the culture throughout the world. Productivity has been attracting much attention as an important indicator of economics, and numerous researchers have investigated the relationship between information technology and productivity, but little research has been conducted to investigate the relationship between information technology and construction productivity. Through a series of statistical analyses, the author analyzed this relationship at country, industry and project levels, and found a positive correlation between information technology and construction productivity. This book should be useful to construction professionals who want to adopt more IT to improve their projects productivity, or anyone else who is interested in the quantitative relationship between IT and construction productivity. ····· 1036120506

Speech Recognition with efficient use of Support Vector Machines

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The book in hand provides the reader with the basics of speech as well as in-depth technicalities of accurate recognition by use of two different artificial intelligence techniques. The literature review presented in a number of chapters, refines user`s concepts about the phonetics and mel frequency ceptstral cofficients that characterize speech as well as voice. These coefficients are then operated upon in MATLAB for analysis and classification to one of the predefined classes of a trained system. After reading this book thoroughly the user will be able to conclude that the efficiency of recognition is enhanced when two artificial intelligence or classification techniques, called Linear Discriminant Analysis and Support vector machines, concatenate. This book also gives brief knowledge about the Mercer Kernel, k-nearest neighbor and many other technical concepts. ····· 1036120450

Dimensionality Reduction Techniques in Medical Informatics

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Medical Data mining is the search for relationships and patterns within the medical datasets that could provide useful knowledge for effective clinical decisions. The medical data are usually multidimensional,and is presented by a large number of features. The inclusion of irrelevant, redundant and noisy features in the process model can result in poor predictive accuracy and increased computation. The success of the data mining technique is based on the selection of a small set of highly predictive attributes. Feature selection techniques extract informative features from medical databases to facilitate medical decision making in an effective and efficient way. The feature selection methods discussed, both Wrapper and Filter methods, use feature ranking methods to identify the informative and discriminatory features of the medical datasets, which greatly influence the predictive accuracy of the classifiers. There is a significant improvement in the sensitivity and specificity values which shows that the feature selection indeed improves the discriminating ability of the classifiers. The focus is on aggressive dimensionality reduction with an increase in the prediction accuracy. ····· 1036120441

Methods to Improve Web Recommendation System for the Anonymous Users

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Web Recommendation system attempts to predict the user next browsing activity then recommend the web pages items that are likely to be of interest to the user. The ability of predicting the next visited pages and recommending it to the short term navigation user (anonymous user) is highly needed. This research focuses on improving the prediction of the next visited web pages and introduces them to current anonymous user. An enhanced classification algorithm is used to assign the current anonymous user to the best web navigation profile. As the users interests change over time, the recommender system has the ability to modify the current web navigation profiles and keep them updated. These adaptive profiles help the prediction engine to predict and then recommend the next visited pages to the current user in an accurate manner. ····· 1036120435

Effective Implementation of Software Process Models and Best Practices

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In this book we are investigating on the effective implementation of the Software Process Models and best practices with the water fall model and the rapid application development (RAD) model. For this a detailed study of the both the models are done, and then finding out which software development model is best suited for the development of windows applications. For this case study of the yahoo messenger (a windows application) is used as an example. ····· 1036120377

Integrated Web Application of Bioinformatics for Format Conversions

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This project aims at developing a tool for bioinformatics data to be available on one platform by using all types of formats conversion tools. This tool is more convenient to bioinformaticians,researchers and academic students as they do not have to search different databases for formats. By using this web tool on one platform they get the information about the databases, formats and available tools.This web tool is generally seen as a means to control the flow of data and show of information online but is also an invaluable tool to implementing and maintaining accessibility of this web tool.It allows administrator to easily customize their web tool as per requirement. It is easy to operate and can even be operated by non technical.In future these kinds of web tools will help bioinformaticians and researchers to handle large amount of data on one platform. ····· 1036120320

Multimodal Fusion of Iris and Fingerprint

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Biometrics systems perform authentication based on human body features, systems based on only one kind of biometric trait are generally called as unimodal biometric systems. The performance and scalability of a biometric system can be increased by combining more than one biometric trait. Such systems are called as multimodal biometric systems. Being less intrusive and universal fingerprint based systems serve as good option for access control and surveillance. Iris recognition enjoys universality, high degree of uniqueness and moderate user co-operation. This makes Fingerprint & Iris recognition systems unavoidable in emerging security & authentication mechanisms. This book is focusing on a multimodal implementation of Fingerprint & Iris. Fingerprint and Iris features are extracted using multilevel decomposition of captured image data using a new family of wavelet called Hybrid Wavelet type-I and type-II. Feature vector of iris and fingerprint are combined using decision fusion technique and their performance is studied here. ····· 1036120308

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